|Month |Period |Prose & Poetry |

|1. |15-06-2011 |Recapitulation – VII Class syllabus |

|2. |16-06-2011 |Introduction of parts of speech |

|3. |17-06-2011 |Articles |

|4. |18-06-2011 |Page No.1 of Reader. Listening passage-1 “The snake that became good”. |

|5. |20-06-2011 |Comprehension questions from listening passage. |

|6. |21-06-2011 |Introduction of the topic and presentation of new words from 1st lesson “An unwanted passenger” |

| | |(1-3) paragraphs. |

|7. |22-06-2011 |Paragraph (4-9) 1st lesson ‘An unwanted passanger’ |

|8. |23-06-2011 |Structure/grammar ‘enough’ “too…. To” Reader page No.3 (2R) paper-I Q.No. 15 & 19. |

|9. |24-06-2011 |Poem If Mice could Roar |

|10. |25-06-2011 |Q.No. 23, 26 & 27 of Paper-I |

|11. |26-06-2011 |Reader page No. 7, (letter writing) Q.N. 13 of paper-II & letter to a friend about…. |

|12. |28-06-2011 |Work book exercise “The little pencil” |

|13. |29-06-2011 |Work book exercises: 1.3 dictionary usage along with the Q.No. 30 of paper-I |

|14. |30-06-2011 |Revision of lesson-I. |



JULY – No. of working days - 25

|Day |Date |Topic |

|1. |01-07-2011 |Practice of comprehension passages from Lesson-1, Q.No.11 of paper-I |

|2. |02-07-2011 |Practice of comprehension passages from Lesson-1, Q.No.11 of paper-I |

|3. |04-07-2011 |Listening passage-2 “Plants and animals” |

|4. |05-07-2011 |Unit:2 Introduction and explanation of lesson-2 of reader “Keeping Cool” (1-3 paragraphs) |

|5. |06-07-2011 |Continuation of the lesson(2) 4-7 paragraphs. |

|6. |07-07-2011 |Continuation of the Lesson(2) 8-10 paragraphs. |

|7. |08-07-2011 |Textual grammar relative pronouns page, 12 & 13 |

|8. |09-07-2011 |Q.No. 14 of paper-I, Q.No. 23 page No.15 (TB) |

|9. |11-07-2011 |Q.N. 16 – Phrasal verbs, text book page No.16 |

|10. |12-07-2011 |Fill in the blanks with right sentence 5(a) given in the text book page No. 17 & 18 Q.No. 12 of |

| | |paper-II |

|11. |13-07-2011 |Work Book Exercise-II Diamonds |

|12. |14-07-2011 |Supplementary Reader Chapter-I “The wooden Bowl” page No. 193. |

|13. |15-07-2011 |“The wooden Bowl” page-194. |

|14. |16-07-2011 |Writing notes |

|15. |18-07-2011 |Unit:3 “Listening passage – “Crocodile medicine” Page No. 19 in Reader. |

|16. |19-07-2011 |“A visit to the Doctor” page No. 23, Paragraphs (1-8) |

|17. |20-07-2011 |Continuation of the lesson-3 (9-17) page No.24. |

|18. |21-07-2011 |Continuation of the lesson (18-23) page No.25, page No.26 matching Q.NO.15 and Q.No. 16, phrasal |

| | |verbs of paper-I. |

|19. |22-07-2011 |Paper-I, Q.No. 21 (reported speech) Text Book page No. 21 2(9). Text book page No. 22 & 23 pair |

| | |work (b) 1, 2 work book exercises page No. 131 of Unit-3. |

|20. |23-07-2011 |Work book unit-3: “Two great painters” page No. 132 & 133, (Discussion). Work book exercises a, b, |

| | |c, d, page No.135 & 136. Exam model Q.No. 30 alphabetical order. |

|21. |25-07-2011 |Work book page No. 138, letter writing exam model Q.No. 13 of paper-II. |

|22. |26-07-2011 |Revision for Unit Test-I |

|23. |27-02-2011 |Revision for Unit Test-I |

|24. |28-07-2011 | |

| | |UNIT TEST |

|25. |29-07-2011 | |

|26. |30-07-2011 | |

|27. |31-07-2011 |Sunday |



JULY – No. of working days - 24

|Day |Date |Topic |

|1. |01-08-2011 |Poem “Intelligence Test” |

|2. |02-08-2011 |Listening passage “The Oasis” |

|3. |03-08-2011 |Lesson No. 4: “My Dog Marcus” (1-6) |

|4. |04-08-2011 |Continuation of the lesson (7-16) |

|5. |05-08-2011 |Comprehension questions “How well have you read”? |

|6. |06-08-2011 |Paragraph writing with hints page-38, Exam model story writing of paper-II. |

|7. |08-08-2011 |Work book Unit:4 “Ask the dog” page-140. |

|8. |09-08-2011 |Listening passage-5 “The pot of pearls” of Reader |

|9. |10-08-2011 |Unit-5 of Reader “The poorest of the poor” (1-9) paragraphs. |

|10. |11-08-2011 |Continuation of the lesson 10-16 paragraphs |

|11. |12-08-2011 |Continuation of the lesson 17-20 paragraphs |

|12. |13-08-2011 |Q & Ans How well have you read ? |

|13. |16-08-2011 |Textual exercise page No. 42(1)&(b) so + sdj + hat. Exam model Q.No. 19 of Paper-I. |

|14. |17-08-2011 |Textual exercises page No. 48, 4(a), (b) Exam model Q.No.16. |

|15. |18-08-2011 |Role play pronouns page No.42 & 44 Exam model Q.No. 14 Paper-I |

|16. |19-08-2011 |Non-detailed 2nd lesson Rip Van Winkle. |

|17. |20-08-2011 |Work book Unit-5 “The Dinner Party” |

|18. |22-08-2011 |Work book exercise 5A matching. Exam model Q.No.15 and Q.No. 19 |

|19. |23-08-2011 |Poem “The Old Field” |

|20. |24-08-2011 |Non-detailed chapter-3 “A great Man” |

|21. |25-08-2011 |Text book page No. 49, story writing Paper-II |

|22. |26-08-2011 |Revision for II Unit Test. |

|23. |27-08-2011 | |

| | |II Unit Test. |

|24. |29-08-2011 | |

|25. |30-08-2011 | |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No.1 UNIT No. 1 No. of Periods:01

