How To Guide - Lone Star College System

How To Guide

The process(es) listed here (unless otherwise noted) are designed for Windows XP, Internet Explorer 7 and Microsoft Office 2007.

Posting Grades using Grade Roster in Faculty Center LSC

In the Faculty Center, grades are entered for students in the Grade Roster. If you choose to use the Gradebook application, final grades will automatically migrate from the Gradebook to the Grade Roster; however, you can also choose not to use Gradebook and instead enter final grades directly into the Grade Roster.

Upon completion of this topic, you will be able to:

? Enter grades into the Grade Roster in Faculty Center. ? Approve grades for posting.


Step Action


Log into MyLonestar (portal) by typing into any browser window.

The username you enter is the same logon you use to retrieve your email or sign into your computer.

Click in the Username: field.


After completing your username and password, click the Submit button.


There are two ways to sign into Faculty Center.

1. You may sign into Faculty Center by navigating to Self Service / Faculty Center or

2. You may sign on through the Faculty Pagelet.

In this example, we will sign in through the Faculty Pagelet located on this screen.


Click the scrollbar.


Depending on your system access, your Faculty Pagelet may be located in a

different location.

Click the My Schedule button.

UPDATED: 5/17/2011, Posting Grades using Grade Roster in Faculty Center LSC_JOBAID.doc

Page 1

Step Action


Once Faculty Center opens, you may want to expand your work space and collapse

the navigational pane.

Click the Collapse Menu (Ctrl+Y) button.


The My Schedule page on the Faculty Center displays all the classes to which you

are assigned as an instructor. There are multiple icons to the left of the class

information that provide access to the Class Roster, Grade Roster, Gradebook,

and Assignments.


A graded course component will contain a Grade Roster button. The grade roster

button will not appear on your course until final grades are due.

Click the Grade Roster button.


Use the Grade Roster page to enter grades for the students enrolled in this class.


If you chose this class in error or wish to view a different class, you can click the

Change Class button.


The Grade Roster Type should read Final Grade, as this is the final grade roster.


Note that while not required, if you use the Gradebook component the Official

Grade value will default in from your assignment grades. You then only need to

approve the grade roster on this screen, or approve it using Gradebook.

Regardless of what system you use to track your grades, final grades must be entered into iStar, either through this grade roster or through Gradebook.


Now you can enter grades for each student.

Click the Roster Grade list for the first student in the list.


Click the A list item.


Click the Roster Grade list.


Click the B list item.


Click the Roster Grade list.


Click the D list item.


To save time in this tutorial, the rest of the grade input will be completed



Click the scrollbar.

UPDATED: 5/17/2011, Posting Grades using Grade Roster in Faculty Center LSC_JOBAID.doc

Page 2

How To Guide

The process(es) listed here (unless otherwise noted) are designed for Windows XP, Internet Explorer 7 and Microsoft Office 2007.

Step Action


If you want to assign one grade to a group of students, select the checkbox to the left

of their names and choose a grade in the Add this grade to selected students field.

Once you have selected the appropriate grade, click the Add this grade to selected

students button.

Click the ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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