3、自然与社会环境现状 - World Bank

Certificate No.: GHPZY Zi No. 2834

Poverty Alleviation and Agriculture

Development Demonstration in Guizhou Province Poor Areas Project

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Project Construction Unit: Guizhou Poverty Alleviation and Development Office

Project Evaluation Unit: Guangzhou EP Environmental Engineering, LTD

Compiled In June, 2014


1. Overview 1

1.1 Project Background 1

1.2 Relationship with the State or Province-level Planning 2

1.3. Associated Policies, Laws and Regulations and Standards 15

1.4 Evaluation Standards 15

1.5 Classification, Level and Scope of Evaluation; Factors and Key Points of Evaluation 15

2. Project Description 15

2.1 Project Objectives, Investment and Implementation Scheduling 15

2.2 Project Implementation Area 15

2.3 Main contents and scale 15

2.4 Construction standards in each item 15

2.5 Associated projects and their due diligence investigations 15

3. Natural and Social Environment Status 15

3.1 Natural Environment Status of Project Site 15

3.2 Socioeconomic Status of Project Area 15

3.3 Environmental Conditions of Project Area 15

3.4 Environment-sensitive Targets of Project Area 15

4. Environmental Impact Analysis of Infrastructure Projects 15

4.1 Environmental Impact Analysis in Construction Period 15

4.2 Environmental Impact Analysis in Operation Period 15

5. Environmental Impact Analysis of Agricultural Activities 15

5.1 Environmental impact analysis of planting project 15

5.2 Environmental impact analysis of breeding project 15

5.3 Environmental impact analysis of primary process project 15

5.4 Resources carrying capacity analysis 15

5.5 Analysis on environmental capacity 15

6 Analysis of Alternative Scheme 15

6.1 Analysis of Zero Program 15

6.2 The Different Environment Impact Different Cropping Patterns have on Comparison Analysis 15

6.3 Scheme Comparison of Green Control and Control with Traditional Anti-pest Technology 15

6.4 Comparison and Selection of Breeding Manure Disposal Methods 15

7. Information publicity and public consultation 15

7.1 The purpose of public participation 15

7.2 Implementation of public participation survey 15

7.3 Disclose the environmental information 15

7.4 Results analysis of the public participation survey 15

7.5 Analysis of publicity results 15

7.6 Conclusion of public participation 15

8. The Environmental Management Plan 15

8.1 Arrangements of Environmental Management Agencies and Responsibilities 15

8.2 Environmental Regulations / Mitigation Measures 15

8.3 Environment Monitoring Program 15

8.4 Environmental Protection Training Plan 15

8.5 Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Management Plan 15

9. Conclusions and suggestions 15

1. Overview

1.1 Project Background

China has included the poverty relief and development into the overall planning of national economy and social development, and meanwhile formulated and implemented the political measures supporting the development of rural areas plagued by poverty. It has given high priority to the investment in poverty relief and regarded this as the major task of the public financial budget and poverty-stricken areas as the major areas for which public finance shall provide endorsement, and has decided to gradually enhance the strength of supporting the poor areas and implementation of poverty relief strategy. Under the lead and supervision of the Poverty Relief Office of the State Council, the Demonstration Pilot Project of the Chinese Poor Areas through Industrial Development initiated by the Foreign Investment Center Organization was officially listed in the 2013-2015 project planning of the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance Utilizing the World Bank Loans, and was approved by the State Council. The project is the sixth poverty relief project supported by the World Bank loans that has been approved by the Chinese government, i.e. the Sixth Poverty Relief Project by World Bank Loans. With an overall investment of RMB 1.96 billion, among which, USD 150 million is expected from the world bank loans, The project is aimed to develop the highly efficient, eco-friendly and value-added industries, promote the adjustment of industrial structure in the poor areas to eventually realize the optimization of ecological environment and sustainable increment of famers living with poverty, and meanwhile explore the good mode and method of reducing the poverty via industrial development in the centralized poor areas which are connected geographically.

The poverty relief plan makes good use of the World Bank loans to carry out the demonstration pilot program of the Chinese poor areas through industrial development at 27 state-level poverty-stricken counties in three provinces of the western regions (Guizhou, Sichuan and Gansu). In accordance with the relevant environmental protection policies in China as well as the Policy of the World Bank on Safety and Safeguard, it is a must that the project needs to come with an evaluation report on the influence of environment, with a purpose to ensure that the possible negative influence on social environment can be realized and avoided as much as possible, and meanwhile figure out the ways to minimize the unavoidably negative impact.

With the entrustment by the Foreign Investment Project Organization Center of the Poverty Development Office of Guizhou Province, the Guangzhou Environmental Protection Engineering Design and Research Institute have undertaken the aforesaid evaluation task. According to the feasibility report on the engineering of the project and other relevant materials, the members from the evaluation team have finished the compilation of the Report From of the Environmental Influence of the Demonstration Pilot Program of the Chinese Poor Areas through Industrial Development Supported by World Bank Loans for the verification and approval of the Department of Environmental Protection of Guizhou Province, World Bank Poverty Relief Team and other associated organizations, and for providing the suggestions and requirements on the environmental protection associated with the project in order to facilitate the environmental management of the project later.