Day;06 Date:21/6/ Class: IX: AN UNWANTED PASSENGER Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Introduction/ |Teacher asks a few questions to |Students answer the questions | |Comprehension questions. |Discussion | |

|Motivation of the topic |motivate the students towards the |correctly. | | | | |

|(Prose) |lesson. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |When do you have holidays ? |A) In summer | | | | |

| |How do you plan your holidays | | | | | |

| |What do you do if you come across a |A) Go to some other place | | | | |

| |snake ? |A) Frightened of it. | | | | |

|Declaration of the topic |The teacher announces the topic |Students note down the topic |[pic] | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Teacher writes the topic on the B/B | | | | | |

| | | | |“An unwanted passenger” | | |

| | | | | |Interactive | |

|Summary | | | | | | |

|(1-3) | | | | | | |

|Paragraphs an English businessman | | | | | | |

|was on a trip for holdings. He | | | | | | |

|hired a car and was driving it | | | | | | |

|from Singapore to Kota Bharu. On|Teacher explains the story given in |Students understand the story |Teacher shows different| |Explanatory | |

|his way he faced a tropical storm.|the 3 paragraphs. | |pictures of snakes, | | | |

|He waited by the side of the road | | |maps of Malaysia and | | | |

|until the rain had stopped. Soon | | |Singapore. | | | |

|he started driving. He felt | | | | | | |

|something warm and smooth moving | | | | | | |

|across his wrist. It was a | | | | | | |

|python. He was terribly | | | | | | |

|frightened. He cried for help. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Teacher presents new words by creating|Pupils look at the situations |Situations, context | |Interactive | |

| |situations. |and try to express the word. | | | | |

| |Active vocabulary: | | |Teacher writes the words on | |Decided=obvious |

| |Decided, drive suddenly, pulled, | | |the black board. | |Drive=to operate a vehicle |

| |smooth, wrist etc. | | | | |Suddenly=unexpectedly |

| | | | | | |Pulled=dragged |

| | | | | | |Smooth=in an even way |

| | | | | | |Wrist=The joint between the hand |

| | | | | | |and arm. |

| |Passive vocabulary: | | | | | |

| |Now the teacher presents new words | | | | | |

| |directly on the blackboard in their | | | | | |

| |native language. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Trip, hired, perfectly, weather, |Students take down the meanings|Dictionary |Teacher writes the meanings |Direct |Trip=tour |

| |storm, gear, floor board, squeezing. |in their notes. | |on the board. | |Hire=rent |

| | | | | | |Perfectly=excellently without any |

| | | | | | |mistake |

| | | | | | |Weather=climate |

| | | | | | |Storm=heavy rain |

| | | | | | |Gear=tools |

| | | | | | |Floorboard=lower surfaced a car |

| | | | | | |Squeezing=crush |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the passage aloud |Pupils listen to the reading of|Text book | | | |

| | |the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading |Teacher supervises while they read |Students read the passage |Text | | | |

| | |silently. | | | | |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught, teacher |Pupils take down the assignment| | | |Spellings: |

| |gives assignment. | | | | |De c i ded (ci/si) |

| |Examination model question like, | | | | |Tropi cal (cal/kal) |

| |Q.No.19, 21 to 25, Q.No. 15 of | | | | |Immediately (ia, ai) |

| |Paper-I. | | | | | |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No. UNIT No. No. of Periods:01


|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Recapitulation of the topic |Teacher asks a few questions from the |Students answer the questions | | | | |

|An unwanted passenger |last 3 paragraphs taught. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |What did he decide ? | | | | | |

| |What happened suddenly ? |A) to take off and to go on a | | | | |

| |Where did he park his car ? |trip |Text book |Comprehension questions. |Discussion | |

| |What was moving across his wrist ? |A) faced a tropical storm | | | | |

| |What is the complete spelling gear. |A) By the side of the road | | | | |

| | |A) A python | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |A) ea | | | | |

|Summary (4-9) | | | | | | |

|He cried out for help. A Malaysian| | | | | | |

|driver heard the cries of the | | | | | | |

|Englishman. He stopped his lorry | | | | | | |

|by the side of the car of the | | | | | | |

|Englishman. He asked him to let | | | | | | |

|the python go. | | | | | | |

|The python came out. The Englishman|Teacher explains the story given in |Students understand the story. |A knife | |Explanatory | |

|was safe. The Malaysian driver cut|4-9 paragraphs. | | | | | |

|his head off. He took the dead | | | | | | |

|python with him to make a good | | | | | | |

|super of it. Thus the python was an| | | | | | |

|unwanted passenger. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active vocabulary |Pupils look at the created | |Terrified, smash, knife, |Situational/ |Fearful |

| |Teacher presents new words by creating|situations and understand the | |wound, dead. |contextual |To make into paste |

| |situations |meanings. | | | |A tool used to cut things |

| | | | | | |Injury |

| | | | | | |Dead=lifeless. |

| |Passive vocabulary |Students take down the meanings|Dictionary |Screech |Direct |To make high unpleasant sound |

| |Teacher presents new words directly on|in their notes. | |Axle | |A long straight piece of metal that|

| |the blackboard in their native | | | | |connects a pair of wheels on a |

| |language. | | | | |vehicle. |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the paragraphs from 4-9 |Students listen to the reading |Text book | | | |

| |aloud. |of the teacher | | | | |

|Silent reading |Teacher supervises while students |Students read the passage | | | | |

| |read. |silently. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Comprehension |Teacher asks a few questions to test |Students answer | |Comprehension questions |Interactive |How did the Englishman try to get |

| |their comprehension. | | | | |out of the car? |

| | | | | | |How did the Malaysian driver kill |

| | | | | | |the python ? |

| | | | | | |What did the lorry driver want to |

| | | | | | |do with the dad python ? |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Pupils take down | | | |Exam model Q.Nos |

| |gives assignment. | | | | |Q.NO.15 (matching) of paper=I |

| | | | | | |Q.No. 13 (letter writing) of |

| | | | | | |paper-II. |










Difficult words: (1) Roar (2) Soar (3) Pebbles (4) Bullies (5) Buttered (6) Shower


1. Poems are for reading, understanding, enjoyment, recitation etc.

2. The inculcation of literary skills such as the ability to understand, interpret and enjoy poems, plays etc.

3. The development of study skills such as the ability to use a dictionary, reference book etc.


1. Some peculiar things, which will never happens are mentioned above by the poet, Ruskin Bond.

2. This world will be nicer and finer if those things happen.

3. If the mice roar and elephants to up into the sky and if trees take their roots in the sky, it will be a spectacular sight.

4. Similarly if tigers feed themselves on biscuits and wine, if the fattest and bulky men fly high, if pebbles could sing melodious songs and if the bells stop ringing it will be nicer than ever before.

5. If teacher forget and neglect their duties, tortoise run instead of creeping slowly it will be a great wonder.

But one thing will the above such things are possible ? It is a thousand dollar question. These are only its and buts.



|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Information about the poet |The teacher introduces the poet to the |Students listen and know about the|[pic] | | | |

| |students. |poet | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |This poem is written by Ruskin Bond. | | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |The teacher reads the poem with rhyme and |Students listen to the teacher | | | | |

| |rhythm. |with their books shut. | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the teacher with |Teacher reads the poem for the second time.|Pupils follow the poem in their | | | | |

|book open | |text book. | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the pupil |Teacher asks a few students to read the |Students read the poem aloud. | | | | |

| |poem aloud and correct the mistakes in | | | | | |

| |their pronunciation. | | | | | |

|Silent reading by the pupil. |The teacher asks the students to read the |Students read the poem silently. | | | | |

| |poem silently and supervises their reading.| | | | | |

|Comprehension questions |The teacher asks the following questions on|Pupil give expected answers | | | | |

| |each and every line of the poem. | | | | | |

|Question for Appreciation of the |The teacher asks the students to pick out |Pupil pick out the rhyming words. |Appreciating the poem: |Rhyming words: |

|poem. |the rhyming words. | |1. What usually comes out of a gun? |Roar-soar, dine-wine, sky-fly, sing-ring,|

| | | |2. What does the poet say should be done to bullies ? |run-won, toast-most |

|Recapitulation |The teacher asks the following questions so| | | | | |

| |as to elicit the summary of the poem. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |What does a mice do? | | | | | |

| |Who soars ? | | | | | |

| |What do tigers dine on ? | | | | | |

| |Who will fly high to the sky ? etc. | | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the pupil. |The teacher asks a group of students to |Students read the poem aloud. | | | | |

