PySpark with Kafka and Databricks Content

PySpark with Kafka and Databricks Content

Table of Content:

1. What is Python? 2. Python Setup

? Python3 Installation ? PyCharm Installation ? Jupyter-lab Installation 3. Data Types ? Numbers ? Variable Assignment ? Strings ? Strings Slicing and Indexing ? String Properties and methods ? Print Formatting with Strings ? Lists ? Dictionaries ? Tuples ? Sets ? Booleans 4. Variables

5. Comparison operators ? Comparison operators(,=,==,!=) ? Chaining comparison operators

6. Python Statements ? if, elif and else statements ? for loops ? while loops ? List Comprehension

7. Methods and Functions ? Introduction to function ? Basics of Functions ? Logic with python function ? Tuples unpacking ? Interactions b/w python functions ? Lambda Expressions(map, flatmap, filter functions)

8. Object Oriented Programming ? Introduction ? Attributes and Class Keyword ? Class object, Attributes, Methods

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? Inheritance and Polymorphism ? Magic/Dunder Methods 9. Modules and Packages 10. Error and Exception Handlings 11. Advanced Python ? Python I/O ? Reading and Writing to file and folder ? Collections Module ? DateTime Module ? Math and Random Module ? Logger Module ? Regular Expression Module ? Zipping and Un-zipping Module

12. Internals of Python

13. Pandas Module ? Core components of Pandas, Series and Data frames ? Processing data from CSV, Json, XML, Parquet, Database.

14. Work-Shop ? Mutli Processing Module (Optional/Workshop). ? Web Components (Optional/Workshop) o Flask o Flask Socket-IO


1.SparkCore ? Why Spark? ? Bird View of Spark Architecture

Spark Core: ? Abstractions in Spark.

2. RDD ? What is RDD? ? What are the different ways to create an RDD o parallelize o textfile o wholetextfile. ? What are RDD Partitions and there importance ? About RDD Parallelism

3. DAG ? Jobs

? Stages

Address: DVS Technologies, Opp Home Town, Beside Biryani Zone, Marathahalli, Bangalore Phone: 9632558585, 8892499499|E-mail :|

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? Tasks 4. Transformations and Actions

? What are Narrow and Wide Transformations ? Understanding and working on different transformations and Actions

5. In-detail Understanding about Py-spark Architecture ? Overview of Pyspark Architecture ? Py4j Module ? Py4j Gateway Server ? Python Runner and Python Worker ? Compute method ? Understanding Pyspark Serializations and De-serializations o Marshall o Pickle

7. Variables ? Closure ? Broadcast ? Accumulator

8. Discussing Spark-Core optimizations techniques


1.Disadvantages of Pandas Dataframe ? What is Spark Dataframe ? Different ways of creating Dataframs. ? RDD to DF and DF to RDD ? Working with different data sources like CSV, XML, Excel, JSON, JDBC, Parquet, HUDI(Optional/Workshop) by using Different Spark SQL API's Select, where, groupby, case, otherwise, etc.

2.Join ? Hints ? Broadcast

Address: DVS Technologies, Opp Home Town, Beside Biryani Zone, Marathahalli, Bangalore Phone: 9632558585, 8892499499|E-mail :|

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? Merge-sort ? Shuffle hash Join

3.Dataframe Persistence/Memory Management Techniques ? cache ? persist o MEMORY_ONLY, MEMORY_AND_DISK, MEMORY_ONLY_SER, MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, DISK_ONLY, MEMORY_ONLY_2, MEMORY_AND_DISK_2 o unpersist

4.Windowing operations in Spark ? What is window and different types of windows ? Time-based ? Offset-based ? Analytics functions: rank, dense rank, row number, lead, lag , ect ? Spark Catalyst Optimizer/ Spark Query Engine ? Parsed logical plan, Analysed logical plan, Optimized logical plan, Physical plan ? Explain method ? Adaptive Query Executions ? Optimizing Skew joins

5.Understanding concepts of YARN ? Deploying pyspark Applications in YARN in client and cluster modes ? Discussing spark deployment strategies o Static deployment o Dynamic deployment

6. Spark Streaming ? Understanding Kafka Concepts o Creating PyKafka producers and consumers

7.Understanding the concept of spark structed streaming and integrating kafka ? spark 8.AWS

S3(Datalake) EMR Lambda Athena 9. Databricks

9.Final Project

Address: DVS Technologies, Opp Home Town, Beside Biryani Zone, Marathahalli, Bangalore Phone: 9632558585, 8892499499|E-mail :|

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