Supporting new word learning in secondary schools ...

Session 2DISCRIMINATETable 1: Session PlanSession componentActivityNotesPreliminary activities Settling taskWord Search for all 10 words.The settling task is an independent activity that students can complete while they wait for all students to arrive.Revision of rules Put up the rules for the sessionThis should be a mind map or list created by the students in session 1. This is to encourage ownership and therefore acceptance of rules for engagement in the session. This may need more emphasis for groups with students with challenging behaviour. Introduce the target word DiscriminateDiscriminateFirst introductionWrite the word down on a board or flip chart paper.Ask students: Has anyone heard the word before? If so, where?Does anyone know what the word means.Definition of the target wordLook up the meaning of the word.Can use accessible dictionary such as Collins Co-Build dictionary, standard school dictionary or online search. Ask one student to read aloud the definition (if able to). Discuss what the students think this means. Highlight any multiple meanings. Ask any willing students to try and define the word in their own words. Ask any willing students to put the word in a sentence.Experiencing the word meaningDiscriminate between two objects using photo cards. Tell students you are now going to have a go at discriminating.Go around the group and ask each student selects two cards and says what makes the two objects the same and what makes the two objects different. To make this harder: make categories closer. For example, start by discriminating two semantically distant objects such as a cat and a chair. Make categories closer, such as two dogs from different breeds. This can be tailored to the groups’ interests. Word detective Mind Mapping Create mind map sheets for folderWrite on board/flip chart to lead group discussion - Analyse the sound of the word: word initial sound, syllables, rhymes, other words it reminds us of, create new words by adding suffixes and prefixes (e.g. discrimination, discriminating, discriminated).Make links to the meaning of the word: Talk about words which mean the opposite, similar words, when you could use the word, take it in turns to put the word in a ic activityWord in focus: Debating discrimination based on age. In the school of the project, the local Nisa supermarket had a sign in the window saying that only two school children were allowed in the shop at the same time. We used this as the basis of our debate. In pairs, one student argued that this was justifiable, the other person argued that this was discrimination based on age. We then shared each pair’s main points. We discussed other forms of discrimination and talked about examples of discrimination from our friends and family. Other topics (if this shop rule does not apply in your school!) could include age restrictions in society (e.g. in film, music downloads, buying some items, rides in theme parks). Closing the sessionFoldersTidying upStudents to put work in foldersWeekly challenge Spotting discrimination To come next week with an example of discrimination from television or their lives. Five minute game to finish Discriminating between wordsWhispering game – say two words and students have to pass them on to next student by whispering the two words in their ear. The last student has to say if the two words are the same or different. Examples of word pairs:Swift/siftCare/TearPan/BanSpecific/pacificTalk about how the students have to discriminate carefully between the sounds in the two words.Table 2: Material checklistMaterial/equipment: Pens and paper Challenge cardCo-build dictionary or School DictionarySession folder for each student Colour cards or similar cards with objects on. Alternatively use pictures from internet search. Photo from local shop (similar available online e.g. from )Table 3: Student checklistUse this table as a checklist to quickly record opportunities to actively engage with the target word for each student in the session. Did the student answer the following prompts about the target word?Student nameGive a definitionReflect on phonological propertiesSay the word aloudGenerate a sentence using the wordWrite the word downSession notes:Challenge cards for the week’s homework33147002636520Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?00Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?381002628265Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?00Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?3257550113665Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?00Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?0114300Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination?00Challenge CardDiscriminateWhat did you discriminate between this week? Did you spot any discrimination? ................

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