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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (402)CLASS XASSIGNMENT - 1BASED ON UNIT 1 - COMMUNICATION SKILLSMultiple choice questions : Read the questions carefully and select the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question :1. What is the purpose of communication?(a) Inform (tell someone about something)(b) Influence (get someone to do something you want)(c) Share thoughts, ideas, feelings(d) All of the above2. Which of the following methods are used to receive information from the sender through a letter?(a) Listening(b) Speaking(c) Reading(d) Writing3. How do you receive information on phone?(a) Listening(b) Speaking(c) Reading(d) Writing4. Choose the correct example of oral communication.(a) Reports(b) Newspapers(c) Face-to-face conversation(d) Notes5. When we communicate verbally, we should use _______.(a) difficult words(b) simple words(c) confusing words(d) abbreviations6. Why do we send emails?(a) To reach on time(b) To share documents and files(c) To talk to each other(d) To meet each otherB. Short - Answer Questions :1. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an example for each type.2.Point out the Principles of Effective Communication.3.What are the common barriers of effective communication?4.Why is Feedback important in communication?*************INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (402)CLASS XASSIGNMENT - 2BASED ON UNIT 2 - SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLSMultiple choice questions : Read the questions carefully and select the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question :1. What can you do to get rid of negative thoughts or feelings?(a) Meditate to calm down and feel positive.(b) Ignore them and move on in life.(c) Act based on the negative thoughts or feelings.(d) Talk to a friend and share all your negative feelings.2. What steps should one take to build confidence?(a) Set goals in life(b) Appreciate oneself for all the achievements(c) Always think positively(d) Talk to people who are confident3. Which of the following is a quality of a self-confident person?(a) Patient(b) Compassionate(c) Committed(d) Passionate4. Which of the following is not a self-management skill?(a) Problem solving(b) Bargaining(c) Understanding self(d) Confidence building5. Grooming is a term associated with(a) time management(b) problem solving(c) neat and clean appearance(d) self-managementB. Short - Answer Questions :1. What are the factors that affect self-confidence?2. List any 05 self-management skills.3.What are some of the stress management techniques?4.What is Self-Awareness?*************INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (402)CLASS XASSIGNMENT - 3BASED ON UNIT 3 – BASIC ICT SKILLS1. Name the set of commands used make a duplicate of the selected text.2. Write the set of commands used to move the text from one position to another in a document.3. Write keyboard shortcut for the following commands:a. Copyb. Cutc. Pasted. Undoe. Bold4. Which command is used to make the text darker than the normal text?5. How can you delete a character to the left of the cursor?6. How can you select entire document using the keyboard?7. Name the command used to reverse the last action.8. Write key combination to select one character to the right of the cursor.9. Name the menu that has option to change the text color and size.10. Which key will you press to turn on the INSERT mode?11. Write keyboard shortcut for the following commands:a. Spelling and grammar option b. Find and Replace 12. Name the menu that has option to change the alignment of text in a document.13. Name the four alignment options.14. What is the name given to the text printed on top of each page of the document? 15. What is the name given to the text printed at the bottom of every page in a document? 16. How can you get the Drawing bar if is not there in the document window?*************INFORMATICS PRACTICESCLASS XIASSIGNMENT - 1BASED ON CHAPTER 1 – BASIC COMPUTER ORGANISATIONExplain, in detail, the types of RAM.Explain, in detail, the types of ROM.What is the difference between Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler.Differentiate between Source Code and Object Code.What are Software Libraries? Give examples.What are Utilities?What is Application Software? Why is it required?*************INFORMATICS PRACTICESCLASS XIASSIGNMENT - 2BASED ON CHAPTER 14 – CYBER SAFETYWhat is Identity Theft? What is the most common solution to it?What are the various ways that a website tracks its users?Explain Incognito Browsing, VPN and Proxy with reference to Private Browsing.List the measures to ensure confidentiality of information.Explain Trolling, Bullying and Stalking with reference to Cyber CrimesDefine Digital Footprints.What are Super Cookies?*************INFORMATICS PRACTICESCLASS XIASSIGNMENT - 3BASED ON CHAPTER 15 – ONLINE ACCESS & COMPUTER SECURITYHow does Spyware affect the computer?Explain Worms and Trojan Horses.What are some of the security and privacy concerns with regard to Cookies?What are the various forms of PC Intrusions?How can one protect and prevent from Spamming and Eavesdropping?Differentiate between Pharming and Phishing.Explain the two types of Firewall.*************INFORMATICS PRACTICESCLASS XIIASSIGNMENT - 1BASED ON MYSQLGiven a statement as follows :CREATE TABLE Orders(O_Id int NOT NULL,OrderNo int NOT NULL,P_Id int,PRIMARY KEY(O_Id),FOREIGN KEY(P_Id)REFERENCES Persons(p_Id));Identify the number and types of constraint in the table Orders.Write a SQL Statement to create a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the “P_Id” column of table persons when the table is already created.On your MYSQL server instance, there is a database MYdb that contains three tables namely class,marks, sports. To delete all the tables and databases, following set of commands is issued, but it generates errors. What could be the problem?DROP DATABASE mydb;DROP DATABASE class;DROP DATABASE marks;DROP DATABASE sports;Using the predefined functions of MySQL, answer the following with the means of a query :To extract a sub string from string ‘Quadratically’ which should be 6 characters long and start from 5th character of the string.To remove lending spaces of string ‘RDBMS MySQL ‘Display the position of string ‘LE ‘ in field job of table EmplHow many characters are there in string ‘CANDIDE’.Convert and display string ‘large’ into uppercase.Find out the remainder of 11 divided by 4.Find the square root of 26.Truncate value 15.79 to 1 decimal place.Write a query to display the current date on your system.*************INFORMATICS PRACTICESCLASS XIIASSIGNMENT - 2BASED ON MYSQLConsider a table Empl as given below and write sql query for the following tasks :Display EmpNo and EName of all employees from table Empl.Display Ename , Sal and Sal added with Comm from table Empl.Display employee name, salary and department number who are not getting commission from table empl.Display employee number , name , sal and sal*12 as Annual Salary whose commission is not NULL from table empl.List all unique department numbers in table empl.List the details of those employees who have four lettered name.List the details of those employees whose annual salary is between 25000-40000.Display the name,job title and salary of employee who do not have manager.Display the name of employee who is having ‘ P ’ as last alphabet of the name.*************INFORMATICS PRACTICESCLASS XIIASSIGNMENT - 3BASED ON PYTHON PROGRAMMINGWrite a program to input an integer N and generate first N odd numbers in reverse order. For eg. If N=11 then output should be:1197531Write a program to input an integer N and display its Factorial. Factorial of an integer N is said to be the product of natural numbers uptil N. For eg. If N=6, then its factorial is 1*2*3*4*5*6=720Out of the following find those identifiers, which can not be used for naming Variable or Functions in a Python Program:Days * Rent, For, A_price, Grand Total, do, 2Clients, Participantl, My cityWhy does the expression 2 + 3*4 result in the value 14 and not the value 24?How many times will Python execute the code inside the following while loop? Justify your answer.i = 0while i < 0 and i > 2 : print “Hello ...” i = i+1Convert the following for loop into while loop :for i in range (1,100):if i % 4 == 2 : print( i, “mod”, 4 , “= 2”)Convert the following while loop into for loop :i = 0while i < 100: if i % 2 == 0: print i, “is even” else: print i, “is odd” i = i + 1************* ................

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