1.2 Relationship with the State or Province-level Planning

Analysis on the conformance between the poverty alleviation pilot project loaned by the World Bank in poverty-stricken areas in Guizhou Province and the Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Outline for Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development in China (2011-2020) is the same as Sichuan Environmental Impact Assessment; please refer to Table 1.2-1 for the analysis on the conformance with relevant plans.

Table 1.2-1 Analysis on the Conformity between the Demonstration Pilot Program of the Chinese Poor Areas through Industrial Development Supported by World Bank Loans in Guizhou Province and Other State- or Guizhou Province-level Plans

|Associated Planning |Content of Planning |Content of Project |Conformity |

|The Twelfth Five-Year Plan |Accelerate the development of |Accelerate the development of agricultural infrastructure;|The project centers around the standardized |In line with the |

|for National Economy and |modern agriculture |propel the standardized plantation of some horticultural |cultivation of tee, vegetables, peppers, Dendrobium |plan |

|Social Development of the | |plants such as vegetables, fruits, tee and flowers. |nobile, tianma, Salvia, bamboo fungus, virus-free | |

|People's Republic of China | |Enhance the level of development in animal husbandry to |potato, development of animal husbandry and poultry | |

| | |increase the proportion of output value of animal |such as sheep and chicken breeding, the | |

| | |husbandry; promote the industrialization of agriculture, |establishment of relevant infrastructure such as | |

| | |help and strengthen the processing and distribution |open fair, rural roads, impounding reservoir and | |

| | |industry of agricultural products, and meanwhile provide |rural cooperative and preliminary processing | |

| | |endorsement for the professionalization, standardization, |industry of agricultural products in an effort to | |

| | |scale expansion and centralization of the agricultural |drive the agricultural industry in the poor areas to| |

| | |production |realize the industrialization development | |

| |Accelerate the innovation of |Strengthen the high-efficient cultivation, prevention and |During the implementation of the project, the |In line with the |

| |agricultural science and |control of epidemic diseases, and the integrated |prevention and control of plant diseases and insect |plan |

| |technologies |innovation of science and technologies, as well as its |pests in an eco-friendly way, and the introduction | |

| | |promotion and application; speed up the agricultural |of mechanical operation and scientific training | |

| | |mechanization to stimulate the integration of agricultural|during the development of cultivation industry shall| |

| | |machinery and agronomy |be adopted to speed up the scientific and | |

| | | |technological development of agriculture in the | |

| | | |areas | |

| |Complete the socialized |Strengthen the establishment of public service ability of |During the implementation of the project, the |In line with the |

| |agriculture service system |agriculture and accelerate the completion of counties and |planning team suggests to establish the |plan |

| | |towns and the promotion of agricultural technologies in |cooperatives, build the publication platform of | |

| | |regions, the prevention and control of animal and plant |product and market information, register the green | |

| | |epidemic diseases, and establishment of public service |products, establish the products storage markets and| |

| | |organizations such as the organization for supervision and|promote public service. | |

| | |management on the quality of agricultural products | | |

| |Consolidate the enhancement of |Encourage farmers to optimize the planting and cultivation|Farmers’ income can be increased by combining the |In line with the |

| |family income |structure, increase the level of production and operation |cultivation by private investors and breeding |plan |

| | |and economic profits; enable farmers to reasonably share |aquatics villages, developing some effective | |

| | |the agricultural products processing and circulate the |agricultural products like tea, pepper, Dendrobium | |

| | |value-added profits via the development of agricultural |nobile, Tianma, Salvia, bamboo fungus, virus-free | |

| | |industrialization and new agricultural cooperatives; |potato, etc. and extensively and comprehensively | |

| | |enhance the unique high-efficient agriculture in |developing and establishing the rural cooperatives. | |

| | |accordance with situations of different regions. | | |

| |Strengthen the establishment of |Comprehensively strengthen the construction of water |The project involves the construction of rural roads|In line with the |

| |infrastructure in rural areas |conservancy works, establishment of rural roads and the |and roads for production, establishment of water |plan |

| | |construction of new villages supported by hydropower, |Infrastructure, improvement of investment | |

| | |electrization counties and small-scale hydropower |environment in rural areas and promotion of rural | |

| | |replacing fuels project and so on. |development | |

| |Stimulate the comprehensive |Manage non-point source pollution arising out of the use |During the implementation of the project, promote |In line with the |

| |improvement of rural areas |of pesticides, fertilizers and agricultural films and |the eco-friendly way of prevention and control and |plan |

| | |comprehensively stimulate the pollution prevention in |training classes for farmers, strengthen the | |