| |read the poem aloud. | | | | | |

|Assignment |The teacher asks the students to narrate |Pupil write down the assignment. | | |Assignment: |

| |the summary of the poem briefly. Then she | | | |What difference would it make if flowers |

| |writes the summary of the poem on the B/B. | | | |came out fro guns instead of bullets ? |

| | | | | |Find atleast one word in the poem that |

| | | | | |rhymes with ‘post’. |

Day 04 Date: 5/7/ Class: IX, KEEPING COOL Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content Analysis/ Concepts/Sub |Activities including behavioural/learning outcomes |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|concepts | | | | | |

| |By Teacher |By Pupil | | | | |

|Motivation of the topic |Teacher asks a few questions to motivate|Students answer the |[pic] | |Discussion | |

| |the students towards the lesson. |questions | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |What do you wear in winter to protect | | | | | |

| |yourself from cold ? | | | | | |

| |What do you do when you feel sultry ? | | | | | |

| |Why do we feel hot ? | | | | | |

|Declaration of the topic |The teacher announces the topic. |Students under-stand. |[pic] | |Interactive | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Teacher writes the topic on the black | | | | | |

| |board. | | |Keeping cool | | |

|Summary | | | | | | |

|(1-5) | | | | | | |

|People living in cold countries | | | | | | |

|have to keep themselves warm. | | | | | | |

|They wear warm clothes. They live|Teacher explains the passages (3) |Students understand the |Maps of different countries | |Explanatory | |

|in houses where there are | |content. |with different climatic | | | |

|facilities for heating system. | | |conditions, pictures of snowy | | | |

|They shiver to make their bodies | | |lands, thick forest and | | | |

|warm. People living in hot | | |deserts, pictures of houses, | | | |

|countries have to keep their | | |shady trees and animals. | | | |

|bodies cool. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Teacher will present new words by | | | | | |

| |creating situations. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Active vocabulary: | | | | | |

| |Warm, weather, hiver, shady, sunshine, | | | | | |

| |ill. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Now the teacher will present new words | | | | | |

| |directly on the black board in their | | | | | |

| |native language. | | | | |Speak very softly. |

| | | | | | |Showing patience. |

| |Passive Vocabulary | | | | |Having common sense |

| |Whisking, patiently, sensible, muscle, | | | | |A strip of fibrous |

| |temperature. | | | | |tissues. |

| | | | | | |The degree of heat or |

| | |Students take down the |Dictionary |Whisking |Direct |cold. |

| | |meanings in their notes. | |Patiently | | |

| | | | |Sensible | | |

| | | | |Muscle | | |

| | | | |Temperature | | |

|Reading aloud by the teacher. |The teacher reads the passage aloud. |Pupils listen to the |Text book | |Comprehension | |

| | |reading of the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading |The teacher supervises while they read. |Students read the passage | | | | |

| | |silently. | | | | |

|Comprehension |The teacher asks a few questions to test|Students answer the | |Comprehension questions |Interactive |What do people do, who |

| |their comprehension. |questions. | | | |live in cold countries, |

| | | | | | |try to do? |

| | | | | | |What happens if we don’t |

| | | | | | |lose excess heat ? |

| | | | | | |Why do we feel hot ? |

| | | | | | |When do we fall ill? |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught, teacher |Pupils take down the | | | |Choosing the correct |

| |gives assignment. Also examination model|assignment. | | | |answer. |

| |questions like Q.No. 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 | | | | |1. I called my friends for|

| |& 30 of Paper I Part-B. | | | | |lunch (cold, called, |

| | | | | | |invited) |

| | | | | | |2. The weather is good for|

| | | | | | |agricultural operations |

| | | | | | |(wind, air, weather). |



Day 05 Date:6/7/ Class: IX, KEEPING COOL Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content Analysis/ Concepts/Sub |Activities including behavioural/learning outcomes |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|concepts | | | | | |

| |By Teacher |By Pupil | | | | |

|“Keeping Cool” |The teacher asks a few questions from the |Students answer the questions |Text book | | | |

|(G-10) |passage 1-5 taught on the previous day. |correctly. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Recapitulation of the topic |1. What do people wear in cold countries ?| | | | | |

| |2. What places are the best in hot weather|A) Warn clothes | | | | |

| |? | | | |Interactive | |

| |3. How does the heat escape from our body |A) Shady places | | | | |

| |? | | | | | |

| |4. When do we feel hot ? |A) Through our skin | | | | |

| | |A) The warm blood warms our skin.| | | | |

| |5. What type of clothes do we wear on a |A) Light clothes | | | | |

| |hot day? | | | | | |

|Summary | | | | | | |

|(6-10) | | | | | | |

|When the heat in our body exceeds | | | | | | |

|37 degrees Celsius we fall ill. | | | | | | |

|When the water content in our body | | | | | | |

|goes through the skin, we feel hot.| | | | | | |

|We have to replace the lost water |The teacher explains the content given in |Students understand the content. |Pictures of cold blooded animals| |Explanatory | |

|in the form of sweat by drinking a |the paragraphs from 6-10. | |like snake, lizard, etc. | | | |

|lot of salt liquids. Thus people | | | | | | |

|adjust themselves to the changing | | | | | | |

|conditions of the climate. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active Vocabulary |Pupil understand the situations |Dictionary |1. blow |Situational/ |1. Send out the |

| | |and try to know the meanings. | |2. comfortable |contextual |breathe. |

| |Teacher presents new words by creating | | |3. sweet or perspire. | |2. physically secured.|

| |situations. | | |4. wind | |3. moisture given off |

| | | | |5. thirsty | |by the body. |

| | | | |6. necessary | |4. heavy air |

| | | | | | |5. feeling caused by a|

| | | | | | |desire to drink. |

| | | | | | |6. need. |

| |Passive vocabulary |Students take down the meanings |Black board. |Glands complicated |Direct |1. an organ |

| |Teacher presents the new words directly on|in their notes. | |chemistry proof. | |2. difficult |

| |the black board in their native language. | | | | |3. reaction with each |

| | | | | | |other |

| | | | | | |4. evidence. |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |The teacher reads the paragraphs from |Students listen to the teacher’s |Text book | | | |

| |(6-10) |reading. | | | | |

|Silent reading by the students |Teacher supervises while students read. |Students read the passage |Text book | |Indirect. | |

| | |silently | | | | |


PERIOD NO: of Lesson No.2 UNIT No. 2

Day 06 Date: 7/7 Class: IX, KEEPING COOL Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Recapitulation |Teacher asks some questions from the |Students answer the questions |Text book |Comprehension questions. |Interactive |1. What does the air do to our |

|Comprehension |lesson done earlier. |correctly. | | | |body? |

| | | | | | |2. When do we begin to sweat ? |

| | | | | | |3. Why do we feel thirsty on a hot |

| | | | | | |day ? |

| | | | | | |4. Name some cold-blood animals. |

|Grammar |The teacher teaches the textual |Students understand the grammar|Blackboard and previous| |Discussion |Matching tests, Q.No.15, opposites,|

| |exercises page No. 16, 17, 18 along |exercises. |papers | | |Q.No. 23 |

| |with the Q.Nos. 15, 16 and 21-25, of | | | | |1. Usually X unusually |

| |paper-I and story writing Q.No. 12 of | | | | |2. Remember x forget. |

| |Paper-II. | | | | |3. Tiny x big |

| | | | | | |4. Wet x dry |

| | | | | | |Phrasal Verts |

| | | | | | |Make trouble, make a cake, make |

| | | | | | |mistake. |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Pupils take down. | | | |Textual exercise |

