From the accompanying CD… - Murdoch University

Installation Guide for Intelligent Systems ICT219 Software

Follow these instructions slowly and carefully to install the MS Visual Studio, Quake 2, FEAR Platform and other software you need for this unit. This assumes you are using an IBM type computer running Windows XP (it should also work on earlier versions of Windows such as Windows 2000).

It takes a bit of time and effort to do the full installation. Be careful to type exactly what you see below. If you make a mistake, you might need to go back and delete directories, files etc. to begin some part again. Be patient and seek help if you get stuck.

In order to navigate your windows file-system quickly and efficiently, you may find it easiest to use Windows Explorer. Start Windows Explorer from the Start->All Programs menu, and navigate to your CD-ROM. This is usually drive D: under My Computer.

1. Installing Python 2.3.3

1. Insert the ICT219 Software CD into your machine, and open the folder Quake2FEARplatform

2. Double click Python-2.3.3.exe.

3. Install to the default directory: C:\Python23

4. Install Python using the default installer options (ie keep clicking the Next button without changing anything until the installation is finished).

2. Installing Visual Studio 6.0

This guide assumes you are installing Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 to the default directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\

Insert the Visual Studio 6.0 CD into your machine.

1. From your CD-ROM, double click SETUP.EXE.

2. Click Next.

3. Click I accept the Agreement and click Next.

4. Enter the Product ID number: 335-3353356 ( '-' is already between the boxes)

5. Keep clicking Next until installation begins. Do not change any options if prompted.

6. Click Continue

7. Click Custom.

8. When prompted for Custom setup, untick Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 and Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0. These applications are not required.

9. Click Continue.

10. Tick Register Environment Variables and click Ok.

11. The installer will now install the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 files and setup your system. This usually takes a few minutes.

12. When prompted to do so, click Restart Windows, leaving the CD in the drive.

13. Once rebooted, untick Install MSDN and click Next.

14. Click exit, when prompted for other installation tasks.

3. Installing Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 6.

1. Insert Visual Studio Service Pack 6 CD into your machine

2. Click Continue

3. At the License Agreement click I agree

4. Click Ok to complete the setup.

4. Installing the Quake 2 Demo

1. Insert the ICT219 Software CD into your machine and open the folder Quake2FEARplatform.

2. From your CD-ROM, double click q2-314-demo-x86.exe.

3. Unzip the Quake 2 Demo to C:\Temp\Quake2 Demo\

4. Once unzipped, the Quake 2 Demo installer will begin automatically. Alternatively, go to C:\Temp\Quake2 Demo\ and double click setup.exe.

5. Click Install and Next.

6. Click Yes when prompted with the licence agreement.

7. The default install directory should be C:\Q2Demo\

8. Click Install.

9. Once the installation is complete, click Finish.

Try running and playing the Quake II game to get a feel for it. This also verifies that the game has installed properly, which it must be before you proceed. You may want to experiment with the Options settings to obtain a better resolution of graphics on your machine. Manuals and further information on the game can be found in C:\Q2Demo\docs.

5. Patching Quake 2 Demo

1. From the Quake2FEARplatform folder, double click q2-3.20-x86-full.exe.

2. Enter the Quake 2 Demo path (C:\Q2Demo\) into the Unzip To Folder field.

3. Click Unzip.

Note: Once you have installed this patch, you will no longer be able to run Quake 2 directly from the quake2.exe icon. You will need to create some shortcuts to run the game (see Step 9).

6. Installing the FEAR AI Game Development Platform

1. From the Quake2FEARplatform folder, double click fear-0.4.0-sdk.exe

2. Click Next.

3. Click I accept the terms in the licence agreement and click Next.

4. Install to the destination folder C:\FEAR\.

5. Click Next.

6. Input the Quake 2 Demo location (C:\Q2Demo\) and click Install.

7. Click Next and Finish.

Read the FEAR documentation to familiarise yourself with the platform.

7. Installing Boost C++ Libraries

1. From the Quake2FEARplatform folder, double click

2. Extract the archive to your FEAR install directory. Click Extract and enter C:\FEAR\ as the target directory. Click Extract.

