St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church

Lusaka, Zambia



1. The Church Usher is a Servant first and foremost. He or she exercises the gift of help and is a representative of Jesus Christ. The Usher has the role of either bringing people closer to Jesus Christ or pushing them away from Him.

2. As an Usher serves the people, he or she is serving Jesus Himself.

3. Meditate on these verses:

a. “I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10

b. “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40

c. “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt.” Colossians 4:6. Remember this even if other members do not speak to you kindly!

d. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

4. The love of Christ must be seen in the Usher. Then people will see the love of Christ within the Church.

5. A Church Usher sets the tone of the church, which should be to welcome visitors, help them during the service, and care for them.

6. A Church Usher sets the atmosphere for all members (old and new) to feel that the church is their home where people care about them. A Church Usher should not favor any one person or friends over others.

7. It is important that as a servant, the Church Usher has a close relationship with Jesus Christ by daily Quiet Time.

8. The Church Usher creates the Church to be an orderly place to worship so everyone may enjoy the worship service. And people will want to return to the Church, causing the Church to grow.

9. The Church Usher must know about Church schedules, bus schedules, Retreat schedules, where different classes meet, and about the Coptic Church.


1. Uniform for Boys: White collared shirt and black trousers

2. Uniform for Girls: White collared shirt and long black skirt

3. Ushers must look smart, neat, confident, friendly, alert, willing to work and spiritual.

4. All Ushers will wear the Bands provided by the Church. The Bands will be stored in the Church closet on the right.

Every Sunday

Before Sunday Service

5. Arrive at the Church by 08:30 hrs. Put on Usher Band.

6. Please say a prayer before your service. Here is one Prayer:

May I, dear Lord, in Church today, fulfill my assignment in a Christ-like way. Make me help and love the lost person and not judge him, be sensitive to those in need, welcome the visitor, be happy to see an old member and helping everyone who needs help. Let me not have bad words today, even to the children who are being loud or to someone who is rude to me. Fill me with Your Love that others may feel Your Love. Make people glad they came to our Church today because the Holy Spirit gave them what they needed through the Service, the Priest’s sermon and prayers, through the songs and praise team, and through the ministry of the Ushers, like me. In Jesus Name. Amen.

7. Ensure the Greeting Table of pamphlets is clean and organized and has enough pamphlets.

During Sunday Service

8. Welcome all visitors, engage in a brief conversation with them, and take their names and information, especially phone number and address, on welcome cards. This is important so that we can contact them in the future.

9. If possible, greet old and new members. Smile friendly and truly love them and ask about them, especially if they have not come to church in some time.

10. Guide men to the left and women to the right. Escort visitors to a seat in church if necessary.

11. Keep order with children and seat them in the back of the church. Minimize their going in and out of the church. Make sure they are not chewing gum in the church.

12. If you need help with the children, notify a Deacon to send some Deacons to help keep order.

13. Make sure visitors and even members are following the service with a book. Find a book if you need to for visitors and members.

14. Make sure the Deacons are updating the page numbers on the stand in the front of the church.

15. If it is too hot, please open the windows. If it is too cold, close the windows.

16. If you cannot hear the priest or the microphones have a problem in giving clear sound, notify one of the head Deacons.

17. Keep an eye out if help is needed to organize the children during Communion.

18. Make sure all Sunday school kids go to their Sunday school classes after Communion.

19. Give all the welcome cards to a Deacon so Father Abraham can announce the names of the visitors.

20. As people are leaving the church, pass out pamphlets and answer questions about different Services we have.

21. Listen to any instructions from the Priest and help keep order.

22. Direct visitors to the proper classes. Partner them up with someone from that class.

After Sunday Service

23. As the congregation exits, greet old and new members. Smile friendly and truly love them and ask about them.

24. Take off Usher Band and store in Church closet.

25. If there are any pamphlets or other information needed for the Greeting Table, then notify Father Abraham or Dalia a week in advance.

Future Items for this Ministry

1. Escort visitors to Visitor Reception in Father’s Office.

2. Escort visitors to the proper classes after Visitor Reception.

3. During the week, come to Office and follow-up phone calls for visitors.

4. Enter data of visitors and members into the Computer Database.

*Also, as a Church Usher, you should have visions for this ministry and for our Church. So pray and come up with visions, ideas and suggestions to improve and/or change our Sunday service.

We are SO THANKFUL for your ministry and your service for our Church and for His Glory. Your service will help transform the lives of many coming to the Church seeking for a place to belong and for a loving family.

Thank you,

Father Abraham Fam Dalia Fam

Priest Church Usher Ministry Supervisor

May 21, 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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