| |gives assignment. | | | | |Page No. 17 completing the passage.|



Day16 Date:19/7 Class: IX, A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content Analysis/ Concepts/Sub |Activities including behavioural/learning outcomes |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|concepts | | | | | |

| |By Teacher |By Pupil | | | | |

|Motivation of the topic |Teacher asks a few questions to | |[pic] | | | |

| |motivate the students towards the | | | | | |

| |lesson. | |[pic] | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |1. Who is the sick leader in your | | | | | |

| |class. |A) Sarala | | |Discussion | |

| |2. Where does she take the sick | | | | | |

| |students ? |A) Staff Nurse | | | | |

| |3. If a girl is severely sick where | | | | | |

| |does she be taken ? |A) Hospital | | | | |

| |4. Who will treat her there ? | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |A) A Doctor. | | | | |

|Declaration of the topic |The teacher announces the topic and she|Students understand | |“A visit to the Doctor” | | |

| |writes the topic on the BB | | | | | |

|Summary (1-8) | | |A picture of a doctor, A | |Explanatory | |

|The writer was just eight years | | |picture showing adenoids, a | | | |

|old. He had adenoids. He was to | | |picture of a surgery room. | | | |

|be operated upon. It all | | | | | | |

|happened. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|In 1924. His mother took him to a|Teacher explains the passage |Students understand the | | | | |

|doctor. The doctor examined the | |content. | | | | |

|boy’s mouth. He told the boy’s | | | | | | |

|mother that the boy would need an | | | | | | |

|operation. All was set for the | | | | | | |

|operation. The doctor sterilized | | | | | | |

|the operation needle. A nurse | | | | | | |

|tied an apron round the neck of | | | | | | |

|the boy. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Teacher presents new words by creating |Students take down the meanings|Dictionary |Memory, adenoids, dentist, |Direct |1. The ability to |

| |situations. |in their notes. | |surgery, conversation, | |remember. |

| | | | |instrument, realize. | |2. Tonsils. |

| |Passive vocabulary: | | | | |3. Who treats the |

| |Memory, adenoids, dentist, surgery, | | | | |diseases of teeth. |

| |conversation, instrument, realize. | | | | |4. Operation |

| | | | | | |5. Discussion between |

| | | | | | |two people. |

| | | | | | |6. A tool |

| | | | | | |7. To know. |

| |Active Vocabulary: |Pupils lok at the situation and| |Unpleasant mirror forehead,|Situational |1. unhappy |

| |Unpleasant, mirror, forehead, strapped,|try to express the correct | |strapped, whispered, | |2. reflect |

| |whispered, nodded, teacher presents |meaning. | |nodded. | |3. brow |

| |these words by creating situations. | | | | |4. material using for |

| | | | | | |fastering. |

| | | | | | |5. talking in a low |

| | | | | | |voice. |

| | | | | | |6. Moving head. |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |The teacher reads the passage aloud. |Pupil listen to the reading of |Text book | |Comprehension. | |

| | |the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading |The teacher supervises while they read.|Students read the passage | | | | |

| | |silently. | | | | |

|Comprehension |The teacher asks a few questions to |Students answer the questions. | |Comprehension questions. |Interactive |1. where did the |

| |test their comprehension. | | | | |writer’s mother wish |

| | | | | | |to take him. |

| | | | | | |2. What was the |

| | | | | | |problem with the |

| | | | | | |writer? |

| | | | | | |3. How did the doctor |

| | | | | | |sterilize the |

| | | | | | |operation needle ? |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught, teacher |Pupils take down the | | | |Spellings: |

| |gives assignment. Also examination |assignment. | | | |Unpl _ _ |

| |model Q.No. 22 to 28 & 30 of Paper-I. | | | | |sant (ea/ae) |

| | | | | | |Doct _ _ (or/er) |

| | | | | | |Surg _ _ y (er/ar)|


PERIOD NO: UNIT No. 3 No. of Periods:

Day-17 Date: 20/7/ Class: IX, A VISIT TO THE DOCT-OR Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|“A Visit to the Doctor” |Teacher asks a few questions from the |Students answer the questions |Text book |Comprehension questions. |Interactive |1. What does the air do to our |

|Recapitulation of the topic. |paragraphs 1-8, taught on the previous|correctly. | | | |body? |

| |day. | | | | |2. When do we begin to sweat ? |

| | | | | | |3. Why do we feel thirsty on a hot |

| |1. What did the doctor have to his | | | | |day ? |

| |forehead ? |A) a mirror | | | |4. Name some cold-blood animals. |

| | | | | | | |

| |2. What was going to happen to the boy| | | | | |

| |? |A) A surgery for adenoids. | | | | |

|Summary: |The teacher explains the content given|Students understand the |A blade, a picture | |Explanatory | |

|(9-17) Paragraphs |in the paragraphs from (9-17). |contact. |shown adenoids, | | | |

| | | |aluminium mug. | | | |

|The doctor asked the boy to open | | | | | | |

|his mouth. He trust the needle | | | | | | |

|into the boy’s mouth. He twisted | | | | | | |

|it four or five times. A huge lump| | | | | | |

|of adenoids came out of the mouth | | | | | | |

|of the boy. He was shocked to find | | | | | | |

|such a lump. The operation lasted | | | | | | |

|for a few seconds. The boy got rid| | | | | | |

|of the adenoids. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active vocabulary: |Pupils understand the |Dictionary |Painful, disappeared twist, |Situational |Soreness vanished, mishape, |

| |Teacher presents new words by creating|situations and try to know the | |shocked, homified. | |surprised, fearful. |

| |situations. Painful, disappeared, |meanings. | | | | |

| |twist, shocked, horrified. | | | | | |

| |Passive vocabulary: |Students take down the meanings|Blackboard |Metal, flashed, tumbling | |1. Mineral substance |

| |Teacher presents the new words |in their notes. | |gasping grabbed | |2. sudden bright light |

| |directly on the black board, in their | | | | |3. lose the footing |

| |native language. | | | | |4. draw in breath sharply. |

| | | | | | |5. take greedly. |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the paragraphs from |Students listen to the |Text book | | | |

| |9-17. |teacher’s reading. | | | | |

|Silent reading by the students |Teacher supervises while students read|Students read the paragraphs |Text | |Indirect. |Opposites: |

| | |silently | | | |Dryx Wet remember x forget. |


PERIOD NO: UNIT No. 3 No. of Periods:

Day18 Date: 21/7/ Class: IX, A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|“A Visit to the Doctor” |Teacher asks a few questions from the |Students answer the questions |Text book |Comprehension questions. |Interactive | |

|(18-23 paragraphs) |paragraphs 9-17, taught on the |correctly. | | | | |

| |previous day. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |1. What horrified the boy ? | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |2. What did the nurse do before the | | | | | |

| |operation ? | | | | | |

|Summary: | | | | | | |

|The boy and his mother slowly | | | | | | |

|walked home. He was able to breath| | | | | | |

|freely through his nose after the | | | | | | |

|operation. The visit to the doctor| | | | | | |

|ended in a successful operation. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active vocabulary |Pupils understand the |Dictionary |Lifted, shaky, stairs, arm |Situational |Move upwards trembling. A set of |

| |Teacher creates new words by creating |situations and try to know the | |chair. | |fixed steps. An upholstered chair |

| |situations. |meanings, lifted, shaky, | | | |with supports. |

| | |stairs, arm chair. | | | | |

| |Passive Vocabulary |Students take down the meanings|Blackboard |Dripping, anaesthetic | |1. fat melted from roast meat. |

| |Dripping anaesthetic teacher presents |in their notes | | | | |

| |the new words directly on the black | | | | | |

| |board in their native language. | | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the paragraphs from |Students listen to the |Text book | | | |

| |18-23. |teacher’s reading. | | | | |

|Silent reading by the students |Teacher supervises while students |Students read the paragraphs |Text | |Indirect | |

| |read. |silently. | | | | |

|Assignment |Teacher gives the assignment. | | | | |Q.No. 15 matching exam model text |

| | | | | | |book page No. 27. |

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Recapitulation comprehension |Teacher asks some questions from the |Students answer the questions |Text book |Comprehension questions. |Interactive |1. What was the problem with the |

| |lesson done earlier. |correctly. | | | |writer ? |

| | | | | | |2. How long did the operation last |

| | | | | | |? |

| | | | | | |3. In which year did the writer |

| | | | | | |undergo the operation? |

|Grammar |The teacher teaches the textual |Students understand the grammar|Black board and | |Discussion | |

| |exercises page No. 26 along with the |exercises. |previous papers | | | |

| |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Pupils take down | | | |Exam model: |

|Assignment |gives assignment. | | | | |Paper-I, |

| | | | | | |Q.No. 15, 16, 17, 23, 24 etc. |



Day:1 Date: 1/8/






Difficult words: White – coated, enquired, tired, observed, designed, expert.


1. Poems are for reading, understanding, enjoyment, recitation etc.

2. The inculcation of literary skills such as the ability to understand, interpret and enjoy poems, plays etc.

3. The development of study skills such as the ability to use a dictionary, reference book etc.


An expert meets a boy called Toby. He wears a white coat. He wants to examine the intelligence of the boy. He starts putting questions.

First the expert asks Toby to tell him now he makes use of his eyes. The boy answers that he makes use of his eyes to see unless he is tired of seeing. The expert seems to be satisfied with the answer. The so called expert puts the second question about the nose. Toby replies that he uses the nose for smelling things. He hopes that the expert also will do the same. Finally he puts the last question about the function of the ears. Toby is not at all pleased with these questions. They are silly and meaningless. They are not intelligent tests. To teach a lesson to the expert, Toby says that the ears are meant for washing. The expert is dumb founded the is given a suitable silly answer to his crazy question.



|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Information about the poet |The teacher introduces the poet to the |Students listen about the poet. | | | | |

| |students. | | | | | |

|Vocabulary Reading aloud by the |The Teacher signs the poem with rhyme and |Students listen to the teacher | | | | |

|teacher |rhythm. |with their books shut. | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the poem again for the second|Students follow the poem in their |Vernon Scannel | | | |

| |time. |text book. | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the pupil |Teacher asks a few students to read the |Students read the poem aloud. | | | | |

| |poem aloud and corrects the mistakes and | | | | | |

| |checks the pronunciation. | | | | | |

|Silent reading by the pupil |The teacher supervises while the students |Students read the poem silently. | | | | |

| |read the poem. | | | | | |

|Comprehension Questions |The teacher asks the following questions on|Students give expected answers. | | | | |

| |each and every line of the poem. | | | | | |

|Questions for appreciation of the |The teacher asks the students to pick out |Pupil pick out the rhyming words. |Appreciating the poem: |Ryming words |

|poem |the rhyming words. | |Who is Toby ? |You – too |

| | | |Why does the poet use ‘white-coated’ man ? |Head – said |

| | | |What is the last question put by the expert to Toby ? | |

|Recapitulation |Teacher asks the following questions so as | | | | | |

| |to elicit the summary of the poem. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Who is Toby ? | | | | | |

| |Who puts the questions to Toby ? | | | | | |

| |What do we use our eyes for ? | | | | | |

| |What do we use our nose for ? | | | | | |

| |What does Toby answer to the last question | | | | | |

| |? | | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the pupil |Teacher asks the students to read the poem |Students read the poem aloud with | | | | |

| |aloud again. |correct stress, intonation and | | | | |

| | |pronunciation. | | | | |

|Assignment |The teacher asks the students to narrate |Pupil write down the assignment. | | |Assignment: |

| |the summary of the poem briefly. She | | | |What does Toby do why he is tired of |

| |writes the summary on the board. | | | |looking ? |

| | | | | |Do you think the expert’s questions |

| | | | | |really test the intelligence of Toby ? |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No. UNIT No. No. of Periods:

Day 3 Date: 3/8/ Class: IX: MY DOG MARCU’S Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Motivation of the topic |Teacher asks a few questions to | | | | | |

| |motivate the pupil. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Do you love animals ? | | | | | |

| |Which pet animals do you like the |Yes | | | | |

| |most ? | | | | | |

| |What is the name of your dog ? |Dog, cat, rabbit. | | | | |

| |Is active or lazy? | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Johny | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Active | | | | |

|Declaration of the topic (1-6) |The teacher announces the topic and | | |My dog Marcus | | |

| |write it on the BB | | | | | |

|Summary: |Teacher explains the passages |Pupil understands the |[pic] | |Explanatory | |

|Marcus was a huge pet dog. He | |content |Bernard | | | |

|becomes lazy. To take a walk with| | | | | | |

|his master was Slavery to him. | | | | | | |

|So he got an idea to escape the | | | | | | |

|work. He decided to pretend to | | | | | | |

|be deaf. When his master asked | | | | | | |

|Marcus for a walk he pretended | | | | | | |

|that he was deaf. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Teacher presents new words by | | | | | |

| |creating situations. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Passive Vocabulary: | | | | |Vigorous |

| |Certainly, intensive, slavery, | | |Intensive |Direct |Identifying |

| |recently, recognize, address | | |Recognize | |Hard work |

| | | | |Slavery |Situational |Flat is certain |

| |Active Vocabulary: | | |Certainly | |Ideal |

| |Huge, handsome, perfect, pretend, | | |Perfect | |Who can’t hear. |

| |disturb, deaf. |Pupil take down the meanings |Dictionary |Deaf | | |

| | |in their note books. | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |The teacher reads the passage |Pupil listen to the reading |Text book | |Comprehension | |

| |loudly. |of the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading |Teacher supervises while they lead. |Pupil lead the passage | | | | |

| | |silently. | | | | |

|Comprehension |The teacher asks a few questions to |Students answer the questions| |Comprehension questions. |Interactive |Opposites :Q.No.23 |

| |test their comprehension. | | | | |Perfect x imperfect |

| | | | | | |Near x far |

| | | | | | |Huge x small |

| | | | | | |Able x unable |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Pupil take down | | | |Marcus is different from other |

| |gives assignment. | | | | |dogs in several ways, what are |

| | | | | | |they ? |

| | | | | | |In what way was Marcus only |

| | | | | | |partly deaf. |

| | | | | | |What was the plan for curing |

| | | | | | |marcus. |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No. UNIT No. 4 No. of Periods:

Day 4 Date: 4/8/ Class: IX: MY DOG MARCUS Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Recapitulation of the topic “My Dog|Teacher asks a few questions from the |Students answer the question | | | | |

|Marcus” (7-16) paragraphs. |last paragraphs (1-6) taught. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |What was Marcus? How was he ? | | | | | |

| | |A) Pet dog it was huge. | | | | |

| |What was the idea of Marcus ? | |Text Book |Comprehension questions |Discussion | |

| | |A) To make life easy. | | | | |

| |What is slavery according to Marcus ? | | | | | |

| | |A) Taking a walk | | | | |

|Summary: | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|The master and the mistress | | | | | | |

|realized this. They wished to teach| | | | | | |

|a lesson to Marcus. They did not | | | | | | |

|speak before the dog. They did not| | | | | | |

|cal it for food for several days. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Marcus felt hungry. He was |Teacher explains the story given in |Students understand the story. | | |Explanatory | |

|starved. He realized his folly. |the 7-16 paragraphs. | | | | | |

|After a few days, the master took | | | | | | |

|pity on the dog. He called him for| | | | | | |

|a walk. Immediately he obliged his| | | | | | |

|master. Marcus was cured of his | | | | | | |

|pretentions deafness. The story | | | | | | |

|underlines the moral “Don’t cheat | | | | | | |

|others lest you should be cheated”.| | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active Vocabulary |Students look at the created |Dictionary, situations/|Deaf, tiny, scrap, slipped, |Situational/ |Deaf=unable to hear |

| |Teacher presents new words by creating|situations and understand the |contexts. |butcher. |contextual |Tiny=very small |

| |situations. |meanings. | | | |Scarp=piece |

| | | | | | |Slipped=falling something. |

| | | | | | |Butcher=person who cuts and sells |

| | | | | | |meat. |

| |Passive Vocabulary |Students take down the meanings|Dictionary |Cured, puzzled. | |Cured = treatment |

| |Teacher writes new words & their |in their notes. | | | |Puzzled = confuse |

| |meanings directly on the BB | | | | | |

|Reading aloud |Teacher reads the paragraphs from 7-16|Students listen to the reading |Text Book | | | |

| |aloud. |of the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading |Teacher supervises while students |Students read the passages | | | | |

| |read. |silently. | | | | |

|Comprehension |Teacher asks a few questions to test |Students answer | |Comprehension questions |Interactive |What was the idea of Marcus ? |

| |their comprehension. | | | | |Why did Marcus want to pretend to |

| | | | | | |be deaf? |

| | | | | | |How did the master find out that |

| | | | | | |Marcus was not deaf ? |

| | | | | | |How did the writer and his wife |

| | | | | | |cure Marcus ? |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Students take down. | | | |Q.No. 12 of Paper-II story writing.|

| |gives assignment. | | | | | |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No. UNIT No. No. of Periods:

Day 9 Date: 10/8/ Class: IX: THE POOREST OF THE POOR Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Introduction/ Motivation of the |Teacher asks a few questions to |Students answer the question | | | | |

|topic “The poorest of the poor” |motivate the students towards the | | | | | |

|(1-9) |lesson. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Where is the famous temple of “Kali”?|A) Kolkata | | | | |

| |Name some important people of India ?| | | |Discussion | |

| |Who is the person worked for the poor| | | | | |

| |people ? |A) Gandhi, Nehru |[pic] | | | |

| |Where do poor people live. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |A) Mother Teresa | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |A) In slums/huts | | | | |

|Declaration of the topic |The teacher announces the topic | |Picture of “Mother Teresa”|“The poorest of the Poor” | | |

|“The poorest of the poor” (1-9) | | | | | | |

| | | |Picture of a slum area |[pic] | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Picture of dying people. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Summary: | | | | | | |

|Calcutta which is now called as | | | | | | |

|Kolkata is a crowded city full of | | | | | | |

|slums and slums and poor people. | | | | | | |

|Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in | | | | | | |

|1910. When she was twelve, she |Teacher explains the story given in |Students understand the story | | |Explanatory | |

|came to know of the pathetic |the 9 paragraphs. | | | | | |

|conditions of India. She became a| | | | | | |

|nun and came to Kolkata to teach | | | | | | |

|in St. Marry’s School. Teresa | | | | | | |

|started a school in a poor | | | | | | |

|locality. Next the started a | | | | | | |

|training school for girls. One | | | | | | |

|day she heard a cell from God to | | | | | | |

|serve the poor. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active Vocabulary |Students look at the created | |Huge |Interactive |Very big |

| |Teacher presents new words by |situations and understand the | |Crowded | |Large group of people |

| |creating situations. |meanings. | |Diseases | |Illness |

| |Huge | | | | | |

| |Crowded | | | | | |

| |Diseases | | | | | |

| |Passive Vocabulary |Students take down the |Dictionary |Population | |The inhabitants of an area |

| |Teacher presents new words directly |meanings in their notes. | |Excitement | |Thrill |

| |on the black board in their native | | |Organizations | |Coordination |

| |language. | | |Missionaries | |A person sent to spread religious |

| | | | | | |faith. |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the paragraphs from |Students listen to the reading|Text book | | | |

| |(1-9) aloud. |of the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading by the students. |Teacher supervises while students |Students read the passages | | | | |

| |read. |silently. | | | | |

|Comprehension |Teacher asks a few questions to test |Students answer the questions | |Where do many people live in | | |

| |their comprehension. | | |Kolkata ? |Interactive | |

| | | | |Where and won was Mother | | |

| | | | |Teresa born? | | |

| | | | |Who is called a nun? | | |

| | | | |When did Teresa hear a call | | |

| | | | |from God ? | | |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher | | | | |Q.No. 19, 22-24, 26-29 & 30 of |

| |gives assignment | | | | |Paper-I |

| |Q.No. 19, 22, 23, 24, 26-29 & 30 of | | | | | |

| |Paper-I. | | | | | |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No. UNIT No. No. of Periods:

Day 10 Date: 11/8/ Class: IX: THE POOREST OF THE POOR Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Recapitulation of the topic “The |Teacher asks a few questions from the|Students answer the question | | | | |

|poorest of the poor” |last 9 paragraphs. | | | | | |

|(1-9) | | | | | | |

| |Where do many people live in Kolkata. |A) In Kolkata | | | | |

| |Where and won as Mother Teresa born ? | |Text book | | | |

| |Who is called a men ? | | | |Discussion | |

| | |A) In Yugoslavia in 1910 | | | | |

| |When did Teresa hear a call from God ?| | | | | |

| | |A) Who is unmarried until her | | | | |

| | |death | | | | |

| | |A) In 1946 | | | | |

|Summary (10-16) |Teacher explains the story given in |Students understand the story. |Picture of a slum area.| | | |

|Another incident touched her heart.|10-17 paragraphs. | |Picture of an old | | | |

|She found a sick woman lying by the| | |temple. Picture of | | | |

|side of the road. The woman was | | |patients. | | | |

|half eaten by rats and insects. | | | | | | |

|Teresa took her to hospitals. No | | | | | | |

|hospital admitted that dying | | | | | | |

|patient. Somehow she got her | | | | | | |

|admitted in a hospital. | | | | | | |

|She started a “Home for the Dying”.| | | | | | |

|It was a noble cause. She served | | | | | | |

|the uncared, dying poor people. | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Active Vocabulary |Pupils look at the created | |Permission |Discussion |To allow |

| |Teacher presents new words by creating|situations and understand the | |Generous | |kind |

| |situations. |nearing. | |Gather | |collect |

| | | | |Choose | |Select |

| | | | |Cross | | |

| |Passive vocabulary |Students take down the meanings|Dictionary |Accept |Direct |Agree |

