Research Ideas

EECS110 Homework 5, Spring 2009

Due: 11:59pm on Sunday May 17, 2009

Submission: submit your solutions at the submissions server

If you are working on lab problems, please go to:

You should do the first problem for Lab5.


Problem 1: The Game of Life ( [50 points; individual or pair]

Homework 5, Problem 1: The Game of Life

[50 points; individual or pair]

Submission: Submit your file to the submission server

The Game of Life is a cellular automaton invented by John Conway, a mathematician from Cambridge. The game of life is not so much a "game" in the traditional sense, but rather a process that transitions over time according to a few simple rules. The process is set up as a grid of cells, each of which is "alive" or "dead" at a given point in time. At each time step, the cells live or die according to the following rules:

1. A cell that has fewer than two live neighbors dies (because of loneliness)

2. A cell that has more than 3 live neighbors dies (because of over-crowding)

3. A cell that is dead and has exactly 3 live neighbors comes to life

4. All other cells maintain their state

Although these rules seem simple, they give rise to complex and interesting patterns. For more information and a number of interesting patterns see 's_Game_of_Life.

In this lab, you will implement a Python program to run the Game of Life.

Getting started with life!

As always, it is important to break the problem down into pieces and develop the program in stages so that others can understand the code and so that you can ensure that each piece is correct before building on top of it. We will break this problem down into the following steps:

1. Creating a 2d array of cells

2. Displaying the board (in various colors) and updating it with new data

3. Allowing the user to change the state of the cells

4. Implementing the update rules for the "Game of Life"

5. (Optionally) Running and stopping the simulation

Before you start, you need to develop a scheme for keeping track of your data. Basically, the data you need to maintain are the states of all of the cells in the board. We suggest that you keep track of this data in a 2D array of integer values, where 0 represents an empty (off) cell and 1 represents a live (on) cell.

Creating a 2d board of cells

First, in your file, copy and test this example function:

def createOneRow( n ):

""" returns rows of n zeros... You might use

this as the INNER loop in createBoard """

R = []

for col in range(n):

R += [0]

return R

This function offers a starting-point for creating one-dimensional lists -- but the same idea applies for building nested list structures arbitrarily deep.

Building on this example, write a function named createBoard( width, height ) that creates and returns a new 2D list of height rows and width columns in which all of the data elements are 0 (no graphics quite yet, just a Python list!). For example,

>>> createBoard( 3, 3 )

[ [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0] ]

One approach to createBoard is to use a pair of nested loops: the outer one for the rows, and the inner one for the columns (note that you can use createRow for the inner loop. Then, the overall 2d array would accumulate those rows one at a time (within the loop) until it was the correct size. Note that just as

R += [0]

adds a zero to the end of the list (row) R, by the same token,

B += [ [0,0,0] ]

adds a row of three zeros to the end of list (board) B. When you write createBoard, that row will have a name (maybe R), rather than hand-typed values.

Displaying your 2d board of cells

You no doubt noticed that when Python prints a 2d list, it blithely ignores its 2d structure and flattens it out into one line (perhaps wrapping, if needed). In order to display your board in 2d using the csplot graphics module, you will need to download from this link. has changed from previous weeks so be sure to delete any old versions you have and then re-download it.

A convenient place to download is to your desktop. Though the desktop is easy, any folder you choose is OK. Wherever you put it, you will need your file to be in the same folder as

Next, in order to use the functions in csplot, include the following line at the top of your file:

import csplot

Now, once you load your file into the Python shell, you should be able to create and display a 2d array with

>>> B = createBoard(10,10)


You will see a rather desolate-looking board:


Recall from a few weeks ago that this CS plot window will not close unless you use the done() command. To refresh the window you can type:

>>> csplot.update()

To close the window, type:

>>> csplot.done()

and then click the red X in the corner of the cs plot window.

