XML and JSON in Python

NPFL092 Technology for Natural Language Processing

XML and JSON in Python

Zden¨§k ?abokrtsk?, Rudolf Rosa

December 1, 2020

Charles University

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics

unless otherwise stated

XML in Python

? the two standard approaches for XML processing are supported in the standard library:

? xml.dom.* ¨C a standard DOM API (Document Object Model)

? xml.sax.* ¨C a standard SAX API (Simple Api for Xml)

? but there¡¯s xml.etree.ElementTree (ET for short)

? a lightweight Pythonic API

? supports both DOM-like (but ET faster than DOM) and SAX-like processing (i.e.

event-based, streaming i.e. all-in-memory)

? fast C implementation used by default whenever possible in Python3 (no need for

xml.etree.cElementTree as in Python 2)

Credit: The following slides are based on an ElementTree intro by Eli Bendersky.

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An XML file as a tree


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ET: loading an XML doc

loading from a file:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.ElementTree(file='sample.xml')

or from a string:

root = ET.fromstring('')

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ET: traversing the tree

root = tree.getroot()

for child in root:

print(child.tag, child.attrib, child.text)

for descendant in root.iter():


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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