Homework 9 – Fractals

Assignment 6 – Mad Libs in Python

Dean Zeller Due: Tuesday, November 1st

CS10051 10 points

Fall, 2007

Objective The student will create interactive Mad Libs activities in Python.


Python Library Reference (string methods) at

Background: String Formatting

This assignment is a change in direction from the previous assignments, in that graphics are not a component. Interaction with the user can be completed using a text interface. You will be using strings to implement the common educational activity, Mad Libs. Strings may use either ‘single quotes’ or “double quotes.”


Follow the design requirements below to create at least two mad libs stories in Python, similar to the template below. To encourage reusability, follow these rules. See the web pages in for activity 6 for ideas.

1. The code for the mad lib activity must be completely within a procedure, following the template below. A programmer should be able to execute the activity by calling the function.

2. Each procedure must have documentation clearly indicating the title, author(s), date completed, date modified (if necessary), and a brief description. It must look exactly like the template, including the pound signs (#) and blank lines. This level of documentation is necessary to allow others to read and understand your work. Use comments throughout the code to describe what the code is doing.

3. The optional parameter of textwidth should be available for the programmer, with a default value of 50.

4. Input from the user is gained through the raw_input command.

5. Name your entry variables in the following manner:


6. Use Python’s print command to print the story with the entry variables in place of the original words. Experiment with IDLE’s interactive environment to understand the difference. The following is a guide on the use the comma and plus sign in a print statement:

Use a comma (,) to separate strings (adds a space).

print "hello", "there"

print "So the rabbit said", greeting

Use a plus sign (+) to concatenate strings (does not add a space)

print "hello" + "there"

print "So the rabbit said " + greeting

7. This assignment is an exercise in text formatting. The Python string formatting commands are available to help space your text correctly. Sometimes getting text to look correct on the screen can be challenging.

To center a string within a width of 50 characters:

print "Hello there".center(50)

print ("By "+firstName+" "+lastName).center(50)

To right justify a string within a width of 50 characters:

print "Hello there".rjust(50)

print ("By "+firstName+" "+lastName).rjust(50)

To capitalize the first letter of a string:

print firstName.capitalize()

Turning in your assignment

• Make a printout of your code.

• Test each mad lib story once, with reasonable (but funny) entries. Make a printout of your tests.


You will be graded on the following criteria:

Format Correctly following the design specifications

Quantity Size and complexity of the stories implemented

Creativity Imagination and originality in the stories

Extra Credit

• Implement additional stories



# #

# Mad Lib functions #

# by Dean Zeller #

# #

# The following is a library of mad lib procedures. #

# #



# Tortoise and Hare Mad Lib #

# Programmed by Dean Zeller (10-20-07) #

# Source: Mad Libs web site #

# This is the common fable of the race between the tortoise and the #

# hare. #


def tortoise_n_hareML(textwidth=50):

half = textwidth / 2

# print title



print "Welcome to Mad Libs(r)".center(textwidth)


print "Please input the following entries:"

# input entries from user

nounHare = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

verbBoasting = raw_input("verb (ending in ing) => ".rjust(half))

nounAnimals = raw_input("noun (plural) => ".rjust(half))

nounTortoise = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

verbChallenge = raw_input("verb (present tense) => ".rjust(half))

nounJoke = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

verbStopped = raw_input("verb (past tense) => ".rjust(half))

nounNap = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

# print story with user entries


print "Thank you. Here is your Mad Lib!"


print ("The "+nounTortoise.capitalize()+" and the "+nounHare.capitalize()).center(textwidth)

print "(from The Tortoise and the Hare)".center(textwidth)


print " The",nounHare,"was once",verbBoasting,"of his speed before"

print "the other",nounAnimals+". 'I have never been beaten,' said he,"

print "'when I put furth my full speed. I",verbChallenge,"any one here"

print "to race with me. The",nounTortoise,"said quietly, 'I accept your"

print verbChallenge+".'"

