SSC3001 Planning, Teaching and Assessment in Science

4264025-801370ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET: SECONDARY PGCEName: Rachael HallGroup: Course CodeModule Number: SIT4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Computer ScienceAssignment Title: Portfolio of Subject Knowledge DevelopmentDate submitted: 4.1.13 Personal Tutor: Dawn Hewitson Learning Outcomes: You will be able to -Demonstrate a deep critical knowledge and understanding of your subject and related pedagogy to enable you to teach effectively across the age and ability range for which you are trainedReview and reflect upon your subject knowledge with critical awareness and identify implications for your own teaching and learning and professional developmentDemonstrate compliance with and the ability to critically reflect on the relevant statutory and non-statutory curricular frameworks including those provided through national policies and priorities relating to and for your subject and other relevant initiatives applicable to the age and ability range for which you are trainedDemonstrate a deep knowledge and critical understanding of a selection of theories of learning which underpin excellent teaching and learningComments related to Learning Outcomes Additional comments following moderation:Trainee TargetsTrainee/ student to complete (your work cannot be accepted for marking unless the declaration is signed):Tutors to completeWord Count: ______________Appendices: Yes Declaration: I confirm that I have read Edge Hill University’s policy on plagiarism and collusion, as contained in the Regulations (please see your Student Handbook), and that the work submitted here is my own.Signature: …R Hall…………………………….Date: ………………….Mark awarded after internal moderation (subject to University and External Assessment ) First Marker signature:…………………………………..Date: ……………….. Second Marker signature: ……………………………Date: ………………..SIT4010 developing subject knowledge and pedagogy in Computer Science PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology.2013- 2014[5th December 2013]Portfolio of EvidenceSIT4010 Developing Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Computer Scienceportfolio of evidenceContentsKey Target Area3+Concept Map4+Lesson Plans6+Lesson Evaluation and Critical Reflection38+Bibliography46+Appendices48+reflection on audit and selection of key target areaAcross the KS3 and KS4 curriculum, there are several areas which I feel I present a strength in. Technology in the world is area in which I feel I have progressively increased my knowledge in over the past few years, I feel this is because I have had a broad and varied career in Education and have been able to adapt to changes within school technologies. Problem solving and Web Design are areas which I possess a definite strength and confidence through my Team leading and Management roles and designing of own website for business and creative use. Safety, Security and the Law is an area in which I have improved my confidence in dramatically due to teaching a number of lessons on this in the past few months. I have researched and planned well and increased my knowledge accordingly.Technical understanding and programming are the areas in the KS3 and KS4 curriculum I have no real knowledge or confidence in teaching, prior to undertaking this course, my knowledge and awareness of programming was very minimal as although my experience in education has been very broad an many ICT lessons have been observed and contributed to, Computer Science in lessons were limited due to the restrictions of there being no curriculum , I had no knowledge of the opportunities and strengths it presented and, I had yet to be introduced to the world of programming and its vast areas of exploration. In the Post 16 curriculum, the areas in which would feel confident in delivering would be training, support, Retail systems and Living in a Digital world. I feel I can deliver confidently in these areas due to my past career as a teaching assistant and manager, I have always been up to date with communicational digital technologies for my careers and whilst studying my degree, and the use of digital devices such as video conferencing have been a regular incidence whilst in management careers alongside computer interaction and data management. Characteristics of applications is also an area I feel I possess a expansive knowledge in due to my extensive use of payroll and billing systems.Areas where by I would feel less confident in delivering to Post 16 students would be focused again on Programming, this is due to again my limited background knowledge of the subject. Prior to starting this course, my degree and previous careers have undertaken a differential set of skills more focused to ICT areas rather than new concepts of Computer Science and in particular programming.Upon deciding the subject for my mini lesson by reviewing the concept map and subject knowledge audit, it was evident that the area in which I displayed the most weakness and lacked confidence in was programming, due to this being my weakness across the board of KS3, KS4 and Post 16. I also selected Python programming as I had only used it twice in taster sessions and felt quite uncomfortable and daunted at the prospect of it. I hoped to gain knowledge in Programming through effective planning and teaching of Python. Identify Syntax3.2.2.2 Identify common features of a languageConcept Mapping Computer Science Curriculum3. Syntax Variables3.2.1.1 User requirements3. Logic3. Operators3. Alpha testing3. Beta testing3.2.4.2 User end testing3.2.4.1 User requirement specification3.2.4 Test Programs Programs Accessibility3.2.6 Run Programs3.2.6.1 Ease of use3.2.6.2 Usability2.1.2 Algorithms3.2.3.3 Peer Evaluation3. Debug3.2.3.1 Understand code syntax3.2.3.2 Explore Solutions3.2.3 Find errors in Programs and Debug3.2.2 Understand and explain Programs2.1.1.1Python2.1.1.4 VB2.1.1.3 Java2.1.1.2 HTML2.1.1 Languages21812253911603.2.5 Use Extraction mechanisms3.2 Programming7902575-579755scheme of work and lesson plansComputer Science Year 8Topic Title: An introduction to Python Programming.Learning Aim(s):Develop a knowledge of what is understood by Programming and it capabilities.Exploration with Python Programming language and its interfaceProduce a series of inputted code alongside a workbook using knowledge of Python language.Context and opportunities for cross-curricular links:This scheme of work will allow for students to explore themselves with what programming is, why it is used and also to be introduced to a piece of software that they may not have seen before and its language. Students will be following a work book to aid their lessons which will teach them the basic syntax, inputs, strings and dictionaries used in Python. There are opportunities for cross-curricular links to: English MathematicsScienceWhere the unit fits in:This unit is being taught as an introduction to Python as a scheme of work to the Year 8 students. As the students in year 8 are already following a scheme of work in daily lessons, the lessons will be taught on a Wednesday lunchtime club and will last for approximately 60 minutes.Prior Learning:Pupils will have very little to no prior knowledge, as it is the first time the Python software has been introduced. National Curriculum/CAS References:Research and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Use programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users Understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer systemExpected Learning Outcomes at the end of this unit:All pupils will be able to:Be able to explain partially what programming is and one use of it.To explore the location of the Python Software on the computer but not be able to use it appropriately. Complete task one in the workbook with support.Most pupils will be able to:Be able to give a good description of what programming is and more than two uses of it.Be able to locate the python software independently and use it to a good plete task one and two in their workbook independently.Few pupils will be able to: Be able to give a detailed description of Python and its uses.Be able to locate the Python Software and use it to a high standard and offer peer plete task one and two in their workbook, offer peer support and move on to task three.Language for learning:Through the activities in this unit, pupils will be able to understand, use and spell correctly:Python, Syntax, Programming, Research, String, Internet, Output, Interface, Variable, Workbook.Resources:ComputersLesson PlansInternet AccessWorkbooksPython SoftwareInteractive WhiteboardBlank Mouse MatsPensFlash CardsTimeLesson 1 of 3- (60 Minutes) 5 Mins5 Mins10 Mins30 Mins10 Mins5 Mins5 Mins10Mins30 Mins9 Mins1 Min Lesson 1 of 3 (60 Mins)Complete settler task on desks (What is Programming sentence).Introduction and Mystery callStudents listen to the lesson objectives, mystery call and recap of last lesson whilst sat in desks.Pairs will collaborate to research and produce a sentence which describes what programming isStudents will watch video and then load up the python programme for the first time. They will then enter their first piece of code in line with their worksheets. Lesson 2 of 3 (60 Mins)Complete settler task on desks (Four uses sheet).Introduction and Mystery callStudents listen to the lesson objectives, mystery call and recap of last lesson whilst sat in desks.Groups will work out the correct sequence of words to form a sentence.Pupils will work independently through their workbooks to complete Tasks one and two. If completed, students will move on to task three and provide peer support Save WorkPupils will take part in the plenary in two teams, teacher to present questions based around learning