| | |livestock industry. |reasonable utilization of pesticides and chemical | |

| | | |fertilizers, and suggest forage grass planting and | |

| | | |feasible measures for the prevention and government | |

| | | |of pollution arising out of the pollutants from | |

| | | |livestock and poultry breeding industry and | |

| | | |destruction of ecosystem to effectively reduce | |

| | | |non-point source pollution | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|National Program for Rural |Purposes and Tasks |To realize people living in poor areas have enough food to|The overall purposes of the project is to develop |In line with the |

|Poverty Alleviation | |eat and enough clothes to wear, guarantee the compulsory |the high-output and high value-added ecological |plan |

|(2011-2020) | |education, basic need for medical care and houses by 2020.|industries, promote the adjustment of industrial | |

| | |The growth rate of per capita net income shall be higher |structure in the continuous poor areas, realize the | |

| | |than the national average rate, and the main indicators of|continuable income increase of poor farmers and | |

| | |basic public services shall also be close to the average |protection of ecological environment, make | |

| | |level of the country. Meanwhile, the basic farmland and |demonstration and promote the methods and modes of | |

| | |irrigation and water conservancy, special competitive |poverty relief in the continuous poor areas of China| |

| | |industries, water safety and transportation shall be put | | |

| | |high priority during the poverty relief project. | | |

| |Scope of Targets |The rural population with ability to work and under the |Five counties covered by the project are all listed |In line with the |

| | |poverty relief standards shall be the main target of the |in the nation-specified poor counties located in the|plan |

| | |poor very relief project, and the project shall center on |Mount Wumeng continous poor regions, in which, there| |

| | |the key counties and poor villages in the contiguous poor |are lots of poor villagers with out of date | |

| | |areas (including the Mount. Wument areas) |infrastructure, poor ability of withstanding natural| |

| | | |disasters, single industries, outdated technologies | |

| | | |and poor management. | |

| |Poverty Relief by Industry |Develop the special industries, carry out the poverty |Via the standardized, centralized and large-scaled |In line with the |

| | |alleviation projects by science and technologies, complete|development of the special rural cooperatives in the|plan |

| | |the establishment of basic infrastructure and develop the |project areas funded by the grants with conditions, | |

| | |education and culture projects; improve the public hygiene|the project enhances the 7 leading industries with | |

| | |and population service management, complete the social |remarkable local characteristics and advantages such| |

| | |security system and emphasize the establishment of |as tea, pepper, dendrobium nobile, Tianma, Salvia, | |

| | |resources and ecological environment. |bamboo fungus, virus-free potato, etc., provides aid| |

| | | |for the professional cooperatives to implement the | |

| | | |green trademark registration and offer help to guide| |

| | | |logistics, processing industry and markets; it shall| |

| | | |also extend the industry chain and make sure the | |

| | | |implementation of environmental pollution control | |

| | | |during the project. | |

| |Poverty Relief by Society and |Enhance the fixed-point poverty alleviation, promote the |The project is funded by the World Bank and domestic|In line with the |

| |International Collaboration |cooperation of poverty relief between eastern and western |financial funds for poverty alleviation. While |plan |

| | |areas, and mobilize enterprises and various social |bringing the investment of the World Bank into China| |

| | |industries to participate into the poverty relief |to enhance investment in poverty relief projects, it| |

| | |activities; carry out the collaboration of poverty |can also set a good example via close and enhanced | |

| | |alleviation based on the international poverty reduction |cooperation with the World Bank, to arouse more | |

| | |theory and practices to share experience and jointly |attention of many other international financial | |

| | |promote the development of poverty reduction work. |organizations to the problems of poverty inching, | |

| | | |invest more money in the establishment of continuous| |

| | | |poor areas, and compensate for the lack financial | |

| | | |anti-poverty fund. Meanwhile, it can also help us | |

| | | |learn the mature experience and practices about the | |

| | | |development of agricultural industry and peasant | |

| | | |associations around the world to explore the new | |

| | | |mechanism, new system and new mode of reducing | |

| | | |poverty through industrial development with Chinese | |

| | | |characteristics in combination with the actual | |

| | | |situation of the Chinese poor areas. | |

|Outline of Twelfth Five-Year | |Insist on the development-oriented poverty reduction |The poverty relief projects slated to be carried out|In line with the |

|Plan for National Economy and|Enhancement of Self-development |policy and remarkable promotion of industrialized poverty |this time will be launched in the 5 counties along |plan |

|Social Development of Guizhou|Capability in Poor Areas |alleviation centering around agriculture to propel the |the Mount Wumeng areas and they are all crucial in | |

|Province | |capability of self-development in poor areas. Strengthen |accelerating the poverty alleviation work in | |

| | |the programming guidance and encourage the combination of |continuous and special poor areas. | |

