Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research

Emergent Design


Flexible and elastic

Various data collection strategies


Researcher serves as research instrument

Ongoing Analysis of data/develop strategies

Phases of Qualitative Research

I. Orientation and Overview

II. Focused Exploration

III. Confirmation and Closure

Qualitative Design Features

Not an Experimental study--variables not classified as independent and dependent variables.

Intent of most qualitative studies is to describe and explain a phenomenon not to do planned comparisons.

Data Collection can be cross-sectional or longitudinal

Retrospective vs. Prospective

Naturalistic setting

Qualitative Research Traditions


Rooted in anthropology

Focuses on the culture of a group of people and relies on extensive fieldwork.

Macroethnography vs. Microethnography

Aim-to learn from members of the group; researcher becomes immersed in the culture

Emic perspective vs. Etic perspective

Qualitative Research Traditions

Phenomenology-rooted in the philosophical traditions of Husserl and Heidegger

Looks at the “lived experiences” of people-critical truths about reality are grounded in the lived experiences of the people

Descriptive Phenomenology (Husserl)

What do we know as persons?

Interpretive Phenomenology (Heidegger)

What is being? (Hermeneutics)

Qualitative Research Traditions

Phenomenology (continued)

Goal: to describe the fully lived experience and all aspects that relate to it

Looks at Spatiality, Corporeality, Temporality, and Relationality

4 steps of Descriptive Phenomenology

Bracketing, Intuiting, Analyzing and Describing

Qualitative Research Traditions

Grounded Theory


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