outcomes, display their answers on whiteboardsSettler ActivityStudents come in welcomed with new seating plan and sit in their seats ready for register and compete the starter worksheet on desk. Pupils are asked to a sentence on what they feel programming is. Register all pupils Students briefed on mystery call and recap of last lessonActivity One Starter Programming Research Task Students will be put into pairs and given a research task sheet. Students must work together to find out as much as they can about what programming is. They must form a sentence together and read out their description of programming to the class.Activity 2 Python Interface Pupils will watch a video of a brief introduction to the Python software, shell and basic language (Print, brackets and colour change in text). Pupils will watch the demonstration of opening Python look at the interface on the board (Teacher Demonstration. and how to Open up a GUI interface)Pupils will then locate and open up the Python software on their computers and follow their worksheet.Teacher demonstrationHello world demonstrated by teacher and left on the IWB for students to attempt.Activity 4 Plenary Quick Quiz When all students have saved their work, the teacher will give out a quiz sheet to each student, the quiz will have a list of correct and incorrect strings. The students must select which code will work when entered into Python and which will not.MMystery Call Result.Settler ActivityStudents come in welcomed with previous seating plan and sit in their seats ready for register and compete the starter worksheet on desk. Pupils are asked to provide four uses of Python. Register all pupils Students briefed on mystery call and recap of last lessonActivity One Starter Syntax Sort Direct the class to split in half (room sides) Teams will be given laminated sheets with words which form a sentence and they must themselves into the correct orderReview the teams progress and give guidance where needed.Activity 2 WorkbooksPupils will work through their workbooks whilst using Python to input their code. Pupils will use self-assessment to tick boxes once a task has been completed Teacher will assess progress aiding individuals where needed. Ensure work is saved.Activity 4 Plenary QuizWhen all students have saved their work, the teacher will hold a brief Q&A to test learning outcomes, pupils will use their whiteboards to answer questions on the IWB in silence. The team with the most points at the end wins the Snake Sweets Jar.MMystery Call Result.LO1Some: Pupils will be able to provide a very brief description of programming. Not all will display relativity or be spelled correctly.Most: Pupils will be able to describe programming to a good standard. Mostly words will be topic relative and spelled correctly.Few: Pupils will be able to give an excellent example of programming. All will be relative related and spelled correctlyLO2Some: Will be able to work with peers.Most: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce a sentence.Few: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce an excellent sentenceLO3Some : Will be able to locate the Python software open it with support and attempt “Hello World”Most : Will be able to locate the python software and open it and complete “hello world” without supportFew: Will be able to locate the python software, open it, complete “hello world” effectively and aid others LO4Some: Will be able to identify three or more errors correctly.Most: Will be able to identify five or more errors correctly.Few: Will be able to identify all errors correctly.LO1Some: Pupils will be able to list 1 or more words derived from the terminology. Not all will display relativity or be spelled correctly.Most: Pupils will be able to list 2 or more words derived from the terminology. Mostly words will be topic relative and spelled correctly.Few: Pupils will be able to list 3 or more words derived from the terminology. All will be relative related and spelled correctlyLO2Some: Will be able to work with peers.Most: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce part of the sequence.Few: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce part of the sequenceLO3Some : Will be able to complete task one with supportMost : Will be able to complete task one and two with limited supportFew: Will be able to complete tasks one and two with no support and aid other pupilsLO4Some: Will be able to provide an answer to three or more questions correctly.Most: Will be able to provide an answer to five or more questions correctly.Few: Will be able to provide and answer to all the questions correctly.5 Mins5 Mins10 Mins35 Mins5 MinsLesson 3 of 3 (60 Minutes)Complete settler task on desks (Four uses sheet).Introduction and Mystery callStudents listen to the lesson objectives, and recap of last lesson whilst sat in desks.Pairs of students will find their matching cards with the other students to make a set.Pupils will work independently through their workbooks to complete Tasks three and four. If completed, students will move on to task five and provide peer support Pupils must save workPupils will take part in the plenary in two teams, teacher to present questions based around learning outcomes, in a connect four game, pupils will take turn to answer Settler Activity- Error IdentifyStudents come in welcomed with previous seating plan and sit in their seats ready for register and complete the starter worksheet on desk. Pupils are asked to identify what is wrong with the 5 code examples and state what is missing from them in order for them to work. Register all pupils Students briefed on mystery call and recap of last lessonActivity One Starter Match Up Task Students will be given cards that describe data types in Python, half of the students will have a data type name and half will have a data type description. Pupils will liase with other students and pair themselves up. Answers will be pinned to the board.Review the teams progress and give guidance where needed.Activity 2 WorkbooksPupils will work through their workbooks whilst using Python to input their code. Pupils will use self-assessment to tick boxes once a task has been completed .Teacher will assess progress aiding individuals where needed. Ensure work is savedActivity 4 Plenary QuizWhen all students have saved their work, the teacher will hold a brief Q&A to test learning outcomes by using the connect four game on the IWB. Pupils will take it in turns to answer the questions. The team with the most points at the end wins.MMystery Call Result. LO1Some: Pupils will be able identify what is missing from one part of code. Not all will display relativity or be spelled correctly.Most: Pupils will be able identify what is missing from three of more parts of code. Mostly words will be topic relative and spelled correctly.Few: Pupils will be able identify what is wrong with all the code examples. All will be relative related and spelled correctlyLO2Some: Will be able to work with peers.Most: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce the correct answer with teacher support.Few: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce the correct answer.LO3Some : Will be able to complete task three with supportMost : Will be able to complete task three and four with limited supportFew: Will be able to complete tasks three and four with no support and aid other pupilsLO4Some: Will be able to provide an answer to three or more questions correctly.Most: Will be able to provide an answer to five or more questions correctly.Few: Will be able to provide and answer to all the questions correctly. Lesson outlines;Introduction to Python ProgrammingIntroduction to the basic Python Data typesComplete Python workbook by inputting basic code.lesson 1 of 3 rachael Hall KS3 COMPUTER SCIENCESubject: Computer ScienceDate/time: 11/11/13Sequence: 1 of 3Class: 8R3 12 PupilsAbility: MixedRoom: W12Lesson Description/Aim: To become familiar with the Basic Python Syntax input and basic Python Syntax code.Learning Objectives (in terms of Skills, Attitudes, Concepts, Knowledge):By the end of this lesson:: To be able to interpret what programming is.: To locate and explore the python programming software on the schools hard drive.: To be able to demonstrate the use of Python by inputting basic ‘Hello World” code.G&TTo run and explore the Python shell software independently, and work through the given workbook tasks independently, they will also aid peers with workbooks.Learning OutcomesLO1: Pupils will explore with the python software shell and interface.LO2: Pupils will explore the meaning of programming. LO3: Pupils will identify the python software on the hard drive and input a hello world code.Ext Activity: Previous Knowledge: Should be familiar with operation systems and icons on the systemShould be familiar with what programming is and how it can be usedSEN/IEP interventions for this lesson: There is one SEN pupil present in this lesson.TA to assist lower ability students(TA will have a copy of lesson plan and resources being used)Peer mentoring techniques used to support studentTeacher to assist the students with the lesson.Differentiation Strategies for this lesson:- [Grouping : Outcome/Outputs : Tasks/Worksheets : Graduated tasks : Support (LSA / Teacher / Peer): Resource]Peer Mentoring, Graduated Tasks, Where appropriate TA instructionsWorksheet: Resource – Programming research task settler sheet Resource _ Python plenary quiz sheet Resource – Python beginners Workbook Website Resource– Curriculum/CAS References:Research and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Use programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users Understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer systemSkills Demos: - Assisting the