
Python“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that human can understand”Well, again, first thing that comes in your mind that why do I choose python ????I found certain points from various resources that can help you to decide Easy to learn: As a beginner python is assumed to be most “beginner friendly” language.Python has replaced java as the most popular introductory language at top U.S. universities.Being a high level language, Python reads like English so less lots of syntax learning stress.Code is 3-5 shorter than java and 5-10 times shorter than C++Money is honey: Python is just behind java in money. Average salary is similar for both.Popularity growing everyday: Python has the largest year on year job demand growthOverall hiring demand for IT professionals dipped year over year by 5%, except for python which increased by 12%. Very flexible: Python is a dynamically typed language, it is very flexible.Python is used in various fields. There are so many domains where python makes a very good impact on that. Desktop apps, web apps, data mining, gaming and scientific computing are most common fields where python is highly recommending to use.As the scope in data mining(Big data, Data analytics) is increasing day by day so the demand of python also accelerating everyday.In New York, python developer ranked #8 of the most in demand tech workers, making an average of $106,000 per year.In India, there is lack of python resources as all of us are not aware of it. And we are stuck with traditional languages like java, c# etc. As perIt is one of the official programming language at google, Facebook, NASA, dropbox, yahoo and so on.Module 11. Introduction to python2. What is python3. History of python4. Python architecture5. Components of pythona. Functionb. Classc. Modulesd. Package6. Feature of python and limitation of python7. Various frameworks in pythona. Flaskb. Djengoc. Pyramidd. Tornadoe. Bottlef. Numpyg. Scipyh. Pylonsi. Web2py8. Python’s flavors9. Cpython10. Jpython11. Ironpython12. Brypython13. Rubypython14. Micropython15. Python vs various languages like java, c, c++, and C# etc16. SummaryModule 21. Installation of python on different platform2. First python program “hello world” using idle, editor, and IDE3. Inside the programa. Commenti) Single line commentsii) Multiline commentsiii) Doc string python commentsb. Statementsi) Single line statementii) Multiline statementiii) Multiple statements in single lineiv) Blank line python statementsc. Indentation4. Variable and data types in pythona. Variable definition, declaration, and initializationb. Data typesi) System defined or primitive data typeii) User defined or non-primitive data typesc. Introduction to ADTd. ADT in pythoni) Listii) Tupleiii) Dictionary5. Number types in pythona. Intb. Floatc. Complex numberd. Numbers in binary, octal and hexadecimali) Binaryii) Octaliii) Hexadecimal6. Conversion functionsa. int()b. float()c. complex()d. bin()e. oct()f. hex()7. decimal modules8. fraction module9. math modules10. summaryModule 31. Scope of variables in pythona. Local scopeb. Globalc. Enclosingd. Built-in2. Global keyword in python3. Nonlocal keyword in python4. Conclusion of variable scope in python5. Operators in pythona. ArithmeticI) AdditionII) MultiplicationIII) SubtractionIV) DivisionV) ModuleVI) ExponentialVII) Floor divisionb. Relationali) Less than(<)ii) Greater than(>)iii) Less than or equal to(<=)iv) Greater than or equal to(>=)v) Equal to(==)vi) Not equal to (!=)c. Assignmenti) Assignment (=)ii) Add and assign(+=)iii) Subtract and assign(-=)iv) Multiply and assign(*=)v) Divide and assign(/=)vi) Modulo and assign (%=)vii) Floor division and assign(//=)viii) Exponent and assign(**=)d. Logical operatori) andii) oriii) note. Membership operatori) inii) not inf. identity operatori) isii) is notg. Binary bitwisei) and(&)ii) or(|)iii) xor(^)iv) binary 1’s compliments(~)v) left shift(<<)vi) right shift(>>)6. Precedence and association rules of operators7. Conditional statements in pythona. If statementsb. If-elsec. Chained conditional statement (elif)d. Nested if statement in python8. Looping in pythona. While loopi) Infinite loopii) Else statement for whileiii) Single statement in whileb. for loopi) iterator by for loopii) the range()iii) else statement for for loopiv) nested for loopsc. loop control statementsi) breakii) continueiii) pass9. Summary10. ExerciseModule 41. Introduction to function2. Defining your own functiona. Benefits of user defined functionb. Rule to define a functionc. Function parametersd. Calling a functione. Function argumentsi) Default argumentsii) Keyword argumentsiii) Arbitrary argumentsf. Scope and lifetime of variables in functiong. Deleting a functionh. Python built in functioni. Recursion in pythonj. Summary of function3. Lambda expressiona. Declaring lambda expressionb. When to use lambdac. Default in lambda expressiond. Syntax of lambda expressioni) Python argumentsii) Omitting argumentsiii) Omitting the expressione. Lambdas in built in functioni) filter()ii) map()iii) reduce()4. python decoratora. A