August, 1981

August, 1981

Dear descendants,relations,friends and admirers of Jeremiah Ayres,

By way of introduction, I should tell those of you who don't know me that I am Dr. Jeremiah Ayres' great grandson, Fletcher Ayres' grandson, and Elizabeth Lee Ayres Coddington's son. I am happy to send you this copy of my typed transcription of the diaries of Dr. Jeremiah Ayres.

Dr. Ayres' diaries "belonged" to Louise Ayres Thurston, Hiram Douthitt Ayres' daughter. After her death, I borrowed them from her daughter, Susan Thurston Campbell, in order to transcribe them and send them to those who are as curious about their contents as Suz and I were.

The diaries consist of three small books, about 6 inches long by 3 inches wide, and contain Dr. Ayres' daily notes which were recorded more or less regularly from August 21, 1854, his school days, until February 19, 1898, when he was a prosperous store-keeper and farmer. A thrifty man, Dr. Ayres wrote in a microscopic hand in every square millimeter of space on almost every page. Frequently, he wrote along the margins--sometimes upside down--and sometimes over what he had already written before. Additionally, he may have served as the prototype for the old joke that all doctors write Illegibly. The result of all this is that, at times, my transcription is hard to understand. Under the circumstances, I make no apology for this shortcoming.

In making this transcription, I have followed Dr. Ayres'

format as closely as I could using a typwriter. The spaces-.for no apparent purpose and the lines leading nowhere are all Dr. Ayres'. So too are the spelling, punctuation, pagination, chronology and the occasional moments of apparent confusion. My editorial comments, often no more than "sic" or a question mark, appear in parentheses and reflect the fact that, even with the aid of a magnifying glass,

I couldn't read what the Doctor wrote. What you have is my best guess as to what was written. You will recognize Dr. Gyres' occassional parenthetical observations from their context.

I hope all of you will enjoy these diaries and the toils, troubles, joys, hopes, aspirations, wit,wisdom and philosophy of

Dr. Ayres as much as I do. And hoping that our children, grandchildren and their grandchildren will too, I leave you with Dr. Ayres' motto: "Excelsior."

Love and best wishes to all,


Peter D. Coddington

J Ayres


From June 21st


1857-1858-1859-18601861-1862-1863-1864- 18651866

Pg. 1: Precipitated 2oz Carbonate of Iron 2oz take table spoonful 3 t a day

Stevensons Hair Stuff

Lions (?) Kitharron (?) at Cl

Jeremiah Ayres June 21st/54 Book

Read S,s Physiology to of Simple Isolated Cells forming Solid Tissues

by the Aggregation

Kentucky Counties

Henry Shelby Bourbon Anderson Downs New Castle


Pg. 2: A Book containing varieties

Honour is like that glossy buble, (sic)

Which gives philosopher such trouble

Whose least part cracked'd, the whole does fly And wits are cracked to find out why

Full among a gem, of purest ray serene

The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear;

Full many a flower is bor (_sic.J to blush unseen And waste its sweetness on the desert air

our associate trains of thought I find on resemblance and continuity

+ contrast in place and time

There must be as many varieties of endowment(? and differences of results of actions

Pg. 3: ( Page 3 consists primarily of a list of textbooks or possibly a roster of professors and the subjects which they teach. J. Ayres has written the list In letters so small as to be almost Illegible. For this reason the list has been omitted. The following is written up the right hand edge of the page, however.)

Peruvian Bark 19 t


A Joke While talking to a certain Mr K in Mich on the subject of sheep he told me (the following is written upside down it was 2 Marina 2 Schotess (Schotep ?) + 2 (illegible)

Pg. 4: S W Fowler

Caesoc (?) Whetly as Ind Imwr tant wards Sheen

Dr T B Smith



(The following is written upside dorm on the bottom of the page)

for Link (?) in guts give an oz Lead ball For ague Walnut (?) C bark + the green of poplar z oz of cloves in qt bottle in whiskey For Gravel (?) bad take 12 egg shells Brown them + steep like coffe + drink

(The chronological narrative of the diary of J Ayres begins on page 20)

pg. 20: Mon Augus 21st 1854 Half past seven the College bell began

to harp telling the students to repair to chapel no resitations (sic) that day studied in the afternoon Tues 22 Went to C no resitations studied in the P.M. Wen 23 Went C lessons were gave out in morn resitations in tide (?) my roommate W G came quite Thurs 24 Went C began to resite took on Mon the following studies Al Ge L. R. LG. Log Ch Fri 25 Tended C. Goff and Resler came Bite (sic) a time

studied in the evening sprinkled rain Sat 26 Attended Soc gate a time getting things arranged I gave a declination (sic) went to town in the evening Sun 27th' went Ctell (sic ?) P Martin Red (sic) walked with Miss M went to S.C In P.M. Mon 28 Wen (sic) to C St P.M Tues 29 Gave a declination in chapel in the morning St in the PM Wen 30 Nothing unusual hapened attended C as us it being very warm my room mate slept on the floor. Thur 31st As usual things went of (sic) there was quite a rain in the. afternoon accompanied with hail + wind

Pg. 21: Frid Sept 1st Told of yestordays (sic) storm having blown

over to trees before the C and castrated (the word 11castrated" is crossed out) blown down one Chimney. Sat 2 went to S had qute (sic) a time debated in miscellaneous went to town in the afternoon. Sun 3 attended C I (?) in the A. M Sunday school in the afternoon walked to and from with a very fine young lady.

Pg. 22: Sept 1854 Sat 2 A very fine day got up took a' walk went to society studied in the afternoon went in company with others to Swim in the evening and had a fine time 64 it. Sun 3 A fine day went to church attended sabeth school in the evening studied at night Mon 4 Went to college in the morning studied in the morning Tues 5 do Wens 6 do Th 7 do Frid 8 went to college in the morning studied in the afternoon went in company with others to swim in the evening and from there to select performance after, performance I accompanied a L from the hail to her conveyance and got riding (?) home. Sat 9 Went to Society read composition after performances an election was held I was Elected marschal (sic) + to orate at Select performances Recd

2 Lts one from -- went to town after diner (sic) studied in the evening It rained in the forenoon

Pg. 23: Sun 10 went to church in the Am + in P.M went to Sunday school studied or read in the evening Mon 11 at C in AM PM heard Pallock and Curton speak Studied in the P.M after returning Tues 12 an appearance of rain in the morning at C. heard a comick (sic) Declination on lectioneering Wen 13 A fine day 'nothing particular only Green my room mate declaimed + Goff AS also D Thurs 14 A warm day the exercises of the day as usual at super (sic) there was some coulting (?) between Gould + Chlk Friday 15 Appearance of rain no resitations (sic) had 10 senior speeches tried to compose in the afternoon went to Select after returning composed som (sic) for my select oration Sat 16 No society remained in my room all day Composing. Thurs 17 Went to church AM wrote letter PM + studied Mon 18 at C rainy part of day Tues 19 a rainy day (?) had Letter for'A + S stud throwed m (?) on it

Pg. 24: Wen 20 an Indian performance in Town did not attend Thur 21 heard a Comic declination in chapel jokes passed pretty free among the fellows Frid 22 tended composition class in morning wrote + composed at oration to 12 at night Sat 23 labored at oration most of the day did not attend the hall got to arguing with Hotehkip (?) (a student) on Catholocism (sic) + know-nothing-ism + was both liken to get mad. Sun 24 tended church in morning read all afternoon Mon 25 At C

laughed much in afternoon the fellows were boring How great fun all round fellows being initiated as no-Biar + Readman nothings + (sic) Tues 26 Nothing special' much fun through the day Wens 27 A meeting of students was held at the close of chapel exerci sises Miller was called to the chair + Brown Sc (?) a committee of 3 was appointed to see to getting Burying grown (sic) for St in the new cemetery

Pg. 25: Thur 28 At C as usual nothing perticular (sic) Fr 29

Forgot my Composition in the morning but read 1 got excused from 4 Rstns week hence I composed all the remaineder of the day at Otr (Qtr ?) Sat 30 Tended Society in morning Excused from performing by virtue of office Spent afternoon on oration finished writing it Sun Oct 1 Tended church in morning it commenced to rain about 10 o.C. got som wet returning Room mate brought a letter from office which was very interesting. Re-ad-afternoon- Mon 2 Attended C nothing unusual two going called for me to go in to the Lodge But could not go Room mate went to School Association Tues 3 Excises (sic) do Drizzly in f noon rained very hard in PM At Titusville + McConnell t(?) so went Wen 4 Drizzly all day studied as usual Thurs 5 quite damp all day attended C + Resitations as usual nothing special

Pg. 26: Frid 6 Man (?) as usual in chapel in the morning after declinations were delivered a meeting with respect to purchasing a

Lot in the new cemetary to inter St was called the committee which had been appointed to See to affairs and (sic) report the Lot was :130 to get it for $100 + fac Rais 5 (sic) leave for St $65 one fellow got up to speak against it but was hissed down. A committee of 3 were appointed to raise the money not comp + read left to Monday My R.M. came from Titusville in the eve Sat 7 did not fo to SC waa my oration all-day got it written + transcribed + partly committed McConnell came down from Titusville in evening

Pg, 27; Sun 8 Went to church in the morning heard Norton went at night + heard prof Kingsley a very deep (?) discourse on the dewelling (sic) to will + to (?) do Mon 9 Read a composition the 1st bell went to town in evening got riding in a carrige (sic) of Mr McCalls after arriving (?) had the pleasure of seeing a very nice yoinng lady to a temperance meeting heard Kingsly Barker Norton Derie son + Huydacosses lecture Tues 10 Election day did not vote on account of not being assessed B + Pare out for Governor W Goff W Glem + D McConnell went from the fort to vote It is hoped I will outride the storms of opposition + come of (sic) conqueror tomorrow will tell

Pg. 28: Wen 11 qute a laugh in chapel in the morning at a declination Del by A certain Mr Smith this is election day have not got the returns Derickson (sic) cowhided Hays owing to a dispute on account of election times Thur 12 Got some of election returns Pilic i s doing well. Very wet in afternoon Friday 13 Went to town in the afternoon called to see Grier + Crocker while going + coming from town my thoughts were somewhat taken up on a question which I had to debate the day following Sat 14 Tended Society in-morning was on debate debated the question R + Hye is better than Ape for the prevention + cure of disease Had the negative with a collegue~that said but little + had strong opponents but by hard working we gained the question

Pg. 29: Sun 15 Was confined to my room all day on account of a bealing (?) in my forehead read Todd all day Mon 16 Tended C went out in the evening with a chum + spoke my oration. Drizzly + cold all


day Tues 17 Midling cold all day at C as usual Wen 18 Cool, attended Ph L S performance in the evening Mrssis (sic) the performance was just midling Thur 19 Did not study much in the afternoon had advisors (?) clear and cold all day Friday 20 Heard 12 Seniors speak no resitation on account of speeches Read A Composition. Read a piece in the paper telling of Wm (Mr ?) Pile being sick with the Mountan (sic) fever

Pg..30: Sat Oct 21 Tended. Society in the morning held an election. Went to town-in afternoon had quite a Social chat with Dr Grier Sun 22ond Tended church in forenoon + at night walked with a L Dark + wet at night Herd (sic) Marion (?) Preach + Hill lecture on the subject of tract Society Mon 23 Tended. C wet in morning visited an apple orchard coming home Tues 24 Nothing special Tended College as usual Wen 25 Got excused from C went to town +-tended

an examination called on Miss Mom the evening Thurs 16 Went Wryens in morning + to town in afternoon Settled'with Ellis an (sic) got a recp (?) certificate + also one from Norton

Pg. 31: Frid Oct 27th Went to town in morning after dinner began packing up went in evening to Wyrens after returning took supper + started for select being marshal'(sic) I took great care to seat the Lds being on oration I performed + made a safe delivery The performance of the meeting was good all through Sat 28 Went to town in morning + to Wryens + McCalls came home finished (?) packing my trunk about horse (?) the stage came along I bid farewell with my fellow students + took my exit' for old Westmoreland leaving mad (?) we had 6 pasingers (sic) 2 being Ladies which were put under my (?) care After gliding swiftly over the hills + along the levels we came to a Georgeville having anew set of horses we went along faster than before, passing through to Georgetown the faithful superintendents of the horse department changed teams. About 8 PM Started on our way with a driver whose sympathy for horses health (?) was but little on the driving (?)

Pg. 32: Sun 29th 4 A.M.- Reached Merser(?) got a new set of horses landed at Butler (Butter ?) 7 AM ordered Breakfast it being of rather an inferior quality concluded the next time I passed to make for other regions about meal time. After changing horses + stages we began to wind our way around those Butler hills pregnant with coal mines well adapted to the necessary requirements of the hardy pioneers in

a chilly day and about the time his apetite required something to supply the wants of nature. It being Sunday we met a number of Catholics pursuing their way to church doubtless bent on having their sins forgiven + be prepared to enter on the changing scene (?) of the coming week with a clear conscience. After leaving Butler we had the pleasure of traveling on a plank road thus we moved qute gently along the summit of the almost perpendicular precipices extending below + the mountainous hills with their withered tops ascending toward the azure firmament. 12 AM took diner (sic) at Bakers tavern + had a sumptous meal. Changed horses + were swiftly (?) across the line into All County where the houses began to give a more stately appearance + Farms assued (sic ?) forth a more promising view I was reminded (?) of old times while passing a church where many horses with saddles + harness on were spending the tedious hours of. a sabeth while their respected owners were feasting on the rich production of two good old Presbyterian sermons. The stately oak begins to send his perky top toward

Pg. 33: the heavens declaring the superiority of the soil of Allegheny

to that of Butler. We are now about entering the scenes (?) of All

City. The lonely mansion is no longer to be seen but the magnificent mansion-(sic) comes to our view. 4 P.M. landed at the Eagle Hotel. Went to see friends Workmans had the pleasure of taking Miss Amanda to church Monday 30th Took the cars for Greensburg at 1 P.M. Took the cars for Latrobe at 8 P.M. Stopped in L over night. Tuesday 31st Got home November. Wensday (sic) + Thursday 1 + 2 Spent a good time among my friends + acquaintance. Friday 3d 122 P.M. Took the cars for Greensburg A.M. visited the lodge in the evening. 11 P.M. took the cars for Pi (sic) Saturday 4th Missed the cars in morning Conclude to stay in (illegible word) till monday. Sun 5th In the forenoon went to South Commons Church heard Bishop Simpson preach. Went in the afternoon in company with Miss A to visit Miss C. Spent the evening very pleasantly tended Smithfield Church at night + had the pleasure of gallanting the young Ladies to church. Mon 6th 8 A.M. Took the cars for Ann Arbor. Good by to All + Pitt. After the lokomotive (sic) gave the signal we wisked swiftly along the banks of the Ohio. Passed through (?) Rochester, New Brighton. After leaving the old Keyston (sic) State + entered

Pg. 34: Ohio, we passed through Columbian~(sic), Salem, Canton, Masalin (sic), Fairville, M4aysville, Woster, + Mansfield. Stopped off the Pn + C (?) road and took pasage-(sic) to Sandusky. 10 P14 Took pasage on the Bay City for Detroit. Tues 7th 9 A.M. Took the cars for Ann Arbor passed through Wayne (the word "Wayne" is crossed out) Wane, Ipsylen, landed at A. Arbor (the words "A.Arbor" are crossed out) Ann Arbor. Went to see about entering the Medical Inst but found many of the important lectures were past. Conclude to teach school. Wen 8th Went to country found a place where they wanted a teacher. Thursday (?) 9th Was examined by two directors got a certificate. Hired (?) to teach for 4 months. Friday 10th Spent all day at Mr Waldrofs (?) Studied a little through the day. Sat 11th Went to A A. Spent the afternoon in speculating on ink. Sun 12th Went to M church in the afternoon heard a good sermon. Mon 13th Was corned (sic ?) to Mr Waldrous (7) in the afternoon (?) quite cold. Tues 14th Spent the greater part of the day in studying + reading. Wens 16th Spent the most of the day writing act (?) of (?) (illegible word) A cold day

Thurs 16th corqued (?) (illegible word) am Advent Teacher Wrote a letter in the afternoon Fri 17th Wrote a letter in 'the forenoon (7) Went to Whitmore (?) Lake. Sat 18th Studied some in

Pg. 35: afternoon visited School house in P.M. SU 19th Spent the day in reading the Scriptures + consulting with Mr W on Adventism. Mon 20th Commenced my school midling cold it being the first day scholars were not very numerous. TU 21st A Slight mered (sic ?) in no of S. They become qute rely I did not speak many cross words. Mild ..•WE 22ond Mild The exercises (?) in school were about as usual I begin to get acquainted + talk to them in my strange kind of a way. Find it a great disadvantage not having the seats + desks well arranged Th 23d Mild. Having a School Marm (?) in attendance She tried to take me up in Arithmetic recitation but failed. Fr 24th Wet most of the day. School still remains small. SA 25th A light snow. Gave my scholiars a thorough going over (?) in the Multiplication table found (?) the most of them well prepared. Find what schollars I have exceedingly apt. SU 26th Moderate. Took a good bath in the morning. Spent the afternoon in writing a letter MO 27 Cold. Had several new Schollars made some new arrangements in my classes indulged the Small Schollars in (?) moving from An (sic) to another seat on acount (sic) of a poor School

house. Found some of my schollars were disposed to catch (?) me in an error if perchance I should make one but they did not succeed. TU 28th Mild. Found it the best


Pg. 36: way to--are dispose to be (illegible)ies/at first. Had diagrams written out on the board in Grammar lesson. Found by reasoning with my Small Schollars that it did them. much good WE 29th Mild. Performances in School as usual Th 30 Cold Talked to my schollars in my strange way which I find causes a cheerfulness among them FR Dec 1st Cold Exercises as usual. SA 2 Storming in the evening Punished one of my schollars for the first one for being selfish with her book. had exercises in the mul'n table in the evening. SU 3d Cold + stormy all day. Read + studied. MO 4 Cold Had an increase of Sch + I was bout (sic) as cross as usual. Forbid any sliding on the lake tended church at night. TU 5th Very cold Hat (sic) pretty hard times wading through repitends (sic ?) + explaining them. Tended sing sch 4 miles in a cutter in company with Mr Snyder Wr, 6th Very cold had a good time talking in my singular kind of a way went to ch at night with 2 young Ladies Th 7 Very cold Did not scold much had a fine time reciting Ar + Gr Fr 8 Cold. Exercises as usual in school SA 9 Cold Talked pretty sharp to one of my schollars for holding his book (?) In the time of prayer. SU 10th Cold Wrote a letter went to prarer (sic) meeting at night MO 11th' Enforced the see page

Pg. 37: forced (sic) the rule of correcting each other in reading (see page 4)

(The instruction given by J. Ayres to see page 4 is a mistake. The chronological narrative continues-on page 5)

Pg. 5: from page 36 (sic) TU Dec 12 Cold. Trained the sch on fractions passed a good many jokes. WE 13 Cold exercises in sch as usual Th 14 Mild. Hatt (.sic) no sch Went to AA tried to get my check redeemed but it failed. Find the sympathies for a.. fellow when in trouble are

but few. A good rule is to take lessons from the past(* Having deposited $50 in G L (S?) Bank and It having failed. I went to see about it.) FR 15 Thawing Went a young (the words "a young" are crossed out) with Alex + L (S?) + two sisters to singing school in. carriage had a fine time SA 16 Mild Hatt spelling in sides In the afternoon Spent the evening in studying. Su 17 Storming Spent the day in reading and writing a letter to HGL (S?) went to prayer meeting + went home with .two young Ls Mon 18 Very cold. Had a couple of schs on the floor made then read + they soon bean to cry find that a good way of punishing schs TU 1':9 Qute cold Found by talking to young sch got them to study peretty (sic) hard talked harsh to my sch for disorderly conduct time of prayer the catholic being opposed to it are inclined to be a little heathonish. Put one on the floor

Pg. 6: for spitting on other S Studied at night to 10 o c WE 20

Cold. Found a little praise essential in sch. Ended writing diagrams for a while. Talked to one of my larg (sic) S for pushing (?) a small boy about Studied Some at night Th 21 Exce:rcised in school as usual Studied at night FR 22 Cold one schollar lift to tend Sch in another district SA 23 Mild. Drilled on Nul table + Sounds' of letters had 2 compositions had Spelling at the close SU 24 Thawing Wrote a letter MO 25 Pleasant. It being Christmas has no Sch rode to A. A tried to get my money but failed. Comtrl home it ws~ very muddy Com

to the conclusion that I would prefer (?,j teaching -A riding in the mud.


TU 26 There was a School meeting in the Sch h in evening Some of the members of the district came in before I dismissed Went at night in company with Mr AS + his 2 sisters to Sing; Sch at Webster church WE 27 Fine. Found Some of my young Arths to be deficient in numeration (?) exercised them at the board Amitted (sic) some talk about affairs + Things in geneal'.(sic) time of Geogy Hesitation The nature of the case admits (?)

Pg. 7: TH 28 Rainy. Some large schs were reproved for talking

studied at night. Fr 29 Cold. Amused in Sch in having a boy do an example for another on the Blk bd with his eyes shut SA 30 Cold. Heard the mul table had spelling in P.M. SU 31st Fair Went to church with Mr Snyder + Daugtors (sic) to Lelands church Methodist Heard a Babtist preach at night in Sch house took 2 Lds M.S.S.

Mon Jan 1st 1855 Cool It being New y day had no Sch Studied all day only while writing a letter. TU 2 Fine. Had a dispute with 2 of my Schs about dividing a fraction in a whole no in place of multiplying left it of (sic) for further expl tomorrow. Corrected a little gi for ciphering (?) time of pr WE 3 Mild Exercises in Sch about as usual. TH 4 Cold. Ended my dispute on fraction + gave Miss C an advice to never teach any sch in such a way for fear some boy 10 years old might correct her. Fr 5 Fair Had a fine time in Sch all day had 2 visitors. Gave them a lecture about comp tomorrow Sa 6

Had a mumber of compositions + some Dees (?)+ argued some at night with Mr + Mrs L (? )

Pg. 8: against women being permitted public rights. SU 7 Read part of the time + had a discussion -on Adventism with Mr + Mrs T (?) Went to p'Meeting at night at Miller (?) home. MO 8 Clear Had a good many Schs was pretty cross with them. At night went in company with Mr + two Miss Snyders to singing to Webster. TU 9 Exercises in Sch about as usual one young man got mad because I Bored him Told him he had better know where he was. WE 10 Pleasant. Got in df (?) in A studied some at night + laughed to myself at Mr Bosenbark Th 11 Thawing Went in company with several of my Sch to Sp. Sch. walked about 1 mile on the ice of a lake was tired (tamed ?) at first but come of it. Passed through Crust (?) After arriving a short time was invited to give out words pronounced a while after recess delivered a decin herd (sic) dialogues + About 2 hundred present. FR 12 Mudy. Went to singing to WC with Mr + Miss Sns SA 13 Cold. Had several comps + sCns (sic?) declamations. Got a hard exch Arth that I had been Studying for some time. Lectured to my Sch on the importance of wr comps. SU 14 . Very cold Spent the day in reading went to p Meeting at night Went home with Miss Snys Mon 15 Cold Exercise in Sch as usu TU 16 Snowy. Sch wer (sic) now (?) corrected (?) 2 for taking a copy book Studied at night WE 17 Cold. Had 2 sch from another district Studied hard in Arith at night. In sch felt weary (?) on the evening (?)

Pg. 9: Th 18 Cool Had visiters (sic) Miss + Mr S (?) The (sic) took their departure at noon Fr 19 Cold Mr B raged in morning about the meetingers (sic) burning (?) the wood. Snyders his raa (sic) awnay (?) Studied at night at A. Sa 20 Cold. Had a number of comps. Went to Webster in company Snyds to Sing SU 21 Very stormy Went to Wb to ch with Snyds went fast times very fast herd a Presn Sermon. In Sch h herd (at 10 c PM.) a Milerite sermon by Clark.. MO 22 Very cold now. Had not many sch TU 23 very cold. Went to Mr Balls to a party in company with Mr + Miss Snyds.. Hitched up a yoke of oxen in

the sled went most of the time at the gallop I got in the snow. We

hat a bugy in the woods + About thiity there, had a fine time. WE 24 Cold Felt quite (sic) Sleepy after being up the preceding night to after 3 OC. Th 25 Cold stormy Had a good time, was not very strict with my Sch. FR 26 Stormy. Had not many Sch Miss Th it (?) (illegible)afind SA 27 Stormy. Had Spelling in afternoon went to hear adventist preaching (?) + in sled. SU 28 Snow twenty in-deep-wrote a letter to McC--recd one from Smith. went to preaching at ..night. Clark centered (?) me out in the hous (sic)to debate with him I Stepped out offered to Stand him a turn but we differed on the question qute (sic) an excitement (?) (illegible word) sight (?)

Pg. 10: Mo 29 Snow 22 in --not many Sch one Sch not thinking whistled In Sch had to laugh went to church at night had a quiet time TU 30 Cold Sch were rather noisy A Sled for sens (?) + on All (?) got across (illegible word) horses went to preaching in. school house WE 31 Cold. Had a good many Schs Boys were noisy at recess Th February 1st Cold. Went to ch in Sch preacher did not come hencd (sic ?) the meeting Spoke to Miss Lts +Syds (?) FR 2 Very cold. A good many Schos--good order--Grammar class learning to parse. SA 3 Cold.Spelled in the afternoon Studied at night SU 4 Cold. Had a talk with Clark offered to debate with him on the question R's + A's is an Ik (?) to Re'n but he would not accept--went to pry'r meet at night with W's ox team--went home with Miss Snyds in Lts (?) team (?) MO 5 Cold. Hatt but little wood in morning but Some ws (sic) soon provi'd went to webster in sleigh with Mr Sn's people, put my arms around Miss E--the old gent being along. Tu 6 Coldest yet Th'r 20 De's below zero Got my ears frose going from Sch WE 7 Cold. Met-with some of the Welno_uire (?) at Mr Snyds had quite a time Th 8 Cold Went to AA with Snyds got vaxinated (sic). went to prayer meetg (sic) with Miss S at night. FR 9 Cold Exercises in Sch as usual. Sa 10 Mid Cold. Was very cross in the Sch had a number of comps + Dees In P.M. had a sleigh ride in evening to lake. SU 11 Sun Shines Studied all day till even wrote a letter to Belnap MO Stormy Not many Schs tried to have them understand analysis, hard work, not very cross

Pg. 11: TU 13 Rainy. Miss L. Corl (?) (my schollar) was married.

Had quite a number of Schs. Studied Arh (sic) night WE 14 Frosty. Was about to dismiss Sch for want of wook but the Sch were so anxious the (sic) went + provided Some, had 4 of Small Schs ih on (7) floor for bad conduct had Mr Iglody (?) to visit my sch said a few words to the Sch. Th 15 Sunny (Snowy ?) Talked plain to one of my Schs for answering short. Studied at night FR 16 Cold Corrected one

of my Sch 4 times, went to Web in sleigh (?) with Miss + Mr (illegible) SA 17 Sunny Was diverted in sch to a Schl W.K. who complained of being nicknamed when called Bill, directed the unfortunate transgressor to call him Mr + ride to WL in eveing on a colt red (sic) the tribune at night. SU 18 Sunny (?) Studied some went to P meeting at night, quite a number of sleighs there. MO 19 Cold. Vaxinated 4 of the Sns + myself. TU 20 Fair Exercises as usual, had a bid to a party at Mr L's (?) WE 21 Fair. Went to Spelling Sch at Mld's, had a team of oxen was in Co with Snyd (?) go an old slouch hat on and went to driving our noble team They ran agin (sic ?) a bus (?) post and was into the road Th 22 Cold. In evening prepair for party at L's arrived at about 7 P.M above 59 there had quite a time (fine ?) among the Lds in perticular (sic) . , Started for home about 3 A.M. FR 23 Cold Closed sch at noon At noon the Sch were very reluctant (?) + we leave (?) very early in P.M went (illegible words)

Pg. 12: SA 24 Very cold. Had Sch as usual At noon went to Hr Sys

and inoculated myself for the 3d time SU 25 Cold + blustery (?). Walked to Sch h in evening (?) heard Mr B preach. rode home in ox (?) sleigh. MO 26 Very cold. Not many Schs. went to W to sng (?) in Mr Steadmans slg in company with Miss + Mr Sns. TU 27 Cold. Not

many Schs, saw a prarie hen in evening. WE 28. Fair. Had 8 visiters Mr Corbon-- Latsons + Balls, put the Schs through while they present. Mr Snys + spent the evening, had a new Sch from Mr C's Sch. Th March 1st Fair.- Had a new Sch from Mr Cts Schl. vaxinated one of my schs at noon had some argueing in Gr Cl but soon :made it plain. FR 2 Fair. Got vaxination matter at Snys. had Spelling School in evening explained square root dem square root. SA 3. Clear Had Spelling in the afternoon. read 2 letters one from Belnap + 1 from G C. SU 4 Clear. Composed read a chapter in the bible. MO 5 Cloudy. Snow is going off very fast did an ex (?) in Algebra (?) that (?) Mr Corbet (?) + P Jacksons (?) Concluded to have a kind of an exhibition on last day of School TU 6 Clear. Demonstrated the cube root the schollars never had deni'd before had a meeting at night gal'd 2 Miss Snyds for the purpose of preparing for last night had good order. WE 7 Cloudy. Scolded some began a review In Arth. Th 8 Snow is going of Still sleighing talked sharp to one of my Schs as + threatened to

Pg. 13: put him out. Fr 9 Had a meeting at night to exercise on

Dees + John Coyl came to breed disturbance had the Scs on my side ordered him out of the house he walked out. SA 10 Cloudy had a good many Schs. concluded to Scrub the Sch house, had our pieces spoken SU 11 Fair. Made out a program of our meeting Wanted Waldrous (?) to give me a writing to show the amt he paid me but he wanted me to write a reept on the back of may contract and sign it having given my recpt for the amt X40.33 (?) it would have debared (declared ?) me of the amt (?) again. MO 12 Clear. Dismissed Sch at 21 (?) PM went to Obriens. he wanted to charge me $10.60 (?) for the use of $9.67 for 4' m told him of Wts movements he Said a child should know more. Concluded to give it to Snyder for $50. went to Ws in Evening to draw writing. Told him what Obrien said about him he got mad talked saucy he at first refused but at last concluded to sign it. TU 13 Rainey (sic) Ended my Sch had 3 (?) visitors examined my Schs in Gr Ar Pen (?) + Read dismissed at noon the Schls fixed a rostrum + seats met at night had a good exhibition gave them a speech at the close see program (the following is interlineated at the start of TU 13ts entry; it is written in ink the rest of the page is written in pencil) a paper was put on K,s door requesting him to turn Catholic or death would be his (the pencil text continues here) setled with the (illegible) they wanted to ch me $500 (sic) for a little (?) mending (?) 1 weeks bd (inf eryor) (?) + 4 m was highly (?) disgusted i t (?) -paid $4' me (illegible word) I (illegible word) told them

Pg. 14: what they were. WS 14 Cldy Got, up early. Mrs W began to talk told her She was mean + got up from the table at bk (sic) Mr W made me sit down again + finish (sic ?) went in wagon with W,s. got to the Faranklin (?) just as the ch was ready for Clinton (forgot my numb) took my exit for Cl left on (sic) of the mesiest places I was ever in 10 AM Left AA in a 2 horse C there being a L from Phila + I from Mafs (Mass ?, Mrf s ?, Mrss ?) being with + good company it made me feel as though I had got into a new country. changed coch (sic) at Salene (sic), took din had 16 on the cS I was on one broke down + they took a wagon. Landed at Clinton 2 (?) PM took the cS for Adrian



.( r-

6 P.M. remained till 3 AM. left for Toledo Landed 43 A.M. Took breakf after which I took a walk through town Th 15 Crossed Maumee on a ferry it being snowy got very cold. Toled (sic) Is quite a brisk + flourishing town Showing it has enterprising citizens to inhabit its domain. Arrived at Clyde 12 n there bleng 12 cars attached to the locomotive It moved slowly over the mighty rail who is read (sic) to do obeisance to their will. Missed the cars at Cld + had to lay over till 8' PM. left for Cin (?) it was enough to try the patience of Job the cars went so slow the night being very dark + a light snow falling. Slept near all night FR 16 Cldy arrived at Daton (sic) 6 AM took brk (sic) had the best I had had for 5 mths. Changed cS. Passed through the following towns between Clyde + Daton Huntsville Enon Lawrence After observing the noted little town Dayton (sic) we Set Sail for Cin It being daylight we moved

Pg. 15: of quite briskly I beheld a grassery handy to dayton (sic). passed through Trenton Hamilton Calinda Co (?) Lockland Simmonsville (?). Landed at Bm Entered Coll before noon got board on College St no 7 with Dr Smith a fine fellow on entering college the first fellow I became acquaitned with or spoke to was Dr Freeman--the students are very friendly. SA 17 Clear attended lectures all day. Bought Books-as fols Web's Die Dinglesons Die Jones Practice Carpenters Phy's + note book SU 18 Clear. Went to church morn + evening read some through day MO 19 Cold. Tended lectures all day, was in. in (sic) the subject room TU 20 Cool. Attended lectures in forenoon + clinic in P14 Saw a large cansor (sic). WE 21 Cool Had great times in chemistry lectures Several inhaling Nitrogen gas. Th.22 Clear. Attended 6 lectures as usual, heard eloquent speech on Carbon gas FR 23 Very windy Changed my boarding place to Dock Thomsons room. Attended Clinic in PM. Sa 24 Clear. Wrote a letter at night. SU 25 Clear. Wrote 2 letters went to church at night. MO 26 Cloudy. Had but 5 lectures. Attended Magnolia Lodge 02 83 (sic) It is a beautiful roon well ornamented + supplied with inst music

Pg. 16: TU 27 Cold. Attended Clinic Saw a cansor extracted hear Bucannon for the 1st time. WE 28 quite cold excises as usual Th 29 Mild. There was fire in evening not much damage done FR 30 Mild Attended Clinic in afternoon + at night heard an extra lecture from Clev'd feell (sic) very weary. SA 31 Clar. (sic) Attended 6 lectures some Students went to play ball at noon. SU April 1st Went to church in AM + at night heard 2 good sermons. A report of fire in the afternoon the engines were carried to the Spot as fast as the horses could speed them on. MO 2 Sunny. Attended lectures Studied at night. Election day in town considerable excitement TU 3 Clear. Attended Clinic in PM visited Wm Pen Lodge. WE 4 Clar. Was in town on account of election D CI was out dressing wound the :nigh (sic) preceding Several persons wounded + one or 2 killed it is between the Americans + Catholics (Dutch) Th 5 Rainy. Hoyt got quite (?) + was applauded the war appears to be pretty much over the 9th + 11 ward boxes have been destroyed not known. who did It FR 6 Cloudy. Attended Clinic Studied at night a report of fire was soon put out

Pg. 17: Sa 7 Cloudy Attended lectures as usual. SU 8 Drisly went to church in morning + to class the ist time for 5 months also to ch

in PM took sacrament wrote a letter to SW (M?) at night MO 9 Cloudy.

Went to post office at noon TU 10 Clar Went to clinic in PM. WE 11 Clear. Hat (Got ?) Pf Buchan to try me In mesmerism hard to effect

Th 12 Warm wrote down presentations at night (of things) (Kings ?)

Fr 13 Clear attended lectures as usual. Sa 14 Rainy Cl spoke of Long eared persons Newto (sic) spoke of his non rights for doing so SU 15 Cold. Went to church on 7th st a very fashionabl (sic) church in even went to ch on W kow at night. The sermon was read did not much like that MO 16 Clear Was called Webster through day having gave a Wb declimation under infln'c of Nitrous oxid gas Sat night TU 17 Clear. Attended Clinic in afternoon there was a report of fire but did not amt to much Newton asked me dgnes (?) about a disease it was rather complex told him it was a bad one made a laugh WE 8 Cl spent my evening in D Cls Students had an election for valtn

Pg. 18: elected Th 19 Rainey Cl lectured on botony at night FR 20 Clar Soldiers had Funerall attended Clinic in afternoon one St got eye cut (out ?) Strebismus. Sa 21 Clear attended lectures as usual SU 22 Clear Went to church on 8th Street in AM + at night heard a man from Illa at night Saw 2 funerals (sic) MO 23 Clear Went Into Dek Kings was introduced to 2 of his daughters. TU 24 Cl (?) had a

fire handy to col Saw the Steam engine play on it at CC (?) in PM wrote a letter to Dr Brisbane -WE 25 C1 Had fires in town was in Dr Cleas office (?) Th 26 Cloudy Had lectures as usual. FR 27 Cle attended Clinic in PM Studied at night had a chat with a lawyer on 8th street SA 28 Cle heard a woman trying to law her son by telling the Squire he was married the 2ond time + had no chil (?) SU 29 Clear went to church twice in even I heard a man from Ill was in Sabeth Sch in morning. MO 30 C1 attended lectures as usual. TU May 1st Cl attended Clinic in Pm red at night WE 2 Rain in Pm gradu's had a meet-in evening Th 3 Rainy PM exercises as usual FR 4 Clear, tended Cl went through market in evening

Pg. 19: SU 6 Went to church 2 + class in AN Studied MO 7 Clar exercises as usual TU8tfi Cl got a let attended Clinic 14E 9th Cl concluded to go bottomizing. Th 10 Cl wet (sic) bottonizing (sic) about 3 m in country Several Saches along had quite a time FR 11 Started in to grove at Bruton house Cl attended clinic In PM got 2 letters SA 12 Clear Bought Pants Coat + gloves heard good band musical at Mechanics Inst SU 13 Cl at class in moris chapl (sic) in AINI in evening to Epicopalian (sic) ch a Splendid concern MO 14 Cloudy Cleaveland + Newton had blows at others King gave quite an explanation

See book 2ond

(The chronological narrative ends here and is continued on page 43. Pages 42 to 37 contain the following tidbits of information which are written upside down from the back of the book toward the front.)

Pg. 42: Acton on vanerial diseases

Hollick do

Carpenters Physiology Page (illegible)IP 180' Of Simple Isolated Cells forming Solid Tissues by the Aggregation aug 27 1854 Henry P Tappan Pres of an-Inst in Michigan Medicate Anthons Classical dictionary

Chalmers on Astronomy will teach the mind to soar Edmund Burkes works for command of words + language P Hume with respect to composing

Howds (?) Leverett Lexicon

Arnots' Elements of Physics

Dr Young on private diseases Philadelphia

Dr Hunter New York on Private diseases

do Hollic (sic) do

Anasthesia on the admini sterin f chlorformT ?)

Ph sician Pocket Case book by James H with MD Bonnins ? Medical Chemistry--discussion of blood + urin

Pg. 41: to be or not to be is the question

(illegible) struck me just below the ear

The Physician may administer medicine

but only god (sic) can bless To Lay Lay Laid Laying Lain (?)

Turn to a passage To Lie Lie Lay Lying Lain

in Scripture where it says an (?). High Priest took an home(?)

Dr Genner (sic) first discovered vaccinat on by taking the pourn (sic ?)

.of a heifer he was about a century (sic) Lei; it be good The rain coming I went into the

house t

Pg. 40: Secchi the great Astronomer at the roman college Emmhe (?) don (dean ?) of the Royal Observatory

Homer Greek Poet. Composer of the illiad Vergil Latin Poet Horrace Latin writer Aristotle Greek writer

Hallam Literature account (?) of the School men

Elmts of Reading + Oratory by Henry Nandevili.e D.D. + S German by G.P. Adler (?) Olendorff s New Method of Lerning (sic) to A. Saunder, s Olendorff on French

Pg. 39: A Frenchman was dining with an English Lord and asked for his bowls in place of trail afterward being invited by the L Sent a declination having a pain (?) in his trail

Golcondas producing the Great mongol (?) diamond owned by Queen victoria (sic) See Silliman,s la 357

Treasured up in the schroll of fame the gentle ripling brook as it glides from rock to R+ The genels (?) and poetic beauty Two Animals fought till they starved to death

The many stars sending down ther tiny rays of light As mild as the dews of Heaven Down through the Mountains gorgeous rocks Surge after surge passed oer the foaming waters

Pg. 38: Let the truth blase and light the world.

The father said to his son tell me where God. is and I will give you an orange the boy replyed tell me where he i s not and I will give you two/ The Sun assended and the mountains were shaded Trivial things of nature Launch forth our bark to stem the wave (?) of the ocean of life Greenlands mountains ici: one continued (?) scene of snow capped Summits

Pg. 37: A school mam being asked what was the cause of the days being longer in summer she replyed the reason was because bodys expanded with head. (sic) l Babtis-t wanted to immerce one Who had consented to be faithful follower but was not immerced himself he got the member to irnmerce him + then he the member

A young man in Louisiana (sic) wanted to vote underage + put (?) two pieces of paper in his boots with the inscription 21 years + marched to the poles being asked if he was above 21 yrs the reply was yes I am above 21 yrs

Pg. 43: 1855 May 15 TU Cl attended clinic recd a certificate went

to Covington in evening to inquire about a School got some information. WE 16 Rainy. Attended College as usual Newton threw some of his hints at Cleaveland. Th 17 Cl Went ever (sic) in kentucky (sic) about 4 m's got (?) back in time to hear 9 to 10 oclock lecture While waiting till the ferry would start my attention was attrcted (sic ?) to horses drawing hard on wharf + boat left but I ran + jumped saved my distance was (?) a little skared. FR 18 Cloudy--tended lectures as usual SA 19 Cle went to commencement (the last day) of our college it was pretty good in some respects--had the pleasure of seeing (?) the Lord day. SU 20 Cl Staid (sic) at home all day packed my truck not having time before. MO 21st A bright sunny morning bid fairwell to my friend Thomson. crossed on ferry took passage for Paris KY. Passed

Pg.44: Falmouth, Cynthiana. landed at :Paris Got in company with an old gray headed ng's in talking about education he said if I could only get to read the bible would be satisfied got dinner and started out staid all night at Dougless Lewis (made no charge) TU 22 Very warm. traveled on foot between 25 + 30 miles passed through Middletown + Kidville lodged with Mr Wills (?) on Levee (made no charge). threw up a part of what I had taken in through the day one reason was I got nothing but corn bred (sic) for dintr-7 WE 23 very warm. went to Red River Iron Works stopped at Mr Eckley,s for din rested in afternoon till 4 oc went to Hunters was examined in reading a few line (sic) + writing a line Stoptd with Ak's all night. Th 24 very warm. Mr E + I rode all day till about 4 o.c got several Sch Signed + promise of more concluded to teach. started for Levee at 6, o.c (sic) 12 n got there about 8. o.c walked faster than I ever did in my life. stopped at Mr Smiths ( no ch) found them very clever they being Methts imvited me to call again. FR 25 Mid warm passed through Mt Sterling Midtn + stopped with an

Pg. 45: gentleman Mr A.C. Bedford 7 m from P I found them very clever got nice cooked squirrel for bk. SA 26 not so warm got to Paris at 10, ova. (sic) got din'r Started in coach. for Mt St'g landed at 7. Lodged at Wilkinsons A'n SU 27 Mid warm. hired a horse + bug from Mt S to Mr Ecklleys (sic), drove quite rapid having a good seviceable (sic) old horse. while passing through those desertatious mountains my ear was delighted to hear the hum of birds buz of bees but those delights were somewhat blighted by screaking of locusts who have went their grand rounds ascended the sturdy oak to tell of their presence again Landed at Fe's at noon did not sutdy much in PM. Mo 28 warm. Wrote 2 letters went to office, spent time at Sch house. TU 29 warm. studied all day WE 30 Warm. Commenced my Sch at R,R,I,W had but 4 Schs Spent all day in teaching them. Th 31 Cool.

Pg. 46: had but 4 Sch. FR June 1st 1855 Rainy in morn had 5 Sch

had not yet enforced any rules only those the Schs were accustomed to Studied at night SA 2 Cloudy. Read anatomy all day. had no School. SU 3 Clr. Went to church-heard quite a domestic sermon-rote (sic) a let in even. MO 4 Clr. Had School 8 Sch for, first told some of my rules which were heard very attentively. TU 5th C1'r. Had 9 Sch-reasoned much with them about their lessons find them very quick at taking up things. WE 6 Wet had Sch as usual, a lit girl got dress tore by boy pulling it told me but found She was to blame so let matter drop with a few prelimmaries (sic). Th 7 Wet. But 3 Schs. instructed them considerable. FR 8th Cl. had no Sch-river being high concluded

would be but 2 o (sic) 3 there hence had none studied hard all day. SA 9 Clr Went to a vandue (sic) did not See or hear

Pg. 47: anything wprth relating only it was a widows property +

things went high. SU 10th Cllr Studied most of the day. 1,10 11th Had one new Schollar. TU 12 Cllr Had School as usual. WE 13 Cl'r. Went to hunters in even Mr Mason was there I staid all night. Miss_

W gave me a call to go + bleed her sister for Asthma as Dr Hancely had frequently bled her for that. Declined Siad (sic) it was not in accordance with my principles Th 14 Cllr. Got 2 letters one from Thomson was quite laughible (sic) . Examined A Tates eye which he had got a a cap or peice (sic) in 3 yrs Since Sight clouded waters freely very sore + painful injuring other eye think :Lt entered near Sight-- had Ph (Dr H) to examine it at time gave a little eye water. Fr 15th Had no Sch read anatomy all day Mr + Mrs Smith came to E,s--while in conversation he spoke of a man keeping an effectionary (a Ky School teacher). Bees Swarmed. SA 16 Cllr. Studied all day. SU 17th Warm Rode to church at Hards creek herd (sic) 2 Sermons very good, seen a notice put up on a tree telling of candidates lecturing democrat (sic) was demacrat (sic)

Pg. 48: also a hyphen was placed at beginning of a line ( done by Lili.s

A Lawyer. MO 18 Wet in P14 had some new Sch's river was high had quite

a chat with Mr S, about his courtships +c. TU 19 Cllr had a new Schollar Got letter from Mich telling of my deposit money in GS Bank herd a Native American-speech by JB Huston pretty good--candidate for congress (the word "congress's is_ crossed out) legislation. WE 20 Cllr Had good many Schollars. talked pretty plain to one for having too much conversion Th 21 Rainy PH. Lectured Sch's for Swimming at noot (sic)--Saw 2 of my Sch's dancing--'(little girls) at Mr E,s in evening. FR 22 School as usual. SA 23 Studied hard SU 24 Ra'y took walk was rather wet MO 25 Cl had no School the river bhing high Studied all day. TU 26 Cl'r Had conversation with Mr Tate about west talked to one of Schs for pouting

Pg. 49: herd Mrs E telling of negroes at forge having chicken pie when She + others (visitors) had corn bred Sallet:(sic) + for dinner. WE 27 very warm. Cross in canoe it turned down stream. Th 28 Very warm Mrs Hunter visited Eels. FR 29 Very warm. Good many at School--mule in lot got fast--gofer plowing at E, s. SA 30 very warm. Read hard all day Smith came to Es in AM went in with him to Swim in evening was out in wheat field bound (found ?) 3 Slaves. SU July 1st Showery. Did not Study much--went to church pr did not come--had a notion to preach myself but concluded it was not my place took Supper at Mrs McCaleps (?) in evening. Heard the cholera was in Lexington MO 2 Had School as usual. TS 3 Clear nothing particular. WE 4

Pg. 50: Clear. Speaking_ at Stanton wrote 2 lets in Pm Th 5 Clear. Wrote 2 letters in on to Thomson full of noncense (sic) FR 6 Wet. Put 5 letters in office SA 7 Clr. Studied in AN mowed in PM (Sonae) Mr E Wanted me to go to join Sons Temperance Saw young Ladies go to lodge. SU 8 Cir. Went to church about 30 took din at E,s. MO 9 Clr very warm. Had Some new Schollars. TS 10 Very Warm think it over a hundred talked Sharp to on of my Sch for not Spelling a word. WE 11 Warm. had School. Th 12 Very warm. Got a let from Thomson telling me he had not got BS Ph. FR 13 had a shower. Dr Hancely called to See If I would teach at Trob (?) Sent a letter to Thomson on book

subject. SA 14 Rain. Had School as usual. Sons of temperance appoint (?)

Pg. 51: a committee to see me about Speaking. SU 15 Rainey Studied all day began a Speech. 11,40 16 Warm Studied Some on speech. TS 17 Very warm had some new Schollars. WE 18 very warm Talked a good deal to Schollars. Th 19 Rain Herd Mr tate talk of the west Gofers dog towns wolves +c. FR 20 Charleps Gui (?) came to Mr Eckleys. SA 21 Rainy Had School Sent my propostition to S of T lodge. SU 22 Studied all day (Clear) A deer was found among cows MO 23 Clear Had a good many Schollars. Went out in evening with old Shot gun Shot at a deer 3 (?) times the last time it ran away. TS 24 Rain. Went after deer in even. Th 26 Rain. Persons cannot get in oats So Showery went in Swiming in even. FR 27 Rainy. River was high in even.

Pg. 52: SA 28 Clear. Had School but 5 Sch was initiated in S of T.

got the care of about $2.00 worth of notes without giving receipt (the word "receipt" is crossed out) a certificate. SU 29 Clear Studied

on Sp finished riting (sic) it. read Scrip'r in even. MO 30 Rain (?). Got 3 letters one from OSN on Miner Subject. TS 31 Clar. Had good may (sic) Schs. WS Aug 1st Had Sch as usual Th 2 Got 2 letters. FR 3 C1 Studied hard. SA 4 Clear Went to Kiddville on colt took dinner at Mr Kidds. wrote an article for a school left it. put a letter in office there to R S Newton. went in evening to Smiths at levee had trouble with colt SU 5 Started for home. wrote in evening. MO 6

Clr. Had quite a time with Mr Connors boy (bay ?) Soon broke him with (?) the harness. TS 7 Clr. Great times about the

Pg. 53: election had fight at the (the word "then is crossed out) several precincts near, look out for "old Ky. WS 8 Cloudy Studed (sic) hard on Speech. Th 9 Clear had School as usual FR 10 Rainy Had but few Schs. SA 11th Had quite a time driving Mr Tates mare in buggy, had preaching in AM delivered my speech 2 P.M. rode home in bugg (sic) in even, had an introduction to Miss S'm SU 12 Clr. Rode to church in company with miss S found her to be quite a lady heard Biven + Doherty preach. the horses not being brought in time we started to walk I with Miss S. had Singing in evening, there was a church formed Slept with Biven had quite a chat about division in church South +c. MO 13 Clear. Heard Biven + Concrite preach. Miss S left in last sermon but authorized a young Ld to bid good by with me. had Sch in morning. Mrs Hunter Invited me over there in evening, told me she had 8 young Lds for me to nick on

Pg. 54: TS 14 Clr. Had Sch as usual Scolded a little. Studied Phs'y morn + even. Heard in even that McConnell (the dancing master) shot a negro + then shot himself, better he to to the devil than lead the community there. WS 15 Rainy. Had a bid to ball at Hunters. had 2 boys in floor for fighting previous day did nothing but talk to them as had not forbid it before. FR 17 Cool. Let out Sch at 2. o.c. Went to ball in even at Mr H's about 90 hundred ( the word "hundred" is crossed out) were present began to gather about 5.o.c commenced to dance about dusk, most were hard cases. The 1st conversation prevalent was about playing cards accompanied with many ludicrous oaths. After dancing a while after tea the whisper was is there any liquor after some time a ruffain brought + screted (sic) some handy to the river. After may ob's Started for home 1,o,c. In evening Dr Hancely told me of having a Sch made up. Going home I took off all cloth waded River

Pg. 55: in the bussle (sic) left boots did not miss them till next morning. SA 18 Clr. Got horse Swam the R for boots. Studied morn went to bd (sic) Slept till noon Attended Division In even, gave up those notes in my hands gave a Speech on the Subject what should be done with them it was adopted. Kimbrel•got notes. Tate, Eckley +c present. I acted as an officer, we emtiated (sic) one. SU 19 Warm. Went (on horse) to church at Snow Creek. took din at K1 there were about 12 h's + Riders there for din. Went to ch at 4 PM rode with Miss K'1. not a very proficiant (sic) Ld but rode a Splendid horse. Went into pulpit + opened meet'g. Found country hilly. MO 20. Warm. Went to Mr H's at noon found the Wenchester Arristocracy (sic) there had a fine time they invited me to come to See them, one Sch (T Burrows) got his collor (sic) bone broke by rassling Sent him home in cart Went up in evn + bandaged it

Pg. 56: TS 21 Clr. Ended School. Hoskins + Eckley being there I examined them. Did adopt the plan of having the Sch's correct each other in reading concluded it much better. Had the readers to pronounce the stops while one was read'g found that good. Had them to Speak in concert better than any Sch ever had. Beleive (sic) the practice of riting out Sentences to be good. Most of my Sch's were very Smart. had average number of 16 Gave them a few advices at close. WS 22 Cld'y Rode around to collect--did not get any. Th 23d Went to forge after din very mud getting home it having rained. FR 24 Cloudy. Packed up. went to Forge waited for a wagon but did not get my trunk in. Rode colt to church got stubborn put spurs to him + he soon went. Herd 3'n preach in even. SA 25 Cloudy. Got Eckl eys wagon + D'n1 to take me to Kd Spent afternoon in Stores. 4 Lds took spin (?) at my bdg place.