pupils towards the skills needed to operate the Python software and how to use it to input codePeer mentoring: - Able pupils to support lower ability pupils in setting up and using the softwareGifted and Talented: If completed own work, aid other peers with work.MustBe able to open the internet explorer and explore the python program location and attempt input a basic python code with peer supportShouldBe able to open the internet explorer and explore the python program location and attempt input a basic python code without peer supportCouldBe able to open the internet explorer and explore the python program location and attempt input a basic python code without peer support and aid peersResources Required:WhiteboardOverhead ProjectorWorksheetsComputersInternet Access and Python software installedLaminated Starter CardsName cards for desksCurriculum Links:English, Maths, Science (Physics), Design and Technology, Sociology - Working with other, Problem solving skills Primary curriculum Design and Technology (mechanisms and control systems)Numeracy / Literacy Opportunities: The students will use literacy skills to explore new vocabulary when researching the internet and inputting code and completing worksheets such punctuation and grammar . Internet usage using basic literacy skills. Numeracy: following step by step instructions and timings,, logical reasoning.Cross-Curricular link Opportunities: Science- further discovering facts about Programming, Computer Science and coding.Geography- Discovering how, why and where programming is used in the world.Health & Safety Considerations: All pupils to be made fully aware of electricity and its dangers, desk areas to be made safe before and after the lesson particularly during the practical task and no drinks present on desks or near computers.TimeLearning/Pupil ActivityTeacher ActivityLearning Outcomes/Assessment5 Mins5 Mins10 Mins30 Mins9 Mins1 MinComplete settler task on desks (Four uses sheet).Introduction and Mystery call:Students listen to the lesson objectives, mystery call and introduction to the unit whilst sat in desks. Pairs will collaborate to research and produce a sentence which describes what programming isStudents will watch video and then load up the python programme for the first time. They will then enter their first piece of code in line with their worksheetsPupils will take part in the plenary in two teams, teacher to present questions based around learning outcomes, display their answers on whiteboardsSettler ActivityStudents come in welcomed with new seating plan and sit in their seats ready for register and compete the starter worksheet on desk. Pupils are asked to provide a response as to what they think programming is. Register all pupils Students briefed on mystery call and introduction into the unit and what they will be doing over the following weeks.Activity One Starter Programming Research Task Students will be put into pairs and given a research task sheet. Students must work together to find out as much as they can about what programming is. They must form a sentence together and read out their description of programming to the class.Activity 2 Python Interface Pupils will watch a video of a brief introduction to the Python software, shell and basic language (Print, brackets and colour change in text). Pupils will watch the demonstration of opening Python look at the interface on the board (Teacher Demonstration. and how to Open up a GUI interface)Pupils will then locate and open up the Python software on their computers and follow their worksheetTeacher demonstrationHello world demonstrated by teacher and left on the IWB for students to attempt.Activity 4 Plenary Quick Quiz When all students have saved their work, the teacher will give out a quiz sheet to each student, the quiz will have a list of correct and incorrect strings. The students must select which code will work when entered into Python and which will not.Log off Computers and Mystery Call Result.LO1Some Pupils will be able to list 1 or more words derived from the word programming terminology. Not all will display relativity or be spelled correctly.Most Pupils will be able to list 2 or more words derived from the word programming terminology. Mostly words will be topic relative and spelled correctly.FewPupils will be able to list 3 or more words derived from the word programming terminology. All will be relative related and spelled correctly.LO2Some: Will be able to work with peers.Most: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce a sentence.Few: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce an excellent sentenceLO3Some : Will be able to locate the Python software open it with support and attempt “Hello World”Most : Will be able to locate the python software and open it and complete “hello world” without supportFew: Will be able to locate the python software, open it, complete “hello world” effectively and aid othersLO4Some: Will be able to identify three or more errors correctly.Most: Will be able to identify five or more errors correctly.Few: Will be able to identify all errors correctly.G&T: Will progress to task 1 in their workbooks, and if completed provide peer support to others.Homework: To research the programming terminology and find an example for a use of programming. Examples to be noted in planners and brought to next lesson. lesson 2 of 3 rachael HallKS3 COMPUTER SCIENCESubject: Computer ScienceDate/time: 18/11/13Sequence: 2 of 3Class: 8R3 12 PupilsAbility: MixedRoom: W12Lesson Description/Aim: To become familiar with the Basic Python Syntax input and basic Python Syntax code .Learning Objectives (in terms of Skills, Attitudes, Concepts, Knowledge):By the end of this lesson:: To explore the meaning of syntax.: To identify and describe the different basic Python data types.: To be able to explore the use of Python by inputting basic code.G&TTo run and explore the Python shell software independently, and work through the given workbook tasks independently, they will also aid peers with workbooks.Learning OutcomesLO1: Pupils will use Python to input a basic code.LO2: Pupils will explore and identify the meaning of syntax. LO3: Pupils will identify and name the basic python data types.Ext Activity: Previous Knowledge: Should be familiar with operation systems and icons on the system.Should be familiar with what programming is and how it can be used in reference to lesson one.SEN/IEP interventions for this lesson: There is one SEN pupil present in this lesson TA to assist lower ability students(TA will have a copy of lesson plan and resources being used)Peer mentoring techniques used to support studentTeacher to assist the students with the lesson.Differentiation Strategies for this lesson:- [Grouping : Outcome/Outputs : Tasks/Worksheets : Graduated tasks : Support (LSA / Teacher / Peer): Resource]Peer Mentoring, Graduated Tasks, Where appropriate TA instructionsWorksheet: Resource – Python Syntax Sheet Resource _ Python four uses settler worksheet Resource – Python Workbook Website Resource– Curriculum/CAS References:Research and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Use programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users Understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer systemSkills Demos: - Assisting the pupils towards the skills needed to operate the Python software and how to use it to input codePeer mentoring: - Able pupils to support lower ability pupils in setting up and using the softwareMustBe able to open the Python software and explore the syntax language and input a basic python code with peer supportShouldOpen the Python software, explore the syntax language and input a basic python code without peer support. CouldOpen the Python software, explore the syntax language, input a basic python code independently and provide peer support.Resources Required:WhiteboardOverhead ProjectorWorksheetsComputersInternet Access and Python software installedLaminated MousematsWhiteboard PensLaminated Starter CardsName cards for desksCurriculum Links:English, Maths, Science (Physics), Design and Technology, SociologyPrimary curriculum Design and Technology (mechanisms and control systems)Numeracy / Literacy Opportunities: The students will use literacy and problem solving skills when inputting code and completing worksheets such punctuation and grammar . Internet usage, communication and using basic literacy skills. Numeracy: following step by step instructions and timings,, logical reasoning.Cross-Curricular link Opportunities: Science- further discovering facts about Computer Science and coding.Geography- Discovering how, why and where Python software is used in the world.Health & Safety Considerations: All pupils to be made fully aware of electricity and its dangers, desk areas to be made safe before and after the lesson particularly during the practical task and no drinks present on desks or near computers.TimeLearning/Pupil ActivityTeacher ActivityLearning Outcomes/Assessment5 Mins5 Mins10 Mins30 Mins9 Mins1 MinComplete settler task on desks (Four uses sheet).Introduction and Mystery call:Students listen to the lesson objectives, mystery call and recap of last lesson whilst sat in desks. Groups will work out the correct sequence of words to form a sentence.Pupils will work independently through their workbooks to complete Tasks one and two. If completed, students will move on to task three and provide peer supportPupils will take part in the plenary in two teams, teacher to present questions based around learning outcomes, display their answers on whiteboardsSettler ActivityStudents come in welcomed with new seating plan and sit in their seats ready for register an compete the starter worksheet on desk. Pupils are asked to provide four uses