Teacher Leadership Program 2020-2021

Qatar Foundation International and The University of Texas at Austin Teacher Leadership Program 2020-2021 Call for Applications

Application Deadline: October 20, 2019

Program Summary

Qatar Foundation International (QFI), in partnership with the University of Texas at Austin's Center for Middle Eastern Studies, seeks applications from experienced K-12 educators in the social sciences, humanities, and arts to participate in its Teacher Leadership Program, beginning in January 2020.

This intensive two-year professional development program is designed to build a cohort of K-12 educators across the country who can provide effective professional development to their professional network on topics related to the Middle East.

The main objective of this program is for participants to become equipped with the knowledge and skills to help their peers become more effective and confident when teaching about the region.

Program Overview

Selected participants will attend a fully funded series of five three-day workshops held in different North American (U.S. and Canada) cities throughout the course of the program that will explore a variety of themes related to the Middle East. During each event, participants will attend seminars with experts in the field, work with education specialists to develop classroom-ready curricula, resources, and teaching strategies to share with other educators in their networks.

Concluding this series of professional development workshops will be a weeklong cultural immersion trip to Doha, Qatar, to gain a firsthand perspective of the knowledge learned throughout the program.

In addition to these events, participants will engage in monthly activities individually and as a cohort to reinforce content knowledge and skills while developing a portfolio of presentations, lesson plans, teaching approaches, and resources as a final capstone project. This project will be completed upon the conclusion of the professional development section of the program.

Upon completion of the first section of the program, participants will then be provided with funding and resources to present his/her capstone project at two professional development workshops or events ? one at the district level and the other at the state or national level.

Participants will also have the opportunity to serve as mentors for the following year's incoming cohort of participants.

Program Dates & Locations

Professional Development Workshops ? January 24 - 26, 2020: Austin, TX ? March 27 - 29, 2020: Dearborn, MI ? June 26 - 28, 2020: Toronto, Canada ? October 2 - 4, 2020: Chicago, IL ? January 29 - 31, 2021: New York, NY

Cultural Immersion Tour ? March 12 ? 19, 2021: Doha, Qatar

Additional Program Benefits

Individual Mentorship Participants in this program will have the opportunity to work individually with an experienced educator throughout one's completion of the program. These educators have previously completed the program and will be available to provide support and guidance in leading group discussions, providing resources, and assisting with curriculum development.

Participants will also have access to leading scholars in the field of Middle Eastern Studies to gain knowledge and resources about topics of interest.


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Access to Additional Professional Development Participants in this program will be afforded the opportunity to attend one external professional development event of their choice. Examples include summer institutes, national conferences, workshops, and seminars. All expenses, including travel, will be covered by QFI.

Professional Development Credit Each participant will be awarded a professional development certificate at the end of the program that includes the number of professional development hours completed. Given that each state and district has different requirements regarding obtaining professional development credit, the amount of credit an educator receives for participating in the program may vary.

Funding and Logistics

Airfare and Ground Transportation ? All air travel to each professional development workshop as well as the cultural immersion tour will be arranged and paid for by QFI ? All ground transportation to/from each event will be paid for by QFI (via reimbursement)

Lodging ? All lodging at each professional development workshop as well as the cultural immersion tour will be arranged and paid for by QFI.

Meals ? All meals will be arranged and paid for by QFI during each professional development workshop as well as for the cultural immersion tour ? For any meals not provided during each event, QFI will provide a per diem stipend based on the government standard rate for the location of each event

Course Materials & Resources ? All course-related materials and additional teaching resources will be provided at no cost to the participant.

Required Professional Development Events ? Full funding and logistical support will be provided to each participant to develop and implement his/her own two required professional development events. o Funding and support will vary based on each participant's need

Substitute Reimbursements ? QFI will reimburse selected participitant's schools to cover costs associated with substitute teachers for any school days missed by his/her participation in this program


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Eligibility and Conditions

Applicants must:

? Be a current 6-12 teacher in a public or public charter school in the United States ? Be a U.S. Citizen or have authorization to work in the United States ? Have a minimum of three years of full-time, in-classroom teaching experience

o Online teaching is not applicable o Student teaching is not applicable ? Demonstrate a commitment to teaching in the classroom for at least three years after the completion of the program ? Demonstrate that he/she provides classroom instruction on topics related to the Middle East

Program Requirements and Expectations

If selected, participants must commit to the following:

? Attend five three-day workshops on the following dates/locations: o January 24 - 26, 2020: Austin, TX o March 27 - 29, 2020: Dearborn, MI o June 26 - 28, 2020: Toronto, Canada o October 2 - 4, 2020: Chicago, IL o January 29 - 31, 2021: New York, NY

? Attend a cultural immersion tour to Doha, Qatar from March 12 - 19, 2021 ? Secure written approval from school administration or direct supervisor for any absences at the

beginning of each semester and/or academic year o Please note that QFI will provide your institution with a reimbursement for substitute costs for any missed days

? Commit to participating and completing online summer professional development programming from July 2020-September 2020

? Commit to completing pre-workshop assignments and/or activities which may include readings, films, and participating in online discussions or webinars

? Commit to a monthly one-hour check-in with assigned Teacher Leadership Mentor ? Completion and submission of one lesson plan per workshop based on knowledge learned (five

in total ? completed with group or individually) ? Complete and submit a final capstone project incorporating developed curriculum ? Commit to providing two professional development events for educators in your community:

o One at the local or regional level (ex. School or district-level PD event) o One at the national level (ex. National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference)


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Application Timeline

Application Opens: Monday, September 16, 2019 at 5pm EST Application Deadline: Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 5pm EST Selection Notification: Monday, November 11, 2019

How to Apply

To apply, you must register in QFI's Grants Management Portal, FluidReview, at qfi..

Please create a user account and profile. Upon completing your login credentials and user profile, you will be required to take an Eligibility Quiz. This series of questions will determine whether or not you are eligible to apply for this program.

After completing the Eligibility Quiz, please click on the green button at the bottom of your screen titled "View Grants". This button will provide you with a list of QFI grants for which you can apply. If you are eligible to apply to this specific program, it will show on your screen. Please click on the "Create Submission" button to complete the application.

Contact Information

Should you have any questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact Craig Cangemi of QFI, and Kathryn Aslan of UT Austin, at leadership@


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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