UbD Lesson Plan Template - SchoolNotes

|UbD Lesson Plan Template |

|Teacher’s Name: |Subject/Course: 9th Grade STEM |

|Lesson Title: |Grade Level: 9th Grade |

|Working As a Team | |

|Approximate Time Frame: Week of August 31, 2009 |

|Vocabulary Words: Conflict and conflict resolution |

Stage 1 – Desired Results

|Competency/Objectives: |

|STEM 1:4 – Develop teamwork skills as well as understanding and making complex choices about working in teams |

Established Goals:

|Understandings |No man is an island – life is a series of interpersonal relationships. |

|Students will understand |Every person has unique talents and ideas that contribute to the success of the team. |

|that... |To be a successful team member, you must be able to agree to disagree. |

|Essential Questions: |What are the components of a successful team? |

| |What are the qualities of a good team player? |

| |How do individual team members affect the team positively or negatively? |

|Students will know… |what is the criteria of a successful team |

| |what are the components of good teamwork |

| |how to work through team problems |

|Students will be able to… |brainstorm ideas |

| |develop a successful plan of action based on group discussion |

| |write a set of directions to complete the task |

| |test and revise the set of directions |

Brief Summary of the Unit:

|To be a successful team member, students must be given ample opportunity to work in a diverse group to develop and practice team building skills. |

|Students must be given opportunity to utilize teamwork to solve real world problems. |

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Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

|Performance Task: |To develop a set of directions to help a person go without visual or tactile sense from point A to point B with a |

| |mid-stop. |

|Performance Task Statement: In groups of3 or 4, students will work as a team to successfully develop and implement a set of directions to move a |

|blindfolded student from given point in the classroom to a second point with a detour included in the plan. |

|Students will understand… |Need for problem-solving skills, teamwork skills, and the use of flow charts in problem-solving. |

|Students will be able to do… |Successfully work in groups to brainstorm, develop a plan of action, and create a flow chart to successfully |

| |navigate the classroom. |

|G.R.A.S.P.S. |

|Here is where you will develop a scenario for the activity/project. |

|This section is for you to develop a guide for the students on what to do. |

|Goal(s): |Working in groups of four, students will develop and implement a set of directions to move a blindfolded student from |

|(Scenario for |a given point in the classroom to another. |

|Assignment/Project) | |

|Role: |Work as a team member to successfully complete the task. |

|(Student’s role) | |

|Audience: |The teacher and other class members. |

|(Who will see this | |

|information? It can be the | |

|teacher only.) | |

|Situation: |1. Students will be placed in diverse groups of 3 to 4. |

|(How – individually, partners,|2. Each group will be given a manila folder containing the group participation rubric, set of directions to complete |

|groups – the goal will be |the team activity and a flow chart template. |

|accomplished.) |3. Each group will brainstorm ideas for completing the task and choose one idea to develop. |

| |4. Each group will develop a flow chart to demonstrate the navigation plan. |

| |5. Each group will test, revise, and retest the navigation plan. |

| |6. The navigation plan will then be given to another group to evaluate by implementation. |

|Performance: |1. The flowcharts will be distributed to different groups to implement. |

|(What will the student do?) |2. A member of each group will be randomly selected by the teacher to blindfold test the navigation plan. |

| |3. Another group member will read the navigation plan. |

| |4. Class members will be reminded to stay quiet during the evaluating phase. |

| |5. Blindfolded students may not use their tactile senses to navigate. |

|Standards: |1. Completed revised flowchart |

|(The criteria for success and |2. Successful navigation of the classroom |

|how it will be assessed.) |3. Completed Group Work Student Survey |

|Key criteria to reflect Performance Tasks: |1. Group Participation Rubric |

|Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc. |2. Group Work Student Survey |

|Other Evidence Summarized |1. Teacher Observation |

|(tests, essays, work sample(s), etc. |2. Class Discussion |

Stage 3: Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:

|UbD Lesson Plan |


|CLASS: |UNIT: Unit 1 – STEM Orientation |

|LESSON TITLE: Working As a Team |

Information from Stage 1: Desired Results

|Unit & Competency |STEM 1:4 - Develop teamwork skills as well as understanding and making complex choices about working in |

| |teams |

|Enduring Understanding(s): |No man is an island – life is a series of interpersonal relationships. |

| |Every person has unique talents and ideas that contribute to the success of the team. |

| |3. To be a successful team member, you must be able to agree to disagree. |

|Essential Question(s): |What are the components of a successful team? |

| |What are the qualities of a good team player? |

| |3. How do individual team members affect the team positively or negatively? |

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements

|The Teacher will… |The Student will… |

|W |1. Introduce the concept of teamwork. |1. Participate in an open discussion and respond to the |

|Where are we going? What is |2. Introduce the 6 Pillars of Character as they relate to|concepts introduced. |

|expected? |teamwork. | |

|H |1. Show the clips from a movie such as Remember the |1. Watch the video clips. |

|How will we hook (Introduce this |Titans or from a youtube/teachertube movie short. |2. Participate in a teacher-lead discussion |

|to) the students? | | |

|E |1. Explain the activity. |1. Listen to the teacher explanation of the activity. |

|How will we equip students for |2. Provide verbal and written directions |2. Ask questions as the teacher moves through the |

|expected performances? |3. Model the flowchart |activity process. |

| |4. Review the design process for problem solving. | |

|R |Observe and review the overall activity and refine it as |1. Use the design process |

|How will we rethink or revise? |needed |2. Complete a online survey |

|E |1. Explain the use of the Group Work Student Survey and |1. Complete an online Group Work Student Survey. |

|How will students self-evaluate |the need for honesty in the evaluation process. |2. Complete bell ringers that correspond to the 6 |

|and reflect their learning? |2. Utilize bell ringers to have students reflect on each |pillars of character and inner reflection. |

| |of the 6 pillars of character on a personal level. | |

|T |1. Place students in each group based on personality quiz|1. Will work together with other class members chosen by |

|How will we tailor learning to |that has been taken previously in class. |the teacher. |

|varied needs, interests, and |2. Provide help to individual groups and group members as|2. Will use the 3 Before Me rule when working in the |

|learning styles? |needed. |team. |

|O |1. Introduce the concepts and activity |1. Discuss the concepts introduced by the teacher |

|How will we organize the sequence|2. Implement groups |2. Follow the design process |

|of learning? |3. Oversee the activity | |

Information from Stage 2: Other Evidence

Sufficient and Revealing Evidence of Understanding: Briefly explain if and how it will be used.

|Informal Check: |Teacher observation will be utilized as the groups work through the design process stage. |

|Observation/Dialogue: |Class discussions allow students and the teacher to give ideas and feedback during the entire |

| |process. |

|Quiz/Test: |N/A |

|Academic Prompt: |N/A |

|Performance Task/Project: |The implementation of the navigation flowchart will demonstrate the culmination of the teamwork|

| |project. |

|Other: |Students will be given the opportunity to complete an online survey to evaluate their |

| |individual team. |

Special Needs:

|Modifications: |Accommodations: |

|As shown on IEPs |As indicated on IEPs |

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Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete:

|Opportunities for students to practice teamwork skills will be given throughout the year. |

Resources Used: Websites, books, film clips, etc.

|Type of Resource(s): |Name of Resource(s): |

|Movie clip |teachertube/youtube/Movie of teacher choice |

|Group Work Student Survey |Group Work Observation Checklist (made into a student survey) on pg 88|

| |of STEM curriculum |

|Group Participation Rubric |Group Participation Rubric on pg 87 of STEM curriculum |

|6 Pillars of Character | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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