| |Teacher presents new words directly on|in their notes. | |Include | |Remain as part of something |

| |the B/B in their native language | | |Leprosy | |Infections disease affecting the |

| | | | |Unwanted | |skin |

| | | | |Nun | |Helpless |

| | | | | | |An unmarried woman. |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the passages from |Students listen to the reading |Text book | | | |

| |(10-16) aloud. |of the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading by the students |Teacher supervises while students |Student read the passage | | | | |

| |read. |silently. | | | | |

|Comprehension |Teacher asks a few questions to test |Students answer | |Comprehension questions |Discussion |How did Mother Teresa dress? |

| |their comprehension | | | | |What did she teach the school |

| | | | | | |children? |

| | | | | | |When did she start first home for |

| | | | | | |the dying ? |

| | | | | | |What do you mean by leprosy? |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Pupils take down | | | |Exam mode: |

| |gives assignment. | | | | |Q.No.23, 24, 21-25, |

| | | | | | |Q.No. 16 of Paper-I |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Q.No. 12 of Paper-II story with |

| | | | | | |tints. |


PERIOD NO: OF LESSON No. UNIT No. No. of Periods:

Day 11 Date: 12/8/ Class: IX: THE POOREST OF THE POOR Sub: ENGLISH Medium: TELUGU

|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Recapitulation of the topic “The |Teacher asks a few questions from the|Students answer the question | | | | |

|poorest of the poor” |last 17 paragraphs. | | | | | |

|(10-16) | | | | | | |

| |What kind of city is Kolkata ? |A) Huge and populated. | | | | |

| |Who is the woman took care of sick |A) Mother Teresa | | | | |

| |people ? | | | |Discussion | |

| |When and where was Mother Teresa born?| | | | | |

| |When did she start her first home for |A) In 1990 in Yugoslavia | | | | |

| |dying ? | | | | | |

| | |A) In 1952 | | | | |

|Summary (17-20) |Teacher explains the story given in |Students understand the story |A chart shaving the | |Exlanatory | |

|Mother Teresa won many National and|17-20 paras. | |sayings of Mother | | | |

|in International Awards. She says | | |Teresa. | | | |

|that a human being should be a | | | | | | |

|living expression of God. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Active Vocabulary: |Students understand the created| |Freedom |Situational |Being free |

| |Teacher creates some situations to |situations and know their | |Need | |Want |

| |present the new words. |meanings. | | | | |

| |Passive Vocabulary |Students take down the meanings|Dictionary |Poverty | |Being poor |

| |Teacher presents new words directly on|in their notes. | |Necessary | |Need |

| |the B/B in their native language. | | |Complain | |Expressing dissatisfaction of pain.|

| | | | |Rescue | |Save |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the passages from |Students listen to the reading |Text book | | | |

| |(17-20) paragraphs |of the teacher. | | | | |

|Silent reading by the students |Teacher supervises while students |Students read the passages | | | | |

| |read. |silently. | | | | |

|Compression |Teacher asks a few questions to test |Students Answer | |Compression questions | |Why was Teresa sent to India ? |

| |their comprehension | | | | |How did Teresa start a training |

| | | | | | |school for the girls? |

| | | | | | |Who were taken into the “Home for |

| | | | | | |the Dying”? |

|Assignment |Based on the lesson taught teacher |Students take down | | | |Exam Model: |

| |gives assignment. | | | | |Q.No. 16, 21 to 25 and 30 of |

| | | | | | |Paper-I. |



Day : 19 DATE: 23/8/






Difficult words: tickle, nasty, sneaky, warn


1. Poems are for reading, understanding, enjoyment, recitation etc.

2. The inculcation of literary skills such as the ability to understand, interpret and enjoy poems, plays etc.

3. The development of study skills such as the ability to use a dictionary, reference book etc.


1. The poet calls the playing field an old field. The personifies it. The names it ‘he’

2. The old field is sad. The children who have played there all through the afternoon have gone home. They have played with the ball kicking it to field.

3. The old field recollects the day’s events. The feels the warm breath of the players.

4. The old field remains there in his place. The faces the darkness as well as the cold weather with a hope that the children will come to play again the next day.



|Content |By Teacher |By Pupil |Teaching Aids |Black Board |Method |Evaluation |

|Information about the poet |The teacher introduces the poet to the |Students listen about the poet. |[pic] | | |The Old Field |

| |students. | |D.J. Enright | | | |

|Presentation of different words |Teacher will present difficult words and |Pupil note down the words. | | | |D.J. Enright |

| |meanings | | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the Teacher |The teacher sings the poem with rhyme and |Students listen to the teacher | | |Difficult words |

| |rhythm. |written their books shut. | | |Tickle |

| | | | | |Nasty |

| | | | | |Sneaky |

| | | | | |Warm |

|Reading aloud by the teacher |Teacher reads the poem again for the second|Students follow the poem in their |[pic] | |Meanings: |

| |time. |text book. |Old Field | |Tickle |

| | | | | |Nasty: horrible, disgusting |

| | | | | |Sneaky: move, convey |

| | | | | |Warm: tepid, luke warm, kind |

|Reading aloud by the pupil. |Teacher asks a few students to read the |Students read the poem. | | | | |

| |poem aloud and corrects the mistakes and | | | | | |

| |checks the pronunciation. | | | | | |

|Silent reading by the pupil |The teacher supervises the students read |Students read the poem silently. | | | | |

| |the poem. | | | | | |

|Comprehension questions. |The teacher asks the following questions on|Pupil give expected and relevant | | | | |

| |the poem. |answers. | | | | |

| |How is the old field? | | | | | |

| |Why is the field sad? | | | | | |

| |How long have the children played with the | | | | | |

| |old field? | | | | | |

| |What have the children done with the ball ?| | | | | |

|Questions for appreciation of the |Teacher asks a few questions. | | | | | |

|poem. |Do the children treat the field gently and | | | | | |

| |carefully ? | | | | | |

| |Why do you think the poet calls the field | | | | | |

| |an old field? | | | | | |

|Recapitulation |The following questions so as to elicit the| | | | | |

| |summary of the poem. | | | | | |

|Reading aloud by the pupil |The teacher asks a few students to read the|Students read the poem aloud. | | | | |

| |poem aloud. | | | | | |

|Assignment |The teacher asks the students to narrate | | | |Assignment: |

| |the summary of the poem. “The old field” | | | |In what way does the field miss the |

