Python Game Programming By Example - Programmer Books

 Python Game Programming By Example

Table of Contents

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1. Hello, Pong! Installing Python An overview of Breakout The basic GUI layout Diving into the Canvas widget Basic game objects The Ball class The Paddle class The Brick class

Adding the Breakout items Movement and collisions Starting the game Playing Breakout Summary 2. Cocos Invaders Installing cocos2d Getting started with cocos2d

Handling user input Updating the scene Processing collisions Creating game assets Space Invaders design The PlayerCannon and GameLayer classes Invaders! Shoot'em up! Adding an HUD Extra feature ? the mystery ship Summary 3. Building a Tower Defense Game The tower defense gameplay Cocos2d actions Interval actions Instant actions Combining actions Custom actions Adding a main menu Tile maps Tiled Map Editor Loading tiles The scenario definition


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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