| | |whole counties (villages) to promote poverty reduction and| | |

| | |development in continuous areas, and enhance the level of | | |

| | |poverty alleviation through agricultural | | |

| | |industrialization. Compile and meanwhile carry out the | | |

| | |special planning on poverty relief in Mount. Wuyi, Wumeng | | |

| | |and Miaoling (including Mount Mashan and Yaoshan, speed up| | |

| | |the poverty-relief program in continuous poor areas and | | |

| | |destitute areas to accelerate the steps of poverty | | |

| | |alleviation | | |

| | |Being market-oriented and highlight the advantages in |The project centers around the standardized |In line with the |

| |Great Development of |resources and consolidate the development of traditional |cultivation of tea, vegetables, peppers, Dendrobium |plan |

| |Advantageous Agriculture |agricultural products. Enhance the quality of agricultural|nobile, tianma, Salvia, bamboo fungus, virus-free | |

| | |products and promote the large-scale production. |potato, development of animal husbandry and poultry | |

| | | |such as sheep and chicken breeding, the | |

| | |●accelerate the development of ecological animal |establishment of relevant infrastructure such as | |

| | |husbandry. Stabilize the development of sheep and cattle |open fair, rural roads, impounding reservoir and | |

| | |breeding industry in a bid to establish the special |rural cooperative and preliminary processing | |

| | |cultivation industry. Enhance the standardization of |industry of agricultural products in an effort to | |

| | |establishment of livestock farms (community) as well as |drive the agricultural industry in the poor areas to| |

| | |establishment of elite breeding system, animal epidemic |realize the industrialization development | |

| | |prevention and forage bases. Remarkably carry out the | | |

| | |promotion project of ecological livestock breeding and | | |

| | |make greatest efforts to build a group of large-scaled, | | |

| | |standardized and industrialized production bases for | | |

| | |good-quality pork pigs, mutton sheep and beef cattle and | | |

| | |poultry production bases with local characteristics, in a | | |

| | |bid to make the whole province a place on the cutting-edge| | |

| | |of the ecological animal husbandry. | | |

| | |●strengthen the vegetable industry. Enhance the | | |

| | |establishment of standardized system and greatly develop | | |

| | |the high-quality pollution-free (green) vegetables. | | |

| | |●develop and strengthen the tee industry. Give high | | |

| | |priority to the development and production of high-quality| | |

| | |green tee, and continue consolidating the establishment of| | |

| | |high-quality ecological tea production base to improve the| | |

| | |production scale and level of standardization. | | |

| | |●lay special emphasis on the potato industry. Center | | |

| | |around 42 counties which have been specified as the | | |

| | |national potato production bases to accelerate the | | |

| | |establishment of elite breeding systems and production | | |

| | |bases of virus-free potato, greatly develop the processing| | |

| | |of potato products, and build Guizhou into a province with| | |

| | |the largest Potato output and production base in the | | |

| | |South, as well as the biggest base for the supply of | | |

| | |virus-free potato seeds and most important processing | | |

| | |base. By 2050, the cultivated areas of potato will reach | | |

| | |11 million acres. | | |

| | |●greatly develop the fruit industry, traditional Chinese | | |

| | |medicinal materials, high-quality fruits and dried fruits | | |

| | |such as walnut, chestnut; promote in an active way the | | |

| | |improvement of camellia varieties and large-scaled | | |

| | |cultivation, enlarge and meanwhile standardize the | | |

| | |planting of traditional Chinese medicinal materials to | | |

| | |establish a ground of standardized production bases. By | | |

| | |2015, the cultivation areas of fruit trees, camellia and | | |

| | |traditional Chinese medicinal materials will reach 5 | | |

| | |million, 3 million and 3 million acres respectively. | | |

| | |Centering around the agricultural technology promotion | |In line with the |

| |Enhancement of Establishment of |agencies at all levels and based on the rural cooperative |78 professional rural cooperatives and 4 trade |plan |

| |Modern Agricultural Service |economic organization, the government shall remarkably |markets for agricultural products are slated to be | |

| |System |promote the establishment of agricultural technology |built this time; the market expansion studies and | |

| | |popularization system at the local level with the |researches and market development activities will be| |

| | |participation of multiple units and organizations and |also enhanced to increase quality standards, | |

| | |accelerate the establishment of quality standardization |identification and authentication system, brand | |

| | |system of agricultural products and meanwhile carry out |promotion and food safety and so on. Meanwhile, the | |

| | |the certification of geographical indication for |regulatory capability of agricultural products | |

| | |pollution-free, green and organic food and agricultural |quality and safety shall be also strengthened to | |

| | |products. It shall also enhance the regulatory capacity to|complete the management and control, inspection and | |

| | |monitor and manage the safety and quality of agricultural |detection mechanism | |

