State of Washington

State of Washington

Current Contract Information

Effective date: October 31, 2008

This page contains key contract features. Find detailed information on succeeding pages. For more information on this contract, or if you have any questions, please contact your local agency Purchasing Office or you may contact the Office of State Procurement at the numbers listed below.

|Contract number: |09802 |Commodity code: |5410 |

|Contract title: |Precast Concrete Restroom Buildings |

|Purpose: |Extended contract per contract extension agreement. |

|Present Term: |November 1, 2008 | |January 31, 2009 |

|Contract type: |This contract is designated as convenience use. |

|Scope of contract |This contract is awarded to one contractor. |

|For use by: |All State Agencies, Political Subdivisions of Washington and Oregon State, Qualified Non-profit Corporations, |

| |Materials Management Center, Participating Institutions of Higher Education (College and Universities, Community |

| |and Technical Colleges). |

| | | | |

|Contractor: |CXT Precast Concrete Products, Inc. |Contact: |Eric Kuester |

|Address: |3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Bldg. #7 |E-Mail: |ekuester@ |

| |Spokane, WA 99216 | | |

|Toll Free: |(800) 696-5766 |Cell: |509-994-9900 |

|Phone: |(509) 892-3255 | | |

|FAX: |(509) 928-8270 |Supplier No.: |3556 |

|Website: | |Federal I.D. No.: |91-1498605 |

|Products available: |Precast Concrete Restrooms. Models: Montrose, Taos, Arapahoe, Little Bear, Diablo, Rio, Gila, and Teton. |

|Other Related Contract: |Contracts #05904, Yurt Kits, #07405 Recreational Park Trailers, #05706 Precast Concrete Vaulted Restroom and |

| |Utility Buildings. |

|Ordering information: |See page 2 Notes |

Office of State Procurement:

|State Procurement Officer: |Mark Gaffney, CPPB |Customer Service: |(360) 902-7400 |

|Phone Number: |(360) 902-7424 | | |

|Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |

|E-Mail: |mgaffne@ga. |Email: |pcamail@ga. |

Visit our Internet site:

|Payment address: |CXT, Inc., PO Box 643343, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3343 |

|Order placement address: |CXT, Inc. 3803 N. Sullivan Rd, Bldg. #7, Spokane, WA 99216 |

|Credit card acceptance: |Visa |

|Delivery time: |90 days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |

|Payment terms: |0% 30 days |

|Shipping destination: |Freight on Board (FOB) plant, customer paying freight to destination as outlined in price sheet. |

|Term Worth: |$400,000.00 / year | | |

|Current participation: |$0.00 MBE |$0.00 WBE |$400,000.00 OTHER |$0.00 EXEMPT |

| |MBE 0% |WBE 0% |OTHER 0% |Exempt 0% |


I. State Agencies: Submit Order directly to Contractor for processing. Political Subdivisions: Submit orders directly to Contractor referencing State of Washington contract number. If you are unsure of your status in the State Purchasing Cooperative call (360) 902-7415.

II. Authorized Purchasers: Only authorized purchasers included in the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP) listings published and updated periodically by OSP and DAS may purchase from this contract. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify membership of these organizations prior to processing orders received under this contract. A list of Washington members is available on the Internet and a list of the Oregon members is available at contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized users.

III. Contract Terms: This Document includes by reference all terms and conditions published in the original IFB, including Standard Terms and Conditions, and Definitions, included in the Competitive Procurement Standards published by OSP (as Amended).

Special Conditions:

1. Effective 11/1/08, Extended the contract per contract extension agreement to January 31, 2009.

2. Effective 11/1/07, Extended contract per contract extension agreement. Change name of the contract.

3. Effective 7/17/06, Adjusted pricing on all models and delivery costs. Removed models, Cheyenne, Big Bear, and El Paso. Adjusted pricing for Rocky MT decrease of $1539.26, -10%; D. Rocky MT decrease of $2050.67, -8.5%; D. Rocky MT w/chase decrease of $1942.71, -7.5%; Little Bear increase of $2210.74, 9%; Montrose increase of $6651.11, 10%; Taos increase of $7118.97, 9%; Arapahoe increase of $4088.67, 5%; Diablo increase of $3055.22, 10%; Teton increase of $7947.60, 10%; Rio increase of $7947.60, 10%; and Gila increase of $8423.94, 10%. Delivery cost was increased by approximately 15%.

4. Effective 11/1/05, Extended contract for 12 months and update term worth.

5. Effective 4/28/05: Added two pre-cast storage buildings, 10x8 and 10x12 Mendocino. Updated term worth and OSP contact information.

6. Effective 11/01/04, Extended contract for one year.

7. Effective 11/01/03: Extended Contract for one year. Plan to rebid in 2004. Updated OSP contact information.

8. American with Disabilities Act Requirements and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards must be met.

2. Warranty One year on finish, shower, or finish shower facilities for materials and workmanship.

a) Ten years on vaults for vault toilets against leaks into or out of the vaults themselves.

b) Three years on vault toilet facilities against defects in materials and workmanship.

3. Sun Sand & Gravel, a Woman Business Enterprise, is the subcontractor for CXT, Inc. Coral and Steve Lowry are the owners.

Sun Sand & Gravel Federal ID# 81-0529089

907 U.S. Highway 89 Telephone No. (406) 264-5173

Sun River, MT 59483-9726 FAX No. (406) 264-5177

4. CXT, Inc. has a catalog on their website: that includes specific drawings, calculations, specifications, color charts, and pictures on many of their different facilities. CXT, Inc. is always upgrading and changing their product line to stay current with ADA, building codes, shipping requirements and the customers ever changing needs.


