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[Pages:380]Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis

4th Edition

Kevin Sheppard University of Oxford Thursday 31st December, 2020



?2020 Kevin Sheppard

Solutions and Other Material

Solutions Solutions for exercises and some extended examples are available on GitHub.

Introductory Course A self-paced introductory course is available on GitHub in the course/introduction folder. Solutions are available in the solutions/introduction folder.

Video Demonstrations The introductory course is accompanied by video demonstrations of each lesson on YouTube.

Using Python for Financial Econometrics A self-paced course that shows how Python can be used in econometric analysis, with an emphasis on financial econometrics, is also available on GitHub in the course/autumn and course/winter folders.



Changes since the Fourth Edition

? Added a discussion of context managers using the with statement. ? Switched examples to prefer the context manager syntax to reflect best practices.


Notes to the Fourth Edition

Changes in the Fourth Edition

? Python 3.8 is the recommended version. The notes require Python 3.6 or later, and all references to Python 2.7 have been removed.

? Removed references to NumPy's matrix class and clarified that it should not be used. ? Verified that all code and examples work correctly against 2020 versions of modules. The notable pack-

ages and their versions are: ? Python 3.8 (Preferred version), 3.6 (Minimum version) ? NumPy: 1.19.1 ? SciPy: 1.5.3 ? pandas: 1.1 ? matplotlib: 3.3

? Expanded description of model classes and statistical tests in statsmodels that are most relevant for econometrics. TODO

? Expanded the list of packages of interest to researchers working in statistics, econometrics and machine learning. TODO

? Introduced f-Strings in Section 21.3.3 as the preferred way to format strings using modern Python. ? Added minimize as the preferred interface for non-linear function optimization in Chapter 20. TODO

Changes since the Third Edition

? Verified that all code and examples work correctly against 2019 versions of modules. The notable packages and their versions are: ? Python 3.7 (Preferred version) ? NumPy: 1.16 ? SciPy: 1.3 ? pandas: 0.25 ? matplotlib: 3.1

? Python 2.7 support has been officially dropped, although most examples continue to work with 2.7. Do not Python 2.7 in 2019 for numerical code.


? Small typo fixes, thanks to Marton Huebler. ? Fixed direct download of FRED data due to API changes, thanks to Jesper Termansen. ? Thanks for Bill Tubbs for a detailed read and multiple typo reports. ? Updated to changes in line profiler (see Ch. 23) ? Updated deprecations in pandas. ? Removed hold from plotting chapter since this is no longer required. ? Thanks for Gen Li for multiple typo reports. ? Tested all code on Pyton 3.6. Code has been tested against the current set of modules installed by conda

as of February 2018. The notable packages and their versions are: ? NumPy: 1.13 ? Pandas: 0.22


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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