Guide to Pursuing Concurrent Degrees


Guide to Pursuing Concurrent Degrees

ASU offers many academic options for students seeking to enhance their education. The following are suggestions to help students explore all possibilities:

? Student Self-Reflection

o Identify short-term and longer-term personal and career objectives and goals

Things to Consider:

o Add a concurrent degree (bachelor's degree), minor, certificate program, to expand skills and knowledge ? Depending on the combination, may result in cost savings if you can double-count credits

o Am I better off earning one bachelor's degree and gaining some work experience in field of choice? ? Technical expertise from a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science & construction is valued ? Learn from being in the profession the skills needed to advance, become successful ? Some companies pay for continued/advanced education and provide formal training

o Should I consider a Post-baccalaureate degree? A Post-baccalaureate degree (another bachelor's degree) is not done concurrently with the first degree, but pursued after earning a bachelor's degree.

o 4+1 accelerated program for students pursuing a bachelor's degree in engineering or construction, and has an interest in an advanced degree in same field. Eligible students can complete a bachelor's and master's degree (in the same field) in 5 years. ? Cost savings when share and reserve graduate-level credits with 4+1 accelerated program ? For entry-level positions, some companies pay a higher starting salary to new hires with an advanced degree than with a Bachelor's degree

o Am I better off doing a graduate degree in a different field?

o Enroll in college-level classes (not degree program) for personal interest/professional enrichment

? Gathering Information to Make a Good Decision o Meet with Academic Advisor in programs of interest to learn about all educational options o Seek expertise of Career Coach

to explore educational and career options o Attend Career Fair and speak with company representatives about part-time and permanent employment opportunities

o Speak with other trusted sources, e.g., faculty, parents, friends who are working professionals

Online resources to help further explore: ? Bureau of Labor Statistics, ? Occupational Outlook Handbook,

? Students Should Consider the Following When Pursuing Concurrent Degrees

? One degree conferral date, which occurs when all degree requirements are satisfied for each undergraduate degree program (i.e., students receive both degrees at the same time regardless if coursework for one degree is completed prior to the other degree)

? Admission criteria, policy for double-counting credits, and other requirements and rules are defined by the School/College offering the degree program

? Financial Aid and/or scholarship(s) limits apply and may not cover all semesters ? May need to invest more time and hence, more funds, to complete concurrent degrees

? Filing a College Standards Petition Form Once Decision is Made to Pursue Concurrent Degrees

? Student needs to meet with both program advisors to learn about degree and graduation requirements, and the eligibility requirements for filing a petition. Both advisors should review graduation plan that outlines courses student will take each semester.

? Student must file a Standards petition form with each respective School/College offering the degree program to request pursuit of concurrent degrees,

o To find petition form online, o See program academic advisor to obtain petition form if not found online in above link

Petition approvals result in the posting of concurrent degree in PeopleSoft. If the student later decides to `drop' one of the degrees, the student should inform Registrars Office, Graduation Office (SSV 140) if no longer interested in pursuing concurrent degrees.


My signature certifies that I have reviewed this document with my Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering academic advisor and discussed the options and ramifications of pursuing concurrent undergraduates degrees.


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