|Req. |Comm. Code |Description |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |

|Item | | | | | |

|2. | |Delivery to Olympic Zone |1 |EA | $2,714.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicle. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|3. | |Delivery to Northwest Zone |1 |EA | $2,714.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery| | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|4. | |Delivery to Southwest Zone |1 |EA | $2,409.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery| | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|5. | |Delivery to North Central Zone |1 |EA | $1,849.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery| | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|6. | |Delivery to South Central Zone |1 |EA | $1,849.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery| | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|7. | |Delivery to Eastern Zone |1 |EA | $1,493.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery| | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|8. | |Digging of the Vault holes, backfilling and compaction. |1 |EA |N/A |

|9. | |Onsite Evaluation for planning improvements to support delivery and |1 |EA |$125.00 |

| | |installation. | | | |

| |

|Responsibilities of Agency: |

|Stake exact location building is to be set, including orientation. |

|Provide clear and level site, free of overhead and/or underground obstructions. |

|Provide site accessible to normal highway trucks and sufficient area for the crane to install and other equipment to perform the contract |

|requirements. |

|Customer shall provide notice in writing of low bridges, roadway width or grade, unimproved roads or any other possible obstacles to access |

|only within Park area not entire delivery route. |

|Installation permits. |


|Req. |Comm. Code |Description |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |

|Item | | | | | |

|2. | |Delivery to Olympic Zone |1 |EA |$2,714.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicle. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|3. | |Delivery to Northwest Zone |1 |EA |$2,409.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|4. | |Delivery to Southwest Zone |1 |EA |$2,409.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|5. | |Delivery to North Central Zone |1 |EA |$1,849.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|6. | |Delivery to South Central Zone |1 |EA |$1,849.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|7. | |Delivery to Eastern Zone |1 |EA |$1,492.00 |

| | |Includes Freight and Crane to Off Load, set building and vault. Freight | | | |

| | |includes all permits and escort vehicles. Does not include island delivery | | | |

| | |cost. | | | |

|8. | |Digging of the Vault holes, backfilling and compaction. |1 |EA |N/A |

|9. | |Onsite Evaluation for planning improvements to support delivery and |1 |EA |$125.00 |

| | |installation. | | | |

| |

|Responsibilities of Agency: |

|Stake exact location building is to be set, including orientation. |

|Provide clear and level site, free of overhead and/or underground obstructions. |

|Provide site accessible to normal highway trucks and sufficient area for the crane to install and other equipment to perform the contract requirements.|

|Customer shall provide notice in writing of low bridges, roadway width or grade, unimproved roads or any other possible obstacles to access only within|

|Park area not entire delivery route. |

|Installation permits. |

|Req. |Comm. Code |Description |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |

|Item | | | | | |

| | |Hook-up of utilities from 12” off the top of the pad to the building. |1 |EA |$375.00 |

|2 |5410 |Diablo Style |1 |EA |$33,630.00 |

| | |Shower / Flush Precast concrete toilet building. Specifications on file at OSP | | | |

| | |and with Contractor. Purchaser may modify to meet specific needs. | | | |

| | |Hook-up of utilities from 12” off the top of the pad to the building. |1 |EA |$375.00 |

|3 |5410 |Teton Style |1 |EA |$33,630.00 |

| | |Precast concrete two-room shower toilet building. Specifications on file at OSP | | | |

| | |and with Contractor. Purchaser may modify to meet specific needs. | | | |

| | |Hook-up of utilities from 12” off the top of the pad to the building. |1 |EA |$375.00 |

|4 |5410 |Rio Style |1 |EA |$87,425.00 |

| | |Shower / Flush Precast concrete toilet building. Specifications on file at OSP | | | |

| | |and with Contractor. Purchaser may modify to meet specific needs. | | | |

| | |Hook-up of utilities from 12” off the top of the pad to the building. |1 |EA |$425.05 |

|5 |5410 |Gila Style |1 |EA |$92,650.00 |

| | |Flush / Shower Precast concrete toilet building. Specifications on file at OSP | | | |

| | |and with Contractor. Purchaser may modify to meet specific needs. | | | |

| | |Hook-up of utilities from 12” off the top of the pad to the building. |1 |EA |$425.00 |

| | |Specifications on file at OSP and with Contractor. Purchaser may modify to meet | | | |

| | |specific needs. | | | |

|6 |5410 |Arapahoe Style |1 |EA |$85,885.00 |

| | |Precast concrete toilet building. Specifications on file at OSP and with | | | |

| | |Contractor. Purchaser may modify to meet specific needs. | | | |

| | |Hook-up of utilities from 12" of the top of the pad to the building |1 |EA |$425.00 |

|Freight Charges |

|Note: Freight charges are in addition to the total price listed above. Washington State freight charges are calculated by zones. |

|For Oregon State, freight is per mile, one-way, from Spokane to accessible Oregon site. |

| | | |

|Name of Toilet Buildings |Washington Zones |Oregon State Per Mile |

| |Eastern | |

|Little Bear, Diablo, Teton |$ 746.00 |$2.76 per mile, one-way |

|Rio, Gila, Arapahoe |$ 1,493.00 |$5.40, per mile, one-way |

| | | |

| |North Central and South Central |Same As Above |

|Little Bear, Diablo, Teton |$ 925.00 | |

|Rio, Gila, Arapahoe |$ 1,849.00 | |

| | | |

| |Northwest and Southwest |Same As Above |

|Little Bear, Diablo, Teton |$ 1,205.00 | |

|Rio, Gila, Arapahoe |$ 2,409.00 | |

| | | |

| |Olympic |Same As Above |

|Little Bear, Diablo, Teton |$ 1,357.00 | |

|Rio, Gila, Arapahoe |$ 2,714.00 | |

|Specifications for the Montrose Style Toilet Building |

|1.0 SCOPE |

| |

|This specification covers the construction and placing of the Montrose pre-cast concrete flush toilet building as produced by CXT Incorporated. |

| |


|ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates |

|ASTM C39 Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens |

|ASTM C143 Method of Test for Slump of Concrete |

|ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement |

|ASTM C192 Method of Making and Curing Test Specimens in the Laboratory |

|ACI 1211.1 Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight Concrete |

|PCI MNL 116 Quality Control for Plants and Production of Pre-cast Pre-stressed Concrete Products |

| |


|The manufacturer supplying the requested pre-cast concrete multi-flush facility must meet the following: |

| |

|A. Manufacturer must be ISO 9001 certified at the time of bid. |

| |

|B. Manufacturing plant must be PCI certified at the time of bid. |

|C. Manufacturer must not have defaulted on any contract within the last five years. |

| |

|D. Manufacturer must provide stamped, engineered drawings prior to acceptance. |