Pg. 57: SU 26 Showy Went to church with Mr H'd in buggy about 8 ms saw many horses. They preached in grove. Land rich somewhat hilly. Xi' worth i'P50 to 60 p acre i'10 27 Rainy. Began School in Kidd had 24 Schs did not get the classes arranged to suit me. was very cross to the larger Schollars. TS 28 Clr. Had 32 Schs got the casses (sic) arranged to Suit me find I have a noble Set of Schs, to Study. Prevented looking out. WS 29 Clr. Labored hard felt weary at night. Had a resitation (sic) in (?) fun (?) R's of Arithmetic try to urge my Schs to understand the first principles of their Studies which is essential to progression. Girked (sic) ale lad out of seat skared hole (sic) School. Th 30 Warm. Had to stop the girls from petting little Mary mize (sic). She had been crying every day since commenced

Pg. 58: has done well Since. Little N Hagart cryed to go to School on Ts (?) morning, her mother played the rod She went off + had not cryed to go since. No petting of chin FR 31 Warm. Have eradicated from Sch'1 all book that did not want but Some Arithmetics. M Mize did not cry any more today. Exersised in gutteral Sounds tickled children greatly. A Kid told me never knew what period was for. Said Mul'n table + characters of In' n.(?). Find Schs have a tendency to go (the word "go" is crossed out) begin too far on in Ar'k remedy this by asking them hard questions in first. SA Sept 1st. Studied all day. SU 2 Cl'r. Was in room all day Studied wrote letter. MO 3 Cloudy Think my schs are getting to cut too many pranks. (The following is written in a very irregular hand, not that: of J. Ayres. It has been crossed out and is nearly illegible.) TS 4 Got along very well WS 5 warm (7) with (?) had (?) a very bad cold TH 6 had (illegible)

Pg. 59: SA Got so Sick (The writing now returns to J Ayres normal hand.) TS 4 Got along about as usual in Sch. WS 5 Exercises as usual. Th 6 Got a letter in AM that told of death of Dr Freemen by Cholera--got sick in PM + had to dismiss School. FR 7 Clr. taught Sch all day but did not feel able. SA 8 Clr. Felt sick In morn, went to walk to Store in PM fell flat on the around and could not rise Mr Hag' d came + helped me to my room, got very bad. 2 odd fl's came in in (sic) even they concluded must have a P'sn. I told one to go to Mt Sterling + bring the most scienced Pin Eclectic so he brough (sic) one about midnight. I was very sick though I was to die.

Pg. 60: Severals were in he woked (sic) with a good whhile (sic) + went to bed. Examined me meat morning. visited me on monday ag him (sic) did not come back again got Dr H's to wait on me. SU 9 had a good many Lds in to see me my Scs still. kept coming in MO 10th Nelson was here. was quite flighty had watches at night TS 11 Still flighty have a Leave in head at night WAS 12 Still fl'y use much ice eat nothing but soup + such like. got Mrs Mize to make some mush want them to give it me but would n (sic) after all went out got up + went to Spilt a full glass of mik (sic) when getting to bed fell down + cut head

Pg. 61: Th 13 Continued about Same Still had many to come in. Still have feaver (sic) in eventg. FR 14 Not much change. SZ 15 Flightiness had left SU 16 Have to lie in bed all day. MO 17 Still confined to bed TS 18 Troubled with fever (sic) in hed (sic) in even WS 19th Several of the old gentlemen (all time) were very attentive Th 20 Have a great apetite. got nothing but sgr'l Soup +c FR 21 Made out to get down Stairs for meal SA 22 Still getting strength. Su 23 Got on a horse by the assistance of Hag + Broth rode a little MO 24 Rode in even TS 25 Rode to Mr Wrights got a drink of Iron water got a basket of apples WS 26 Went with Mr Jag's for

Pg. 62: peaches got many. Th 27 Went to Wrights in morn got a good drink of I'n watt. The caravan Started for Missouri came through Kid Eckley stopped to See me. told him to send a boy for me did not know when he could. Stayed up all day. FR 28 Stayed about house + Store all day. SA 29 I Eckley came after me went out SU 30 Stayed in house all day MO Oct 1 Was in hose (sic) most of time. TS 2 Smith + I went for Apples got 2 B at old Mr Saughlins as Shiney as ever knew. I walked a good piece for horses. WS 3 was in house till noon went to Calines told him if he did not sen$ $3 + .90 in advance ever mor (sic) he

Pg. 63: could not come any more Th 4 Remaned (sic) at home went to see I Curry would do nothing FR 5 Wet. Staid in all day Boys wanted to go to Win'r to Show did not go. SA 6 Car. Looked for Fisher. got order for Sch money I rode over River when very very high Farney paid me of SU 7 Clr. Came home with So (?) Din + Smith felt chilly in evening roasted feet MO 8 Took din at Mrs D's Got lot of apples at Esqr Adamses TS 9th Was in house all day WS 10 Took din at Mrs Mises. Th 11 Was at home all day. FR 12 Went to See Mrs Smith was used kindest kind of way stayed till Sat SA :L3 Went to temperance meeting got acquainted with R Fogg. Got Mrs S chair Mrs S came across the house

Pg. 64: to give me 2 large peaches. Went home in even doors locked up H's had left. Stayed at Mizes all night. SU 14 Took din and Sup


at Mrs Daniels Stayed all night Es r Adamses MO 15 Commenced School set on chair nearly all time. TS 16 Got along well talked Sharp to some of large Sc's. WS 17 Exercises in School as usual Th 18 Everything moved off (sic) smoothely (sic). FR 19 Examined Schs in Mu' In table not many know it all SA 20 Visited Mrs Joneses had fine'.time SU 21 Staid at home all day wet. MO 22 Had Sch as usual TS 23 Cold. Talked very sharp to E Hancely did good School pretty large. WS 24 Snow for 1st School as usual Th 25 Cld wind blew in at

Pg. 65: window. FR 26 Cid had exesises (sic) in Multiplication.

Had quarrel with Hancely about his charge consultitin (sic). SA 27 Clr talked to hancely (sic) again threatened to hit me I dared him SU 28 Clr Staid at home all day. MO 29 Cl.r had Sch as usual TS 30 Clr Corrected child for Stealing Gloves hard to make cry came at last. WS 31 Clr Had 3 In floor for taking Th Nov 1 Wet had Sch as usual FR 2 Wet Had Mr Kid to visit in evening exercised in Arithmetic + orthography SA 23 Studied in room all day SU 4 In room all day at Ph's NO 5 Started to writing Sch got a little weary tS (sic) 6 Wet act wr Sch +c. MS (sic) 7 At writing Sch learned Some. Th 8 Writing FR 9 Writing Sa 10th Studied forenoon got cold in room SU 11 Haggard was

Unnumbered page: 1855 away. Studied. all day + wrote to Crusson (?) MO 12 To Sch. ('Hr) (?) TS 13 Sch as usual teacher can't keep the girls from L + Taking WS 14 Sch (R) Miss C Daniel gave me an apple at reels practiced at night Had a wedding to town Miss Jone was married they wanted me to go but I did not go went to writing School. Th 15th At writing School. FR 16 Went to party at Mr Mizes had quite a Time. SA 17 Studied all day. SU 18 Studied. Mr H (?) went to Mt's MO 19 commenced Sch had good order TS 20 Schl as usual had good order. WS 21 Got glass in windows. Skared Mary Mize +c. Th 22 Had too much laughing, had one boy in floor. FR 23 Exercises in gutteral Sounds + Stops. SA 24 Laid hearth in room Studied in am SU 25 Studied all day took walk to precimen (sic) tree after din MO 26 Had some new Schollars. TS 26 Advised 1 Sch to Study Arth'c before book keeping. Let watch

Unnumbered page: fall on floor in even glass came out but it watch

went on WS 28 Got letter form Crusan told me of Sue Mourer running off with S Lewis. A terrible match. Took place on or about 16th of Nov. Talked Sharp to Miss J Kidd. Th 29 Was-not very cross at School. Studied at night FR 30 Exercised on vowels Wrote at night SA Dec 1st Studied all day got let from Smith. SU 2 Took din at Mrs Daniels write let to Mc'n MO 3 Was cross in School TS 4. Had about 40 Ses WS 5 Went to debate at night proved a failure. Th 6 Ox team passed with heifer in Schs laughed. 2 Lds at Mr H's all night. FR 7 Had compositions (good) Sang Geography in even SA 8 Got letter form artist. Rainy tonight has been pretty about 2 weeks

Pg. 66: 1855 Nov SU 9 Studied all day wrote a let to Nelson in even. MO 10 very cold Some Snow. had not best order in Sch'l 1 boy had Squirrel in pocket had discussion. with Jame on Universalism. TS 11 Coldest yet Schs a little unruly WS 12 Got warmer. Talked Sharp to 2 young men. Admited (sic) a baby to talk ( the words "to talk" have been crossed out) in Sch talked. Some Th 13 Wet Scolded much--joked much to Schs sang Geography find it interests them. FR 14 Sang geography in even SA 15 went to Forge Stopped at hunters


J e,,,

r r/~6~/~5s

all night SU 16 crossed on ferry. Mrs Dants Spoke about the boys talking to girls Smutty got. letters from Nelson + Hice. MO 17 Mrs Haggard cut a rumpus about her little girl. Wrote to Dr Arters Spoke to boys about talking found

Pg. 67: the girls were to blame TS 18 Went to Kidds in even WS 19 Took din at Kidds put Schs through in gram had debate in Sch house walked up + down with daught got let from Me. Th 20 Told my Schs would give them play Says (?) (pretty tether) got picture from S Jones. FR 21 Hauled young Weldon (?) into the floor for talking impudent. Told Miss J k (sic) as She touched my hand on the desk with pen knife She had better not try that game more than once more. SA 27 had Sch not very many present. Sang Geog--.. in even. find L Wright Learn: very fast in + after having Studied the principles. Was up town at night. SU 23 Studied all day began Phytn + Att Speeches Haggard went to Kidds. MO 24 Had School had joke with Poperts. Slight (?) of hand peril in town to night

pg. 68: Christmas Studied all day had no School till tion drinking egnaug (sic) in kidd WF 26 Too cold to Study 4 dgs belos Zero Th 27 Studied in AM was up in town in even talked on knownothingism

FR 28 Cold Went to braners (?) to debate gained question knownothingism Sa 29 was at R Kidds at party -Saw negros Sured (7) on block went high SU 30 Studied or wrote all day MO 31 Had Sch Hag sold his house +c end of year hard times TS Jan 1st 1856 Had school sang geo find it takes well (singing) WS 2nd Sch as usual. Th 3d Had some new Schs. FR 4 Sang Geog in even. SA 5 Studied Some heard man talk of giving Slave only 25 cuts +c SU 2 Had Esqr Adams in to See me. NO 7 Cold Anderson moved was cross at School up in town

Pg. 69: at night. TS 8 Very cold Took dinner at Andersons. In School called out boy for calling another nickname. WE 9th 2°below zero Was cross in School told young Ld ( UH) to shut mouth, made boy hold out hand with clover in it. asked Astronomy class what preceding lesson was about could not tell we had no debate. Th 10 Got sick in afternoon dismissed at 3 roasted feet at fire FR 11 James wanted to know differance between Squattr Sov'n + Preemption right SA 12 In room pretty near all day (writing). SU 13 Wrote letters to Cru'th, Mc, Godfry +c, Arters and Thomson all dated in mistak (sic) 14th. MO 14 cold. Put boys finger under splinter he cried. TS 15 Jirked boy into floor for talking time of Prayer WE 16 Talked much to Schollars. Got letter inviting us to go and defend Know'm. Threw boy in floor very surly broke ruler over him studied at night. Th

17 Talked to Dr H'n had larg (sic) School. Fr 18 Had visitors went to debate had many debaters. beat in arguing, got decision against us . su b j Know' m. Had a time with K Tall (?) +c.

Pg. 70: SA 19 Slept in A37. got let from Thomson +c SU 20 Snowy.

In room all day room caught fire in evening did not do much harm. MO 21 Had Large School. TS '22 Was not very cross. WE 23 Not very well put 11~H in floor forgot her She stood till thought of her. Th 24 Did not Scold but little. At night wrote letter to Ker Tall (not sent yet) FR 25 Had some visitors. was Sick in even SA 26 Studied Some + went up town SU 27 Rainy appearance of Snow leaving. the longest Spell

of Snow that has bee (sic) known in K for many years over 5 weeks. there are many Sleighs here or rather mitations (?) no bells. MO 28 Had large School. rather unruly. TS 29 Had 2 boys in floor made one read out-till comenced (sic) crying Sun- some find it a good exercise for it


Pg. 71: interests children very much vS 30 Cold had several young men in floor, boys got on Pruds (?) Sleigh when passing studied Some at night Th 31 Had many Scholars (sic) went to wedding in over at Hags FR Feb 1st Had about 30 visitors had Several Speeches +c. Went to Fastons at night debated some (the word "some,, is crossed out) a Subject Females + Money. SA 2 Sent a challenge to Col Fall (?). (Got board from A nders) (Bet K tried to runoff) Many Sleighs in town SU 3 Very cold could not stay in room all day. M04 Cold had School as usual TS 5th Did not Study at night for cold made 3 Ses swallow piece of apple WS 6 Got very cross was very near ordering a fellow out (RK) for coughing in an impudent kind of a way (heard Sh was elected in Congress)(B) Th 6 Rainy--Put Some 3d reader boys in 1st reader to See if they could read there. Wrote Some on Phy at night FR 7 Had Some visitors--but few compositions + many Speeches. Went to Etns to debate Subject Secession. SA 8 Studied Some got letter from Br odd-fellows. SU 9 Went

Pg. 72: to church heard Raport preach + house crowded, first time have bee (sic) at church for about 6 months. Settled with Hag1d he eras very fair hence settled on good terms. MO 11 Rainey (sic) Snow going away fast Studied night TS 12 Cold Went to Kidds in even found Lds there talked to Kidd till 11 de. Made JH + DIf-Shake hands for fighting JH Said he would go home girked him into floor told him he would not go till Sch was dismissed. WS 13 Snow fell. Was at Daniels all night Put to vote to have exhibition carried. Th 14 Made boy eat corn bread in floor for eating biscuit time of books. Studied at night FR 15 Had Some visitors Some Speeches + Sang Some Sch came in at night. SA 16 Had great times in office getting valentine Saw Some men drunk in even SU 17 Boys of Sch were in 3 of them wrote dialoge (sic ?) all day + Studied MO 18 Very icy Hancely was rigged by Haddan. TS 19 Had

Pg. 73: meeting to prepare for exhibition Boys did right well. Had music by (?) Danl James + Jones MS (sic) 20 Got valentine + let the let from AT Telling me to come on to lectures +. Th 21 Had meet at night to practice--a pretty good performance. Esqr A got in by being Smt (?) FR 22 Had Some visitors one Ld dictated to me had a notion to insult her but treated her kindly--wrote (sic) out on Mr A,s gallent Steed in even. SA 23 Snow is about gone Went to break a cold for Hulet (?) got thrown on my nose +c. got check from AA to my SU 24 Was in house all day Hag + wife came MO 25 Had School as usual TS 26 Had meeting at night. had a clown J Elliott. Paid Tipton in his own coin for talking Saucy Some Gents fooled door keep + got in WS 27 Very wet Sch small Th 28 Had meeting at night. Came + went with Miss F Kidd (rather wild). FR 29 Had Some visitors. SA March 1st Rainy--Studied. SU 2 went to chr

Pg. 74: Saw Miss Risk +c. MO 3 Had meeting at night TS 4 School

as usual put R Thomas out for fighting WS 5 Ehibition (sic) came off. Had good performance J Ellott (sic) was clown, church was crowded. Th 6 Went down to fix church. FR 7 collected Some SA 8 Proposed to trustees to teach for X32 per month SU 9 Went to Kidds in even MO 10 Was to Ans farm Stopped at church visited Sch TS 11 Went to Forge Staid at Ecks WS 12 collected about J25 of Sch money Staid. at J (?) F Hunters (Hanters ?) Th 13 Went to mouth of Red River went to Kds in evening FR 14 Went to Shulsvill (sic)--called to See Miss Risk--got acquainted with M Eckland think her a fine Ld (widow about


19 yrs old 3A 15 Rode in AM to Liggs SU 16 At room all day MO 17 Presented new article to Kidd. got 10 Sch 1st day Hancely refused to Sign is trying to get M Ridgway to teach in church. TS 18 Was in

town all day WS 19 In town Th 20 Went to Goffs Goods came to town +c

Pg. 75: FR 21st Went to Levee got acquainted with Miss Black fine

Ld SA 22 Came home--was at Eliotts in town +c SU 23 Studied all day Mr Shirley was in to See me MO 24 Studied AM Saw Wright in afternoon Miss Ridgway began School Anderson sold two negroes one 17 ..other 14 one thousand apiece. TS 25 Studied in forenoon was in town in Pm WS 26 Was in company with 3 fine young Lds pulled candy at night TS (sic) 27 Broke colt for Anderson very cold + snowy. FR 28 Hancely talked of giving chloriform (sic) internally and pinch

for Surgkl (sic) operations. SA 29 Many in town had dance, rode colt. have touch of cold Saw Assessor, did not catch me SU 30 Had church in town MO 31st Began School not very large, had not much trouble having taught before TS Apr 1st Pretty weather Miss Risk tried to fool me but

Pg. 76: come it Scolded Some in School have to laugh at little Tuckers WS 2 Met Assessor took my name Learned a lesson. TH 3 Did not Scold much in School FR 4 Rode colt exercises in School as usual SA 5 Went to M Andersons made bargain to teach for ,$35 per month, rode till 9 oc at night. SU 6 Went to Bethleham to church Saw many fine Lds. MO 7 Not many at Sch took Supper at Kidds TS 8 Spoke of new book School Hear frogs (A very pretty Summer day) took great pains to explain Grammar +c to Schs. WS 9 Spok (sic) to Sessor (sic) talked to Pruit plain Th 10 School as usual FR 11 Went to Risks in even SA 12 Came home in morn Went to Kidds in even rained at at (sic) night SU 13 Went to Eplosus (?) Took dinner at Dreko,s (?) MO 14 People talks of Planting corn mad (sic) boys eat crumbs of bread TS 15 Concluded not to

Pg. 77: go to Andersons (a bad arrangement) WS 16 Sent let to anderson (sic) + Fish was at Kidds in even. Th 17 Schs appear to be doing well in gram +c FR 18 Colt is lame Sch as usual. SA 19 Went to Andersons told them could not come to teach Sch. will not be cought (sic) in Such a Snap (?) agan (sic) . Beb Prist (?) fooled Hanceford about fish. SU 20 Studied hard all day. MO 21 Was midling cross quite cool Many persons have planted corn here at Kidd'l TS 22 Wrode colt through town Hancely said was stifled. Put Scholar in old chair for not learning lesson. WS 23 Anderson fooled J Fliott in horse--find it a good plan to make Small childred hear (?) one another Th 24 Pretty weather pretty cross in School made S Jones cry at board FR 25 Took Supper at Mr Mizes SA 26 Resolved to give up

Pg. 78: medicine and Study law. Many persons in town in evening--went

to Mr Goffs SU 27 Was all night at Goffs. went to Levee + Hag's got din a L H's was not at home went to church in Kiddville in even MO

28 Was not cross in School went to eastons (sic) in even got vol 1st of Blackstones (Chitty) comments commenced reading in evening TS 29 Rainy Andersons child (Negro) died in evening. Lost by ignorance or neglect "of -quack 'Hancely. WS 20 Got let from Thomson find much quarrelling at Eclectic Inst Can (?) Andersons Negro was buried in good coffin + Shrouding Th May 1 Talked to girls pretty Sharp Welkinson was in to See negro Being afraid that Law cannot be followed honestly I have concluded to Stick to Medicine

Pg. 79: FR May 2ond Was at H Kidds took: Supper exercised Schs on letters + Stops SA 3 Got colt Shawed (sic) Studied med pretty hard got tooth plugged in even do not think Hanceford a-•good dentist. SU

4 Went to church at Beth=m. quite crowd there heard pretty good Sermon Saw widow Eckton. Saw 2 negroes immersed in evening. MO 5 Rainy SChool (sic) Is increasing. man Stabbed In Mt Sterling. TS 6th Rainy Was cross, told (at noon) Bob Pruct (?) that: if he came to School

and did not act the Gentleman I would insult him WS 7th Rode to Eastons in evening Th 8 quite cold SS Jumped 31 ft at 3 Jumps FR 9 Wrote letters to Smith + Thomson SA 10 Studied all day SU 11 Studied hard rode colt in even MO 12 Rode in even School is increasing TS 13 Andersons Negro died. Rod (sic) wild

Pg. 80: Horse in even. WS 14 Got pretty near out of humor in School Th 15 Went to Kidds in evening FR 16 Went to the old fields to see Calmles (?) SA 17 Studied all day SU 18 Rainy Studied all day MO 19 Had Sch as usual man was teaching inst in town I bothered him Scott Wald went home at noon becaus (sic) I threw out at door TS 20 Went to kidds (sic) in even SW came back 'to School WS 21 Was cross

in School Scolded F Kidd Got news from Cin Th 22 Was cross in School. went bathing in evening FR 23 Hans (?) children were at School in even Sung at close of School SA 24 Studied In aM (sic) Went to Smiths in even SU 25 Went to Lullbegruc{ (?) + Grs to church rode with Miss Wills. MO 26 Was at kidds in even

Pg. 81: From Book 2ond (The words "From Book 2ond" are crossed out)

1856 Dailey Record May (The word "May" is crossed out) TS 27 Talked pretty hard to Hancely about Spider pill WS 28 Let girls go down to Providence in even, was pretty cross in School Th 29 Set girl on Stove Miss Wgh't Sent her purest love to me Brumer quarreled in town in even about Shoemaker FR 30 Made boys Study lesson in Arth while rect'g Went to Risks in even egaged (sic) her company for Sunday SA 31 At home all day heard Some good Singing in even by Miss Campers.

SU June 1 Went to Risk in morning took Sue to church + to dipping thence home Miner Hd was along going home MO 2 Went to Kidds in even had

Pg. 82: quite times in parlor with Lds TS 3 Very warm WS 4 Rain great need was cross in School. made FK put down Window right quick Th 5 School as usual very cross FR 6 Had 2 visitors in even told them to write compositions for friday coming SA 7 Went to C Guis thence to forge was at meeting in even at Griffeths SU 8 Heard Sermon in forenoon took din at Hunters got acquainted with Some of Staunter (?) aristocracy had quite a time came hone in even after hearing Landreth preach heard S Hicle remarked I was; too polite when in company with Miss Risk

Pg. 83: MO 9 Had School as usual TS 10 Was not very cross`in school man was taken to penitentiery (sic) tied on horse put Wm Br in floor for talking foolishly to another boy. Set WS 11 Punished Wm B J Snow'n Severely for Swiming -Brook told me to be tight on his boys. James + Hanc eford fell out about f iditic s (?). was at Kidds in evening Th 12 Boys killed old hen took eggs out of nest, had picknick at Thomsons got acquainted with Luclt Anderson walked with J Fliott in even FR 13 Let out school at 2 oc heard R Henderson speak on politics. Came out on Cath's Squat'r Sovereignty +c. Had quite time with Lds in even Had Farney (?) + "Hunter tok (sic) din


Pg. 84: quite a time in the parlor with the Ladies (the words "quite

a time in the parlor with the Ladies" have been crossed out) SA 14 Went to -Risks in even Talked to Sue in parlor C (?) young came in before I left also 9 (?) Lds went in even to W Thomsons SU 15 Rode to Ephesus gallanted Miss Mathers (from Massach' s) talked to Mrs Eckton walked with Miss R Risk went in even to W Thomsons + returned home, was great crowd at church suppose a thousand did not hear much preaching the house being full of Lds. Many negroes were there saw some dressed from ( the word "from" is crossed out) in fine Silk. MO 16 School as usual. TS 17 Hancelys Miss coaxed C Danl away from School took ride in even. WS 18 Talked plain to

Pg. 85: to Miss Kds +c had good order rode out and got mull-bs in

even. Th 19 Daniel asked pardon for his girl going down to the church

F 20 Had Seveal (sic) visitors to School had compositions Dec + Singing. Went in company with Mrs Anderson Eliott Hicle + Martin to Eastons and bathed +c SA 21 Went to Mr Rights with Miss Mather in buggy also rode with Mrs- Thomson went to dance in evening with Mrs T + Miss M eat Supper at Mr Kidds. SU 22ond Went to Lulbegrud heard 2 sermons (but not much) talked to Miss Mather in even MO 23 Had S Reyborn at School

Pg. 86: TS 24 Been dry for long time had rain to day. Labored hard in School. S Rayborn (sic) came to Sch with basket of candy +c WS 25 Rain. Th 26 Rain Wm Thomson wanted me to go home with him. F (sic) 27 Rain Had Some visitors have Some very rude grls (sic) and very attentive boy SA 28 Went to B Andersons in even heard many banters on the election some of whom I think could not tell how many States are in the Union SU 29 Went to Log libk heard old School baptist talked much about his doctrin (sic) foreordination +c--a very trashy Sermon was at Eastons Saw Mr Jones having

Pg. 87: factory girl in buggy with he + wife Shows not much distinction with respect to laboring class hardly as much as where Slavery does not exist. MO 30 Had Sch Report got out about young Dec't taking taking (sic) up corpse of woman but is Said to be false TS July 1st Miss S Risk was in town think something of getting up an exhibition WS 2 School as usual Th 3 Concluded to dismiss School for one week. FR 4 Went in morn to Adamses engaged Miss Wailaces company with her when (?) I went 1 oc Pm. to Eastons great crowd or mass meeting 2PM a fight great many drunk resumed dancing about 2-1 PM ended about 52 PM. Talked through the day to Miss Right

Pg. 88: Kidd Jordon Mr Eckton Hodgiken + others found Some fellows

a little Jelous (sic) of me as I was with the prettiest Ldy there Saw my Ld home went at night to Jordons got acquainted with Miss Hart. SA 5 Went to Jordons in morning walked down street with Miss Heart (sic) + Jordon Went to Sprinces (?) in even talked to Lds considerable two fellows tried to run me of the track from talking to Miss wallace (sic) but found it was not so easy done. Spent the evening in company with Miss Campers SU 6 Went to Bethleham in company with Miss Camper Returned home got din + went bac (sic) heard 2 good Sermons went to Springs in even MO 7 Was at Kidds in

Pg. 89: even at Esqr Adamses at night got introduction to Miss Mape,S (Masse,S ?). TS 8 Started for Welches with Anderson took din at Eckleys landed in even at Web's WS 9 Not faring very well at Mr W we started for home at noon got nome about dark. ( had nothing for din

but bacon + Peas bread + molasses) Found there had been much company at And's Th 10 Read Some of Clays history talked to Miss Masse. FR 11 Went to Lulbegrud church to examination near 1000 people there examined + had speeches not very interesting had good music at night had Dialogues +c I made a speech on The Old Hat got acquainted with Miss Sudduth

Pg. 90: SA 12 Went to Levee was in town in afternoon SU 13 Went

to Ephesus--got din at Mr Foxes called to See Mrs Eckton MO 14 Resumed School again was pretty cross TS 15 Mrs Ecton (sic) Was at Andersons. WS 16 warm Th 86 Went to Fastons in even to get acquainted with Miss Goff. sot introduction to Miss Goff (worth about 75 thousand) 2 Miss Says + another one. S Martin + Moorhead were conversing about dogs +c Th 17 School as usual did not go to Eastons for fear those Lds would think I was bad about them FR 18 Had compositions in evening SA 19 Studied in forenoon (cool) went to Kidds in even.

Pg. 91: SU 20 Studied all day M0 21 Has been dry for some time need rain heard oz (?) Kidd was crasy TS 22 Nothing of importance WS 23 Miss Francis Hart sent me her compliments by Miss Tolen (very dry) got let from Cleaveland have formed new faculty Lawsuit not decided yet. Thomson in Cin yet. Th 24 Had preaching in even at Schhouse rR 25 Woman called in to See about rings that boy had taken John Goff struck S Rayborn with fork on head S Stewart dressed the wound. Mr A remarked to me such thing were hardly recognised in law the motto is take revenge--not good Had barbecue at wares 2 or 3 fights +c +c

Pg. 92: Heard Miss Smith was in family way by free negroe. SA 26

Went to Mr T Sudduths--Wife + daught came home in evening. SU 27

H Miss S play on Piano Went to Goshion took din at Barrows was with Sue risk (sic) MO 28 Had large Sch J Eliout Got mad + Jumped at me Some men got at him + held him find argueing Politics poor thing.

TS 29 Went to Mizes in even had fine time WS 30 Rain first time for quite a time (the word "time" is crossed out) while. S Rayborn + J Goff met + compromised Sch very large Th 31 Went to Kidds in even Spoke about getting Blm church for exhibition Andersons colt died was mad FR Aug 1st Rain had

Pg. 93: Speeches in even SA 2 Heard 2 Speeches Turner Amk'th (good) Dem (not good) SU 3 Went to Bethlehem (sic) heard Asbl talked of his raising Said his Path whipped him because he looked as though he would Steal. boy came to Join had to consult about him Went to Eastons in even no person there from there went to Shulkes about 100 there MO 4 Had no Sch Election in town many persons in Good order all day Studied Some + was in town Some TS 5 Went to Eastons in evening went home with Miss Wright WS 6 Got let from Gould Th 7 Spoke of Exhibition in Sch--Saw Miss Daniel in even FR 8 Had School SA 9 A.t home all day SU 10 In Room Studying (sic) went

Pg. 94: to Spring in even MO 11 Have very sore mouth gave lecture in even to Sch about getting two (sic) many pieces TS 12 Practiced Schs at night Rainy WS 13 Had Sch, as usual Th 14 Went with Mrs Huls in even to Goffs gate. FR 15 Had some of the Speeches in even Practiced at night SA 16th Went to John Andersons found him well posted had quite a time talking to him we could not agree. SU 17 Left JA about 2P.m. Saw when come home a circular against J Ellott



MO 18 Rainy all day Had Mr Stewart to pull tooth studied at night TS 19th Had meeting at night house full Miss Wallace was there performed pretty well. WS 20th School as usual was at Kidds

Pg. 95: in even. Th 21st Had meeting at night--music--house full-performed well. FR 22ond There. was Baptizing near Kiddville about 45 Some Schs went. SA 23 Went'to Springs in even put up notice. SU 24 Rain. Was at church in even hear Mr Black MO 25th Had meeting at night Schs practiced (was invited to Miss Hedges Wedding) TS 26 Last day of School did not examine any WS 27 Went to fix church in AM Had exhibition at night about eight hundred persons present (at Bethlehem) Anderson acted as clown had fine time Th 28 Went back to church to fix things FR 29 Collected Some SA 30 Collected Miss Cam's came

Pg. 96: SU 31 Went to church at Bet'lm heard good preaching Went

at night with Miss F (?) Camper MO Sept 1st Went to Hulses in even + to church at night TS 2 In town all day WS 3 Went to church at B at night, about 16 went forward (about 52 altogether) Th 4 Went to Picnic Heard Garset Davis of Bourbon + others. Had the stand fixed very nicely Ladies marched in from tents 16 from north 15 from South met on Stand one Spoke Some then formed chain +c (Had quite a Basket dinner) Oz Kidd got up to speak Rained in even, went to church at

B in evening FR 5 At home SA 6 Rain Went to Goff s with friend Eckley. SU 7 Rain--Read H.Clay MO 8 Went to Forge took din at Farneys-was all night at

Pg. 97: Eckleys TS 9 Went with Miss Eckley to Jackson chapel had quite a meeting Stopped at Eckleys WS 10 Went to Levee in even was

all night at Smiths talked to Mr + Mrs Cockeral Th 11 Went to Haggards for din Was at Kidds all night FR 12 Went to Wrights in morning to See about L going to Cin Was all night at Mrs Hulses. SA 13 Went in morn to Dr Nogs Went with Mrs Ecton to Ephesus Had qute (sic) an examination I was appointed with 2 others to judge 3 reader classes 2 out of the three Classes were to have a prize--they Sung very well. Was called to give them a Speech in even gave them a declamation (The Whiskers) being weriod (sic) did not Speak it very well--was applauded-went home

Pg. 98: in even with Mrs E was all night at Will Thomsons SU 14 At home through the day all night at Rights MO 15 Packed up trunk Sent it to Mr Wrights Stopped at Goffs all night TS 16 Talked to Mrs Goff. Told me about raising her boys Tom buying; Calvs (sic) first time-trading horses (John) also wanting race horse from grand father J+ T going to race when boys. John throwing rock at boy Started In even with LW to Cincinnati Stayed all night at Wilsons. WS 17 Took Stage at Mt Sterling Land rates from there to Paris from 60 to 70 Q"~ per acre Stopped for din at Paris Started f Covington 31 PM passed through Counties of Harison Pendleton

Pg. 99: Kenton followed Stoner a considerable distance crossed licking landed at Cov'n at 72 PM Rode in Buss (sic ?) to Farlow house in Cin Th 18 Got board at Mrs Donaldsons took room at Prof C's office. FR 19 Walked some Studied part of the time SA 20 Studied most of the day. SU 21 Went to church in Western Row As! PM Went to 9th St ch at 8 (?) at night on 7th St MO 22 Studied hard all day (sold) TS 23 Studied had fire in office WS 24 Studied got tooth plugged Th 25 Was in office all day saw 3 Busses go by filled with children. FR 26

Studied all day SA 27 Talked much with Dr C.

Pg. 100: walked out with L Wright at night SU 28 Went to Class meeting on 9th St for first time in about twenty months--went to church at night MO 29 Studied all day TS 30 Fox came from Winchester (?) Ky new (sic ?) me WS Oct 1 Snow. in morning Lectures commenced Th 2 Sent letters to Wright + Miss FK Received one from McConnell. FR 3 Up 41 AM SA 4 Went to Commercial Hospital heard Several diseases described + saw one surgical operation. SU 5 Went to church on 9th St heard Mr Clark preach--was fine Sermon text 57 Psalm 6th v. Went

to Protestant Episcopal Church at night. I.-To 6 Heard lecture in College building TS 7 Injunction came out against Newton +c

Pg. 101: the Freemonters had great torch light procession about 10 thousand marched. WS 8 Went to Hospital in AM heard Some lecturing +c O.EN Struck Sherwood Th 9 Lectures as usual OEN Struck Sh +c FR 10 Went round to 6th St to hunt (?) board for young man. SA 10 Democrats had torch light procession at night one man got Killed. SU 11 Went to church in morn to 9th St heard Clark went at night to Universalist ch MO 13 (sic) Torch light procession at night for Fillmore a grand thing Larger than those for Buchanan or Freemont-. Splendid

Pg. 102: transparencies Orderly marching. rainy. at night TS 14

Went in Pm to See a dog experimented on by Stricnia + chloroform +c quite cool WS 15 Was at clinic in morning at college hail after din Th 16 Attended lectures. FR 17 Heard 2 lectures. SA 18 Went to clinic Saw two very important operations. SU 19 Went to church In am on 7th St to Sunday Sch in PM on 9th St MO 20 Regular lectures commence. Was at court in PM to hear trial about Eclectic Inst Prof How arrived had lectures at night by Prof B. Miss Mary Lewis was in office--very pretty + amiable

Pg. 103: TS 21 Was at court all afternoon during trial WS 22 Went

to clinic in AM heard lectures in Pm Th 23 Had lectures as usual.

FR 24 Went to Ohio college at night SA 25 Decision was given in court against Buchanan +c with respect to E Institute. SU 26 At home all day iMO 27 Had meeting at night (of faculty) + class resolved on new name for college The E C of N TS 28 Had many jokes at night also meeting of Students at hall to pass resolution's did not do any think WS 29 Went to clinic in morn Saw team run away throw driver in road Th 30 Attended lectures as usual FR 31 Was at lectures

Pg. 104: transparencies orderly marching--raining pretty hard (The words "transparencies...hard" have been crossed out) Dr Howe (sic) + others were in office at night SA Nov 1st At hospital in morn at book auction at night SU 2ond Heard debate on cor of 5th + vine between Minister + Dr (infidel) MO 3d Great mass meeting on 5th St maket (sic) TS 4 Went to college as usual--election-day WS 5 Was

at hospital. Th 6 Election returns are coming in favorable for 3uchanan FR 7 Cool At college as usual. SA. 8 Rainy at night Saw Several interesting operations in hospital SU 9 Went to class meeting in morn

Pg. 105: at 11 o,c hear R.S.Stores of Brooclyn (sic) N,y text Job 27-23 heard him (hime ?) at night in 1st orthodox Congregational ch MO 10 Cool fire in evening Hoyt began lecturing TS 11 At college as usual. WS 12 Went to Clinic in a,m At School meeting at night in Mechanics Institute Th 13 Nothing of importance FR 14 Went to Mason + Nixeon 5


hall to Freemont meeitn heard Gov Chase, Probasco, Smith Hull of Ind Hassaurck (Dutchman) +c. Great enthusiasm prevailed. SA 15 Saw T Goff Went in morn to clinic in even to Smith + Nixson hall heard HW Beacher Subject The ?eautiful Fntrace (sic ?) floor broke in confusion about 3000. SU 16 Went to

Pg. 106: church on 7th St in am in 1st 0,C,C heard EWB Text 1st Peter 5-7 house was crowded Went at night--Text Romans 12 house more crowded than ever one woman fainted. MO 17 At lectures. had quite a joke in even from King about Frenchman TS 18th Affairs as usual WS 19th At clinic in AN Th 20 Fast day many stores shut up FR 21 At college talked with Thomson in his room SA 22ond Went to clinic from there to court house to hear N tried for malpractice. SU 23 In office all day at night went to hear Swedenborger preach. MO 24 Heard Jachos (?)

Pg. 107: lecture in Smith + Nixons (sic) hall. Talked to Dr C in even about leaving. TS 25 Took trunk to Dr Thomsons room at dissecting (sic) room at night WS 26 At Clinic in a,m. Th 27 quit boarding at Donaldsons FR 28 Had questions answered that were asked to Prof's. SA 29 At clinic nothing of very great importance SU 30 In room all day. MO Dec is (sic) At college as usual Hoyt collected gas in amphitheater Buchanan TS 2 At college as usual.'-WS 3 At Clinic Th 4 Cold--River up Some coal coming down from 60 cts. FR 5 Nothing unusual SA 6 At Hospital. SU 7 In room in am, P,m went to hear Hines

Pg. 108: lecture on land reform improvement of the races +c very good. did not get to church at night till 8 oc Thomson + I studied till that time forgetting our selves. MO 8,th (sic) Some of class went to Hos'l to See amputation was not performed, 'the patients had been brought from above cin, were hurt by blowing up of steam boat. TS 9 Had meeting in even to adopt resolutions with respect to coffee,s death, Dr Peterman moved they would be reed, he being one of the committe (sic). WS 10 Two reserrectionests (sic) were taken by police while taking_ Subject into our dissection room Th 11 Had much sport--with Dr King I talked to him after dismissing about an error in riging, said it

Pg. 109: was only joke + did not matter (the word "matter" has been crossed out) make any difference. Bid good-by to L Wright. FR 12 Was in cleaveland,s (sic) office in even had introduction to Miss— Studied at nigh (sic) river i s raising. SA 9.3 At Clinic, Saw postmortem, rainy in even SU 14 Cold, in room all day composing + writing Mo 15 At C, as usual TS 16 Cold Had debate at night WS 17 A Clinic. Th 18 At C as usual. FR 19 Rain Studied at compostion in even SA 20 At Clinic in a,m. SU 21 Very cold Studied in Am, went to Sundy (sic) Sch in P,m on 9th St at Same place at night have revival. MO 22 Very cold at lectures, had Some Sport 'with King

pg. 110: TS 23 Cold at college was at debate in even. WS 24 Sherwood read charter of college great cheering. Th 25 Christmas, Studied all day FR 26 Studied on thesis till 4 oclock in even went to See fire on Sychamore Street. SA 27 Studied all day at thesis, saw man thrown off horse his horse being struck by running off (the words "running off" have been crossed out) hors (sic) that was running away. Rainy. SU 28 Studied am at church in even MO 29th At College heard Some (the word "Some" has been crossed out) talk about electing Some Student for valadictorian, was asked what I would take + deliver it.

TS 30 Recd letter form S Stewart, lost key of trunk

Pg. 111: In morn, went to hear Burret in even Subject Slavery. WS 31st Snow in even, hear Sleigh bells for first time this year, heard Thomas of Covington deliver lecture to class on Yellow fever he has been to Norfolk Vir. Th Jan 1st.13 7 Had lectures all day or until 3 0.0 FR 2 Cold, Slippy (sic), people walk out on Street SA 3 At Clinic In morn. SU 4 At church in morn at Moris chapel, at Sundy

Sch on 9th St in even, talked with Stunts (?) of Meadville Pa, at ch on 7th St at night MO 5th At College all day, caught cold In amphitheatre, feel drowsy

Pg. 112: TS 6th At College as usual. WS 7 At Clinic in am, Th 8

River frozen across, can walk on it in Pm Tate was elected valedictorian FR 9 Held election (The word "election't has been crossed out) meeting in even in class, elected Tate as valedictorian (The words elected ... valedictorian" have been crossed out), to appoint a committee to get room for commencement. Dissected at night. SA 10 At Clinic in am, at night heard Buc- in hall (crowded), on relation of brain to Mcl'n (?) motion SU 11 Transcribed Thesis, at church on 9th St in PM, 7o,c,. MO 12 Cold, had lectures 10 Ladies present, dissected at night. Bought Skelleton of Thomson TS 13 At College as usual TdS 14 At Clinic in am Cleaveland sent

Pg. 113: me word in even I worte the best prescription that was written in the class. Th 15 Wrote let to S Steward +c. FR 16 At College got letter from McConnell SA 17 At hospital, heard Buchanan at nigh (sic) or. cerebellum. SU 18 Very cold., in room all day, writing thesis most of time MO 19 At college as usual TS 20 Dissected at night WS 21 At clinic in morn finished dissecting at night Hoyt gave his farewell address in evening. Th 22 Coldest day at College all day FR 23 At C. SA 24 At Clinic, H apologized to

Unnumbered page: me SU 25 In room all day finished thesis, hired

man to carry up coal. MO 26 At Col as usual rainy TS 27 Rainy, got let's from Stewart + Wright, heard Kost lecture on calomel at night WS 28 At Clinic in a.m, at Curtises School Th 29 At Col all day Sherwood examined the class FR 30 Went to Newtons commencement in

even snowing at nigh SA 31 At Clinic in morn, heard Thomson at night, on Homocopathy, SU Feb 1st at church in even + at night heard a lecture on Womens home missionary. MO 2ond King examined the class TS 3d The class was examined by Stow Cleveland + Buchanan. WS 4 Was not clinic, was writing

Unnumbered page: out answers to Buchanans questions. Th 5th Had commencement in evening, recieved the degree of M,D, had splendid Speech from Prof Allen, Prof in Bacons Mercantile College. FR 6th Visited book Stores. SA 7th Did not Study much SU 8 At church on 9th St. 1,40 9 Went to Reading in P',M. made bargain with Dr Thomson for his office affairs. TS 10 Very cold Returned to the city, had to ride out Side the omnibus which caused chilling sensations to enter the very utmost extremities of my toes. WS 11th Preparing to leave. Th 12th Left for Reading

Pg. 114: at 2 o clock, had hard work to get my trunk and box on

bus, landed at reading (sic) in evening made arrangement with Dr Thomson for his office. FR 13th Studied all day, made an arrangement

with Mr McClelland for the use of his horse when I want it. SA 14th Begin to feel a little gloomy, while in a State of gloominess a little girl and boy came in and bought 10 cts worth of medicine, this cheered me up considerably. SU 15 At Lockland at church find a very nice Methodist church

Pg. 115: gave first dose or doses of med in even to stage driver at tavern. MO 16th Studied all day TS 17 Arranging medicines WS 18 Had call by Gent for G arranging bottles in even at night was called to lower part tow (sic) to See german, found him have Delirium Tremans, Th 19 Called in morn to See german found him no better gave medicines, called in even found him much better at Prayer meeting in even at Father Blaskinans (?) had Mr Faw call in office

Pg. 116: cured with stimulants FR 20th Called to See patient in

morn found his bowels moved and he in a convalescent State, discharged him. Sa 21 Rainy in office arranging medicines. SU 22 At Lockland 3 times in day to hear Sermons and Attend class heard young man preach at night whose reasoning was good, got acquainted with preacher + Several members. Thomsons Sister was laid in vault. Mrs Day informed me young Lds were inquiring after me.

Pg. 117: MO 23 Saw crone was no better TS 24 Went to lockland (sic) talked to odd fellows WS 25 In office all day Th 26 At Prayer meeting at night FR 27th Studied hard all day woman at tavern bought med to give to child thought myself in a penny mite country SA 28 In office SU Mar 1st at church (Presb-) in a.m., P.M. at class Snowing very cold at night MO 2 got acquainted with Mr Thornhill. TS 3 Was called to see Mr Myers dis D.T. prescribed for Mrs Baldwins child

Pg. 118: WS 4 Attended Myers Dr Wright came + proposed medicines

I quit giving medicines but still obliged him in cases of mecessit.y. Th 5 Went to town heare King lecture in a.m. was busy attending to business all afternoon FR 6 Came home on buss. SA 7th Called to see Myers, made a call at Mrs Jacksons introduced myself, invited me to call again. SU 8 Called on Dr Snyzer in Sharon, went up in buggy with Dr Thomson, was at church, also joined church at night in Lockland Rev Ellsworth lectured the congregation about Supporting me ( was called up at night to See myers)

Pg. 119: SEE BOOK 3 (The words "SE BOOK 3" have been crossed out).

This volume of the diaries of J. Ayres, M.D. ends here.

J. Ayres, M.D. Daily Record 1857-1858

Pg. 121: •Iar. 1357, Mo 9th. Attend Ayers, better. Put Mrs. Turner under influence of chloroform, extracted 3 teeth broke one off bein_~very thin, influence went off very nicely, in even jaws very painful, was called in found cold soothing in the part (past ?) very fast relieved her in about half an hour. TS 10th. Find Mrs Turner doing well also, Mr. Myers,called in even to see Miss Lizzy Jackson, found her very pleasant company, had her play about 10 tunes on pianoforte, it done my

Pg. 122: soul good, was lighted by Miss Lizzy to the door + took my departure. WS 11th. Discharged Myers cured. TH 12th. At prayer meeting in even. F 13th.Studied hard all day. SA 12th. Undertook to extract a tooth for a gentleman or fop, when began to draw he yielded his head threw up his armes, left in a passion spoke of nocking me down Told him he had better come back + try that, he then shut his mouth + left. SU 15. At class In even, at Pres church in, A, M, in even at Lockland.

Pg 123: MO 16. Composed lecture for att (?) all day, called to see t'iss Mc Clelland find her have fellon in thumb. TS 17. Called In morn to see Miss McClelland rode out to Mr Pneumans, Saw his wife

will be confined soon, had Mrs Clark a very nice woman to call, diseas

rysisselas, lanced Miss Mc C Thumb. WS 18 Went Mr Logans -to party in evening, got horse+ buggy took Miss Thomson, had quite a fine time, 3 Drs, 1 young lawyer + 2 very nice Farmers were the sum of the male department. A number of fine young Lds were there

Pg 124: Consulted with Dr Bodman on Irish womans case I gave her into his hand, he will try and shave her into poor house. Th 19 Was in to see Miss Jackson, was called out by Mr Clark. FR 20 vent in even to Mr Pneumans to attend wife, confined, in about 4 hours child was born + me on my way home, had to almost tell a lie when first went there, she asked me if I had ever been with women before. I told her, often, but meant on different kinds of occasions from that, my 1st obstetrical case, got along fineLy.

Pg 125: SA 21 Went to see Mrs Pneu getting; along well. SU 22 At

church in Lockland A.M. in P.m. went to Presbyterian church, walked home with Miss Lizzie Jackson Went to Lockland at night heard Waldon preach, about 10 started for Pneumans to see child found It dangerously ill, gave it medicine hear it was much better all night. MO 23 Rainy in evening Dr Thomson was In, talked over matters, how young Lds tried to fool me at party but while thinking they were accomplishing their end

Pg 126: they were getting fooled the worst kind; paid Mr Day five dollars on board. TS 24th Composed in A.M. went to singing at Lockland In evening. WS 25thStudied all day. Th 26th Rode out in buggy with Dr Thomson. Acker:uan Esqr refuse to bail. FR 27th Dr Bodman was very drunk in evening. SA 28th Prof Sherwood passed, stopped to talk, gave him my opinionwith respect to C D Lewist appointment as Professor. Esqr Carson informed me if I had bought his colt he would willingly trusted me 6 months.

Pg 127: At Lockland in even at church. MO 30 Studied all day (wrote to Arters at Greensburgh) TS 31 In office all day 4S Apr 1st. Wrote on lecture S Cooper told me in even that young child of Neumans died some' time since. Th 2nd Studied on lecture F3 3 Went to Thomsons to party at night had fine time. SA 4th Went to Hunts sale to buy horse, Burkhalter was present to go my security did. not find one to suit. SU 5 Very wet all day, cold + snowy at night. MO 6 Very cold for time year, freezing staid In tavern all day, read journal and papers. TS 7 Courted

Pg 128: Miss Lizzy Jackson at night WS 8 Wrote on sn_eech, rainy

Th 9 Cold FR 10 Called to see Wadelesin's child had chill day previous appers pretty well now has fever in evening. SA 11 Called at Mr W's child no better found him have hacking cough abdomen somewhat distended. SU 12 Mr W's child has symptoms as follows dis'd abdomen white coat on tongue picks at nose hacking cough

have gave 3 doses +gr ponophy (?) + gr Lep (.?) A.A. 1st day z

gave 4 doses New Syrup to this time none has affected ordered 1st

+ 2nd days seed (sud ?) In + diapm at night ordered today C oil + turpentine, also gave In morn guma'a (?) + irOn isd (?) powder with Pg 129: Grodophyllum (?) Lepn in order g+p every 2 hours in even;

fever broke C oil operated order bitters ( ague) At church in L in a. m. MO 13th. Cold, went to Ld in a.m, had Mr Clk call in has sore hand gave him medicine in evening, Sold box pills to Sulivan. was called to Mrs Lady at night. TS 4 Cold, was called in morn to

Smiths boy sick remittent Inter Fever with Pleurisy; discharged Mrs Lady cured, found boy better in even. WS 15 Cold, assisted Smith boy find him doing well have been giving Pod, Sep, Sud to K, Et, In Gelsimmium (?), bathe surface with wat + salt. Th 16 Cold Smiths boy better had but little fever discontinued Gelsem gave ague bitters.

