Python popen env


Python popen env

Python subprocess popen set environment. Python subprocess popen env. Python popen environment variables. Python subprocess popen get environment variables. Python popen windows env. Python popen environment path. Python popen inherit environment.

BLOB: DBF6C382AF53B55D5DC4BF58D5DC4BF581EA7DC702D191958 [FILE] [LOG] [BLASS] #! / USR / BIN / ENV Python # Copyright (c) 2012 The authors of Chromium. All rights reserved. # The use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found # in the license file. "" "Set the environment variables required to run a unit test chrome." "" From __future__ import print_functionimport Ioimport Osimport SignalInport subprocessimport Sysimport Time # This is hard-coded to be src / relative to this script.root_dir = os.path.dirname (os.path.dirname (os.path.dirname (os.path. abspath (__ __ file))) chrome_sandbox_env = 'chrome_devel_sandbox'chrome_sandbox_path =' / opt / chromium / chrome_sandbox'Def get_sandbox_env (env): "" "Returns the flags of the environment necessary for the SUID sandbox to work." "" extra_env = {} = chrome_sandbox_path env.get (chrome_sandbox_env, chrome_sandbox_path) # the above would silently disables the sandbox SUID if the value of the Ent was # an empty string. Do not want to afford. # TODO (JLN): remove this check once it is no longer possible to disable the sandbox # this way. if not cromato_sandbox_path: chrome_sandbox_path = chrome_sandbox_path extra_env [chrome_sandbox_env] = chrome_sandbox_path return extra_envdef tri m_cmd (cmd): "" "Removes the internal flags of CMD since ? are just used to communicate from the host machine to this script running on the slaves." "" Sanitiziers = [ 'Asan', 'LSAN', 'msan', 'tsan'] internal_flags = frozenset ( '-% s =% d'% (name, value) for the name in sanitatori for the value in [0, 1]) Return [i for in cmd if you are not internal_flags] def fix_python_path (cmd): "" "Returns the command line fixed to call the proper executable Python." "" oUT = cmd [:] If out [0] == 'Python': out [0] = sys. ecuutable elif out [0] .endswith ( '. Py '): out.insert (0, sys.execuutable) return orsed get_sanitizer_env (Asan, LSAN, MSAN, TSAN, cfi_diag): "" "Returns the flags of the environment necessary for sanitizer tools." "" Extra_Env = {} # enroll GTK using malloc when performing Sanitizer-instrumented tests. extra_env [ 'g_slice'] = 'always-malloc' extra_env [ 'nss_disable_arena_free_list'] = '1' extra_env [ 'nss_disable_unload'] = '1' # todo (glider): remove the path simboleggiatore once # https: // code . p/address-sanitizer/issues/detail?id=134 is fixed. simbolo_path = os.path.join (root_dir, 'terza_party', 'llvm-build', 'Release + assertions', 'bin', 'llvm-simbolezer') or if LSAN TSAN # LSAN is not compatible with Sandbox, We can then use the symbolization online. # In fact, it needs to symbolization to be able to apply the deletions. Symbousization_Options = [ 'symbolizes = 1', 'esterno_symbolizer_path =% s' s'% simbolezer_path] elif (Asan or msan or cfi_diag) and sys.platform not [' win32 ',' cygwin '] # Asan use a script to symbolization offline, except on Windows. # IMPORTANT NOTE: When ASAN with leak detection enabled, we must use the # symbolization LSAN options above. Symbousization_Options = [ 'symbolizes = 0'] # Set the path of llvm-simboleggiatore to use as Extra_env [ 'llvm_symbolizer_path'] = simboleggiatore_path Else: Symization_options = [] = # SIMPOLIZZATIONS SIGURATIVO PRINCIARE SANITIZER FOR THE TRACK ATTORNATO failure). simbolization_optiontions.append ( 'handle_abort = 1') if Ashan Asan_options Symbousization_Options = [:] If LSAN: Asan_options.append ( 'detect_leaks = 1') # LSAN seems to have problems with later versions of Glibc. # View if 'Linux' in sys.platform: Asan_options.append ( 'intercept_tls_get_addr = 0') if Asan_Options: extra_env [ 'Asan_options'] = '' .join (Asan_Optiontions) If LSAN: If Asan or lsan_options = [] Other: lsan_options = simobolization_options [:] if sys.platform == 'linux2': # Use the debugging version of libstdc ++ under lsan. If we don't do it, there will be a lot of traces of incomplete stack in reports. extra_env ['ld_library_path'] = '/ usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / debug:' extra_env ['lsan_options'] =' '' .join (lsan_options) if msan: msan_options = simbolization_options [:] if lsan: lsan : extra_env ['msan_options'] =' '' .join (msan_options) if tsan: tsan_options = simobolization_options [:] extra_env ['tsan_options'] =' '.join (tsan_options) # cfi uses the Ubsan runtime to provide diagnostics. If cfi_diag: ubsan_optiontions = simobolization_options [:] + ['print_stacktrace = 1'] extra_env ['ubsan_options'] =' '' .join (ubsan_options) returns extra_envdef get_sanitizer_sympolize_command (json_path = none, executable_path = none): "" "build the Command to invoke the offline symbol script. "" "script_path = os.path.join (root_dir, 'tools', 'valgrind', 'asan', '') cmd = [sys.executable, script_path] if json_path is not none: cmd.append ('- test-summary-json-file =% s'% json_path) if executable_path is nobody: cmd.append ('- executable-path =% s'% executable_path) Return cmddef get_json_path (cmd): "" "Extract the summary path of the JSON test from a command line." "" Json_path_flag = '--test-launger-summary-output =' For arg in cmd: if arg.startswith (json_path_flag): return arg. Split (JSON_PATH_FLAG) .POP () RETURN NOTEDEF SYMIZE_SNIPPETS_IN_JSON (CMD, ENV): "" "It symbolizes the output fragments within the JSON test summary." "" JSON_PATH = GET_JSON_PATH (CMD) SE JSON_PATH is not None: TEST RETURN: SYM BOLIZE_COMMAND = GET_SANITIZER_SYMBOLIZE_COMMAND (JSON_PATH = JSON_PATH, executable_path = CMD [0]) P = subprocess.popen (symbolizes_command, STERDR = subprocess.pipe, ENV = EPS) (_, STERDR) = MUNICATE () Except OSERROR AS E: PRINT ('exception while symbolizing the snippets:% s'% e, file = sys.stderr) Lift if p.Returno! = 0: printing ("error: impossible to symbolize framni in json:", file = sys.stderr) print (stderr, file = sys.str) lift subprocess.calledprocesserror (p.retorncode, symize_command) def run_command_with_oututut (argv, stdoutfile , EPS = NONE, CWD = NONE): "" "Run the command and streaming is stdout / stderr at the console & | stdoutfile |. Also forward_signals to obey Lights-PY / + / Main / Appengine / Swarming / doc / # grace-termination_aka-thesigterm-and-sigkill-dance RENSYS: Return Integer of the subprocess. "" "Print ('execution% R in% R (ENV:% R) '% (argv, cwd, eps)) assert stdoutfile with (stdoutfile,' wb ') as a writer, (stdoutfile,' rb ', 1) as a reader: process = _popen (argv, eps = eps, cwd = cwd, stdout = writer, stderr = subprocess.stdout) forward_signals ([process]) while process.poll () is not none: sys .stdout.write ( () ) # This sleep is necessary for the propagation of the SE Landline. See the # wat_with_signals () docstring. Time.sleep (0.1) # Read the remainder. Sys.stdout.write ( ()) print ('command% r Returned output code% d'% (argv, process.retorrncode)) Return process.returncodedef run_command (argv, eps = none, cwd = none , Log = True): "" "Run the command and the flow your stdoout / stderr is for the stdoout. You also forward_signals to obey / Main / Appengine / Swarming / doc / # grace-termination_aka-the-sigterm-and-sigkill-dance RENSYS: Return Integer of the subprocess. "" "If the registry: print ('execution% R in% R (EPS :% R) '% (argv, cwd, eps)) process = _popen (argv, eps = eps, cwd = cwd, stderr = subprocess.stdout) Forward_signals ([process]) return wait_with_signals (process) def run_command_outut_to_handle (argv, FILE_HANDLE, ENV = NONE, CWD = NONE): "" "Run the command and streaming is stdout / stderr both a | file_handle |. Also forward_signals to obey Lights-PY / + / Main / AppEnect / SW Arming / doc / # grace-termination_aka-the-sigterm-and-sigkill-dance Rendys: return integer of the subprocess. "" "Press ('running% R in% R (EPS:% R)'% (argv, cwd, eps)) process = _popen (argv, eps = eps, cwd = cwd, stderr = file_handle, stdderr = FORWARD_SIGNALS ([PROCESS]) EXIT_CODE = WAIT_WITH_SIGNALS (process) Print ("Command Returned the output code% d '% EXIT_CODE) RETURN EXIT_CODEDEF WAIT_WITH_SIGNALS:" "" A version of Process.Wait () that works with the platform multi-platform. This version correctly exceeds the Sigbreak signal. From reading the source code, it looks like it seems You need to explicitly call the time.sleep (). The reason is that subprocess.popen.wait () on Windows calls directly LIVEGORSINGLEOBJECT (), but only time. Softline () On the surface correctly the Sigbreak signal. Refs: # L1084 Return: Return of the process. "" "While Process.Poll () is nobody: Time.sleep (0.1) Return process.RetorrnCodeDef Forward_signals (PROCS):" "" Submit the Sigterm Sigterm or the victory