Adding patterns to your 2d board of cells

In order to get used to using 2d arrays of data and writing functions that modify arrays rather than return them, copy this function named update1( B ) into your file:

def update1( B ):

""" Takes an empty board as input and modifies that board

so that it has a diagonal strip of "on" cells


width = len(B[0])

height = len(B)

for row in range(height):

for col in range(width):

if row == col:

B[row][col] = 1


B[row][col] = 0 # else not needed here, but OK

This function, update1 takes as input a blank 2d array of data, B. Then, it changes some of that data so that B becomes a board whose cells are empty except for the diagonal where row == col. Note that it does not return anything. Also note that we determine the height and width of the board directly from the board itself.

Try displaying the result with

>>> B = createBoard(10,10)

>>> update1(B)


Warning!! The coordinate system of Python's printing and csplot's graphics system have the rows going in opposite directions. That is, when you print a 2d array (list of lists), the zeroth row is at the top, then the first row is next, and so on. However, csplot uses mathematical coordinates (rows increase along the y-axis and columns increase along the x-axis), so that the zeroth row is at the bottom, the first row is the second-from-bottom, and so on. Thus, when you display this new board, you should get a window that looks something like this:


Based on the example of update1, write a variation named update2( B ) which returns a board of all live cells, except for a one-cell-wide border of empty cells around the entire edge of the 2d array. Copy-and-paste is your friend! For example, when you run

>>> B = createBoard(10,10)

>>> update2(B)


you should get a window that looks something like this:


Next, create a function named updateRandom( B ) which takes a board B and mutates that board to contain one-cell-wide border of empty cells around the entire edge of the 2d array, just as in the previous case. However, each of the inner cells should be randomly chosen to be live or empty. Recall that random.choice( [0,1] ) will help here -- and that you will need to include the line import random somewhere near the top of your file.

Here is one possible such board:


A note on changing cells' colors

You can choose different colors by using a second input called a dictionary to the command. For example,

B = createBoard(10, 10)


d = {0:'green', 1:'blue'} # dictionary of int/color pairs,d) # optional second argument

will produce something similar in spirit to this:


Creating a new "board" from an old one...

None of the update functions so far depends on a previous "generation" of cells. For our life game we need to update the cells from one generation to modify a NEW board in the subsequent generation.

Write a function updateReversed( oldB, newB ) that takes an old board and a blank new board and modifies the newB such that each cell is the "opposite" of oldB's cells. That is, where oldB[row][col] is a 1, the new board's value will be a zero - and vice versa. This function should not return anything.

But, keep the outermost edge of cells empty, regardless of their state in the original board - this will help when implementing Life, because it will prevent out-of-bounds errors.

Recall that you can obtain the width and height from oldB:

width = len(oldB[0])

height = len(oldB)

Try out your updateReversed by displaying an example:

>>> B = createBoard(10,10)

>>> updateRandom( B )

>>> B )

>>> newB = createBoard( 10, 10 ) # makes newB reference a NEW board...

>>> updateReversed(B, newB)

>>> newB )

It's important that you first make a NEW array of data to pass into the updateReversed function. You might point out that it would be possible to simply change the input oldB, rather than have two inputs - this is true for the reversed-board example, but not true when implementing the rules of the Game of Life. There, you will need new data on which to place each subsequent generation.

Writing a Life-updating loop

To start updating one generation of cells to the next, read over the following skeleton and then adapt - or simply copy - it into your file:

import time

def life( width, height ):

""" will become John Conway's Game of Life... """

B = createBoard( width, height )

updateRandom( B )

while True: # run forever # show current B

time.sleep(0.25) # pause a bit

oldB = B # just a reminder for us humans

B = createBoard(width, height) # creates a new board

updateReversed( oldB, B ) # sets the new board correctly

Be sure to import time, as noted above the function. The while loop here will run forever - or until you hit control-c and will continue to display reversing boards as it goes.

