The Godly Man's Picture

 The Godly Man's Picture

by Thomas Watson

Table of Contents Introduction Characteristics of a Godly Man 1) A Godly Man is a Man of Knoweldge 2) A Godly Man is a Man Moved by Faith 3) A Godly Man is Fired with Love to God 4) A Godly Man is Like God 5) A Godly Man is Very Exact and Careful About the Worship of God 6) A Godly Man is a Servant of God 7) A Godly Man Prizes Christ 8) A Godly Man Weeps 9) A Godly Man is a Lover of the Word 10) A Godly Man has the Spirit of God Residing in Him

11) A Godly Man is a Humble Man 12) A Godly Man is a Praying Man 13) A Godly Man is a Sincere Man 14) A Godly Man is a Heavenly Man 15) A Godly Man is a Zealous Man 16) A Godly Man is a Patient Man 17) A Godly Man is a Thankful Man 18) A Godly Man is a Lover of the Saints 19) A Godly Man Does Not Indulge in Any Sin 20) A Godly Man is Good in His Relationships 21) A Godly Man Does Spiritual Things in a Spiritual Manner 22) A Godly Man is Thoroughly Trained in Piety 23) A Godly Man Walks with God 24) A Godly Man Strives to be an Instrument for Making Others Godly Exhortations to Godliness Helps and Motives to Godliness The Mystical Union Between Christ and His People

Christian Reader,

The soul being so precious, and salvation so glorious--it is the highest point of prudence to make preparations for the eternal world. It is beyond all dispute, that there is an inheritance in light; and it is most strenuously asserted in Holy Scripture that there must be a fitness and suitability for it (Col. 1:12). If anyone asks, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?" the answer is, "He who has clean hands, and a pure heart" (Psalm 24:4). To describe such a person is the work of this ensuing treatise. Here you have the godly man's portrait, and see him portrayed in his full lineaments.

What a rare thing godliness is! It is not airy and puffed up--but solid, and such as will take up the heart and spirits. Godliness consists in an exact harmony between holy principles and practices. Oh, that all into whose hands this book shall providentially come, may be so enamored with piety as to embrace it heartily. So sublime is godliness that it cannot be delineated in its perfect radiance and luster, though an angel should take the pencil. Godliness is our wisdom. "The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom" (Job 28:28). Morality without piety is profound madness. Godliness is a spiritual queen, and whoever marries her, is sure of a large dowry with her. Godliness has the promise of the present life and of that which is to come (1 Tim. 4:8). Godliness gives assurance, yes, holy triumph in God; and how sweet is that! (Isaiah 32:17).

It was old Latimer who said, "When sometimes I sit alone, and have a settled assurance of the state of my soul, and know that God is my God--I can laugh at all troubles, and nothing can daunt me." Godliness puts a man in heaven before his time. Christian, aspire after piety; it is a lawful ambition. Look at the saints' characteristics here, and never leave off until you have got them stamped upon your own soul. This is the grand business which should swallow up your time and thoughts. Other speculations and quaint notions are nothing, compared to the priceless soul. They are like wafers which


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