| | |products, and complete the supervision and inspection | | |

| | |system of the agricultural quality and safety. Meanwhile, | | |

| | |the government shall propel the establishment of the major| | |

| | |diseases prevention and control system for animals and | | |

| | |plants as well as the early warning and monitoring system | | |

| | |of pests to comprehensively improve the effective control | | |

| | |of major animal and plant epidemics and prevention of | | |

| | |major plant diseases, pests and rats. Improvement of | | |

| | |agricultural information service system and enhancement of| | |

| | |agricultural products circulation system are also the very| | |

| | |important task that shall be fulfilled by the government | | |

|Twelfth Five-Year Development|Purposes and Tasks |Purpose: promote the comprehensive economic strength in | |In line with the |

|Planning for Poverty | |poor areas, living standards and quality of people plagued|The overall purposes of the project is to develop |plan |

|Alleviation of Guizhou | |by poverty; bring the protection of ecological environment|the high-output and high value-added ecological | |

|Province | |and development of poverty alleviation into a higher |industries, promote the adjustment of industrial | |

| | |level, and remarkably improve the development environment |structure in the continuous poor areas, realize the | |

| | |and conditions in poor areas and effectively curb the |continuable income increase of poor farmers and | |

| | |trend of enlarged gap in economic and social development |protection of ecological environment, make | |

| | |and enhance the capability of self-development in a bid to|demonstration and promote the methods and modes of | |

| | |realize the final goals of enough food, clothes, |poverty relief in the continuous poor areas of China| |

| | |compulsory education, basic medical care and housing | | |

| | |security and thus lay a solid foundation for the | | |

| | |establishment of a moderately prosperous society. | | |

| | |Tasks: center around the overall poverty relief purposes | | |

| | |of the 12th 5-year plan, and remarkably carry out the | | |

| | |poverty relief and development strategy centering on the | | |

| | |“Guideline of Less Child Birth And Faster Steps Of Getting| | |

| | |Rich, assisted by “The Project of Poverty Reduction | | |

| | |through Industrial Development and Labor Force Transfer | | |

| | |Training and Employment and Start-up Projects, and | | |

| | |supplemented by “Three one-cell engineering” and “The | | |

| | |Promotion Project of Public Service Equalization” | | |

| |Scope of Targets |During the 12th five-year plan, Guizhou province has laid |Five counties covered by the project are all listed |In line with the |

| | |a special emphasis on the poverty relief projects in 65 |in the nation-specified poor counties located in the|plan |

| | |especially poor counties (districts, cities) connected |Mount Wumeng continuous poor regions, in which, | |

| | |each other along Mount Wuling, Mount Wumeng and rocky and |there are lots of poor villagers with out of date | |

| | |decertified area in Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou province |infrastructure, poor ability of withstanding natural| |

| | |and gave high priority to 50 key counties included in the |disasters, single industries, outdated technologies | |

| | |national plan for poverty alleviation through development.|and poor management. | |

| | |The major targets of the poverty alleviation projects in | | |

| | |rural areas are those with per capita net income lower | | |

| | |than the national levels and with ability to work. | | |

| | |With the market as a guide, resources as foundation and |Via the standardized, centralized and large-scaled |In line with the |

| |Poverty Relief by Industry |science and technologies as supports, natural |development of the special rural cooperatives in the|plan |

| | |regionalization and industrial planning as basis to focus |project areas funded by the grants with conditions, | |

| | |on specialty and large-scale development, the project will|the project enhances the 7 leading industries with | |

| | |enhance the strength of finance discount and credit |remarkable local characteristics and advantages such| |

| | |financing and greatly develop the advantages of poor areas|as tea, pepper, dendrobium nobile, Tianma, Salvia, | |

| | |and special industries, and focus on the establishment of |bamboo fungus, virus-free potato, etc., provides aid| |

| | |poverty relief system by special industries which combines|for the professional cooperatives to implement the | |

| | |production, processing and marketing. Center around the |green trademark registration and offer help to guide| |

| | |establishment of the national important walnut base in the|logistics, processing industry and markets; it shall| |

| | |South, national important province with grassland |also extend the industry chain and make sure the | |

| | |ecological animal husbandry, largest potato producing area|implementation of environmental pollution control | |

| | |in China, major camellia oleifera production base in China|during the project. | |

| | |and major vegetables cultivation areas in China to fully | | |

| | |utilize the diversified biological resources in poor | | |

| | |mountainous areas and good conditions of stereoscopic | | |

| | |agriculture | | |

| | |Enhance the fixed-point poverty alleviation, promote the |The project is funded by the World Bank and domestic|In line with the |

| |Poverty Relief by Society and |cooperation of poverty relief between eastern and western |financial funds for poverty alleviation. While |plan |

| |International Collaboration |areas, and mobilize enterprises and various social |bringing the investment of the World Bank into China| |

| | |industries to participate into the poverty relief |to enhance investment in poverty relief projects, it| |

| | |activities; carry out the collaboration of poverty |can also set a good example via close and enhanced | |

| | |alleviation based on the international poverty reduction |cooperation with the World Bank, to arouse more | |

| | |theory and practices to share experience and jointly |attention of many other international financial | |