simple python decoratori) Python decorator functionii) Nested wrap functioniii) Assigning and callingb. Why use a nested function?c. Decorator with functioni) Python closureii) *args and **kwargsiii) Pie syntax in pythoniv) Chaining decorator in pythond. Python closure in depthi) Python 3 non local variable and nested functionii) Defining a closure functioniii) Benefits of closure functioniv) Some examples on closure5. Summary6. ExerciseModule 51. String handing in pythona. Introduction to python stringb. Declaring stringc. Using quotes inside a python stringd. Spanning a string across linese. Accessing a python stringf. String formatterg. String concatenationh. Python escape sequencesi. Python string functionj. Python string operationsi) Comparisonii) Arithmeticiii) Membershipiv) Identityv) Logicalk. String as a sequencel. Summarym. Exercise2. Class in pythona. Syntax of classb. Defining a class in pythonc. Accessing class memberd. Objects in pythone. Attributes belonging to python classf. Deleting class in pythong. Python object initializationh. Constructor in python classi. __init__() in pythonj. Self keyword in pythonk. Assigning attributes of objects in pythonl. Assigning an object reference to anotherm. Id() and hash() in on objectn. Object as most parent classo. Deleting object in pythonp. Method in classq. Methods versus functionr. Summarys. Exercise3. Module in pythona. Introduction to python moduleb. Creating a python modulec. Import statement in pythond. More on importinge. Executing python module as a scriptf. Module search pathg. Compiled python filesh. Standard python modulei. The dir() in pythonj. Summary4. Package in pythona. What is packageb. Need of packagec. Structure of packaged. Importing module from packagee. Sub-package rule for importf. Creating your own packageg. Summary5. Summary6. ExerciseModule 61. Introduction to object oriented programming systema. Polymorphismb. Generalizationc. Associationd. Aggregatione. Inheritancef. Abstractiong. Encapsulation2. How python implements oops methodologya. Polymorphismi) Method overloading in pythonii) Operator overloading in pythonb. Inheritance in pythoni) Python inheritance syntaxii) Type of inheritance in pythona. Single level inheritance in pythonb. Multilevel inheritance in pythonc. Multiple inheritance in pythond. Hierarchical inheritance in pythone. Hybrid inheritance in pythonc. Method overriding in pythond. Super() in pythone. Encapsulation in pythonf. Abstraction in pythong. Association and aggregation in pythonh. Generalization in python3. Summary4. ExerciseModule 71. Python data structure utilitya. List in pythoni) What is a listii) How list is implemented internally in python?iii) Creating a list in pythoniv) List as a sequencev) Slicing listvi) List in mutablea. Reassigning the whole listb. Reassigning the few elementsc. Reassigning a single elementvii) Deleting operationa. Deleting the whole listb. Deleting few elementsc. Deleting a single elementviii) Multidimensional listix) Operation of lista. Concatenationb. Multiplicationc. Membershipx) Iterating on a listxi) List comprehensiona. Syntax of list comprehension in pythonb. List comprehension versus lambda expressionc. Conditionals in list comprehensioni) Nested comprehensionii) If … else in list comprehensiond. Nested list comprehensionxii) Built-in function in listxiii) Built-in method on listxiv) Summaryb. Tuple in pythoni) What is a tupleii) Internal implementation of tupleiii) Need of tupleiv) Use of tuplev) Tuple as a sequencevi) How to create a tuplea. Tuple packingb. Tuple unpackingc. Tuple for single elementvii) Accessing the tuplea. Accessing the entire tupleb. Accessing the single elementviii) Slicing the tuplea. Positive indexingb. Negative indexingix) Operation on tuplesa. Membershipb. Concatenationc. Logicald. Identityx) Iterating on a tuplexi) Nested tuplexii) Tuple is immutablexiii) Built-in function on tuplexiv) Built in method on tuplexv) Deleting tuplexvi) Summaryxvii) exercisec. Tuple versus list in pythond. Dictionary in pythoni) Brief introduction of hash-tableii) Introduction to dictionaryiii) Dictionary as a collectioniv) Concept of key and valuev) How to create a dictionarya. Dictionary comprehensionb. Dictionary with mixed keysc. Dict()d. Declaring one key more than oncee. Declaring an empty dictionary and adding elements latervi) Accessing a dictionarya. Accessing the entire dictionaryb. Accessing a valuec. Get()d. If key does not exist?vii) Reassigning a dictionarya. Updating a value of existing keyb. Adding a new keyviii) Nested dictionaryix) Operation on dictionarya. Membershipx) Iterating a dictionaryxi) Built-in function on dictionaryxii) Built-in method on dictionaryxiii) Deleting a dictionarya. Delete+ the complete listb. Deleting a single key value pairxiv) Summaryxv) exerciseModule 81. Set and boolean in pythona. Set in pythoni) How to create a set in pythonii) Accessing a set in pythoniii) Updating a setiv) Function on setv) Method on setvi) Deleting a setvii) Operation on setviii) Iterator on a setix) The frozen setx) Set as a