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Tutor guidance - referring students to your regional/national centre

There will always be some students who are not progressing in their studies, who are at risk of dropping out, or who raise issues with you which require further advice from the OU. As a tutor you will be best placed to deal with course-related academic issues. But there may be other issues which you feel unable to deal with or which require additional support.

Regional/national centres can offer a wide range of additional support to your students. For example, they will try to contact a missing student on your behalf, may offer help with general study skills, offer additional support to students before and during exams or authorise additional support sessions.

There is an Electronic Student Referral Form (eSRF) on TutorHome which enables you to refer your students to their regional/national centre for information, advice and guidance. What follows is a quick guide to using this electronic method of referral. | |

|When and What to refer |

|You can refer a student to us at any time, but especially at ‘pressure |

|points’ like non-submission of the first TMA. Below are some examples |

|of when you may wish to refer a student: |

|If you have tried to make two-way contact with the student via phone |

|and email and have been unsuccessful |

|If the student has approached you for advice on matters not connected |

|to course/academic issues; for example, general assessment regulations |

|Progress and support issues, such as students struggling with basic |

|skills, exam preparation and personal difficulties that may affect |

|their ability to complete their course |

|Students who need help with planning their studies and qualifications |

|and those who need careers guidance |

|Support for students who have already told the University that they |

|have a disability or additional requirement (DAR). Please see the full|

|version of the referral procedure for what to do if a student not |

|identified as a ‘DAR’ student tells you that they have a disability. |

|For more information on referring your students, please go to: |

| |

|How to refer |

|Use the Electronic Student Referral Form (eSRF) on Tutor Home to refer |

|your students. To find the form, open the individual student's record |

|by clicking on the student's name; the link to the Student Referral |

|Form is below the name of the course that the student is studying on |

|the right hand side of the page. |

|Please only submit one form per student at any one time. If you do not|

|hear anything from the OU within 5 working days or if the matter is |

|extremely urgent, please follow up the form by phone or email. Please |

|do not submit another form as this can confuse the situation and |

|further delay any action required. |

|Please let us know if you have spoken to the student about the |

|referral. This information can help staff who make contact with the |

|student phrase the conversation in an appropriate manner and avoid any |

|embarrassment. |

|Please be aware that if you tick the box on the form stating ‘please |

|contact me’, you should try to let us know when you will be |

|contactable. |

|If there are difficulties or complex matters you can also follow up the|

|form by phone or email. If the referral is particularly sensitive, you|

|may wish to telephone the region to discuss the matter first. |

|To see an example of the form please go to: |

| |

|How we will give you feedback |

|Any feedback/actions taken as a result of your referral will be |

|displayed on TutorHome via the student's individual record. |

|Once you submit the eSRF form to us, your regional/national centre will|

|try to respond to you within 5 working days, depending on the student’s|

|circumstances. |

|Click on the student's name showing a ‘C’ against it, then click on the|

|Contact and Referrals History link. |

|1 |Open TutorHome and click on the relevant course code in your |

| |Students list. |

|2 |A C indicates that there is contact information for this student: |

| |[pic] |

| |To view the information click on the students name: |

| |[pic] |

| |Then click the Contact and referral history link next to the C . |

| |Please be aware that it takes 24 hours for the eSRF form to reach |

| |our offices and any response via TutorHome will also take 24 hours |

| |to reach you. What this means in practice is that any request you|

| |submit will not be visible at your regional or national centre |

| |until the day after you submitted it. Following that, the query |

| |may take several days to resolve, and will then take another day |

| |for feedback to appear on TutorHome. |



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