| | |promote the development of poverty reduction work. |organizations to the problems of poverty inching, | |

| | | |invest more money in the establishment of continuous| |

| | | |poor areas, and compensate for the lack financial | |

| | | |anti-poverty fund. Meanwhile, it can also help us | |

| | | |learn the mature experience and practices about the | |

| | | |development of agricultural industry and peasant | |

| | | |associations around the world to explore the new | |

| | | |mechanism, new system and new mode of reducing | |

| | | |poverty through industrial development with Chinese | |

| | | |characteristics in combination with the actual | |

| | | |situation of the Chinese poor areas. | |

|Development and Poverty | |38 counties (cities, districts) along the adjacent areas |Five counties covered by the project are all listed |In line with the |

|Alleviation Planning of Mount|Scope of Planning |of Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan Province, among which, 13 |in the nation-specified poor counties located in the|plan |

|Wumeng Poor Areas (2011-2020)| |counties belong to Sichuan Province, 10 counties (cities, |Mount Wumeng continuous poor regions. They are | |

| | |districts) are within Guizhou province and 15 counties |Chishui, in Zunyi City, Xishui County, Tongzi | |

| | |(cities, districts) belong to Yunnan. The ten counties |County, Dafang County in Bijie City, and Zhijin | |

| | |(cities, districts) plus one town include: Qixingguan |County. There are lots of poor villagers living in | |

| | |District, Dafang County, Qianxi County, Zhijin County, |these areas with out of date infrastructure, poor | |

| | |Nayong County, Haozhang County, Weining County, Chishui |ability of withstanding natural disasters, single | |

| | |City, Xishui County, Tongzi County and Dawan Town in |industry, outdated technologies and poor management.| |

| | |Zhongshan District | | |

| |Development Purposes |By 2015, the number of people plagued by poverty will be |The overall purposes of the project is to develop |In line with the |

| | |halved; the operation mechanism and system advantageous to|the high-output and high value-added ecological |plan |

| | |poverty relief, eco system and overall development of |industries, promote the adjustment of industrial | |

| | |population will be established preliminarily. By 2020 with|structure in the continuous poor areas, realize the | |

| | |the aid of the project, people living in the poor areas |continuable income increase of poor farmers and | |

| | |will have enough food and clothes and enjoy compulsory |protection of ecological environment, make | |

| | |education, basic medical care and housing security. |demonstration and promote the methods and modes of | |

| | | |poverty relief in the continuous poor areas of China| |

| |Industrial Development |Insist on the market-oriented methods and depend on the |The industry selection shall be carried out in a |In line with the |

| | |advantages of resources, develop the supporting industries|good way in accordance with the principle of |plan |

| | |with special characteristics, and carry on industry |combining the long- and short-term targets, i.e. to | |

| | |transfer according to local conditions and situations; |make sure the long-term industrial development of | |

| | |promote the centralized development of industrial parks, |the project areas but meanwhile make sure farmers | |

| | |adjust and optimize the industrial structure, develop |can increase income and get rid of poverty in a | |

| | |circular economy, establish the industrial system with |short term. Consider farmers’ income and meanwhile | |

| | |local features and speed up the development of local |protect the local eco system effectively when | |

| | |economy. |selecting and developing industries, and make sure | |

| | | |the soil and water loss and desertification to be | |

| | | |controlled effectively and geological disasters to | |

| | | |be prevented to a certain degree. In the end by | |

| | | |comprehensive comparison, 7 industries known as tea,| |

| | | |pepper, dendrobium nobile, Tianma, Salvia, bamboo | |

| | | |fungus, virus-free potato are singled out as the | |

| | | |leading industries for the areas | |

| |Enhancement of Basic Production |Center on improving the life quality of rural residents, |The project involves the re-establishment and |In line with the |

| |and Living Conditions in Rural |greatly enhancing the producing and living conditions in |hardening of rural roads and establishment of water |plan |

| |Areas |rural areas and carry out in a positive way the |conservancy facilities, promotion of trickle | |

| | |establishment of small towns and villages. Lay emphasis on|irrigation, eco-friendly way of prevention and | |

| | |the improvement of production conditions in rural areas, |control, which has remarkable significance on the | |

| | |enhancement of living environment and establishment of |improvement of production conditions in rural areas | |

| | |small cities, towns and villages. |with the aid of opening of markets and trade fairs | |

| | |Place special emphasis on the protection of natural |The establishment of infrastructure of the project |In line with the |

| |Ecological Construction and |forests, returning land from farming to forestry or grass,|can ensure no occupation of basic farmlands; This |plan |

| |Environment Protection |management and control of stony desertification, |time, the planting of forage grass, fruit-bearing | |

| | |protection and cultivation of aquatic organism, |forests, etc. mainly focus on the arrangement and | |

| | |establishment of protection forests, and comprehensive |organization of wild grass grounds, which don’t | |

| | |control and government of water and soil loss; utilize the|involve any occupation of high-quality arable lands.| |

