Analyzing Civics Standard 1: Grades 9-12

Analyzing Civics Standard 1: Grades 9-12

|How Does This? |Influence This? |Give an Example and Explain How |

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| | |Republicanism’s concern with the public good influences “providing for the common defense” and “promoting the general Welfare.” |

|Ideology |The Purposes of the US | |

| |Government |The Declaration of Independence is largely influenced by liberal ideology. The Constitution is largely influence by republican ideology. |

| | |However, it could be argued that liberalism’s concern with individual liberty influences the Preamble’s “secure the Blessings of Liberty.” |

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|Culture |The Purposes of the US | |

| |Government | |

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| | |Truth, justice, and equality – establish justice. |

|Values |The Purposes the US Government |Individual rights – secure the blessings of liberty. |

| | |Public Good - form a more perfect Union, provide for the common defense, insure domestic Tranquility |

| | |Self-government – our commitment to self-government |

| | |Struggle with Great Britain to defend rights - secure the Blessings of Liberty, establish Justice, provide for the common defense |

| | |British refusal to accept plausibility of divided sovereignty - to form a more perfect Union. |

|History |The Purposes the US Government |British army efforts to enlist support of slaves & native Americans & anti-British “riots” or “mob action” - insure domestic Tranquility. |

| | |English Civil War – secure the blessings of Liberty (natural rights). |

Purposes as stated in the Preamble: to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility , provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, secure the Blessings of Liberty.

Analyzing Civics Standard 1: Grades 9-12

|How Does This? |Influence This? |Give an Example and Explain How |

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| | |Republicanism favors government by elected representatives (“natural aristocracy”) rather than directly by the people. Representatives are, |

|Ideology |Structure of the |in theory at least, more inclined to work toward the common good as opposed to self-interests. Hence, all of our representative institutions|

| |US Government |are influenced by republican ideology. |

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|Culture |Structure of the |Mistrust of power influenced the break-up of power (federal system, 3 branches, bicameral legislature). |

| |US Government | |

| | |Diversity – creation of a legislative body that represents both the general population (House) and the varied interests of the states |

| | |(Senate). |

|Values |Structure of the | |

| |US Government |Self-government – our commitment to self-government helps account for our federal system in that the division of power (e.g. local |

| | |government) forces government to be responsive at various levels. |

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|History |Structure of the |Debate over dividing sovereignty (imperial v. home rule) – federal system. |

| |US Government |Perceptions of British King – creation of 3 co-equal branches. |

| | |Creation of Parliament – separation of powers & representative government (3 branches, 2 house legislature). |

Examples of Structure: federal system, 3 branches, 2 house legislature, 435 Congressmen, 100 Senators, 9 Supreme Court Justices

How the Purposes of Government Influence the Structure of Government

|Draw lines between purposes and structures that show as many causal connections between the two|Based on the relationships you suggested using the connecting lines, explain how each purpose |

|columns. |influenced each structure. |

|Column A: Purposes of Gov’t Column B: Structure of Gov’t | |

|-form a more perfect Union |By creating a system in which power was divided between a series of states and a central |

|*Federal System |government the Founding Fathers created a system of -government that was able to better |

| |balance local concerns and national interests. |

|-establish Justice | |

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|* 3 Branches | |

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|-insure domestic Tranquility | |

|*Two-house | |

|legislature | |

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|-provide for the common defense | |

|*435 | |

|Representatives | |

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|-promote the general Welfare | |

|*100 Senators | |

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|-secure the Blessings of Liberty | |

|*9 Supreme Court | |

|Justices | |

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| |A large legislature (republic) in which representation and voting is broadly-based enables |

| |consideration of a wide range of interests but prevents (filters) one special interest from |

| |dominating public policy. |

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| |The goals of securing the blessings of liberty and establishing justice influenced the |

| |creation of an independent judicial branch (with life terms) that has responsibility for |

| |preventing tyranny and protecting individual liberties. |


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