Adding some user input

For debugging and increased user control it will be important to allow the user to specify which cells are on and which are off at the beginning of the simulation. To allow this control, copy and paste the following code at the end of your file.

def life( width, height ):

""" will become John Conway's Game of Life... """

B = createBoard( width, height )


while True: # run forever # show current B

time.sleep(0.25) # pause a bit

oldB = B # just a reminder for us humans

B = createBoard(width, height) # creates a new board

updateReversed( oldB, B ) # sets the new board correctly

Here's what should happen when you run this function (e.g. by calling life(10, 10)). You will see a blank 10x10 grid appear, but this grid will not update automatically as before. Instead, you should click on the display window so that it is the current top window. Then, hold down the s key and click inside one or more of the cells in the display. You should see those cells change from live to empty and vice-versa. Once you're ready, close the display window, and you will see another display window appear, starting with the board that you created by clicking (NOT the original blank board) and automatically updating as before.

The Game of Life

So, for this step, change your life function so that it calls a new function named updateNextLife( oldB, newB ) in place of updateReversed, above. Then, implement the updateNextLife( oldB, newB ) function so that it sets each cell in the new data according to the updating rules based on the old generation, oldB:

1. A cell that has fewer than two live neighbors dies (because of loneliness)

2. A cell that has more than 3 live neighbors dies (because of over-crowding)

3. A cell that is dead and has exactly 3 live neighbors comes to life

4. All other cells maintain their state

As suggested in updateReversed, always keep all of the outer-edge cells empty. This is simply a matter of limiting your loops to an appropriate range. However, it greatly simplifies the four update rules, above, because it means that you will only update the interior cells, all of which have a full set of eight neighbors. You may want to write a helper function, countNeighbors for example, for determining the number of live neighbors for a cell in the board at a particular row and col.

Warnings/hints: there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Count neighbors only in the old generation oldB. Change only the new generation, newB.

2. Be sure to set every value of newB (the new data), whether or not it differs from oldB.

3. A cell is NOT a neighbor of itself.

4. A 2x2 square of cells is statically stable (if isolated) - you might try it on a small grid for testing purposes

5. A 3x1 line of cells oscillates with period 2 (if isolated) - also a good pattern to test.

Once your Game of Life is working, look for some of the other common patterns, e.g., other statically stable forms ("rocks"), as well as oscillators ("plants") and others that will move across the screen, known as gliders ("animals/birds").

Optional Extensions

Adding pause/resume (or other user options) [Up to +5 points]

For this optional extension, you can no longer run your code from within IDLE for reasons that are too complicated to explain here. Instead you will need to run python from the command line (e.g., the Terminal, or Shell). Here's how to do this:

Open a terminal window and change your directory to the location where and are located. Here are brief instructions for PCs and Macs:

• PC: Go to the Start menu's Run option and type cmd. Then, type cd Desktop at the terminal window's prompt. (Go to wherever your files are.) Once there, type c:\python25\python -i

• Mac: Go to the Applications folder into the Utilities subfolder and open the Terminal application. At its prompt, type cd Desktop. (Go to wherever your files are.) Once there, type python -i

Please ask if you run into any problems with this!

Between runs if you make any changes to your code you will need to reload it into python. The easiest way to do this is to follow these instructions:

Easy ways to exit and reload your Python program: Mac and PC    To leave the python shell, use the shortcuts: control-d on Macs and control-z then enter on PCs. Alternatively, you can type quit() on either system. Then, in order to reload your new file, hit the up-arrow key and hit return. That's it!

Now, onto the extensions...

There is a function in csplot named csplot.getKeysDown() that returns a string with the keys being pressed. In fact, the keys have to be pressed when the focus is on the drawing window -- it's only possible to get that kind of keyboard information from the graphics system (and not the Python shell).

You can use this function in order to set a boolean variable that determines whether or not to run the updating step or to pause it or step it by only one generation. Something like this:

if pause == False:

B = createNextLifeBoard( oldB )

where the boolean value pause starts at False, but can be changed as follows:

keysList = csplot.getKeysDown()

if 'p' in keysList: pause = True

Warning: do not write another loop inside of the main while loop. What may happen is that the code will get caught in the inner loop and never escape. Or, the inner loop will call nothing except csplot.getKeysDown(), which floods the I/O system with too many calls and causes Python to hang.

