Sample activities to accompany block 6 - activity 23.2 ...

Lesson Activities Spring Term year 11GCSE (9-1) Computer SciencePearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science (1CP1)LESSON ACTIVITIES FOR SPRING TERM YEAR 11The Lesson Activities in this document do not include Activities for the Non Examined Assessment (NEA) since this component is undertaken under controlled conditions (see Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Computer Science pages 15 and 16).Week 9Lesson 2 activitiesActivity 9.2.1Open Look up each of the products below and make a note of the sorts of information you can find out about them. The first column has been completed for you.Game:Book:CD:Blu-ray:Fish bowl:Minecraft (Xbox 360 edition)Mary Berry CooksThe Take Off And Landing of EverythingThe Hunger GamesGlass Fishbowl Vase (20cm x 17cm)who made itpriceratingproduct details (delivery destinations, ASIN, release date, average customer review, Amazon bestsellers rank)product descriptioncustomer reviewsLook back over the table you have completed. Are there any items of information that are common to all of these products?Activity 9.2.2Identify all the problems you can think of with storing student data like this. (Available as a resource file flat.csv.)IDNameDOBDisability?AgeTarget GradeExam Mark1Alice Smith12/3/2001Y14B232Bob (Robert) Cork1/9/200015A473Clare View5 Oct 2000Yes15C34 ?4Dave Reckoning20 Jun 2001N14A*704Emma Genius12/12/2000No15A starActivity 9.2.3 (homework/extension)Ask students to write a Python program to identify duplicate records and nulls in the CSV data file in Activity 9.2.2. Week 10Lesson 1 activitiesActivity 10.1.1Crack this code!WKH WUHDVXUH LV KLGGHQ XQGHU WKH SDOP WUHH Hint: H = E and W = TActivity 10.1.2Who uses encryption and what do they use it for what?Users of encryptionWhat they use encryption forBusinessesIndividualsGovernmentsE-tradersThe militaryActivity 10.1.3 (homework)Create your own cipher and then use it to encrypt a secret message. Make sure you keep a note of the key to cracking your cipher, so that you (or someone else) can decode the message later!Week 10Lesson 2 activitiesActivity 10.2.1The table below contains details of animals at a zoo and the enclosure they live in.ZooIDNameBreedGenderDate_Of_BirthEnclosureCapacityHeadkeeperC009TerryLionMale30/6/1982Big Cats12J MilnerA002MariaChimpanzeeFemale12/3/2012Ape House50S LarkinA019SamGibbonFemale10/6/2002Ape House50S LarkinC015ToniTigerFemale18/6/2009Big Cats12J MilnerB033DebbieRed deerFemale6/7/2007Deer Park200A HuntA007CharlieChimpanzeeMale19/7/2011Ape House50S LarkinRe-organise the data into two linked tables called Animal and Enclosure.AnimalEnclosureActivity 10.2.2 (homework)The table below is called PlayList and it lists some of the songs from five albums of children’s songs.PlayListAlbum_TitleArtistReleasedGenreTrack_NoSong_TitleTimeIn The Night Garden – A Musical JourneyAndrew Davenport2007Children’s music3Hello Igglepiggle!0:38In The Night Garden – A Musical JourneyAndrew Davenport2007Children’s music12Catch Makka Pakka’s Og-pog!7:32In The Night Garden – A Musical JourneyAndrew Davenport2007Children’s music16The Pinky Ponk1:09Heads, Shoulders, Knees & ToesThe C.R.S. Players2004Children’s music1Hokey Cokey2:27Heads, Shoulders, Knees & ToesThe C.R.S. Players2004Children’s music12Ten Green Bottles2:3250 Nursery Rhyme SongsThe Countdown Kids2009Children’s music1Old MacDonald Had a farm2:0350 Nursery Rhyme SongsThe Countdown Kids2009Children’s music3This Little Pig1:1350 Nursery Rhyme SongsThe Countdown Kids2009Children’s music12Six Little Ducks1:02CBeebies the AlbumVarious Artists2012Children’s music5My Name Is…1:21CBeebies the AlbumVarious Artists2012Children’s music12Everything’s Rosie Theme Tune0:43CBeebies the AlbumVarious Artists2012Children’s music21Summer Song1:54Children’s Party TimeKid’s Players1995Children’s music12The Birdie Song2:23Reorganise the data in the table above into two linked tables called Album and Song.Describe how the relationship between the two tables (Album and Song) is created.Give the number of fields and records in the Album table and in the Song table.Week 11Lesson 1 activitiesActivity 11.1.1Use a Caesar cipher