| |

|E. Manufacturer must be pre-approved prior to bidding. |

| |

|F. Manufacturer must show four examples of pre-cast concrete flush facilities produced, installed, and in use as an example of their ability to perform on this |

|contract. |

| |


|The Montrose has been designed to meet the following criteria. Calculations and Engineer’s stamped drawings are available, for standard buildings, upon request by|

|the customer and are for their sole and specific use only. The design criteria are to ensure that the Montrose not only will withstand the forces of nature listed|

|below but will provide protection from vandalism and other unforeseen hazards. Bigger facilities have a 250 lb. Per square foot snow load. The three Rocky |

|Mountain models are 350 pound per square foot snow load. |

|A. Snow load |

|1. The Montrose will withstand a snow load of 350 pound per square foot snow load. |

|B. Wind Load |

|1. The Montrose will withstand the effects of 120 mile per hour wind load. |

|C. Earthquake |

|1. The Montrose will withstand the effects of a zone four earthquake. |

|D. Additional Design Standards |

|The Montrose is designed to meet the requirements of the sixty-inch turning radius inside toilet room specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements|

|and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards as of the date of this specification. |

|The Montrose will incorporate all design aspects of Sweet Smelling Technology as outlined by Briar Cook for the U.S. Forest Service. |

| |


|A. Concrete - General |

|1. The concrete mix design will be designed to ACI 211.1 to produce concrete of good workability. |

|2. Concrete will contain a minimum of 610 pounds of cement per cubic yard. Cement will be a low alkali type III conforming to ASTM C-150. |

|3. Coarse aggregates used in the concrete mix design will conform to ASTM C33 with the designated size of coarse aggregate #67. |

|4. Minimum water / cement ratio will not exceed .45. Slump will not exceed 5”. |

|5. Air-entraining admixtures will conform to ASTM C260. Water reducing admixtures will conform to ASTM C494, Type A. Other admixtures will not be used without |

|customer approval. |

| |

|B. Colored Concrete |

|Color additives will conform to ASTM C979. A 12”x12”x1”color sample will be available for customer approval. |

|The following will contain colored concrete: |

|a. Toilet building roof panels |

|b. Building walls |

|c. Screen panels |

|d. The same brand and type of color additive will be used throughout the manufacturing process. |

|e. All ingredients will be weighed and the mixing operation will be adequate to ensure uniform dispersion of the color. |

| |

|C. Cold Weather Concrete |

|1. Cold weather concrete placement will be in accordance with ACI 306. |

|2. Concrete will not be placed if ambient temperature is expected to be below 35 degrees F. during the curing period unless heat is readily available to maintain |

|the surface temperature of the concrete at least 45 degrees F. |

|3. Materials containing frost or lumps of frozen materials will not be used. |

| |

|D. Hot Weather Concrete |

|1. The temperature of the concrete will not exceed 80 degrees F. at the time of placement and when the ambient reaches 90 degrees F. the concrete will be protected|

|with moist covering. |

| |

|E. Concrete Reinforcement |

|1. All reinforcing steel will conform to ASTM A615. All welded wire fabric will conform to ASTM A185. |

|2. All reinforcement will be new, free of dirt, oil, paint, grease, loose mill scale and loose or thick rust when placed. |

|Details not shown of drawings or specified will be to ACI318.5. |

|Steel reinforcement will be centered in the cross-sectional area of the walls and will have at least 1” of cover on the under surface of the floor and roof. |

|5. The maximum allowable variation for center-center spacing of reinforcing steel will be ½”. |

|6. Full lengths of reinforcing steel will be used when possible. When splices are necessary on long runs, splices will be alternated from opposite sides of the |

|components for adjacent steel bars. Lap bars #4 or smaller a minimum of 12”. Lap bars larger than #4 a minimum of 24 bar diameters. |

|7. Reinforcing bars will be bent cold. No bars partially embedded in concrete will be field bent unless approved by the customer. |

| |

|F. Sealers and Curing Compounds |

|1. Curing compounds, if used, will be colorless, complying with ASTM C309, type I or 1-D. |

|2. Weatherproofing sealer for exterior of building will be a clear, water repellent penetrating sealer. |

| |

|G. Caulking, Grout, Adhesive and Sealer |

|1. All caulking will remain flexible and non-sag at temperatures from -50 to +140 degrees Fahrenheit. |

|2. Interior joints will be caulked with a paint-able polyurethane sealant. |

|3. Exterior joints will be caulked with a tripolymer sealant caulk that compliments the exterior color. |

|4. Grout will be a non-shrink type and will be painted to match the color of surrounding concrete as nearly as possible. |

|5. Epoxy concrete adhesive will be two component, rigid, non-sag gel adhesive for bonding to dry or damp surfaces, moisture insensitive. |

|6. Cement base coating is formulated with a very fine aggregate system and a built in bonding agent. |

| |

|H. Paint |

|1. All paints and materials will conform to all Federal specifications or be similar “top-of-the-line-components”. Paints will not contain more than .06 percent |

|by weight of lead. |

|2. Type of paints for toilets |

|a. Inside concrete surfaces |

|I Interior floors will be a 1-part water based epoxy with a silica sand suspension to provide uniform texture. The color will be gray. |

|II Interior walls and ceilings will be a modified acrylic, water repellent, penetrating stain. The color will be white. |

|b. Metal surfaces both inside and out |

|I Primer-enamel - DTM ALKYD |

|c. Exterior concrete surfaces |

|I Exterior slab will be clear sealer |

|II Exterior walls and roof will be a pure acrylic, water repellent, penetrating stain in the same color as the walls or roof followed by a clear acrylic |

|anti-graffiti sealer. |

| |

|I. Grab bars |

|1. Grab bars will be 18 gauge, type 304 stainless steel with 1-1/2” clearance. Grab bars will each be able to withstand 300 pound top loading. |

| |

|J. Toilet Paper Dispenser |

|1. Dispenser will be constructed of ¼” thick, type 304 stainless steel with an enamel finish. Dispenser will be capable of holding two (2) standard rolls of |

|toilet paper 1000 sheet rolls. Toilet paper holder fastening system will be able to withstand 300 pound top loading. |