of Python. Register all pupils Students briefed on mystery call and recap of last lessonActivity One Starter Syntax Sort Direct the class to split in half (room sides) Teams will be given laminated sheets with words which form a sentence and they must themselves into the correct orderReview the teams progress and give guidance where needed.Activity 2 WorkbooksPupils will work through their workbooks whilst using Python to input their code. Pupils will use self-assessment to tick boxes once a task has been completed Teacher will assess progress aiding individuals where neededActivity 4 Plenary QuizWhen all students have saved their work,the teacher will hold a brief Q&A to test learning outcomes, pupils will use their whiteboards to answer questions on the IWB in silence. The team with the most points at the end wins the Snake Sweets Jar.Mystery Call Result.LO1Some Pupils will be able to list 1 or more words derived from the terminology. Not all will display relativity or be spelled correctly.Most Pupils will be able to list 2 or more words derived from the terminology. Mostly words will be topic relative and spelled correctly.FewPupils will be able to list 3 or more words derived from the terminology. All will be relative related and spelled correctly.LO2Some: Will be able to work with peers.Most: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce part of the sequence.Few: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce part of the sequenceLO3Some : Will be able to complete task one with supportMost : Will be able to complete task one and two with limited supportFew: Will be able to complete tasks one and two with no support and aid other pupilsLO4Some: Will be able to provide an answer to three or more questions correctly.Most: Will be able to provide an answer to five or more questions correctly.Few: Will be able to provide and answer to all the questions correctly.G&T: Will progress to task 3 in their workbooks, and if completed provide peer support to others.Homework: To join the code academy website and complete the first tasklesson 3 of 3 rachael HallKS3 COMPUTER SCIENCESubject: Computer ScienceDate/time: 25/11/13Sequence: 3 of 3Class: 8R3 12 PupilsAbility: MixedRoom: W12Lesson Description/Aim: To further explore Python Programming software and use problem solving skills to input Python code.Learning Objectives (in terms of Skills, Attitudes, Concepts, Knowledge):By the end of this lesson:: To be able to recognise error codes in Python programming.: To further explore Python and create a working game .: To be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of Python by adapting Python code.G&TTo run and explore the Python shell software independently, and work through the set workbook tasks independently, create their own game responses in Python and aid peers with workbooks.Learning OutcomesLO1: Pupils will explore Python to create a game.LO2: Pupils will use problem solving skills to identify errors. LO3: Pupils will input a logical code to Python.Ext Activity: To complete the extension activities presented in the workbook Previous Knowledge: Should be familiar with the location and interface of the Python programShould be familiar with Python syntax and basic Python languageSEN/IEP interventions for this lesson: There is one SEN pupil present in this lesson.TA to assist lower ability students(TA will have a copy of lesson plan and resources being used)Peer mentoring techniques used to support studentTeacher to assist the students with the lesson.Differentiation Strategies for this lesson:- [Grouping : Outcome/Outputs : Tasks/Worksheets : Graduated tasks : Support (LSA / Teacher / Peer): Resource]Peer Mentoring, Graduated Tasks, Where appropriate TA instructionsWorksheet: Resource – Programming error identify settler sheet Resource _ Python match up cards Resource – Python beginners Workbook Website Resource– Curriculum/CAS References:Research and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Use programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users Understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer systemSkills Demos: - Assisting the pupils towards the skills needed to input Python code to create a gamePeer mentoring: - Able pupils to support lower ability pupils in using the software and inputting codeGifted and Talented: To move on to extension activities in their workbook and aid peers.MustBe able to open and explore the python program location, and input a series of basic python code and use some problem solving skills with peer support.ShouldBe able to open and explore the python program location, and input a series of intermediate python code and use some problem solving skills without peer support.CouldBe able to open and explore the python program location, and input a series of intermediate python code with extensions tasks, use some problem solving skills and aid peers.Resources Required:WhiteboardOverhead ProjectorWorksheetsComputersInternet Access and Python software installedName cards for desksCurriculum Links:English, Maths, Science (Physics), Design and Technology, Sociology, IT skillsPrimary curriculum Design and Technology (mechanisms and control systems)Numeracy / Literacy Opportunities: The students will use literacy skills when researching the internet and inputting code and completing worksheets such punctuation and grammar . Internet usage using basic literacy skills. Numeracy: following step by step instructions and timings, problem solving, logical reasoning.Cross-Curricular link Opportunities: Science- further discovering facts about Programming, Computer Science and coding.Geography- Discovering how, why and where programming is used in the world.Health & Safety Considerations: All pupils to be made fully aware of electricity and its dangers, desk areas to be made safe before and after the lesson particularly during the practical task and no drinks present on desks or near computers.TimeLearning/Pupil ActivityTeacher ActivityLearning Outcomes/Assessment5 Mins5 Mins10 Mins35 Mins5 Mins1 MinComplete settler task on desks (Error identify).Introduction and Mystery callStudents listen to the lesson objectives, and recap of last lesson whilst sat in desks.Pairs of students will find their matching cards with the other students to make a set.Pupils will work independently through their workbooks to complete Tasks three and four. If completed, students will move on to task five and provide peer supportPupils must save workPupils will take part in the plenary in two teams, teacher to present questions based around learning outcomes, in a connect four game, pupils will take turn to answer Settler Activity- Error IdentifyStudents come in welcomed with previous seating plan and sit in their seats ready for register and complete the starter worksheet on desk. Pupils are asked to identify what is wrong with the 5 code examples and state what is missing from them in order for them to work. Register all pupils Students briefed on mystery call and recap of last lessonActivity One Starter Match Up Task Students will be given cards that describe data types in Python, half of the students will have a data type name and half will have a data type description. Pupils will liase with other students and pair themselves up. Answers will be pinned to the board.Review the teams progress and give guidance where needed.Activity 2 WorkbooksPupils will work through their workbooks whilst using Python to input their code. Pupils will use self-assessment to tick boxes once a task has been completed .Teacher will assess progress aiding individuals where needed. Ensure work is savedActivity 4 Plenary QuizWhen all students have saved their work, the teacher will hold a brief Q&A to test learning outcomes by using the connect four game on the IWB. Pupils will take it in turns to answer the questions. The team with the most points at the end wins.Mystery Call Result. LO1Some: Pupils will be able identify what is missing from one part of code. Not all will display relativity or be spelled correctly.Most: Pupils will be able identify what is missing from three of more parts of code. Mostly words will be topic relative and spelled correctly.Few: Pupils will be able identify what is wrong with all the code examples. All will be relative related and spelled correctlyLO2Some: Will be able to work with peers.Most: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce the correct answer with teacher support.Few: Will be able to work effectively with peers and present logical reason to produce the correct answer.LO3Some : Will be able to complete task three with supportMost : Will be able to complete task three and four with limited supportFew: Will be able to complete tasks three and four with no support and aid other pupilsLO4Some: Will be able to provide an answer to three or more questions correctly.Most: Will be able to provide an answer to five or more questions correctly.Few: Will be able to provide and answer to all the questions correctly.G&T: Will progress to extension tasks in their workbooks, and if completed provide peer support to others.Homework: To complete further tasks on code academy website, task completed to be logged in planners and brought to next lesson.lesson evaluationReflective Stage and Preliminary preparationThe intentions of this assignment are to extend subject knowledge and pedagogy in Computer Science and ICT and will be presented in a number of sections, The Preliminary preparation and reflective stage detailing justification and selection of subject area , The delivery phase, detailing organisational and methodological delivery selections and finally, The Post delivery reflective stage focusing on self presentation.Upon deliberating my preferred delivery topic for this assignment, there