Bash Shell Scripts - College of Engineering

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

Bash shell scripts are text files Text files most efficiently built with programming editors (emacs or vi) File must be executable and in search path

chmod 700 my_script PATH environment variable may not include .! An example shell script: #!/bin/bash #My first script echo "Hello World!"

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts Compile a Verilog file with vlog #!/bin/bash if [ ! d work ] ; then echo work does not exist, making it vlib work fi if [ ! s adder.v ] ; then vlog adder.v fi work directory must exist before compilation Get scripts via wget, eg: wget


Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

File attribute checking


if [ ! s junk_dir ] ; then

mkdir junk_dir


Spaces around brackets are needed!

File attribute checking


exists and is a directory

e, a file exists


exists and is a regular file


file exists and is not empty


Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts Compile Verilog then run a simultion #!/bin/bash if [ ! -d "work" ] ; then vlib work fi if [ -s "adder.v" ] ; then vlog adder.v #runs simulation with a do file and no GUI vsim adder -do quiet c else echo verilog file missing fi


Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts vsim command and arguments

vsim entity_name do quiet -c -quiet (do not report loading file messages) -c (console mode, no GUI) -do (run vsim from a TCL do file)

+nowarnTFMPC (don't warn about mismatched ports, scary) +nowarnTSCALE (don't warn about timing mismatches) Try vsim help for command line arguements ---


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