| |

|K. Steel Doors |

|Doors will be flush panel type 1-3/4” thick, minimum 18 gauge prime coated steel panels, with minimum 12 gauge internal bracing channels with polystyrene core. |

|2. Door frames will be knockdown or welded type, single rabbet, minimum 16-gauge prime coated steel, width to suit wall thickness. Three (3) rubber door silencers|

|will be provided on latch side of frame. |

| |

|L. Door Hinges |

|1. Door hinges will be 3 per door with dull chrome plating 4-1/2” x 4-1/2”, adjustable tension, automatic-closing for each door. |

| |

|M. Lockset |

|Lockset will meet ANSI A156.2 Series 4000, Grade 1 cylindrical lockset for exterior door. Lockset will be keyed to state agency key control system requirements |

|Lever handle both inside and out. |

|Either handle operates latch unless outside handle is locked by inside push-button. |

|Push-button will automatically release when inside lever handle is turned or door is closed. |

|Emergency slot on exterior so door can be unlocked from the outside with a coin, screwdriver and etc. |

|Inside lever always active |

|U.S. 26D finish. |

| |

|Optional Dead Bolt |

|1. Deadbolt will be a Lori Lock standard model with a double cylinder, 2 ¾ ” backset, and US26D finish. The cylinder will be a standard 1 1/8”-1 ¾” Schlage |

|Mortise cylinder with compression ring and 626 finish. Need lever throw on inside that is ADA compliant, if used for privacy purposes. Cylinder will be keyed to |

|state agency key control system requirements. |

|O. Optional Mirror |

|1. Mirror to be 18” x 24” stainless steel (glass mirrors available upon request). |

| |

|P. Door Stop |

|1. Doorstop will have a cast metal base, U.S. 26D finish with gray rubber 2-3/8” to 2-7/16” diameter bumper with a 1” projection. |

| |

|Q. Double Coat Hook |

|1. Coat hook will be 304 stainless steel 12 gauge (2.8mm), formed construction with a satin finish and have 3/16” x 7/8” nail in anchor. Upper hook will extend at|

|least 2-1/2” inches from the wall. Lower hook will extend at least 1-1/4” from the wall. |

| |

|R. Door Sweep |

|1. Door sweep will be provided at the bottom of door and will be an adjustable brush type. |

| |

|S. Wall Vent |

|1. Wall vent will be cast into the concrete wall. The units’ frame will be C3 x 4.1 channel steel. The louver frame will be 3/16” x #3 flat bar. The louver will|

|be inverted Y, no vision 2” x 2 1/8” angle. All steel will be primed and painted as defined in metal painting specification. There will be an insect screen |

|between louvers. |

| |

|T. Windows and Vault Cleanout Cover |

|1. Windows and cleanout cover frames will be constructed from steel. |

|2. Window glazing will be ¼” thick translucent LEXAN pebble finished polycarbonate. |

|Plate for vault cleanout will be ¼” thick diamond plate steel. Lid will be hinged and configured so that it can be locked with a paddock. A neoprene gasket will |

|be provided around the entire perimeter of the lid to provide an airtight seal. |

| |

|U. Vault Liner |

|1. The vault shall include a one sheet black .350 Black ABS/SP33 virgin plastic. The vault liner shall have imbeds to attach the liner to the concrete walls of |

|the vault. Vaults with the ABS liner shall be warranted against leaks for a period of seven years. |

| |

|V. Roof Insulation |

|1. Insulation is FT-108 on ½” plywood + 2” polyurethane foam + skin of resin and veil mesh. Approximately R-19. |

| |

|W. Plumbing |

|1. Waste and vent material will be ABS or PVC plastic and will be plumbed to meet Uniform Building Codes. |

|2. Water material will be copper tubing Type L, hard drawn. A gate valve will be provided at the inlet end of the water line. All water lines will be of a size |

|to provide proper flushing action based on a nominal water pressure of 40 psi. |

|3. All plumbing will be concealed in the service area. |

|4. Toilet will be constructed of vitreous china, wall hung, with siphon jet action. Toilet will have a back spud for a concealed flush valve connection and will |

|be mounted with the top of the seat 17 inches above the finished floor. Seat will be heavy duty solid plastic with an open front. Optional stainless steel |

|fixtures available. |

|5. Flush valve will be concealed closet flush-o-meter constructed of rough brass. Furnish valve with integral vacuum breaker and wall mounted push button. Valve |

|will be of a water saver type with a flow of 1.6 gallons per flush. |

|6. Lavatory will be cast iron with back splashguard, front overflow opening, equipped with brass trap and drain pipe without stopper. Sink will be 20 inches wide |

|x 18 inches front to back x 6 inches deep. |

|7. Water valve will be self-closing water set with indexed push button. |

|8. Urinals will be constructed of vitreous china, wall hung with siphon jet action. Urinal will have a back spud for a concealed flush valve connection and will |

|be mounted with the lip no higher than 17 inches above the finished floor. |

|9. Hose bib provided in the chase area. |

|10. Main shut-off valve and drain will be provided with plumbing. |

|Optional Instant-Flow tankless electric water heater. |

|Temperature range of 80°-105°F.Requires 45 PSIG of minimum water pressure. |

| |

|X. Electrical |

|1. All electrical wiring will be in conduit, surface mounted in the service area and concealed in the user compartments. All wire will be copper. |

|2. A 100-amp weather tight and lockable breaker panel will be provided. |

|3. The chase area will have a 2-each 4-foot ceiling mounted HO fluorescent light fixtures. |

|Restroom area will have one each 8-foot 4-bulb ceiling mounted HO fluorescent light fixtures. |

|5. Lighting on the exterior of building will be photocell activated; interior and chase room will be switch activated. |

|6. Outdoor lights above compartment doors will be a 35-watt High Pressure Sodium; cast aluminum case, rated for outdoor use. Photocell controlled. |

|7. Optional utility room heater will be a wall-mounted heater with internal thermostat. |

|Optional user compartment heater will be a wall mounted tamper resistant electric heater with internal thermostat. |

|9. The hand dryer will be an air compression type with remote motor unit. Push button switch located in cast nozzle housing with flexible hose connecting blower |