were several factors in need of consideration. Initially, I conducted a critical review of my subject knowledge audit and identified a number of weaker areas in my teaching, the result of this also reflected in my feelings towards teaching certain areas in my practice, the prospect of which, up to this point had felt daunting and intimidating to me. Upon developing my concept map, it became perceptible very quickly that Programming was an area in which I was lacking knowledge and confidence therefore I selected this area and chose what I felt to be my prevalent challenge in Python Programming. Python was chosen over the other programming languages as, research by Grandell (2006) suggests Python to be the most challenging for secondary school students as the language and syntax associated with it is simple to use but complicated to teach and I wanted to attempt to overcome this. With the recent introduction of the CAS (Computing at School) curriculum in September 2013, one of the of Key Stage Three areas of focus was to learn one or more programming languages and after reviewing the new curriculum, I felt my chosen topic of Python would present a personal challenge and fulfill several levels of attainment. The shift from ICT in schools to Computer Science has introduced a new world for students and teachers, as outlined in the shutdown and restart report (2012) current ICT lessons in schools are regarded as unsatisfactory and uninspiring for students and seen as unchallenging with poor development of skills. Although ICT will remain statutory until 2014, the curriculum now covers both ICT and Computer Science (R with ICT covering the use and application of computers and Computer Science introducing programming aspects and device use and understanding. The introduction of the new Computer Science curriculum will see students given the opportunity to learn computing in school with a positive, strong exposure to programming which, in turn will present future career opportunities for students as future programmers which was a further reason to strengthen my subject knowledge. As the assignment brief outlined a dominantly female audience, the developing of a fun, interactive scheme of work with excellent pedagogy was ultimately my main anxiety as I wanted to introduce girls to a comparatively difficult topic with an innovative and fresh approach as well as developing their personal learning and thinking skills. So and Kim (2009) explain that student teachers face the biggest challenge in achieving personal learning and thinking skills in ICT students as they are often developing their own knowledge and practice. I wanted to achieve the right balance with the students and my own skills and considered this when devising objectives and outcomes for my lessons. I used Blooms Taxonomy (1956) to assist me with my outcomes to ensure all students were being assessed by comprehensible objectives. To incorporate and increase creativity and understanding, I decided to undertake a stage like theme for my scheme of work of beginners Python by using high quality visual aids for lesson slides, I also decided that a theme and characters presented throughout the scheme of work would encourage remembrance and would work well with the target audience. As the scheme of work was a brand new topic, I wanted students to be able to apply themselves and begin to recognise basic programming terminology. The lesson activities I devised were designed to be enjoyable and fast paced as well as incorporating individual, group and whole class tasks for each lesson to implement the element of play in alignment with Kennewell et al (2006) play has the ability to increase conceptual and ritual knowledge. Piaget (1964) also introduced the topic of students developing their cognitive skills through recreational and cooperative situations aiding them to develop schemas at the concrete operational stages.I planned each lesson plan in the scheme of work to be a continuation of one another, the first lesson being an introduction to programming. In planning the lessons I ensured lesson objectives and outcomes were instructional, achievable and relevant to the lesson with three learning objectives for each lesson. An important factor I had to consider when planning my scheme of work was to implement and accommodate for differentiation, to aid me with this I researched each of the VAK learning styles (Fleming, 2006): Visual learners whom learn to their full potential through images and visual aids, Audio for those who learn best through listening to instructions and sounds and Kinesthetic, for those who learn best through movement or physical depiction. I sought to compose a scheme of work in Python in which each of the VAK learning styles would be catered for in order for each student to reach attainment in my lessons, it is important to note however that, every learner will use a combination of all three VAK learning styles but a dominance to one particular area would be prevalent in their learning (Clark, 2000). Each lesson was designed to be visually appealing through the presentation and all resources, the use of the interactive white board to display lesson objectives, starter task and plenary in an pleasing way. I felt the use of questioning both towards individuals, memorable analogies and encouragement to ask questions created dialogue based learning catering for more resonance based learners. It is also important to note at this point that additional copies of the workbook were available in a different colour in case of any students with SEN present,. I also presented each student with a laminated mouse mat and whiteboard pen to further support them as well as used for plenary purposes. The Rose Report(2005) outlines an significant need for active and independent reading and writing in the classroom additional to positive teacher encouragement not just in primary, but in secondary school also, The Rose Report also mentions this and explains about every child matters (ECM) and the need for awareness and diversity in classroom teachers with their pupils. I wanted to incorporate an interactive workbook which caters for all students when devising the tasks.Kinesthetic learning was implemented through movement based starter tasks which involved pair searching, and groups tasks where literacy based sentences were formed. Students were directed to work collaboratively in the lesson to organise themselves to form a sentence related to Python programming ensuring physical learning was taking place, this type of action based learning also relates to Bruner's (1964) theory in that enactive lessons involve students by allowing them to move around their environment to understand concepts. The use of scaffolding was another aim for my implementation of lesson plans, I wanted to ensure that student and teacher interaction was in place with appropriate questioning and learning techniques in order for students to develop knowledge and encourage problem solving relating to Gardener's 1989 Theory of multiple intelligence and how intelligence is formed through the capacity to solve problems in a cultural setting When planning for my lessons, I implemented several key literacy and numeracy opportunities throughout, in accordance with the Department for Education (2005) basic mathematics and literacy must be included in each lesson. I did this by using sentence based starters, plenaries which included spelling, numeracy and logical thinking skills and the main Python workbook being literacy based through written exercises and numerical with interpreting data, numerical Python tasks and a mathematics calculator Python task.I decided to design and create my own resources for Python and produced a workbook which was to be used throughout each lesson to learn the basic Python programming language and syntax. My scheme of work featured a workbook in which enabled individual engagement and independent progression to achieve the end goal which was to input a series of firstly basic code and progressing to a Magic 8 Ball game in which students would adjust and personalise. A number of purposely incorrect codes were displayed in the workbook to encourage problem solving and thinking skills. Throughout my scheme of work, social interaction is encouraged, I feel that I best aligned myself with the work of Vygotsky (1896-1934) encouraging multiple, social habits of learning as whilst preparing my lessons, I included a mixture of group and paired work activities to aid the workbook using community as cognitive development.One of the most important factors I had to consider was differentiation. I wanted to ensure that all pupils were not only engaged but that all abilities were catered for and those of a higher level and gifted and talented were suitably challenged as well catering for lower ability and SEN pupils to discourage poor behavior, In order to do this the workbook resources had challenges and extension tasks as well as visual aids and word banks for those with lower ability, I felt the use of a workbook with differentiation was the most suitable option to address diversity so as to not identify the weaker students to their peers. Carolan and Guinn (2007) see effective differentiation in the classroom as a diverse and inclusive and a rewarding challenge for teachers. I tried to fulfill this is my lesson with a range of tasks I felt were educational, fun, rewarding and challenging at the same time whilst still set at an appropriate level for each individual as, in alignment with Vygotsky (1978), if the task set are beyond the zone of proximal development, learning will be restricted in students.To ensure positive behaviour in my lessons I studied the Elton Report (1989) and the Steer Report (2005) in that