Getting Started REST API - CyberSource

Getting Started Title Page


February 2018

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Recent Revisions to This Document 5

About This Guide 6

Audience and Purpose 6 Conventions 6

Note and Important Statements 6 Text and Command Conventions 6 Related Documents 7 Customer Support 7

Chapter 1

Registration 8

Create an Evaluation Account 8

Creating a Certificate or Shared Secret Key 8 Creating a P12 Certificate for JSON Web Token 8 Creating a Shared Secret Key for HTTP Signature 9 Deactivating Shared Secret Keys 10

Chapter 2

Authentication 11

JSON Web Token Authentication 11 Environment Setup 11 Converting the Certificate to PEM Format using OpenSSL 12 HTTP Headers 15 Encoding and Hashing the Digest 17 Preparing the Payload 18 Generating the JWT Token ? Header, Payload and Signature 18

HTTP Signature Authentication 19 Signing a POST Request 20 v-c-merchant-id 20 Host 20 Date 21 Digest 21 Signature 22

Getting Started - REST API | February 2018


Signing a GET Request 23 Code Snippet 24 v-c-merchant-id 24 Date 24 Host 25 Signature 25

Code Examples 27 Adding Headers 27 Creating a Signature Header 28

Chapter 3

Testing 30

Go-Live 30


Getting Started - REST API | February 2018



Recent Revisions to This Document

Release February 2018 September 2017

August 2017

Changes This release contains only formatting and editing updates. Added JSON Web Token (JWT) registration and authentication. For JWT registration, see "Creating a P12 Certificate for JSON Web Token," page 8. For JWT authentication, see "JSON Web Token Authentication," page 11. Initial release of document.

Getting Started - REST API | February 2018



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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