| |the teacher writes the summary of the poem | | | |children. |

| |on the black board. | | | |What does the poet compare the children’s|

| | | | | |feet to ? |

| | | | | |Learn the poem by heart and recite it. |




IX Class, Telugu Medium Supplementary Reader-II

I. The wooden Bowl

1. Robertino spent a lot of time with his grandfather, what did they do together ?

2. What happened one night at supper ?

3. Why could not Robertino eat any more supper that night ?

4. How was grandfather punished for breaking the coffee cup ?

5. What happened to the bowl of porridge ?

6. Why did Roberts no try to make a wooden bowl ?

7. What did Robertino’s mother say when grandfather dropped the bowl of porridge ?

II. Practice of comprehension passages – Paper II Part-A Q.No. 11

2. Rip Van Winkle

1. Where did Rip Van Winkle live ?

2. What kind of a man was Rip Van Winkle ?

3. Why was Rip’s wife angry with him ?

4. Why did the neighbours like Rip Van Wrinkle ?

5. What did Rip do when his wife scolded him ?

Q.No. 14 Paper-II Part-B

Comprehension passages from work book

1. The little pencil

2. The diamonds

Story writing – using hints




Paper – I

Q.No. 26

1. De __ __ ded (ci/si)

2. W __ __ ther (ca/al)

3. Tropi __ __ (cal/kal)

4. R o a d (oa, ao)

5. G e a r (ea/ae)

6. Tr I ed (ie/ei)

7. Ag a inst (ai/ia)

8. D I e (ei/ie)

9. Scr __ __ (ee/ea)

10. Ax l e (le/el)

11. Oft en (en/an)

12. Bu si ness (si/ci)

13. Repl __ __ d (ie/ei)

Q.No. 27

1. Impossib l e (le/el)

2. Possib l e (le/el)

3. Sudden __ __ (ly/lly)

Q.No. 23 - Opposites

1. A few x many

2. Perfectly x imperfectly

3. Suddenly x gradually

4. Impossible x possible

5. Pulled x pushed

6. Warm x cold

7. Sharp x blunt

8. Dead x alive

Q.No. 19 Too…. To

1. It is very hot here, I cannot stay

2. It is too hot for me to stay here

3. The tea is very hot, I cannot drink

4. Tea is too hot to drink

5. The cupboard is very high, I cannot read

6. This shirt is very big, I cannot wear

7. This colour is very bright, I cannot use.


Personal letter, Page No.11

1. Write a letter to your friend about your hostel life.


Paper - I

Q.No. 23 : Opposite Words

1. Warm x cool

2. Hot x cold

3. Same x different

4. Many x a few

5. Best x worst

6. More x less

7. Completely x incompletely

8. Normal x abnormal

9. Wanted x unwanted

10. Usually x unusually

11. Wet x dry

12. Remember x forget

13. Easy x difficult

14. Quick x slow

15. Right x wrong

16. Necessary x unnecessary

17. Light x heavy

18. Tiny x large

19. Comportable x uncomfortable

20. Large x small

Q.No. 26 – Complete the following words using ia, ie., ea, ei, and ee

1. Counter __ __ s

2. H __ __ t

3. Bod __ __ s

4. W __ __ ther

5. FIL __ __ s

6. Pat __ __ ntly

7. Rad __ __ tor

8. Ind __ __ d

9. Expec __ __ lly

10. D __ __ l’

11. Sw __ __ t

12. Eas __ __ r

13. Sp __ __ d

Q.No. 24 Paper – I, Part-B, Right forms

1. Warm – Warmth

2. Different – Difference

3. Shade – Shady

4. Difficult – Difficulty

5. Comfort – Comfortably

6. Fortunate – Fortunately

7. Certain – Certainly

8. Remember – Remembrance

9. Patient – patiently

10. Thirst – Thirty

11. Important – Importance

12. Wonder - Wonderful

Q.No. 21: Choosing the right words – Prepositions

Fill in the blanks choosing the right words from those given in the brackets.

1. People prefer to ________ sit under a tree or in a cool room (in, to, on)

2. It is cooler ________the shade than in the sunshine (on, at in)

3. Millions ________ tiny glands pour out a watering salty liquid (with, of, for)

4. Even when we are completely still, some ________ our muscles still work inside our bodies (off, of ion).

5. People who live ________ cold countries keep themselves warm by wearing warm clothes (in, on, at).

Paper-B, Part-B

Q.No. 14

Practice Test

Complete the following passage with appropriate words. Each blank is numbered. Choose the correct answers from those given. Put a, b, c or d in the blank.

Now the air that ___ on the skin is usually ___ than the blood in the skin. The air can therefore ___ the blood so that it returns to the inside ___ the body ___ a lower temperature.

1. (a) blew (b) blow (c) blows (d) blowing

2. (a) cool (b) cooler (c) cold (d) cooling

3. (a) cool (b) warm (c) hot (d) cold

4. (a) in (b) on (c) of (d) at

5. (a) of (b) with (c) at (d) in


Q.No. 28 – Wrongly spelt word

1. Differance - difference

2. Wether - weather

3. Mussles - muscles

4. Importent - important

5. Necesary - necessary

6. Radiatar - radiator

7. Sensibble - sensible

8. Techer - teacher

9. Elephent - elephant

10. Shover - shower

11. Confortible - comfortable

12. Millians - millions

13. Complikated - complicated

14. Wonderfull - wonderful

15. Persppire - perspire


Paper – I, Part - B

Q.No. 28 : Opposite Words

1. Pleasent - pleasant

2. Memmory - memory

3. Adenaids - adenoids

4. Surjery - surgery

5. Alluminium - aluminium

6. Wispered - whispered

7. Conversasion - conversation

8. Instrumant - instrument

9. Steem - steam

10. Apear - appear

11. Horified - horrified

12. Beleeve - believe

13. Driping - dripping

14. Anasthetic - anaesthetic

15. Operasion - operation

16. Apran - Apron


1. App __ __ r

2. An __ __ sthetic

3. Bel __ __ ve

4. Pl __ __ sant

5. Horrif __ __ d

6. St __ __ m

7. P __ __ red

8. Foreh __ __ d

9. St __ __ l

10. R ea lize

11. T __ __ th

12. Disapp __ __ red

13. Cl __ __ rly

14. R __ __ ched

15. F __ __ t

16. Ch __ __ r

17. Norweg __ __ n

18. B __ __ the


1. zppear – appearance

2. Describe – description

3. Believe – belief

4. Remember – remembrance

5. Converse – conversation

6. Perfect – perfectly

7. Strong - strength


1. “Get some sleep”, his father said, Page No. 23, reader

2. “I am writing a letter” brother said

3. “I am watching TV” sister said

4. “Get up early” his father said

5. “Answer every question” his mother said

Q.No. 25

Putting the words under the correct headings:

|Things |Related words |

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

Apron, doctors, dentists, mirror, nurse, blade, patient, bowl.

|Things |Related words |

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

Q.No. 27

Complete the words with the letters given in brackets

1. Necess ________ (ary/ery)

2. Opera ________ (sion/tion)

3. Import ________ (ent/ant)

4. Conversa________ (tion/sion)

5. Orderin ________ (ory/ary)

6. Aden ________ (oids/aids)

7. Differ ________ (ent/ant)

8. Profession ________ (al/el)

9. Rememb ________ (er/ar)

10. Surg ________ ary/ery


1. Dry x wet

2. Sharp x blunt

3. Shiny x dull

4. Long x short

5. Quick x slow

6. Belief x unbelief

7. Appear x disappear

8. Perfectly x imperfectly

9. Gently x harshly

10. High x low

11. Remember x forget

12. Kind x cruel

13. Pleasant x unpleasant

14. Big x small

15. Open x close


1. To help students enjoy the learning of English.

2. To help them listen to English spoken by the teachers, classmates and understand it.

3. To help them speak English with their teacher and classmates.

4. To train them to read and understand the given reading material.

5. To help them write simple and appropriate English in answering questions and doing language exercises.

6. To help them learn elements of language such as sounds, words, spellings, phrases, sentences and their structuring.

7. The development of language skills viz., listening, speaking, reading and writing.

8. The development of communication skills involving accuracy, fluency, appropriacy etc.


1. When the teaching is finished students will be able to use different vocabulary.

2. They will differentiate among various structures.

3. They will get prepared to write different substitution tables, for different grammatical items.

4. They will collect examples from other reference books.

5. They will be able to frame their own sentences.


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