improved teacher effectiveness and behaviour management strategies as well as outline of behaviour expectancies are vital to abolishing poor behaviour in the classroom and produced a behaviour expectations slide which was visible to students, I also considered to seating arrangements for lower ability an SEN pupils in that they should be seated near to the front to be monitored effectively.Delivery Phase (delivery, pace , methods reflection)Prior to lesson delivery, I ensured that my teaching support assistant was fully briefed on Special Educational Needs (SEN), Gifted and Talented and any specific additional needs of the class. My teaching assistant was also given a work pack prior to the lesson outlining the resources and seating plan used to familiarise themselves. Myself and the teaching assistant set up the room and ensured each pupil workstation contained a mouse mat whiteboard and pen, starter sheet, and python work book . I also checked each workstation, and the room for any possible Health and Safety issues. As the lesson implemented was the second lesson in the scheme of work, it would be assumed at this point that students were familiar with how to locate and explore the python software and its interface.To ensure effective Pedagogy was being implemented from the start I wanted to ensure that I was covering all aspects of teaching and learning, the term Pedagogy meaning the embodying of skills and knowledge, effective teaching and classroom management skills alongside a sound familiarity and teacher skill set (Way and Webb, 2003) to create a positive, dominant vibe in the classroom, as students entered the room they were greeted individually by myself and independently used the IWB to locate their seats and begin the settler worksheet, Ii is important to note that I had devised a seating plan to ensure that SEN pupils were seated near to the front and students with behavioral issues were also situated to the front of the classroom in adhererance to Standard 7 of the Teaching Standards, ‘Manage behavior effectively to ensure a good and safe environment’ (DFE, 2012).The first issue I encountered was that my seating plan although visible, had not been adhered to by the students resulting in my behavioural needs student sitting near the back of the class suggesting perhaps it had not been clear enough and perhaps unintentionally confusing. , As a result of the seating arrangements being changed and the time scale set for the lesson, I felt it was the best option to leave the students seated however, my initial intention had been to keep the SEN student in close proximity at the front of classroom and now they were situated at the back of the room. The importance of developing learning in special educational needs pupils in the classroom is vital to their education and the positioning of these students in lessons is pivotal in order for them to access the same education as the other students (Westwood,2007).Overall organisation of my lesson on the day was a learning curve in itself, firstly I had not tested the PowerPoint which took some time to warm up resorting in myself adding extra explanation time to the lesson to allow for the slides to load up. I had neglected to test my PowerPoint slides prior to the students entering due to panicking about time. The lesson delivery overall was on time for each task, I used an IWB timer to display to students their remaining time for the starter, main and plenary tasks. I delivered the lesson addressing all three methods in relation to the VAK learning styles, through workbook, IWB demonstration and physical tasks incorporated in the starter and plenary. Another issue I encountered in the lesson delivery was that through my anxiety, I forgot to reiterate the lesson objectives I had written on the whiteboard in addition to not clearing it from a previous student. I did however rectify this swiftly and incorporated the objectives after the starter task. For the starter, students were encouraged to work as part of two teams to solve a literacy based problem solving task which I assisted with, the students swiftly developed the correct sentence and seemed to really benefit from the task. An introduction to basic Python programming language was then delivered via IWB and teacher demonstration, I used comedy and analogies to aid remembrance.The main part of the lesson was an independent workbook, I encouraged silence for students to best explore the Python software and aided the lower ability students, I did at this point realise I had absent mindedly forgotten to print off the workbooks which provided scaffolding for the lower ability pupils which I attempted to resolve by using myself and my teaching assistant to provide extra support for those students. The plenary task was a quiz involving each student using their own whiteboard and pen. Students were split into teams and given a challenge to win the Python sweets. Students were to answer independently the questions from 1-7 displayed on the IWB, the correct answers for each question were tallied and at the end of the questions, the winners were those which presented the highest score. It was interesting to note that I found this very useful for future practice as some students gave an incorrect answer, perhaps highlighting a lack of attention in the lesson!. Homework was also issued to the students to visit . I issued this particular homework so as to discuss the problem solving and encourage learning at home in alignment with (Tucker, 2012) and the flipped classroom approach to show students learning does not have to take place in the classroom alone.Peer FeedbackAn overall review conducted on peer feedback displayed that all 12 participants felt resources and lesson objects were very good and one comment by participant X stated " Very engaging, good resources and loved the quiz too, really enjoyed the lesson" and Participant Y stating "The workbook was great with plenty of tasks, I feel like I met all the learning outcomes, excellent!" suggesting that the participants understood their targets for the lesson and enjoyed it, but more importantly that participants were incorporating thinking and problem solving skills I had desired them too whilst enjoying my lesson which is essential for growth in a particular subject Boardman (2004).To provide the feedback, students were requested to fill in a feedback form, participants were requested to give an honest score of how they felt the lesson went, participants rated various aspects of the lesson against the criteria Very good, good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory fairly similar with the grade descriptors at OFSTED standards 2013 in which lessons are graded Outstanding, Good, Requires improvement and Inadequate. It is central to note however, at this point I do consider there may well have been suggestions of bias in implementation of feedback due to the nature of the group being close friends and as such withholding negative feedback. In a study by Carless, (2006) emotional responses between friendship groups can cause feedback to be bias and not as wholesome as the researcher would like prompting in future lessons requiring feedback, a selection of unfamiliar participants should be selected.Participants were asked to present feedback for differentiation and 11 participants rated very good, 1 participant rated satisfactory and participant X commented " I did enjoy the lesson but I found the workbook too bright and a bit easy for me" whilst I acknowledge this comment, I believe that this lesson was appropriate for its targeted audience but on reflection, further differentiation in the workbook may be necessary to include for when teaching an older or high level class.Stage 3 ReflectionUpon reflecting upon the observational feedback provided, an array of positive feedback was presented which highlighted my strengths of lesson delivery, planning and pedagogy however, several areas for improvement were highlighted. Firstly the behaviour management of lesson was addressed in that, effective behavioural management techniques were lacking throughout the lesson and no visible sign of verbally implemented warnings, I was in agreement with this , although in alignment with The Elton Report (1989) in that some behavioural strategies were implemented as I did address a verbal warning to a small group of students after the starter task, individual warnings were neglected throughout the lesson however. Bromfield (2006) suggests that it is central for trainee teachers to establish effective behaviour policies with their class to ensure the right balance between behaviour and learning is struck from the offset with their students.Another suggestion for development in my feedback was that the amount of dialogue at the launch of my lesson could have been condensed and more questioning of students encouraged. Questioning students when introducing a new topic is important to enable students to become stimulated and begin critical thinking of a new topic (Chin, 2004) which I wanted to embed in all lessons. At the start of the lesson I was especially anxious about talking too rapidly or in excess and although I attempted to incorporate questioning at this point, I sensed time management was an issue and therefore moved on to the main task. It is significant to note however that I did sense towards the end of the lesson I became more relaxed and used questioning effectively to ensure learning outcomes had been met which reflected positively in my feedback. I feel I can relate to the research of Norman & Hyland (2003), in that student teachers are shifted out of their comfort zone when they make the transition from student to a facilitator for learning and that confidence, pace and delivery can all be affected