Ps 130: great alarm in even about Mrs Jacksons boy,in low condition with fever, was .about buying horse in morn- Burkhalter did not like to indorse. Bodman came to Jacksons drunk, discharged him Sent for Wright. FR 17 Snowing + raining In even. Dr Thomsons invited me to Browns to party, did not go, Mrs Jacksons son no better Wright blistered, bled +c, I called. In to see him This morning Smith boy is doing well no fever today pain in side has left continue P, L,+ bitters Prus (?) Iron + gave Ipecacuanha.

SA 18 Rainy Mr Smith's boy doing well, pulse is even 60, in twice to Pg 131: see Mrs Jacksons son, very low. SU 19 Snowing did not go to church, was at class (?), was in to see Mrs Jacksons Son appear

a little easier pulse quite Strong yet, they have been and are administering morphia + Sweet Spts Nitre. 140 20 The Sun rises

In all his grandeur, Mrs J's Son is no better pulse fluttering, Dr

W is afraid of mortification where blisters were applied, ordered beef soup + wine, have been feeding him on barly soup + crackers TS 21st Cold, went out to see pony, recd letter from arters, Mrs J's Son appears better, so they say. WS 22nd Cold bargained for pony; borrowed ;7.00 from Mr blackman, went

Pg 132: out + got pony, paid cash 25 for him, Mrs J's son died at

3 0,clock. I rode out in even find pony goes well Saw Mr Neighbor, promises to call and pay off his account on Saturday. Th 23 Fair, Spoke to Mrs McClelland about board did not care about taking any

person. Dr Bodman was called to Mrs Jacksons again, She being very sick FR 24 Very pretty, went to James Jacksons funeral in a.m. was called to see Mr Walkin daughs child in a.m. find affected abous same as Smiths boy treatment abo the same SA 25th Mr W,s child better, Mrs Jackson's

Pg 133: worse. SU 26 At home all day, Mr W, s child not so well

At New Scnool Presbyterian church 7 were present. HO 27th Cold Had pony in wagon got feed hay + cutting box, Mr W,s child much better Mrs Jackson said to bs better, heard the only remedy administered to day Sweet Spts Nitre WS 29th Fair, Mrs Jackson died in morn Dr B contended she would live 15 minutes before she died, Mr W,s child doing well has had no fever to day, has ratting in throat yet. Th 30th Mr W's child mending, talked

Pg 134: to Ackerman Esqs, told Day I was going to leave, concluded to board at Mrs King's FR May 1st Mr W.s child doing well, at funeral, Mrs Jacksons in a.m. Began boarding with Mrs K Gave Mrs Day some med. SA 2 Cool Called to see Rhincarson,s child Mr Ws child still doing well (?), Gave Mrs Day some medicine for Mary. SU 3 Cold Was called to see dutchman. find Symptoms of Pleurisy, bathed him + applied mustard + c Called to see man at John Coopers house (?) fever at church at night Mr U's boy doing well. MO 4th Rain Discharged Mr Ws child cured

Pg 135: Called to see man at Coopers find him better, attended dutchman find he will not do any thing for himself. Was called ir_ morn to see Mrs Smith She would not take my medicines. TS 5 Dutchman went to Covington found Irishman at C, with fever on in evening Called in morn to see Sulivans child find him have fever heard Boclman was at Smiths. WS 6 Clear Mr Sulivans child nearly well, Irishman has no fever today, called at night to see Mrs Smith find her dangerously ill, was called by her so

Ps 136: would have taken the case in hand but she would not consent

at the time Dr Bodman is her Phytn. FR 8th Clear Was called to see Mrs Lawrence, discharged Mr Sultns boy cured also Irishman at Coopers. SA 9 Windy, clear, Mrs L better Old Irish woman fooled (?) me in to see her husband went of to Brattan.Oversee found in evening they had employed Bodman previous to me, scolded a little + left. SU 10 Clear, was called to see Mrs Day, had bilious colic, better in even Mrs L getting well at church in evening. 110 11 Cold

Pg 137;. discharged Mrs L cured Mrs day better, called to Jackson to see Miss Corell TS 12 Clear, Mrs Day is about well, Miss Corell has been vomiting all day Studied hard to releive her, found relief in evening. WS 13 Rainy Miss C better, had Dock Snyzer + Mr

Kendle to call in my office this evening, they gave me an invitation to Frank Cunningham's friday evening to a party. Th 14 th Miss C better all but symptoms of fever FR 15th 'Went to Lockland in evening, at party at F Cunninghams at night

Pg 138: there were quite a number there adjourned at 1 o clock

Sa 16th Clear discharged Miss C cured. SU 17 Called to see Miss Duncan Miss Brown Mrs 3urnside at church at Presbtn church also at Lockland. i'_O 18 Rainy Miss D. well Urs r r recovering fast Miss Brown about same TS 19th Rainy in office most of day discharged i•iisssrown cured WS 20 Studied nearly all day, pretty day, called to

see Wm Jackson at night was cramped FR 22 With ".4m Jackson all day+ night held consultation with prunk (?), was

Pg. 139: very bad in evening. SA 23 With Wnt Jackson all day, have Dr Snyzer to consult with, is no better SU 24 Wm Jackson worse in even MO 25 'I'm Jackson died 10 ~ o clock, held post mortem found extensive congestion of the lungs, had quite a spat with Dr Bodman Drs Wright + Highland were present also Dr,s Snyzer Bodman + myself. TS 26 Was at funeral. WS 27 Have been attending Irishman that got head hurt getting better. Th 28 Rainy in even Me Ginis better, was called to serve as witness in his case postponed till tomorrow

Pg. 140: FR 29th Cool, not at picnic, attended Suit, gave my testimony. Sa 30 Rainy in P.M., discharged Me Ginis cured. SU 31 'At home all day Dun killed horse being bit with mad dog was bitten himself by mad cat. Extracted tooth for Mrs *-,icC1elland, came in night to have haemorrhage checked MO June 1st In office all day did not do any business TS 2 Called in to see Miss Jacksons

WS 3 Studied hard was in to talk to Miss Mary Jackson Hudchrson pain my road tax . 1.50 Th 4 Rainy, put pony in J V Is field, wrote on speech FR 5 Was called to Mr Du=ns to extract tooth . - ,

Pg. 141: for wife, also on for son: two 'for self on was sound did not intend extracting it 'SA 6th A picnic at Locklahd did not go: SU 7 I commenced boarding again with Mr Day. Ho 8 Studied all day tried. to extract tooth for girl made 3 attempts failed was in Lockland in even _TS 9 At Jacksons in evening ( composed) WS 10 Rainy in even gave Mrs King med WS 10 Rainy Studied on speech Th 11 Went to four Mile house in even FR 12 Hard rain studied on lecture; SA 13 A storm in even, at Jacksons late in even

Pg 142: SU 14 Rainy, at church in even MO 15 Clear Studied on lectures TS 16th Rainy Studied hard. WS 17th Rainy was at W (?) Voreses in even. Th 18 Rainy at Glendale rode pony very hard FR 19 Rainy Bought vest + calico of Thelm (?) camp (?) Sent note to send it back took it back, found he felt mean. SA 20 Rainy in morn, at Picknick in P.M. was at Jacksons at-night SU21 Rainy Studied , went Voreses, Sold pills to Dutchman MO 22 Bought saddle of Billingsley TS 23 Was In talking to Miss S. J. In morn got shoes pulled off Pony in even paid Day ( ?)

Pg. 143: board `i`^ 25 Studied can Speech ?R26 At Jacksons in even SA27th Wrote on spec-^h, asked Ca-z-son to go my security for a hundred dollars thought he !ould but studied on it SU 28th At home all day MO 29th A;*nmded Miss Beckworth find her very bad disease congestion of lungs TS 30th Miss B better treated her all day with small doses of Pod, Lep, + Ipecacuanha from every to 2 hours US July 1st Miss 3 better , recd insulting letter from Cleveland. Th 2nd Called to see Mrs Malone asked Clark about money

Pg. 144: FR 3 Miss B. has high fever in even, cut Mrs Malones thumb bled very freely. SA 4 Miss B. better Mrs Malones thumb better. Germans had procession in town I staid at home all day. SU 5th Miss 3 has fever in even at church at Loc.:cland in a m -!O 6th Jas dunned for money by Thornhill, dunned Lawrence got some. TS 7th Miss 3. did not have any fever in evening Was talking to Miss Jackson had fine times, talked much hence had them talk much.

STS 8 Rainy, talked to preacher McCray in evening, A break (? ) quarreled with his wife Th 9th Concluded, to quit boarding at Mr Days + board myself, laid in some provision. MFR 10 Rain Gave W Clark med, was called in haste to see Mrs Dave's child. Convulsions SA 11th Studied in a.m. in even rode out, called to

see Revnd McCrays child it was taken with spasms while examining it.

Pg. 145: SU 12 Went to church, find 3odrman is attending Mrs Des child, called often to see McCrays child„ MO 13th Was at Sharon, talked to Dock Snyzer, was at Jacksons in evening. TS 14th Studied all day. US 15 Committed several lectures, called to Rhinearsons Ch Rev McCrays child discharged. Th 16 Rhinearsons child discharged cured, at meeting at night. FR 17th Studied all day.

SA 18 Studied in a.m. P.m. mixed pills. Su 19th Very warm thermon'r 93, Miss Mary Jackson took sick called Dr Bodman (came drunk in evening) was at Lockland in evening, MO 20th Rainy in evening, studied. TS 21st Went out in grove in evening delivered speech. US 22 Cool was in to talk a while w Miss Sally Jackson was plagued about Miss Mary Jackson. Th 23 Cool, went to Lockland in even FR 24 Studied SA 25th Studied

Pg. 146:SU 28 At Lockland in evening at church. MO 27 Rainy Studied TS 28 Rainy Studied US 29 Rainy called to see Mr Whatsman about church Th 29 Rainy studied FR 30 Rainy studied FR 31 Studied SA Aug 1st At Look-land picknick visited Mrs Brown, gave notice to Me Cray. SU 2nd Mrs B better MO 3rd At Jacksons in evening talked to Miss Sally some. Called to see Mrs B, Extracted tooth

for negro TS 4 Was called to see Mrs day, also Mrs Peter has flux(?) + fever discharged Mrs B. cured, heard Dr 3odman threw out some insinuations about my lecture US 5 Mrs D + P about the same

Pg. 147: Th 6 Was in church excised (?) on speech Mrs Day well

Mrs P better FR 7th Attneded:lrs P+D neither much better SA 8th Made speech house pretty near full, had many Ladies. SU 9th At home all day or nearly so, discharged Mrs D cured Mrs P about the sane. TS 11 Attended Mrs P all day better through clay worse in evening WS 12 Rode out with Mrs Day in even, Mrs P better, Lockland boys brought to Esqrs office Th 13 Flt Lockland in even Mrs P better. FR 14 had to resort to antiperloche (?) w Mrs P case heard trial of Lockland boys called to see Mr Lawrence took dinner at Mr Blackmans SA 15 Rain Mr Lawrence dis

Pg. 148: charged cured, called to see Mrs Jacksons, Mrs P better.

SU 16 Feel very bad having attacks at church heard Baptist preacher In M F (?) church I•:0 17th Not very well Mrs P better, made some bread pills TS 18 Do not feel very well extracted tooth for Mrs P US 19 A little better Mrs P still mending, Sent to town for medicine Th 20 Better Swet (?) at night FR 21 Mrs P still mending. Mr Day related to me his troubleSe. SA 22 Better Went out in wood to get bark Benny Jackson paid his account appeared to be in fine humor

a.Pg 149: SU 23 At class in a,m, quite cool at night MO 24 Mrs P much better TS 25 Did not do much Studied some US 26 Paid Mrs King 3 3 3lackman .~ 2 called to get pants Th 27 Studied in m. heard Mr 71•IcKeeney remarked I would not take as a Phy--I remarked i disregard all such fops FR 28 At church in evening walked home with :ors ping. SA 29 Studied some, loafed some.

SU 30 At church, at Presbyn church noon - night. 110 31 Called to see boy at hundlimfs (?) rode out to see Shuffs (?) + Fortiney about school. TS Sept 1st Called to see W Walkin laugh Was at Jacksons WS 2nd Wandlins boy qui t-taktng;-imed-=+

Pg. 150: took pills, did not have chill Th 3 Celled to see Millers child find it have dysentery. At meeting in evening FR 4th Here in my office,!on the Dayton + Cincinnati turnpike, looking out with all humility upon the gaypeople passing swiftly in their carriages + buggies. Reed le ter from S. Wright. SA 5th Very warm in office all day. collected 1~.~ ofSlickenbaughs. SU 6 Part

of show came in towm, went to Loc'd to church. at night had sacrament, heard a fine sermon. MO 7th Show in town did not go, saw monkey dance TS 8th Was called in evening to see Ragers child, found his arm broken Dr Bodman ran over it

Pg. 151: with express wagon, went also after Dr Skank would not

come, Dr Wright came but was drunk, Dr Bodman--was 'druiiJJ, .but:~assisted me in adjusting boys arm WS 9th At Fair at Carthage A great many people there, walked with Miss Logan. Th 10 At fair did not see a very great variety of stock, spen considerable time with Hiss Logan als alked with Miss Thomson, called to see Lowreys boy also boy what had arm broken, found arm Somewhat Swelled. FR 11 Called to see broken arm found some tchman had dressed tt + dismissed the case was called to see Mr hinearsons child at Lowreys is better

Pg. 152: SA 12 Was called in even to see Mrs Lawrence, studied at night. SU 13 At home all day except when at class + visiting patient, Rhinearsons child, Mfrs Peeler +-,_Mrs Lawrence, Lowreys

boy + prescription to Irishman Ague, Saw Irish row in evening. NO 4 Rain in even. Called in night to see Mrs Pitman, found her have tetanus, lanced finger. Wandlin was tried in evening, fined .'10r' + cost, for being engaged in row Sunday even. Hiss Penuch better in morn. Mrs Lawrence Much better. TS 1J5 Discharged Mrs L cured, gave McClelland med in evening. WS 16th At home went to see Dr Sodman about gig to go to State fair, it was not at home

Pg. 153: Th 17th At home, rain in even FR 18 Was called in

night last night to see Smith sadler, found him have Cholera Harbus (?), went in morn found him out at work. Nagan was in office had quite talk about professors. People are getting home from state fair. SA 19th Quite cool SU 20th At home studying all day, cool MO 21st At Lockland in even heard Dr Skink was sick TS 22nd At sale at Clarks went with Dr Tginsin, got among young Ladies WS 23 Studied; cool in evening. Th 24 Warm. In office all day, James Clark had chill FR 25th Went above Sharon with Mr Day to get peaches, at political meeting, Singing at McCrays

P3. 154: SA 26 Called to see W Walkin daughs child disease vomiting + purging, pulled corn leaves + mowed in.-even SU 27 Mr W child no better has very sore mouth, Snyzer was down to hiss Mary Jackson have been 3 times to see W's child. 1410 2b W's child better (a little) Mrs I Sick, had trial in evening between Mrs Malone + Mrs Smetzer. TS 29th W,s child better in morning, worse at noon, topped (?) corn i n P.M. also put up hay. WS 30th W, s child better, at Lockland bought 12 3. Coal asked Voorhese to bringwood load of wood Oct 1st is child better, at prayer meeting

Oct 1st W's child better, at prayer meeting

Pg. 155: in evening. FR 2nd W,s child better, had Snyyzer call

in evening talked about matters + things in general. SA 3rd Discharged W's child cured was at Carthage in P.m., was called to see E. Pitmans foot; called to see Wickenbaugh. SU 4 At church at Lockland in even MO 5th Called to see sirs Miller, E Pitmans foot not much better, in at Mrs Kings, HcKeeney came late in evening. Heard Dr Thomson was Sick. TS 6 At Thorasons it even discharged

Mrs Miller cured E Pitmans foot better US 7 Had Rev'd Phylips to call in, quite an intelligent man, F Pitmans foot about well. Th 8 Was called in haste to see German near depo, had fallen off apple

Pg 156: tree found his spine much injured. Frost comes at night

but clear throug the day, sent letter to F:ckley. FR 9th Went in morn to Lockland to see Dutchman, hauled coal, potatoes + horse feed, visited patient in evening, Mrs King spoke of Miss Brown giving me many compliments. SA 10th Dutchman better,. eat supper at Mr Days. SU 11th At Lockland in evening was insulted by boys in Lock informed them I would not stand it. MO 12 Rainy, was at Jacksons in evening, went with Benny to political meeting heard two speakers TS 13th Vaccinated child for Mrs Clark, was election day, not much excitement

Pg 157: WS 14th At Carthage formed some new acquaintances

vaccinated Dutchmans 2 children. Heard the New York Bank have suspended, it is supposed Chase will be elected Gov'r Election

In Kanses seems about equal Th 15 At Codies Sale, talked of trading horses, at Mr Lawrences In evening, found it wet and dark returning home. PR 16th Wet find Dutchman not so well. Sa 17th Studied in a.m. Very cold in morning SU 18 At class in P.M. also at church in Lockland, boys slackened girl, + loosed rain, when came to creek,. found Miss Lenard, sister + four boys, log had been taken out of creek, they all received a pass on my pony, after which I rode on home.

Pg. 158:M0 19th Was at Literary meeting, had quite a fine time organizing, quite cold tonight rS 20 Was called to see Mrs Smetzer In confinement, did not get there till it was too late, Hr McClellands leg sore again US 21 Traded pony off for pacing mare, tried her in wagon find her work some Th 22 At Dr Bodmans in evening, drafted resolutions for Society, talked to Dr Snyzer FR 23 Worked new horse,find it work well; at Martams in evening, called to see, Sulivans boy, dressed ?IcClelland,s leg In evening, find it very sore SA 24th Wrode out find Mrs Turner very sick, Gaming at night SU25 Attended Mrs Turner all day, talked to Laura at night. MO 26 Mrs Turner better At debating Society, Martaih + gamed, the question pt was Preacher ((?) + Lawyer TS 27th At home all day

Pg. 159: in evening at Jacksons talked to young Ladies till nine.

WS 28 Rainy in evening, find pony lame, discharged ,Ir 3enny faskle (?) cured Th 29 Cold. Called to see Haverdy (?) at Neumans + also in evening at Rhinearsons. FR 30 Cold at H, discharged him cured, at R's child better. SA 31 Pleasent, Was called to S Voohees found him have Apoplexy was with him about 4 hours, he died 6 o,c. in evening, It was 3d attack Collected money from WLckenbaughs + Lowry SU Nov 1st At funeral Odd fellows had prosession, had

long talk to Me voorhes 1.10 2nd At debate in evening, had some cutting, Benny Jackson excused himself for interfering TS 3d At Writing School in evening. Signed WS 4 Wrote letter to Secretary of Greenburgh Lodge of I. O.O.F.

Pg. 160: was in writing School a Short time, examined young Lds writing, discharged Mrs Rhinearson + daught cured Th 5 Rainy in morn Called to see boy in dutchtown also called to see it J Morison FR 6 Rainy, At writing School in even. SA 7 Rained very hard roof of office sprung a, leak, had quite a time, dutch thought boy was getting well so fast I need not come again. SU 8th At home all day, rainy, at class in evening Martam (Martain ?) in at night MO 9th At debates, Dr Bodman was drunk, had quite a time. TS 10 Pony sick, gave It to John Meeks, conclude to deal no more in old horses, at writing school in evening. IS 11 At writing school Th 12th At writing school, went + came with Miss Ht (?) King, discharged Due

Pg. 161: liulsies (?) child cured. FR 13 At writing school, extracted tooth for Miss L King SA 14th At writing school, teacher drunk SU 15th At home all day only at class in evening. MO 16th At debate in evening, called in haste to see a boy that was hurt by the cars. TS 17 At D Chattens at night ar (?) 2 in morn had appoplectic fit, made appointment to lecture on education Thursday night WS wet in evening snow at night Th 19th Had lecture in evening, house was full many Ladies were present, got some Schollars concluded to commence on Tuesday night FR 20th Was down in Germany, very cold borrowed quilt of Mrs Blackman. SA 21st Snowy at home all day wrote in forenoon. Su 22nd At class was in at Mrs Kings, got introduction to Mr Blair.

Pg.162: MO 23d Cold at debate in evening had some sharp shooting with Dr Bodman. TS 24th Commenced night school WS 25 At night school Th 26 Still cold At night school pulled taffy in Mrs Kings FR 27 At school in evening, was invited to attend singing SA 28 Warm at night school, in Mrs Kings SU 29 Studied in a.m. Was at Mr MMlartams in Pm, Rainy IMO 30th At debate in evening TS December 1st Had school at night Smith + Negro were liken to fight. WS 2 Had two new schollars Th 3c. At school in evening called to see Mrs Hulehison (?) in confinement recd letter from Gr'h Lod FR 4th Rainy Had school at night, wrote letter to Giensburq Lodge enclosed ' 6.36 to square up A- get traveling card SA 5th rainy Studied hard all day. SU 6th Studied at class in at Mrs Kings.

Pg. 163: MO 7th At debate in evening had. quite a time, decision given against us appealed to house lost it. TS 8th -quite warm, at school in evening WS 9th Rainy, concluded to hold school in Burkhalters Hall, discharged !Miss Miller cured Th 10th Studied, clear. FR 11th Clear, in at Mrs Kings SA 12th At home all day SU 13th At Lockland at church in evening I•;0 14th Had quite a debate, gained the question. TS 15th At school in evening WS 15th Got pants + vest from tailors walked down in evening with :liss King to Voorhees P. Th 17th Rainy dunned 3 men but got nothing, was notified to attend Irish suit, failed to get there in time did not send an attachment for me. Downy is about well, thins me a good Dr

Pg. 164: FR 18th Rainy, got coat + Hat from Varrelmens. Sa 19th Studied in ams Had school in evening SU 20th At church in evening + at noon. MO 21st At debate lost decision, Called to see Miss Shields. TS 22 Had school in evening attending Miss Mary (?) Jackson has Neuralgia + masked (?) ague WS 23 At Sharon, Lockland +c Miss J better Th 24 Miss J became impatient Sent for Dr in town, is better. Fr 25 Christmas at party at W Clarks had quite a time SA 26 Called to see Miss Nary Brown + Hiss Thomson. SU 27 At class, at Lockland in evening 1,10 28 At Debate Set (let ?) on Martam. TS 29 Studied in a.m., Rainy. WS 30 Got letter from Dr Snyzer telling of party

Pg 165: W. Voorhees asked Miss + King to go, She is to be in

Reading wrote letter to C W cleared (?) with y608 in it TH 31

A Pretty day At W Voorhees in evening met Sharon folks, took Miss

A King + Miss Mary Voorhees H Voorhees + Mrs Woodruff (?) were along had quite a time. FR Jan 1st 1858 Clear, at A Clarks at party a great many there had quite a time wrote letter to G Wright. SA 2ond Snowing a little, did not do much. SU 3 Very clear, at home in office all day took Miss A King home at night. 140 4th At debate in even Dr B + Eberly drunk, adjourned without debating any TS 5 Rainy Had school at night WS 6th Had school in evening Th 7 At Lockland at Panorama (?), stepped out to take laughing Bass but was advised not to. FR 8 Had school in evening was invited to singing. SA 9 Had school SU 10 At home, rainy, wrote letters to W Johnson (?) + McConnell (?)

Pg. 166: MO 11th Had debate in evening Sat as President gave decision in negative, affirmative appealed to house, the house voted in their favor. TS 12th Had school. In evening had much trouble with boys, walked home with Firs Voorhees + mother WS 13th Had school Recd cash 12 from Jn Sniger (?) Th 14 Was in Esqrs office had school at night FR 15th Rainy called in to see hr McClelland SA 16 Rainy Had School in evening SU 17 At Lockland church noon + evening, about 30 mourners forward in evening. MO 18th At debate in evening took part on the negative, our side gained the decision. TS 19th Had school at night WS 20 Had school in evening Th 21 Had school in Kings in even FR 22ond Fixing pipe

Pg. 167: at school in evening school setal SA 23 In to see Mr McClelland Seems better, called to see Mrs Downeys boy, also had german wife + lady to call to see me. SU 24 Rainy at class in evening, went to church at night to Lockland, many were forwerd to the mourners bench 1.10 25th At debate in even Sat i s (as ?) president gave decision in favor of negative. TS 26 Had school in evening, went to treat case of pleursy near Railroad. 'IS 27th At Lockland at church walked home with Miss A King. Th 28th Snowing in morning, at church in evening at Lockland. FR 29 Had School in evening Mrs Downeys child very sick Recd y5 from Bonnafaseia also .~1 from Mrs Downey

Pg. 168: SA 30 Settled with Mr Day paid him 1.42 gave him my note for .?5, had school at night SU 31 At church in Reading at noon Went to Lockland at night with Miss Lizie Voorhees. •10 Feb 1st Rainy At debate in evening, losed the question had quite a time

TS 2ond Visited Martams School in P.:•1. Snow on the ground. WS 3d Had school in evening Th 4th Cold Recd 2 from i'Ir Havestreitton


school account FR 5th Ended school SA 6th Studied in a.m. in at Mrs Kings at night SU 7th At church in evening came home with Miss Li zzi e + Mary Voorhees + Miss F Woodruff had a very pleasant time, heard Mr Philips preach.

Pg. 169: MO 8th At debate house full, had quite a time sharpshooting with Cole TS 9th Studied +-read all day wet. WS 10th At home all day Th 11th At Lockland lodge of odd fellows :-Ir Fox was initiated, Members appear to be those of first class community. FR 12th Called to see Mrs NcClellaand also Sulyvents boy, at Sharon in evening went into Dr Sn,yzers office through

window to get medicine. SA 13th Snowy, Mrs McClelland some better, daugter sick; had quite a time with boys about: snow ball, threatened to whip them but all denied, had Miss Kings s to throw snow at me. SU 14 At church noon and night also at class., Mrs McClelland some

better, Cate no better

Pg. 170: MO 15 Got up at 2 oclock intended. to go to town but found Mrs + Miss Me worse hence remained at home. TS 16 Up all night at Mc,s, in morn Mrs Me better but Cate no, better. WS Attended closely to Mrs + Miss 14c, s. At lecture on. Pneumonies. Th 18 Cate Me got Typhoid Fever, no better Mrs Me better, Cold. Fg 19

At debate sat as chairman, gave the decision In favor of arfirmative, appealed to hous negative got it SA 20 Hear sleigh bells, talked to Dr Shepherd SU 21st At home all day Snow about 6 in deep MO 22ond Good sleighing, at Singing School in evening, house crowded. TS 23 At singing in evening + at night in lower church, good sleighing. WS 24 Cate Mc up

Pg. 171: nearly all day Mrs 1e still improving, called to see Fitzsimmon's girl find her very sick Th 25th. Snow melting, at Jacksons in evening FR 26 Went to city in morn on cars Attended lecture at Newtons in a.m. P.M. attended the college of medicine. SA 27 Took dinner with Dr Small Saw Stuns, Stuns lost :150 had most of boarders examined did not find it, came out on cars with Mr Blair, very mudy from Lockland. SU 28 Snowing but soft, at church in a.m. extracted tooth for Addy Robinson had E Pitman to hold his head, at class in P.M., Studied at night. March HO 1st Cleaned up, saw Miss Duncon. TS 2ond At singing Cold at night, discharged Fitzsimmons child cured

Pg. 172: WS 3 Called to see Miss Duncon `Ph 4 Cold Studied forenoon + evening had Rev McCray call to see me. FR 5th Called to See Miss Duncon find h?r about the same. SA 6 Snowing Dr. Hunt sent for me to meet him at W. Clarks at 9 oclock, met him, he began to call me to task for what I had said told him I would say what I pleased about his system +c +c SU 7 At home all day except

when making calls. ',.TO 8 At debate TS 9 Getting warmer.

Called and gallanted :piss Lizzie + Mary Jackson to singing school WS 10 Called to Mr D Marshes near Sharpsburg, had a call in Sharpsburg to see Mr Campbell. Th 11 Rode to Sharpsburg In P.M. saw both patients F.1 12 'alas called to see McC:Lellands younges child. SA 13 At Sharpesburg in P.!. In a m saw W. Sulivans boy getting better of Dysentery. A Gent

Pg. 173; had meeting in town hall at night to raise 'writing school, but few were in attendance, got a few scho:Llars + concluded to commence. SU 14 Studied in a.m. Saw my patients at Sharpsburg

in P.m. both doing very well, at Presbyterian church in evening heard Rev. HcCray. 1.10 15th At debate, had invitation to attend party at Mrs "'Lings, could not attend for debate TS 16th Visited patients at Sharpsburg find them both better, called at Mrs Smiths talked a while, attended singing school at night !•7S 17 Studied in a.m. at writing school in_ even. Th 13 Visited patients at Sharpsburg, not quite so well, case of consumption, called in evening to see Frame (?) Miller, has fever symptoms of Small pox FH 19 Heard trial on the Millers case, find Frame Miller has gotton varioloid, at. writing school in evening

Pg. 174: SA 20 :wanted in G Brattans wagon to go to Lockland he

was told I had a case of Smallpox hence refused to let me ride, people appear much excited with respect to Frame Hiller having Varioloid, did not got to writing school in evening for fear some of the Scholars might feell afraid of taking the Smallpox Studied at night SU 21 Went to see Miller smallpox case, doing well, went in P.M. to Sharpsburg, discharged both cases cured, was called in evening to see F Miller, Mrs ti told me he wanted to see Dr Bodman, I advised her to get Dr B and I withdrew Ho 22 At debate in evening had quite a discussion spoke three times myself TS 23 At Singing in evening. WS 24 Studied, all day attended

Pg 175: writing school in evening, gallanted Miss Crish home called to see Miss Addle King found her better than she was reported to be Th 25 Studied received letter from 3 Fog, Nts My (?) wrote letter to Dr Fox. FR 26th Went to Bethany, find it a very retired place, surrounded by a very good country. people want a Physician I do not think it would be profitable to practice there, stopped in evening and talked to Dr Snyzer + N Kendle. SA 2;7 At writing school in evening, walked with Miss L King, left her at school-house to come home with some other person. SU 28 Studied in a m Attended class in P.m + church at night went to church with L King

Pg. 176: ii0 29 At debate in evening Cole was present made

apology to me before crowd, for abusing me in previous debate, told me he was sorry ever since it happened, + he had gotten a tistory

of my character. TS 30 At law suit in afternoon + at singing school at night, church was about full. WS 31st At writing school in evening, got boots mended through day, Esqr McClain + others want me badly to go to Bethany to practice medicine, walked from writing school with Miss N. Pitman Th April 1st Studied, some rain all day FR 2ond At writing school in evening, engaged board at McClellands, to pay "2 per week, SA 3d Studied in a.m.. at: writing school in evening SU 4 At presbyterian church

Pg. 177: in afternoon, at N.E. church in evening, walked home

with 3. Jackson + sister, commenced boarding with Ja.aes HcClelland at .2 per week for board. MO 5 At writing school in evening, went to debate, did adjourn till 12 oclock exciting times, about election,

L 3rown is defeated +c TS 6 Cool, at singing in evening house crowded, At Zeglers find quite a number there WS 7th At meeting in evening walked home with Miss Voorhees + Dover Th 8th At prayer meeting in evening, rainy through the day FR 9th At Lockland in PH at church in evening at Mr Blackmans SA 10 Rainy in a.m. tried pacing horse in evening, did not buy him. SU 11th Very wet

Pg. 173: Called to see 'Javerdy, also i4alones children .d0 12 At trial went with Dr Snyzer +c in ouggy in church between Smiley and Riddle, was on committee trial lasted from 9 a m till 12 N.

from 1 P ii till 4 P. i•M. from 7 P.M. till 2 a.m. adjourned we on committee meet on Wednesday night at Mr Faws to give decision. foot dinner at Mr Faws TS 13 Cool, Sued Fitzsimmin, at Singing. WS 14 Fitzsinamin got Mrs Schnetzer to give note for amount I paid cost. At Glendale in P.M. also at Fsqr McClans with MClelland, at Faws in evening, decided on trial gave decision in favor of John Smiley Th 15th Rode to Lockland with Fdenfield, a Gent offered his horse to on 5 month

Pg. 179: time, Dr Hunt wanted me to call and see his colts FR 16th At meeting in evening, house crowded 2 mourners forward. SA 17 Rainy, Attended Lawsuit part of time. SU 18 Attended church in lower church afternoon + night. NO 19 Tried Dr Hunts colts, attended church at night, Miss J + N Voorhees were converted TS 20th At singing in evening very wet all day WS 21st Called to see Mrs Haverdy (?) found her better while I was there Dr Wright came in shook hads with him Saw him examine patient she (then ?) left, tried J (?) Duns colt looked at Boskin's colt also saw black horse in Lockland had talk with Dr Hunt about his colt. Th 22 At Lodge in

Pg. 180: Lockland, had to leave when they conferred is +2ond degrees. FR 23 Went to town, heard lectures took supper with Dr Davison spent night at Prof Cleavelands SA 24th Heard lectures bought medicines, came home on 6 oclock train SU 25th At church in Newschool Presbyterian church in P.m. MO 26th Studied hard in a.m. called to see N Walkendorf, had no debate at night TS 27 At home all day, had Dr Hunt in to See about Selling me a horse on time. WS 28 At prayer-meeting in evening at Jacksons has been cool for a few days it now feels warm Th 29 At Walkendorfs In P.M. Was Juror

Pg. 181: in case of inquest Drs B + H Said there was no fracture

but when we come to examine we found there was hence they admitted. Was at Blackmans at prayer-meeting at night house full FR 30 At funeral in afternoon, at singing in the evening, house pretty near full. SA May 1st Cool looked at Dr Bodmans office. SU 2ond Studied in a.m. At class in P.M. at church in Lockland at night walked home with Miss C McClelland MO 3 Had Dr Davinson out to see me, talked of buying me out, went home on 9 oclock train. TS 4 Rainy. Menagerie came to town, went down got tickets for Mr McClelland girls, had to leave, for Mr Browns, to see his

Pg. 182: mare was foaling, 6 men had been pulling all day, I went

to work + In about half an hour the whole thing was over, rode home boy took horse back, charged .45, at singing in even took Mrs

Woodruff home. WS 5 Very wet had Mrs 'Miller to come in scloding (sic) about me charging 25 cts for putting creosote in dutch girls tooth, I told her I did not generl,y do business for nothing pretty mad like she got mighty pleasant I pulled out my pocketbook to pay her back but she would not take it Th 6 Clear + cool at prayer meeting' prayed + spoke, Miss N Pitman + C s- `d TeClelland under conviction FR 7 Did not have debate, took up collection to pay boys I received 75 cts on the matter (?) SA 8th Studied hard


Pg. 183: in a.m. In to see Miss Jacksons in evening SU 9th At church in P.m. at New-School presbyterian church also at Lockland at night walked home with Miss J.acksons HO 10 Rainy got letter from Davison Dr has not decided yet as to taking office, at meeting in evening at Mr Blackmans, went with Mrs Turner + hiss L King TS 11th Rainy, At Singing School had quite a time, Mr Lilies brother there went to singing with Mrs Turner + Miss L. King. WS 12 Clear at home all day in to see Hiss N McClelland, find she has Scarlet fever Th 13 At prayer meeting in evening at Mr Blackmans. FR 14 Very wet in evening, did not go to concert on account of rain. received letter Dr Davison has not concluded to buy me out. SA 15 Rainy at Myers' s till 12 oclock McGighs (? )

Pg. 184: added about 8 pages for them in the assessor's book SU 16 Rainy went to assist Myers to arrage his assessing books, Studied hard through the day I4017 Rainy, studied hard till 11 o clock at night, on speech TS 18th At singing in evening, last night of Mr Little's School did not learn his Scholars much. WS 19th At concert, Sheriff served subpoena on me. Th 20 At

court, called as witness on McGinnis's case was questioned pretty closely by Lawyer as to wound (?) whether inciseaor contused. FR 21st Heard pleading on trial came home in evening, McGinnis found guilty of manslaughter. SA 22 Had pleasure of giving some medicine to clown of circus, was in to see it in evening, house was full, saw some animals Llama Tiger spotted + black, lions leopard, Hyena, spotted + striped Rabbits, Monkey, +c Had 2 clowns,- good +

Pg. 185: bad: riding, saw snakes, fat woman. living skelleton.

SU 23 Show man at Mr Days lost X50 returned attacked fellow, he went + dug it out of dung pile, at church at L noon + night at class in P.M. 1.10 24 Rainy Called to see 3illingsleys boy,

told them he would die, they called Dr Bodman in council he said he would not live 6 hours + he lived about 18 it was all day with hime, I was there most of the day. TS 25 John Cooper sent for me to go + bleed him, sent him to Schank, at Billingsleys all night WS 26th Mrs F Miller sick, Billingsley boy getting worse Th 27 Slept in forenoon, studied in afternoon, Dr Fors out to see Billingsleys boy,gave him some medicine died in 2 hours. I wrote on speech at night. FR 28th Rainy in evening Billingsleys boy buried talked to Mr King of Pennsylvania SA 29th Studied, called to see Handlins boy, find him have fever, received letter from L Wright SU 30 At

Pg. 186: church noon + night, warm at night 1,10 31st Studied in a.m. Handlins boy seems worse PS June 1 Tried to collect some but find it hard work. WS 2 Rainy HandlLns boy better Studied in evening. Talked to young man that is teaching painting find he has traveled in South. Th 3 Studied wrote letter in even to L N FR 4 Rainy in even A Handlins boy cojlvalescent aske 2 or 3 men for money but cannot get any SA 5 Rainy all day + raining hard tonight, studied hard on lecture 2, discharged A Handlins boys cured. SU 6 At class in Pm at church at night NO 7 Called to see H's boy. Had mess of strawberries at Iyerses TS b Studied. WS 9 Rainy in evening reciived from Miss C "IcClelland by her mother, got let from Dr Thomson wrote to him. TS 10 Rainy had MIc Gee in office, think him rather green.

Pg. 187: to see Mr + Mrs Claney both better in evening in at

idrs King in evening FR 11 Rainy Called to see Mr Claney + wife both convelescent, went in p.m. to examine J Shorts childs head find concussion testified so to Esqur Burichalter. Wrote letter over again to Dr T'n paid ?' 3 to J Cooper on rent. Was ordered to attend child by overseer Brattan. SA 12 Rainy in morning find child much better, talked to Dr Thomson, into (?) see Hiss

A King, heard her play on the piano-forte. SU 13 Read In history of Wesleys life, at church in evening, di.schal.•ged Shorts child cured MO 14 Went out to see a horse at Mr Slacks Saw pretty girl. TS 15th Studied on lectures was in at Mrs Kings in evening. WS 16 Concluded to write my 3d lecture over again, out spouting to the trees of the forest in evening Th 17 Studied hard all day on lecture at prayer meeting

Pg. 188: FR 18 Studied hard all day on lecture 3d SA 19 Studied hard in a -m-on-lecture. SU 20 Studied hard in a.m.. on lecture at class in P.m At Babtist (sic) church in Lockland at night MO 21 Studied hamd in a m extracted tooth for H (?) dandlin TS 22 Studied hzxd in a m extracted tooth for P Flynn WS 23 Very warm Studied in a.m. Was sent for to attend a little girl that had taken an over dose of whiskey, also was sent for to go across the pik (?) beyond Lockland to see German Th 24th Studied hard, a German died with sun stroke an Irishman found dead Sharon in the harvest field FR 25 Very warm was called in morning to see Mr Day, Mr Browns boy, gave Mrs 3rown med, went 'to went to (sic) see fellon (fetton ?) (Dutch) near Mt pleasant, called to see Miss Heavely gave her med SA 26 Studied, through a serious of (?) Sesoning I concluded to study

Pg. 189: law, which I feel determined to to (sic) do with all my might, if God spares me health + life SU 27th Ended J Wesleys history At class in P.M. at Lockland in evening, called to see HHr Farley (?), walked home with Hiss Patman. MMMO 28 Went to visit Jacob Brown, Mr Lenard was with me.

Got Blackstones Commentaries (from Mr. Martin) and commenced

the study of Law TS 29 Studied, reviewed lecture/ Studied some in Blackstone, also in Scriptures. US 30 Studied in a m. in Pm read C (?) Journal through. Th July 1st Rany (sic) Studied on lecture 3d FR 2 Rainy, Studied, law + physiology. SA 3 Saw patient near Mt Pleasant went to Spring field, saw picnic (?) left for home. SU 4 At home all day, got iatts on the mind, intend reading it MO 4 At celebration in Reading by Germans, Pendry Sued the Ruffners for assault and Battery, went in even

Pg. 190: to see Wards mother in law Mrs Couchran TS 16 Mrs C

well, Studied through the day, at trial in evening between Ruffners + Pendry WS 7 Studied all day, in evening went out to practice conversation in the forest, had been reading Watt on Mind, where he speaks of Hermetas practicing conversation in the forest or lonely place for 17 years. Th 8 Studied hard, at pryer (sic) meeting in evening, got boot mended Miss A King was

married, .,Tas not invited Mrs Turner gave me a piece of the wedding cake I took it very reluctantly + afterward threw it as far as I could, concluding if I was not invited to a. codfish aristocratic wedding, where both parties are void of wealth or even an approximation to refined education, except a support in the wealth line (?) from a cousin of the miss, I would not eat any such cake. Miss


Laura is pouting again; Glad of It. FR 9 Studied, called to see Clanseys child, find it very

Pg. 191: bad with cholera infantum. SA 10 Clancy's (sic) child

is dead, G Rhinearson sent for me, read over list of law books at Martins think it requires much hard study to become an adept in law, feel kind of despondent. SU 11 Studied in a.m. visited patient near Mt pleasant, find him much better 140 12 Walked about some, day cool. TS 13 Studied Walkers introductory lecture, wrote on lecture 1st, they had boys arreigned for stealing Watermellons WS 4 Wrote on lecture first. Th 15 Warm, transcribed lecture 1st read law in evening FR 16 Wrote on or transcribed a part of lecture 2, recd letter from Dr Thomson, delivered lecture 1st in woods. SA 17 Transcribed (?) part of lecture 2, heard trial' between Dum + Irishman. SU :18 Studied In a.m. went to class in Pm, also to church at ngh rode home with Thomson

Pg. 192: Mo 19 Sent letter to Dr Thompson Went near lift Pleasant, transcribed on lecture 3 in a.m. TS 20 Transcribed in a.m. red (sic) a sketch of the life of great Lawyers Such as Mason, Tanney +c. WS 21 Transcribea in a.m. read some law in P.m. Th 22 Ended transcribing lecture 3, went bathing, talked to Miss Pitman + Miss Patchel FR 23 Studied law tried to get pedler to sue tinner or tender ""4 + if he refused it get out a writ of replevin, could not get him to do it, he paid the tinner-;jl c 50 talked to Miss Patchel, find her quite a nice Lady SA 24 At Lockland, corrected lectures 2-3 was called to see Myers,s child, think it will die before morning SU 25 Out early to attend to affairs for Myers child (it being dead) at Lockland at church, at: funeral, walked, with Lady from Chester, argued with evening on odd fellows, was liken to get mad on both sides at one time.

Pg. 193: MO 26 Studied in a.m. Young folks come along in wagon at nigh (sic) stopped to Sing but found I: was at the door and did not sing, went with Farley to See Dewires child. TS 27 Had D. Enerick to call to see me WS 28 Dr Thomson arrived, was near Mt pleasant heard trial about hors (sic) hire + getting sick +c plaintiff paid the cost Th 29 At home all day, had company of Dr Thompson, called to see Martain. FR 30 Heard trial about dog at Esqr burkhalters, Defendent paid ,`5 + costs which were X7.50, was witness in case Dr Thompson left for town, talks of buying me out; got acquainted with Hiss Watson (?) at 'Martins. SA 31 Wrote in a.m. had walk Martin in P.M. SU Aug 1 Studied in a.m, walked with Martin in P.M. into woods, saw several groups of Ladies + Gentlemen; among others Voorh.ees' , Miller, Miss Carver + Miss Romon walked into adjoining

Pg. 194: woods, each pair passed off to themselves; at church in Lockland at night. 1.10 2 Studied some; hard rain in morning, first we have had for a long time. TS 3 Heard law-suit between Brown + McKee, lent Brown ~3 to pay -NIckees jury fee. At 3urkhalters in evening; Stopped in at board meeting as I came home; they spoke of electing me mayor next year. WS 4th Walked to see patient at railroad; had Mrs Miller to come at me for saying she had my shirts 3 month. Th 5 The warmest day that has been this season; extracted tooth for ex Mayor Voorhees; walked to railroad to see patient; at prayer meeting In evening, thin.' about as little of the community in this place as that of any place I have ever

been yet FR 6 At home all day, thermometer 298 (sic) in shade

Pg. 195: SA 7 Very warm; they had McGee.. up for stealing money;

John Cooper + others took + kept him all day without a warrent (sic) SU 8 At church (Presbyterian,) in a.m.; at class in P.m.; in at Pitmans talking to Nany (?) at night; rain in evening. 110 9 At Lockland in P.m. talked to Gilbert abut (sic) buy medicine + jars of me; did not talk as though he wanted to buy; explained to Esqr Burkhalter the difference between adult and foetal circulation. TS 10 Young men from Oxford were about to be tried for insulting woman in blackberry patch; postponed till, tomorrow' at 8 a.m. Had argument with Esqr Burkhalter on Universalism + Americanism; do not like to argue on that Subject: Convince a man against his will + he is of the same opinion still. WS 21 Heard trial State of Ohio (Jones) vs Dougless

Pg. 196: heard in evening Mrs Frame Miller talked of me speaking about marriage documents;I never said any thing about it hence told them the citizens she might talk WS 12 Sold some medicine to Dr Snyzer in morning; think something of having a sale to dispose of my office fixtures +c FR 13 Tried to collect: some did not get one cent, commenced regulating medicines in evening. SA 14 Regulated medicines part of the day, read pursuit of knowledge part. SU 15th Studied In a.m, went to church in evening, with H Voorhees conclude to adopt the following arrangement, through the day, in order to dispatch business; calculating that miscellaneous affairs, shall take the place of the study or business, alotted to the time

in which they occur.

Rise at 5 oclock dress in 20 minutes

Pg. 197 Study English grammar till 6; Arithmetic till 20 minutes past 6; go to breakfast. At 7 commence to regulate medicines; read bible from 10 to 11 Read pursuit of knowledge till 15 m past 12 after dinner walk about sleep an hour, commencing to regulate medicines half past one + till 4; wall about, read news, attend to collecting remembering strict observation where any thing is to be learned, whether from the high or low, rich or poor, private gentleman or laborer. Return to office at 9 P.m. Study Law + meditate on the days proceeding + incidents till 11 then retire looking up to God for his blessing. MO 16 At home all day studying + arranging med TS 17 Arranged at medicines all day till evening refused 2 cases in evening. WS 18 Went to city was most of the day in company with Dr Thomson, illumination at night for marine telegraph. Th 19 Got bills of sale struck in English + German

Pg. 198: Was told by Lawyer olden they had wanted me to try a case

in Reading the evening previous. FR 20 Put up sonce (?) of my bills, was at Clark sale. SA 21 Arranged bottles put out bills in afternoon settled with Conklin in evening for rent. SU 22 At home all day MO 23 Collected and posted bills, In morning went near :t Pleasant, then to Carthage, took dinner + had. horse fed: went to Sharpsburg; thence to Mt pleasant, and through Montgommery to Thomsons, there took supper + came home. TS 24 Regulating; medicines all day WS 25 At home all day ih 26 In office most of day PH 27 Had sale cried myself things sold

Pg. 199: midling. SA 28 Collected about .3 25 SU 29 At church

in evening at Lockland, they took in my probationers. HO 30 Collecting


Slowly TS 31 Sold all my concentrated medicine to Dr Snyzer

Sued Mrs I'IcAvely in evening, she insulted me when I presented my bill WS Sept 1 Mrs Mc wants to compromise I offered but she would not comply Th .2 Walter I•IcAvely offered me '$ 2 + costs on suit of I~Ir II Ic I would not take it still collecting slowly FR 3 Rain

Collected about 20 Sued Spence Cooper 1 20/100 dollars, he is

only a being in the shape of a man SA 4 Had law suit with Mrs Mc Avely got judgment for ?4.64 In de.short ....(?)

Pg. 200: SU 5 At church in Lock evening + night, walked home in

evening with Miss Voorhees. I•IO 6 Hunted in evening for some man to deputize as constable to serve execution on Mfrs He avely, couldn't find any TS 7 Was about to serve execution on Mrs Me + Walter went security on the docket WS 8 Had trial with Spence Cooper, got judgment for my account " 1.20. At fair ground near courthouse find a very large assembly of people not much to be seenn but

colts horses a few fruits vegetables + grains to-gether with a small representation cattle hogs +c. They have, to promenade in a very

large amphitheater. Thursday Th9 Made a smash (?) of settleing (?) (sic) My accounts by receiving cash + due bills. FR 10 Arrived in morning at city (?)

Pg. 201: find (?) the company of Miss Cunningham + a Lady from pleasant ridge, walked around through the city vrith Dr Thomson. SA 11 Bought good English lever watch at auction on 3d East of M'n. SU 12 At Sunday School on 1st st in a.m. Went to church on 9th st also attended Sunday Sch in same church in P.m.. Attended in company with Dr Thomson Universalist Church on Plum bet 5 + 4 i-IO 13 Went to Lucon + Richoff. cor 9th + Main st, got measure taken for suit at 29; bought watch (?) pm 3 st at 3 + sycamore (?), had measure taken for pair of boots at..on corner Walnut + 7th st at 25 TS 14 Attended auction bought gold chain :7.25 two breast pins. In 11c, s fair at night saw (?)

Pg. 202: a great variety Mechanisurical (?) Zoological + Mimesalogical scenery together with a variety of paintings + a number of natural curiosities. WS 15 At auction in morning went with Jack Lenard to get marriage license to marry riiss L Pendery (?); we got it at the clerk of Probate Court. Th 16 Attended auction part of the day FR 17 Amused myself by walking about SA 18 Went to Reading on trip was received very kindly stopped all night with

Mr + Mrs Blackman. SU 19 Went to church in Reading Stopped with Martain for dinner + over night MO 20 Collected some stopped all night with Mrs + I•Ir Lawrence TS 21 Visit;ed Martins school took dinner with him, had threatened to sue J Short, did not for he paid me. Went to 'r1 Voor

Pg. 203: hees in evening, talked to he + Miss Lizzie till pretty

late bed time. WS 22 Arrived on 10 o,clocl, Express In city, visited court in evening. Th 23 At court crimina:L. FR 24 At court bought 2 books at Derbys on 4th st bet. Wal!n + Vine, mat on the mind + Wheatlers Logic. SA 25 Walked with Dr Thomson in A.M. + also P.m got tooth plugged in evening by Sexton, talked with rr Li nsey about good locations in Ky. Acted the fool with Dr Thomson until he broke window have concluded to continue the practice of redicine, still believe I could accomplish much i n law, but again think I am well adapted to the practice of medicine and also think as I have spent much money + time to prepare in med I had better continue my medical

profession; by the grace of God 1 shall look up and make excelsior my matt--


Pg. 204: SU 20" At class in morn, attended Cathedral ( Cathnlic)in a.m., heard Flanders at night. t•i0 47th 3ougnt ooolcs:(-aedical + metaphysical) saw a very large torchlight procession of the Coalition party. TS 28 Discussed with Dr. Thomson the propriety of introducing catheter in difficult urination Have oad cold fee-Ls (sic) it in my teeth WS 29 Concluded to start for Falmouth Ky, could not pack my goods in the carpet sack, hence concluded to stay till Monday or Tuescay learned tha (sic) Iodide of Potassa is an atidote to Nitrate of Silver. Exchanged carpet Sacks or Main St, examined lithograp painting in room under Mechanics Institute. At meeting at night at Finley market heard Gov'r Chase + C 3 Smith speak. FR October 1st Red some in Foster on decission of character, concluded my mind has been of late too much like a reed shaken by the wind. SA 2 Wrote advertisement for (?) Dr Parsha +c. Feel abseess coming in gum opposite superior incisor teeth, very painful at night had to rise at one o'clock + go to studying. Torch light pr'n every night

Pg. 205: SU 3 At Universalist church to hear Flanders. MO 4

Saw Godard ascend in his aeronaut garb by the sailing of his silk Leviathan high in the heavens. TS 5 Read news in Mechanics Institute, called on Prof J.King Took the buss at ZESouthgate house passed across the river into Covington, took the cars and after roling rapidly on their iron bound course for 351 mile the cars arrived at Falmouth, where I took lodging over night.. The country bearing of (off ?) to the east + west is very broken, somewhat poor and in rather an uncultivated condition. Small cabins are very numerous, with occasionally a large habitation. Falmouth is small town for a cunty (sic) seat.

