South Panola Alternative School


|Gelatinous Text … |

|1 |Open Adobe Photoshop. |

|2 |File>New. Width 7 inches and Height 7 inches. Click OK. |

|3 |File>Save As. Name the file Gelatinous Text. |

|4 |Fill the background with black. |

|5 |Choose the Text tool and white color. |[pic] |

| |Apply these settings. | |

|6 |Key Batesville, hit enter, and key Jr. |[pic] |

| |High. | |

| | | |

| |You may do your name, but it needs to | |

| |be first, hit enter, last or your | |

| |sport’s number--. Otherwise the | |

| |gradient will not work correct. | |

|7 |Layer>Layer Style>Bevel and Emboss. |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Apply these settings. | |

| | | |

| |Click OK. | |

|8 |Layer>Layer Style>Satin. |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Apply these settings. | |

| | | |

| |Click OK. | |

|9 |Layer>Layer Style>Gradient Overlay |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Do not click OK yet. | |

|10 |Click once on the gradient color strip to open the gradient editor. |

|11 |The first color stop is UNDER the color|[pic] |

| |bar. Drag the first color stop to | |

| |location 20. | |

| | | |

| |Drag the second color stop (the other | |

| |one UNDER the color bar) to location | |

| |80. | |

|12 |Double-click on the first color stop and choose color #ff0000. |

| | |

| |Double-click the second color stop and choose color #2e3192. |

|13 |Click underneath the color strip to set|[pic] |

| |a middle color stop. Double-click the | |

| |new stop and set the color #ffffff. | |

| | | |

| |Click OK. | |

|14 |Layer>Rasterize>Layer |

|15 |Layer>Layer Style>Inner Shadow. |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Use the settings at the right. | |

| | | |

| |Also, double click the color box circled in the picture at | |

| |the right. Change the color to #ffffff. | |

| | | |

| |Click OK. | |

|16 |Layer>Layer Style>Inner Glow. |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Change the color to #000000. | |

| | | |

| |Click OK. | |

|17 |Layer>New>Layer. Name it Stars. |

|18 |Choose the Paint brush. |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Choose Star 70 Pixels. If you don’t see it, you can Reset | |

| |Brushes. Click OK when asked if you wish to reset the | |

| |default brushes. | |

| | | |

| |Change the Master Diameter to 200 px. If this size is not | |

| |appropriate for yours, increase or decrease it to fit your | |

| |work. | |

|19 |Use this brush to place a “sparkle” on some of the letters.|[pic] |

| |Try clicking several times on a sparkle. | |

| | | |

| |Save. | |

|20 |File>New. 7 inches X 7 inches. We will not name this. Fill the background with any color. We are just using it to draw an object |

| |that we will paste into the Gelatinous Text document. |

|21 |Select the Pen tool. |[pic] |

|22 |With this tool, you do not click and drag. You click where you want the shape to change directions. After the second click, the two |

| |points will connect. We will click at 4 different points. Use the examples below as a guide. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

|23 |Choose Add Anchor Point Tool. |[pic] |

|24 |Point to the corner you see circled in the example. Get close to the corner BUT |[pic] [pic] |

| |stay on the bottom line of the triangle. | |

| | | |

| |Click and release. You will see a dot and a few squares similar to the second | |

| |picture. | |

| | | |

| |Point to the small dot, click, hold, and drag downward to cause the bottom of the | |

| |triangle to look more like a tear drop. | |

| | |[pic] |

|25 |Right-click inside the shape and choose Make Selection. The original lines will be replaced with the “marching ants.” |

| | |

| |Edit>Copy |

|26 |Click on the tab for Gelatinous Text to bring it back to the top. |

| | |

| |Edit>Paste. A new layer is added. Name it drip. |

|27 |Click the Move tool (first tool). The free transform box will appear around your shape. |

|28 |Move the drip so that it is coming off the bottom of the r in Jr. Resize the |[pic] |

| |drip making it very thin. You must resize it now. Resizing it later will be | |

| |almost impossible. Once it is resized you may also have to move it again to | |

| |be sure it is touching a letter. | |

| | | |

| |Commit your transformation. | |

|29 |Right-click on the Text layer (Batesville Jr. High) and choose Copy Layer Style. |

|30 |Right-click on the drip layer and choose paste layer style. The drip should now show the same gradient as the text. |

|31 |Add more drips by copying the drip layer. Layer>New>Layer via copy. The new drip will be stacked on top of the first drip. Use the |

| |move tool to drag it to its new location. Continue with this same process to add more drips. You might want to resize some of the |

| |drips so they are not all exactly the same size. |

|32 |Merge all of the drip layers into one. The finished product will look similar to the one below. |

|[pic] |


Style-Inner Bevel








Highlight Mode-Screen




Blend Mode: Darker Color





Blend Mode-Normal





Blend Mode: Color Dodge







Blend Mode-Normal










In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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