| | |key ecological function areas in which the development has|The soil and water loss and desertification in the | |

| | |been limited by the Planning of the State and |regions can be reduced to a certain degree by | |

| | |Province-level Major Function Areas as well as the natural|planting forage grass, and fruit-bearing forests. | |

| | |and cultural conservation areas at all levels in which the|During the implementation of the project, promote | |

| | |development is strictly prohibited as the core, and |the eco-friendly way of prevention and control and | |

| | |strengthen the ecological construction and environment |training classes for farmers, strengthen the | |

| | |protection in combination of prevention and reduction of |reasonable utilization of pesticides and chemical | |

| | |natural disasters and way of coping with climate changes |fertilizers, and suggest forage grass planting and | |

| | |in a bid to establish the ecological security shelter in |feasible measures for the prevention and government | |

| | |the upper reaches of Yangtze River. |of pollution arising out of the pollutants from | |

| | | |livestock and poultry breeding industry and | |

| | | |destruction of ecosystem to effectively reduce | |

| | | |non-point source pollution | |

1.3. Associated Policies, Laws and Regulations and Standards

1.3.1. Associated Laws and Regulations

The related laws and regulation at national level of this project is same as those of EIA of Sichuan.

1.3.2 Regulations of Associated Departments

The regulations of related departments at national level of this project are same as those of EIA of Sichuan.

1.3.3 Guizhou Regional Laws and Regulations

(1) Environmental Protection Regulations of Guizhou Province (2009);

(2) Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland of Guizhou Province (1997);

(3) Ecological Function Zoning of Guizhou Province (2005);

(4) Regulations on the Functional Classification of Water Environment along Ground Water Areas in Guizhou Province (Issued by Guizhou Provincial People's Government in 1994)

(5) Report on the Classification of Environment and Air Quality Functional Areas in Guizhou Province (Environmental Protection Agency of Guizhou Province, 2001)

(6) Regulations on the Preservation of Cultural Relics (the National People's Congress of Guizhou Province, September, 2005)

(7) Measures for the Protection and Administration of Wildlife Resources in Guizhou Province, 1982

(8) Notice of Province People's Government Office on Delivering the Implementation Measures of Pilot Project of Stripping and Utilizing the Non-Agricultural Construction Land Plough Layer of Guizhou Province (No. 22 Instruction Issued by Guizhou Government〔2012〕)

(9) Forest Management Regulations of Guizhou Province (January, 2004)

(10) Forest Regulations of Guizhou Province (March, 2000)

(11) Regulations on the Protection of Traditional Culture and Folklore in Guizhou Province (July, 2002)

(12) Land Management Regulations of Guizhou Province, September 24th, 2000

(13) Public Notice of Provincial People's Government on the Classification of Key Prevention Areas of Water and Soil Loss (No. [1998]52 Instruction Issued by Guizhou Government)

(14) Regulations on the Xishui National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province

(15) Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water Environment in Zunyi (Revised in 2011)

(16) Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water Environment in Bijie (No. [2004]32 Instruction Issued by Bijie Government)

1.3.4 Technological Basis

The related technical basis of this project is the same as those of EIA of Sichuan.

1.3.5 Policies and Guidelines of World Bank

(1)Operation Policy on Environmental Assessment(OP 4.01);

(2)Operation Policy on— Natural Habitat(OP4.04);

(3)Operation Policy on Pest Management (OP4.09);

(4)General Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

(5)Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Mammalian Livestock Production

(6)Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines For Annual Corp Production

(7)Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines For Food and Beverage Processing

1.3.6 Relevant Plans and Documents

(1) The Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China

(2) Outline for Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development in China (2011-2020);

(3) National Modern Agriculture Development Plan (2011-2015) (GF〔2012〕 No.4);

(4) Regional Development and Poverty Alleviation Plan for Wumeng Mountain Region (2011-2020);

(5) The Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Guizhou Province;

(6) The Twelfth Five-year Poverty Alleviation and Development Plan of Guizhou Province;

(7) The “Twelfth Five-year” Special Plan for Featured Agriculture Development of Guizhou Province;

(8) The “Twelfth Five-year” Construction Plan for Industrial Poverty Alleviation in Ecological Animal Husbandry of Guizhou Province;

(9) The “Twelfth Five-year” Construction Plan for Virus-free Potato Industrial Poverty Alleviation of Guizhou Province;

(10) Feasibility Study Report for Guizhou Project of Industrial Poverty Alleviation Pilot Projects Loaned by the World Bank in Poverty-stricken Areas in China; June, 2014.

(11) Power of Attorney, Foreign Capital Project Management Center of the Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Guizhou Province, February, 2014;

(12) Environmental Impact Assessment Outline for the Sixth Session of Poverty Alleviation Project of the World Bank;

(13) Industry Water Consumption Quota of Guizhou Province (DB52/T725-2011)。

1.4 Evaluation Standards

Most general assessment standards of this Project are the same as Sichuan Environmental Impact Assessment, but the environment assessment standards for this Project shall still be completely reserved for the convenient implementation of the Project.