Pg. 206 (nearly illegible): containing about 5 churchs, 3 schls,

7 Lairyers, Drs 4 3 taverns + about 6 stores. Falmouth (?)

fork of Southfork + proper. Stopped with S. (?) C. Lippencot (7), transfered (?) ....inn. J.N. retained (?) next .... WS Took cars at 8 o,clock a.m. for Cynth±ana.. After passing through plozrlands (?) for about 15 mile, a .splendid? country to the east + west, ...crossed the river, soon the cars arrived at cynthiana, where I repaired to the Harrison Hotel. Cy'na is very pritty town + seemingly a business place. There are about ...churches judge college (7.) + school man (?) schs 1, O.F. Lod.a e, Masonic lodge,

7 Physicians--La;ryers Men here possess the good old disposition coal car

Pg. 207 (nearly illegible): ....heard.... about lots...2 negro slaves end ref.... I ate (?) dinner on custard pie. Visited Lawyers, E.... R.J. Dabney ...where hard (?) farmers come in ...quite a round,

saw six horses le; (?) teamsters .... very poor harness maker having (:') very little skill. Arrived in even at Paris, took' lodging at Bourbon house, quite good Th 7 Visited Editors, walked around throug Paris, find it a seemingly rich place with a rich surrounding country; although it is not as wealthy + splendid as Paris of France, yet it

Pg. 208: is seemingly much more aristocratic that Cynthiana. Wrote letter to Dr J.3. Parshal + J. Parshal +co as to advertisements. Went in stage to T. Goffs in P.M. FR 8 Walked across country took dinner at T. Suddriths 1 Pm, started for S. Sti»rds. SA 9 Arrived at Kiddville, met many of my old friends, visited 3. Kidds Saw


Fannie + Jane. Went in evening to H WWlrights Saw Miss Mary Slept with H. Hicle + L. :fright SU 10 At church, took dinner at ldrights, find quite a hospitable reception among my old K. friends.

Went in evening to Mrs Goffs, H. Hicle

Pg. 209: MO 11 Rainy, Stopped with H. Hicle all day TS 12 Got L Wrights horse Started to Madison Co. lost breast pin, took diner (sic) a Eckleys at RR Forge, arrived at Texes Madison co found It quite hilly on both sides of Kentuc river, stopped with revnd Adams,

lived on roast chicken, think Texes a goon location for Physician, they want one badly to locate think it too hilly. WS 13 Passed from Madison into clark, still hilly, took dinner at Pepy (?) Hut Miss F was not at home, was invited by parents to call again. Arrived in evening at D. Lewis, Silver tea pot

Pg.210:Silver cups for supper, a very fine clever gentleman was

put in very costly furnished room to sleep eat opposite old ragged looking fellow; am hunting a location in all these travels find

very good ones at Falmouth, Texas +c (?) Th 14 Stormy in night. After taking breakfast with Mr L. my horse was brought. (Interlineated: Mr. L. spoke of live buds driving back Fellon. Sassafrace good in frost bite) + I soon on my way for W. Thomsons, here I enjoyed myself nightly till about 1 o,c when I started on my way, called to see Miss H. Risk, left Mr L Wrights pony at home stayed all night with Esqr A FR 15 Examined cancer on Mrs Gregsbys arm. At H Kidds in evening Sa 16 Traded watch to Ab Kidd + ..3 20 for mule bough

Pg. 211: saddle + bridle + started. Wrote let in even to Dr

Thomso + P. Adams went in even to Wrights got with Mr Ireland.

SU 17 Mounted mule + went to church, from that to Mrs Goffs. NO 18 Was at C. H got cold, at Smiths all night Mrs S spoke of white blossom smart weed + bran in case of swelled + full leg, also she gave in Dysentery Rhubarb charcoal + magnesia. 1-Mrs S spoke of fullness in head ringing in ears depression +c, take Salts to releive it TS 19 Took din at H. was all night at T Goffs. Ws 20 Took baggage + Went to Texas to commence practice, it was wet all day

Pg. 212: Took din + had mule fed at Grocery in clark, arrived at Douthets late Th 21 Walked to Texes did not feel well FR 22 SA 23 SU 24 WO (sic) 25 TS 26 WS 27 Th 28 Was sick these days had Intermitten fever with congestion of the brain diagnosed, dealt out, prepared + took my med Becoming somewhat discouraged, think of giving up practice here, conclude to go over to see about getting school at T Goffs. FR 29 Rode to Mrs Goffs 15 mile SA 30 felt worse. SU 31 140 Nov 1 TS 2 WS 3 Th 4 FR 5 SA 6 SU 7 ii8 Sick at Mrs Gaffs mightily well used, Think of going to law again. TS 9 Improving very fast walked to Kiddville bought over-coat (Interlineated: Conclude to quit this wavering stick down to the practice of med, get back to Texas as soon)

Pg. 213: (Interlineated: as possible go right to work.) (Continue main text) from Wilkinson for 10 paid . 2 io 10 Rode to Eckleys in morn Stopped all night Th 11 Rode to church at Jacksons chappel, took dinner, arrived a H. Douthets. FR 12 Walked to Terms, studied some. Was called to see r Tuckers child at night SA 13 3ainy called in morn to see i•1r T shild find it much better SU 14 went to church heard Godly preach NO 15 Arrangment of Studies is as follows Study medicine from 7 in morn to 1.0 read other works till 11,

read or write from 3 to 5 in P.m. also from 7 to 9 read or rite + meditate. Snowy today Mr Powel called to get medicine.

Pg. 214: Called in Pm to see •Mr Persel took supper at young it Douthets US 17 Mr P better rod to mouth of Red river Sopped (sic) at i•r Merrits a while mule fell with me. Th 18 At Elliston find

Mr Aubernauts panorama will exhibit at Waco Sat 20th he exhibited in Lockland last spring. FR 19 At Texas in P.m. Some Gentleman apologzed abot Persels wife Sending for Dr C. I must keep quiet when discharged or anything happens, for the least said is the most easily meded. My practice is but small but I intend to persevere. In order to attain any object we must persevere, and it is my intention after all my wavering

Pg. 215: as to studying Law to stick right down at the investigation of the science of Medicine and to continue to practice and strive to improve continually therein. I must guard against becoming discouraged when other Physicians around me get more cases than I do, and also when unsuccessful in a case; when this latter happens set my energies to force and investigate more deeply. SA 20 Studied in a.m. Went to Texas in P.M. heard of Dr. Fox + Rice (?) practicing at goods. SU 21 Called to see Thomisas (?) sister in law. At FlatWood church. Called to see Sewils children. MO 22 Sewils chltn well Miss-- better. Cold weather. TS 23 Cold took dinner with Revnd Godly (Godby ?) + wife discharged Miss-- cured, extracted tooth for black Girl, gave medicine to J.D. s child for Mrs D took sick in even Fever

Pg. 216: .•J3 24 Called up very early to see Mrs Douthit age 60 , has an attac of Bilious Fever, attended her closely through the day. Ran into Tisshord (?). Th 25 Consulted with Dr Christopher on Mr Ds case, gave way to his mode of treatment, as he had treated her before + I knew they the relatives placed more confidence in him, ( Interlineated: His mode was to treat Pneumonia, a symptom; my mode was to treat fever its (?) first cause) his course was first mercurial treatment, dose 3 grs Mercury 1 gr gumia (?) + a little Dovers powder every evening on Th 26 on went a blister to the side + internally Sweet Spts Mitre, a high fiver (sic) continues to rise at times. Called to see Parms blk Girl disease fiver. FR 26 T1rs D. the same applied blister in evening, it drew in night, side no better in morn except not quite so sharp a pain. Mrs P,s blk girl better SA 27 Mrs D, no better seems to have con

Pg. 217: gestion of middle lobe of left lung (Interlineated: Christopher said it being the lower lobe of the left lung) it first appeared yeaterday on percussion, still complains of side back, nausla, soreness all over, has bad cough spit blood last night. Fever rise 203 times in 24 hours, DR. C. caiine struck the lance into her took about 1i pt blood I opposed it told him it was not good treatment in her case, said we riould have to quiet the action of the heart by bleeding, + keep down infatuation in lungs; told him bleeding with lance or vena-seethon (?) was not an antiphlogistic + could keep down inflamation by internal remedies. After bleeding he said we must keep her up by tonics + stimulents, left alterative powder Calomel + Dv. powder, also expectorant made of Liquorice, sum Arabic, 3randy and Laudanum. SU 23 Mr (sic) D worse pulse low + feeble + fluttering, pain in side More extensive


Pg. 218: + greater severity, slight pain in right side. Dr C. came applied blister in left side below old blister. After consulting we concluded to give nausia!li expectorant, antimony, Liquorice Gum Arabic, tonics Brandy +quinine (?) If restless Morphia at night. Patient very weak, subsultus- tendinum, blister drawn pain no better, hard cough, fever yet. iu 29 Mrs D. Still sinking, thong Dr C. thinks she will get well Gave morphia through night, rested well Treatment today tonics weakened brandy + cinchoniac (?). Ayrer's (Ayres ?) Expectorant Nitre, drinks apple: water +c, pain in side shortness of breath,subsul'Lus-tendinu2n, delirious Had discussion with Dr C. he thinks Pneumonia the cause of fever. I told

Pg. 219: him In 9 cases out of ten Fever was the cause of Pneumonia hence treat first cause-,TS 30 Mrs D.stili sinking shortness of breath pulse rapid + wiry, 154L per minute, feeble + rapid at times will not take any medicine. A great many Lds + Gent'n here all the time Put on 3d blister on left lung Dr. C. + I conclude it a gone case. Gave in even bark (?) amonia in form of Neutral Mixture U.S. as diffusible Stimulant also Gention (?) tool. (?) + Columbossul (?) + Pepermint Epsin hot water to settle stomack, Sent for salt Petre to wash mouth, giving spts Mitre Spts at times, also enema.

WS December 1st Mrs D about the same pulse rapid + feeble at times, also rapid + wiry 140-150 Side pains, hard cough, fever 3 or 4 times in 24 hours, delirious. Give amonia, Gen.tion, Mitre. Gave pills to Blanton for disease of Stomach + Liver Th Zond Mrs D. Getting weaker pulse feeble

Pg. 220: +soft, 120. Continue amonia, allow any nourishment she wants. My mule has been sick since yesterday evening Last night gave him 1 oz opium Fr + ~ lb epson salts, this morning no better gave ~ lb

ep. salts 1 pt lard + 2 oz turpentine. Better this evening. Concluded in my mind if he died I should make a strait track Cin. thence to Missouri FR 3d 11irs D. about the same, pulse 1.10--feeble Fever abating, gave brandy cream + egg. At night pulse very feeble clamy siveat (?) Went to see Hill, has Consumption +, chills +c 3 weeks previous was bled + blis'd by Dr C. SA 4 Rainy :ors D. about same pulse 110 feeble, gave her some arrowroot. Hill had no chill SU 5 Mrs D. Symptoms better pulse 110, feeble, breathes easy, no

Pg. 221: congestion in lungs except upper lobe of left lung, 1110 6

Mrs D. about the same pulse 90 soft, gave some arrow root--prepared with water sugar brandy + nutmeg; she refused to take any nourishments or medicine. tried cox, r Gellatine, one close done (?) Called to see H., better gave him over to his own care. Feel more resolved than ever to press forward to practice in Teas, find a tendency to day dreaming, must guard against it. TS 7 Mrs D. no better gave her a little boiled mil'_, + syr of Squills, pulse 120. I was in Texas talked rather fast about Dr C., bleeding +c, Shall try + guard against getting excited, also remember to think before I speak. :IS 8 Snow Pers D. has chill in morn skin very hot pulse 150 wiry think her time of life near closed Studied Gum,(?) wrote from him, recipes. In to see Mrs Adams child has swelling in knee from effects of Scarlet fever. Mrs D. has much inflarnation

Pg. 222: of brain. Th 9 I•irs D. Norse, insensible, pulse very weak, fluttery + intermitent; (sic) has been intermittent. since first sick: respiration very rapid + quick. Explained Anatomy +c to 4sgr Soon.

Find much benefit as planing my course from reading Fosters Essays

on Decission of Character + my mind was forcibly struck as to studying law where he speaks, page 133 of,"Perversion of judgment or abolition of conscience" Mrs D. died 6 o clock in evening, a victim to the absurdities of the Alopathic treatment. I thought while looking on her after dead having lived 60 years what an immence (?) good a person may do in that time or in the course of that age to themselves + there (sic) fellow beings. Called on Mir Adams child, better, has case

Pg. 223: inflamatory Rheumatism. Sat up at night awake, with Nilson + young Lds. FR 10 Freezing Mrs D. Burried Mr A,s girl better has aversion to taking medicine. Wrote letter to Levi Cline Sec. of Greensburg Lodge of I.0 of O.F. reed one from him the same day, Inclosed in the letter I sent $5.00 + my old card to get in return a new card for one year, Fir A,s girl better. Have been thinking as to systemizing my admmtstering (sic) of remedies as much as possible. SA 11 Studied SU 12 Called up before day to see L. Nolons wife, found her in Second stage of labor pains frequent but not strong; all pain ceased about 10, o.c. a.m. great pain in head at night gave 2 doses Canlophyllm (?), fell asleep

Pg. 224: no pain on Monday morning. 110 13 Very hot all day left Nolons for Texas, got key of Dr C. went to office got Ergot returned to Nolon determined to stick to the affair until throug, found after returning to the place patient much better. On inquiry found path reed, injury when 4 m in labor which caused child to fall from womb. The head of child presents at pubus now but Ld up + feels quite well hence concluded not to use Ergot now + to leave patient till further orders TS 14 Rainy Called to see Sewels child + also Powells. '.,1S 15 Studied Some at Texas. Th 16 at Texas Saw Mrs Powel (sic) + child, it has Erysipelas in neck, told her to bathe never heard of like. FR Wrote letters to Dr Thomson + I.V. Martain talked to Wilson + Hulet at night.

Pg. 225: SA 18 Find I must overcome becoming excited when people tell me what Dr. C. says. Concluded it best to defend explaining my position as to principles + treatment but say nothing harmful about him or any other Dr. as a man except to his face.

SU 19 Raining At class meeting, told my experience, at Revnd Gds at night to see Adams child, dis'l In fvr + Rhetm inflamatory. MO 20 Rainy, treated (?) P11 Negro of Faciel Neuralgia, is well. TS 21 Phil is still troubled with Neuralgia, but is is more periodic, pain comes on hoon, evening, at 7 o clock + midnight. WS 22 Phil better, paroxysms come up but very short; Adams child has pain in arms, Fever broke, was there till 9 oclock at night, Took dinner at J Douthets sowing (?) party splendid dinner

Pg. 226: Felt very much disheartened in morning, have 3 path's + all no better, but conclude not to dishearten but press forward in the profession. If there is but little honor + much"perpleatty'tn medical profession, there is one consolation it is a high + noble calling, In which patience is to be observed daily. Th 23 Phil (Thil ?) much better pain at noon + midnight but of very short duration. FR 24 Freezing, Mr A,s child very bad with Rheumatism (Infamatory). Phil is well. Powels child nc~oetter of Erysipelas In neck + groin. Sent to Richmond by Greigs for medicine. SA 25 Christmas very pretty day. Mr A,s child. much better able to

move every limb. Powels child no better tried N. silver locally. Dry Christmas SU 26 Rainy Studied in a.m. took din at J Douthets A,s child much better

Pg. 227: Powels child no better after applying N. Silver. MO 27 Rainy, reading in Fosters letters think it a. good work. Called to see patient in Estill Co TS 28 Trade mule for mare, with West, also traded saddles. Took din at W. Combs talked to Miss Bush + Elkins; went to Hendersons find child better. Saw Miss Faster on ferry, think her a fine looking girl. WS 29 Rainy A's child near well. P,s child about well. Th 30 Took: din at J Douthets. Hendersons child mending, called to see Mrs IH;1.lls child near dead, has Fever, Jaundice, tendency Sicsical (?) Drop of abdomen, Flesh of limbs wasted away. Find I have fine mare to ride, at prayer meeting at night, posted books for Boon Esqr

Pg. 228: FR 31 Called to see Rvnd Godby Had mare shod, heard Hulet lecture in Pm SA Jan 1 1859 In Estill was called to see Boles Harris + Waters boy, Mrs Hills child better. Booked about

10 today, at Godby's in even SU 2 At home all day MO 3 Dr G'rs is attending B.H. is giving him calomel + cloves powtr for Intermittent Fever + Inflamatory Rheumatism--no Science in. that. L Noland called Dr. G'rs to his w).f e when confined. Revnd Godby nearly well. TS 4 Studied WS 5 Rainy Studied. TH 6 At infair (?) to W Thieles, went with Miss Godby, about 150 took super, (sic) was introduced Miss Nulse, Green, Cox +c Had spledid supper- In Estill in a.m. Mrs Hills TMY2Z child is better FR 7 Snowed Studied in a.m. in to see Liza (?) A has chorea yet.

Pg. 229: SA 8 Roads froze with Mrs Hills child getting well. Discharged Revnd Godby cured. Was advised by Ad's to talk to Dr. Christopher about abusing my judgment in Mrs N,s case, concluded to treat him with silent contempt SU 9 At church in evening. MO 10th At Mrs Hills TS 12th Discharged Liza Adams cured. At

Wm Willowbys in even WS 12 Called to see Negro at Mrs Shinalts (sic) Recd Odd Fellows card for 1859 Good trip getting along fine. Satrents disease Thecial (?) Neuralgia Has excessive pain in hed (sic) above eyes, lasts about 12 hours, bowels constipated, faeces in hard lumps •Dr C. called first, pronounced it a rising in head Th 13, At Mrs Chinaults all night. FR 14 At Col Nolands to see patient Sent 200 by P Adams for Col Journal + Weekly Commercial. SA 15 All night at Mrs Chinaults SU 16 All night at

Col Nolands, Sent for medicine to Richmond, at Class. MO 7 Recd medte

Pg. 230: from Richmond, they charge ma-from 200 cen more than can get it for in city. Find myself improving as to gaining confidence of patients + attendents TS 18 At Chinaults + Nolands; Nolands sent for Dr C. In P.m. although Negro woman was much better, find Dr, I have hard rows to hoe WS 19 Understand Dr Ch + Gr are down on me I conclude to say but little + attend closely to my business + flax them out of all the patients I can Th 20 Extracted 2 teeth for J Lewis;at one pull,shall try and not do the like again called to see Mrs Norris in the night has Pleurisy, Mrs Chinaults boy is getting well FR 21 Snowing At Nolands infair find some person think it is Dr Christopher is

Pg. 231 telling lies on me, Saying I have no diploma + that I have no books that I said that no man had a drop too much blood SA 22 Cold In Estill Mrs Hills child still mending. Got acquainted with

Miss Faster SU 23 Cold. At the Widow Chinaults Negro getting well. MO 24 P Adams gave receipt J weekly Commercial he reed in Cincinnati. Discharged Mrs Norris + Negro cured. or nearly so TS 25 Discharged Mrs Chinaults Negro cured. Gave nothing in his case but qumia (?), iron, Pil, Leps, + San externally, they applied mud. porderell ex vinegar opium +c. Was called to see Mrs Jorden disease, in family way 6 months gone palpitation of heart, labor pains at times, Epistaxis general debility +c, gave her qumia Iron, P.C. Pod. Lep. San. Mrs N not much better troubled with pleurisy, fever pain in head back + irritation of uterus have subsided gave Ipecac Pod. Lep. 1Mlorphia + apply mustard flaxsera + warm water

Pg. 232; WS 26 Stayed with Mrs Norris till 10 o c at night find her a little better, Padon is recommended. bleeding I persuaded him out of it find bleeding all the go here Th 27 Called to Niblies to Negro woman in labor remained till tomorrow evening, got through alight FR 28 Come home from Niblies got; lost, met Dr C. at No ises, Mrs N. had a few Ahmenorrhoea pains became impatient because I was not here Sent for Dr C. Norris wanted me tonconsult with 07-about the case, told him the case eras not dangerous hence no consultation necessary, that I did not; want to have any thing

Pg. 233: to do with C. for he was a deceitful rascal SA 29 At

church noon + night SU 30 At church heard Revin'd Bruce preach at 11 o,clock handed in my letter, took dinner at Revin'd Godbys with Greig + --. Find my tongue inclined to talk about Dr. C conclude to conquer all such conversation MO 31 At Niblies to see Blk

woman got cold, at Jordons, wife better caught sick. Got acquainted with Miss Sallie Crook at Godbys. Booked in the month of Jan $159.50, in Dec 1858 0 80.00 + Nov about $25 TS Feb 1 Meeting ended WS 2 Rainy in Estill, called 1n the darkness of night to see Mrs Douglas in confinement Th 3 At

Pg. 234: at Douglases all day, labor tedious Sent ( they) for Dr C. in morning because woman was not satisfied + I was vexed but concluded to remain calm good natured + obliging. Told them they had a right to do as they pleased + that I would be glad to have Dr. C. there but not that the case was dangerous. The: child was born at midnight Dr C came about dark, pronounced things all right. We both left between 12 + 1 oclock. FR%4 Went after my mare that had got away from Douglases, found her at D's found Mr (sic) D not as well as she might be, fever, pulse quick, pain + heat in bowels, limp at times in groin, after pains, tongue a little coated, P Adams spoke to me about attending his wife in confinement. At school house in Texas

Pg. 235: at night, took Miss W. there + her + Miss G home SA5

At Jordons Mrs J no better has been vomiting blood--heart still effected, do:-not think I can cure her, but she seeming to have great confidence in me I still continue to treat her; miss B Godby sent a compliment through Stout or rather rendered it to him about him making me good fires. SU 6 At home all day Mo 7 Snow on ground At J's Mrs J no better of smothering at heart + general debility. She starts in sleep picks nose, ordered worm medicine.

TS 7 Talked to J Douthit, he begins to think my think my treatment of disease such as fever is far superior to Dr C,s Spoke about his wife that they were not certain whether thEywould have me or Dr. C. P. Adams told me on friday to be ready to attend his wife in confinement.


Unnumbered page: WS 8th Called to Adams child yesterday, Went to Jordens in even Th 9 Called yesterday in morn to see Lewises

black woman, Adams child better. Heard report about Douglasse,s (sic) wife dying or about to die from my treatment + Inc, told them (people in store from 5 to 10 m distant ) I had no time to hear

such tales 2M Have Mrs Jordens case up,, told her to get another DR. that I could not get my medicines to effect her; her principal disease is trouble. Mrs Douglas is dead.. FR 11 At examination in afternoon, also exhibition at night, talked 'to Miss Filey, delivered 3 speeches acted out Declamation + Whiskers very natural but did not do so well on Old Hat on account of being late, walked there and home with Miss Harris. SA 12 Got acquainted with Hiss Colbs, Wilson +c, treated

Unnumbered page: Miss Wilson + B. Godby to candy +c had quite a time Williamses afterward Dr C wanted to see me y4ast;erday evening about reports to apologize, heard women said they thought I injured Mrs Douglas In examining, it is all false. I conclude a man has little thanks in practicing medicine; because I was a stranger + the Lady took sick after confinement + was treated by Dr.C. who was there 6 hours before labor ended + pronounced all things right, but lost the case afterward they must try to think up some falsehood to blame me with her death. SU 13 at: church MO 14th At home in Texas almost tempted to talk about Dr. C., but conclude not to say anything only in self defense

Pg. 236: TS 15 Rainy At home WS 16 At home TH 17 Heard Thomas Hill is getting well of consumption he brags on me. Phil still sick this morning Fever broke in evening, Liza A got jaundice, very wet. FR 18 Rainy Phil well. SA 19 At home SU 20 Liza Adams has Jaundice Mrs A went to mothers + Liza was left at Fishes MO 21 Thomases child well Laza (sic) A about the same. In her case gave Podrn, Lep'n San'n but could not produce any but a white mucous discharge until last night when it became yellow had gave her about 4 powders of L P + San with 1 gr Pr Iron + 1 gr Cinchona + i min aromatic Sul. acid previous to the discharge TS 22 Liza A better of jaundice but has sre throat heard of lady by Waco that got thrown from a horse Dr C. took

Pg. 237: part of child from her + left report says WS 23

At home TH 24 Rainy Called to see Elkins Negro girl aged about 10 (?) years Dr Chas treated it 2 months, getting worse, has Ascites Swelling of feet got some worms from it when first taken skin .very dry tongue a little coated no pairs limbs Semaciated privates swelled, great appetite, can walk by being assisted has Dysentery since last Tuesday. Made an agreement to cure her for 30 dollars or if did not cure her not charge anything. At Wacho at debate at night lost my gold key worth $8 FR 25 Mrs Powel sick had cholera morbis + is running into Typhoid fever -a.t J Grigses all night SA 26 Went Elkins find patient have Dysentery

Pg. 238: SU 27 Mrs Powel is getting better had first cholera

morbus then run into Typhoid Fever took sick Friday. MO 28th Went to Elkins gave child up to die has lay so long + taken so much strong medicine that no remedies will reach its case did not know bowels were so ba +Then first there or I should not have undertaken case Mrs E. regreted not calling me sooner, for she thought from my manner of treatment if in time I could have saved it.

I asked permission to hold postmortem no answer yet March Tuesday 1st Got note in evening that Elkins child or Negro was dead + could hold post mortem invited Dr Christopher + Grigs. WS 2 Arrived at Elkins at 10 o clock, found child had Diarrhoea till last

• an appetite till nearly last went to cutting, Elkins, Creed

Padon + others present. Found a white viscid. deposit about 11 inches long + G in in diameter in the Ascending Aorta.near the Semilunar

Pg. 239: valve; found extensive adhesion + infiltration of the walls of the organs + membranes of the abdominal cavity, a very slight dropsical effusion in the lower part of the abdomen. Found the lungs + heart-+ the internal structure of the stomach Liver Spleen

• Kidneys in a healthy condition. Th 3 Studied in a.m. Went with

creed to Col Harrises Fxamined Negro woman the property of

formerly owned by Creed found pulse natural ( 84 per minute) skin in a healthy condition breathing regular some enlargement of the middle tendons of the posterior part of the left leg opposite the knee joint + also a slightly varicose condition of the veins of the same part + around each ankle. Tongue a little coated. The inferior part of the abdomen is a preternatural size. FR 4 At home writing on Post Mortem + Examination of Creeds (formerly) negro Mrs Powel not quite so well today

Pg. 240: SA 5 Called to see Mrs Willowby, she has an eating cancer

on her face. I shed tears when we were talking about religion. Called

to Miss Tiley SU 2 A Cane Spring church 1,107 At home TS 8

Concluded to start for Ohio 'WS 9 Went to Richmond, took coach at Francis Hotel, arrived in Lexington at 12 N. Stopped at Broadway Hotel took dinner, took cars at 2 oclock + arrived in Cincinnati at 7. Th 10 Heard King lecture in evening Fowler at night L.N. FR 11 Went to Reading gallant ed Miss C. McCl elland to Exhibition in Lockland SA 12 Tried to collect but got only about 32 Su 13 At Lockland church in evening went home with Mary

• Lizzie Voorhees MO 14 Collected about $40 rode 20 mile in about 4 hours

Pg. 241: Horse thief cought in R Served as deputy constable for

S. S. Stupped several times. Took L. McCl.elland to singing at Reading at night TS 15 Got all accounts expected to get excep Billingsleys + Bomafaskies. Came into city on bus Met B. in town at Brown Stable, he could not pay his account + insulted me I told him he was small potatoes. Exchanged by skelleton for instruments with Rees. WS 16 Ordered bill of medicine from F.D. Hill Th 17th Had Box med sent to Boylan +c Walnut in Adams + Norris' name it was too late, I ordered it out on express FR 18 Attended lectures in College SA 19 Heard. L.N. Fowler in Smith + Nixons hall SU 20 At Sunday school on 5th St east of Sycamore Heard Calvin Kingsley lecture to Sabbath

Pg. 242: School + Preach at 11 o clock. Heard Scott lecture at night. MO 21 Took Buss at Southgate house for Lexington. Talked to Eastern Ldy in cars got ahead of another fellow in talking to her, found she stopped with the first class aristocracy of the

place Episcopalian Pr Took dinner at Broadway Hotel left past 1 oclock for Richmond called to see about Box was assured

by I B ~vilgus + co it was all right arrived at Francis Hot at 7 took supper. Got acquainted on the way with 2 Ladies + Mr Stephenson Jones +c My mare was ready for me hence I rode home


at night. TS 22 J Douthit speaks of his

Pg. 243: wife being in the notion of having me when she is confined. While at Cincinnati paid cash for medicine + books, about $ 35 skelleton for instruments, about $ 121 -Ex-pensis to there, while there,

• back about $ 19, had atttime-?of-.leaving about $7.00 of my own

• borrowed from Adams + Norris $10417 Collected while in Ohio about

$45 have now on hand .7.50. Still determined to press forward in the medical cause + make myself as near proficient as possible. Mr--D' ren (?) spoke of the citizens wanting me to teach school in Texas, shall think on it WS 23 At home all day. Th 24 Was called to see C West found him very bad with stricture of the neck of the bladder could not micturate, but passed blood

Pg. 244: with much straining + gagging. Treatment Sweet Spt Nitre

• Tn (?) aconite, his bath seemed to get worse tried to introduce catheter but could not enter neck of bladder found he was getting very bad to his father he had better go for another Dr but he said he was satisfied I was doing all that could be done. Got him again into warm water, bathed feet +--micturation';took place when he immediately felt better At Prayer meeting; at night FR 25 Got acquainted with Mrs Detherage + Dudkey kept store for Adams + Norris. C. W. much better. Find practice dull but am determined to hold a steady hand. SA 26 Called to see Mrs Hills child has symptoms of former disease SU 27 Called to see Sewels Daught has

Pg. 245: symptoms of Neuralgia of the stomach also extensive eruption over hole surface they asked what eruption was I told them I could tell better when I come again. Symptoms cramping in Stomach on Friday broke out Seratohes (?) with eruption Saturday. Semicircular red patches all over Surface, began on limbs, eyes red, tightness in chest:; tongue a little coated, delirious when pain is on DrIG -called-'hetc.dis!-e worm,_coiic-=- anew :Ldea_- has-:.passed about 15 worms MO 28 Mrs T C, s ch well. Sewels no better, are giving

Dr Grigsby med told them it was examathuneta (?) almost discouraged, but continue to press on TS 29 Mrs Setel giving Dr Gs med but not helping child any. He persued a very unscerrnlike (?) course in telling her his med would relieve her + never returning to see how they acted. At W. Hicles to see Algin was there last night give him over today to cook.

Pg. 246: was last night a short time with Clabe West WS 30 Commenced treating Sewels child Dr G has treated it 4 day + it gets worse he gave it calomel worm med + small doses of qumia oil turpentine Th 31 Sevrels child better had but little pain, at Godbys in even saw Berry assessor. Negro woman at our house whos chin protrudes, she says her mother wanted pudding when pregnant but was disappionted in getting it right away. -FR April 1st Gave R Elkin medicine for

child ~.~eve qumia Iron + Elixia vitriol Sewe:Ls girl well, Conclude

in my~never to act as Grigsby did; in leaving med assuring them it would cure which it did not even help + leaving for good but give medicine with assurance it will be administered + stick close to the case to see its action

Pg. 247! SA 2 At Bushes saw Nany, at R Elkins to see son, has ague. SU 3 Started to Cane Spring no meeting turned back MO 4 regulating med, find my friend are very excited when they come to hear the true cause of Mrs Douglas' death; which was an entire check of the

Lochial discharge her mother being very Ignorant + timid about such things missinfromed the Dr of the matter hence it was not attended to, I still + resolve to go on. It is talked I killed Mrs Jordon with my apple root a thing I do not rise + She was in the hands of Dr G. about 7 days before she died; Let them talk. TS 5 Regulating med WS 6 Regulating med TH 7 Got med regulated in bottles +c H.D. Says I have many friends in the bend

Pg. 248: FR 8 At home SA 9 Great horse show in Texas. Lost my breast pin 2 boys found it + brought it to me, gave them each a piece of silver, went off very proud, herd of gold key. Was called to deliver Thomases wife, got -along finely the unbilical cord was wrapped twice around neck of child but it was born

without removing the cord. SU 10 at church MO 11 Resolved to feed mare on salt + ashes at times. Liz feeds chicks on red pepper pods mixes it with meal bran +c + bakes it till slight crust on. TS 12 at home WS 13 at home TH 14 Jamison D. told me to be about to attend his wife FR 15 Heard Mrs D'ly admired my eye Miss Wells

told S.H. She was in love with me SA 16 at home SU 17 Lead class in school house MO 18 Called in even to see Norrises 31k child has croup. TS 19 N,s Blk ch better wrote Let to L V Martin

Pg. 249: with Faskie + Billingsleys note in it for collection.

WS 20 At home exhibited stomach pump to Ladies Studied in evening as to propriety of Settling where land is poor like here TH 21 At home FR 22 not much Sickness, cut Godbys childs tongue wet all day SA 23 Took Sup at J Douthits Liz continues to have Symptoms as usual viz chilly sensations, had when first taken pain in lower bowels thighs with bearing down pains + pain In back they continue to a certain extent pain in head side, with fullness of stomach, + spitting of blood at times, keeps going about, + is cross to children; her bowels become torpid + had to give 12 ordinary doses + then worked it out of with salts Think she is breeding but not certain, had no courses this month SU 24 At

Pg. 250: at paces chapel Saw many fine young Ladies Spoke to

Miss Green think her seemingly a fine young Lad. Had violent Head ache in even Extracted tooth for Wm Adams, had 3 fangs. Went to see C West. Called to see Hulet, heard (i') Evans reason. MO 25th Called to see Mrs Berry age 36 delicate at; best found her laboring under inflamation of the bowels of a typhoid character, viz much pain in right Elliac region, difficulty in Breathing has paroxysms of pain pulse 104 rather soft + weak. Courses on from 1 to 2 weeks, not regular as a general thing Gave Fr Gelseminium Fr Aconite + Fr ver, vir. (?) brought pulse down in a few minutes to 100. Dr C. came spoke of bleeding I opposed, had it submitted to her she consented took near a pint, it did not re

Pg. 251: leive (sic) pain any, about 2 hour she seemed have spasm

Gave Dover powders. Found pulse about 120 + wiry, 2 hours after bleeding, not good effect. Called at night to See C west got some powders from Dr C. but did not take them for fear they would make

him sleep. Concluded to be mild + obliging when I meet other Physicians for they have their friends + I am more likely to gain their approbation by being kind to all, nothing by slandering TS 26 Concluded in my mind the great folly of becoming excited at small things, while listening to Esqr Boon talk about Bruice (?), John I have concluded


in my mind, not to look frightening in the most difficult case but remain calm + pleasant, in order to make the patient thmtr (?) there is no particular dangerous never inform the patient but if very bad

+about to die Let relatives know my opinion if

Pg. 252: promptly asked for + the nature of the case will admit

such an acknowledge if not hold out for the better or that went the patient had certain symptoms magnifying the smallest for the better WS 27 Called to See G lewis has intermittent Fev To se (sic) C West at night told him he ought to have more nerve if he was dying +c TH 28 Discharged Lewis cured FR 29 Extracted tooth for Mrs Godby SA 30 At home all day + nothing to do H.D. thinks My being an Eclectic hurts my business if so I cannot help it for it will not do to run after the peoples whimsical notions. SU May 1 At home extracted tooth for Mrs Fields MO 2 At home kept store TS 3 Wrote agreement between Adams + Griggs Liz Still continues to have pain in head +c white discharges from bowels. Gave her Emmenagogue Cimerea, Pruninc + 31k cohosh with whiskey Tonic composed of Juglans in de coction (?)

Pg. 253: Esqr Boons Son swelling under jaw + breaking out about mouth. Gave him Iodine ointment to apply externally + a solution of Pod. Lep. San. Hydrastin Alcohol + water. His system seemed to undergo a change immediately looking hearty + well the Swelling went down in a few days. WS 4 At home saw Miss West think she has measles TH 5 Studied medicine FR 6 Studied blood letting See Carppenter 192-200 Increase of fibrin + decrease of Corpuseles + vice versa SA 7 At home SU 8 At church, called to see Mrs Sewel, talked to girls at Esqr Boons talked with Col Harris about private disease told me of negro dying from Dr C + S Salivating him. extensive souging (?) on one side of the face MO 9 Was with Mrs Douthit in confinement got along fine, have been several weeks closely about home to attend her case Dr C was spoken to first but they afterward concluded to have me. Cought the idea of women not catching their breath in pains find the Douglas report is turning

Pg. 254: my favor. Hear it said Berries are very mad at Dr C. for Salivating Mrs B. The Douglas report was hard to bear but I begin to find it was to my advantage to keep quiet in the Subject TS 10 Mrs D. doing well WS 11 Mrs D, took bad in even had fainty spells swets much. Applied mustard gave anti fever powder Cin +c in rages (?) whiskey. Put my mare to Ds the large jack farmed her at $50 TH 12 Took break at J. Douthits Mrs D. better of sweats + weakness find Lochial distl stopped washed with milk + wat gave antif Powder without whiskey her having fever. Gave antif P in wine. Much better through day. Me 13 Mrs D not well gave her P. L. S + Cin powder. Was called to see negro woman at Dowels in confinement. The Labor was a Right cephelo

Pg. 255: illinc (?) position + shoulder presentation, tried to press shoulder back + get head to present could not do it thet (then ?) tried to catch feet pains were so strong could not do that, concluded She must be relaxed sent for Dr. R. could not find him, sent to Richmond, Hems come his notions + mine agreed as to turning he wanted to bled (sic) I gave in as She was very strong, after bleeding he being strong in his arm with grep.t force he turned the feet to present + the ch was born (dead) SA 14 To see Nilkic (?) is improving SU 15 A.class Mrs D improving, she sweats rather freely + has cold

feet MO 16 At home TH 19 Went to Waters Mrs W. sick, very restless, Boy got

Pg. 256: arm broke at Daltons, I was almost provoked at Dalton a

man of very little Sense for going for Dr„ C. but conclude to take it calm although many of the citizens do not like it, (his conduct) FR 20 At Waters + Niblics SA 21 Went to D. McKinneys got

aqquanted (sic) with Miss Ann Me, Miss Hicle + Miss Puss (?) McKinney. SU 22 Rode with Miss H. to church, talked wi Miss Jackson spoke in class + love feast stopped with L E MO 23 Rode from L Ecklevs to mouth of red river took dinner at Herr'Lts, stopped at Chambers , +c, got call to go the Jess Wilsons, who had had chills about 6 months TS 24 Went to see Jes (sic) Wilson has chills every day. Chill coming on as I went

Pg. 257: in gave him a emectic stopped chill in 10 minutes which lasted at other times 2 hours, had some fever + sweating vomited mucous water + some bile; gave him Cincho:aia. Gave wife med for Stomack, he Jes, told me to attend to his daughter if she tookrchills. Heard H Elkins Son has chills again, returned in about 2 days, conclude to use cin. pills to prevent return WS 25 At home TH 26 to see Jes Wilson has not had chill since I was there first. At Window (?) called to see Mrs Richards daught She is improving very fast Aliens

FR 27 At home SA 28 Called to see Jim Wilson has Nettle rash is vomiting freely gave N. Cardial G elsenatia Tn (?) stopped vomiting, gave antif ever powders to break up paroxysm SU 29th At Wacho church was called in haste to see G Lewis

Pg. 258: has Nettle rash + slight inflamatio:n of stomach. Treatment gave Pod. Pep San. also Gelset, aconite + verattc MO 30 G Ltw (?) well Jim Wilson has chills, continue the same treatment TS 31 At home WS June 1st Convalescent D. Ramsey called to get whiskey bit one of my pills to see what was in it Wilson told him he got along faster under my treatment than his. TH 2 At home FR 3 At home SA 4 Saw Jes Wilson in Texas. Went to Greens in even was treated well SU 5 Rode with Sally to church MO 6 Called to Bob E. + to Richards stopped at meeting a while

Pg. 259: TS 7 visiting all day WS 8 Took fishbone out of Willowbys childs throat TH 9 At Jes W for din got pack of journals with post mortem in FR 10 At church Richards child better has Bilious f ever with Pneumonia SA 11 Mrs Rts girl better Went home with Miss S. Crook was introduced to Miss Jenkins. Think Miss Sailie would make a good wife. Algin H. at C.ts with me SU 12 Came to Wacho to church with Miss S. bid good by to her, told her I was coming up agan (sic) she said "well" MO 13 Jes Wilson has another shake Sent for medte Found hed (sic) did not take Prophylactic pills according to directions TS 14 At Wacho Mrs R,s child discharged cured heard Hiss C is taken on about me sent letter to Mrs (?) Hills with 11.00 in it , medicine WS 15 At Mobleys pond to see them dip 29 Embryo Baptists

Pg. 260: TH 16 Went to See Niblic, is better heard report of me

of me saying hard things of Dr Rams, remarked people might talk on if they chose but that never had uttered any such words FR 17 Very rainy weather SA 18 At Flat Woods Church SU 19 At class MO 20 Went Owins to See daught has cough + has had it Since having Pneumonia, Phthisicy (?), is 16 yrs old + has not courses yet + no symptoms of them trying to come except head aches expectorates things


freely when coughing much throws up food at Gave her Fr Iridine Macrotine Caulophylln + Saugumarin (?), Ipecacuanha Elixer v bathe once a week TS 21 At home all day WS 22 At P F Adams was in

Pg. 261: troduced to Dr. Rice TH 23 In Estil Jes W. + family all doing well. Miss Allen neare well treated her with (for rising in breast) India Alteralive + Nur amonia. Drew milk from breast + applied Ess P epermint, also Sassafras as a poultice FR 24 At Flat Wood Masons had procession heard lecture from Helm Dr Grigsby told me of Box medicine at John Francis. Think strongly of trying to court Miss S. Crook but again as I am not settled in life I think it would be better not to tie myself down. SA 25 At home + at Martins SU 26 At home MO 27 At Martins child better TS 28 At home WS 29 Went to Crooks had fine time gave Mrs C. Med TH 30 At home FR July 1st Went to Kiddville took diner at Wrights all night at R K SA 2 Went to Risks find Rachel good company SU 3 Went to church with Rachel

Pg. 262: find a fine young Lady, thinking of courting her, she is not so refined as Miss Crook but is more of a home retired Lady, got acquainted with Sidener + Rams all night at sirs Goffs MO 4 Asked Mrs Goff her charge while I was there Sick; it was nothing came home, my horse stood ride well TS 5 Opened Box Medicine from F D .Hill + co find all right WS 6 At Sevens daught better continue to to give her Emmenagogue pills morning + evening + 3 gr Iodide potassium at noon, for the purpose of bring on her courses Niblics left lung is effected with haemorrhage have him using codliver oil. TH 7 At home Think of remaining in T till make enough money to go to Missouri there to locate for life the land is not rich enough + cheap enough around Texas to locate for life FR 8 Called to Wm Willowbies,'to See boy

Pg. 263: who had got Struck on left leg 2 in above knee on anterior part with fish find it had poisoned the whole System could find no evidence of its being in yet gave med to act on bowels P L + I also anti£--powder to prevent f everishness + reinstate good blood next day

was in better swelling gone nearly dowce (?) Still with throbing in part (SA 9) has sharp pain ordered Burdock Poulee uch SA 9, At church got acquanted with Miss Oldham she uses too many big words for one of her education SU 10 At meeting in Texas had Mr + Mrs Miblic all night with me, at J Douthits for Supper find Jamison cannot talk of anything but Cambleism. MO 11th Reed $48 from Martin the amt of Fiskies note he sued for it. He tells me of

Jacksons getting a pianoforta + aping after aristocracy

Pg.264: ( A most unusual page which is completely interlineated)

TS 12 Got home in night from Odd fellows L in Richmond. discharged C Web cured of poison from fish bone, leg running puss very freely

WS 13 Have those old and troublesome notions about entering the law, the more I learn of human nature the more I feel like entering a profession where by increasing 'perseverance + regardless of their frail notions I can rise up + walk swiftly on the road to improvement + usefulness I am convinced after mature reflection I can do as much good in Law as medicine. After months + years reflection I think and conclude an honest (word omitted, probably should be "life$') as well in law as any other profession + the reason why I think so strongly of entering it for life I kow (sic) it will call forth my latent energies more that any other profession TH 14 At home

(Page 264, as written from top to botton ends here. The Good Doctor now continues writing between__his first lines starting from the bottom of the page and writes towards its top.) In a word I know I should like it + a man should follow what he likes, there is no (?) great progress in that a man is not fully satisfied in he can not overcome difficulties nearly so well + (4 ?) by bringing out my talents to their fullest can nearly (?) live a better man than than (sic) to continue where I am continually dissatisfied (Now writing diagonally across the page over the words "Got home in night-walk swiftly on the road", he continues) After mature reflection asking God to be my helper from this day I shall direct my attention to law June (sic) 13 1859 Excelsior! Excelsior!

Pg. 265: FR 15 At home SA 16 At Union large crowd there, heard Clay Smith speak made very poor speech, also heard Kirt Burnham, fine speech, great crowding at table separated gents + ladies. Talked to Broadus + Burman as to works in law necessary to be admitted both said chitteys blackstone B. Said Goodloe only examined him on Black Stone got case at Swims (?) Mrs Roystons child effected like Widow Hills child SU 17 At Flatwood Saw Miss Jenkin heard Hardin preach 2 sermons one of the efficacy of Christs Suffering 1st sufficient for all 2ond Extended to all 3 all may come. Evening sermon on the Blind man. Spoke of his Faith Repentance Confession + Baptism. MO 18 Called to See Mrs R,s child better. TS 19 At home WS 20 At home

Pg. 266: TH 21 Niblie has got near well is riding about + looks about as well as ,ever TH 21 (sic) Called to see J. Douthits babe has rising in head had court in Texas Adams Hill Mrs W FR 22 Was invited to infair at Norrises did not go. had Ireland Wright to see me J Douthits babe worse, in connection with rising in head + fever, it has Tympanites (?) think it doubtful as to its living, today poured in antif ever powder Fr Gelsenimium Fr Vervis Fr Acotl gave a little too much Fr vervis which caused much gaging,. but find Tympanites causes belching + a passing of wind per anus gave oil at night. Sa 23 Mrs R,s boy improving J.D.s rising broke gave Gel + In T.J. found mouth affected with Slomatiti.s had to quit giving med washed with Fn Hy + In T.J. bowels much distended very restless, gave 2 doses 5 min each Tn Gel. went to Sleep Slept all night. Put Iodone oint on.

Pg. 267: jaw applied peach (?) leves + corn meal poultice to bowels also burdock poultice to jaw + also to bowels volatile oint. which seemed to ease him ( age 2 months) right off followed it with bran + vinegar. Sat up friday + Sat nights till 2 oclock SU 24 J.D. s child better sleeps fine all day, quit giving any med but oil since yesterday at noon. Very wet have had long dry spell which has ' injured crops (corn) MO 25 J.D.child discharged cured ordered wine bitters bath tb sustain constitution Thought of the passage in Scripture where it speaks of never looking back after putting hand to plow so in a profession. Conclude I should make more show in dress while practicing medicine for entire success among all classes would indicate it many people are so ignorant + weak minded as to look at clothes no person will discard a man for dressing fine ( if not presumptive with it) hence a Dr loses nothing but gains by dressing fine

Pg. 268: TS 26 At Stephe Powels heard tRevnd Bruce went home with

Miss S. Green, at Union in even to hear B deliver temperance lecture James Royston better WS 27 At home TH 28 At Noacho (?) + Owens Sent letter to F.D. Hill with 3 2.21 in it Also let to Martin J Royston can walk some has good appetite has but little fever took a spell of difficult breathing for first time since I treated him first FR 29 At home, studied all day con.clud to try to improve my mind in remembering names by the use of the alphabet SA 30 At Wm Willowbby has got well of private disease treated him about 7 months for it has Diarrhoea + Swelled testicle. At Owins J Royston weaker than at 2 or 3 previous visits, is salivated from nwr ammota gave it to effect Serofula (?), has no fever noto (?) only in hands, bowels not swelled SU 31 Rainy, at home MO Aug 1 At Owins + Election at Union J. R. has Palpitation

Pg. 269: of the heart has fever in hands at times Serofula lumps going down, wants to eat all the time,discharg a from bowels changed from.dark green to natural. TS 2 Was all night at Owins P F A

at me about marrying Mrs Royston, riches +c, WS 3 At home TH 4 At Owins J. R. not improving much FR 5 At Wm Willowbys babe has intermittent Fever with tendency to inflamation of brain Gave fever med +c SA Called to Webers Sis W. has intermittent Fever. On way to W's got news child was dying on arriving found it has spasmodic croup gave it Acitic Emetic got better left 3 antif powders ( age 6 mths) 1 afternoon night and morning left Wts Gel Acot1 + ver_vis-. 5--2--2 min Saw JR left antif--powder (8) 4 each day SU 7 Willowbys child has Pseudo Membramous Croup ( or rather partaking of inflam_ atory character) Given up to she by (?) all Very bad-fever nearly-:broke gave it 2 doses of Calomel to act as solvent ( 10 grs at 10 oclock + 10 gr at 1 oclock, there all night child much better Miss Weber convalescent MO 8 Willowbys babe better breaths better perspiration, has inflammation in throat yet, breaths better sucks well give

Pg. 270: no medicine except wash throat apply liniment poultices +c.