So, be sure to keep the line and the time.sleep line within your constantly-running while loop -- otherwise, the loop will run too fast, and the calls to csplot.getKeysDown can not keep up.

Try implementing these four key-presses:

• 'p' in order to pause the generation-updating.

• 'r' in order to resume the generation-updating.

• 'q' in order to quit the main while loop (and the program).

• '1' in order to advance only 1 generation and then pause.

There might be other options you'd like to add for different keys -- for example, you might have a color-swapping key or a key that randomly adds live cells to keep things moving... . Try at least the four keys listed above -- add others as you see fit... .

Variations on the game of life [up to +5 points e.c.]

Finally, you can choose to implement one of two variations on the game of life.

Variation One: the doughnut    For this variation, remove the margin of empty cells around the board. In this case, the board should have the topology of a doughnut -- so that the left and right edges of the board become neighbors, as do the top and bottom edges. This makes neighbor-counting and avoiding out-of-bounds errors trickier. Yet with a single function that "looks up" the actual location of any given row and col coordinates, it's not too bad.

Variation Two: alien life    Life is considered a 23/3 cellular automaton, because cells survive with 2 or 3 neighbors (the two digits before the slash) and they are born with 3 neighbors (the digit after the slash). Many (perhaps all) of the other survival/birth possibilities have been studied, as well. Some even have names: for example, 1358/357 is called "Amoeba" and 1/1 is called "Gnarl." For this variation on life, choose a different set of survival/birth rules, perhaps from this reference of them and implement a key that switches between John Conway's Game of Life and your chosen set of rules (with another key to go back).

If you have gotten to this point, you have completed Lab 5! You should submit your file at the Submission Site.

This is the end of Lab5.

Below is the rest of Homework 5, also available at

Problem 2: Markov Text Generation ( [50 points; individual or pair]

Homework 5, Problem 2: Markov Text Generation

[50 points; individual or pair]

Submission: Submit your file to the submission server

Your goal in this section is to write a program that is capable of generating "meaningful" text all by itself! You will accomplish this goal by writing a Markov text generation algorithm.

Note: Some of the functions shown in the optional problem 4 ( below might be very useful for this problem.

Markov Text Generation

Here's the basic idea: English is a language with a lot of structure. Words have a tendency (indeed, an obligation) to appear only in certain sequences. Grammatical rules specify legal combinations of different parts of speech. E.g., the phrase "The cat climbs the stairs" obeys a legal word sequence. "Stairs the the climbs cat", does not. Additionally, semantics (the meaning of a word or sentence) further limits possible word combinations. "The stairs climb the cat" is a perfectly legal sentence, but it doesn't make much sense and you are very unlikely to encounter this word ordering in practice.

Even without knowing the formal rules of English, or the meaning of English words, we can get idea of what word combinations are legal simply by looking at well-formed English text and noting the combinations of words that tend to occur in practice. Then, based on our observations, we could generate new sentences by randomly selecting words according to commonly occurring sequences of these words. For example, consider the following text:

"I love roses and carnations. I hope I get roses for my birthday."

If we start by selecting the word "I", we notice that "I" may be followed by "love", "hope" and "get" with equal probability in this text. We randomly select one of these words to add to our sentence, e.g. "I get". We can repeat this process with the word "get", necessarily selecting the word "roses" as the next word. Continuing this process could yield the phrase "I get roses and carnations". Note that this is a valid English sentence, but not one that we have seen before. Other novel sentences we might have generated include "I love roses for my birthday," and "I get roses for my birthday".

More formally, the process we use to generate these sentences is called a first order Markov process. A first-order Markov process is a process in which the state at time t+1 (i.e. the next word) depends only on the states at times t (i.e., the previous word). In a second-order Markov process, the next word would depend on the two previous words, and so on. Our example above was a first order process because the choice of the next word depended only on the current word. Note that the value of the next word is independent of that word's position and depends only on its immediate history. That is, it doesn't matter if we are choosing the 2nd word or the 92nd. All that matters is what the 1st or the 91st word is, respectively.