3. In the FEAR subdirectory, rename C:\FEAR\boost-1.30.2 to C:\FEAR\boost.

8. Compiling the FEAR AI Game Development Platform

Double click the file FEAR.dsw in your FEAR installation directory (C:\FEAR\). This will open Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and open the FEAR workspace. We let Visual C++ know where to find the Python resources:

1. From the menu, click Tools.

2. Click Options.

3. Click on the Directories tab.

4. Ensure the Show Directories For drop down menu shows Include files.

To add an item, click the New icon (dotted square) and type the item name

into the box that appears, the click Ok. (If you make a mistake, you can fix it by clicking the Remove icon (cross), and starting again.)

5. Add a new item: C:\Python23\include

6. Add another new item: C:\FEAR\boost\boost

7. Choose 'Library files' in the Show Directories For drop down menu.

8. Add a new item: C:\Python23\libs

9. From the Visual C++ main menu, click Build

10. Click Batch Build.

11. Make sure all the jobs a ticked (Release and Debug).

12. Click Rebuild All.

All modules should compile without problems if the steps above have been followed correctly. This will take a few minutes. You may care to familiarise yourself with the Visual C++ compiler while this is happening, but do not interrupt the compilation.

9. Create Some Useful Shortcuts

After you have installed the Quake 2 patch (Step 4) you will need to create some shortcuts in order to run the game properly. It's convenient to be able start the game server, enter the game as a player and enter the game as an invisible spectator.

1. In the C:\Q2Demo directory, right click on quake2.exe and select Create Shortcut.

2. Rename the new shortcut to (FEAR) Server

3. Right click on (FEAR) Server and select Properties.

4. Modify the Target field to read:

C:\Q2Demo\quake2.exe +set game fear +set dedicated 1 +set deathmatch 1 +map demo1

5. Click Apply and Ok.

6. Repeat Steps 1-5, but this time rename the new shortcut to (FEAR) Spectator, and modify the Target field to read:

C:\Q2Demo\quake2.exe +set game fear +connect +set spectator 1

7. Repeat Steps 1-5, but this time rename the new shortcut to (FEAR) Player, and modify the Target field to read:

C:\Q2Demo\quake2.exe +set game fear +connect

10. Compiling Animats (Bots)

For demonstration purposes we shall use the Dr.Spin animat. This procedure should work for all animats.

Note: Always exit the Quake 2 server before building or rebuilding an animat. If you don't the new version will not be brought into play.

1. Go to the directory C:\FEAR\demos\book\05-Dr.Spin\. This is the directory that contains the code for the Dr.Spin animat.

2. Double click SpinBrain.dsp. Click the File View tab on the left and double click Book 05 Spin Files. Click Brain.cpp to load the control code for the animat's brain into the Visual Studio C++ window.

3. Go to the Build menu, and click Batch Build, then Rebuild All (tick both release and debug jobs). This will compile the Dr.Spin animat, and copy its newly compiled brain (SpinBrain.dll) to the FEAR platform in your Q2Demo directory. (SpinBrain.dll should be found in C:\Q2Demo\fear\modules\ if it has compiled successfully - check that this has worked).

Note: In C:\FEAR\demos there is a workspace file “animats.dsw”. If this is opened in Visual Studio 6, this workspace contains all the animat projects. From here all the animats can be batch built at once in the same way the FEAR architecture was built. Once built all the bots DLLs are automatically copied to the correct directory in C:\Q2Demo\fear\modules, assuming FEAR has been correctly installed.

4. Close Visual Studio C++.

11. Running FEAR

From your Quake 2 Demo install directory, double click (FEAR) Server to execute the Quake 2 Demo server and start the FEAR platform.

To add animats, type in the server window: sv add animat_directory_name

For example, sv add spin will add the Dr.Spin animate to the Quake2 server.

The names of the animats (for the purposes of adding them to the server) can be seen by going to the C:\Q2Demo\fear\animats directory, clicking on an individual animat’s directory, opening the Animat.xml file and looking at the first tag where the … will be the nick name of the animat (usually the same as the name of the animat’s directory).

To join the Quake 2 server, click (FEAR) Spectator. You can then move around the game environment as an invisible observer until you find Dr. Spin, or simply press the space bar until you take up a point of view behind Dr. Spin's back..

12. Other Software

The directory Other Software contains

• A .jar installation file that makes a robocode battle game

• A directory containing the Java Neural Network Simulator

Both these files require a Java 2 platform (if you don't already have one, go to

download and install it.).

• Zip file containing code for the GA genetic algorithm demonstrator

• A zip file for Guntactyx, which may simply be unzipped to any convenient folder and then run from the Guntactyx.exe file.

Most of these are far easier to install and setup than There are notes and manuals explaining how to use them.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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