J Royston feels cool has no fever, has quite natural persptration (sic) on whole surface, bathed first in ashes + water, secon put peach leaves in 3 in whiskey + water. TS 9 Discharged Sis Weber cured gave her nothing but.antifever powders all the time bowels kept regular, Willowbys babe improves while swalbbing throat it coughed pieces of matter, sweats freely. got letter:- from J.V. Martin talks of Drs +c WS 10 Willowbys babe nearly well. Mrs Roystons boy improving laughed today played with sister have been giving antif-powders till now from last two visits, changed today to qumia Elix V. + Epcin. 30 gr 15 m to 2 oz cin Very wet in P.M. TH 11 At h. FR 12 Did c d W.. ch cured At inf air

Pg. 271: at W Hicles had finer (?) got acquainted with Miss Wells, Hicle, + Mrs Hicle. SA 13 Came to church with Miss Hicle talked

to Miss S Crook in even also Miss Ellison SU 4 Large crowd at Texas meeting HO 15 At church TS 16 At church heard Foster + Acaline (?) WS 17 Called to see Wm Willowby has consiunption TH 18 Called to See Rub Elkint s Negro has chills + Infl Rheumatism FR 19 Had Miss Sallie crook + others to take supper with us had fine time, took her to church + home to P F Adams asked he if I should write to her would she answer the reply was certainly SA 20 Miss S Crook + others stopped with J Douth all night J Green is following Miss Croo (sic) every where she goes, he is green certain In that respect. SU 29 At Flatwood did not go to J Douthets in morn as there were some 4 fellows

to go to ch with Hiss S I thought I would let them work out thare (sic) own salvation

Pg. 272: MO 22 Wm Willowby has bad cough left lung Seems much affected, discharged Elkins Negro cured Saw Godby immerse 3 persons ar River TS 23 Called to See Rote Powel gave J Royston up cannot see a point to make in his case, he still has good appetite look well out of eyes but is seemingly full of Serfula (sic) lumps on neck running sores over back has no use of his legs, think I could have raised if I had got him in time but vitality is so-- low that the disease will predominate. wrote Miss S A. Crook a letter according promise WS 24 A Willows he is better, heard tale of Dalton about me, nearly killing Mrs Douthit + they sending for Dr. C. + sending Willowby word he would be dead in 8 days if he continued to take my med I have concluded never to notice him. TH 25 At R. Powels, he is-better FR 26 At Flatwood SA 27 discharged R. Powel cured, called in rain at night to see W. Combs SA 27. (sic) The longer I think on the subject the more I am convinced I can enter fully into the law + serve God at the same time. as to pleading for guilty persons, mercy should be observed in Poor frail mortals. Were I not thoroughly convinced that I can lead as active useful + religious life in law as Medicine. I should not pass from the medical Science into law SU 28 At home till noon then at Willowbes (sic) (Wm) he is getting better fast. Treatment in his case Expt Tn, Tellegraph Pills, Gargle of M. (?) I. +

Pg. 273: Hydrastin Tn, catnip, cloroform amonia, antif powds, aperient Tonic, Ayres cherry pectoral, eat rare boiled eggs +c rub with rough cloth bathed first but quit + went to rubbing only. gave Dalton a rg (?) res C?) about talk MO At Flatwood heard rogers went home with Miss Prou Wells took super at W Hicles talked to her + her married sister in parlor had fine time when starting Algins wife said to me bring your wife back again to See us a strong hint. TS 30 At Flatwood talked to Miss wells at creek at time of F'sabtising (sic) WS 31 Called to amanda hill has Fever TH Sept 1 At home FR 2 Miss (?) ch better SA 3 Rode in Rain (has-been very wet Season) caught very bad cold SU 4 Called to Kings to see Lady 80 yrs old has chills + fever was sick with cold in a.m. MO 5 disch'd Amanda H cured P Grigs child dead heard Dr C blistered it all over breast + back of neck Strange men can never learn anything It had Intermittent Fever. TS 6 At Kings Old Lady missed chill. Conclude practicing med in this country will Kill any man in a few years. ITS 7 Riding TH 8 Received letter from Miss Sallie Crook At J Swims to Jimmy Roystons Funeral. FR 9 Called to see Mrs Smith his (has ?) Intermittent

Pg. 274: Heard a Reformed Preacher last night; at Flatwood, his preaching is like all the rest of their Prs. Trying indirectly to make it appear that the Reformed or Christian church is the only true church. Their Doctrine is no Discipln in church matters + that the plan of Salvation is a certain chain as follows, Faith repentance, Confession + Babtism (by immersion) All members have to do to get into the church is to come up answer yes when they are asked if they believe in Christ the Sun of God this done then immersion + they are considered members in full standing. The more I read the Scriptures the less do I think of this doctrine. TH 29 At R Powels. Has inflamation of liver Says his tongue is coated more at times on the left side, there is numbness in left arm + Soreness in right eye. Called to see Anna Royston Fr 30 Mrs

Smith has relapse SA Oct 1 Colt Show in 'town At Smiths, Owens , Powels, SU 2 Heard Godby Preach MO 3 Rode from 11 a.m. to 11 P.m. TS 4 Discharged Mrs Smith cured at S winburns chill coming on wife when I got there gave her 3 antif-- ponds ( cin + c 160 m Tn Gelsmnm 1 gr Specae had but Short chill + very little f evr after

WS 5 Find most cases that I treated in last month have an attac again in from 2 to 3 weeks. TH 6 At T Hills

Pg. 275: FR 7 Treated.-_H$± :-'(-sic, , probabljr ',Hi:1l). for: G'a come rather

mysteriously affected similar to W.W. give H. the same or similar prescription to W,s which was Sweet spt nitre z j v

Bal som copal va to ft

Fr Gelsemiun to ,r

Gum arabic z j

water pure z j v ss (?)

give 1 teaspoonful 3 time a day

Ingect dug Lead gr + Sul zink gr v opium gr v„ This acted finely in W,s case. In cases where treatment is necessary to be changed after using same prescription for a length of time, would add mur Tn Iron z j v. In H.s case no pain in back flinches when press on Kidney (lft) no pain in kidney, inflamation of glans penis, lump in Tild (?) groin has yellowish discharge from urethra, pain at erection. difficulty in urinating. Spoke whit easy when using wat seed Knows no cause but slept with a hard case of a fellow about 3 weeks since, has been afflicted 5 days was lifting hard when it come on first. Spoke that he thought it was running at the rains.SU Examined T Hills lungs think the entire lung affected except the inferior left lobe. Sounded Mrs WWm Kings lungs find inferior lobe of right lung dull. SU 9 Heard Revnd Brookin preach. P Hicle called. + got medicine, he is one that was down on me at first. MO 10 Discharged R Powel cured Recd letter from Sallie She meets my anticipation in the love line + I have concluded if I advance any further to be consistent I Shall have to marry, She is a nice girl + will no doubt make a nice wife. TS 11 At Kings Sent med to 6 cases chills from ].0 to 15 mile of WS 12 Sowing at home wrote letter to Miss Sallie put it in office in evening. TH 13 See 18(i 278) -(FR:-is.~m.issing•,-_pag--may-bo cut)

Pg. 276: Fever + i s Pregnant SA 10 Discharged Mrs King cured At Fosters meeting Subject infant Baptism (sic) Called to See R Powel in evn has chills SU 11 Mrs Smith not much better troubled at times with pain in head limbs but no tenderness. Called to S Winburns he + w + babe are sick. Talked to Mrs Royston think her a mighty pain (sic) good looking that is moderately +-beauty'is but skin deep unassuming widow I am about convinced she would about suit me for a wife, but is to soon to make my intentions known. Was a part of night at Smiths. MO 12 At Smiths Baylers Sewels Winburns Powels, Mrs Smith is convalescent, her mother Mrs Tuttle says she will talk of me all around I find I am gaining ground very fast notwithstanding all opposition.God granting me aid that be steady + onward. Found in Mrs Smiths case as soon as fever was conquered pain in Side, head + limbs subside bathed in water + she rested easy, (interlineated: in her case persisted in antiperiodic course kept bowel kept bowels (sic) free open did not bleed though she was in family way when I think in Pleshoric person bleeding admissible if at all.) it is a grand thing in the treatment of di seas of all kinds- -where 'fever exist to break fever first in most instances all other symptoms will either subside of are easily managed TS 13 A S Winburns to see babe wrote letter to S.C. WS 14 Di scgd R.- Powel + Mars Smith cured TH 15 Not much to do FR 16 At Warrens SA 17 At home SU 18 At Warrens

MO 19 At home TS 20 At hom WS 21 Have been attending Hiss T Wilson symptoms of Hypertrophy of Heart, She got discouraged because she did not get well in a day or two + sent for Dr. C. Her

Pg. 277: Symptoms were paleness dizziness mumbness of limbs dyspnea, full + pounding pulse TH 22 At Wm Willowbes to see Nolands babe FR 23 Have concluded as I have had such good sussess in the Science of medicine that I shall continue on hard by the profession. Learned

Mrs Blanton was much helped from apericent Tonic I added to it in her case Blk Cohosh + Mur F Iron. Examined firs Nolands case Right lung affected Subject to Haemorrhage, Liver torpid, not a good appetite, great pain + burning sensation in region of Uterus + Kidneys no pain in thighs. Not long since had spell + thought neck of bladder Swelled by feeling a lump, had difficulty in making water at this time, has too great a flow of menses + they seem watery has whites, had fracture of head of femur wh.en•'pregnant is 37 years old, is going about now on crutch SA 24 At home SU 25 At negro meeting MO 26 Called to see Miss Sams aged 15 yrs was taken with high fevers pains violent + throughout system has lay 23 days, fever left 2 days Since has had much fever in head, is now insensible pulse 120 full, Barbory mrs (?) Swelling in abdomen on median line anterior to uterus + superior to pubes skin dry + husky, eys (sic) red + glossy, pupils dilated, (eys) insensible to light cannot understand only at times Subsultus tendinum, reaching in the air, picking at nose, breathing low + irregular. TS 27 At office got letter from Thomson want to know about location Speedwell WS 28 argued with H Douthit on Scripture the more I examine the more I think Reformed doctrine does not accord with Scripture, turn back a leaf see 19 (i.e. page 274)

Pg. 278: (18)• At home not much to to (sic) do. My mind runs considerably on that sweet heart of mine, but if she should prove treacherous I should leave her with the heart of a lion resolved to love if possible a better on. SA 14 At home SU 15th Study in morning. My mind is more than ever settled of late as to continueing Steadfast in the medical profession. I pray God that I may ever progress in my noble calling + ever understand the scientific manner of administering to the wants of the sick. I think of getting scinttfic works on each particular organs or Set of organs in the system. I

thereby under stand more thoroughly the Pathology Diagnosis, Prognosis + Treatment. I shall try to meditate at after rettting more on the sutdies + seines of the day. MO 17 At home TS 18 At home not much to do WS 19 Meditating conclude that in order to be successful + contented through life I -,shoul-"first.:adapt -~.a' location. + then adapt myself fully tb the location hence Texas is not suitable to adopt or be adopted for life I want to get to a rich county seat where the business of the co. centers level lands, rich, aqueish (?) +c TH 20 Law day much quilling FR 21 A Smiths + Hattens Mrs

S sowing SA 22 To See R Powel is improving slowly has yet inflamation of Kidneys +Liver had symptoms of chill yesterday but did not have regular chill is good color has good appetite bowels regular SU 23 Preachers Family come at home all day W Norris spoke of having Father + others, about persuaded to employ (?)

Pg. 279: me as Physician. There no sickness now in the country NO 24 At home TS 25 At home WS 26 At home TH 27 At home FR 28 Not doing much SA 29 At R Powels he is convalescent has not had chill for about 5 week put him on Prophylactic measures had slight


fever 3 weeks after chill but soon passed„ I gave him antifever

pill in morn, tonic bitters noon + night one week + change the next till noon to give pill + bitters morn + night. Kidneys near well liver about well, he wears flannel + bathes twice a week, have been successful thus far with my prophylactic measures in chills, when I can have them carried out. Landed in even at mart G,s Miss

Sallie came in dressed plain but neat SU 30 Went with Miss Salli e to Paces chapel Saw Mrs Harber she put me in remembrance of Sallie C. Took dinner at'.-G, s Left for home, called to see 3 Powel find himimproving rapidly. Mo 31st At home nothing to do, have suspicions as to Linda Barnitz disease being a natural consequence• TS Nov 1st At Elliston WS 2ond At home TH 13 Went to Eckley got order from Persell on T. Boon. McKinney child died on Saturday last

FR 4 In Powel Co to See Garret has chill, heard Taylor preach called to See Miss Gippy (?) Jackson think her very pretty. At Smiths all night in Levy. Was told of Mrs Hills having consumption the

Pg. 280: Doctor giving opium She going 6 days without discharge from bowel +c SA 5 Took Din at Dr Wilkissons went to Risks found Miss R. as pleasant as ever made agreement to correspond. SU 6 Went to ch with HR-. At night at Esqr Kidds 5 young men there Mason +c MO 7 Took din at Goffs stopped at Wrights came home. It did my soul good to spend a while about Kiddville people are so kind TS 8 At home WS 9 Went to see Mrs Floyd got Mrs Lane to treat TH 10 At Richmond FR 11 Wrote letter to Miss R Risk according to promise heard brooking preach, heard Dr G. + Mrs Boon were at Smiths both said child was dead but it came (?) living SA 12 At I4aglones wife some better got acquainted with Miss Lane think she would make a good wife for me all night at Lanes talked~. considerable to Miss L SU 13 Came home from Lanes Wit from station camp waiting for med for Dimaway has::had no chill for three weeks has slight fever each day for two days. gave away some of med'ne I sent him. I put him on Prophylactic bitters + ordered antifever pills if necessary Leard (sic) Miss S was with (?) MO 14th at home Lewis Rickets (?) Wilson here all night TS 15th At Lanes (:naj) (?) was there first time wednesday 8th She has been unwell about 2 month, has had swelling in limbs none now. Swelling or bloating in stomach at times more when ague is on has ague -every other day inflamation in eye choking in throat at times pain at times opposite sternum bowe13 active tongue

Pg. 281: whitish coat no appetite has not slept well. Treatment ordered antif ever pills en +c 3 night + morn wdnesday (siC) + thursday even + quit (?) fri also Proph bitters the Peruvian bark. Called Sat found found (sic) She had paroxysm of ague evening before + this morning gave her antif-- polls 3 every hour until 12 given no par'n (?) this even but very dry left order to give 4 pill noon + night bitters in morning, Sweet Spts nitre when needed if pain or cramping in Stomach New (?) cordial called Tuesday fin ( sic) paroxysms came on Sunday + tuesday at 11 oclook lighter tues. than Sunday eye nearly well bowels regular Kidneys acting bloating in stom better. Quit giving bitters, left Te:Llegraph pills 1 each evening 4 an T f P on + 12 pills on (?) + 1). 2 p at night + 8 (?) in morn + 3 in 2 hours. Called Thurs morn better in every respect Sitting up, whitish coat on tongue yet, washed it + an (?) with charcoal gave her 2 antif-- pow qumia +c with 10 min (?) Fr Gelln at 10 a.m. hasse (7) chill had slight Symptoms, a little pain in head gapped (gasped, or gassped ?) some quite thirsty. Monday gave her emetic is not improving much thick visid matter keep her on same

course excep cin +c powds (2) at night + qumia +c (6) pills in morn continue every evening + morning TH 24 Better, improving, has had no symptoms of ague Since emetic took 4 p'rs 12 pills has no appetite gave her anitf Pill quit night + morn bowels + Kidneys not acting gave Tellegraph powder + watseed (?) + Sweet spts nitre TS 29 Improving was worse Sat continued bitters in Large doses Tonic Bitters 3 times a day Pills antif qui + night = morn, powd if necessary ( Tellegraph) +c - SA Dec 3 Still, improving has fever in head gave antif Pills cin (?) 3 ever 2 hours till 12 taken (?)

3 gave bitters still acts on in. crotol in skts (?) not (?) (The following is written along the right hand edge of the page over what he had written before) Deem (?) Mrs L improving continue bitters Pills cordial bottom ....(?)

Pg. 282: WS 16 At home TH 17 At Mrs (?) Lanes Miss Mary Lane very pleasant he ma gave some hints. Said she would go to bed + Mary + might talk, I told her previously I thought much of her daughter or the way she was raised, in Starting I said. while Shaking hands with Miss Mary to Mrs Lane take care of this daughter of yours + do not let any of these fellows have her she said she would save her for me. Find the way is open if I want to proceed, she has some property in her own name from 3 to 4 thousand $ + her pa is wealthy-+ has but 2 children. FR 18 At home SA 19 At home SU 20 At home MO 21 At Miss Lanes Mrs L talked freely about her daughter + gave me many hints; I sat to her daught a while in parlor think her a fine Lady considering her chances, very wet today . Found ( or Phil) breast pin 3d time a formal breast pin Paid money to J Cob for J.D. lifted note TS 22 At home WS 23 At home TH 24 Went to Lanes Mrs L better Stopped all night say to Miss M. had fine time, find she is. considerably taken on FR 24 Came home from Lanes had debate SA 25 AT home SU 27 Liz confined got on well child no respiration when born worked with it till it came to. MO 28 Sent to a for watch by Lewis TS 29 At Lanes thought something of making proposition to Molly but did not. WS 30 Wrote Bylaws of Texas Lit Society TH Dec 1st At home FR 2 At debate had fine time lost one decision + gained another SA 7

Pg. 283: Went to Lanes Stopped all night; Sat to Molly She had about 7 Beaux but I flared them all. Hinted about marrying find the way is clear, think she will make a business woman but will need

considerable tutoring. SU 4 Crossed at Lanes ferry water swept boat down stream, also crossed at 1dolands creek MO 5 At home TS 6 At home WS 7 Freed (?) sing (?) Went to Maj Lanesby Wacho find Mrs Lane improving slowly, engaged to marry Miss Mary E.L. Lane.

The Lord bless me in this undertaking that; I may consumate it- + prosper therein, gave med to White + Handrichs; Mrs + Mr Lane are very kind to me. TH 8 Came (?) home FR 9 Still cold, uncle (?) Hiram got hint at Brookings about Eliza when he spoke of me being froze up SA 10 Called to Maj Lanes to See Hendrichs, boys played trick. on me at Watrouses SU 11 Got home from Wilsons NO 12 A L. talked some to Molly but was rather careless TS 13- Came home from Lanes WS 14 At home at practicing 8 exhibits TH 15 At Lanes Mrs L nearly well at work. FR 16 At Debate K. Crooke all night with us, had quite a number of debaters with us. SA 17 At home SU 18 At Ma j Lanes sat to Miss Molly She spok she would not like boarding but would rather keep house MO 19 Started to wedding after collecting about 48 $ to Jack Nolands young man did not get license TS 20 At home WS 21 At home

Pg. 284: TM 22 A Lanes FR 23 A home Exhibition SA 24 At home


SU 25 Christmas. have..collected:about _100 up'.to time 1,10 26 Collecting have not had a person to grumble at an account TS 27 At h WS 28 At home TH 29 At Maj Lanes talked to Mrs Lane about her daughter She had no objections but thought'it was too soon for us to marry yet, had quite a talk to Molly the longer I know her the better I love her, She thinks six weeks will be soon enough I agreed to it FR 30 Party at Maj Lanes took dinner, left had two calls when got

home SA 31 Saw Mrs Royston recd money extracted teeth +c was called to Harpers through rough roads + bitter cold night SU Jan 1st 1860 Called to see Padams (P. adams '?) child. Attending E A child principal disease worms + aphtha MO 2 Riding considerable now TS 3 At E Adams child improving a little WS 4 Getting new practice most every day TH 5 At Hackets to see Case FR 6 At H Norris to see babe discharged E Adams child cured was bad 4 people thought would die SA 7 At Maj Lanes sat to Miss Molly she had been talking to her ma about us marrying soon the old Lady wants us to wait to spring She told her she did not know until she would see me. We concluded to wait til spring. SU 8 Horse got sick gave him Sweet milk molasses.+ cosseras haked (?) him. MO 9 At home TS 10 WS 11 TM 12 FR 13 Wrote letter to Odd fellows to I am to Luken + Rikhoff To commercial put :1.00 for comercial SA Went to see T Hills wife recd

Pg. 285: from Mrs Douthit a present of 1 Pair Socks weeks since

she presented to me a pair Jane pants, the, Lord Bless such a woman as Mrs Douthit SU 15 Very muddy at class H D said if babe was

no better he would send for me MO 16 At home TS 17 WS 18 Very pretty weather TM 20 Law day in T no Esqr FR 20 In Estil. at Maj Lanes

old folks as kind as ever had fine time courting Miss Holly, her Love seems to grow warmer + mine also increases. I pray God to add his blessing to us that we may a happy union live a happy life die a happy death + escape to mansions of glory. Miss H told me She had recieved at least a dz letters from young men but never answers any of them. SA 21 Came home SU 22 At meeting in Texas MO 23 In Estil to See Kings child. TS 24 Horse taking Fistula. West doctored horse for Berry of Richmond WS 25 At Mrs hills got note Mrs R Williams spork (?) she never heard anything but good about Molly Lane TH 26 At home FR 27 SA 28 SU 29 A Maj Lanes all night thought of resenting a circumstance but concluded it was better not MO 30 A Brothertons to see ch age 4 yrs has anchylosis of right knee first caused about 2 years since by hurt pained "'a-hen + also swelled, has been growing stiff ever since cannot use It much is very health otherwise, tendons of posterior

Pg. 286: very much corded the ends of the bones seem to be enlarged. She had been treated by Dr. C.for nearly 2 year also Dr. Dudly blistered it, father consulted Richmond Drs had her to many Lexington Drs Some said it was white swelling others was inflamation, which was Dr Drossinion (?) I pronounced it anchylosis from inflamation of the joint. Father was at Lexington consulted Dr (name missing) he said could be cured + gave art idea at to his course, I being there previous + stated my opinion + it being the same as his they concluded to employ me in the case. Treatment Steam over spot in vapor of Hops Wormwood Lobelia + Geranium, then poultice with same at night, apply in morn + at nootvollim (sic) keep straitning (sic) give Syrup of burdock yellows dock + sarsaparilla once a day. TS 31 Very snowy at J Wilsons fever broke WS Feb 1st at home TH 2 A Maj Lanes + J Wilsons he is improving very much FR 3 At home + at Brothertons child better SA 4 Quarterly meeting took Miss Brock to church Saw Miss S. Crook SU 5 To see J W at Maj L. was plagued


about Miss S C MO 6 Went home with Miss S. + Miss Ellison Miss S treated

Pg. 287: me very lovingly, + I must say she is a lovely girl, her

+ I sat up a whil but I made no advances She asked me if I would not like to have my likness in a case on a gold ristband I excused myself by saying she would be ashamed to wear it if my likeness was there, she said she would wear it oftener. TS 7 came home from

Crooksville. at R Elkins Sale was fight John hill. got wounded opposite lower lobe of left lung did not penetrate pleura probe would only enter about 3/4 in complained of great pain in lobe applied adhesive plaster Dr Price gave him podophyllin + morphia got new-suit from Richmond express by J.D. cost $ 35.50 Coat, vest fits fine white vest black coat + pants WS 8 Called to Hill found him suffering in left lung all through + bowels very wakeful all night could not turn on either side. gave him Pod Lep + Ipecacuanha quin Powd +c applied poultice of herbs to breast soon got aslep (sic) got better continued quin-- powd + Kept bowels open + he continued to improve until Monday Mb 13 when discharged cured. TH 9 At Maj. Lanes told Miss M had crow to pick with her about leaving me In room She said I must not think anything of that that she did not think FR 10

Pg. 288: At Hills SA 11 At Hills SU 12. At church Examined Ir (?) Hicle find he has Hypertrophy + dropsy of heart heart labors hard has whizzing Sound beats 78 natural 60 to 65 can hear water gurgle when Sitting (but little) can hear it plain almost every beat when lying, gave him pod, Lep, qum mur FR Iron. In wat 3 times a day told him to bathe +c MO 13 At Lawsuit estill testified to nature of H,s Wound to Laws Barns Riddle + Floots got on fine in my explanation Brothertons child better continue same Tn TS(sic ?) Called to see Denny badly burnt last week burnt from shoulders to hips + almost around body. Got drunk Slept before fire chunk rolled out +.burnt. TS 14 Denny better smells bad while dressing apply from yesterday Linseed oil under + on cotton give antif ever powder + F Gelseminum. to cause sleep is delirious from effects of poison from burn WS 15 Think of talking plain to Miss M + mother about marrying + if independent about the time think of leaving off for did not afire (sic)

to wait till summer but they want me to wait Would about as soon they would get spunky that I could go again to my old love Sallie Molly Is a nice girl but is fickle Minded + dont suit as well as I expected Sallie is splendid

Pg. 289: girl + worthy any young man in state God bless her + if I dont marry her may she marry a more worthy. Irvin Hide at Winchester consulted Dr Taylor He agrees with me as to disease only contends but very little if any water in or oround (sic) heart treatment is about same only he would give.a little blue mass TH 16 At I Hides to see wife She has been awfully used up with medicine. Put white lead + oil on Denny's Burn the parts are soft f'om oil alone but cotton hurts sore very much in taking off hen lead + oil it hurt at first for 3 or 4 hours but little in other dressings Called at night to Stephens wife in confinement told them after making an examination that the presentation was all right but the parts ;-,ere small hen labor will likely be tedious FR Mrs S got through at 12 M child was choked applied cold water to its breast + put finger down throat soon began to squall, found parietal bons lass (lap ?) considerable while head was passing under pubic arch. Concluded on way there if there was dissatisfaction as in Douglas case to get med (mad ?) or let on so to be + leave right straight but all was right as satisfaction

At Mart Willowbys I am gaining practice very fast my friends re-joice


much over it Jamison D said I must still continue to Dractice here

if I do marry a rich wife SA 18 Denny is much better part of Surface healing: other part very red + the rest mattering much the cotton comes off in dressing easy

Pg. 290: when lead is mixed with oil it makes it matter very freely Still mur anti fever pills in him to strenghted System + give him large doses of Fr Gelsemmum (sic ?) + 3 m Tn aconite to make sleep also give water off Dogwood + w cherry + elm bark has not had deliriousmess + chilly sensations since second day I attended him. Mrs H better + I H,s pulse much slower think he is better but is improving slowly. Called to see Glover find ball entered frontal bone above left eye ( high nearly to hair) + glanced seemingly under skull upward + between skull + periostrium, Rams told him if pain should set up in eyes + light hurt them + pain in back of head send for him. Think he will get well but danger of ball' touching brain in course of time + producing spasm. SU 19 At home MO 20 Sent $24 to G. Lodge no 50 I 0 of 0 f for clearance card paid all dues till Mar 4th 1860. Wrote to Thomson TS 22 A office + Stephens Mrs S doing well WS 23 Riding TH 24 Riding FR 25 At Naj Lanes Miss M does not get to suit me may leave her SA 25 To see Mrs Combs doing well has been confined waters broke 30 hours before child born she is subject to wats breaking a time beforehand SU 26 Riding to see Denny his burn is Improving healing around

Pg. 291: edges + on median line MO 27 Cold to I Jacksons to see black w TS 28 Bought Hicles fine mare paid $30 with note at 8 per cent had west to cut my horse for Fistula yesterday I shall scale the hills now in double quick time Dr Thomson arrived on his way to Irvin to practice med WS 29 At home March TH 1st At home FR 2 Saw Denny burn-healing up trouble with pain in bowels from lead, contine same treatment Brothertons child better can use leg considerable with splints on, but little use without them has seemingly spasms gave wormwood Lansy Garlic in alcohol soon got better cries so when I arrive that I told them to manage It themselves in same way as before. Made splint in strips narrow between muslim (slips) Continue this + if in time it still remains weak get instrument. If I has my own way I should administer chloroform + straiten it. SA 3 Called to see Mrs Griggs She was dying. Child was born 1~ hours after birth yet adhered no flooding Physician said she took cramp in stomach. SU 4 Saw Hall leave the road mighty quick for some cause at burying Was Called last night to See Mrs

Bish was near gone from Shock at news of Mrs G death nerve centers So

Pg. 292: affected that she had rigors could not speak even in

whisper pulse very feeble gave Stimulents applied mustard to ankles rists + stomach soon got better MO 5 TS 6 WS 7 TH 8 FR 9 SA 10 A chambers with Dr Thomson conclude to go to Maj Lanes Sunday +

break up engagement find Molly will not suit me SU 11 At Maj Lanes took exceptions to certain things told Miss Molly we had better break our engagement + renew it again if we saw fit in future time find things do not suit me near as well as; at first MO 12 A Niblics woman bik confined TS 13 Conclude as I have been thinking of strongly Since quarterly meeting to go + see Miss Sallie Crook a Lady I really think (?) well (?) of but she dont quite fit the bill (this last phrase was written over the original words at some later date; the original words are now illegible) WS 14 At home Tai 15 Trying to buy a horse FR 16 Dr Thomson starts for Irvin Bought from N Griggs fine young mare Paid 4" 15 again Jan 1st 60 Insures her sound


Pg. 293: Was called yesterday to See Mrs Sewel violent Haemorrhage gave Fn opium Gel + Cinamon Dr Thomson came gave alum salt tody

I applyed Tampons Haemorrhage ceased all to a quantity nesessary about 3 T. spoonfuls in 4 hours had several fainty spells got better we left about 4 oclock Dr C came about 6 o took tampons out found back of cloted blood embryo (she was gone in pregnancy about 2

months. Made it appear she done the work as to Saving her life. Went down today to discharge Sewels + not practice any more for them but Mrs S said She believed I saved her life hence I did not discharge them + again I thought they might talk about me (hard) I conclude the best plan Is to pass along + say nothing about such things except explain the matter when necessary. Recd :Letter with final card from Greensburg Lodge no 50 I 0 of 0.F, SA 7 put weights on mare to wak (?) pace strikes it at times


Pg.-294: Sent letter to/S Crooke (sic) yesterday. SU 18 A Flatwood church went to Covingtons with Miss Cobb she gave me some hints. MO 19 At Hatcombs (?) home TS 20 at home doing nothing WS 21 at home TH 22 At home FR 23 At home SA 24 Called to see G L ewises wife has has some pain in examination felt head far up. She is very restless pain ceased through night SU 25 Left Hills early as pain in Mrs L had entirely ceased, she comlains of numbness in her limbs (legs), below knees complained of stomach last night when pain was on, had eaten very hearty of hog joles at noon yesterday at noon. At meeting in Texas also at Sabbath School taught class of young Lds + Gents, were quite attentive. MO 26 TS 27 Ws 28 TH 28 (sic) FR 30 Sa 31 At Mart Greens child very sick Miss Sallie talked about right SU Apr I At (?) home MO Aprile 2 At .home TS 3 At office W5 4 Heard of Christopher talking or slandering me to Ramsey conclude to take the matter cooly for it is a christian (sic) 'spirit to forbear. Conclude to acquire a greater test (?) in conversation as to finding peoples minds or the run of the mind + converse to suit them Shall try to remain on reserve till know as to their mind think of leaving this place on account of Christophers Slanders TH 5 FR 6 SA 7 Rode mare that I got from Griggs through Texas WM Adams remarked Sunday 8th that she was lame, noticed her lame In pacing 2 weeks ago. SU 8 At church MO 9

Pg.295: At Hicles all night Sunday with child TS 10 At Hicles mare lame coming home WS 11 At Hicles child better had cholera Morbus then Intermittent fever TH 12 Discharged_ child cured Treatment gave antif ever powds Ta Gel calomel oil veermifuge my mare has distemper FR 13 At office Powel Joe Sick SA 14 Su 15 MO 16 TS 17 WS 18 'TH 19 FR 20 SA 21 SU 22 Taught Sunday School class Huet (?) was mighty pleased MO 23 Went to Irvin saw Dr Thomson we talked something of forming a copartnership. I think it a splendid opening for business, all night at Maj Lanes Miss Molly as pretty + as sweet as ever + much more attentive than usual TS 24 Came home Find gray horse has fistula as bad as ever sold him to Dr West for ¶50 payable on or before Christmas. Conclude to buy Thomson a horse as soon as possible. WS 25 Looked at Lewises Pony offered $90 dollars (sic) payable in 12 months he wanted 8 per cent interest would not give I t 1''H 2 6 offered 4150 mt s (?) 6 per cent payable In 12 months asked 8 per cent payable again Christmas FR 27 Sought Pony of Todd near Richmond paid "'70 at 6 percent Inst + attend obstetrical case he insured him sound in presence of W N. SA 28 At home SU 29 Find I can get as many horse I want on time without Security


Pg. 296: MO 30 At home TS 31 At home Consider I was cheated in buying pony for Thomson Should not have bought him if I had tried tried him on level ground, tried him in plowed ground before I bid for him Concluded I was bit (?) when I got on him to ride home, bought wit is the best of wit if not bought to dear TS May 1st At

home WS 2 Heard Bruce preach in Texas church crowded Saw Miss Sallie Crook TH 3 At home doing but little now FR 4 At home SA 5

At R Powels Mrs Blanton spoke of my objections to her daught a sly (?) pint (?) SU 6 Taught Sabbath School MO 7 Walked in even with Muggy + Molly I as sometimes tempted to say I wait and try my luck for Molly,she 1s not as rich as some I could get but she is a no 1 girl + will make a number 1 Lady. Rode my pony like him better than when I bought him. TS 8 Sent 4 Letters to Ministers of M in different parts to inquire as to a good location WS 9 TH 10 FR 11 SA 12 Recd a most interesting from Rev; R B Jones Lexington Henderson co Tenn as to a locating in that Co his letter is rather flattering He + Rev Brooks think Jack Creek is the place for me SU 13 MO 14 TS 15 WS 16 Th 17 FR 18 SA 19 Nothing doing wrote 4 Letters to different parts of Tennisses (sic) as to a good

Pg. 297: Location SU 20th At Flatwood, at Maj Lanes talked to Molly conclude no make any further propositions to as she does not suit me MO 21 TS 22 Sent letters to Henderson, Perry, Wickman (?), Macon + Wilson Counties Tenn think of trying for a location in Tenn + of travelling there this fall. Conclude to start on a good bases as to location where I can enjoy myself through life while engaged

in my calling for I am determined to go on in the medical profession. I want a location where Lands are rich country level Methodists tolerably plenty but little charity practice plenty of Slaves +c If I start out in earnest in the right kind of place then I will-be neares (sic) right all the time than if I start in mean place. WS 23 TH 24 FR 25 SA 26 put mare to J Griggs horse SU 27 at Sunday School Mo 28 TS 29 WS 30 TH 31 FR June 1st SA 2 Had debate at Lewises Schoolhouse question is Foreign Emigration an a (sic) advantage to our country F.W. T. + I were on affarmative (sic) we gained great excitement SU 3 At S School

Pg. 298: Mr L revealed to me as to being engaged to be married. I think strongly of giving up all notions of marrying now + waiting on Miss M.F.B. I think she would suit me better than any girl I have seen yet. TS 5 WS 6 TH 7 FR 8 Starled (sic) to Forge took dinner at Esqr Kimbls, at Eckleys all night SA 9 Called to see Miss Jacksons had nice time went to D. McKinneys SU 10 All night at Esqr Vonds MO 11 At Irvine court came to Maj Lanes colleed (sic ?) ms neg (?) find Dr Ts Sorrel horse is dead while in hands of Dr Thomson in Irvine at the Douglas Hotel Dr T. Supposed he broke his neck in Stable he says he will pay for him. TS 12 Asked Miss Molly M. L. how she would like to renew a marriage contract with an old lover she said very well but insists on going to school before marrying. At Majs they pay so much attention to me they put on fire in any room in morning before using it + it almost: summer. Went back to court come home in evening. I think something of marrying Miss Lane but dont

Pg. 299: know certain. Consider these marriage engagements a trivial thing as to standing to or breaking though if it could be so I would like think them as strong + stronger than any other contract but it is not so + when I am in Rome I do as Rome does; that is I find from experience a man may make an engagement of that kind + get out of


it again without much trouble in a Gentlemanly way. WS 13 At home TH 14 FR 15 At Crook, had fine time with Miss Sallie + Miss -- from Louisville exchanged old letters with Miss Sallie done in the best of will She gave me many hints as to preferring me before any she knew SA 16 Took dinner at Mrs Roystons all night at Rices find them intelligent plain interesting kind of people. SU 17 Came to Green Chapel with Miss Judith Rice. Took dinner at Greens. MO 18 At Irvin Court, all night at Maj Lanes TS 19 Mixed medicine for Mrs Lane find she takes quite a fancy to me, practiced considerable after coming home. WS 20 At home TH 21 FR 22 SA 23 At Taber (?7 church Masonic procession, got acquainted with Miss Clark + others SU 24 At church MO 25 At Uncle Ham Norrises treated child they sent Dr C word not to come he came any how + gaped (gassed ?) around

Pg. 300: I proposed to raise Mrs Norris or at least though I could

do TS 26 Consulted with Drs D + C they agreed to give my proposed remedies but did not have them. They were all tired of Christopher but were afraid to discharge him. Before I left I went in + told her + relatives if the fever + sweats were broken She might get well but if not she would die. WS 27 TH 28 FR 29 SA 30 SU July 1 MO 2 at Norris told Christopher I contended that in most cases of Pneumonia or local inflamations fever is the cause + that I would discuss the matter publicly or go into his own library + show him he was mistaken he was afraid to take the challenge. TS 3 At Jes Wilsons all night WS 4 At Picnic on esqr Witts farm in estill observed closely Miss Lane God forbid that I should ever marry such a green uneducated fickle minded girl. At Tony Adams + John Berries to see cases. TH 5 At home FR 6 SA 7 At Esqr Niblics Mrs N Told me Mrs Hoystons conversation as to having me which was very favor

Pg. 301: able. SU 8 At church MO 9 At Richmond had long interview with Dr Lyman find him a Gentleman Took Dinner with Mrs Roystton Think something of marrying her hinted it + it seems to take. She manifests a.. love _for :me. sure. When about to leave I put my arm around her around her neck to give her a parting kiss she took it well. TS 10 At home WS 11th Eqr Niblic going to the widows carries my compliments +c SA 14 Had Debate in Texas Subject Bar + Pulpit SU 15 At Ham Norrises talked plum to Sings for his dispulation (sic) with me. At class meeting MO 16 TS 17 WS 18 TH 1.9 Fr 20 SA 21 Called to See Miss Lasky age 20, disease-Fever + Cyshits (?) Producing functional derangement + Cerebral depression. Is nearly insensible delirious, but little inflamation in the cornea pupils not dilated till in night when was dilated Some, Bowels hard to act on gave injection anodyme. Dr. D. has been treating

Pg. 302: her about a week, he came in in even he + I agreed on treatment he used my female catheter drwe about gallon urin high colored + strong scent. D. left I stayed till 3 a m Sunday I gave the case

up for dying + left. Symptoms insensible stertorons breathing rattling in throat +c SU 22 AMO 23 TS 24 WS 25 TH 26 FR 27 SA 28 SU

29 MO 30 At Irvine engaged board at Parks house at 4'2.50 per week

for board + 75 cts per month for horse room, get office room from Douglas free of charge TS 31 Great excitement about me leaving Texas find I was more popular as a Physician than I was aware of Several families are going or say they will stick to me I proposed to oblige my old patron that stick to me all the time by coming for $2.00,+ toll or Fer'l + med, a visit for one year WS Aug 1st Packing up TH August 2 Packing up at Richmond got acquainted with Dr Letcher got cards W.A. Thomson M.D. J. Ayres M.D.

Drs Thomson + Ayres,

Irvine, Ky


FR 3 Arrived a Irvine determining to go to work in earnest in-the practice of medicine in Partnership with Thomson We have medicine

in common Each keeps his own charges + Each keeps his own instruments.

Pg. 303: It is my prayer that God may bless me in my new home + keep me permanently a God fearing + loving man. That I may study weell (sic) the best manner of doing all things while on these mundane shores SA 4 SU 5 At G. Blantons MO 6 At Election all night at Lanes TS 7 Riding all day book about 10 dollars WS 8... TH 9 FR 10 Sa 11 Riding every day got mare kicked on hock joint Dick McKinney offered his to me

SU 12 NO 13 TS 14 Went to Blantons WS 15 At Richmond Fair; it

was seemingly a poorly arranged thing rode G. Blantons colt. TH 16 FR 17 At Bentons to see child SA 18 At S Kings to Wm Tuttles wife Intermitting Fever SU 19 Parks horse got out of stable + come near killing my mare, had dispute with Thomson about price of medicine conclude to say nothing in such cases for it is no use + is talk for nothing. Treated horses MO 20 at Witts find him bad with Bilious Fever with Griggs TS 21 Witt has no fever today WS 22 TH 23

FR 24 Called to Lewis Hicles has dumb (?) ague, attended by Christopher things are warming (?) mightily ih my favor about Texas Mrs M,s child getting better so quick + ankle Hams + others SA 25 Saw about 9 cases in Texas + on Muddy Creek have discharged Mrs Tuttle + D. Witt cured Witts case will give me a great reputation in the Witt family

Pg. 304: SU 26 At home + church MO 27 `PS 28 Called to see Douglases boy Bilious Fever + inflamation of Stomach I poured in antiperiodics Gelsemenium acoute (?) ver vis WS 29 Much practice TH 30 FR 31 Sept SA 1st A Naj Lanes talked to Molly. SU 2 At Slation (sic) camp at Lanes in even in haste to see boy MO 3 TS 4 Went to Madison WS 5 At meeting + seetng cases TH 6 At Maj Lanes all night had a Lovely time with Molly Fry 7 In Irvine again SA 8 SU 9 MO 10 TS 11 WS 12 TH 13 FR 14 SA 15 SU 16 MO 17 to SU 30 Oct MO 1st TS 2 WS 3 TR 4 FR 5 SA 6 SU 7 MO 8 TS 9 W 10 TH 11 Fr 12 In to see Miss Daniel think she would suit me for a w if did not live so high life SA 13 Mrs Waldon had Bilious colic it took about 8 tea spoons of Tn op + 3 gr mor. + then barely had an effect. Miss R is getting well of Typhoid Fever SU 14 To See Dunaway conclude to be steady + faithful to my business regardless of talk + opinions +c. HO 15 TS 16 WS 17 TH 18 FR. 19 SA 20 SU 21 MO 22 TS 23 WS 24 TH 25 Acted as groomsman at A. R. Lowises (sic, Lewises ?) wedding Miss Berry was my partner had fine times FR 26 At infair (?) SA 27 SU 28 MO 29 At Kaylors with Thomson made --vaginal examination found remains of ulcer cauterized it, heart is affected sympathetically with womb pain palpitation +c

Pg. 305: At night went to Edges found boy to have fracture of left middle Humerus oblikse (?) left femur transverse third wouhd in left groin 3 in long + i in wide, also one in inner left thigh inferior portion 2-~ in long 1'1- wide also one in_ left hand extending midway posterior around to balm'-1 in wide. Thigh much swollen bandaged

it wet with Liquor + water applied bandage + splints to arm measured found it natural length waited 3 hours adjusted with the assistance of 3 the Femur mds (?) seemed relaxed measured found same length order bathing with whiskey + water + keep bowels regular with oil eat soups +c he• died(sic..?)TS-30 "' S 31 'TTdbk Thomson to Edges he pronounced all things right we found a slight shortening of arm it being oblikque fracture we proposed extension + counter extension

but the parents would not submit hence they proposed taking all the blame. TM Nov 1st FR 2 SA 3 SU 4 at Texas to see Fannie Douthit MO 5 Court circuit) rainy TS 6 WS 7 TH 8 FR 9 rented room of Stockton SA 10 At Edges Bandaged arm + leg in new find arm shorter half to 1 in + leg is seemingly a little shorter though none to

notice Mrs Kaylor better SU 11 M012"Moved my trunk from Tarkses hence have to pay but $2 per week for meals DR. T. + I rented Stocktons room at 325 a year + have put bed +c in + sleep there TS 13 Dr T + Douglas could not settle I made chair (?) in the new +c heard of L. ;frights wedding to Miss J Kidile (?) WWS 14 To see F. Woods ch has Diarheria (?)

Pg. 306: Left med but did not promise much as I could not attend closely all night at Eckleys. TH 15 At L Wrights wedding got acquainted with Miss Burnes from N.C. Edgecombe Co. Also Miss Constance Florance Rachel Patton Wilson Co Lebanon Tenn Was told if Mr Ireland or Wrights had sickness of much moment they oulds send for me. FR 16 At infair SA 17 Home SU 18 MO" 19 TS 20 WS 21 TH 22 FR 23 SA 24 SU 25 MO 26 TS 27 WS 21 TH 22 FR 23 SA 24 SU 25 MO 26 TS 27 WS 28 TH 29 At church it is very muddy conclude it will be hard practicing med in Estill Co in winter FR 30 In room SA Dec 1 SU 2 MO 3 TS 4 WS 5 TH 6 F '..:i 7 SA 8 SU 9 I bought 7 Bbl corn of Sliversly Tory MO 10 Country in commotion about disunion South Carolina wants to Secede. Kentucky river fordable up to Nov 1 not fordable again till Nov 24 then fordable to see date TS 11 At Singing School to new books termed Christian Minstral School taught by revnd Johns. I Sung base by myself Sat straight gave lungs a chance + could. be heard among all of them.. I am getting to like my profession more + more + feel to rejoice I continued-,+ did not take up the law conclude to make excelsior my motto Like Irvine very well but think crossing waters troublesome. Times are hard but the Lords will be done WS 12 at G Blantons

Pg. 307: to see 2 of Christophers Patients TH 13 FR 14 SA 15

SU 16 Called to see Miss White talked a while MO 17 Court day Show on ground but Snowing MO 17 TS 18 WS 19 TH 20 FR 21 SA 2? SU 23 MO 24 3egan to collect in madison find Jone moving_; but times are owing to South Carolina being about to Secede may God Strike terror to Such people TS 25 Christmas WS 26 TM 27 At Maj Lanes to large party FR 28 SA 29 At Prockter stayed all nigh (sic) previous at Green Halley (?) he has fine young daughter SU 30 Came from Troeler (?) got Anderson Hamiltors wifes case 1,10 31 TS January 1st 1861 WS 2 At Madison TH 3 Paid off note Griggs held one me for $150 get along slowly collecting FR 4 SA 5 all night at Lanes SU 6 Went to Eamiltons MO 7 TS 8 WS 9 TM 10 FR 11 SA 12 Heard Mason, of the firm of Mason + Wheeler said he wondered (sic) an energetic young man like me would stop in Such a place as Irvine SU 13 MO 14 TS 15 Ws 16 TH 17 FR 18 SA 19 SU 20 MO 21 TS 22 to TH 31 FR FEB 1st SA 2 SU 3 to SU 10 Left Irvine yesterday for good. I am at the old stand Texas. God grant that I may ever prosper' MO 4--TH 28 Dr Christopher bounced in at Baybers (?) + would not let

Pg. 308: the case remain in my hands Bayber gave the case uChristopher sent for Harris + Chinault. Mar Fr 1st SA 2 SU 3 MO-4 the day the President is inaugerated may peace + quietness be restored in this country for there is much coml-notion for this Secession m ovement in the Six Gulf States as follows F. L. M. 1. (S.C.) A. T. TS 5 WS6 I have spent + Lost in the year 1360 about 665.00 all of


which i s paid but $29. TH 7 FR 8 SA 9 SU 10 HO 11 TS 12 WS 13 11th a crooksville 12 at dices 13 at home TH 14, FR 15, SA 16, SU 17, MO 18, TS 19, WS 20 TH 21 FR 22 SA 23 Not much proactive on hand studying hard arranging Prescriptions +c SU 24 MO 25 TS 26 WS 27 TH 28 FR 29 SA 30 SU 31 MM10 Apr 1st Got watch from Richmond by JBD charge 2.50 TS 2 Attended T A,s Blk woman in confinement also Mar 25 Attended sparkses wife 3 WS Attended Adams b (7) woman in confinement TH 4 FR 5 SA 6 SU 7 MO 8 TS 9 WS 10 TH 11 FR 12 SA 13 Called to G Blantons SU 14 SA 15 (sic) Mo 16

Pg. 309: TS 16 Called to J. Jordon stabbed by J Wilson 3 wounds

one transverse incised .-round in the left scapular region about one In long + I in deep through the SA_RRATUS POSTICUS SUPERIOR muscle. The Second a transverse incised wound in the left lumber (sic) region two in long + one in deep through the inferior portion of the Lalissimus Dorsi Muscle + through the parietes (?) of the abdomen. A third Incised oblique wound in the left knee across the Inferior margin of the PATELLA. WS 17 TH 18 At Wm Willowbees h in night. War has comenced by the federal

Pg. 310: taking fort Sumpter about Apr 12th +c FR 19 SA 20 Horse lame from Sprain in Hack joint I am riding B J Douthits horse +

mule SU 21 MO 22 TS 23 WS 24 TH 25 FR 26 SA 27 quarterly meeting at Texas Miss S.C. took Din. at D. wars about to rage in these United States. I have concluded as I am no pollitition (sic) + could not have much influence either way to hold my togue + go along + mind my own business closely. God being my helper to do So. SU 28 MO 29 TS 30 WS Hal 1st FR 3 (sic3TH 2 Todd called to see me wanted me to pay him five dollars more than his note on me called for, note $70 with inst at 6 p cent= 74.20 he offered to take $90 payable Jan 1st 1862 with good Security SA 4 Went to Dr Soberly borrowed ,$'75.00 for one year at 10 p cent. Told Todd I would pay him what I owed him ,(what the note called for) + not one cent more. I promised when I bought the horse to attend A black woman at Irvine Hicles in confinement + not charge him anything he or

Pg. 311: Hicle did not call on me when woman was confined + now

wants me to pay him five dollars + threating if I dont to Sue me.

I told him to Sue that I would not pay one cent, that I did not owe him one cent more than the not (sic) called for SU 5 At cane Spring it is mow wet weather MO 6th TS 7 WS 8 TH 9 Called to see D. Oldham had quite a laugh at him as to his odities. FR 10 SA 11 SU 12 0.0. clear of chills but stomach deranged I leave medicine his wife gives it. MO 13 TS 14 There has been a battle fouhgt In Missouri. 800 prisoners taken by United States troops I have a good practice now WS 15 T H 16 FR 17 SA 18 SU 19 MO 20 TS 21 WS 22 TH 23 FR 24 Studying hard principally Miterius Medica + chemistry FR 24 (sic) Think C. will injure himself by secession principles SA 25 Going to see Lady in Wacho SU 26 140 27 TS 28 WS

29 TH 30 FR 31 SA 1st June SU 2 At Wac.ho + through the Sower woods :0 3 TS 4 At Tursis (?) Rote Powel better had Sciatica When first come after examination found It Plan case of Sciatica conclude

Pg. 312: cause rather of mallarial tendency in right leg right kidney tender + hurts at times first took pain + numbness in Sacral region when diging well or pond Kidney not right since had Nephritis, acute about 18 months since. I gave internally FERRI subcarbonas Solution esternally applied vol. Linement, bathed once a week in tepid wat.

In eight days he returned leg no better. Gave antif ever powder cin +c put on back comp. strengthing plaster ordered leg bathed in whiskey. Returned in eight days no better conclude the cause might be more in kidney he has taken of his own rum turpentine it made him easier in Kidney when using it. Changed treatment gave Terebinthina oleum Balsamum copaebae internally + apply infusion of red peper pods, the pain got easy first night + continues easy now

5 days pain (some) in Kidney yet back rather weak continue Balsamum Copaebae + oleum Terebinthina also aplied (sic) in last prescription Sinapsim on

Pg. 313: Sacral plexus + right lumber region WS 5 At home all day extracted tooth of Mrs D I find I am improving in that line. TH 6 FR 7 At Hills most dead from Haemorrhage of lungs had to resort to Haemasecsis (?) it checked Haemorrhage immeadiately I took them off as soon as he complained of Sickness at Stomach. SA 8 SU 9

MO 10 TS 11 At Irvine Had words with Stockton about renting office WS 12 At' home Morrises child Typhoid Fever is much better broke fever since Sunday it was a bad cas (sic) symptoms tongue dry + black + quivering sordes on teeth tenderness in right illiac regn. high fever coff ground discharges +c find can break Typhoid Fever as I have frequently Stated. TH 13 FR 14 SA 15 SU 16 MO 17 TS 18 WS 19 TH 20 FR 21 SA 22 SU 23 MO 24 TS 25 WS 26 TH 27 Have been very busy this month booked over two hundred dollars FIN' 28 SA 29 SU 30 July MO 1st TS 2 WS 3 TH 4 Congress meets

FR 5 SA 6 SU 7 MO 8 TS ( WS 10 Th 1]. FR 12 SA 13 About to walk with Miss Blanton + Douthit they held back seeing who would put the other next me SEE

Pg. 314: 100 (i.e. page 30 MO 29 TS 30 WS 31 TH Aug 1 FR 2

SA 3 SU 4 At Cane Spring with Cung (?) MO 5 TS 6 Called to see

girl at J Padons Thyphoid Fever Tongue coated red in meridion, Tongue quivering a great soreness throughout body tenderness in right iliac region Diarrhoe in case Wednesday high fevers pulse low + slow at times + at time fast, as high as 150 per min, deliriouness pane (sic) in bowels, pain in head + back. Was called Tuesday at noon discharged case cured Thursday at 4 P.m. fever broke 36 hours after frst (sic) treating the case.

Broke case at Morri ses in 3 days See June 12. Broke case of Fanne Douthit in 2 trips broke case of oth(?) Willowby in 36 hours the two last cases had strong Typhoid Symptoms WS 7 TH 8 Conclude to to go along speak for myself + say but little about other doctors. Talk for myself and let others go their way FR 9 At Ike Thomases child has spasms paralysis of Pneufiiogastric nerve + glossal muscles could not swallow any medicine gave chloroform, system became relaxed + child swallowed + got well.