1.4.1 Standards of Ground Water Environment

(1) Standards for the Quality of Ground Water Environment

Based on the Regulations on the Functional Classification of Water Environment along Ground Water Areas in Guizhou Province (No. 22 Instruction[1994]issued by Guizhou government, Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water Environment in Zunyi (Revised in 2011) and Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water Environment in Bijie (No. [2004]32 Instruction Issued by Bijie Government), the water body in the areas covered by the assessment during the project belongs to the Class III functional area under the Class III standards of the Standards on the Quality of Ground Water Environment (GB3838-2002). Please refer to the Table 1.4-1 for relevant standard values.

Table 1.4-1, Standards on the Quality of Ground Water Environment (Excerpts)

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

|Project |pH |COD |BOD5 |DO |Petroleum |NH3-N |Potassium Permanganate |

| | | | | | | |Index |

|ClassⅢ Standards |6~9 |20 |4 |≥5 |0.05 |1.0 |6 |

(2) Discharge Standard for Surface Water Environmental Pollutants

Wastewater discharged by enterprises into rivers shall meet the primary standard of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996) while wastewater discharged into agricultural irrigation canals and ditches shall meet Standards for Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005); additionally, rural wastewater shall meet the three standard of the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002). Please refer to Table 1.4-2, Table 1.4-3 and Table 1.4-4 for the standard values.

Table 1.4-2 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (Excerpts)

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

|Project |pH |COD |BOD5 |Animal and Vegetable |Petroleum |NH3-N |SS |

| | | | |Oil | | | |

|Class I Standard |6~9 |100 |20 |10 |5 |15 |70 |

Table 1.4-3 Water Quality Standard For Farm Irrigation (Excerpts)

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

|Crop Strains |pH |COD |BOD5 |Water Temperature℃ |Number of Fecal |SS |

| | | | | |Coliforms/100ml | |

|hydroponic crops |5.5~8.5 |150 |60 |35 |4000 |80 |

|aerobic cultivation| |200 |100 |35 |4000 |100 |

|Vegetable | |100a,60b |40a,15b |35 |2000 a,1000b |60a,15b |

Note: a. vegetables that have been processed, cooked and peeled

b. vegetables, cucurbits and vegetables, cucurbits and fruits that can be eaten directly without being cooked that can be eaten directly without being cooked

Table 1.4-4 Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (Extract)

Unit: mg/L (Except pH)

|Item |pH |COD |BOD5 |Animal and Vegetable Oil |

|SO2 |0.15 |0.50 |/ |Class II Standards in GB3095-1996 and 2000 |

| | | | |revised version |

|NO2 |0.08 |0.24 |/ | |

|PM10 |0.15 |/ |/ | |

|TSP |0.30 |/ |/ | |

|SO2 |0.15 |0.50 |/ |GB3095-2012 Class II Standards |

|NO2 |0.08 |0.20 |/ | |

|PM10 |0.15 |/ |/ | |

|TSP |0.30 |/ |/ | |

|NH3 |/ |/ |0.20 |TJ36-79 |

|H2S |/ |/ |0.01 | |

(2) Discharge Standards of Ambient Air

The discharge of exhaust gas shall be regulated by the Class II Standards of Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-1993) and Class II Standards of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297- 1996). Please refer to Table 1.4-5 for standard values:

Table 1.4-5 Emission Standards of Atmospheric Pollutants during the Project

Unit: mg/m3, Odor Concentration Dimensionless

|Pollutants |Highest Allowable Emission |Unorganized Emission, Monitoring Concentration |Standards |

| |Concentration |Limits | |

| |(Organized, 15mexhaust Funnel) | | |

| |Concentration |Rate of Speed |Monitory Point |Concentration (Mg/M3) | |

| |(mg/m3) |(Kg/H) | | | |

|SO2 |550 |2.6 |Highest Concentration |0.40 |GB16297-1996 |

| | | |Point Outside Perimeter | |Class II |

|NO2 |240 |0.77 | |0.12 | |

|TSP |120 |3.5 | |1.0 | |

|NH3 |/ |4.9 |Concentration Limits |1.5 |GB14554-1993 |

| | | |Within The Factory | |Class II |

| | | |Boundary | | |

|H2S |/ |0.33 | |0.06 | |

|Odor Concentration |/ |2000 | |20 | |

The rural tourism of the Project includes catering, and the cooking fume in this Project shall meet the Emission Standard of Cooking Fume (GB18483-2001), and the regulations thereof are listed in Table 1.4-7 and Table 1.4-8.

Table 1.4-7 Emission Standard of Cooking Fume (GB18483-2001): Size Division of Catering Units

|Size |Small-sized |Medium-sized |Large-sized |

|Standard Number of Cooking Ranges |≥1, ................

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