|motor, housing and nozzle. Power input 120VAC, 7A (non-heated air). |

| |

|Y. Stalls |

|1. Stall partition walls to be produced of 3-inch concrete. Stall doorstop shall be HDPE plastic, in matching white color. |

| |


| |

|A. Mixing and Delivery of Concrete |

|Mixing and delivery of concrete will be in accordance with ASTM C94, section 10.6 through 10.9 with the following additions: |

|1. Aggregate and water will be adjusted to compensate for differences in the saturated surface-dry condition. |

|2. Concrete will be discharged as soon as possible after mixing is complete. This time will not exceed 30 minutes. |

| |

|Placing and Consolidating Concrete |

|Concrete will be consolidated by the use of mechanical vibrators. Vibration will be sufficient to accomplish compaction but not to the point that segregation |

|occurs. |

| |

|C. Finishing Concrete |

|1. Interior floor and exterior slabs will be floated and troweled. A light broom finish will be applied to the exterior and interior slabs. |

|2. All exterior building walls and exterior screen walls will be a barnwood texture (optional textures available). |

|3. All exterior surfaces of the roof panels will be cast to simulate a cedar shake roof. The underside of the overhang will have a smooth finish (optional |

|textures available). |

| |

|D. Cracks and Patching |

|1. Cracks in concrete components which are judged to affect the structural integrity of the building will be rejected. |

|2. Small holes, depressions and air voids will be patched with a suitable material. The patch will match the finish and texture of the surrounding surface. |

|3. Patching will not be allowed on defective areas if the structural integrity of the building is affected. |

| |

|E. Curing and Hardening Concrete |

|1. Concrete surfaces will not be allowed to dry out from exposure to hot, dry weather during initial curing period. |

| |


| |

|A. Structural Joints |

|1. Wall components will be joined together with two welded plate pairs at each joint. Each weld plate will be 6” long and located one pair in the top quarter and |

|one pair in the bottom quarter of the seam. Weld plates will be anchored into the concrete panel and welded together with a continuous weld. The inside seams |

|will be a paintable caulk. The outside seams will use a caulk in a coordinating building color or clear. |

|2. Walls and roof will be joined with weld plates, 3”x 6”, at each building corner. |

|3. The joint between the floor slab and walls will be joined with a grout mixture on the inside, a matched colored caulk on the outside and two weld plates 6” long|

|per wall. |

| |

|B. Painting / Staining |

|1. An appropriate curing time will be allowed before paint is applied to concrete. |

|2. Some applications may require acid etching. A 30% solution of hydrochloric acid will be used, flushed with water and allowed to thoroughly air dry. |

|3. Painting will not be done outside in cold, frosty or damp weather. |

|4. Painting will not be done outside in winter unless the temperature is 50 degrees F. or higher. |

|5. Painting will not be done in dusty areas. |

|6. Schedule of finishes |

|a. Inside concrete surfaces |

|I. Inside floors will be 1 coat of 1-part water based epoxy with a silica sand suspension to provide uniform texture. |

|Interior walls and ceilings will be 2 coats of a modified acrylic, water repellent penetrating stain, followed by 1 coat of clear sealer. |

|b. Metal surfaces both inside and out |

|I. 2 coats of DTM ALKYD. |

|c. Exterior concrete surfaces |

|I. Exterior slab will be 1 coat of clear sealer. |

|II. Exterior walls will be 2 coats of water repellent penetrating stain in the same color as the walls or roof followed by 1 coat of clear acrylic anti-graffiti |

|sealer. |

| |

|8.0 TESTING |

| |

|A. The following tests will be performed on concrete used in the manufacture of toilets. All testing will be performed in the CXT (PCI certified) laboratories. |

|Testing will only be performed by qualified individuals who have been certified ACI Technician Grade 1. Sampling will be in accordance with ASTM C172. |

| |

|1. The slump of the concrete will be performed on the first batch of concrete in accordance with ASTM C143. This slump will be in the 3”-4” range. |

|2. The air content of the concrete will be checked per ASTM C231 on the first batch of concrete. The air content will be in the range of 5.5% +/- 1%. |

|3. The compressive strength of the cylinders will be tested to ASTM C39. We will make one (1) cylinder for release, one (1) for 7 days and one (1) for 28 days. |

|The release must be a minimum strength of 2500 psi, the 7-day must be a minimum of 4500 psi and the 28 day must be a minimum of 5000 psi. |

|A copy of all test reports will be available to the customer as soon as 28-day test results are available. |

| |


| |

|A. Scope of Work |

|Work specified under this Section relates to the placement of the unit by CXT on customer prepared foundations. |

| |

|Location |

|It’s the responsibility of the customer to: |

|1. Provide exact location by stakes or other approved method. |

|2. Provide clear and level site free of overhead and/or underground obstructions. |

|3. Provide access to the site for truck delivery and sufficient area for the crane to install and the equipment to perform the contract requirements. |

|4. Water, electrical, and sewage site connections to be placed per CXT drawings. |

|Must be placed to easily connect to the building. |

| |

|C. Compacting |

|1. The bottom of the area must be compacted after it has been dug out. After the base has been placed, it must be compacted as well. The bearing of the soil and |

|base should be a minimum of 1,500 pounds per square foot. |

| |

|D. Base |

|1. After compacting the bottom of the area, a minimum of 6” of a compacted, ¾” minus material base of gravel (i.e. road base) should be placed for support, |

|leveling and drainage purposes. The base also limits frost action. The base must be confined so as to prevent washout, erosion or any other undermining. |

| |

|E. Access to Site |

|1. Delivery to site made on normal highway trucks and trailers. If at the time of delivery conditions of access are hazardous or unsuitable for truck and |

|equipment due to weather, physical constraints, roadway width or grade, CXT may require an alternate site with better access provided to ensure a safe and quality |

|installation. In any such case, additional costs for cranes, trucking, and etc. will be charged to the account of the customer. |

|Specifications for the Taos Style Toilet Building |

|1.0 SCOPE |

| |

|This specification covers the construction and placing of the Taos pre-cast concrete flush toilet building as produced by CXT Incorporated. |

| |


| |

|ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates |

|ASTM C39 Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens |

|ASTM C143 Method of Test for Slump of Concrete ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement |

|ASTM C192 Method of Making and Curing Test Specimens in the Laboratory |

|ACI 1211.1 Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight Concrete |

|PCI MNL 116 Quality Control for Plants and Production of Pre-cast Pre-stressed Concrete Products |

| |


| |

|The manufacturer supplying the requested pre-cast concrete multi-flush facility must meet the following: |

| |

|A. Manufacturer must be ISO 9001 certified at the time of bid. |

| |

|B. Manufacturing plant must be PCI certified at the time of bid. |

| |

|Manufacturer must not have defaulted on any contract within the last five years. |

| |

|Manufacturer must provide stamped, engineered drawings prior to acceptance. |

| |

|Manufacturer must be pre-approved prior to bidding. |

|Manufacturer must show four examples of pre-cast concrete flush facilities produced, installed, and in use as an example of their ability to perform on this |

|contract. |

| |


| |

|The Taos has been designed to meet the following criteria. Calculations and Engineer’s stamped drawings are available upon request by the customer and are for |

|their sole and specific use only. The design criteria are to ensure that the Taos not only will withstand the forces of nature listed below but will provide |

|protection from vandalism and other unforeseen hazards. |

| |

|A. Snow Load |

|1. The Taos will withstand a snow load of 120 pound per square foot snow load. |

| |

|B. Wind Load |

|1. The Taos will withstand the effects of 100 mile per hour wind load. |

| |

|C. Earthquake |

|The Taos will withstand the effects of a zone four earthquake. |

| |

|D. Additional Design Standards |

|1. The Taos is designed to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards as of the date of |

|this specification. |

| |


| |

|A. Concrete - General |

|The concrete mix design will be designed to ACI 211.1 to produce concrete of good workability. |

|1. Concrete will contain a minimum of 610 pounds of cement per cubic yard. Cement will be a low alkali type I or III conforming to ASTM C-150. |

|2. Coarse aggregates used in the concrete mix design will conform to ASTM C33 with the designated size of coarse aggregate #67. |

|3. Minimum water/cement ratio will not exceed .45. Slump will not exceed 4”. |

|4. Air-entraining admixtures will conform to ASTM C260. Water reducing admixtures will conform to ASTM C494, Type A. Other admixtures will not be used without |

|customer approval. |

| |

|B. Colored Concrete |

|Color additives will conform to ASTM C979. A 12”x12”x1”color sample will be available for customer approval. |

|2. The following will contain colored concrete: |

|a. Toilet building roof panels |

|b. Building walls |

|c. Screen panels |

|3. The same brand and type of color additive will be used throughout the manufacturing process. |

|4. All ingredients will be weighed and the mixing operation will be adequate to ensure uniform dispersion of the color. |

| |

|C. Cold Weather Concrete |

|1. Cold weather concrete placement will be in accordance with ACI 306. |

|2. Concrete will not be placed if ambient temperature is expected to be below 35 degrees F. during the curing period unless heat is readily available to maintain |

|the surface temperature of the concrete at least 45 degrees F. |

|3. Materials containing frost or lumps of frozen materials will not be used. |

| |

|D. Hot Weather Concrete |

|1. The temperature of the concrete will not exceed 80 degrees F. at the time of placement and when the ambient reaches 90 degrees F. the concrete will be protected|

|with moist covering. |

| |

|E. Concrete Reinforcement |

|1. All reinforcing steel will conform to ASTM A615. All welded wire fabric will conform to ASTM A185. |

|2. All reinforcement will be new, free of dirt, oil, paint, grease, loose mill scale and loose or thick rust when placed. |

|3. Details not shown of drawings or specified will be to ACI318. |

|4. Steel reinforcement will be centered in the cross-sectional area of the walls and will have at least 1” of cover on the under surface of the floor and roof. |

|5. The maximum allowable variation for center-center spacing of reinforcing steel will be ½”. |

|6. Full lengths of reinforcing steel will be used when possible. When splices are necessary on long runs, splices will be alternated from opposite sides of the |

|components for adjacent steel bars. Lap bars #4 or smaller a minimum of 12”. Lap bars larger than #4 a minimum of 24 bar diameters. |

|7. Reinforcing bars will be bent cold. No bars partially embedded in concrete will be field bent unless approved by the customer. |

| |

|F. Sealers and Curing Compounds |

|Curing compounds, if used, will be colorless, complying with ASTM C309, type I or 1-D. |

|2. Weatherproofing sealer for exterior of building will be a clear water repellent penetrating sealer. |

| |

|G. Caulking, Grout, Adhesive and Sealer |

|1. All caulking will remain flexible and non-sag at temperatures from -40 to +140 degrees Fahrenheit. |

|2. Interior joints will be caulked with a paint-able polyurethane sealant. |

|3. Exterior joints will be caulked with a tripolymer sealant caulk that compliments the exterior color. |

|4. Grout will be a non-shrink type and will be painted to match the color of surrounding concrete as nearly as possible. |

|5. Epoxy concrete adhesive will be two component, rigid, non-sag gel adhesive for bonding to dry or damp surfaces, moisture insensitive. |

|6. Cement base coating is formulated with a very fine aggregate system and a built in bonding agent. |

| |

|H. Paint |

|1. All paints and materials will conform to all Federal specifications or be similar “top-of-the-line-components”. Paints will not contain more than .06 percent |

|by weight of lead. |

|2. Type of paints for toilets |

|a. Inside concrete surfaces |

|I interior floors will be a 1-part water based epoxy with a silica sand suspension to provide uniform texture. The color will be gray. |

|II interior walls and ceilings will be a modified acrylic, water repellent penetrating stain followed by one coat of clear sealer. The color will be white. |

|b. Metal surfaces both inside and out |


|c. Exterior concrete surfaces |

|I Exterior slab will be clear sealer |

|II Exterior walls and roof will be a water repellent penetrating stain in the same color as the walls or roof followed by a clear acrylic anti-graffiti sealer. |

| |

|I. Grab bars |

|1. Grab bars will be 18 gauge, type 304 stainless steel with 1-1/2” clearance. Grab bars will each be able to withstand 300 pound top loading. |

| |

|J. Toilet Paper Dispenser |

|1. Dispenser will be constructed of ¼” thick, type 304 stainless steel. Dispenser will be capable of holding two (2) standard rolls of toilet paper. Toilet paper|

