Iterators in Python 2 - Drexel University

Iterators in Python 2 Kurt Schmidt

Intro Comprehensions zip Creating

Iterators in Python 2

Kurt Schmidt

Dept. of Computer Science, Drexel University

September 21, 2021


Iterators in Python 2 Kurt Schmidt

Intro Comprehensions zip Creating

? An iterator iterates over an iterable object ? Examples of iterable objects:

? str list tuple dict file ? An iterator serves up items one at a time

? Objects can serve up an iterator (often itself) ? Invoked in the for loop

1 l = [1, 2, 3]

2 for i in l :


print i

str doesn't have an iter method; the iter() operator sees the getitem (idx) method, builds an iterator.

Built-in Iterators

Iterators in Python 2 Kurt Schmidt

Intro Comprehensions zip Creating

? list, tuple, dict, others, provide an iterator upon asking

? next(...) accesses values, moves the iterator along ? Raises the StopIteration exception when it's done

1 l = [1, 2, 3]

2 it = iter( l )

3 try:


while True :


print( next( it ))


except StopIteration , e :


print( "\nAnd , that's all\n" )

Avoiding the StopIteration

Iterators in Python 2 Kurt Schmidt

Intro Comprehensions zip Creating

? There is no hasNext(...) predicate

? Raises the StopIteration exception when it's done ? next( iter [, default] ) will take a default value to

return, rather than raising an exception ? Choose a generic object, used for its unique reference

1 l = [1, 2, 3]

2 END_ITER = object() # just a sentinel reference


4 v = next( l, END_ITER )

5 while v is not END_ITER :


print( v )


v = next( l, END_ITER )

8 print( "\nAnd , that's all\n" )

for-loop calls iter(...)

Iterators in Python 2

Kurt Schmidt


Comprehensions zip

Creating 1 2 3 4 5

? for i in iterable expects iterable to be iterable ? Class iter( iterable ) ? Takes care of catching StopIteration

l = [1, 2, 3]

for i in l : print( i )

print( "\nAnd , that's all\n" )

1 2 3

And, that's all


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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