Have checked Diarrhoe in 3 instances by a powder made

Pg. 315: of Morphia Sulphas in Tanin + Bismuthi Subnitras SA 10 A Tuveses (?) got case from max town SU 11 MO 12 At Mrs T. She could die in less than twenty four hours examined Wm Fowler 5 years old. First taken 3 years since head drawn back could not turn in bed sore all over arms partly + legs entirely paralyzed, for 3 months no sensation in legs, was blistered + some sensation returned, for a year could not move his legs at all, had Fistula m Ano from he was born till two years since, Condition now, Good Collor THO-RACICO TUUbeular (sic ?) temperment well developed In all parts but legs. Healthy in eliminative organs, bowels, Kidneys + skin, has at times


a slight swellingin parotid glands + small lumps im muscles of the posterior neck.. Has head ache about every two weeks Is a little hard of hearing his running at ears at times + hot fevers. Tongue slightly coated appetite good except in morning, no tenderness in spinal region has some use of right leg can raise it without catching it, tendons of heel drawn a little + it is larger than left leg. Has no use of left leg except can move toes a little or swing leg out it can be laid over his shoulder, it is about one Inch longer than right leg, the temperature of the legs is much lower than of arms or body, he readily feels sensation when pricked with a pin in either foot can walk on hands + feet but is very wavering in legs. Can walk some on crutches. The anteportion of each tibia is curved back, that has set in since he has been crawling on. hands + knees. See 17 (i.e. page 317)

Pg. 316: I said come on or I would not go Miss B. remarked they did not want me I left for my room to study they came with abundant apology I then went + they both acted like ladies. SU 14 At church morn + evening walked with Miss tiny (Mug ?) in evening MO 15 TS

16 Congress has voted it is said 500,000 men + $500000000-to the war.

our government is tried If She can sustain herself against internal corruption resulting in revolution

WS 17 TH 18 FR 19 SA 20 SU 21 MO 22 TS 23 WS 24 TH 25 FR 26

SA 27 At (?) vina Fork Picknick many persons there SU 28 Conclude to say less about my own affirs speak ill of no physicians but speak of my own practice in contrast. United States has made an utter failure at Manassas Junction I think if they cant do better than

that they had better treat with the southern confederacy + be done with it see 100 (i.e. page 314)

Pg. 317: it. (17) TS 13 WS 14 TH 15 FR 16 SA 17 SU 18 At G Bs he is improving some MO 19 At Irvine traded not on ND to S.+B. paid debt of 6.35 + took most of bal out have been doing fine business in practice line booking nearly 200 doll_ per month but still have enemies carping after me I conclude to still go on + minding my own business closely ever trying to get up the skill of medical science still further, bought a gold ring f Mug (?) D. think her

a sweet little girl TS 20 very wet WS 21 TH 22 FR 23 At Wm Howards Has severe attack of Cholera Morbus stayed with him from noon FR. till Sat morning is better through night. SA 24 SU 25 MO 26 TS 27 G Blanton came he is better his Disease Inactivity (?) of muscular +nervous coating of of (sic) stomach slight souring , no spitting up of food tongue whitish coat bowels costive (?) dull heavy feeling after eating about 1 to 2 hours after nothing agrees with him. Has Bronchitis hacking, cough expectorating yellow ous much inflamation

about fauces, chilly sensations + fevers + sweats (?) (night) shoot

ing pains through stom. + right shoulder under lower margin of scapula. Came aug 14 Treatment Aperient Tonic with adition mur. T. Iron 5 m to d + 2 gr cape aloes to dose dose 1 teas spn 1 hour previous to eating. Powds 2 gr Rheus

Pg. 318: 2 gr 3r. C. Pot 2g cn'm + 2 gr Hy'n + 1/3 gr Ipeca'n take one powder 1 hour after eating. San. y. (?) use any time when tickling in throat. It, the treatment, like-a charm + he is improving every way. I left antif powds to be taken if Fever, chilly sensation,

or night sweats. Also ordered sponging in cold water every evening + to use for inactivity of Kidneys Prunes (?) Pine. Continue same treatment. Discharged cured in 5 weeks. WS 28 T3 29 FR 30 SA 31

Sept SU 1 M02 T33 W 4 TH 5 FRO' SA7 3U8 1,109 T310 WS

11 Ed 12 FR 13 SA 14 SU 15 M 16 TS 17 WS 18 TH 19 F R 20 SU 21 (sic) SU 22 Dr T. here sent for him to see H. Moors wife her case Has complained for about one year, when called first to see her about 15 days since she suffered burning + pain in stomack + bowels also along thighs, pin (sic) in left side, pain in head, pain in small of back tenderness in dorsal + sacral regions of spine, examined vagina + womb by manipulation + speculum found womb in right place no material inflamation of vagina. Great pain in defecating + urinating, has Hysterics lies for an hour eyes open but insensible to any thing going on. Treatment Put her on anodines (.f + Tonics

Pg. 319: cupon (?) spine dry + by chance I used Tonics + anodynes

+ arritated spine, but with Thomsons advice I continue the same hyosciamus as anodyne + cup spine recollecting to watch the men

stral period, she has not had her courses since six weeks before taken down when they stopped.

MO 23 Secessionist getting scared as Ky has taken sides with the government + is using active measures to put down rebellion TS 24 WS 25 H 26 FR 27 SA 28 Mrs M improving has improved since last Sunday applic dry cups to spine today in Lumber + sacral plexus SU 29 MO 30 Oct TS 1st Mrs Moor still improving on Sat. Noticed signs of courses put her on cape ( casse ?) aloes + Tones antif p + caulophyllin, stomach feels right still pain in region of womb Burning Sensation ceased in stow. + bowels good apetite burning sensation while urinating has ceased. Continue tonics in form of aloes antif powd. Hy'm's when necessary poultice of stramonium Hyp bath no menstrual flow yet. WS 2--TH 10 Mrs Moor took cold + back set. Made another examination found os uteri high. + pointing back indicating anteversion. Continue same treatment except Belladonna as used for Hy's + does well. FR 11--TH 31st Mrs Moore (sic) improving stomach well still pain in back + hips put urinating plaster in back in mouth (?) of womb + bowels seems to do good. Some indication pregnancy

Pg. 320: Uncle I Owen nearly well put irritating plaster on stomach find it releive burning in stomach. Have used strong bitters of prunus (?) virginiana it is bennficial H. Moors child had Diptheria treated with antif ever medicine Sanative gargle + Acetous Emetic with a little ipecacuanha in. It got along fine. Have had aany cases of that kind this fall but none so bad except Tadons No. of cases Padons 1, R.W. 1's 1, King 1, F Stone 1, H.H.1, T. Adams 1, Z. Flooty 1, 3. Noris 1, Rees 1, A.K.L. 1, S. Nor's (10) Successful in all treatment antif ever med acetous F etie to nauseate Sanatine gargle + gargle of Solution of Sodae Bicarbon this was the main remedies together with bathing + acting on bowels with oil + turpentine. Nov FR 1--TH 14 Mrs Moore nearly well, she improved much from irritating plaster on sacral region + Hypogastric region, Kept on till Susspuration took place. George Powel has Pneumonia did not improve until I gave him Liver + worm medicine, large quantities of vrud (?) yellow matter + roppy mucous came from him + then several worms the fever med done no good till this took place, it never was absorbed accumulated in slow. + he would vomit I was mad at 3lanton But conclude

Pg. 321: to forget + forgive, it was about his daughter, She was sick + after I was there the Second time they sent for C. but sent an apology that the case was so urgent they were afraid to wait to get to Texas and back. She got worse under C's treatment gave puke + calomel + they sent for Letcher C. did not wect (?) him. Letcher

pronounced his treatment all Mon g. (sic) NOV FR 15--DFC TH 19 Called to meet Dr Letcher in Miss Blantons case Dec 5, he did not come treated the case, she had been vomiting ever since take, had Pneu:~aonia, vomited

over 12 times from ten in morn till nighttime. I put comtp. Irr'g plaster on stomach + one on Dorsal region of nerves, gave no med internally but about 1 gr qumia once a day a7little neutralizing tea, gave injections of a decoction (?) of cor-Florid, Tram's Vir'a, Lirio Tulipi'a rad +c (?) Discharged in three trips. Have had much practice attended several united 'sic) States troops. DEC FR 20- Jan 4th 1862 Have not collected much yet :.times are hard but I have as much as I can do. And have determined to go ahead money or no money. Was at party at Reub Elkins night before newyears has fine time Jan 513 Suden

Pg. 322: changes in the weather I am collecting some but not fast had conversation with Dr Letcher in Richmond find him very Sociable Had some sharp words with Wilse Sams conclude to try + keep cool hereafter. 13--16 Have had may bad cases Typhoid Fever Isaaic Likens

ch 3 cases Gid Cane ch one Wm Howard 1 self 17--29 Paid Dr Moberly

the money I borrowed of him; gave Pruts note to B. J. Douthit for boad (sic) settled up board bill in full to Jan 1st 1862. Have

done a moderate business in Jan. Conclude I shall ever after this day try to say but little about men that are not good pay, make inquiry without threats, if any threats in my mine. keep them to myself. I larned a lesson in Bob Brothertons case today 29th about talking as to suing: 30--Feb 5, Had difficult case Pneumonia Fever + Diphtheria it is today 5th much better my treatment was to Keea fever down act on bowels by Sena + pink root wash mouth with fan. garg. + chlo'l Potassa poultice bowels bathe every evening. Have discharged

Pg. 323: Wm Howards case cured had Typhoid Fever and Pneumonia

I poured the Tonics in washed throat + mouth with San gargle kept bowels open with oil + turpentine, has burning in urethra gave prunes (?) pine + nitrate Potassa. The union side has had a great victory over Zollacoffer (?) at or near Sirnmerset called Mill creek Battle Jan 19th 1362 was when it occurred. Feb 6--Mar 6 Roads bad have been riding hard horse got sick bought one Mar 5th of J Douthit traded notes on

• Moor, Likens, Taylors W + P, A Douglas, Adian (?) to amount of 80.00._-Commenced keeping extra horse at J Douthits mar 6th 1862 at 1.00 per week. Bob got sick mar 2 do not feed him only about 12 as much feed, he got well Mar 7-22 A Negro Weding had quite a time at

R. Elkins as much preparation as if white person have a number of cses Typhoid + Pneumonia John Whites son Gid cane son (?) Typhoid Fever

• Pneumonia Wm Howards Daught, Mrs Jacksons Black Woman + son had Typhoid Pneu'a + Dyptheria. Typhoid fever Wm Fields (?)

Pg. 324: Mar 23-29 Tales (?) in Wm Fields case first used alum

to keep bowel up still painfull then used talk root decoction it cured right strait. At Richmond Monday Called to see sac e at or

ned (nea ?) Fox town at-Hackets Case of Paralyses of legs sore throat

• fever very enemic 17 months old put it on Tern antif ever powder

30 grs of each in 3 days, Miss Denny died, it was the old house Killed her for it was full of holes + had no doors to it. Mar 30- Apr 10 Hackets babe died 20 hours after I left first time traded horses with Racket gave ten dollars in practice, much pleased with mare I got of H. Was three mile from Fox town got case at Elias Burgens Scrofula daught 14 years old much inflamation. In eyes specks on cornea, also case of Mrs fowler (sic) chronic Diarrhoea + Flux, case of Mrs Livis disease of stomach. Took horse

Pg. 325: Bob to pasture at J.3. Nolands at ;"1.25 per month great news as wars taking Gland (?) no 10, battle at Corrinth +c. Apr 11th called to see Henry Waters found him with oblique contused wound one in long over right side of frontal bone about on (sic) in above eye through the OCcipito Frontalis muscle to the periostium (?). Left eye contused. Commuted (?) fracture of posterior portion of 7th + 8th ribs of left side. Contusion of Latissimus Dorsi muscle opposite the posterior portion of the 9-10-11th ribs fo the right side. A contused wound In right thump. Apr 11-15 Bought Galvanic Battery of G. Blanton + B.J. Douthit paid 7.00 3.50 to each. Dick Waters wife had violent pain in stomach each evening about sun down didnit-see. her but think it neural'a gave her powds composed of neut powder 2g Bismuth 1 gr Morphia 1/8 gr one every hour bake feet to fire (?) after washing in ashes + water 2 powds cured her. Bishop had Neuralgia of Stomach

Pg. 326: gave him neut powder grs 2 Ipecacuanha gr morphia gr 1/8 give one every half hour until nausea even to emesis (?) slightly. They releive him every time. After releived I continue for some days Pern antif. powd in 6 gr doses three times a day Apr 16-25 At B. Fowlers undertook son has not walked for four years. There is •_

deficient nerve tone a'oss muscular power + a deficient circulation.

boy 6 years old name Millard Filmore use Electricity put poles

to feet + back left leg weaker than right. General health good except running in ears at times. Gave Iodide potassium + Tn canthoxylum Fraxineum Miss Bergen is about well Eyes entirely clear + strong,. thinks of. going to school. Gave Iodide potassium + Iron used weak eye wash see book but weaker than book says. Called to consel with Thomson in Mrs Lanes case We got along fine as to notions, her case is intmnt. Fever subsequent to measles contraction of spouter (?) mcl of neck of bladder have (?) retention of urine Apr 26- May 14

Not much practice Conclude the practice of medicine Is like any other business in order to make money have

Pg. 327: in first place a rich location. May 15--28th got acquainted with Miss Elly Bush Judge B's daughter of Clark Co. Think much of her. Talked plain to Mrs Burges must try to keep cool as much as taossible Went to Irvine with Wil Risk his case is a softening of Testicle more In right caused by exposure from mumps or after mumps size vacillates system in good fix otherwise have not used anything in his case yet but cold water applied quickly Dr T. says not keep there in a bandage I kept them in one he says not on account of no inflamation + to. give the parts a healthy action. Right Testicle about half its usual size cold water applied quickly + at times some stimulent such infusion of Capsici Electricty + slychmia on perineum. Got sound + well + married soon as well


Rollin Griggs has Typhoid Fever It wasabout a week before I could tell what i s the Matter, he i s improving on large quantities of cin + iron + Fn (?) + Cr (7) F + Z

Pg. 328: May 29--June 8 Had bad case of Typhoid Fever Rollin Griggs hard to break but broke it with Pern Antifever powder in 40-60 grs a day people talked much about him but although his wife was much skared (sic) but I held asteady hand told her to be cool. hence got along well Symptoms thicn furred coat on tongue Deliriousness subsultus tendinum chore a pulse slow pain + tenderness In bowel a little


inclined to run off low grade of fever comatose condition broke fever

in one week. Brought Bob home he is improving but not well yet June 8-10 Was to see Miss Jenny C. She is a fine Lady At Irvine circuit court as Witness + also collecting or trying 11--19 At Richmond to see about board +c find I can get bd. for _•2 stable 75 cts per month office $5.00 (?) a year think of going there my practice will not be so great but it will be much more pleasant in association roads charges higher + it will do to make a permanent location God help me,if I go to make

Pg. 329: myself useful in every respect church masonic order + in practice to go along no mind what is said but be kind + pleasant to all if they act imprudently as to sending for another Dr Take it all cool give close attention to ther (sic) poor have good practice in Texas but the location dont suit me. Mrs Trobrige is very bad, from Winchester Disease Irritation + slight enlargment Retroversion ulcers.-of rectum perhaps hyper bloody piles. Treatment Gentle purgatives enema Slip. Elm inf. Count Irrtn on bowels + back. Excessive pain when action from bowels. Passing of bloody pus and boodr (?) scales. Giving a drink of cream of Tarter 4 pts Soda one + 2 gr

Tar'l acid to 4 grams of Cream Tarter. 20--25 Dr. Rife from Winchester on Sunday to see Mrs T. said I just hit her case continued to Give my med Sold my mare for $50 She cost me $90 in slow notes I only want one horse in Richmond hence sold her I hate mightly to leave but think it my duty to get into a rich place where I can attend to all cases poor + rich without inquiring as to their circumstances before starting in T. if I attend to all the poor I spend half my time + get nothing for it + the influence of One poor man is to perhaps half a dozen

Pg. 330: poor neighbors when in Richmond it will be to three or

four rich neighbors The County seat is the centre of business. If

I stay here I am not satisfyed I am doing for the best but if settled in R. If the prospect in (sic) anything like favorable I can settle for life. The roads are level as general thing so that when I get Tired travelling on horse back I can travel in buggy 26--July 4 Sold my mare for '50 cash Conclude not to go to Richmond now as many persons are much oppose to it + I think of, in place of suiting myself to a location , suiting myself to a wife in the course of time + continue to ride the hills. Richmond is the best place for the above reasons but if I marry where I intend to now if all things go right I marry for love + work for Riches hence I can start better here than in a rich place like R. July 5-•-17 Guerrilla Bands in Ky. Talked plain to Hickses. Have asked Miss for a lock of her hair She consents in a modest way. 18 Miss----presented me with a lock of her hair + I presented a lock of mine to her I must say I never gave + received

P3. 331: any thing with as much plasure (sic) It is the first gift

of the kind I ever gave or received hence my mind is made up as to one result providing nothing serious interferes. 19 Gave Miss ---

my Likeness She received it very pleasantly + thanked me. 20-31' At Old Landing Sinks settling up (26) miss----P-- to m m - (sic) It is raining very fine this morning AuS 1-11 Have much to do. Get along fine with Miss---- Conclude she suits me better than any Lady I ever knew + I must confess I never knew what real genuine Love was till now. The longer I know her the more I think of her. She is a high minded, noble Hearted, Sweet Dispositioned Lady + Loves me if ever any person loved She has up till now been even strait forward in her

actions centering her affections on the one object God forbid while

she proves so that I should fail one jot to fulfil my promises. I am wooer until my solicitations are fully complied with. If ever I had a strong determination in this world it is if she does her duty

to stick to her. Far be it from me to wca the affections of an innocent

young girl + leave her without grave cause. hence if she does her duty I am hers for life

Pg. 332: Aug 12--Sept 8 Secessionists have possession of Kentucky + are paroling Home Guards + pressing horses Sept 1-2 was with wounded after battle of Richmond where Sectsts took all union forces except a few strglers (sic). It was the fault of the officers they should have retreated. I aided in amputating a leg at upper third Femur about an in below trochanter major. Aided in other operations + dressed many (?) wounds. A L Hills black. boy has Typhoid fever very bad. Thought some of leaving when Secessionists came but again concluded to stand my ground + see the worst of it in the meantime attend to my own business + let (?) others alone Sept 9--18 Secessionists are getting scared as the Union arym is coming in Sept 9--Oct 15 Pat Tucker (?) Has Typhoid Fever sordes black tongue Diarrhoea Deliriousness + Paralyses of Pneumagas...(?) nerve, Do not have antif ever powder in large quantities on acct of blockade hence I am afraid he will die. John Bayler had Typhoid symptoms Mrs Lewis has Ty'd Fever. aebels are whipped + skattering in every way. I have rode so hard I am sick + hard up (Oct 14 + 15) Oct 16 Nov 10 (sic) At Cincinnati snow 6 In deep Oct 26th When at Cin got 2 case Int's + minah med learnd (sic) something about travelling Nov 11-20 nov 14 *to see John at Brumbacks shot in inf porn up. lobe of right lung. Nov 9 to see John Sams stabed on left temple bled til I come stopped the blood

But for a printed alphabet which is printed vertically along the right hand edge of page 333 this volume of the diaries of J. Ayres, M.D. ends here.

J. Ayres


No 1 (sic)

From Nov 21st 1862 to

Pg. 334: This page consists entirely of Dr. Ayres' index to this volume of his diaries. It is inaccurate in many instances, and for this reason, it has not been transcribed..

Pg. 335: 1862

Nov 21--29 Have got in new room + uze (sic) stove now hence I study more. I go right along in practice striving to do my duty I find much more peace of mind since I have fixed purpose as to life time affairs. A child Boy about 5 (?) years old of John 1-oores died with Diptheria, find D hard to control when it runs into false membrane. Two cases I now recollect of recovered H. Moors ch + Irs Jacksons youngest son Sam when there was decided formation of false membrane. Nov 30--Dec 31 Bought Ed Combs See Page 337 for particulars Pay $300 first monday in Feb 1863 6000. first Mon in F 1864 740.00 first non in Feb 1865 x;40 on first; mon Feb 1866. There is 100 acre in tract it is all good land about 40 acres bottom land. I concluded I needed land to put stock on to make the practice of medicine profitable + that it was better to pay two prices for one acre good land than to get a poor acre at; half price. I have now got a farm and go forward with energy to pay for it despit (sic) the opinions of the public at large God grant I may have prosperity (?)

Pg. 336: in this my new undertaking + that other I shall embark in if spared. I have now got good land + shall work it to the making my practice more profitable for in many instances I can get stock when I cannot get anything else.


Jan 1--18 Got letter from Dr Thomson telling me he intended making me his Executor +c Got letter form Grant Greens and (?) telling of John NcKinneys frauds I am not: (sic) sowing Cut blue grass seed 11 Bushel on about 10 acres + 1 Bush Timty on about 10 to 12 acres + intend (?) to sow 1 3 clover Seed on the same List of Seed weights Blue grass stript (?) 14 lbs per B Pr 100 Cleaned (?) 14 lbs Pr 1.25 extra cleaned pa X2.50 14 lbs orchard grass pr .75 14 lbs Herds grass on red top 14 lb pr 110 Timothy 45 lb Pr 2.50 :led Clover 60 lb price 4.75 Blue grass seed cut 91 lbs Bush

Pg. 337: List of stamps amt. on notes to be on all over 4 20

20-.3100= 5cts 100-200 =10 200-350 =15

350-500 =20

500-750 =30

750-1000=40 1000-1500=60 1500-2500=100 2500-5000=150

19-28 Have traded for calves + cows intend to graze them (24)

rented a piece of grass of Wm Bayler for 5.00 from 1st of Feb to last

of Mar + gave him $1.373 (sic) cents for 11 shocxs fodder I am not

to put more than ten head on the piece. Hear of men remarking about

my dimming (?) I never stop to consider about such chat but go right

along. If I do business promptly in this country I must dun for

it is not one man in ten that will come to me + propose settling. God being my helper I intend going strait forward + do my duty + let people say what they please Was at Joel Martins to attend Miss Little Had a great time (Nov 21--Dec 2:1 1862) bought Ed Combs land 101 acres for 2700.00 dollars

Pg. 338: get wheat crop flat rails worth about 80.00 dol extra acre about 20.00=;$100.00 counting the payments at 10 p. cent discount it cost :,2257.60-.100=2157.60 the payments were as follows $300 down 1st Mon in Feb 1863 .$1000. 1st mon in Feb 1864 A1000 1st mon in Feb 1865 $400 1st mon in Feb 1866

Jan 29--Feb 14 not much practice but busy collecting Feb 14 at Richmond Had deed recorded got as good a deed as ever was made Combs Stamped deed + I stamped notes bought ed out that is house

T Hill Has left + handed or is to hand the papers over I paid Ed C. 5.00 cash + acct 5.00 + order to Hopper 50=X10.50 FEB 15--MAR 1st (FB.27) Traded horses with H. Norris think I paid too much boot first bought a mare from Simps N he said she was 9 years + his Father said she was about 17 Ham Norrs (sic) represented his as sound when she is diseased in the back B.J.D.

Pg. 339: calls it a set fast. Hence I have determined to trust to no man in a trade it matters not how much Christian he pretends to be but Judge for myself. In Judging a H first look at the teeth, then eyes, neck and shoulders, back, and legs, and lastly try the gates (sic). I conclude Horse Trading a poor business except to suit myself hence I must not indulge in it except to get a nag to Suit me. Mar 2--14 Bought mare of Joshua Norris paid big price but she is a fine mare. Like my mare I got of Ham Norris would not trade back liar 2--Apr 15 Have been very busy in the last month Apr 15 Fannie Douthit has left us for good She has been sick about four days She was first taken with Intermittent fever with Tympanites + pain in bowels, The fever subsided bowels cool + most (moist ?) yesterday morning Apr 14 she felt + looked

Pg. 340: much better; about two oclock she was taken with a chill pulse got very rapid + weak much pain in bowels destention (sic) also + retention of urin. I kept bowels regular Kidneys regular, bathed to open rip (riss ?) pores of skin applied counter irritation over bowels stomach + back, applied Garlic + Tansy + also wet cloths on stomach all would not do this morning Apr 15 about 9 oclock she died which grieves me to my very heart for she was the most amiable little girl I ever knew. But thank god (sic) her spirit has gone away to rest with the angels in heaven And I pray God that among the turmoil + strife of this world I may still strive harder to live a christian (sic) that I may meet her lovely spirit in that happy land. Apr 16-26 Traded my mare I got of H + I Norris for a Take of steers

Pg. 341: + got 360 I got good steers + if they live will make my

own yet could have made my own quicker by keeping mares + selling them. I was afraid they might be taken by thieves hence concluded the safest plan was to get clear of them. If I had it to do over again I would not make the trade for I had them coming around that I was about to make my own on them + some money. One thing I have resolved not to trade in haste hereafter but weigh matters In my mind thoroughly before trading (?) (25) I asked Mr. Douthit for Muggie he sad (sic)

he had no objection Apr 27--May 7 very wet. I have missed three trades

offered me since christmas Gabbart H Todd + E. Sams Hence I have concluded when a man offers a fair trade + owing me I must not be too tender footed nor study

Pg. 342: longer than is necessary to take things duly into consideration. I find if I am careful in trading I can make my practice much more profitable by having a farm to put stock on. 1-lay 8--June 22 June 18 Married at 8 P.M. to Miss Margaret E Douthit Daughter of 3.J. + Armelda E Douthit age 14 years + 11 days. It is my great desire that I may always treat her as a husband Should a wife God being my helper I pray so to do. We were married by Frank Johns Methodist Preacher Every thing was done up the best of styles Brideman James Lewis Bride Maid Mollie 31anton Sunday June 21 at Flatwood

Pg.:•3Lf3:f- meeting we attracted considerable attention from the public, went to G. Bs had a very pleasant trip June 23--Oct 11 sold my heavy steers + cows to Laucher (?) age steers 3 cts cows 2--cents Sowed timothy seed on lower bottom field oct 9 put 1 7/8 bush on oct 7 put 2 3 on hill field also sowed on hill field 33 wheat act 2 oct 7 put 9z Bush Rye on lower bottom field 9 to 10 acres. sept 28 sowed 1 3 Tim seed on bottom clover field where sowed 1 3 Tim seed in Spring (Jan (?) 9 (?))+ failed to get a set sowed z B clover seed in spring about march 13 + got good set in lower part of field. Oct 12--Nov 4 Bought over coat no (nu ?) (nov 4) 35 or 5 Work some on Farm Hardly think it judicious but still do it Nov 5--13 Have made some money trading but conclude to make my practice the main business + make the farm subsidiary to my practice. I think if I dont make money quite so fast as by speculating I cant make it surer. In dealing I try to mak (sic) no uncertain bargains

Pg. 344: but deal to certainties according to the best of my judgement Nov 14--21 Have been to the mountains bought seven Head of stock I am please with all my bargains but one where I bought a Heifer without looking at Her carefully hence paid "2 more than she was worth. Have concluded to look at Stock when buying for case nov. 22--Jan 14th 1864 Had to tell Mrs Hampton if she did not move I should put her out in so many days, they moved next day. Made a neat (?) calcualtion of my affairs + find I am worth by good financiering about $4000.00 this Jan 1st 1864 Jan 15--March 17 Have many troubles + much opposition but conclude to go forward + do my duty let the public

Pg. 345: think as they please Have been settling up-the estate of

3 J Douthit Deceased + get along very well thus far, sowed clover seed on rye + wheat monday March 14 ( it is up Apr 9) cool day sowed clover seed self on bare places on hills 17th oh frost Mar 18--30 Had 15 head of cows steers calves horse + colt on lower East hill side pasture from Jan 1st till Feb 1st had 1 horse 1 colt + 6 Heifers till 25th march + then 7 mules 1 colt 6heifers till.... (sic) tried feeding horses fodder alone find it wont do fed 7 horses 1 mule, + 1 pair cattle on fodder straw oats + hay from March 25 up to Apr 3 have had a very hard winter but have got all my stock along but one calf that died sold six heifers if not with calf to Lockerage at two cents 1st May conclude it wont do to sell cattle by weight at that season without a man gets a high price Mar 31--Apr 3 Took horses + colts to pasture hence feed oxen + riding horses two head of each Apr 4--7 (7) put all my cattle except the last mentioned on grass, cattle mules + horses 31 head In all. Apr 4--16 put oxen on grass Apr 15th Apr 17 Nay 9 (sic) Apr 25 put 32 head on rye

Pg. 346: left them on five days (5 May) removed the remains of B.J.D. + ch. Mrs D. requested I told her it should be done + I would not only attend to it but bear half the expense. Young clover is doing well that I had sowed in February May 3 attended to mules

• colts they are doing well. May 10--14 Attended to Lambs May 14

two died. Mr + Mrs Blanton Have acted very badly about me concerning (7) the death of B.J. (?) Douthit which (?) is a base false hood + is (the last few words beginning with "concerning" have been crossed out; the cross marks end with the word"gotten!i)-;t'gotton up through an envious spirit + Jealous hearted motive Tnere being a jealous spirit in them long ago ast (sic) to Douthit + family + take this way to get envy (?). I done my duty all through + feel gald of it + feel like going out to do my duty regardless of what the world thinks God help me so to do

Pg. 347: May 15--Sept 7 No of Pastures + fields Pasture on hill

side next to Douthits No 1 West field next Smiths No2 North

west field next Murphies No 3

East hill field nest road No 4

Lower bottom field No 5

Middle do " No 6

upper 't " No 7

May 11 pealed (?) thorn bushes in no 1 + lower bruckeys (?) in

hollow May 28 pealed upper bruckeys (7) in no 1 hollow sign feet

• Willows in no 6. May 30 grubbed up thorn bushes in no 1 + sprouted

sign head + face May 30 had bushes cut in north end of field no 2

also pealed some willows in no 6 sign head + face June 3 Deadened

thorn bushes in south hill, dark of the moon sigh bring (?) June 3-

14--15 hid bushes + thistles cut in no 4 sign reins June 16 pealed

buskeyes (?) in no 6 + lucusts in no 5 sign breast June 21 Killed

bushes in lower end of pasture no 3 sign neck 22 middle of pasture

sign legs 23 upper end of pasture sign legs 24 cut bushes f briars

• weeds in lower end sign feet July 11, deadened bushes ni (sic.)

sign reins July 18 cut thistles

Pg. 348: + briars in no 3 next smiths sign nees (sic) July 23 nocked down thornbushes + briars in no 6 sign feet

July 25 cut briars + weeds with hoes along fence in no 1 sign head

't 26 cut do " no 3 sign neck

27 " " " toward up end sign neck

28 't " " nol on flat s. arms

29 " " t' " on hill sides s arm:

30 " " on hill side near Ds

land S. breast

May 4 Cut weeds + bushes in south end of no 2 sign bowels

aug 23 cut briars along nolands creek road weeds in north end no 4

sign neck aug 24 Grubbed + deadened sprouts in west end or side of

no 3 also yellow weeds sign arms.

Sept 2 Sold 8 steers to tF White at 5 cts did not weigh to expectation too much rain on grass has been great drought not grat (sic ?) rains from about aug 1st White told me how to tell when cattle were improving by the manure Sept 3--17 Paid Ed Combs land note due first monday in Feb 1866 (?) Sept 9 also paid George Webber 3d land note for $4m-due 1st mond Feb 1865 hence if (sic) I have nothing else ( the words "nothing else" have been crossed out) paid for my land entire Sept 18--24 Got notice to Aaron (?) as being drafted

Pg. 349: Sept 18 oct 3 cut black calf 26 Sept Sighn (sic) in heart

Pg. 350: to try to take things easier than I have been doing Dec 3-17 have had another or third buck set in chills still conclude as ever to -take care of myself. bough (.sic) (16) the Douthit farm poor land but nice place to live great fruit country shall try prove think sometimes leaving the parts but conclude again as it is a good community + that I am prosperous I had better be still devote my main attention to practicing as soon as able. ( Dec 1) put Adams oxen horse + 2 cows + odd steer on grass of n 2 not grazed since aug 1 (Dec 9) took horse oxen + odd steer off (Dec 23) put 3 mules + horse on = 3 1 h 2 C . 6 heads Dec 25 put Goldn oxen on. Dec 15 put 3 oxen 1 bull 2 cows + 9 calves on no 4 + 6 + to feed fodder. no shocks to feed 86 + 89= 125 fed again 1st Jan 65 have on no 1, 2 coils (?) + Jenny L. Dec 18--31 cannot get about.

JAN 1st 1865 Confined to my room have learned to take it patiently. calculation of how much I am worth counting lands

+c amt 9663.00 deduct amount of debts 2600.00=X7063.00

done well cut oct 3 Mrs Ds calf doing well think there is but little if any in signs sept 28--29--30 Went to London a very poor country Oct 3 Sowed Grass seed Tim + cl chaff on arm (?) patch nex (sic) Murphies where Griggs has hogs Oct 4--27 (22-24 sowed rye in

no 7 plowed ditch with two yoke of oxen find common plow will not

do well it sucks in too much + near ox hast to be put too close to plow Oct 6 Went to crooked creek bought calf in driving it caught cold had my summer under cloths on conclude never to let 1st Oct pass without having winter cloths on oct 28--nov 3 have had a severe spell of chills congestive symptoms suffered today nov 3 feel better but have to stay in house have concluded I must do less driving of cattle myself + hire more done Nov 4 Dec 2 ( nov 17) Went to London Was exempted took chills driving cattle home feel still more like not dealing in stock only in collections + then conclud (sic) to have

a person on (?) to drive them still determine to devote main attention to practice of medicine Have a chance to sell my farm but but (sic) have not got the consent of my mind to do so yet. Conclude

Have made a rough stock accts notes

amt o f debt J H Lewis 477.85

H H Elkin 1240.00

(suppose) Estate 8 0.00

for contingencies

Have on hand to see

stock 1200.00

gram +c 300-00



Pg. 351: Have notes + assets after deducting 1/3 for bad $1644.00

cash on hand 160.00

about amt to collect on Estate yet 200.00


amt from below 1500.00


amt carried up I owe 2600.00

amt over debts = 904.00

I collected in 1864 X1686.25

booked 759.05 Jan 1st 1865

notes + interest97.35 (sic)

accts 1490.5_2

2567 85

32 15


I booked in 1863 $2240.65

"collected* 11 X1735.72,

11 booked in i864 9 759.05

ticollected« " ;1826.25

Jan 2--19 ( 19) Put 6 calves on no 2 pasture with 3 ms + 1 horse all

the other cattle 13 large head on fodder two large shocks a day weather cold + dry, it wont do to have small calves with large cattle when feeding (19) Johnson calf died was killed by large steer conclude never to feed large cattle + calves together also must keep calves sept (?) better in fall 20--31 (23) had horse stolen about this date (31) had cow die fro want of good feeding (hors (sic) worth or cost $30 cow $20 meeting with these loses doubtless on acct. of being sick

Pg. 352: I conclude'as to feeding stock: two things that stock must either be where I can look out + see it fed or where at (sic) can get at the feed but few men will attend to other peoples stock right + many wont even attend to their own, on acct of trougle with stock in winter must sell all stock can skare in november + then replenish

by Feb 1st, or from, exeept for debts bad which must be bought any time Have thought the propriety of quiting the practice but again conclude to continue as soon as able + strive against exposing myself. As soon as convienient must have water (waiter ?) to see to affairs that may stay in office + ride about, also to avoid lifting working or walking driving calves to heat--,myself, wear flannel next skin all seasons, light from July 1st to oct 1st heavy the rest of time. Must remember as a first principal in all my transaction ( God being my helper) to remember my health for token I am not about to see to affairs they all go wrong Feb 2--M 15 Visited Mugs relatives in Indiannas principally in Boon + Owen co.s was treated very kindly by them. Lost an ox while gone. mar 2 put 5 cattle + 3 mules + colts on no 3, took 6 mules +colts off no 2 mar 15 took 7 calves off no 2 and turned 7 calves + 4 cattle on no 3 hence

Pg. 353: there are 22 head. on no 3 mar 16--23 Reeves calf died dont know cause think harmed by large cattle have lost two calves from large cattle from christmas to June they (calves:) are weak + large cattle harm them (mar 22) sow corner of no 3 in clover intended half a bushel but F.A. sowed but 16f lbs + thinks it very thick on combs farm can calculate on a pinch to support stock on new grass from-15th March;. hence must keep stock on old grass Jan + Feb + first half of

March, stock must be grazed well in Dec. Mar 16 (?)--Apr 4 sowed clover in corner of no 3 march 20th sowed on bare places in no 1 + 2 Apr 1st AP 5--7 cut sassafras bushes 4-5-6-7 below surface also, briars with hoe in clover field Douthi land 8--21 (12) put cattle on no 2 took off no 3 (22 head) (20-21-21) (sic) plant corn + pumpkins on no 7 (13th Johnson left conclude not to rent any more 22--28 (26,27) plant sorgham corn pumpkin seen in orchard put manure in every hill from sod plant 11. Mellons + squash

Pg. 354: (27) planted onions in lower gardon planted potatoes in gardon mar 27th also corn in gardon. Apr 29--May 8 Took cattle off no 2 (Apr 2) have from May 1st 7 head large steers 12 head-calves + two year olds 4 cows 2 colts 2 horses 4 pigs 3 sheep Reeves horse 1 hence 35 head on whole lands grass is good now saves 20 acres to mow Must have land fenced in around border then can go to work inside whilst safe from freigh stock 9--13 Came near having chill cannot walk much can stand much more by riding May 14--19 (14) cut down bushes + tramped briarK (sic) next Parrus where fence runs 14--25 (25) cut

briars in horse lot in bloom (22) put 2 pigs in pen five weeks old put sow + 8 (?) pigs in clover pigs 5 weeks old feed a little corn pigs weigh about 25 lbs May 26--June 24 (June 17) put cattle 19 head on no 3 + 5 hence on 5th to 17th June (?) think of selling out if I can do not think the country Suits me in the practice line + as I conclude to make it my business in the main I conclude Sell + make a permanent location where

Pg. 355: I can be better suited June 25 July 17 (July 13 Sold

2 coins to B. Ford $55(July 14) Allison Thomson Ayres was born about half past 5 oclock A.M. Have on lands stock 21 head cattle own 2 others 8 head horses 4 own + 4 others 15 head hogs hence stock from July 1st 46 head stock In gradening conlude (sic) to plant Potatoes onions Redishes Letuce bans (sic) corn +c very early have ground in good fit plow + manure in fall July 18 To Sept 12 Sold 184 acres land combs farm 100 3/4 a for $25 p acre 83~ Douthit land for $20 p acre A d too much hilly land sold big cattle to L oct 3d at 5 3/4 per lb Sold to D Dun 3 cows + 3 steers to deliver 3 november at 4 cts Sold Sept 12 6 shoats to R.H. Elkin at $10 per hundred wighed (sio)511 lbs do not know what

Pg. 356: shall do yet as to locating but shall leave Texas Oct 24

had sale amounted to $1070.78 Sold all but one horse one sheep + bed cloths +c, have bought house + lot in Thorntown Indianna where I shall go + still carry on the practice of Medicine exclusively God being my helper. I have been successful as getting practice + making money in Ky but the country being rough I must leave or quit the practice. The lands are rich about Thorntown+ level. Find the Lawyers are of opinion Mug cant Sign her rights away in the lands I sold Griggs + Combs the terms of the Sales are as follows Griggs to pay 4183,75 cts

Jan 1st 1866 of bal Jan 1st 1867 bal Jan 1st 1868 Combs paid cash oct 6 612.50 + to pay bal nov 15th 1865 Want to get off as soon a possible oct 25 to nov 11 (nov 9 at Irvin sold claims to Gardiner on John %litt 250 als (sic) to Tark + Curtis 19.30 on I Matherly.

Pg. 357: Nov 12--15 (15) Sent 4 boxes to Dr J Ayres Thorntown In. care of R.E. Patterson. valued at $500 $250 $125 $1?5 Started at Andrews store to take recpt at Lexington express office nov 11--21 (nov 20) Settled up with Court Mug + I signed deeds will try to get a decree of court ratifying our sale. (21) have Settled up considerably am worth today money on hand


2086'87 two land notes

1000.00 one " "

638.50 Ed C,s land

1000.00 goods +c on hand

6744.72 amt of notes + accts

1200.00 off oweing (sic)

Nov16--Dec 23 (nov 17) Arrived at Indiana, Thorntown,live 4th house from nattional bank on Market street south of main (the words from "live" to "main" have been crossed out). Devote my time

Pg. 358: to my books + writing conclude to devote my entire attention to the practice of Medicine God being my helper to do my duty in every and all respects. That I may still remember my favorable motto punctuality, steadiness, Accuracy and dispatch.

I bought a residence on Market street 7th building south of Main st

or the 4th building from the National Bank. Dec 24 to Jan 13 th 1866 Think I shall like Thorntown well have some practice. Jan 12 Tom took sick gave him in the morning Santonme gr j Podophyllin gr d in 6 hours reped-Ipeeuc gr 4 Aloes sac gr sed (?) it, in 6 hours gave oil + Turpentine 5 oclock that night he passed about 500 ascarrs urnicularis (?) 5 o clock next morning he passed about 500 more continue turpentine gtt 30 at a dose every 6 hours Jan 14-- Feb 7 Have some practice I am bidding fair to cure Griffin child of Spasms by acting on

Pg. 359: liver carry in off flame + mucous Rubbing Nerve centres with Die + (?) Alcohol has not till now (Feb 7) had spasms or convulsions for 13 days Act on Liver + bowels with neut cards neut powder + a little Leptandrin, first with a powder of Pod. Ip. L ep. both act like

a Charm changed discharged from ash color to yellow dark + ropy mucous. Cured Allen Miligan of Chronic Diarrhoea or Camp + Childs Diarrhoea in bout two weeks gave antif. Powd. + neut powder. I must. recollect case of Thornsburgh Black Girl sore eyes blind nearly cured them, also Mrs Fiedlers Daugh cured her. Feb 8--i4 Griffins child has not any spasms for 21 days can controll the bowels with Neut pow Neut Cordial Leptandrin Sul. cin. with spirits added give about four times a day all in combination I am getting along fine in practice line. 15--19 (15-16) Tom sick has pain in Lower bowel every evening, gave him antiperiodics + aperiants till pain abated then gave Anthelmintic (?) Powd. bad case followed with oil + T then gave Aperient Tonic g j Decoction of Pinkroot + senna g j gave + now give Iron sulphate gr xxjv Sac. Aloes gr j Dose 2 teaspoonfuls morning + night Had case case (sic) Diptheria Ed Pattersons babe cured in 48 hours used antifever med,choliogogue (?), + SUDK Gargle 20--27 Recalled Case of Sam Nelson Typhoid Symptoms

Pg. 360: Cured in 5 days gave antifever powder Turpentine Nitre Gelsemenum Aconite for bowels neut powder,Griffins Case getting well has not had a Convulsion for 32 days Cured Crouse, Haughs, + Mrs Thomison of Chills first gave Antifever powder 60 grs then continued Anitf ever pills two a day when no symptoms three thrice times a day when symptoms + six three times a day when chill gave Crouse + Haughs chologogue pills no 2 with addition of Antif ever powder. (25th) Fielding fixed watch put main spring in insured for a year Feb 28--Ap 5th Been to Ky trying to collect collect (sic) on med accts + note 436.57 + amt from Ed Combs on land 69.00=505.57 He B.C. Assined + promised to pay G. D. Blanton the land note again me Feb 1st 1867 for. particulars recpts f B.C. I left my notes uncollected in P F Adams hands except one in J.S. Griggs hands + one order +c in Jes Wilsons hand+ also in hand of Col Rhodes See Rhodes on book Bought a lot of medicines +e bark will like it very much

Pg. 361: Had Gardening done (4) yesterday planted early potatoes

peas donion Tomatoes parsnips: Planted lettuce + Radishes + beets (3) have onions growing that were planted last fall cleaned them off + halved them some had them (?) covered last fall with straw There is about 1518.86 owing to me yet in Ky for practice of that I may get about X100 leaving 1418.86 worth I worked naught in the run (?) of seven years If I could stand to go at every beck + call I would still go to every case + continue to lose but I cant stand as much as I could in those times hence cant do so much of that practice. 6--20 Case of George Barton Neuralgia Stomach cured by anitperiodics after


violent pains (?) were checked by capsi'n Ipe. Dia. pow. Mor. oil

+ Tp to regulate Case of Mrs D. sholl (sic) confined got along well. Case of Mrs Patterson Pro. Lap. Uter used Em. Dec. Tonic Dec . carb Iron + getting well had plaster on back

Pg. 362: Case of Welch pain in back cured in 6 hours with Vol Linment. Sent Ap 20 Setter (sic) to I.S.Gri.ggs to pay C.F.Burnam $6.10 Find the fine for practice if I Just Stick down to it. Aur 6--Flay 16th May 15 Planted late Potatoes corn beans + cabbage Seed. Have many cases of chills to treat, hear of some grumbling about my charges, I dont propose to get into practice by cheap work but by doing my work well being attentive give the best of remedies +_:pleanty"of them. About May 1 (?) bought a nag $90 well pleased

She works well in the buggy cured Haughs daughter of chills Treating Mrs David Hawkins Diseas (sic) of Stomach also Miss Cravens Chorea remedies to her tonicks + chyligerats (?) bathing +c George Barton is Well of Neuralgia of Stomach has not had any pain in Stomach Since he commenced to take Aperien Tonic also Bishops powder was given him before (the word ttbeforett is crossed out) to take when pained much

May 17--19 17--18 Had about 20 chickens to Hatch hed (sic ?) the Hen in yard with all. Have onions large enough to eat. Cured aunt Lucy of chills Browns child two Miss Haughs Sent medicine to Clarksville to patient Tonsillitis

Pg. 363: + chills. cured Jess Welch + daughter I like the people

+ lands of Ind but dont like the climate as well as Ky but think I can have better health in this climate. Had fine practice (19) about 9 cases conclude to go right forward to do my duty regardless of

what people say or think. 26th, 28th Have some office practice. While travelling on Lebanon road I -noticed a Lot of Hogs + Shoats all concentrated + three dogs--barking at them but were afraid to catch them when if one was singled out how quick they would catch him. A thought occured to me my motto must be Concentration in thought and business. Treated Mrs D Hawkins for Disease of Stomach much better in one week She Says I improved her more in the time than other Physicians had done in two years. Cured Crouse + wife of chills Mrs Thomison Mrs Ed Patterson, Dorr, of chills + general debility May 22--31 To see Mrs Hollingsworth Met Dr. Walton he acted the Gentleman She had not retained anything in stomach for about 3 weeks, when the child was born it was mortified So Dr. W. said, hence the cause of her Sickness -Have done a very good practice this month Treated Bunton(?) for

sore leg June 1--21 Have been very busy this month cured many persons of chills in fact all that half way follow out my directions I am (?) at (?) or near my office all hours when not riding find I

Pg. 364: am gaining a reputation very fast + I am resolved to try

to sustain myself in it My principles are to give the best of medicine and attention and charge well for it. Had chickens hatch out about May 15th done well so far have 16 out of eighteen (June 22) June 22--26 Mrs Sharp Husband work:-,at Cowens had rising in breast

I cured her up immediately gave Tonic powds applyed first mint poultice to drive back used nipple glass (?) one place too far gone toward formation of pus applyed yellow Dock (Dack ?) poultice it brought it to a head in a-short time and she suffered comparatively little pain commenced about three days ago + today (26)th (sic) it is suppurating (?) very freely + no pain 27. 29 (29) Send :j2.50 Cn (?) Com, office find the climate very changable in Indiana. June 27 July 11 Have good practice well pleased if climate suits my health Cured or releaved

Kume (?) of Phthisic by antiperiodics AD. Tonic + Sec. (?) Syrup Helping Adair of Neuralgia put Ir. pl. on cirv + Dors plex.

Pg. 365: July 12.16 (15) Revnd Hairgraves Baptised A.T.Ayres.

very warm weather bought apples today to cook, this years. (14) At Post mortem of Cappen had Cancer in the bowels attached from the Diaphragm along the posterior wall of the Abdomen to Kidney weigh about 1-1 lbs grayish with red splotches in it entirely whole yet had not suffered any great inconvenience only about 60 days Gave Wash Griffin for Scurvy of Teeth Aperient Tonic with ilur. Ammonia added + applyed to Gums Tn Hlldrrattis (? almost illegible) Canadensis + dg P. AF. July 17--Oct 23, 1st of August went to Ky for health improved, returned oct about 8th have some practice like the practice in Indiana but dont like the climate too cold + wet have bought a farm in Ky again + intend returning to resume the practice of medicine + carry on farming God being my helper May I* do my duty I returned to Texas on account of Mrs Douthit oct24--Feb 19th 1867 Sold my house + lot in Thorntown got a note + mortgage for X1200.