|holder fastening system will be able to withstand 300 pound top loading. |

| |

|K. Steel Doors |

|1. Doors will be flush panel type 1-3/4” thick, minimum 18 gauge prime coated steel panels. |

|2. Door frames will be knockdown or welded type, single rabbet, minimum 16 gauge prime coated steel, width to suit wall thickness. Three (3) rubber door silencers|

|will be provided on latch side of frame. |

| |

|L. Door Hinges |

|1. Door hinges will be 3 per door with dull chrome plating 4-1/2”x4-1/2”, adjustable tension, automatic-closing for each door. |

| |

|M. Lockset |

|1. Lockset will meet ANSI A156.2 Series 4000, Grade 1 cylindrical lockset for exterior door. |

|Lever handle both inside and out. |

|U.S. 26D finish. |

| |

|Optional Dead Bolt |

|1. Deadbolt will be a Lori Lock standard model with a double cylinder, 2 ¾ ” backset, and US26D finish. The cylinder will be a standard 1 1/8” Schlage Mortise |

|cylinder with compression ring and 626 finish. |

| |

|O. Optional Mirror |

|1. Mirror to be 18” x 24” stainless steel (glass mirrors available upon request). |

| |

|P. Door Stop |

|1. Doorstop will have a cast metal base, U.S. 26D finish with gray rubber 2-7/16” diameter bumper with a 1” projection. |

| |

|Q. Double Coat Hook |

|1. Coat hook will be 304 stainless steel 16 gauge (1.5mm), formed construction with a satin finish and have 3/16”x 7/8” nail in anchor. Upper hook will extend at |

|least 2-1/2” inches from the wall. Lower hook will extend at least 1-1/4” from the wall. |

| |

|R. Door Sweep |

|1. Door sweep will be provided at the bottom of door and will be an adjustable brush type. |

| |

|S. Wall Vent |

|1. Wall vent will be cast into the concrete wall. The units’ frame will be C3 x 4.1 channel steel. The louver will be inverted Y. All steel will be primed and |

|painted as defined in metal painting specification. There will be an insect screen on or attached to the louver. |

| |

|T. Windows |

|1. Windows will be constructed from steel. |

|2. Window glazing will be ¼” thick translucent pebble finished polycarbonate. |

| |

|U. Plumbing |

|1. Waste and vent material will be ABS or PVC plastic and will be plumbed to meet Uniform Building Codes. |

|2. Water material will be copper tubing Type L, hard drawn. A gate valve will be provided at the inlet end of the water line. All water lines will be of a size |

|to provide proper flushing action based on a nominal water pressure of 40 psi. |

|3. All plumbing will be concealed in the service area. |

|Hose bib available in the chase area. |

|A main shut-off valve and drain will be provided with plumbing. |

|6. Toilet will be constructed of vitreous china, wall hung, with siphon jet action. Toilet will have a back spud for a concealed flush valve connection and will |

|be mounted with the top of the seat 18 inches above the finished floor. Seat will be heavy duty solid plastic with an open front. Optional stainless steel |

|available. |

|7. Flush valve will be concealed closet flush-o-meter constructed of rough brass. Furnish valve with integral vacuum breaker and wall mounted push button. Valve |

|will be of a water saver type with a flow of 1.6 gallons per flush. |

|8. Lavatory will be cast iron with back splashguard, front overflow opening, equipped with brass trap and drain pipe without stopper. Sink will be 20 inches wide |

|x 18 inches front to back x 6 inches deep. |

|9. Water valve will be self-closing water set with indexed push button. |

|10. Urinals will be constructed of vitreous china, wall hung with siphon jet action. Urinal will have a back spud for a concealed flush valve connection and will |

|be mounted with the lip no higher than 17 inches above the finished floor. |

|11. Option for hot water heater. |

| |

|V. Electrical |

|1. All electrical wiring will be in conduit, surface mounted in the service area and concealed in the user compartments. All wire will be copper. |

|2. A 100-amp breaker panel will be provided on building exterior. |

|3. Chase area will have 2-each 4-foot ceiling mounted HO fluorescent light fixtures. |

|4. Restroom area will have four each, 4-foot 2-bulb ceiling mounted with low temperature ballast fluorescent light fixtures. |

|5. Lighting on the exterior of building will be photocell activated; interior and chase room will be switch activated. |

|6. Outdoor lights above compartment doors will be a 35-watt High Pressure Sodium; cast aluminum case, rated for outdoor use. Photocell controlled. |

|7. Optional utility room heater will be a wall-mounted heater with internal thermostat. |

|8. Optional user compartment heater will be a wall mounted tamper resistant electric heater with internal thermostat. |

|9. The hand dryer will be an air compression type with remote motor unit. Push button switch located in cast nozzle housing with flexible hose connecting blower |

|motor, housing and nozzle. Power input 120VAC, 7A (non-heated air). |

|W. Stalls |

|1. Stall partition walls to be produced of 3-inch concrete. Stall doors to be HDPE, in matching white color. |

| |


| |

|A. Mixing and Delivery of Concrete |

|Mixing and delivery of concrete will be in accordance with ASTM C94, section 10.6 through 10.9 with the following additions: |

|1. Aggregate and water will be adjusted to compensate for differences in the saturated surface-dry condition. |

|2. Concrete will be discharged as soon as possible after mixing is complete. This time will not exceed 30 minutes. |

| |

|B. Placing and Consolidating Concrete |

|1. Concrete will be consolidated by the use of mechanical vibrators. Vibration will be sufficient to accomplish compaction but not to the point that segregation |

|occurs. |

| |

|C. Finishing Concrete |

|1. Interior floor and exterior slabs will be floated and troweled. A light broom finish will be applied to the exterior and interior slabs. |

|2. All exterior building walls and exterior screen walls will be a barnwood texture (optional textures available). |

|3. All exterior surfaces of the roof panels will be cast to simulate a cedar shake roof. The underside of the overhang will have a smooth finish (optional roof |

|textures available). |

| |

|D. Cracks and Patching |

|1. Cracks in concrete components which are judged to affect the structural integrity of the building will be rejected. |