of Sigterm or victory. This plays well with the management of the swarming timeout. See also /main/appengine/swarming/doc/ args: procs : A list of subcharres.popen objects representing child processes. "" "Asserts all (Isinstance (P, subprocess.popen) for P in Procs) Def _sig_handler (sig, _): for p in procs: if p.poll () is nobody: continue # sigbreak is defined only For Win32. SE sys.platform == 'win32' and sig == signal.sigbreak: p.send_signal (signal.ctrl_break_event) else: p.send_signal (sg) if sys.platform == 'win32': signal.signal ( signal. sigbreak, _sig_handler) else: signal.signal (signal.sigterm, _sig_handler) signal.signal (signal.sigint, _sig_handler) Def run_executable (cmd, eps, stdoutfile = none): "" "executes an executable with: - chrome_headless Set to indicate that the test is running on a bot and should not do anything interactive as they show modal dialogue windows. - Variable environment CR_SOURCE_ROOT set to the root directory. - Variable environment language for en_US.UTF-8. - variable environment chrome_devel_sandbox set - automatically reuse sys.ececutable. "" "Extra_env = {# set to indicate that the executable is running not interactively up # a bot. 'Chrome_headless': '1', # Many tests take an English interface ... 'Lang': 'en_us.utf- 8',} # used by base / base_paths_ as override. Just make sure that the default # logic is used. EPS.POP ('CR_SOURCE_ROOT', NONE) EXTRA_ENV.UPDATE (GET_SANDBOX_ENV (ENV)) # Copy logic from instruments /build/scripts/slave/ ASAN = '' --asan = 1 'in cmd lsan =' --lsan = 1 'in cmd msan =' - msan = 1 'in cmd tsan =' --san = 1 'in cfd cfi_diag =' - cfi-diag = 1 'in cmd if stdoutfile or sys.platform in [' win32 ',' cygwin ']: # symbolization works during process on windows even when sandboxed_sscript_script = false otherwise: # if any sanitizer is enabled, we print The unlued stack track that is needed to run the symbolization script. Use_sympolization_script = (asan or msan or cfi_diag or lsan or tsan) if asan or lsan or msan or tsan or cfi_diag: extra_env. Update (GET_SANITIZER_ENV (ASAN, LSAN, MSAN, TSAN, CFI _DIAG)) SEL LSAN or TSAN: # Lsan and Tsan are not sandbox-friendly. cmd.append ('- no-sandbox') cmd = trim_cmd (cmd) # Make sure the paths are properly separated on Windows. cmd [0] = cmd [0] .replace ('/', os.path.sep) cmd = fix_python_path (cmd) # We also want to print the GTEST ENV VARS set by the caller, # because you need it to reproduce correctly task. ENV_TO_PRINT = EXTRA_ENV.COPY () for ENV_VAR_NAME IN ('GTEST_SHARD_INDEX', 'GTEST_TOTAL_EDARDS'): SE ENV_VAR_NAME IN ENV: ENV_TO_PRINT [ENV_VAR_NAME] = ENT [ENV_VAR_NAME] Print ('Additional test environment:% s'' command:% s '% (' '. Join ('% s =% s'% (k, v) per k, v in ordered (env_to_print.items)), '' .join (cmd))) sys.stdout.flush () ENV.UPDATE (extra_env or {}) Test: if stdoutfile: # write on stdoutfile and survey to produce terminal output. Return Run_Command_With_Output (CMD, EPS = EPS, STDoutFile = StdoutFile) Elif Use_SyMborization_Script: # View above commentary on offline symbolization. # bisogno di tubazioni allo script simboleggiatore. P1 = _POPEN (cmd, env = env, stdout = subprocess.pipe, stderr = sys.stdout) p2 = _popen (get_sanitizer_symbolize_command (eseguibile_path = cmd [0]), env = env, stdin = p1.stdout) p1.stdout. Chiudi () # Consenti P1 di ricevere un sigpit se P2 uscite. Forward_Signals ([P1, P2]) Wait_with_signals (P1) wait_with_signals (P2) # # Alimentare l'uscita JSON fuori banda allo script simboleggiatore. simbolize_snippets_in_json (cmd, env) return p1.retorturncode Else: return run_command (cmd, env = env, log = false) tranne Oserror: Stampa ('Impossibile avviare% s'% cmd, file = sys.stderr) raisedef _popen (* ARGS, ** KWARGS): Assert 'CreationFLAGS' NON IN KWARGS IF SYS.PLATFORM == 'win32': # necessario per la gestione del segnale. Vedi 733612121.C6. kwargs ['crealionflags'] = subprocess.create_new_process_group return subprocess.popen (* args, ** kwargs) def Main (): return run_executable (sys.argv [1:], os.environ.copy ()) se __name__ == '__main__': se sys.platform == 'win32': sys.path..insert (0, os.path.join (os.path.dirname (os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath (__ file__)), 'scripts')) comune common.set_lpac_acls (root_dir, is_test_script = true) sys.exit (principale ()) sys.exit (principale ())

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