Server side scripting .edu

[Pages:30]Server Side Scripting

1 a simple Web Calculator the web interface html form and Python script

2 A Login Form the web interface html form and Python script

3 Passing Text and Code textarea element running given Python code

MCS 275 Lecture 22 Programming Tools and File Management

Jan Verschelde, 1 March 2017

Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 1 / 30

Server-Side Scripting

1 a simple Web Calculator the web interface html form and Python script

2 A Login Form the web interface html form and Python script

3 Passing Text and Code textarea element running given Python code

Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 2 / 30

The Web Interface

for a simple calculator

1 two input elements for two operands 2 select element for the operator 3 checkbox for converting operands to float 4 submit and reset buttons

Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 3 / 30

Result of the Calculation

output of Python script

Python script writes result inside an h1 header.

Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 4 / 30

Server-Side Scripting

1 a simple Web Calculator the web interface html form and Python script

2 A Login Form the web interface html form and Python script

3 Passing Text and Code textarea element running given Python code

Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 5 / 30

html form for calculator

MCS 275 : a calculator

1st operand operator 2nd operand


Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 6 / 30

html form continued

the table continued:

+ * /

Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 7 / 30

a Checkbox ? html form continued

    convert operands to floats



Programming Tools (MCS 275)

server side scripting

L-22 1 March 2017 8 / 30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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