|2. Small holes, depressions and air voids will be patched with a suitable material. The patch will match the finish and texture of the surrounding surface. |

|3. Patching will not be allowed on defective areas if the structural integrity of the building is affected. |

| |

|E. Curing and Hardening Concrete |

|1. Concrete surfaces will not be allowed to dry out from exposure to hot, dry weather during initial curing period. |

| |


| |

|A. Structural Joints |

|1. Wall components will be joined together with two welded plate pairs at each joint. Each weld plate will be 6” long and located one pair in the top quarter and |

|one pair in the bottom quarter of the seam. Weld plates will be anchored into the concrete panel and welded together with a continuous weld. The inside seams |

|will be a paint-able caulk. The outside seams will use a caulk in a coordinating building color or clear. |

|2. Walls and roof will be joined with weld plates, 3”x 6”, at each building corner. |

|3. The joint between the floor slab and walls will be joined with a grout mixture on the inside, a matching colored caulk on the outside and two weld plates 6” |

|long per wall. |

| |

|B. Painting/Staining |

|1. An appropriate curing time will be allowed before paint is applied to concrete. |

|2. Some applications may require acid etching. A 30% solution of hydrochloric acid will be used, flushed with water and allowed to thoroughly air dry. |

|3. Painting will not be done outside in cold, frosty or damp weather. |

|4. Painting will not be done outside in winter unless the temperature is 50 degrees F. or higher. |

|Painting will not be done in dusty areas. |

|6. Schedule of finishes |

|a. Inside concrete surfaces |

|I Inside floors will be 1 coat of 1-part water based epoxy with a silica sand suspension to provide uniform texture. |

| |


| |

|II Interior walls and ceilings will be 2 coats of a modified acrylic, water repellent penetrating stain, followed by 1 coat of clear sealer. |

|b. Metal surfaces both inside and out |

|I 2 coats of DTM ALKYD |

|c. Exterior concrete surfaces |

|I Exterior slab will be 1 coat of clear sealer |

|II Exterior walls will be 2 coats of water repellent penetrating stain in the same color as the walls or roof followed by 1 coat of clear acrylic anti-graffiti |

|sealer. |

| |

|8.0 TESTING |

| |

|A. The following tests will be performed on concrete used in the manufacture of toilets. All testing will be performed in the CXT (PCI certified) laboratories. |

|Testing will only be performed by qualified individuals who have been certified ACI Technician Grade 1. Sampling will be in accordance with ASTM C172. |

| |

|1. The slump of the concrete will be performed on the first batch of concrete in accordance with ASTM C143. This slump will be in the 3”- 4” range. |

|2. The air content of the concrete will be checked per ASTM C231 on the first batch of concrete. The air content will be in the range of 5.5% +/- 1%. |

|3. The compressive strength of the cylinders will be tested to ASTM C39. We will make one (1) cylinder for release, one (1) for 7 days and one (1) for 28 days. |

|The release must be a minimum strength of 2500 psi, the 7 day must be a minimum of 4500 psi and the 28 day must be a minimum of 5000 psi. |

|4. A copy of all test reports will be available to the customer as soon as 28 day test results are available. |

| |


| |

|Scope of Work |

|Work specified under this Section relates to the placement of the unit by CXT on customer prepared foundations. |

| |

|Location |

|It’s the responsibility of the customer to: |

|Provide exact location by stakes or other approved method. |

|Provide clear and level site free of overhead and/or underground obstructions. |

|Provide access to the site for truck delivery and sufficient area for the crane to install and the equipment to perform the contract requirements. |

|Water, electrical, and sewage site connections to be placed per CXT drawings. Must be placed to easily connect to the building. |

| |

|C. Compacting |

|1. The bottom of the area must be compacted after it has been dug out. After the base has been placed, it must be compacted as well. The bearing of the soil and |

|base should be a minimum of 1,500 pounds per square foot. |

| |

|D. Base |

|1. After compacting the bottom of the hole, a minimum of 6” of a compacted, ¾” minus material base of gravel (i.e. road base) should be placed for support, |

|leveling and drainage purposes. The base also limits frost action. The base must be confined so as to prevent washout, erosion or any other undermining. |

| |

|E. Access to Site |

|1. Delivery to site made on normal highway trucks and trailers. If at the time of delivery conditions of access are hazardous or unsuitable for truck and |

|equipment due to weather, physical constraints, roadway width or grade, CXT may require an alternate site with better access provided to ensure a safe and quality |

|installation. In any such case, additional costs for cranes, trucking, and etc. will be charged to the account of the customer. |




To OSP Customers:

Please take a moment to let us know how our services have measured up to your expectations on this contract. Please copy this form locally as needed and forward to the Office of State Procurement Purchasing Manager. For any comments marked unacceptable, please explain in remarks block.

|Procurement services provided: |Excellent |Good |Acceptable |Unacceptable |

|Timeliness of contract actions | | | | |

|Professionalism and courtesy of staff | | | | |

|Services provided met customer needs | | | | |

|Knowledge of procurement rules and regulations | | | | |

|Responsiveness/problem resolution | | | | |

|Timely and effective communications | | | | |


|Agency: | |Prepared by: | |

|Contract No.: |09802 |Title: | |

|Contract Title: |Precast Concrete Restroom Buildings |Date: | |

| | |Phone: | |

Send to:

Purchasing Manager

Office of State Procurement

PO Box 41017

Olympia, Washington 98504-1017


Complete this form to report problems with suppliers or to report unsatisfactory product or services. You are also encouraged to report superior performance. Agency personnel should contact suppliers in an effort to resolve problems themselves prior to completion and submission of this report.

Contract number and title: 09802, Precast Concrete Restroom Buildings

Supplier’s name: Supplier’s representative:


| |Contract item quality higher than required | |Damaged goods delivered |

| |Contract item quality lower than required. | |Item delivered does not meet P.O./contract specifications |

| |Other: | | |


| |Late delivery | |Slow response to problems and problem resolution |

| |Incorrect invoice pricing. | |Superior performance |

| |Other: | | |


| |Terms and conditions inadequate | |Additional items or services are required. |

| |Specifications need to be revised | |Minimum order too high. |

| |Other: | | |

Briefly describe situation:

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