Pg. 366: payable in 12 months at 3 percent I deposited Deed ( the word ttDeedtt is crossed out) note + mortgage in National Bank in Thorntown I also got a small house and lot + also left papers Deed + Insurance in Bank This transaction was about Nov 1st 1866. Texas is a fine place to live but the practice of medicine is too skattering + pay not good enough hence I think of selling. Rented Feb 1866 My house (farm) to K + I Adams for ~60 z payable July 1st the balance at the end of the year they are to put in corn for z in the shock except in bottom they get all for cleaning up Jan 8 rented my Douthit farm to Miss C. next day went to sel (sic) if they could give security they failed by Boys (Bogs ?) refusing in presence of young C. + his son + others in Grocery ( the word "Grocery" is crossed out) Store in Richmond next day they come in buggy I told them to go back they went. Feb 8th Sold my Douthit farm to Cole for $2300 As follows X100 May 1st 1867, $400 Jan ist 1868, $500 Jan 1st 1869, .500 Jan 1st 1870, $500 Jan 1st 1871, $300 Jan 1st 1872 Feb 20--Apr 22 Have not been doing much since fall but see to Mrs D,s Stock traded horses with Joe Lewis got $15 to boot and the best horse by 25

Pg. 367: Apr. went to Vanceburg to see about location did not Sout (?) found people very clever stopped at Tanners at Sherburn Robertsons near Flemming Tonkerries in Lewis co. Coles on 0. Kive + Dales in

Edge of Lewis conclude I could get a good practice in Mt Sterling feel like going to practice again as I am getting stout. Apr 23--June 23 Have been at home practicing a little, June 8 1867 sold my house + lot to Ed Patterson in Indiana for $475 X250 down + the balance $225 in a year June 24--Sept 10th Sept 5 Went to house keeping at Douthit Home About the amount I am worth to this date

Parm Farm 2700.00 owe E.C. 2274 00

Douthit Farm 2000.00 Ions G.f H 225.00

Stock + House H goods of Cole F. Cole 216.00

own goods on hand Stock on hand 1285.65 Hucker 2.00

mortgage in Ind 1236.o0 Wherry 13.75

do i n 225.00 Stout 5.00

note of Jonas 500 00 Salt +c

Inst 15 00 at Griggs 6. 70

R Griggs 50.00 2772.45

C Webber 11o.oo 8634.90


(continued next page) worth this

day 1867

the Hiram


Inst 5.00 Douglas 25.00 Adams 40.00

accounts 400.00


Mrs F•lkin 5.00

wheat 20.00

cash on hand 12 00

all (oil ?) money in Griggs h 6.25



Pg. 368: Sept 11--Dec 31st 1867 continued to farm + practice medicine at my old mansion at Texas June 14th 1868 Fanni a Armelda Ayres born 1868--1869--July 9 1870 Continue to have a small practice all this time but being a union man I am not popular 1870 July 10th quarterly meeting at Texas many from a distance We had Fannie Armelda Ayres baptized by Revnd. F.Grider Elder Perry being present July11-Oct 2 Gave Preacher Graig one acre of land to build on have had a year of prosperity in raising stock + have had a moderate practice Oct 2ond Sunday Morning at 9 oclook NANNIE LUCY Ayres was born Oct 3 Dee 7 Went to see James Reeve Dec 3 badly burnt Talking about Timber at Esqr Coxes

Pg. 369: cut to last in last of augus (sic) or first of september and in dark of moon worms wont work in it Lay fence worm in light of Moon plant beans in dark of Moon gather from lower vines kill meat in light of Moon For lice on hogs list Sulphur on externally pour coal oil on give mustard internally + plenty of soap + ashes. dont let them lie in dust one large ear night + morning in winter I find keeps large hogs or forward shoats up very well Dec 8--Jan 14th 1871 Have much stock this winter To put sow in season Red pepper + salt plenty put in meal bake in ashes then make warm slop. Good brood sow wide between the eyes good bore (sci) penis near the fore legs January 15--Apr 7th Have 9 out of 33 hogs + pigs left from cholera shall not breed sows to pig in winter nor keep old sows but early strong gilts, never buy very old stock of any kind except where I can afford to nearly give them away soon cattle all lived and are doing well

Pg. 370: have tried fatten my 3 larg (sic) steers for Goff they are not good to winter here where corn is scarce they ganed (sic) from Feb 20 1871 to Apr 25th 33 1/3 lbs each or 100 lbs in all got 6 cts lb for them Find Mules the best animal to plow + work on a farm Apr 8 to Sept 8th Had sick spell In summer think in (sic) come from working in corn field and drinking water must not under any consideration work on farm + must be careful in spring of year to Keep system regulated Sent cattle to Cincinnati august 26 Willy (?) A sa Lewis they only averaged 600 lbs did not get but 2 ets per lb in Cin. hence did not realize 1z cts p. lb it wont do to send Stock there to weigh less than 750 lbs when they start and they must be fat even at that. Sept 8 today I have one (?) to fall timber for rails as timber men tell me it last better to be cut the last of august or about the first

Pg. 371: of Sept Sept 9--Dec 31 Have not got good health hence I am not practicing med. think I will have to eventually quit riding JANUARY 1--March 20th 1872 Have Casius Hill black working for me

at X10 per month + house rent furnished him have good luck wintering stock think it better to have it about the barn in cold bad weather

particularly calves have one calf to have the scours gave a dose of Eggs 2 folour (sic) mix to paste add capsicum 1 teaspoonful opium gr 5 whiskey A-pint keep from water make drink slop + oak oose + feed on grass and fodder Sowed orgard grass seed clover Timothy + red top March 7th conclude to set my rich hill sides must sow + field on in winter I must have hay + am preparing for it January 28 Nannie Lucy Ayres was baptized by Rev. L.D.Parker Feb 24th The board of Education of the K Conf. M.F.C. changed the name of Texas Seminary to Ayres Academy Feb 29 Capt Webb send petition to Ky legislature to incorporate our town calling it College Hill

Pg. 372: at same or few days after sent petition to P.O.department

to have a Post Office at College Hill Madison Co. Ky. March 18th school opened with 76 scholars the first day. March 19th--June 25

My health is improving dont exert myself much keep from getting excited as much as possible June 4th Mollie Elisabeth (the letters 1tl1sabethtt are crossed out) Ayres was born June 6--to Sept 9th (sic) I am this day out of debt (see pg 377) dont owe $50 in the world have not been practicing this summer + have now good health trade i s brisk + I have sold off most of my stock + intend buying the last of Feb in winter Sept 10 oct 9

Pg. 373: Sow Rye or wheat + Timothy 1st to 10th Sept if seasonable

if dry sow any (?) how about the last change of moon in Sept Oct 10 to January 1st 1873 Conclude in the commencement of winter not to winter much stock but as sheep bear a good price in marked, -went into the sheep trade bought 225 sheep. Jan 2 to Feb 8th Had Mollie E. Ayres baptized Sunday Feb 2ond by Rev. L.D. Parker Resolutions as to farming stock 1st never buy very young or very old stock except to save a very bad debt +then'if too old dont buy some of it will die and I lose money 2ond never buy bad fed stock, which is bound to be in bad condition, in quantities from Dec 1st to Apr 1st They dont know how to eat well they dont know how to eat well (sic, the second phrase "they ... well" is crossed out) and by the time they are learned some will die but from Dec 1st to very cold weather they can be learned to eat well together + from Aprile 1st grass is here College Hill Madison Co Ky. hence if in bad condition they ought to be in small lots

Pg. 374: well sheltered and well fed after feeding very moderate at 1st

buy young stock with as good pedigree or stock + bone + muscle as possible have as much stock as possible of the same kind size and age and dont have heifers over two years and cows with steers except with calf or a bull among them all stock fat in the fall for market not sold should be kept fat until sold. Sheep have all weathers or all yews (sic)not old nor not yearlings I dont think they do well to have more than 100 in a bunch if any is made on mountain sheep I must buy cheap bought Jan 1st 1873 225 head mixed yews yearlings weathers in bad fix mountain lost eighteen sheared 207 they sheared or weighed 3 lbs to the fleece they eat grass down very fast Early in the spring but not so fast in summer I think 4 sheep will eat as much as a cow or 1000 lb steer, for yeald (sic) or profits on sheep see Farm book

pg 2 To make money on stock must buy when dull + cheap or cant make anything

Pg. 375: Jan 2 to June 16 1873 June-12 put up Scales Fairbank (Fairbunk ?) am cultivating my orchard in corn + working around the apple trees June 17 to Sept 8 Fruit tree growing fine. Mountain shee (sic) are not profitable except ews (sic) + then bought very cheap they wont fatten readily August 20,21 Cut Iron (20) week in Parm bottoms upper


end. Sign in the heart (21) Cut persimmin bushes in old field commencing on north side of hollow running from old orchard thence toward orchard + house. Sept 9--21 got all sheep off hands but 45 head made for feed grass + all expenses + interest on money $70 they Mountain Sheep wont do to handle Sept 22--Dec 11th Lost our dear little Molli e E Ayres Died Nov 21st 1873 at 2 o clock P.m.

I dwell with the angels in glory. Father, Mother, Brother, Sisters follow me Funeral preached by J J Johnston Dec 12th 1873--July 6th 1874 Got clear of all my mountain sheep because they would not fatten and are hard on grass Grazing cattle all together still in the practice of medicine not big

Pg. 376: Lela Rose Ayres was born June 22ond 1874 July 7--Aug 24th 1874 very dry summer planted straw berries had hard time in dry spell keep alive. Leaves on pear tree in orchard turned yellow in

two day, examined root Sunday morning aug 23 find it a little damaged at one place in bark but think the main cause dry weather, washed it off and poured water around roots + covered, put raw soap on young trees was about to kill them washed it off + they do well these were small trees large trees did not hurt hogs five dollars feeding shoats on bran slop + a little old corn doing well as to gain per day see farmers book page 6 aug 25 Sold last three of my heifers See farm book page 7 and the facts are it will not pay to handle heifers under size must buy to weigh 8 or 9 hundred in July Aug 26 to Nov 30 Feed scarce sold off all my cattle but two steers two cows + 1 calf Remember to have everything ( vegetable fruits +c) put by again Nov 18th + wear overshoes wrappers

Pg. 377: +c first cold spell after Nov 10th to avoid cold and promote good health For fruit trees Apples + peaches commence Nov 10 to rub with old bacon side to prevent ravages of Rabits set traps catch + eat, cut out some limbs for them to work on. Dec 1st to 15 Have no stock only 2 cows 2 horses 1 mule, filly, mule + 2 steers have not got only about enough feed to winter that mush stock Dec 16 to Dec 31 Have quit practice except in a rare case. 1875 Jan 1st to March 29 ( Jan 1st) I owe about (:450) (pg 372) did not have much stock through Jan had the best time about winter. About owing in 1875 traded in sheep made nothing improved + put up scales to the amt (.500) bought 2 wagons 220 bought one horse + mule in that hear have het ('P'150) paid out for medicine Saddle pocket +c ($100) paid out for plows :45 corn shell

Pg. 378: (_$13) Harness for wagon ($25) fruit trees up to Jan 1st 75 0150) making in all (:1203.00) permanet (sic) improvements up to Jan 1st 75 when I owe ($450) made in 1874 something on cattle but not much as I traded sheep for them + got at big prices. March 28 easter (sic) Sunday a very wet day cold yet grass not growing much but little feed in the rough line but about mysel (sic) when feeding + stock is doing well. I tryed to look up the date when I deadened

a sacafras (sic) tree in old field facing parsonage lot but cant find it I think it was when the sign was in the heart in August Mar 30 to Apr 16 Apr 14 find onions to be plowed with bull tongue must be planted 2 feet a part (sic) the stock tramps on each sid at 18 in Apr 17 Had fine prospect for fruit but came a very cold spell + killed everything in fruit line cooked the leaves at night had

sow + five pigs in

Pg. 379: bed of leaves in fence cor. near moderately warm place with board cover cover (sic) on pigs one week old two froze to

death that night, fruit all killed Apr 17 to 18 Very cold but moderating conclude to wear my over shoes + wrappers until May 1st after this season took off Apr 1st caught bad cold Ap• 19 to May 1st Held (May 1st) our Municipal election in College Hill weighed my cattle find they gained a little in the month of April though grass

was not very good May 2 to 17 Conclude to wait after this in planting gardon to wait till the ground is dry + warm if till the 10 or 15 May except a few early vegetables when the ground is cold they come up so badly May 2 to June 1st 2b,27,28 attended District Conference at College Hill Madison Ky about four weeks since joined Grange College Hill Grange no 1547 Brother I C Harrison Presiding Elder + do'n (?) Cook. Preach stopped with me.

Pg. 380: June 2 to Oct 11th 1875 Aug 28th Arranged to start a drug

• grocery store put $?50 in as goods + expensis (sic) September 30th 1875 Lela Rose Ayres Died about 2 oclock P.M. Funeral Preached Oct 1st 11 o clock A.M. by J.C.C. Thomson Oct 2 to Dec 31st Confined to drug store have what stock on hand I got for + some other stock I had. January 1st to 23 1876 Confined in drug store doing tolerably well waiting on people patiently + kindly aiming to deal honestly with all male

Pg. 381: + female Large +. small Selling for cash or trade exclusively + think it best thus far not making a great push to sell so much but to sell right what i do sell. Jan 24th To Apr 14th My stock all wintered well have not lost anything yet have been to lexington (sic) for goods twice take my marketing + buy goods find the thing works well thus far. Quit selling Liquor hence my drug business is not worth so much I am increasing my stock in other respects. I am making about X1.50 to X2.00 a day in the store. Apri (sic) 15--24 April 18 Tuesday 1 o,clock Eva Noland Ayres

Pg. 382: Baby girl was born Apr 25--June 27 Giving my attention to store getting along slow go to Lexington every 4 to 6 weeks take my marketing + buy my goods find the plan works pretty well bought

• have about 35 bbls to ful (sic) + make vinegar Keep racking + putting half made into good put Mother in when I can put plenty of Sweeting Sorghum skimmings + in stir well add rain water, have now on hand the very best apple vinegar on hand I sell for 40 cts per gallon for further particulars see farmers book pg 14 April 25th Sept 16th (Sept 13 Eva Noland

Pg. 383: Ayres Was baptised by Rev J C C Thomson ly (sic) sprinkling. Find from 1st July till Last of August Eggs + Chickens are not high they the chickens are generally Low about August Election have much trouble with cedar bbls worms or bugs in conclude they will not cut

a vinegar bbl. + think to paint new bbls with venetian red then a coat of red lead paint + Keep in tolerable dark place they will not pester them stop holes with thorn or tallow, tallow of candles best. Sept 18 Recd Map of Madison Co paid cash $10 to man on front porch he sat about 4 feet from side door

Pg. 384: Sept 19--Nov 26th In my store doing the best I can Age

of Charles Blanton (Collored) born April 4th 1811 Time to commence buying Turkeys 1st Nov + Receive them 20th. buy chickens young roosters

• pullets + Laying hens up til Christmas at low rates. Commence buying pelts at low rates Nov 1st Commence storing butter away in the roll for winter market Nov 1st or oct 10 1 think would do. Buy sheep.


pelts any time + store away till winter

Pg. 385: when wool is short must buy cheap say 1Octs Oct 11th

Jan 9th 1877 See about buying furs the price + kind wanted September 1st Habits Homecats Dogs beef hides Sheep pelts to Eat Habits partridges ground hog hide +c +c + meat Notice at every season Spring Summer fall + winter what kind of goods most needed. 10--26 Monday 22ond told G riggs + Lewis I would quit selling Alcohol or stimulent Tinctures without a prescription from a Physician. Have plenty rope on hand again Jan 1st to sell for plow Lines. Jan 27--Apr 13th Been

Pg. 386: at Lexington Mar 3 Sold Eggs at 101 cts per dz + butter I

had packed all winter at 20 cts the best price butter in Jan + February in Lexington was only worth from 10 to 15 cts I sold some white butter for 11 cts to Lell candy man. In February Apr 9 Sold

in Lex Eggs at 10 cts butter at 19cts could have gotton 25 cts up town found out afterward conclud (sic) not to go in late in evening after this + sell out in a great hurry take more time. Think it is working well to take Marketing + buy goods every three or four week could

Pg. 387: have sold a great many onion Sets white silver skins if

I had kept them could have sold a number pecks sweet potatoes if

I had kept them was afraid they would spoil on my hands. Took this Last trip Apr 9th 100 lbs butter for sister Griggs James Johnson sold it for 25 cts it had been made + put up some of it 6 months. Apr 16 Sowed clover seed in nursery + on poor points in orchard + around trees sowed over nursery thinly Apr 10th + (sic) Sowed clover seed (17th) on points next parsonage result (sic) Apr 10-17 Preparing to plant corn Sowed field to make meadow on parm place in Timothy + Rye

Pg. 388: Sept 1875 + Rolled it Sowed clover seed on a snow in February + rolled again in March 1876 I now have Ap'17th 1877 the best set of grass I ever had hence it will not pay to roll. Apr 18th May 7 (May 7) Racking off my vinegar I made last fall mark it Purely racked one year old apple vinegar or X racked off my two year old vinegar two weeks since + marked it two year old Purely racked apple vinegar how we Racked It. Poured off + strained through a cloth till it got muddy then pured into an open end barrel then put in 1 bucket

Pg. 389: full of vinegar + rinsed + poured in open end barrel think

I shall quit using skinnings + use sorgum molasses in proportion see back in book about preparing vinegar. May 8--21 can sell Irish potatoes till May 20th Have plenty of all kinds shot + powder on hand in February. May 15 been to Lexington find best not to go week of court day everybody pack in butter +c have made special arrangments at ashland house to stop May 22--June t+ have Millet seed befor (sic) May Court in Richmond, Get trots + stays for fishing again May 15th

Pg. 390: June 5 to Dec 17 Went to Lexington Dec 10th 1877 See

order book Lost money Conclude Just before Christmas is a bad time to sell marketing + they all tell me so bought Turkey at 7~ lb + sold at 5 cts lb milk skim sells in Lexington at 20 ots galon (sic) + butter milk 10 cts + cream 60 cts Dec 18--January 3d 1878


Find it is necessary to recollect before christmas to have plenty

Lemon fock cream Tarter TadX for carpet shoe Tacks +c (The following.

is written upside down at the bottom of the page and has been crossed out)

Nov 21--Dec 21 Think it best thing I can do is buy land hence I have bought Ed Combs farm 101 acres for 2700 Dollars it is a good price (?) but I wanted good land near Texas + it is better to two (sic) price for good land. The first principle in good farming is to have good land cold dry weather (?)

Pg. 391: 1878 Many other little articles for the season. Trip before christmas get plenty coffee sugar shot + powder. Jan 4--22 Turkeys has been commanding following prices Goblers 50 + Hens 40 up til about 3 days ago they are Hens .50 + Goblers .75 hence by holding I might have made A to markets see my order book dated January 16th 1878-Feb 14th 1878 bought 11 calves of John Hide + Simp (?) Norri s for $150 have now on hand 16 steer calves cost 4220.50 average X13.80 5 Heifers ;$32.50=$6.50 average have them in my new stable + since they have got acquainted they eat well thus far have one old cow hard to keep up must quit old cows Feb 13 bought 1 steer calf for $9.00 hence 17 steer calves=229.50 hence average $13.50 (13th) bought 20 shoats of H.H.Flkin weight 2525 lbs x acts=$7575

Pg. 392: 1878 Feb 15 to March 16 Just got home from Lexington yesterday (15) done pretty well in marketing see order book page 49 Have found out from experience how to handle butter buy it cheap in fall till Feb for about christmas it is always a drag butchering time begin from 1st Nov till 1st Dec Separate the white + sorry put in one can then yellow + good in another Set bbls clean + (?) oil or salt bbls put cloth around out side of butter pack each kind in bbls separate before marketing raise + churn in fresh sweet milk for the best time see order book page 49 + watch the markets in march + April 1st pick a cool time to raise it as it packes (sic) better in the roll in boxes or cans + looks better + sells better March 17 to 28th 1878 Turned 19 calves on pasture (good grass) feed them 1 shock fodder a day they eat it up clean. Wintered calves in new stable. Those five months old and upward got 1 pint shelled corn night + morning. Those under 5 months gave 1 pint shelled corn night + morning

Pg. 393: 1878 + they all got Hay + fodder to Fat of clean or hay or fodder (sic) Gave them ashes salt + sulphur + sometines a little bran with it. Hence coniude that to stable calves + give them full feed of hay or fodder or straw to bed with withe (sic) the above corn they will do well, gave 4 heifers the above treatment with 3 ears corn night + morning + they are in good fix this day March 28 1878. Sold fat about June 1st Built (finished Mar 28) 6 Log heaps with lime rock on them averaged about 15 two horseload rock on each cost self 5 days 150 5'00

Team 5 days 150 7.50

Charley 200 + Aaron 2 ds 200= 4 00

Sam Jack 2 ds = 150 1.50

Wm C. 2ds 120 + Nassy 2 ds 120= 2 40

Archy Brown 2 ds 1 20

board all hands 2 50


Arch Brown 1 day + board 85 Charley 1 day 50

$25. 5

March 29th--April 25 out on farm (23) April pulled thornbushes in lower part of yard in Parm place + put salt on them als+ut 5 thorn bushes at east end of old garden in pasture split them down + put Large single handful of salt in + one


Pg. 394: Last fall in Sept I salted some thorn bushes in East end of of orchard on Parmplace Result they have not at this date Apr 25th spruted (sic) Result of those worked on Apr 23 they come again but not so bad May 30th 1878 Douthi t Ayres was born Apr 26 Hay 9th May 1st Alli cut '+ Salted 6 thornbushes in Lugar camp field + May 6th he cut + salted 17 in in (sic) white oak woods pasture Parm place. June 15 Charley cut + salted Persimmin bushes in orchard Jan 1st 1879 the persimmin bushes are dead at the stump if the roots are dead which cant be told until Spring they are gone. The Persimmin bushes this day aug 16 '80 are growing nearly as bad as ever the Thornbushes are growing a Little in places, only think, the best way to kill them is to Grub them out well, but dont think it does much good to grub persimmin bushes Salting on bushes or weed where the stock gets to them injures them very much

Pg. 395: (May 9) Racking vinegar See farm book page 11 May 10--14th Had 11 chickens killed by a large rat last night in the coops (14th) conclud (sic) here after in spring when chickens beg in to come to prepare square boxes with doors to them or shape ov (sic) beginning (?) + a rat dog all to war again the rats. May 15--21 Tested a sack coffee To weigh out by small find it Loses 5 lbs in the sack weighed it by I lbs, 1 lbs half dollars + dollars worth. Suppose sugar to lose the same or more May 22 June 19 June 19 was at Richmond had College Hill + Kentucky River road hands all fixed order to change hand from Wm Cane road to R H Elkin minute book no 2 p 343 R H Elkin 1st order of hands see Cane allotment hands order book 2 p 507. Times are very hard + I am not selling much goods at town to see if I can borrow money without security June 20th Aug 9th did not get it Getting along very well at Store keeping Sent Allison T. Ayres to

Pg. 396: Lexington with a load of produce he got along finely and is only about 13 years of (sic) one month over see order book no 1 page 57 Put my name out on notice as the Detherage affair think it done no good only to agrevate I conclude not to sign papers again my better judgment June 20 to Sept 14th Moving along in the store gave way + attended two cases Midwfei4y (-?).Find from about the first of this month can see right smart quantity of side meat + dont think I would risk any thing to take in from the county on goods if I can

buy it right say 2000 lbs Sept 15 to Nov 20 conclude to build a store room have it this day putting the sheeting on Nov 21 to Jan 6th 1879

Pg. 397: quit working on house day before Christmas got all the

weather boarding on except a little at upper part of north End railed

up windows + doors till better weather. As to Marketting as Norris was giving 121 lb for butter I gave it all fall it sold as low as 6 1/4 cts lb in Lexington Sold mine on trip Dec 1879 See, for 9 cts I have put all but a little in rools (sic ?) + packed in jars

Since Nov 1st it is thus far keeping fine. Take as little produce as possible to Market Just before christmas hold all can over , Commenced buying furs octe 1st (?) + Turkey Nov 1st if have place

to keep Turkey till gentled. Traders are out in Dec + ride to houses + buy all the furs. This year Turkey sold In Nov + Dec for 90 cts pare (sic) 50 cts for Goblers + 40 cts for hens the trade Kept good till after christmas rising to $1.00 pare on .45 + .55 + whole sale men offered first Turkey buyers 140 a pair about Christmas + gave them a while before Christmas -1.20 pair. Fur trader gave at first from 25 to 35 cts for black cats 15 to 25 for forked 15 to 25 for Coons 5 for opossoms + 10 for white cats. They are

Pg. 398: now giving for black cat 50 cts

forked s 25 to 35

forked L 10 '~ 20

Coon 25 " 35

possom 5

Rabits + birds see cost + selling price trip 1878 order book also

see Rabits + burds(sia)trip Nov 4,5,6 1878 which shows Early buying after it is cool enough is the best. As to goods must have in the fall a good supply of good wens + boys boots + a still heavier supply of wens brogans boys brogains (sic) womens shoes. At Christmas have a heavy Supply of cart' candy (sic) toys oysters crackers + a few oranges green apples +e. When cellar ready must keep sweet cidar on hand + have Large copper Kettle + boil enough down for fall winter

• spring drinking must Keep flour + get small sacks before Christmas also salt by the barrel we are careful not to make but few if any bad balances H.S. Owen Is Clearking (sic) for me'all the time + is a very responsible good Cleark I mad. (sic) a calculation + I have about X240 out this christmas

Pg. 399: I dont owe anything in Lexington or for goods have all my little debts paid owe ?,1100.00 borrowed money reduced it $300 + built thus far this year owe on Gragg Lot paid 13650.00 $100.00 due next fall hence in debt -'1200.00 on my two farms store house + Lot + goods

• Gragg Lot pretty good fix but still would be better if I did not owe anything bought goods this year for cash entirely. Have twenty calves + yearlings + 2 mules aged + 2 horses + 2 milch cows 19 shoats + hogs all clar (sic) of debt. I am determined to go forward this next year 1879 in the same old way only Give closer attention if possible to business + stop store rent + interest (7) as soon as possible As hogs sold for $2.25 to 2.75 About same in Market it would not likely be any risk to Give the pare going prices for Turkey in any season 1879 JANUARY 7 to 14 has been very cold Thermomiter (sic) stood at Richmond 18 degrees below zero 24 in Courbonly Richmond Register snow on the ground about 3 weeks + 15 in deep Last Friday + Saturday put all my children + wife in a slide

Pg. 100:(sic): 1879 and had a big sleigh ride to Greenup Blantons

• back. Spoken of as the coldest weather we have had in United States for 40 years Jan 15=23 (sic) This day 23 sowed grass seed on Dale Lease sowed chaffy clover + Timothy on upper corner of the East end Sowed blue grass thinly all over Fast End to hollow sowed timothy over the balance not sowed with taffy Seed pretty thickly except at the Lower Side it was thinly sowed, bought about 7 days ago a boundary (7) of land from Hiram for "224 in two years after surveyed it made 31 acr (sic) some good land + some very sorry but it puts our division fence on good ground Jan 24--31 At Lexington (29th) Sol (sic) Load of produce + Lost more money than any trip yet see order book no 1 page 78 too much for beef hides + butter this time a year beef hides are all wolfs (? )

Pg. 101: 1879 'Even those killed before christmas they are not

worth by one cent as much as where they are clear of wolves must watch not to give to much for butter from christmas all through they ship butter form Cincinnati to Lexington + glut the markets See sales

• costs of Trip Jan 29th on order book page 75 + 78 + Feb 1--7 (5th) Sowed fine seed on Dale Lease See farm book page 17 As to feeding cattle this sinter see farm book page 18 Feb 8--13 bought 19 shoats


weight 1313

_ 24 off-

--for slop 1.291--at 215-

--a hundred .021

6455 (these figures

14th morning after 1291 are typed as

feeding 8 lbs 2582 they were written)

corn ':27.75 65

weighed again

the 19 head weight (sic) 12S7 lbs

1315 first weight

12 Second weighing

5 lbs on for slop by W K Norris

24 off-as he weighed in slop

can by Kaile

4 lbs Lost clar by Slop

Feb 8-24 Have on hand 34 head shoats + 27 head cattle 3 horses + mules in barn + 2 horses in field in all 66 head stock

Pg. 102: 1879 Conclud (sic) if I live till next winter I will Keep clear of stock till the Last court or court in March at Winchester + Mt Sterling + court in April at Richmond then I can give more attention to the store in the Winter. Feb 25 Mar 17 Made one trip to. Lexington See order book done better than the two other trips when I Keep butter over must always hold till till (sic) Mar 15th till in April. Had chester sow to have ten pretty pigs mar 14 Last night (16) Come a cold rain on them being in the broom sage in the orchard they all chiled (sic) + drowned butt (sic) two hence conclude a sow must be Sheltered any time in winter or spring till May 1st Mar 18th--Apr 11 Apr 11 in Morning out salting cattle 15 head on sugar corns field on thorn bush stumps think it will be a good plan to kill out moss on hill side to salt cattle + tramp in wet weather Just put a little

Pg. 103: 1879 on each Say one handful to four + it goes further Apr 12--May 9th 1879 Cleaned up spring field + worked in sugar camp field for particulars see Farmer book page 19 + fields described page 19 almanac May 10 June 3 Store hous (sic) nearly finished sold 7. head cattle 3-x.10 to 20 June old cow Miller at 2 cts some time has been lame !..,ant no more 9 year old cows buy young stock May 10--July 25 July 25 Sold + delivered Pattie mule got $135.00 If I had fed her for two months back +not used her to Lexington Last week I think I could have gotton 145 to 150 which would have cost about -8 + the trouble. July 26 Oct 28 In the store very steady myself' my trade is very regular + more than I had last year Apples are all rotting Griggs seems to keep well To plant for good bearer + good Keepers Wine Sass (Sap ?) Romanite Winter parmain

Pg. 104: 1879 Michall Henry pipin conclude to winter my cattle 23 head + fit for June market Nov 15th Was all over farm conclude to graze cattle till christmas (21 h) (sic) on woods pasture meadow sugar camp field then take up stall 1st week feed 1 qt Shelled corn a piece twice a day then till Feb 10th feed 2 qts a piece twice a day feeding fodder through the day in the field run it out as to Mar 90 shocks do through which will be about 2 shks. a day from Feb 10 till 25th Turn out (?) upper part of H.S.D. Land to graz (sic) in dry time + stable at night feeding night + morning 1 qt a piece corn shelled all the time put cobs in to trough + sprinkle a little bran + salt on

them If they will eat any of them throw the Left ones into the stalls. Haul up Scanes (?.) + black dirt for bedding. Weigh cattle + keep acct of weight when get in in (sic) to feed corn + weigh in


Pg. 105: 1879 in spring when turn out on grass + Keep acct of weights. Feb 1st must commence to bush Land on Hiram track to cut poor + bare land off to set in grass. Think best to Keep seeds of all Kinds on hand to Sow on bare places anytime from Jan 1st 1880 till May 1st Must haul Leaves + dirt or manure on per or galded (?) places when sowing seed. Want to have from 10 to 20 no 1 shoats weight 90 to 110 lbs to follow cattle. The weather turned quite cold Nov 10 and many persons killed hogs the meat froze while cooling it Turned very warm 14 Every person I hear of Lost their meat, from which I larn (sic) a Lesson never to butcher befor (sic) the 20th of Nov January 9--1880 Sowed Herds grass seed on land below pig pen tramping it with cattle for further particulars sowing seed see farm book page 20 January 10-Feb 4th- Held Eggs over in Cellar from Dec 9 till Jan 23 shipped them to Wheat + Durff They moulded in Cellar + I lost out of 162 dz 35 dz Clear 24 dz got but Little for hence

Pg. 106: Apr. 1880 better Keep them in store room or up stairs

except in the very warmest weather Feb 5--23 Sowing today (23) Clover seed on John Covington Lease Land Rye hill sides where I sowed Timothy + blue grass in Jan. tramping with cattle grazing on Rye Sow very thick nearly 1 peck to the acre Feb 24 March 2 Sowed clover seed on Rye (27th) about 1 B. to 5 acres on John Covington Lease + Mar 1st sowed Clover on D. Lease on hill side + salted cattle on + tramped in Mar 3--5 (5) Sowed clover seed on John Covington Lease far point + Lower part o f second piece + piece at road up hill + far end of Dale Lease result Apr 17th is hard tramped with cattle is coming well thus far result either dry weather or tramping killed it nearly all out

Mar 6= (sic) Apr 3 Started 22nd March to conference took 2 horse wagon to R. with produce see order book no 1 Shipped from R on Big's wag. went on coach Sold out done pretty well in Lextn 23 Stayed all night at Prof Pattersons treated

Pg. 107: Apr. 1880 well went 24 to Danville on southern RR across Highbridge great sceenery was put to stop with R.S Russel had a room mate Schwen had a very fine place and was treated well Returned to Lexington Monday morning + bought a Load goods Tuesday ATA met me with Team + Hitched in a new wagon cost $82 + brot Load home for Trip + profits see order book no 1 Apr 4--7 Went to See Mrs Andy Floyd think she will die Broadus called to assess my property gave Farm in Lot (Gragg) included at say (?) 212 acres 48 Store Lot .500 Horses + mule 4 head 3100 cattle 22 head 4 off for $50 the balance 18 head at X10 $180. S Kimmer Farm at :'4500 Apr 8--17 16 + 17 Racking vinegar in cellar See farm book page 21st Find it best to draw off with fosset (sic) till it gets muddy then shake well + pour in to a

Pg. 108: barrel with Leather on side of bung (?) after shaking well

I pour out quickly that is all the rincing I do pour all the rincings from each barrel in said barrel with Leather on place 12 in high Turn till it nearly pours out then Let stand still till it setles (si•c) then pour off carefully I pour the clear vinegar in racking through a cloth to catch motes + trash being careful to set the bucket firm on End of barrel + pour in with measure by setting Tub on End of barrel carelessly (sic) ; this morning (19) I set a Tub on End of barrel with 2 gal Sweetened vinegar in it as I always rince out my Emty (sic) Sugar barrels with vinegar standing the barrel in a Tub to catch the Leakage then pour back in barrels. I find the best plan is to set a Tub under barrel in drawing off + draw buckets full at a time then dip in bucket + strain.. If want


Pg. 109: vinegar (new) to make fast must keep in sun in summer.

Find': C. oil barrels a success for vinegar Apr 18--30 (30) Today planting potatoes in cattle Lot in fence corners pealings + Eyes cut out covered with shucks + dirt also covered + planted between corn

+ beans result Did not do any good moles eat them +c must have ground Loose Putting fence around Lot + making pavement. May 1--7 (6) hauling _Lime to put on gardon vegetables it is 2 years old + mixed with dirt put it on to day (7) May 8--10 (10) over old fields conclude from 1st to 10th May must put cattle or sheep or both on old fields as the briars and bushes come so fast + need keeping down May 11--15 SHFY2 Bought 5 yews this spring at 250 per head + let the man I bought pick them he of course picked the sorryest, they were to be with Lamb abut (sic) 3 are with Lamb + very late they sheared10 lbs wool that was full of burs I got for it 25 cts good worth 25 ots lb per lbs + 1 lb off allies mad (sic) 11 lbs=2.75. I conclude to buy the best of any kind of Stock after this + then I think I will make more

Pg. 110: Saturday May 15th Sold to G.G.

5 Heifers choice largest 311

3 it " next choice 3

1 cow spotted 3

1 cow. old 2

1 Blackish red spotted Heifer 23

1 Steer 2t

1 bull $20.25

13 in all 4375 x 3~=142 19

weight when sold

5 head

4 " 3195 x 3 = 95 85

1 cow 1077 x 2 ='21 54

2 Steer + Heif 1382 x 22= 34.55


Sat May 22 Sent demit (?) with 31 by Alexander Williams to Waco Lodge 23=29 (29) Sold Wm Taylor Waco Ky 2 g Laudanum for bowel complaint Sold Wm Sexton College Hill Ky 2 Grams Arsenic to Kill rats. June 8 sold to WWm Detherage College Hill Ky 1 Gram arsenic for Rats to Kill June 18 sold to Murt (7) Hall College Hill Ky 5 grs strychnia to Kill Rats. Sat 19 Sold to Henry Butler College Hill 2 g verdegris 1 g. blue stone 2 grams arsenic to put on wart on his horses Leg

Pg. 111: 20--30 Sugar is avanced in Market conclude to buy plenty early before fruit time like I done this year. Find I must rally in the store keeping Line if I want to do any good coax + persuade men to come + trade with me + ask if they have marketing chickens +c July 2 Sold 5 cts worth corrosive Sublimate to George Grinstead per J S Griggs for (sic) address College Hill Ky. July 9 Chickens Scarce + much opposition find I have to Electioneer + watch where there is Lots + try to buy them + pay more where they pack them to me + take it out of the store think of putting up butter heavily from 1st of Oct must find where there is good customers + give a little more than is given generally

Pg. 112: 1880 July 6 weighed at my Scales today, that went off sold 415 Lambs Bales got 392 + Fry got 23 July 7--Aug 16 Had quarterly meeting 14 + 15., Had Douthit Ayres Babtized by J.G.Bruce after Love feast Sunday evening half past 5 o.c.P.m. (15) His age is 2 yrs 2 m 15 d

born May 30th 1878 in C N E Church College Hill Madison Co Ky 17--18 Had all the symptoms of a bone fellon in my right thumb throbbing at the bone stinging pain commenced applying Turpentine 16th continued 17 dipping it in Turpentine in the morning still much pain applyed soap salt moistened with Turpentine hurt very much for a while

then got easier + is now this evening 18th quite easy applyed the salt soap + Turpentine three times a day 19th today still better still apply soap + salt 20th still better today Just have a cloth on not so well in evening

Pg. 113: go back to soap salt + Turpentine 21 still use same 22 no pain but numbness skin kind of puffy + hard apply fat meat 21 (sic) Look a little better has not pained or rather grumbled today 23 Keep bacon to It Easy rA.a-little painful at night 24 3 little white pimples put a blister on it did not blister on end of thumb but worked down + blistered back of thumb to night put greased cloth on this morn. 25th much better have nothing but greased cloth on today got well right along. aug 24 Find when Fruit is plenty ought to Lay in plenty fruit cans trade for stone cans away early Keep Glass + Tin get them away early. Remember when plenty of fruit peaches and apple coming on to Lay in weeks before ripening plenty sugar the best plenty fruit cans + plenty sealing wax. aug 25 sept 8 4th sat July 31 was made

Pg. 114: a fellow craft mason Saturday Sept 4 called meeting was

made a master mason Sept 9--14 (14) Took out a Policy in Mutual benefit association of the Western Virginia conference of the N E Church South by W.K.Norris Sept 15--Oct 15 Took mule suckling to town Richmond monday 4th sold it with the premium mule to Hockiday (?) for $100 Tearing down sheds about barn + rebuilding sowed Millet on (?) Land got from Hiram in Timothy + Herdsgrass + Harrowed in both ways sowed 8 + 9 today 15th Rainy result Oct 10 (?)--16 Took Fannie A. sunday 10th to Dr Thomsons + Cousing Sallie Hoskins got Letter she was Home sick went for her 21st she is improving very much in nose + Eye some useing Chlorate potassn in nose as wash also Stephens Eye

Pg. 115: salve cinchonidia internally + Tn Iron internally. Mrs Chinault Wede Gays sister sent me word to give her K ennedies Medical Descovery (sic). I am now building my barn or extending it have about 7 to 8 hands a day at work Oct 27--Nov 4 busy at barn got all my lumber in yesterday (3 or 4 ?) Pike Dinam, weighing cattle at skales from Ham Norris Little steers scrub weight 900 to 1000 lbs 3 year olds price 2 3/4 Mr Pike Dinam says the best time to sell Heifers is from June till aug 1st The butchers want them at that time. The fall is the best time to sell the above Steers as there is 3 chances The butchers feeders on farms + feeders in Distillers also old cows sell in fall to make balony sausage +c. Nov 5--Dec 12 Conclude to have a christmas tree for the Sunday school. I am to start with Fannie to Cin. tomorrow morning to Dr W + A (?) as her Eye is no better our faithful old standby horse diead (sic) 10 oclock pm Dec 7th 180 after after (sic) about 6 days illness was going on 25 years old Black (?) Hock was his name

Pg. 116: I am building a large barn see plan on file nearly completed to put stock in. Dec 13--January 8th 1881. Went to Cincinnati with Fannie to see Drs Williams + Ayres think her Eye can be parshially (sic) or entirely cured was treated very nicely + politely by them came home with my goods was a little sick for two or three days went Christmas Eve night to Christmas tree in M.E.C. it was a grand affair.


the community done bravely See Sunday School book for their names. Have got my barn about completed + it being a very cold winter it comes in fine play. I have no old stock to winter + I feel good over it, My stock is all doing well, last night Jan 7 had a Lamb to come doing finely. Jan 9--Feb 2 Have a very hard winter stock doing well only lost 2 lambs that come out in cold night the mother went out of shed, have up till now 8 Lambs. One yearling


Pg. 117:/sheep about to die slobbering at mouth wont eat. Had (Jan 1) sudden pain in back while driving wedge again gate post, Aaron + Marion had to pack me in the house Today Feb 2 about again applied my Capsicum Linement 3 times find great relief from it. Conclude to go along with what stock I' have + take care of it + try and bring it through safely. Feb 3 to 9th Got a certificate Last night on Maysville Insurance (Life) company dated Feb 2--1881 also reed one on Western Virginia compay reed a good while since dated Sept 28 th 1880 If I to die now I would draw from these two companies abot 43,400.00 Leaving my farm all my stock town lots store goods and about 42000.00 to my family I owe Tom Smith 1100.00 + some interest say 40.00 + I owe Colby McKinney $200.00 + Pearson Roberts +c 155.00 + Wheat + Durff abot $13.00 is all I owe counting these out I would have the fore

Pg. 118: 1881 the fore (sic) going result as I stated if my Estate

was settled up right. weather warmer have had the coldest winter that has been for about 100 years Feb 10 to 11 Had a Calf to die this morning Diseas (sic) must have got hooked by one of the cows as Allison turned the calves + cows out in the barn lot + the long shet was fenced at one end to Keep sheep in It was doubtless hurt in that way must Keep calves separate from Large Cattle. Feb 12--14 SHEEP. I am, handling a few sheep started in with'17 yews + 1 buck have now this day 14 Feb 10 lambs + 11 yews lambed, one yew got out of shed one windy night + had lambs + next morning the (sic) were dead. The way to handle-sheep is this Keep what you do Keep well. young well made yews mixed breed with a full blood south down buck. put him with them Sept 20th have them all in good fix at that time well salted + ashes

Pg. 119: 1881 then the Lambs begin to come Feb 20th save a pasture

say meadow near home for them from 23 day of Dec or 1st day of Feb + feed corn say 1 ear broke in two twice a day one half in morning + other half at night + hay in bad weather up till Lambing time If bad weather + they need sheltering must put them in a shed where they are confined when lambing not too much crowded as soon as the lambs come put them with the yews to themselves + feed the yews carefully for a while on brawn corn + hay if not plenty of grass. Feed the flock occasionally on bran with other feed + give them plenty of ashes + salt to regulate the bowels of Lambing yews. If the Lamb is weak at first put it + the mother in a warm place for a day or two + see from the start the lamb gets to sucking if once started + all strong + good they will take care of themselves if fed or grazed well The main point is to keep them in good fix Feb 15--25 (25) bought ayres 10 head cattle scrub steers 533 lbs of John Hicl (sic) for $160 00

Pg. 120: 1881 Feb 26 to April 1st March 11th Started from Richmond after staying all night at Lackeys + attending church methodist heard Mrs Arnold play the organ + singing (11th) took Cars for Louisville

got acquainted with queen Merchant at Richmond he treated me very kindly + took me to Ropes to stop a very good place whole sale + retail Grocery + Tavern' at $1.00 per day. Sunday morning came + I went to


Walnut street church cor 5th + walnut M.F.C. south was introduced to Pastor Rev. Morris Brother Wheat took me + Brother Walker of Pittsburg Pa into room to see Infant class + I made a short speech which was well received +.then Walker made one + weried (sic) the children + teacher + Brother Wheat Went to Trinity M E C Mcif ee Pastor, in Sunday school a while then went to chuch (sic) room to hear Mcifee preace then went to Bro Wheat for Dinner then he + I after I was well entertained by his Little daughters most admirably Lucy + Alice Wheat Went to Durrfs from thence

Pg. 121: 1881 to the Masons Home the sermon was over I was called

on to make remarks to the assembly composed of 150 orphan girls + boys + some spectators I got off pretty well but had to shed tears. They were aged from two to 15 years. I went back took Tea with Broth. Wheat + thence to church to hear Rev Morris at Walnut street. I like the people at Louisville + think I done about as well as I could at Cincinnati. I arrived at home + now have got my goods marked for business. Quarterly meeting came 27th to 28th had a good time Brother Wyat with his wife + child stopped with us. Stopped with J.H.Ropp + Sons Groceries no 111.113 8th street Lou. Ky. Bought Mason + Hamlin Baby orgain (sic) See catalogue form Johnston in Lou. Ky. J.B. Girdler of Hardware house made me a present of a fine Bell for 3.3. Called to see Lawyer Chinault

Pg. 122: .x.881 Was glad to See me, his office is opposite court house Lou. Ky. Learned to make a paste for Labels Gum Tragicanth + hot: water to make thick paste add salysilic acid or Alum, use with brush Mar 12--May 8th Have been in Farm since weather is good Sunday April Sunday (sic) 23 A.T. Ayres Taken in to the church in full connection by Rev. Fred Griders At Richmond yesterday May 2 sold my hogs 16 head to deliver June 1st to J.P. Fmbrice (?) Silver creek at $5 per hundred today weighed 175 lbs Parks present. Sold my lambs 13 head to Wm Griggs + Cap Webber at 44 cts per lb + $1 premium on all To Take one at 60 lbs Th (sic) bal to weigh 65lbs May 4th--9 (8th) Filly took Back (?) again took him 27 days ago May 10th--20th (7th) Sold 9 heifers + 1 cow to George Grimstead at 03. for 8 heifers 03 ets for one + 3 ets lb for the cow to deliver July 1st Find this date (20) I have missed it in selling for I could now engag (sic)

Pg. 123: 1881 5 head at 32 ets 3 head at 34 + cow at 3 ets having

the other on hand hence I have missed about X10 in the transaction.

I have concluded my best plan i s to seperate (sic) my heifers in selling sell the best about June 20th then run the others till 10th au gust (sic), never sell the good ones for Less to sell the sorry one for they get me every time. Must qut (sic) handling so may (sic) hogs; Just a few with a few sheep + the biggest run in cattle. May 10th-

Aug 6th Bought + had on hand 50 sheep have the finest colt mul (sic)stock men' say -in the County fixing it up for the fair. James H Lewis on the 4th of aug told me he was going to leave the state Proff essor Wyat from ---- College Ind. Is here to see about a school 7--15. Wyat came back I went round + we got about 21 permanent Subscribers he commences Sept 5th 11th at fair with mule sold it to Thos Balwin for 2100 to be delivered * Oct 1st to

Pg. 124: his house. Aug 16--31 (26) Prof' Wyatt (sic) came in with family drove 175 mile since day before yester with wagon + horses. Got spring field cut by Hopper for $1.50 also sugar camp (?) field for $1.75 bargained with A C +A B to clean up woods pasture all


bushes + every thing for ,$25 + cut hard wood into cord wood at 40 ct per cord. Have the worst drouth (?) since 1854 corn very scarce + high 33 bbl in field wheat 175 per bushel + all being (?) that is the surplus bought by these distillers. Sept 1--Oct 5th Sunday Sept 24 Brother Gruder + my self started to conference drove to (sic) owens G (?) Preached that night Drove next day through Paris stores

all business houses + court house was draped in mourning for our Deceased President Garfield Stayed all night with Tony + Laura Demoree at Millersburg Laura Played very nicely on orgain next day 28 Stopped at blue Lick Springs. There is a cemented rock basin 6 feet square + about 4 ft deep bubling up all the time Tastes very strong of salt

Pg. 125: Peter. At noon eat our Lunch wrapped up what was left + gave it to a poor old Negroe man coming up out of Maysville with a cart, thanked us said he had not had any dinner I would like to be orgainist at Maysville during conference for they all sing so well. We stopped With Prof. Richison who treated us in grand style (29)

I visited his school, had single seats + was very orderly (30) visited in morning called on to pray offered a short prayer ages run from 15-17, Prof has taught when boys Gen Grant General Nelson, Haldeman Wadsworth Bishop Kavinaugh +c +c never Turned off but three boys one Killed his Father one Killed himself the other a fgitive none with him longer than three weeks. Prof Gave me the outline of attending a little mountain Sunday school. A Gentleman said to him he would go to Sunday School with him if he would tell about the deer hunt he said he would. He Prof went on to state about the insignificance of a Ground squirrel or Rabit +c but how a gentleman rode along by a day school + enqured (sic) of the children if they

Pg. 126: had seen any dogs they said no but one little girl with

a low voice said yes he said they were after a deer all was excitement the deer had gone into the valey (sic.) a big fine deer all was excitement at the cross roads as people gathered thus the importance of a deer to a G. squrrel (sic) or Habit. Thus the importance of Knowledge + religion above the Low Groveling + wicked things of this world. Saturday 1st was befor the board of Education and made a speech. Dan Stephenson said he secured Prof Wilson I told him the fewer men he secured for us like him the better for us that he was a failure as teacher + a member of the Southern church they tried to deny it I told them I thought I could prove it

Pg. 127: I asked them to Insert at the bottom of the list of appointment of Lexington district in minutes Ayres Academy Supplied by Prof Wyatt. They would not agree to do it. I then asked that I might nominate visitors they agreed but when I nominated Dr Stubbins + Preacher in charge (Mceharge ?) they did not want to nominate Stubbins - but I contended + they done It. Stevenson took me to one side to talk to me after many words he ended up by saying we would fall out with our present teacher In six months, this was very unkind after sending us such men as Wilson Oh Consistency thou art a Jewel. See book Ky. annual Conf M E.C. page 21 Apending (?) 11 1874 where P.F. Adams R.H.Elkin Dr J Ayres was appointed a committee to take care of or have over sight of Ayres Academy

Pg. 128: 1881 Stevenson says there is no Curators Nov 2 1881 Had conversation with Younger Norris about Lumber He agrees to saw me oak Timber If I deliver the logs at the mill for 65 cts per hundred f eet,ash or any other kind for 50 cts per hundred feet. If I put up a black smith shop for T. Waldon he agrees to saw the Timber oak or

-2 6

any other Timber for said (?) shop for 50 ots per lumber Sheeting to cover same is to be 50 cts per hundred. Or If I buy the Lumber for said shop of (sic) him he agrees to furnish it for $1.00 per hundred (square Lumber) + 50 cts per hundred for sheeting. He agrees to furnish me Lumber to build a house or residence with for 100 per hundred. If I use his oxen + cart he is to charge me $1.00 per day for 1 yoke + cart or $1.50 per day for 2 yoke + cart + I am to feed them when using them. If he takes Logs at the stump he charge 3/4 or gives me Lumber.- Nov 5--18th (18th) had talk with younger Norris he agreed to stub (?) all my Lumber for 50 cts per (the following is written along the right hand edge of the page) hundred + wait on me for two years at 6 Der cent

Pg. 129.: 1881 Thursday Sept 29th 1881 My Motherinlaw left for Indiana + R.H.Elkin hand-and Dog (?) boarded with us till today Net worth 250 each=500 per week + Dog 50 cts per week paid $3 for beef. For a discription of German Carp see farm book page Nov 19--Dec 14th at Boonville Friday Sat. + Sunday at district Conference, they are Live fellow those Preachers + We Brother Gruder + I think it would be better to be in that district + better for the school. 11th Building a Black Smith Shop + wagon maker shop cost

H. Waters 250 + T. Rainey 150 = 4.00 board for W + T 250 + Aaron + Marion time 625 = 8 75 A + M board 4.00 + hauling rock 6 days 250= 15.00= 19 00 j day haul sand + Lime 125 125









Sand + Lime 200 + 2* Kgs nails 974 62s = 11.38 hauling Lumber = 4.00 old lumber used in house 10.00 Sach (?) to windows 225 Rock wall 250= 4.75

carried down P5135-13

1882 January 1st--17th Commenced Store See aug 28th 1875 owed borrowed money Chinault 500. McKinney 750.00=1250. bought about

times store Lot 175 Improved farm since that time 400.00 mules wagons + see other page 850. barnes (sic) 1500.00 Storeroom 1500.00 Store

goods house + Lot 250 Haram (sic) Land 200.00 Cost improving store lot .140.

black smith shop see down

Dec 15/81 January 1st

amt of Black Smith shop building carried down .135.15 Norrises bill Lumber sawing 20.16 amt for Logs delivered to mill to Make Lumber 20.00


Pg. 131: January 1st to 13 Think of borrowing money to trade on

Pg. 130

Expense building over

Logs + uprights 6.00 boards 4000 1600 .40 hauling board

Charly (?) 2 days when at Boonville 50 = Brimigars work $3.00 + charley 500= Aarons work + board second time of work S Heurers work + board



on (sic) mortgage hence my property cost me

Douthitt Lands :!1750.00 H.D. Lands $200.00=

have put since

that good fences on it gates where needed cleaned it

up + got twice as much in grass cost at Least built 2 barnes

bought store Lot from Moberly cash

built store room

Fence 100.00 shrubes $25.00 Black smith shop House + Lot coas 250.00 worth this day store goods

mules + mare 275.

cattle $10 110. wagons + buggy 200.

plows gear +c 100.

sheep 60.00 60.00 chickens +shoats 10.00 household fixtur$00.00 (sic)

not comited _.

value of wagons or cost

cost of improvements + implements counting scales +c up too Jan 1st 1875

see date page 378 (sic)

Pg. 132: 1882 bought Hiram Land 200.00 (sic)

January 1882 14--24 Sunday school I have been teaching or superintendant of the Sunday School in College Hill for eleven years with perhaps two years intermission I have now the best school I ever

had + the best and most faithful set of teachers in teaching + attendance. Today 24th finished-my black smith shop cost see back. G Bush today paid me ;400 on Jessie + Annie Skinner farm. (sic) 25 Feb 7 Got done invoicing today (7) all the books are mine yet but the dispensatory which we invoiced not invoiced 2 wooden faucets 1 Large funnel 2 small stone Jugs fork (?) for taking down goods ruler tooth instruments Large box in Cellar paint kegs powder herb sifter pocket :case + dissecting case

Pg. 133: small scales in box 2 maps of Human system Feb 8th to

Mar 21 been at Lexington (the word "Lexington" is crossed out) Lou'l

to buy goods learned'to pack Eggs in straw .for flour barrel pack 70 dz Straw on bottom about 1 in thick then settle straw cut short among them + over them - in thick or more. Layers as follows 9. 10. 11. 11. 11. 12. 12. 12. 11. 11. 11. 10. 9.= 140 counts or 70 dz bought pretty good stock of goods Mar 22 May 6th When at Lou. bought a Newfoundland Pup name Elsie Lawrence was Kicked or Pawed by mule Peat was stuped for 2 days but is now (May 6th) well.

Baby (sic)

Parm Land cash $2550.00 4500.00

500.00 1500.00




300. 800.

705. 270.00 100.00


born Apr Monday 17th 1882 7-21P.M.

Have been seeding my Land since Last fall. find to prepare the ground on hill side + harrow in

Pg.134: with small harrow when steep find it comes well. Sowed mullet in new ground Plowed with shovel plow then harrow with big harrow then sowed then brused with cedar

This day May 6th 1882 Held an Election in the town of College Hill Madison Co. Ky. officers Elected P J C H P F Adams Marshall Cliff owen Trustees AHF Y.N. Dr. J.A.

