A. The work shall be executed in accordance with the following State of Qatar Standard Publications, Specifications, Regulations, Notices and Circulars current at the date of tender unless otherwise stated:

(a) The Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS 2014) prepared by the Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology (QGOSM) issued with Standard no. 210/2014 for use commencing April 5th 2015 and all subsequent revisions and amendments prior to the date of the announcement inviting Tenderers.

(b) The Code of Practice and Specification for Trench Works/Road Openings in the Highway prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Public Works, January 1992 with May 2013 amendments and revisions.

(c) The Guide for Civil Users of Explosives in Qatar prepared by the Ministry of Public Works.

(d) The Qatar Survey Manuals prepared by the Urban Planning and Development Authority (UPDA).

(e) All current Public Works Authority regulations concerning the organisation of Tenders and Public Auctions and all subsequent revisions and amendments.

(f) Work Zone Traffic Management Guide (WZTMG), Revision 1.1, July 2014 and all subsequent revisions and amendments.

(g) The Regulations for the Installation of Electrical Wiring, Electrical Equipment and Air Conditioning Equipment, sixth re-issue dated January 1992 as prepared by the Ministry of Electricity and Water, P O Box 41, Doha.

(h) Any current and relevant regulation, notice or circular issued by the Public Works Authority (including the previous Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture, Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of Industry & Public Works) the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA), Ooredoo (previously known as Qatar Telecom/Q-tel), the Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology, the Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Reserves or the appropriate local Municipality prior to the date of the letter or advertisement inviting Tenderers.

(i) Any and all applicable local Municipality regulations.

(j) State of Qatar Law No. 6 of 1987 and all subsequent amendments concerning Materials and Equipment from Qatar or other CCASG countries, obtainable from Ministry of Justice, Doha, Qatar.

(k) CESMM3, Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement, 3rd Edition (1991), published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford Services Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London, W14 4JD and all subsequent revisions and amendments.

(l) State of Qatar Law No. 30 of 2002 and all subsequent amendments concerning "The Environment and Natural Resources Protection" ? Articles 6, 17, 19 & 35, obtainable from Ministry of Justice, Doha, Qatar.

(m) State of Qatar Law No. 32 of 2002 which amended Article 2 of Law No. (1) for the year 1993 concerning the regulations to issue license to level the

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April 2015



agricultural lands or beach sands and all associated rules and regulations issued by the Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Resources, obtainable from Ministry of Justice, Doha, Qatar.

(n) State of Qatar Law No. 32 of 2005 and all subsequent amendments concerning Traffic in the State of Qatar obtainable from Ministry of Justice, Doha, Qatar.

(o) The Drainage Affairs (DA), Design Manual (Qatar Sewerage and Drainage).

(p) All current Water Department and Electricity Department of the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA) specifications and all sequent revisions and amendments.

(q) Safety Rules issued by the Department of Electricity Networks.

(r) The Jointing Manual prepared by Electricity Networks Department.

(s) The Qatar Traffic Manual (QTM) and Qatar Highway Design Manual (QHDM) prepared by the Ministry of Public Works.

(t) Drafting Standards prepared by Public Works Authority.

B. The Contractor shall be deemed to have his own copy of the Public Works Authority specifications, regulations, notices and circulars given at (a) to (t) above.

C. These Government specifications, regulations, notices and circulars are amended and complemented by "Part 2 ? Project Specification" as detailed hereafter.

D. In the case of any ambiguity or discrepancy the provisions of the Project Specification shall prevail over the provisions of the Public Works Authority published specifications. In case of discrepancy between the provisions of the Project Specifications, the more stringent will prevail.

E. The Contractor shall consult the Survey Section of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture prior to any earth or other works to determine if the work is likely to disturb survey marks. If Survey Section require a survey mark to be moved the Contractor will be responsible for recreating the survey mark to an approved design and specification, and for resurveying the point using survey companies approved by the Survey Section.

F. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the Survey marks, within the boundaries of the site, for the duration of the contract period, and shall be liable for all costs of any remedial work required by the Survey Section.

G. On the practical completion of the works the Survey Section will issue a certificate stating that all survey marks, whether disturbed or otherwise, by the Contractor have been reinstated or protected to the satisfaction of the Survey Section.

H. In the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this Clause the Public Works Authority, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, may deduct the costs of any remedial work after the practical completion date, carried out by Survey Section from any monies in its hands due or which become due to the Contractor.

I. The Contractor shall arrange to obtain following Clearance Certificates from the appropriate authorities upon completion of the works:

1. Municipality Backfill Excavation Certificate ? to certify that the site has been cleared of all debris.

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2. CGIS Survey Clearance Certificate ? to certify that all the survey control stations are undisturbed.

3. Land Information Centre Clearance ? to certify that all street name boards and signs are in satisfactory condition.

J. Upon approval from Engineer's representative on any road closure for the purpose of carrying out the works of PWA, the Contractor shall place a sufficient notification to the general public in local newspapers both in Arabic and English languages at least one (1) week prior to the road closure. The contents of the notification shall be approved by the Engineer and the extent shall not be less than a quarter of the standard size page of a reputed local newspaper. In order to evident the notification the contractor shall submit to the Engineer a copy as appeared on the newspaper on the same day of the notification.

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April 2015




All work to be executed under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with the Qatar Construction Specifications(QCS 2014) latest edition.


1.01 Brief Description of the Works

The project works are located in various part of greater Doha within the boundaries of various Qatar Zones and Municipalities (as per attached location plan). The works comprise the construction of temporary/permanent roads including protection of existing utilities, provision of future services ducts, street lighting works and water main dry leg crossings.

The works consists of the following:

Site Clearance Earthworks Sub-base Flexible Surfacing Kerbing & Footways Traffic Signs & Road Marking Street Lighting Works Surface Water Drainage Water Works Electricity Ducts Q-tel Ducts Adjustment of Existing Manholes/Chambers Covers

1.02 Notice to Public on Road Closures

Upon approval from Engineer's representative on any road closure for the purpose of carrying out the Works of PWA, the Contractor shall place a sufficient notification to the general public in local newspapers both in Arabic and English languages at least one (1) week prior to the road closure. The contents of notification shall be approved by the Engineer and the extent shall not be less than a quarter of the standard size page of a reputed local newspaper. In order to evident the notification the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a copy as appeared on the newspaper on the same day of the notification.

1.03 Media Documentary (Photographic & Video)

The Contractor shall obtain a photographic and video record showing the progress of the Works in every month, and / or as necessary, in order to provide sufficient visual evidence of the progress and to record the specialized events features of the Works or other matters of interest in connection with the Works or their surroundings of the Project. Such media documentation shall be submitted to the Engineer in the form of an accepted media documental presentation, as and when required during the progress of the Works and as a complete package at the completion of the project.


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April 2015

RIW in various areas of G. Doha, Phase - 3


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