by apprehension.Learning objectives were suggested in observers feedback to be more explicit and verbalised to students, particularly the usage of the terminology good, best and better to help students assess their own progress, and something which in agreement, I did neglect to include in my lesson. I also neglected to reiterate these in my physical lesson plan which I further visited. Effective terminology provides clarity and differentiation in lesson objectives increases expectations and self selection for students and is a way of aiding self assessment and achievement. Gifted and talented pupils will ultimately be presented a challenge to the best level and lower ability will be comfortable working towards the lower level of good (Torrance, 2007), either way both students of differential ability will be achieving their own goal. Although I did display the objectives clearly this is an area I need to improve in the future implementing from lesson plans to whiteboard to encourage students personal learning and thinking skills. Differentiation was an area in which, in agreement with the observer I felt I catered for all students in through multiple resource styles however, another suggested area of improvement was that of scaffolding in that no variation of workbook was visible as scaffolding for lower ability students, it was a burden of mine to have neglected to print the scaffolded workbooks I had intended for lower ability students prior to the lesson, but I did consider I rectified this somewhat in that upon realising the error of my ways, I ensured the teaching assistant was aware of my error and extra support would be provided to those that needed it. I feel scaffolding is a very important part of classroom education. I also ensured that all VAK learning styles were catered for in my lesson which was an area I feel I thrived in and will maintain in the future.Upon reflecting on my lesson, I implemented differential teaching strategies, a group starter, independent main and whole class plenary which resulted in a challenging, productive lesson where all students achieved the set objectives. I considered the pace and timing of the lesson by effective planning by conduting a pre-rehearsal of the lesson, I made sure that the workload set was not over ambitious and requested only tasks one and two to be attempted with task three being presented as an extension task for gifted and talented pupils. In feedback, literacy and numeracy links in the lesson were apparent throughout the lesson and positively observed, Panel (2002) expresses that in ICT to develop literacy can be presented in multiple ways and general literacy such reading and writing is often seen as on obstacle, but is imperative to developing cognitive and mastery of technical skills, in alignment with Piaget's theory of cognitive development through enjoyment, all participants met the lesson objectives. For future improvement, workbook tasks would be extended in alignment with timings, timing of the lesson was an issue for me as I was unsure the lesson objectives would be met in the short timeframe. Due to the apprehension of selecting programming, my fear has significantly decreased since implementing the lesson. The shutdown and restart report spurred me to convey innovation and creativity into programming. It would have been an easy option to select a more familiar area to deliver but I wanted to implement relevant and functional CAS curriculum level lessons which I feel I have been successful in from reviewing feedback. Reviewing levels of learning through Blooms Taxonomy and further exploring the levels of the Computer Science curriculum is something which I will continue to expand and develop to improve on in the future when planning lessons. For future practice I have learned that objectives are key to aiding the students in the classroom and constant reiteration and visual displaying of these keeps students on task and challenged. I also recognise the importance of behaviour management techniques from the moment the lesson starts to avoid any disruptions. Overall I feel the lesson I delivered was a success and feel proud that I developed skills and confidence personally and in the subject which will bode me well in my teaching career.REFERENCE LISTBennett, R. (1992). Discipline in schools: the report of the Committee of Enquiry Chaired by Lord Elton.?Discipline in schools: Psychological perspective on the Elton Report. London: Routledge, p1-9.Bloom, S. B., Krathwohl R, D., Masia, B. B. (1956).?Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals, Volume 1. UK: Longman.Boardman, P. (2004). Thinking is fun! thinking skills stimulate enjoyment in the classroom for both teachers and pupils. Teacher Development, 8(2-3), p221-232.Bromfield, C. (2006). PGCE secondary trainee teachers & effective behaviour management: an evaluation and commentary.?Support for Learning,?21(4), p188-193.Bruner, J. S. (1964). The course of cognitive growth.?American psychologist,19(1), p1.Carless, D. (2006). Differing perceptions in the feedback process. Studies in higher education, 31(2), p219-233.Carolan, J., & Guinn, A. (2007). Differentiation: Lessons from master teachers.Educational Leadership,?64(5), p44.Chin, C. (2004). Questioning Students in ways that encourage thinking.Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association,?50(4),p200.Clark, D. Learning Styles.(2005) How we go from the unknown to the known http:~donclark/hrd/learning/styles.html#vak [accessed 01 December 2013]Department for Education.Department for Education (2012) ‘Teacher Standards’. [accessed 01 December 2013]. Fleming, N., & Baume, D. (2006). Learning Styles Again: VARKing up the right tree!.?Educational Developments,?7(4), p4.Grandell, L., Peltom?ki, M., Back, R. J., & Salakoski, T. (2006). Why complicate things?: introducing programming in high school using Python. InProceedings of the 8th Australasian Conference on Computing Education-Volume 52?(pp. 71-80). CASCurriculum.(2012.) [ Accessed 29th November 2013]Kennewell, S., Morgan, A. (2006).Factors influencing learning through play in ICT settings. Journal of Computers & Education 46 p 265–279.Norman, M., & Hyland, T. (2003). The role of confidence in lifelong learning.Educational studies,?29(2-3), p261-272.Panel, I. L. (2002). Digital transformation: A framework for ICT literacy.Educational Testing Service.Piaget, J. (1964). Part I: Cognitive development in children: Piaget development and learning.?Journal of research in science teaching,?2(3), p176-186.The Royal Society Education: (2012) ‘Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools’.pp. 5.Rose, J. (2005).?Independent review of the teaching of early reading: Interim report. Department for education and skills.So, H. J., & Kim, B. (2009). Learning about problem based learning: Student teachers integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology,?25(1), 101-116.THE STEER REPORT (2005). Learning Behaviour. The Report of the Practitioners’ Group on School BehaviourandDiscipline.[online].Available: [Accessed 01 December, 2013]. Tucker, B. (2012). The flipped classroom.?Education Next,?12(1), p82-83.Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). ‘Mind in Society’. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Way, J., & Webb, C. Pedagogy and ICT.Westwood, P. (2007).?Commonsense methods for children with special educational needs. Routledge.APPENDICESTUTOR OBSERVATIONAL FEEDBACK.....................................................p1-4STUDENT OBSERVATION FORMS.........................................................p5-16RISK ASSESSMENT...................................................................................p17-20LESSON RESOURCES LESSON OBSERVATION RECORDName of Trainee: _Rachael Hall_ School/Setting: Mini Lesson_ Lesson Focus/Subject _Python ProgrammingClass/Year group: Group 2______ Mentor/Tutor _Dawn Hewitson _ Date: 18th November 2013____________Programme__PGCE Computer Science and Information Technology Practice: Assignment work_ Trainee targets for lesson Observe Professional RoutinesProvide correct documentationShare outcomes with the classProfessional Responsibilities and Professional Conduct [S8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities, Part Two demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct] Excellent professional routines, pupils’ lined up outside the class. Register has been taken, and pupils have been directed to their seats. Prior to the lesson it was clear that you spent some time with the TA discussing the activities in the lesson and the requirements of the tasks you have set. This is really good practise and should continue. Well done!You have an excellent instructional voice and it is clear that you have rehearsed this lesson, as you had a very calm approach to delivering this topic area, well done! You have made good use of the classroom space by moving pupils to the front of the room to demonstrate, also you have provided a range of support materials. Ideally you should clear the whiteboard of the materials from the previous lesson. This minimises distractions for the pupils in the room. I did give you a clue about this when I discussed this at the start of the lesson.Subject Knowledge [S3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge]You have devised a range of teaching techniques to support the pupils in the class, I really like the way in which you have provided pupils with the opportunity to work in a variety of ways. Well done.It is very clear how you have developed your subject knowledge and you have thought about how to develop the pupils you are working with well done! It is clear that you have considered pupil progression as part of the lesson as you have assigned timers to the important