to decode and encode these messages.Plain textShiftEncrypted textTHE ENIGMA MACHINE WAS INVENTED BY THE GERMANS+3COLOSSUS WAS THE WORLD’S FIRST DIGITAL COMPUTER+4+5YMJ HFJXFW HNUMJW NX FS JCFRUQJ TK WTRFS NSLJSZNYD-3QEB HBV FP EFAABK RKABO QEB CILTBO MLQActivity 11.1.2With a partner, produce a step-by-step guide to using a Caesar cipher to produce an encoded message.Activity 11.1.3 (homework)Produce a step-by-step guide to decrypting messages that have been encoded using a Caesar cipher.Week 11Lesson 2 activitiesActivity 11.2.1Copy the following program and test it using the inputs below.StudentSubjectExpected output gradeAmyMathsCDomEnglishDDomEnglishDstudentIDs = { 'Amy':1, 'Bob':2, 'Clare':3, 'Dom':4, 'Emma':5 }subjectIDs = { 'Maths':1, 'English':2, 'French':3, 'Computing':4, 'PE':5 }targetgrades = [ [1,1,'C'], [1,2,'B'], [3,1,'A'], [4,2,'D'], [1,5,'A'], [3,2,'B'], [3,3,'A'], [5,2,'C'], [2,5,'C'], [4,4,'B'] ]student = ''subject = ''while student not in studentIDs: student = input("Enter student name: ")while subject not in subjectIDs: subject = input("Enter subject name: ")studentID = studentIDs[student]subjectID = subjectIDs[subject]for record in targetgrades:if record[0] == studentID and record[1] == subjectID:print("Target for",student,"in",subject,"is",record[2])Adapt the program so that:it doesn’t matter if you use capital letters or not in your inputit prints an error message if no target grade is foundit asks you to input a target grade if one isn’t found, and adds it to the ‘database’it reads all the data from CSV files at the start of the program and writes the target grades back to their file at the end.Week 12Lesson 1 activitiesActivity 12.1.1A function caesar_cipher_encrypt has two arguments (a string ‘message’ and an integer ‘key’) and returns a string ‘encrypted_message’.All the characters that can be encrypted are stored in a list ‘letters’. Any characters in ‘message’ that are not in list ‘letters’ cannot be encrypted.Load and run the function to see for yourself what it does. First, open in IDLE, then click Run > Run Module. Once the Python shell has loaded remember that to run the function you need to call it and enter its arguments.Try different messages and different keys. What happens when a message includes a character that can’t be encrypted? What happens when the character to be encrypted is a ‘z’?Add comments to the Python code to explain how it works. You should add a comment after every # in the Python code.Amend the function so that the digits 1–9 can also be encrypted.Activity 12.1.2In pairs, make a new version of the function called caesar_cipher_decrypt that decrypts text encrypted using a Caesar cipher. Add comments to the Python code to explain how this function differs from the original.Hint: The inputs to the function should be the text to be decrypted and the shift to be applied. Hint: The function should return the decrypted message.Activity 12.1.3There is really no need to have separate functions to encrypt and decrypt messages. Produce a new function caesar_cipher that does both.Hint: The function will need a third argument – a string ‘action’ to determine whether the message has to be encrypted or decrypted.Week 12Lesson 2 activitiesActivity 12.2.1Food_ItemProduct_CodeProduct_NamePriceSupplier_CodeQuantity_In_Stock1239TBaked beans0.34S121/A1541237TTomato soup0.56S121/A4501309TSpaghetti hoops0.80S121/A994550FOven chips1.24S234/F5503444FFish fingers1.45S234/F7562121GFrankfurters1.02S009/C525544CSausage rolls2.45S100/C150SupplierSupplier_CodeSupplier_NameEmailS121/AWilliamsons Ltdorders@S234/FArtic Taste of Germanyweissrock@dtv.deS100/CSmiths Pork ProductsOAAdam@Answer the following questions:What is the primary key of the Supplier table?Why is this primary key a good choice?How is the relationship between the Food_Item table and the Supplier table established?Make a list of Product_Name and Price for all items with Price >= 1.24.List the product code and supplier code for all food items with 300 or less in stock.List the product name of food items priced between ?1.00 and ?2.00.List all the suppliers whose name begins with ‘A’. ................

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