May 7 to Sept 29th Sept 21 to 26 at conference at Lousiville stopped Colonel Buckners on brook street His son in Law Is Tom Speed. Beat Brother Gruder out in all his projects against Wyatt Sept 3d Dec 4 Dec 4 at Richmond Court day stuck a 35 dollar (sic) bill in my pocket carelessly in morning + Lost it in Richmond determine not to do much business on Court day but to see stock sell + must put paper

Pg. 135: 1882 1883 money in pocket book always.

Sept 3d to January 9th 1883 Setted (sic) with Charley Norris under protest he has or his father has flew from his contract as I expected See contract nov 2ond 1881 son charles talked very ugly to me 5th Jann swore on My porch I paid him his price with a little deduction but none to amount to any thing I told him I would have to charge them for the use of water power he threatened to sue me when I settled with him I told him that would Just suit me Intending to charge for the water power to rebut the bill hence to the use of Water power from. Oct 1st 1881 Charged on this bill 1.50 too (sic) much.

Pg. 136: 1883 Jan 10th Have been Sunday School Superintendant about

12 years off and on + regular 6 years. January 13th Had conversation with Younger Norris about Lumber He says (the word "says,, is crossed out) would not agree to his former contract I charge him from the date of our setlement Jan 10th 1883 50 cts per month for water power. Jan 14th to aug 15th Have been moving along was at District Conference Had good time Read about Brooklin Bridge Product of the Roeblings Father + Son after work began Father Killed, Leg mashed by timbers died German son American continued lost his health down in deep towers laying them then planned form his room by pen. aug 16--Sept 19 Sept 2 Ruby Elkin Ayres Baptized by W.B. Barnet Oct 1st at Richmond court bought 42 worth nails + shoes of S + G Paid cash 200-10

Pg. 137: Oct 2 1883 till aug 18th 1884 Find of Adams that my pretty

red apples now ripe ar (sic) the american Summer Pair main. Find the Ben Davis apple tree is thriftier in. this Sandy sail than the Jennett Jennett Sun burns dry rots and dies. Sworn today (18) by Judge Adams to act as Commissioner to deyide the Lands of the Estate of James Wood Deceased. aug 19--Sept 14 Started to Kansas in Company with Preston Norris Passed through Cincinnati Ind St Louis Fast St Louis Kansas City Topeka Lawrence Emporia Eureka seven (?) to Howard. Found out

from Willy Norris to ship cattle to them Direct Union Stock yds Cincinnati Rout I went to Kansas. Howard Cin to Indianapolis via Cin Ind's St Louis + Chicago or Big 4 from St L,s to Kansas cits via- Chicago + Acton

from Kansas City to Emporia Atkison Topeka + Santif a same rout Cincinati (?) to Howard Arrived at Howard Thursday evening Had fine time with Judge

Pg. 138: Douthitt A.T.Ayres Prof Wyatt Mr Scott Mr Jouston (?) +c. At S.S. In H. Sund I mad (sic) a Speech book used Songs of Redeeming Love Sundy (sic) 7 arrived in morn at Green castle with A.T.A.

got Room Monday morn'g (?) for him Started home 2.15 got to W Cars Stopped come across got home Tuesday night

Stock Brokers

Herndon Kidd + Co

Live Stock Brokers

Covington Stock yds

August 19 1•• till April 23d 1 b5 Hard winter still handling Stock think of confining myself entirely to calves HS Douthitt + Allison + other children want me to go to Kansas dont Know it would be best. In reading the parper (paper ?) as to General grants (sic) case cancer See where old German gentleman Hillsboro, 0, Sent prescrition (sic) + he thinks it has been (?) used but not spoken as he is improving.

Pg. 139: 1884 (?) 1885 June 20 1884 Fletcher Ayres Was born and is at this time Apr 23 a bright little Lad Farm book page 26 Apr 24 to June 9th June 7 Fletcher Ayres was Baptised by Rev W.B. Barnet June 10 to Dec 1st Nov 17, 18 At District Conference in Cacy Co. 12 mil(sic) rine I-Ziddleburg at Dn Williams Church had fine time nex (sic) meeting at Middleburg I am on black bd exercise 3d day. Conclude to get a Canvass black board on rollers like Mass (Map ?) 3 x 4 ft get at Ins (,ins ?) Church and. Co Cincinnati Ohio. Dec 2 to 18 (9) Baby girl born 1 P.M. Died thursday (sic) 17 at 1 o clock P.M. Had Xerxe.s castrated was in his fourth year cows did not stand hardly any of them Sine (sic) he entered his fourth year hence it is true that a bull is not sure say in his fourth year

DEBates (sic) . 1885

Question for Dec 19th 1885

Which has or is weilding (sic)

Pg. 140: the greater influence on the human race Custom or Justice. Custom Frequent or common use or practice a frequent repitition of the Same act hence way (very ?) established manner habitual practice. 2ond A, buying of goods.

Justice is dstributative (sic) or Commutative. Distributative belongs to Magistrates. Commutative Justice consists in fair dealing in trade and mutual intercourse between man and man.

Wars are not mentioned much if any till Ainraphaels reign 2256 years after the creation or 600 years after the flood, leaves 1748 between Amaap aels reign of wars and what few annihilations of God and the commencement of the Christian Era then 1885 of Christian Era reign hence 3633 before and after the time of Gods destructions at the Red Sea, of which there is only about 3 or 4 cases.

Custom lead these nation into these catastrophie and afterward custom was Just as strong.

Yet we would Say (read Justice) Justice has nothing to do in this

Pg. 141: case of the dealings of God to man but it is man and man Custom leads the nations of the world in all Kinds of business. 1. China. The Priests Sell charms and are ignorat (sic) cheats or Juglers Custom leading about 450000000 million (sic) of people bowing to Gods made of Stone Buddhisim 400000000 population of the world 1380000000 + Bramanism 12000000. Classed 4 as Buddhist + Brahmins 1. Christians 1/10 Mohamodens the rest to various Idolatries. Hstory (sic) tells us man is never found without a religion of Some Sort. Population of United States 56000000 Russia about 10 million inhabitants

2. The Custom of serfdom in Russia made deridation rampant in + among that 10 million people

3. England with her custom of Landed Law the counties and Estates theren (sic) the Same they were 1000 years ago

4. United States The Greatest Nation In the world is lead by custom. 7/8 people belong to the caucasian or enlighened (sic) race. The custom of the aborigine was to hunt and roam The custom of Sringing Negroes from the south and Selling theme

Pg. 142: created the greatest stir in a big war. We eat drink sleep trade sing pray and our almost all is custom. The caucasian have dotted the world from shore of the Meditiranian along the Hamalaya mountains thence advancing toward reaching all parts of the world In conclusion we must have good Customs to lead us along lifes paths that we may live glowing lives while traveling these mundane shoes.

Question Debated at Cob School house Nov 28th 1885

question. Which has been and is the greater benefit to Society the Lawyer or the Physician.

Society the whole race or family of man is a Society. Physician one

Pg. 143: Skilled in the art of healing College Hill had the negative or Physician. Hygiene that part of medicine that treats-of the preservation of health. Medicine the art of preventing curing or alleviating disease of the human body. French Physician means curing or mitigating disease in animals. Physiology the Science of the functions of all the different animals. Physicians reputation means of support and living depends,on his Success in preventing and curing disease Lawyers reputation and support is in gaining cases whether right or wrong Every case that is tried with Lawyers has one on each Side one on right side + one on wrong side hence none if any good done. Physcians great discoveries Elixis St Martin Dr Jenner When from district Cbference (sic) on Jarves farm saw apple trunk Standing at an angle of 30 degrees having six trees grow out of it 25 ft high + 3 to 4 in in circumference. Nov 29 1885 to Nov 6th 1886 have been building house for about 4 months was a heap of trouble + I here give a list of costs on Same have got it all completed to day but 3 or 4 days painting + carpentering See other Side

Unnumbered Page: Commenced in June 1886

3 very high chimneys cost 154 00

bard hands 5 00

Lumber at Kings Mill 212 00

hauling same 20200 feet 141.40

Sand hauling to plaster 23.00

20 days team to Richmond up till Sept 9/86 100.00

board hands up till Sept 9th 45 weeks 4.20 189.00

nails 30 30

hauling shingles 15.00 + Lath 750= 22.50

board hands Sept 10 + 11th 7.00

hauling water 7.50

paid Ally Adams Sand 2.40

hauling gravl (sic) 5.00

AT Ayres work 40.00

board for same 37.80

arch sexton 28.50

Silly Taylor 17.00

arch sextons board 16.80


Wil Taylors board

toy own time Ayres 100 days 2 0= hauling stair way +c

marian 2 month

board 9 weeks 420

board hands this week till 18th

bard (sic) hands 25th up till

haul Lath 250 Lumber or Timber for lath 1000= Timber for Shingles

Silas B 1.20 cider used 100 gallon 15cts 50 bushel apples 25=

Unnumbered Page: amt carried up

Lumber again at Kings

hauling Lumber

Rock for Seller (cellar ?) Team to Richmond Drug bill at Cin Drug bill at R freight on Same from c

Oct 21 board hand this week Dick Stephens bill Hard ware in Cin Hauling white Sand Brick-in Richmond haul brick +c

Plaster bill Plaster Paris

grates 34.00 + meals till oct 17 1440=

Pasturing Partwoods hors (sic) 3 weeks

Keeping Timmans (?) horse meals till oct 28th Aarons bill

Blacksmith bill meals till oct 23 board till oct 30 board till nov 6

horse feed 3 weeks :$3 corn fed

Scrues (sic) + Hinges at store

Paid P amtus (?) 26.25 do 8 7 5 do 2 50

pg. 144: amt carried forward

Timmans bill

T Shearers bill work

grazing horse 37 (?) months 82 +c +c in R. _ Myers bill Lumber doors

Tom Kings bill extra lumber

Drugs Extra see charge 416 should be (17.35 Lime + Hair bill at Taylors Hardware bill at Shackleford + Gs AT Ayres bill work

board for same say 2 months


250.00 10.00 20.00 37.80 11.20 15.80 12.50 50.00 15.00 12 50


1481.80 3.85 4.05

50.00 5.00


16.00 4.50



21.50 1.50 1 00 5.00



48 40 1 50 1.50 5.60



28.00 8.60 7.00 9.00 1.00


2028 45














This is the cost of my house built in 1886 finished painting about

Nov 29th and now this Dec 14th /86 enjoying it which is very pleasant

for wife and children. Attended J.S. Griggs in his sickness from Jan

uary 27th/86 till nov 10th/8_6 nov 11th/8:> he died Disease Bronchitis Inmdeiate death Strangulation by accumulation of mucous. Think very strong of sending to Cincinnati to get Booths Manual Domestic Medicine Cost in sheep binding to Doctors is 31.75 I amt (sic) at

Pg. 145: this date preparing for winter hauling leaves Dec 21st

1886 Dec 22 till Jan 1st 1887 In reading medical Brief I see account of Rigalott!s Mustard Plaster or paper for Sample Send to E Fougera (?) + co 30 North William Street New York + also for the best saddle bags. Termed Stephens Patent Sadle (sic) Bags No 1 cost best Russet leather 11.00 No 2 3"12 No 3 .$14 No 4 '4'-L4 Send to George K Hopkins + co wholesale Druggist (?) St. Louis Mo.

January 2 1887-till March 4th 87 Have lived comfortably in our new house like it well. Got along well wintering my stock all to losing a fine 2 year old mule, got foot in rope and could not get up beat his head again sill + Killed himself, worth $140. Calf zar of Rusia came in Sept 1886 got by Xerxes red. Grzed (sic) all winter till Feb 24 5 calves 2 colts 1 mare 1 hors 1 mule in all 5 head without feed only Grass wintered well. They put out on-pasture to graze without feeding 16 more head making in all 20 head Mar-5 till Apil (sic) 3d/87 Have not been doing much my self Alex W trying to Sell out goods getting along slow

Pg. 146: Have had fine Success thus far wintering my stock thus far all to losing my mule. Getting along finely with Sundy (sic) School appointed Arbor day Apr 2 Gov Knot had good turn out of young people made speech told them the first of Arbor day was inaugurated by J Sterling Morton ExGoverner of Nebraska who commence putting out trees on his own farm and there is 700 000 acres in Neb. planted out by hand had a good many trees planted out in Academy Lot (Ayres). Reading in paper to day about dehorning Cattle think It a good idea was referred to Mr Haaf,s Pamphlet for direction Trees set out in remembrance of Prof Wyatt. Mrs Wyatt T. Parker (Miss) Prof Wilson Prof Johnson Prof Ayres Miss Ruby Ayres Prof Gridler Lawyer H.S. Douthitt. Mrs Mollie Grider Mrs Prof. Taylor + Prof Taylor. R.H. Elkin Mr Bayber. Apr 4 to May 16 Sent may 3d 42 cts to Prof Dodge for Sundy School union. Have been using bone dust in planting corn termed Falls City Super phosphate of Lime Manufactured by Geo. E Currie + co Louisville Ky. May 13 got done planting corn with bone dust in the hill

Pg. 147: put Common Size Iron Table Spoon. heaped full in hill drew Hoe full of dirt on them planted corn in that with planter result June 25 Corn much better than other part of field

Piece in Register by Estille to cut briars and bushes + burn broom sage from 1st to 10th May + Kill them

May 17 To Jun 25 Think from find out Champion Mowing Machine Light (?) Mower is among the best. I tryed in my bottom + found good am not doing much but see to farm am afraid of my health to go to practicing think best to go in Store after a little. Weed bushes and briars are about to take the farm find I will have to use a heap of energy -to keep them down. June 26-July 13 (13) Chickens dying with Cholera burned 3 yesterday and 8 today examined them find they are lousy (?) 6 Sick fed them cracked corn mixed with Sulphur. Rubbed under wings in groins + on head with Lard coal oil + sulphur find those Sick


very-light told Fva a week ago to quit feeding them only a little at night, find they are very poor told Eva

Pg. 148: 1887 she must go to feeding again Douthitt and I got some oak bark made strong oose in Iron Kettle and traugh to drink, result July 18 They have been dying at the rate of about one a day Since Had 4 postage stamps in pocket + they stuck fast to each other Soaked in cold water they came apart. rub against back of head + they wont Stick. To unseal a letter steam oversteam of tea Kettle spout, or

any vessel with steam arising therefrom June 27-July 29th Got through haying last Saturday had 30 Stacks.

Sunday Schools see in Cin advocate no Sunday Schools throughout the

world 16,447.990 teachers:..1,952,167=an army 18,400,157 of these united

(sic) States has 8,034,475 Scholars + 1,107,179 teachers + 99,762 Schools July 30-Aug 8 (6) H.S.D. came out to See us (5) Sold 11 head cattle 9 fine Heifers reds + roans full blood + high grade weight 810 lbs got 21, cts p. lb. one fine blooded cow 1200 lbs 2 cts p lb 1 Old red cow fat 1080 lbs 2 cts 1 cow A + W w 1050 at 12cts lb

Pg. 14.9: this as hard sading (sailing ?). Friends advise me to quit cattle but I hate to as I am prepared to handle them think will try them again either buy calves very cheap this fall or serub (?) cattle in Feb corn heavy in Stables Say 700 lbs Steers, graze well sell early if not all. the fattest. Must have a corn crusher + seed Sower to sow lime. Think I shall go to the mountains to buy my cattle Start 1st Feb and if I cant get them to sell at 21 cts and mak (sic) $7.00 head profit, why buy a lot of good Smooth mountain yews with Lamb + try them. Think I had better sell off all the Stock I can now Save up all the feed I can till Feg then feed for what is out make fat hogs + lots of manure. aug 8 have Marian (?) D. (0.?) cut weeds + briars + bushes will Keep an account of his time at it So I can tell how to give the field out by the Jul (?) here after. Rod Field + Scale Field 1 day cost 631 wages + board X10 per month. Parsonage Field 32'- days cost "2224 Spring Field 32 days cost 2224

Pg. 150 Sugar camp Field 4 days 254 Woods pasture 8 days 35.08 (?) very thick In Flint field down branch to water gap up branch to where Buncom (?) lived 21 ds=158 on hill side Southwest + west of branches 4 dys 631=254 north east hill side + Top of Hill 41 days 63*= 285 In Vall (?) flint field 158 + 254 +285=697 hole farm cost 697 + 508 + 222 + 222 + 63 + 254= $19.66 all the Parm Farm had not been cut for 3 years. Aug 15th Wrote a letter to Prof. Canfield of Kansas University to advise A..T.A. to go to College again. HS Douthitt Says United Workman is the cheapest insurance company. Received an answer in about a week Stating AT Stood high in College + would like to have him back. Aug 16 to Sept 10 Marian Douthitt comenced cutting fields over aug 8 + ended Sept 10th See above Kept an account. Drouth (sic) set in June 8 + still continues had two or 3 little showers in July + one Sep 6th but did not amount to much old inhabitants say it beats 1854 grass in all burnt up

Pg. 151: I sold a lot of heifers + old cows in aug + engaged Steers

20 Sept till oct 1st for prices see farm book pg 28 august had H.S. Douthitt out with us about 3 weeks enjoyed himself finely. I am grazing my river bottoms meadow with hay stack in horses mules and

cattle have not injured Stock much yet. Find clover mixed with timothy + Red top does not slobber (?) horses after Sept 1st Read in paper that the Second crop of clover is better to feed than the first. Drouth continued till Sept 17 + 18 when we had a good rain and today aug 27th


the rain Just pours dorm. Size of Clothes I wear pants no 31 Coat

+ vest no 35 Sept 19 Oct 3. Sept 28 Started Conference left home 9 am Marian + peat (?) put me to Winchester took cars took cars (sic) for Greenup Greenup (sic) County passed through Mtgomery bath

then Rowan County Seat Morehead Seat of War, then through Carter Grayson

Pg 152: County Seat changed Cars EX Junction to Greenup from Wn'r

to EK Junction Cheseneake + ohio.road then short line to Greenup. Conference in session JN Edwards room mate Stop at James Harvey about preachers and 24 lay delegates in attendance, heard Dr Bylep Fditor of Cin advocate, is very smart, Report of Presiding Elders fine Lay Delegates Elected A Shinks + Hamilton Alternates Lewis + atkinson. Bishop Andrews remarks to 9 candidates good 1st take care of the body 2ondd the mind must have exercise, he had exercize if he had to perform Gymnastics in room. At Mr Harves (sic) has shonegan-organ had beds.. Oct 4-11 (8th at Glade Church district S.S.Convention very large crowd made Speech See See (sic) SS journal Sept 10th ei sson (sic) 3 quarter 9th at Bereu gave Blackboard exercise to S.S. See Oct Journal lesson 1st + 2ond Oct 2 + 9th fine School. Got:

Pg. 153: home Sunday night had Fannie with me 10th 1 (?) o clock

Ali. waked up at the alarm of fire Griggs house burned down left the children without any clothes to put on, awful, {7th Stopped all night going out with Will Rayborn to See Della Rucker bad with consumption. Prayed with her was recd. very pleasantly by them all. Wil gave me two good Asthma cures Dr Hairs asthma cure + Green Mountain Asthma cure Oct 11 to Nov 30 Sought A.W.W. out to give him cost mark + 17 p. cent off except good not shipped such as vinegar +c ten off got through invoicing and I gave him my note for $290.00 payable in six months with the privilege of running 6 months longer at 7 p cent dated about 12th nov/87 (14 nov) district Conference convened and had a good time though not many preacher present Butchered Hogs Monday 7th nov. Salted Jowls in same box pickled Ribs +c Kept well meat got skippers in it damaged 2 Shoulders very much. Conclude

Pg. 154: 1887 best not to butcher quite so early if I do must watch it closely. As a rule can butcher any time from the 20th nov warm or cold and Save meat. (nov 30th 87 am now storekeeping again. Dec 1st to Jan 10th 1888 have got my cattle in barn all but 3 down at Fants (?) Cows yearlings and calves + feeding Hay + fodder, no corn I am attendingsclosely to Store but not making much giving good attention to the medical department. Have hired Wm Taylor this year at $8.00 per month and two meals breakfast and dinner to furnish them milk when grass comes Say 1 or 2 quarts a day of 'sweet milk or butter milk or a cow to milk and charge them $1.00 a month to graze. Still rent to Wil and Tom at $3.00 per month for house and lot. Jan 11 to Mar 1st getting along feeding very (?) well Wm. T. is doing better than I expected Cattle all doing well had 60 head of stock feeding now bought an old cow of Amos McKinney paid about $2.50 for her, think I have fed her two (sic) much and gave her the Scours. Think I had better quit them at any price for She is taking more attention now than all the balance of my stock. Rosy Douthitt died this morning Mar 1st /88

Pg. 155: 1888 Rosy a good little girl pure I think and perhaps it is well she is saved from corrupt association March 2ond to 24th Bought old cow had a heap of trouble with her then had her Killed think I will quit old cows. Calf had Scours gave it Alum no good then strong coffee done no good then strong salt and water helped it, then a little oose mad of chicken pen oak bark it helped it this

day (24) it is well of the Scours but very weak. Kept my butter

over took it to Lexington got 20 cts lb for it think I could have got 22 if I had not sold so quick. It mouldd (sic) in the cellar very bad think if I put up again I will put in Smoke house. As to prices I ascertained when in Lexington of 3utner + Benton price of butter Feb 1st/88 was 16 to 18 cts Mar 21st 88 it sells 20 to 22 that is good rool (?) butter Kept over. Eggs got as high this winter as 22 cts. Last Summer butter got to 8 cts + Eggs to 81 cts. I then inquired of Sistrunk + Jones and examined his books paid 18 to 20 cts for butter Feb 1st 88 Mar 21st 20 to 25 cts + 1887 Feb 1st butter 15 to 16.cts May 1st 87 butter 20 cts butter will mold in cellar

Pg. 156: 1888 When in Lexington Stayed with Perry Cropweight all night he i s a man of good judgment and says for me never at my age to go to practicing medicine again but to stick to the Store and farm and when I get up a lot of Butter and Eggs to bring them over to Lex'n and come and stay with him. Sent Eggs to Cincinnati got 12 dz have been 15 to 17 dz ever since till now Apr 16 Mar 25 to Apr. 3d This morning apr. 3d Planted Early Adams corn in nursery 1st or upper row next Rasberries dropped corn put a little dirt on them Skattered fresh lime on dirt then covered lime with dirt. Next on second row planted Same way with ashes the balance plant corn put in manure then dirt result ( the word "result" has been crossed out) A.t Richmond yesterday opened book for Waco College Hill + Ky River Turnpike Apr 4-7th Scours in calf gave oats Tea + Madder put Madder in mouth with spoon drenched with bottle oats Tea thought it improved for a while but got worse + is this morning still wasting away, will die think the oats Tea good if used in time + if will eat the barked (?) oats is good Apr 8-June 15th Have been engaged in trying to get a Turnpike was Electe (sic) President of road

Pg. 157: 1888 Receiving bids to open 22ond June Concluded to go

at the practice of Medicine again and give it my whole attention when needed then in mean time notice farm + store. Was to day up at Bybee town to get School for F.A. Ayres. get it for bargain with trustees board +c See letter loose or on file in corner box. June 16 to July 2 20th June Went to Berea with 7 blacks in wagon and my Self Started 3 o.c. a.m. got there 8 a.m. Started from there 5 Pm got home 10 P.m. 25 mile two mules in spring wagon. July 2ond At Richmond court had Turnpike meeting let pike out to Jarves 6 mile at ;'14 50 a mile, had busy time in meeting have had (the board) several meeting and never have had a cross word among us I have got a noble hearted whole soled (sic) board. Paid Pickles 35 cent for mending collar. July 3 Sent letter to John C Black about Brookshires Case That I treated him at Wm Cruses for Pneumonia

Pg. 158: 1888 discharged him and there last history of the case.

July J-~O Practicing medicine some, wife had a baby this morning 7 o clok ( sic) July 30th 1388 name (sic) Ayres Aug 1-8 Sold Suckling mule to Hadon to be delivered on 3d day of october Wednesday Price :$85 Sold it Monday 6th 9-20th 20 organ Man called Say Taber organ is finest Tone comes nearest to Piano also Wilcox and white organ is fined toned this man does business for Collins in town. Aug 9-Sept 5th (5) Went to James Millers on Arch Cavinaugh place traded Faindeer for cow + 6 calves + 33 counted

$100 was lame in fore Shoulders did not insure him dont know what ever caused it was Sweney (sic ?) but afraid strain beside dont Know how he got it last fall but have resolved to caution the blacks

Pg. 159: 1888 about pulling Stock too heavy by over loading. Sept 6-13th. 12 Went to Cottage Furnace or near there to see George W Gunter got him to sight or authorize me to sign the right of way in orenece (sic) of McKinney Son of Joes lives near spout Springs had his house burnt dow (sic) two or 3 years ago + two other men hauling logs + Sawing at Saw mill at foot of mountain near or that goes to furnace Sept 6 to 26th Yesterday (25th) Tuesday Aaron + R.H. Elkin went to Richmond for Aaron to give bond as to his being cought (sic) in Demorees Store. I gave R.H. Flkin a half Sheet fools cap paper blank Signed Dr J Ayres at the bottom + rightkand corner R.H. Elkin handed

Pg. 160: 1888 it to the Judge and he did not hand it back now if ever Such a thing Should happen Such as a note forged on that paper I would Say I have no note out at this time but what are noted in my bank book dated previous to this time and I make this Statement as

a ref erance if ever any should happen. I sent letter by Wm Grider (?) to North Detherage Sheriff to find paper if he can and keep it for me See copy of

Pg. 161: 1888 letter on file. If Mr Elkin did not leave paper with Judge he had lost it but thinks he left it with Judge 26 RH Elkin Went to town this morning for the paper they (the remainder of this page has been cut off and is missing)

Pg. 162: Nov 4 to Dec 20 (20th) Setled up with George Grimstead

today took His check for 475.00 for Shropshire land for Mollie Elkin Shropshire made deed to her for 82.50 I got $750 for Selling it. hailed same today to JH Shropshire (the remainder of this page has been cut off and is missing)

Pg. 163: 1889 Jan 15 Mar 18th Have been buying Serub cattle_ about 39 now Mar 18th feeding on hay on the river Some time since in reading the papers I noticed lots to Sell very cheap in Texas to make a College town Odessa College Odessa Ecton Co Texas. Address MA dougherty 510 nor 11th Street Waco Texas. Think it would be a good plan to invest a little in lots January 11-Apr 6 Have to give atteshon (sic ?) to pike yesterday (Apr 5) Sent order to Searey to pay him TBD for s mile Less ten per cent 1450.00 per mile :326.25 on 4th mil in C Hill

25.60 lus Subscription


Jan 4 Wm D. Rucker (?) G Grimstead (Davy Chinaults donation) + my

Self Recd = mile pike in C. Hill + about 20 rod rock (?) on Joe Lewis mile Apr 21 Recd on CH mile to Parsonage gate rock ready to Shoulder measured 8 in brok rock in places in middle is in good fix had Judge Wilson to help inspect. AD 7-23 Friday 19 at Richmond to ask appropriation for 2 mile pike got it wrote letter of recommendation to P.L ' l (?) London Laurel Co Ky

Pg. 164: Seriously about going west as the church Sundy School day

School are oing down.

Apr 24-May o ) gave Cl Searcy order to pay T.B. Demoree 276.2

on 2ond quarter pike in College Hill

whoi (sic) amt 350.00

Less ten per cent 35.00 Less ant over paid last

time Jarves amt 11.25

Less his subscription 25,00

Less Elkins Subscription 2 .00

also amt Jarves 22.50

372 50 - 96 25= 4276.25 paid on (?) order by order of Jarves See on file (?) in my receipts. 1st + 2ond quarter + also other quarters when received (2ond May) Had SLS Wm a DC FG + myself to receive

Joe Lewis 4 mile rock with patching up + recd TB. Demoree by promising to complete it. amt. Miles taken at

T.3 Demoree 1400 Joe Lewis 1350,00

Robert Engle 1450 Wm Broudes (?) 1350 00

Jarves says he has to be here on setlement with Irishman.

May 1st Rented boundry of grass of Ham Norris about 60 acres sugar camp field to hold to Christmas for 375.00 (Seventy five dollars) (Apr 23) Recd Letter of recommendation from RL Ewel London K +, Sent to Judge Em

Pg. 165: 1889 bree (sic) Washington D.C. + recd letter from Embree that he had recd it. May 10th Division Fence between F Grider + Ayres 1st Stretch beginning at Flint Creek running till corner woods 70 pannel Ayres gets 35 panel on South end See stake marked with Hatched (the following is written along the right hand edge of the page partially over what was written there before) wired to fence 2 panel south end of cider (7) (the writing now returns to its normal placement) Grider 35 to corner or north End. 2ond Stretch 352 panel from corner woods (Grider) to South East corner Ayres orchard. Ayres gets 176 panel north End beginning at corner marked with Hatchet panel north of Spring + ending at 3.E. Corner Ayres orchard or Starting at SE Cor orchard + running South 176 panel is mine Griders from Cor. woods south End to Said marked corner. 3d Stretch 179 panel from S. E. corner Ayres orchard to corner Waldons garden or beginning of Pickets Ayres gets 89 panel South End commencing at S.E. Cor. Ayres orchard and running a continuous (7) Line with 2ond stretch to a stake marked with Hatchet corner S.E. apple tree panel South of corner of SE corner nursery, South East Corner nursery (sic) Grider gets north End running to corner of pickets on W. gardon. 4 stretch Pickets 30 panel second (7 )

Pg. 166: 1889 Ayres gets north End 15 panel running from road South 15 panel Grider gets 15 panel going (?) his 3 stretch. May 13 Gave Joe Lewis order to CL Searcy for one hundred + fifty dollars part amt on 1 mile Turnpike $150.00.

May 11th-15th Insured my house Apr 19th 1889 for 3 years amt .1500.00 paid .00 cash May 16-22 (22) got order from Jarves W.B. To pay Robt Engle Joe Lewis + Wm Broudus pke money filed in my Recpts. this day.

23 Gave WB Jarves order to CL Searcy for of 2ond M 1 .1450.00=:'362.50 ten p off=--;3326 25 amt pd 28-29 (29) Gave Joe Lewis order to CL Searcy

for balance i- mile pike $153.75 See Statement on order to Searcy May

30-June 3 (3) At H Court Sent money order to Youths Companion $1.75

Pg. 167: 1889 June 4-17 Have much rain had dry spell commenced raining 4th Sundy in April 28th day has rained nearly all the time since till today 17 very wet today and likely to continue rain It is mud has been + is impossible for the pike men to do anything at the pike 18-:July? (2QthJu e) quit rains, June'24 Brother Jolly Baptised Lee Greta Ayres at home (27) Sent my Bond to Washington surety H.H. Elkin + Wm Drucker Had Nannie Ayres sworn in a Deputy. July 1st had road changed to run from W CH + K pike at Ayres store to Ky river July 2-16 (15) Took possession of Post office See P.0 book. July 17-Aug 16th Cattle are fattening fine. (15) Had Letter of Inquiry from The Commissioner of Pensions asking the Standing of Sid Hamilton + George Grimstead in Joe Lewis case Sent favorable report

Pg. 168: 1889 July 17 to Oct 30th Oct 30 Assessor here put my home Land 212 acres at a9.00per acre + River at $7.00 per acre cattle 75 head at $600 +c all a person has on hand 15 Sept is taxed Oct 31-Nov 13 (13th) wrote Climax a note to stop paper if he intends to charge FiG Engle witness. Nov 14--Dec 3 (3) Sent petetion (sic) to Governer Buckner to Pardon Aaron Douthitt Nov 1st 1889 till Jan 10th 1890 I am now running Post office + store my (?) confining Have this day (10th) made trade with Ben Winker to put field back of Scales in Wat (sic) mellons sweet potatoes + onions + corn. I J Ayres am to furnish land Keep up fences harrow land furnish all the manure I make and haul all he Said W buys I furnish all the Pot + onion seed to get all the sprouts after the patch is planted to furnish bone dust if used. I am to help haul off Produce if it matures too fast for said W to haul I get ~ corn in shock + all the fodder

Pg. 169: Each party has half the profits and bears 1 the expense of getting produce to market Dec 4-Apr 3d 1890 Have Had the Grip all winter think I am getting better used 2 pints corn syrup stillingiu (sic ?) good for me. get along well with P. office Kept an acct of the amount of matter came in and had to be handed out in one week 325 or 54 pieces a day wrote Fnbree If I could not get Extra pay where there was so much more income business that out go business but he says the Law is Setled on that Subject but he would watch, wrote for Dr Dodge to come + practice here he is here like him well think he will take as a Physician Apr 4 June 3 Since got acquainted with him dont like him at all conclude he is a regular New York Yankee

shall gut (qut ?) him and have nothing to do with him. At Town yesterday court day and met see over

Pg. 1?0 1890 George Williams and wife and signed their deed to me

on the Adams Land. June 5th Sent A Douthits (sic) papers of Examination Signed by ex Physicians Richmond Date June 4th June 4 July

28 Charles D. Sloan Special Examiner Pensions has been here off and on for two weeks working up Samuels + Sarah S Covingtons cases I waited on him good dont know how I will come out Judge H.S.Douthitt has been visiting us children are ver (sic) fond of him he i s kind to them. H.S.Douthitt says for Statistics on annual. grain +c The American Almanack get from McCreary.

July 29th 1890 till Jan 13th 1891 Conclude to quit store Keeping Sold out to R?G?Eagle at first cost and 20 per cent off

Pg. 171: 1891 Took his R.G.Engles note yesterday January 12th for three hundred and forty nine 93/100 dallars payable in six months at p, cent interest

I am feeding 30 head of Heifers for market, dehorned them and find

it a great thing in stabling them, think it an advantage even when grazing them think I shall dehorn all may Cattle after this being careful to put Tar and Turpentine on stump and if fl (sic) time watch and reapply it Think it best not to Dehorn in fly time. T.J. McKinney started a School yesterday and had 38 Scholars to Start on + has 42 today good for T.J.I•7cKinney and his noble :Little wife Succeeded in drawing a pension for Sarah S Covington and now got the vouchers to fill out and send on for Samuels childrens cases. Having a chilly cold winter thus far In Robt Engles case rent store room to him at X60.00 a year of .5.00 per nonth give him proceeds of Post office to attend to it Except while I am post master I am to get all the stamp I use free and he Keeps the Scales and pays me one half he makes

Pg. 172: Jan 14 Mar 1st ' Got along finely feeding my heifers till

24th Feb then turned them out on pasture find I have made a mistake as it is now cold and snow on the ground 1 in deep this Mar 1st Conclude it wont do to Turn out when a man has a big lot of cattle before 20th March or April 1st think my cattle ar (sic) falling off will Lose flesh on them by turning them out too Soon as the weather has turned again me. March 2-8th Handling cattle find I made a great mistake in turning out my cattle Feb 24th if I had it to do over again I would not turn th_:em out till 20th March or 1st of April hence in wintering cattle make arrangments to feed from December 23d till Mar.20 or April 1st. Through this last Feb it was warm + nice to graze till about 26th when it turned in wet + cold and has continued So till today 8th Mar it is warm but still wet. Think my heifers have lost at least 30 lbs apiece. If I had continued to feed and stable them good I could have engaged 20 of them for 3i cts again 10th of July but as it is I dont Know what I will get. I am very much pleased with the Idea of (done in Oct) dehorning Cattle to stable or graze think I dehorned my Cattle about the last of December or first of november, and they all 30 head done well. Think it is very necessary to have it cool to prevent flies when dehorned. A s to my Cattle now, well I will not take them up again but went and bought a stack of hay

Pg. 173: to feed them Called them uponce a day and feed them some

of them did not care about hay at the start although the hay is very fine, to day I Salted it very lightly after I skattered it out and they eat it better. March 7 Saturday very wet had to go to town R. to day as I + CL Searcy was sued by Cranford on the pike business I attended to the case myself by the assistance of Kirt Parish + Davy Chinault Sen (sic) beat him had it thrown out of Court was tried in Police court. ?March 9-26 Have been feeding my Heifers once a day on hay they are doing well now have eaten up nearly all the old hard grass but the other grass growing Some. Think now if I had bought about two stacks Hay 12.50 each= 425.00 and fed in stables till March 10th to 15th I would have come out nicely. Find by dates I dehorned my Cattle in October not safe to dehorn before then on account of flies March 27 to May 21st/91 on 16th cut bushes and briar all day in Spring field Some distance on other side of house commenced hill field around till road I ride up then went all nxer Sugar Camp field except little near orchard`gass_Sign in the heart today 15th May Sold Cattle to Jack Willowby 'for Wagers John get 3i cts lbs for 20 Largest any time from 10 June + 3 cts for balance to eat graze all till aug 10 if the Markets will allow Ham Mellon Witness

Pg. 174: .,ay 22 till Nay 28th 1891 Got through building addition to Store room heap of braging what a good store room. I Kept an account of the expensis (sic), it cost. me z,'#330-00 In feeding Stock see Linseed Meal recommended think of trying some May 29 till Sept 12th Have been giving my entire attention to ?arming am making vinegar, rot the pumace (sic ?) and barrel put about 1 bucket full of cider in barrel, soak C. oil barrels with water before putting cider (sic) in have 4 barrels Set to rot pumace it takes a big two horse load to fill them with pumies. Sept 11th weighed 28 heifers to Willowby + wagers weight average 884.lbs when got weighed 380=504 lbs in 18 months cost about 280 bought 3786.35 hence made X506.35 got 31 cts per lb for 20 + 3 cts for 8 head all dehorned like dehorning will •dehorn again Traded my Grider hors to Sump Norris to Cattle feel badly about the trade. determine to take my time after this when I make a trade and only in extreme case to trade one Stock for another the way is to Sell for what you can

Pg. 175: get and it is not best to ask too much for it Scares peo

ple off 'if I had have asked 85 or 90 dollars for my horse in place of $125 I could have sold him and donebetter than I did by ten or fifteen dollars. Sept 13th 1891 to. Oct 16 I want the American Farmers Horse Book. Sept 24th bought Charley Willowby corn at 190 per barrel + refusal of damaged Corn + mubbins (?) at 1.25 per barrel send to C . F - Vent Cin.0 today 16 )ct bought or traded for 12 head cattle Sump Norris weight average weight 761 2/3 lbs cost 2.87 per hundred Oct 27th got 4 steers from Younger Morris wt 737 lbs Cost '2.50 per h sold shoats at 31 per lb. Some two weeks since at Conference in Newport Stopped A.K. Leroy Dayton Ky. Oct 17 till Nov 7 Had 28 head cattle dehorned

to day 7th have now a car load wt 18410 lbs cost $2.67 per h av wt 767 lbs

Pg. 176:::1891 Dec 4th Got vinegar barrels all placed on poles + rails far enough apart to turn them got buckeye poles to make bungs do finely have them all bunged nicely with cloths under bung. Got done putting sorghum in yesterday put 4 qts each in pummice (sic) cider + 2 qts in genuine cider. 3 barrels of pure cider 1st made is very good vinegar. Dec 5-Feb 17th Feb 8 Dehorned 13 head Cattle with saw all doing well conclude saw is equally if not better than dehorner have

got now 37 larger Cattle beside 4 cows + a calf makes 42 in all Feb 18th 27th Have a deal of Trouble about going around gate at Norrises Mrs Ada McKinney Stands right up to them. Feb 28-March 5 Conclude as export Cattle are 1st on the pound cheaper than this time last year the Signs of the times are not very good for Cattle to be high hence conclude to quit buing (sic) + try and push what I have got to get into market as Farly as possible then let grass grow up and in nov + Dec buy 50 or 60 very early heifer calves Say to weigh 4 or five hundred lbs Keep well through winter then rough through on coarse pastures Save the good till fall then graze well through winter + spring + put in early market. or buy in the fall

Pg. 177: buy 50 of the best yearlings Steers say eight hundred + graze and feed till next fall and See to feeders must handle young good growing Stock Have trouble now about a Stray Steer Sold to me Feb 1st by WB Price said to have gotton from James Miller for two calves. Mr Daty came to See him Says he is his steer. Have-Succeeded in wintering 24 head Steers bought in the fall on grass fed four feeds on corn during the Sleet all doing well but one 'think they will come through all right on grass. Grass on the hills and hollows of the Spring hill field is growing now right smartly, the cattle graze half the time on grass grown this Spring now march 5th whilst the grass in Sugar Camp field was grazed close in the fall mud is not growing not to do any good. Feb 28-M4ar 14th 8th Daty (Doty ?) + Miller came up + claimed paid for and took Steer See Stock book on Farm Book pg. 38. Cattle got of ?J Clark + W.B.Price doing well In stable feed them 4 bushel cut straw + fodder + 2 bushel cut up ears corn twice a day or 12 pint shelled corn twice a day + also a little bran + Rye at times. Cut up hay-+ Rye for horses + mules find when weeds and every thing in hay is cut up they eat it all. Think cutting machine a great advantage. Cuts fodder that they eat it all Conclude to save all my hay if weedy + swampy + think of getting a mower for the purpose. Have quit practicing + give my attention to Farming entirely.

Pg. 178: 1892 10 March Eva + I went to town a blizzard day. continued to get cold till Tuesday 15 when snow fell 8 in + continued to fall till about 14 in deep Tuesday 15th got Cattle home feed the 24 head 2 bushel ears broke up corn twice a day what fodder Abe can pack

+ 6 Sheaves of Rye twice a day The 12 in the Stables are doing as well

and maybe better on half the feed. Rather think I will go back to heifers again and handle good ones Say buy 80 in June yearlings 600 lbs Keep over till June again graze fore part of winter put up in Stables march 1st + feed heavy-till 15th April have plenty of shouts to follow + bedding to bed with + mak (sic) plenty manure The snow is Still this 21st march on the ground drifted may (sic) places 13 to 2 feet deep Mar 22 Tuesday Turned warmer Snow partly Gone. Think Cattle have about held their o,m in weight, will Turn on grass again tomorrow. Mar 23 to Apr 6th Apr 4th at Town Court day took the address of Mountain Cattle men 3,H. Sharp Pleasant view Whetly Co. Ky. G.W. Crawford Climax

Pg. 179: Rock Castle Co. Ky. F.J.Clark Clay Co. Ky. W.B. Price Jackson Co. Ky. Apr 7+ 8'8th weighed Clark Cattle + Price Cattle not pleased with the r.esult too much shrinkage See See (sic)farm book page 39 Apr 8th 2 oc PM weighed 24 head Cattle See Farm book page 39 April 9-May 6 Apr 26,27,28 Had apple trees pruned in home orchard. Catterpillows (sic) twisted out and mashed wore (sic) partly Grown find they crawl out on the limbs to forrage about 11 oclock a.m. hence they ought to be killed early May 7-14th 14th Forenoon twisting catterpillows out of nests at Faunts find they are large and have eated the apple trees very badly. Find they leave nest to forrage about 11 oclock a.m. Mar 15 To June 13th (13)th (sic) Sold 36 head of Cattle to Brose Wages 25 head at 3:.10 per hundred + 11 head at -3.00 per hundred to take cow about July 1st at 27 cts per lb to take them when fat any time from august till oct 1st 14-17 June (17) got done Sprouting apple trees in home orchard + Williams orchard Pruned in May + they are now get hard.

Pg. 180: June 18th to 30 (30)th Examined vinegar find about half the bbls are fine will do to Sell has been made 8 or 9 months Racked it

in March Sold 2 bbls last fall Say 5 or 6 months old Kept didar vinegar from pummy vinegar cider vinegar is mostly best but the other is making finely In racking pure didar (sic) vinegar I put 1 gal Rum water to 8 gal vinegar no water in pummy vinegar mark pure cider (sic) v. 1 pumy 11 no gal on end of barrel after heavily panting (sic ?) in racking Supply every barrel with mother (?) Tacket (?) cotton cloths on bungs after racking See page 174 + 176 this book on cider 3rand My Vinegar

Ayres A Brand

Pure apple vinegar

July 1st to 16th 1st sowed cow peas in corn 2 bushel to about 3 acres Sowed broad cast. July 17 to 30 (20th) Baby born 2 o.c. P.M. Girl

Pg. 181: 1892 FARMING July 17 to Aug 24 Aug 20 Cut Broomsage for Hay or bedding will try for hay first result. Jan 11th 93 Stock eats it fine + Seems to be doing well on it dont pay to Grub Persimmons cant get roots out better to Just cut off high up If any sixe + mowed briars with mower result Cattle eats running (?) briars clean by briars Kind of rot (?) cut out (the following is written along the right hand edge of the page) with ax for bedding (the writing now returns to its normal placement) Got McCormine (sic ?) mower dont See how got along without it So Long Aug 21-Dec 2 Nov 10th Insured My Barnes (sic) in Hurst Home Insurance Company .450 and took the Director ship EP Benton agent Panold Mad Co Ky In Nov Bought up 22 heifers or had Jack Hicle buy them gave him a dollar a head think it a good Idea to have a man good Judge + good buyer to buy for me. He delivered them in the Lot or field. November 11th 1892 till Jan 11th 1893 Baby Girl born July 20th 1892 name (sic)

Pg. 182:(sic): Went to town with Ginter :12th paid


Seen Bales about 135 04

John Wagers coming out 3 0 63

to See my Cattle Said 16 00

in presence of Jake 396 63

White all right 8

2) 317 04

I am Sending Addie Samuels to 3erea College have her at Prof P.D. Dodges and is doing well Sent her up there 27 Dec 92 had hard work to get her from Clark but beat Mrs Noland out. The winter is Colder than any winter for several years I am afraid my vinegar barrels will burst and run out

Pg. 182: Intend to Save them by pouring out of them when they thaw out Several have had hoops to burst one on each already have them too full if had taken 10 or 12 gal out of each one think It would have been better Broomsage Hay doing fine for feed Cattle grab and eat it in prefference (sic) or or equal to cut fodder. I am giving Heifers one bushel basket full of cut fodder to two with a little

hay night and morning. Intended to graze till Feb 1st to 10th but had to bring in on account of snow December 23d done wrong left them out in the rain Several days thinking thinking (sic) it would clear up + could graze a while think my old plan the best to graze (the word "graze,, has been crossed out) feed Early Winter + graze in Early Spring. AT Ayres married Dec 29th 92 6-30 PM to Miss Olive Jackson Nannie Lucile A. waited on her. Feb 11th to Mar 11th feeding Heifers corn give eight head one peck of brok (sic) or chopped fine corn night + morning beside feed cut fodder hay Rye and Sometimes bran they look thin think they are lousy guess not; fed corn about one month. Mar 12th to 27th 23-24 Sowed Clover seed + Herds grass Seed on pond field on rye. 26th (?) Sowed Clover Seed + blue grass Seed on hill side above wat gap facing Grigges Land 27th Sowing clover Seed + Herds grass seed in field next Covington Road at Fauts

Pg. 183: 25th Turned 21 head heifers out on grass lot 604 lbs weighed lo.c.P.M. Mar 28th-May 9 May 2+3 Killing Catterpillows in Adams orchard + in Parm + Home orchard find they are too old in Adams orchard but about right in home + Parm orchard Take them in time the best way is to twist them out with a forked Stick or if can get to them twist out and mash with hand burnt Some with Cobs Soaked in CO Stuck on sharp end of Pole afraid burning tree result.

Rainey weather no Corn planted or much gardon made May 10th 1893 to Jan 25th 1894 25th Jan Stabling Cattle 41 head with cows find can put, 5 hundred to 650 1bs, 3 in a Stall 750 to 850 lbs 2 to

a stall. Feeding a little hay night + morning + fodder in fields once a day 2 shocks to 41 head. Jan 26 to April 1st 94 Turned Cattle out Mar 15th Came a freeze and had to take up again put 13 head 550lb cattle in Stable next buggy 11 6001b cattle in Stable facing grave yard can put 3 7001b cattle to the Stall in new Stable. Jan 26th-June 13th 1894 Appointed or Elected trustee to College Hill School district no 64

for seminary full amt

Combs Collected

Insurance per cent

15.86 Engle Ginter Ayres

196.6 ners (?) bank

1.2. 9 ave note to Far

due in 6 months in

terest added in

April 2on till August 11th 1894 Aug 7 Hock my Saddle + buggy horse ran away in the field +hurt himself + died 8th with Locked bowel he

was Such a good horse I fee (sic) so-bad about it when I think of

him. Aug 12 to 24th Sold 4 -heifers to Jack Willowby the last made calculation cleared :3314.77 when if I had not bought So Soon and bought Same no Large ones Say 7 + 8 hundred heifers I would have made twice as much I aim to wait till christmas save all my Grass then handle more Cattle + more hogs. Sold 4 hogs out of ten for 4.50 per hundred could have sold for 5 cts 3 days after August 12-nov 15th Have not bought Cattle yet Commence about 20th Jan. Sold up till now in 1894 $204.80 worth vinegar $77.37 in trade X127.43 in cash think could have Sold as much more if traveled with Samples. Aug 12th 94 till June 3d/95 At court June 3d Wm Combs paid Ginter + Engle the amt they had again School house 367.75 Engles about 20.00 of it

Pg. 183 (sic) : aug 12/94 till Feb 3 Heifers Howard Hill 3 Heifers Walter Richison

6 do tt Younger Norri s Jr

14th/95 buying Cattle + receiving ,p43.00 wt about 1700

1141.06 it " 1824

86.14 11 It 3 624



Commission 6.00

6 " " TJ Mckinney feed 225 com/900 85.35- " to tt H it

-1 " " CL-..-Griggs:. ; .i' 16.50 it it 620

4 tt tt Gad Lewis to McKinney 53.69 1-2 3-2a

Commission 4.00 645 X70 2315

2 " " Y Norri s 30 37 1 1 -.1310

Commission 2 00 735 575

25 $368.11 av 1470 11393

1 it Y Norris 14 75 590

Commission 1 00

9 head at R 115 10

Commi ssion 9.:00 49.4

10 ,139„85 av 1398 169 2

Paid from 2 to 21 per lb + com. 1.00each

6 TJ M c lbs

say 500

av wt


199- 98 571 lbs

1895 July 6th Sold 35 Heifers

1 - wt 835 price

34 it 27679 lbs 24x03

Wt when bought 571 lbs when sold 815 gain 244 lb a poor

with Calf think I will try Steers in the Sprin + graze till fall 1896 Feb 25 bought 14- cat of Norris + B at 203d apiece wt 625 lbs

act's lb + 1Ox 2 cts

Cost 502.25 gained #317.51


794.71 .1976

gain 4 were

cash _3265.00 Mar 1896 bought 4 Cattle David Lay wt 2530 at 315 cost .?9 70 bought 14 Cattle James Rg (?) wt 9107 at 350 per h cost


Pg. 184: 1896 Apr 13 bought 5 cattle Charley Willowby paid :j25.00

wt 3310 lbs

Set t 7 Sold 20 Steers wt 19435 lbs av. 971 3/4 got 583.05 or 3 cts per lb

Oct 2 or 3 Sold 16 head Cattle Made on 36 head .7.41 cts per head or

$266.89 on the bunch Sold 2 Steers + cow that I raised for ;;86.61

189o Oct 0 Mrs Armelda Elkin died at o.clock P.M. See farm book

See farm book Nov bought 5 heifers lot 2097 lbs paid 4 .05 bought 4 Heifers wt 2 85 bald ' 0.00 nov 2 bou ht Heifer wt 600 cost $12.60 HH Elkin died :Nov 12 1 9 0 PH 1897 June 10th Had house re=painted cost :_$62.00.

January 6th 1898. Douthitt Ayres and I went to Richmond yesterday traded the Combs land note due X500 Jan 1st 1899 Sent it all to HS Douthitt in check with .36.84 Added this leaves the other of .$500 land note due 1900 all belong

Pg. 185: to Margaret F. Ayres + hers when collected. Jan 13th 98 Douthitt Ayres got letter of HS Douthitt acknowledging the receipt of the foregoing check :;506.30 the ;6.30 being Insurance 1898 February 19 Paid the TJ Smith note off X1120.98 (?) and had the mortgage cancelled. The old not is filed in my receipt pack

(But for an index to this volume of J. Ayres's diary which fills the next four pages and has not been transcribed, the last volume of the diaries of J. Ayres, M.D. ends here.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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