Your text-analyzer and generator

In the first part of this assignment you will implement a first-order Markov text generator. Writing this function will involve two functions: (1) one to process a file and create a dictionary of legal word transitions and (2) another to actually generate the new text. Here are details on each:


createDictionary( nameOfFile ) takes in a string, the name of a text file containing some sample text. It should return a dictionary whose keys are words encountered in the text file and whose entries are a list of words that may legally follow the key word. Note that you should determine a way to keep track of frequency information. That is, if the word "cheese" is followed by the word "pizza" twice as often as it is followed by the word "sandwich", your dictionary should reflect this trend. For example, you might keep multiple copies of a word in the list.

The dictionary returned by createDictionary will allow you to choose word t+1 given a word at time t. But how do you choose the first word, when there is no preceding word to use to index into your dictionary?

To handle this case, your dictionary should include the string "$" representing the sentence-start symbol. The first word in the file should follow this string. In addition, each word in the file that follows a sentence-ending word should follow this string. A sentence-ending word will be defined to be any raw, space-separated word whose last character is a period ., a question mark ?, or an exclamation point !

Checking your code...

To check your code, paste the following text into a plain-text file (for example, into a new file window in IDLE):

A B A. A B C. B A C. C C C.

Save this file as t.txt in the same directory where your lives. Then, see if your dictionary d matches the sample below:

>>> d = createDictionary( 't.txt' )

>>> d

{'A': ['B', 'B', 'C.'], 'C': ['C', 'C.'], 'B': ['A.', 'C.', 'A'], '$': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'C']}

The elements within each list need not be in the same order, but they should appear in the quantities shown above for each of the four keys, 'A', 'C', 'B', and '$' .


generateText( d, n ) will take in a dictionary or word transitions d (generated in your createDictionary function, above) and a positive integer, n. Then, generateText should print a string of n words.

The first word should be randomly chosen from among those that can follow the sentence-starting string "$". Remember that random.choice will choose one item randomly from a list! The second word will be randomly chosen among the list of words that could possible follow the first, and so on. When a chosen word ends in a period ., a question mark ?, or an exclamation point !, the generateText function should detect this and start a new sentence by again choosing a random word from among those that follow "$".

For this problem, you should not strip the punctuation from the raw words of the text file. Leave the punctuation as it appears in the text -- and when you generate words, don't worry if your generated text does not end with legal punctuation, i.e., you might end without a period, which is ok. The text you generate won't be perfect, but you might be surprised how good it is!

If your process ever encounters a word that has only appeared as the last word in your training set (i.e., it does not have any words that follow it), you should simply start generating text again with the sentence-start symbol "$" . Here are two examples that use the dictionary d, from above. Yours will differ because of the randomness, but should be similar in spirit.

>>> generateText( d, 20 )

B C. C C C. C C C C C C C C C C C. C C C. A

>>> generateText( d, 20 )

A B A. C C C. B A B C. A C. B A. C C C C C C.

The text you want to use is up to you.

IRS documents like this one ( may be good.

Random scenes from Shakespeare might also strike your fancy ()

If you have gotten to this point, you have completed problem2! You should submit your file at the Submission Site.

Extra Problems:

Problem 3: ASCII Art >> s = "This is a sentence."

>>> s.split()

['This', 'is', 'a', 'sentence.']

>>> s = "This is \n a sentence." # \n is a newline

>>> print s

This is

a sentence.

>>> s.split()

['This', 'is', 'a', 'sentence.']

Thus split returns a list of raw words, with all whitespace removed.

The following function might be useful -- feel free to copy it to your file and use it in order to extract a list of raw words from a string of input text:

def makeListOfWords( text ):

""" returns a list of words in the input text """

L = text.split()

return L

Admittedly, you could avoid using this function simply by calling split as needed.

After whitespace, punctuation is a second cue that we will use to define what constitutes a sentence and a word.

The following function will be useful in stripping non-alphabetic characters from raw words - you should also use this in your file:

def dePunc( rawword ):

""" de-punctuationifies the input string """

L = [ c for c in rawword if 'A' ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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