tasks, and also you have built up their knowledge of the area they are working with. Excellent.Excellent resources, really like the graphics on your screen, they are very appealing to girls and you feel like you are being led through a series of “Programming Scenes” which is a very good approach to take with girls. Additionally you have developed some outstanding support resources. Really good use of analogies to make the pupils remember important information in the group. Planning and Teaching [S4 Plan and teach well-structured lessons, S5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils ]Excellent room organisation with lesson materials ready at the start, it is clear that you have briefed your TA regarding the lesson structure and requirements.You have clearly followed the guidance for this material to be aimed at girls and the colour scheme and vocabulary supports this objective. Well done. You have also planned for a variety to tasks to happen within the space of your lesson. Well done!I would change the scheme of work so that your references to the National Curriculum also make reference to the level descriptors from the CAS Curriculum. What level are these pupils working at? How do you know what level they are working at? You need to ensure that you are making use of the data for the groups you are teaching, What is the maximum and minimum level for the pupils you are teaching. o make the planning match the materials you have provided. You have organised a range of teaching activities to support your learning.It is clear from your scheme of work how you have catered for the differing needs of the pupils in your group, SEN pupils are clearly identified in both your planning and also in your lesson delivery. Fantastic!On your lesson plan, the tasks have been clearly identified and each outcome has been differentiated. I am very impressed that you have grasped that you must evidence each LO individually, so that pupils know explicitly whether or not they have evidenced an outcome. Your learning outcomes are good, but you need to make sure that you refer to exploring rather than becoming familiar.Aims : This sentence should use measurable vocabulary, try to use words like “Explore” or that you have to explain what the lesson will be about. You have done this!Objectives: Excellent You must however identify briefly what strategies you will use for your SEN pupils, For example Differentiated worksheets, Differentiated Outcomes, Use of Support Assistant, Peer Mentoring Expectations and Behaviour [S1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils, S7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment]Behaviour management was not an obvious feature of this lesson, other than you patrolled the classroom well. You need to be explicit in your use of behaviour management techniques, It is a difficult one to demonstrate, as there is a need ensure poor behaviour does not become a focus of the lesson. But that said, you must ensure that you are seen to be using behaviour management techniques and correcting one incidence of poor behaviour. I am assuming that Ryan was your poor behaviour student! There was seen to be some corrective action with the “Guys at the back”, comment. Ideally I would have liked to see comments like “Thank you for putting your hands up.” Or “”Brilliant for not calling out”. That way you would convey to the observer that you have instilled expectations of good behaviour, but that said, during the plenary activity there was some evidence of corrective action and motivating pupils.You have made the pupils aware of the expectations outside of the lesson, and you have set high expectations of the pupils. Your support assistant was well briefed with the expectations of the class and was seen to be reminding pupils of behaviour expectations. You struck the correct balance between behaviour and behaviour methods. Well done!Assessment and Progression [S6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment , S2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils,]The idea of this task is to create an original resource for the task, and you have done this, really well, it is a very hard thing to do particularly when you are outside of your subject area. There was some really good use of questioning, during the final part of the lesson, this was really good. You need to make sure that you use differentiation in resources, a book for lower ability with scaffolding.You need to make sure that you use differentiation in both planning and when sharing with the class. Good Better and Best is for sharing with the class, but you also need to make sure that you are aware of the outcomes for each lesson activity and how they would also be differentiated. This lesson had excellent pace and you move them very briskly between tasks. I was really impressed with this and also the use of motivational tones during each task individually. Well done.This was a really good lesson where you made really good progress and demonstrated your ability to engage and motivate pupils. Very well done! Main strengths of lessonVery well presented lesson. Many outstanding features, you have also made good use of the classroom space, your voice, the resources you have developed and also the way in which you made the pupils move around the class and participate in an activity out of their chairs Excellent use of starter and plenary, Excellent record of activities undertaken as part of the lesson. Well done!Trainee Targets for future practiceReduce talk time at the start by getting the pupils to read off the slides.Try to make behaviour management more explicit. Review your scheme of work to ensure that you have accommodated national curriculum levels. Lesson Grade: 1 - Outstanding 2 - Good 3 – Requires Improvement 4 – Inadequate Joint Observation Grade agreed after discussion Observer sign/print: _D S Hewitson___ Trainee sign/print: _______________________________ Joint observer sign/print: _______________________________ Lesson EvaluationsRisk AssessmentPART A. ASSESSMENT DETAILS: Area/task/activity: Use of Computer equipment by pupilsLocation of activity: ICT ClassroomName of Person(s) undertaking Assessment: Rachael HallSignature(s):R J HallDate of Assessment:November 2013Planned Review Date:(Minimum 12 months)November 2014PART B1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL MEASURES: Step 1 Identify significant hazards Step 2 Identify who might be harmed and howStep 3 identify precautionary measures already in placeList of significant hazards(something with the potential to cause harm) (1)Who mightbe harmed? (2)Type of harm (3)Existing controls (4) (Actions already taken to control the risk) Incorrect posture and arrangement of workstation and equipment when using ICT equipmentPupilsPossible musculoskeletal damage in medium to long term Correct chair and desk to allow pupils to adjust their work station each time they use ICT for periods longer than 1 hourInstruction by teacher on setting up Display Screen Equipment (DSE) work stations and equipment and appropriate posture in line with LCC guidancePictorial information provided on posture as reminderSupervision by teacher to ensure correct work station set up and posture adopted.ScreenPupilsEye strain, headaches, muscular skeletal disordersScreen to be adjustable for height, angle, contrast, brightness etcSupervision by teacher or other adult to ensure correct adjustmentWorkstation layout to be in accordance with guidance in the DSE section of the Corporate Health, Safety & Wellbeing website Guidance on arranging a DSE workstation on the schools portal unless used continually for less than 1 hourElectrical safety –unsafe electrical equipment, PupilsStaffOther users of the building Electrical shockElectrical FireAnnual PAT testing of all equipment and cabling5 yearly Electrical Installation/wiring testInstruction by ICT teacher on undertaking visual inspection of basic safety check to ensure that:the cable is not frayed or worn;the cable is securely fitted into the body of the plug;the plug is not cracked or otherwise damaged;the wall socket is not cracked or otherwise damaged;the plug pins are secure and straight;there are no signs of scorching around the plug pins;there are no signs of scorching on or around the wall socket itself;multi socket adaptors are not overloaded (where in use)All of the above points also apply to extension cables; however, in addition, extension cables should be fully unwound when in use to prevent overheating which could pose a fire risk..SpillagesPupilsStaffOther building usersElectrical fireNo drinking or eating rule in ICT suites and near other ICT equipment throughout the schoolTrailing wires & cablesPupils StaffTripsUse of extension leads is avoidedSufficient sockets are availableCable covers are used where cables are unavoidably a trip hazardAdult checks the room to ensure all cables are safely away from pedestrian areas or covered before pupils enterUneven or unsuitable floor surfacePupilsFall from chairWhere chairs with castors are supplied, ensure the surface is suitable for such chairs i.e. not too slippery (so chair shoots away from user) or too resistant (will not push back or be positioned easily)E-safetyE-safety refers to responsible and safe use of electronic communications such as e-mail, the intranet and the internet. ?PupilsThreat to personal safetySchool e-safety policy is in place Instruction of pupils by teacher on details of school e-safety policySupervision of pupils to ensure their complianceI certify that the risk assessment above fully applies to the area/task/activity under assessment. Signed: Rachael HallRisk Assessor\s\sALSO AVALIABLE VIA WORDPRESS DUE TO FORMAT\s\s\s ................

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