Qualitative data analysis with NVivo - Stanford University

Qualitative data analysis with NVivo

CASA Workshop -- 5/14/03 Claudia Engel, ATS

qualitative analysis

n seeking to gain new understanding of a situation, experience or process

n handling of "unstructured" data n creation and management of

complexity n the software will not teach the



qualitative analysis

n reading of data

n literally, interpretive, reflexive

n organization of data

n indexing (-> categories or codes) n contextual, holistic, case study n diagrams, maps

n arguing with data

n causal, comparative n evidential, narrative, reflexive n generalizations

computer based qualitative analysis tools ? what can they do?

for example: n search n sort n link n visualize n store


computer based qualitative analysis tools ? what can't they do?

n collect your data n improve the quality of your data

n code your data n interpret your data


n qualitative data management and exploration n typical data sources:

n semi-structured interview n observation n diaries n focus groups

n basic functions:

n storing and manipulating texts n creating and manipulating codes

n basic components:

n documents n nodes = codes n attributes n sets



n Michael D Fischer (1994): Applications in Computing for Social Anthropologists n Nigel G. Fielding and Raymond M. Lee. (1998): Computer analysis and qualitative research n Boone, Margaret S. and John J. Wood (1992): Computer Applications for Anthropologists n Weitzman, E.A. and Miles, M.B. (1995). Computer Programs for Qualitative Data Analysis: A Software

Sourcebook n Gibbs, G. R. (2002) Qualitative Data Analysis: Explorations with NVivo. Buckingham: Open University

Press. n Janice M. Morse & Lyn Richards (2002) README FIRST for a User's Guide to Qualitative Research.

Sage Publications, London. n Centre for Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS)

(Their bibliography is a great resource: ) n QSR (Their bibliography on qualitative computing is updated regularly for researchers needing references. It includes recent work on or about use of QSR's software, and scholarly debates about it or about qualitative computing.) n Forum f?r Qualitative Sozialforschung n G R. Gibbs, S Friese & WC. Mangabeira (2002): Using Technology in the Qualitative Research Process n A. Stockdale (2003) Tools for Digital Audio Recording in Qualitative Research n H. Russell Bernard (1998) Text analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. In: Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology n U. Kelle (1997) Theory Building in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual Data n Software reviews in: "Field Methods" , "Qualitative Sociology", "Computers and the Humanities"

more resources

n SU:

n Social Sciences Resource Center (SSRC)

n Online, self-paced courses, available at no cost

n come talk to me




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