Python string format float thousand separator


Python string format float thousand separator

Python f string format float thousand separator. I want thousands of separators floating. What I'm doing is: >>> Imports local >>> Local. setlocale (Locale.lcu all,'en u.utf-8')'en us. utf-8 >> Print'{0: n}. Format (123456.0) 123.456 When the whole part has 7 or more digits it does not work: >>>> Print'{0: n}. Format (1234567.0) 1.23457E + 06 The alternative solution I found is to rotate the floater One whole before forming: >>> Print'{0: n}. Format (INT (1234567.0)) 1234567) 1234567 Is there a format string that would manage all floaters without the need to first transform it into a whole number? Here's a bad but simple solution if you don't want to joke with Locale:'{pos(192,210)}. Format (1234567890.001). replace (',',''') The answer @user136036 is quite good, but unfortunately it does not take into account the reality of Python bugs. The complete answer could follow: Variant A if your platform's locale works properly, then use local settings: Import Local. Setlocale ( all, ") Print ("{:, D} Format (7123001) The result depends on your local implementation and Python works properly. But what if the formatting of Python according to the locale is broken, e.g. Python 3.5 on Linux? Variant B If Python does not meet the grouping = true parameter, you can use the locale and an alternative solution (using monetary format): local. setlocale (locale.lcu all,') locale. override local econv = {'mon'u thousands'sep':'} Print (Locale.Format ('%2F', 12345.678, grouping = true, monetary = true)) above Dona 12.345,68 on my platform. Setting the currency on false or omitting IT-Python does not group thousands. Specify local. override local econv = {thousands}Do nothing. Variant c If you do not have time to check what works well and what is broken with Python on your platform, you can simply use the function Replacing the regular string (if you want to exchange commas and point and point points): Print ("{:,. 2F}". Format (7123001.345) .Replace (",", "x"). Replace (".", ","). Replace ("x", ".")) Replace the comma for the space is trivial (the point is taken decimal separator): decimal): "' Numerical format 'n' Local-aware, and set up your room to one who uses a space as a thousand separator. Yes, this is painful. 'n' - number. This is the same as 'd', except that uses the current local setting to enter the appropriate number of separation characters. The first answer is missing of one thing, if you do with a column object and you don't want to mess up location: '{:}'. Format (1234567890.001) .str.Replace (',', '' ') PEP: 378 Title: Format specifier for the thousands separator Author: Raymond Hettinger Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Mar-2009 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.1 Post-History: 12-Mar- 2009 provides a simple, unlocalized way to format a number with a thousands separator. Add thousands of separators is one of the simplest ways to humanize the output of a program, improving their professional appearance and readability. In the financial world, production with thousands of separators is the norm. Finance users and non-professionals programmers find the local approach frustrating, arcane and not discounted. The local module has two other challenges. First, it is a global and not suitable setting for multi-threaded applications that need to serve-up requests in more places. Secondly, the name of a relevant venue (as ? ? ? ? ?de_de?) can vary from platform platform or not be defined at all. The documents for the local module describe in detail these and many other challenges. It is not about replacing the local form, to carry out internationalization tasks, or to host any possible conventions. These tasks fit better to robust instruments like Babel. Instead, It is to make a common and everyday task easier for many users. A comma will be added to the format(): [[fill]align][sign][\35;][0][width][,][.precision][type] Il The option indicates that commas must be included in the output as a separator of thousands. As for locals who do not use a period as a decimal point, locals who use a different convention for digit separation should use the local form to get appropriate formatting. The proposal works well with wagons, points, and decimals. It also allows easy replacement for other separators. For example: format(n, "6,d"). This technique is quite general, but it is embarrassing in a case where commas and periods must be exchanged: format (n, "6,f"). replace(", "X"). replace(".) "'. replace("X", "") The argument of width is total length and, including commas and decimal point: format(1234, "08,d") >0001,234'format(1234.5, "08,1f") >01,234.5' The option',' is defined as above for the types'd','e'f','g' To allow future extensions, it is indefinible for other types: track, octal, e.g., character, etc. This proposal has the virtue of being easier than the alternative proposal, but it is much less flexible and meets the needs of less users directly outside the box. Another solution is expected to emerge to specify alternative separators. Python 2.6 docs PEP 3101 Advanced String Formatting Scanning the web, I found that thousands of separators are usually one of COMMA, DOT, SPACE, APOSTROPHE or OUT. C-Sharp provides both styles (image formatting and type specifications). The specific approach of the type is local aware. The formatting of the picture offers only a COMMA as a separator of thousands: String. Format("{0:n}), 12400) =>"12,400"Stringa. Format("{0,0}), 12400) =>12,400" Common Lisp uses a COLON before the decimal type ~D specifying a COMA as a separator of thousands. The general form of ~D is ~mincol,padchar,virgachar,virgaintervald. The Padchar is default inThe comma is by default in COMA. The comma is by default to three. (format nil ":D" 229345007) =>"229345007" =>"229345007" The ADA language allows UNDERSCORES in its numerical letters. Visual Basic and its brothers (such as MS Excel) use a completely different style and have highly flexible customized format specifications such as $u35;\35;\0). COBOL uses image clauses such as: PICTURE $***,**9.99CR Java offers a class of decimal format that uses image models (one for positive numbers and one optional for negative ones) such as: ("35;," "35;" "350.00"). It allows arbitrary groupings, including hundreds and tens of thousands and irregular groupings. Special pattern characters are not localized (using a DOT for a decimal separator and a COMMA for a grouping separator). The user can provide an alternative set of symbols using the DecimalFormatSymbols object of the formatter. Make the thousands separator and the decimal separator user-specific but not aware of the location. Simply limit your choices to COMMA, DOT, SPACE, APOSTROPHE or UNDERSCORE. SPACE can be U+0020 or U+00A0. Every time a separator is followed by a precision, it is a decimal separator and an optional separator that precedes it is a thousands separator. When precision is absent, a single specific specifispecifia thousands separator: [[fill]align align][sign][35;][0][width][dsep precisely][type] ExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExam: (121234.1234.1234.1234.1234.1234.1234.1234. formatformatformat (12343434, 8,8.8. 8, 1118. 8. 8, 11111(1234, "8"F)--> "1.234,0" format (1234, A"8d)--" 1234'(1234, 8,D)-->''1.234' format (1234, 8')--''''1-234'This proposal meets most of the needs, but requires a little more effort to analyse. Not all possible conventions are covered, but at least one of the options (spaces or highlights) should be readable, understandable and useful to people from different environments. As shown in the examples, the width argument indicates the total including thousands separators and decimal separators. No changes are proposed for the local module. The thousands separator is defined as above for types ?"d?", ?"d?", "F", G, E, G and F". To allow future extensions, it is indefinite for other types: track, octal, e.g., character, etc. The disadvantage of this alternative proposal is the difficulty of mentally analyzing whether a single separator is a thousands separator or a decimal separator. Perhaps it is too archaic to connect the decimal separator with the precision specifier. Source:

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