collectionxi) Summaryb. Boolean in pythoni) Value of booleanii) Declaring booleaniii) The bool()iv) Boolean values of various constructsv) Operation on booleanvi) Summaryc. Exercise2. Collections module in pythona. Collections counteri) Syntaxii) Updating in collection counteriii) Accessing counts in pythoniv) Counter arithmeticb. Python DefaultDicti) Syntaxii) Using a type as a default factoryc. Python OrderedDicti) Move_to_end()ii) Popitem()d. Python NamedTuplei) Accessing elementsii) Converting into dictionaryiii) Converting an iterable into a namedtupleiv) Creating a namedtuple from dictionaryv) Checking what fields belong to the tuplevi) Changing a valuevii) Summarye. Python generatori) Syntax of generatorii) Working of python generatoriii) Yielding into a listiv) List versus generator in pythonv) Generator versus functionvi) Generator expressionvii) SummaryModule 91. Error and Exception handling in pythona. Syntax error in pythonb. Introduction to python exceptionc. Python exception and error messaged. In-built pyhton exceptione. Summary2. Exception handling in pythona. Introduction to exception handling in pythonb. The try/except block in pythoni) Python multiple exceptionii) Python multiple exception in one exceptiii) Generic except after all exceptc. Finally block in pythond. Raised keyword in pythoni) Raised without a specified exceptionii) Raise with an argumente. Custom exception in pythonf. Summaryg. ExerciseModule 101. Python regular expressiona. Python regular expression and regexb. Metacharactersc. Rules for matchd. Functionsi) Match()ii) Search()e. Examples on Python regexf. Group extractiong. Python findall()i) Findall() with filesii) Findall() with grouph. Optionsi) Regular expression ignore-caseii) Python multilineiii) Python Dotalliv) Greedy versus non-greedyv) Substitutionvi) Applicationvii) SummaryModule 111. Multithreading in pythona. Introduction to multithreading in pythonb. Function in multithreadingc. Thread local datad. Thread objectse. Lock objectf. Rlock objectsg. Condition objecth. Semaphore objectsi. Event objectsj. Timer objectsk. Barrier objectsl. Using locks, conditions and semaphore in the with-statementm. Summaryn. ExerciseModule 121. File I/O and file handing in pythona. File i/o and file read and writei) What is a file?ii) File opening in python1. File mode2. Encoding style3. If file does not exist?iii) File closing in python1. Try …. finally in closing2. With in file closingiv) File reading1. read()2. the seek() and tail() method in python3. file reading using for loop4. readline() and readlines() method in file readingv) file writing in pythonvi) summaryb. various method in file handlingi) close()ii) detach()iii) fileno()iv) flush()v) issatty()vi) read()vii) readable()viii) readline()ix) readlines()x) seek()xi) seekable()xii) tell()xiii) truncate()xiv) writable()xv) write()xvi) writelines()xvii) summaryc. working on directoryi) getting current directoryii) changing current directoryiii) list of directories and filesiv) creating a directory in pythonv) renaming a directoryvi) removing a directory or a filevii) joining and splitting pathviii) checking a python directory exist or not?ix) Recursively traversing a directoryx) Summaryd. Data persistence in pythoni) What is serialization in pythonii) Introduction to Marshal moduleiii) Introduction to pickle in pythoniv) Introduction to shelvev) Comparing pickle with other modules1) Comparing with marshal2) Comparing with shelve3) Comparing with jsonvi) Data stream formatvii) Module interface1. Constants in pickle modulea. HIGHEST_PROTOCOLb. DEFAULT_PROTOCOL2. Functions in pickle modulec. dump(obj,file,protocol=None,*,fix_import=True )d. dumps(obj,file,protocol=None,*,fix_import=True)e. load(file,*,fix_import=”True,encoding=True,errors=”strict”)f. loads(bytes_object,*,fix_import=”True,encoding=True,errors=”strict)3. Exception in pickle modulea. PickleErrorb. PicklingErrorc. UnpicklingError4. Classes of pickle modulea. Picklerb. Unpickler5. What can be pickled and not pickled6. Pickling class instancesa. Persistence of external objectsb. Dispatch tablesc. Handling stateful object7. Restricting global8. SummaryModule 131. Socket programminga. What is a socketb. Basic terminology in socket programmingc. Introduction to socket modulei) How to create socket in pythonii) Constants in socket moduleiii) Server socket methodsiv) Client socket methodsv) General socket methodvi) A simple servervii) A simple clientviii) Summary2. CGI programminga. Introduction to CGIb. Architecturec. CGI moduled. Functions in cgi modulee. SummaryModule 141. Debuggera. Introduction to python debuggerb. Example of python debuggerc. Python debugger commands for commands promptd. Function for python debuggere. Summary2. Python forensicsa. Introduction to computational forensicsb. Naming convention for basic python forensics applicationc. Hash functiond. Cracking the encryptione. Virtualizationf. Network forensicsg. Dshell and scapyh. Searchingi. Indexingj. Imaging libraryk. Mobile forensicsl. Summary ................

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