print " 'That is a good",nounJoke+",' said the ",nounHare+"; 'I could"

print "dance round you all the way.'"

print " 'Keep your",verbBoasting,"till you've won,' answered the"

print nounTortoise+". 'Shall we race?'"

print " So a course was fixed and a start was made. The",nounHare

print "darted almost out of sight at once, but soon",verbStopped,"and,"

print "to show his contempt for the",nounTortoise, "lay down to have a"

print nounNap+". The",nounTortoise,"plodded on and plodded on, and when"

print "the",nounHare,"awoke from his nap, he saw the",nounTortoise,"just"

print "near the winning-post and could not run up in time to "

print "save the race."

print " Then the",nounTortoise,"said 'Slow but stead progress wins the race.'"


print "The End".rjust(textwidth)


# Old McDonald Mad Lib #

# Programmed by Dean Zeller (10-20-07) #

# Source: Mad Libs web site #

# This is the children's song Old McDonald Had a Farm. This Mad Lib #

# is unique in that the entries are used more than once. This is not #

# possible in a traditional mad lib. #


def old_mcdonaldML(textwidth = 50):

half = textwidth / 2

# print title



print "Welcome to Mad Libs(r)".center(textwidth)


print "Please input the following entries:"

# input entries from user

adjOld = raw_input("adjective => ".rjust(half))

nounFarm = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

nounCow = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

expMoo = raw_input("explamation => ".rjust(half))

nounChicken = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

expBawk = raw_input("explamation => ".rjust(half))

nounPig = raw_input("noun (singular) => ".rjust(half))

expOink = raw_input("explamation => ".rjust(half))

# print story with user entries


print "Thank you. Here is your Mad Lib!"


print (adjOld.capitalize()+" McDonald").center(textwidth)

print "(from Old McDonald)".center(textwidth)


print adjOld.capitalize(),"McDonald had a",nounFarm,"E - I - E - I - O"

print "And on his",nounFarm,"he had a",nounCow,"E - I - E - I - O"

print "With a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"' here and a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"' there."

print "Here a '"+expMoo+"' there a '"+expMoo+"'"

print "Everywhere a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"'"

print adjOld.capitalize(),"McDonald had a",nounFarm,"E - I - E - I - O"


print adjOld.capitalize(),"McDonald had a",nounFarm,"E - I - E - I - O"

print "And on his",nounFarm,"he had a",nounChicken,"E - I - E - I - O"

print "With a '"+expBawk+"-"+expBawk+"' here and a '"+expBawk+"-"+expBawk+"' there."

print "Here a '"+expBawk+"' there a '"+expBawk+"'"

print "Everywhere a '"+expBawk+"-"+expBawk+"'"

print "With a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"' here and a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"' there."

print "Here a '"+expMoo+"' there a '"+expMoo+"'"

print "Everywhere a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"'"

print adjOld.capitalize(),"McDonald had a",nounFarm,"E - I - E - I - O"


print adjOld.capitalize(),"McDonald had a",nounFarm,"E - I - E - I - O"

print "And on his",nounFarm,"he had a",nounPig,"E - I - E - I - O"

print "With a '"+expOink+"-"+expOink+"' here and a '"+expOink+"-"+expOink+"' there."

print "Here a '"+expOink+"' there a '"+expOink+"'"

print "Everywhere a '"+expOink+"-"+expOink+"'"

print "With a '"+expBawk+"-"+expBawk+"' here and a '"+expBawk+"-"+expBawk+"' there."

print "Here a '"+expBawk+"' there a '"+expBawk+"'"

print "Everywhere a '"+expBawk+"-"+expBawk+"'"

print "With a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"' here and a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"' there."

print "Here a '"+expMoo+"' there a '"+expMoo+"'"

print "Everywhere a '"+expMoo+"-"+expMoo+"'"

print adjOld.capitalize(),"McDonald had a",nounFarm,"E - I - E - I - O"

# Call the functions




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