Interview guide: Key Inpatient Informants

Interview Guide for Coaches for the PIPA (Pathways for Improving Pediatric Asthma Care) Project

Introduction to the interview:

Thanks so much for agreeing to meet with me today. My goal in meeting with you is to understand your experiences with quality improvement work at your hospital and to support your site in participation with the PIPA project. As we talk today, I hope to get a sense of the facilitators and barriers to quality improvement efforts at your hospital and to brainstorm how we can tackle and troubleshoot things that may be issues. There are no wrong answers, and sometimes the greatest ideas come from the pearls of wisdom you may not have even thought to mention before. We are hoping to use this information to better support efforts locally at your hospital to improve pediatric asthma care and nationally for future VIP projects.

In order to ensure that we capture all of the important topics in our conversation today, I would like your permission to record this interview. If at any point you would like to turn off the recorder or strike any portion of the interview from our records, please let me know and I will do so. I’d also like to reiterate that participation is completely voluntary, and neither your name nor your organization will be identified in any of our work.

|Questions |Potential Probes |

| |(use only as you need to better understand the interviewee’s story) |

|Can you describe for me your role and responsibilities at the|- What role do you play in quality improvement at your hospital? |

|hospital? |- Have you led a project before? |

| |- Have you had any training in QI? |

|Can you describe a previous quality improvement project at |How did you get involved with the project (e.g. was it your idea, were you asked by |

|your hospital that you were involved in or are aware of? |someone else to participate)? |

| |Who is typically responsible QI work at your hospital? |

| |What kind of mentorship or guidance did you have for the project? |

| |What influenced the decision to do the QI project (e.g. local, state, or national |

| |performance measures, policies, regulations, or guidelines; hospital administration |

| |request; after a serious safety event; etc)? |

|How do you think this previous QI project went? |Why do you think it went well/poorly? |

| |Can you describe the planning process for the project? |

|Can you describe any bumps in the road or difficulties |How did you handle time constraints and competing priorities? |

|encountered with the project and how they were handled? |Why do you think certain aspects of the project were difficult or barriers? |

|Can you describe how your hospital’s resources were utilized |What kind of support or actions from leaders in your organization do you have for QI |

|in previous QI project? |work? Can you give an example of this? |

| |How do you think your hospital's culture affected the QI project? Can you describe an |

| |example that highlights this? (Might need to probe a bit here to get at culture: Is the |

| |organization always taking on QI or change projects, or is it done on an ad hoc basis? |

| |Are there specific clinical champions for asthma already?) |

| |To what extent do you feel like you can try new things to improve your work processes at |

| |your hospital? |

| |Describe for me the process of obtaining data |

| |- Describe how you stored and analyzed data |

|Now we will shift gears and talk about the PIPA project. How |What were people’s reactions to the PIPA project? |

|do you feel about the intervention being used in your |How valuable do other providers perceive the PIPA project to be? How eager were others to|

|hospital? |get involved? |

| |What do you think of the evidence that supports PIPA’s recommendations? |

| |What do you think are the benefits for patients of implementing the PIPA recommendations?|

| |How well will the project fit with existing work processes and practices in your setting?|

| |How likely do you feel it is that the project will lead to sustained benefits for your |

| |patients? |

|What would it take for you to be able to implement PIPA | |

|perfectly, if you had any resources, tools, etc? | |

|What challenges have you already encountered in |What have you brainstormed in regards to tackling these? |

|staring/joining the PIPA project? |Are there additional resources or types of support that you may need? |

|What structures (people, systems, etc) do you have at your | |

|institution already in place that you think will make this a | |

|successful project? | |

|How confident do you feel in your ability to implement the |What skills or trainings are needed to implement the PIPA recommendations? |

|PIPA recommendations? |What do you think is needed to ensure you consistently use the PIPA recommendations? |

| |How can local project champions be most effective in supporting their teams in changing |

| |behaviors? |

|What resources will providers need for the PIPA project to be|What factors in your clinical environment influence your implementation of the |

|successful? |recommendations? Are there competing tasks or time constraints that influence your |

| |implementation? |

| |How complex will it be to integrate into care? |

| |Do you think any other resources might be helpful, such as reminder systems, equipment, |

| |or changes to the physical space? How? |

|Is there anything else you want to add that I may not have | |

|asked? | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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