How to install Matplotlib on Windows 10 CS 177 Step 1: Know your ...

How to install Matplotlib on Windows 10

CS 177

Step 1: Know your operating system

Know what bit computer you have! It will either be 32-bit operating system or 64-bit operating system. You can find this under

Settings ? System ? About ? System Type

Step 2: From there, go to the link they provide us & download the files

For a 32-bit computer, use these names




For a 64-bit computer, use these names




Step 3: Now you need to open cm d.exe, depending on where it is saved in your computer, you m ay

have to make another copy in your P ython folder.

-Open the Run program by hitting the Windows key + r at the same time. You should get this :

-Now, type in cmd.exe, and it will open to a black screen like this

Notice the location of the cmd.exe file, mine was originally in C:\WINDOWS\system32. Well your P ython34 (or whatever

version you have) is probably not going to be there, so the cmd file will not find the files you saved in that folder.

-Go to the file cmd is currently in (system 32 for me) and copy it and paste it into the P ython folder where your 3

downloaded files are.

Step 4: Cool. Now you can re-open the cmd.exe file. But when you type in the Run program type

in the full location name like this :

Hit that ok button and Boom! You have the cmd.exe file open in the right place. Now you can begin installing the files!

Step 5: Begin installing the programs like so:

IMP ORTANT!! On the pdf the provided, they forgot a key thing when typing in the scripts provided.

-When you are writing python -m pip install c:\numpy..

That is not correct unless you s aved those files directly in the C: drive!

-You have to type the location the file is in (P ython 34 in my case). So for me, I would type this.

P ython -m pip install c:\Pyton34\numpy

Opening screen


Type in the numpy file name first. Then hit Enter. Your screen should look like the following for all 3 files


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