MEETING MINUTES FOR - Government of New Jersey


December 2, 2011

N.J. Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NJCBVI)

State Rehabilitation Council (SRC)

Joseph Kohn Training Center

130 Livingston Avenue

New Brunswick, NJ

Kathy Wood, Chair

This meeting is held in compliance with Section 105 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act 1973, as amended. This meeting is also in compliance with the N.J. Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6.

Present: Alwin Glasgow, Titus Massey, Chrysoula Fantousakis, Ginger Kutsch, Perkie B. Cannon, Jim Fox, Lauren Casey, Kathy Wood (by phone)

Ex Officio: Vito Desantis, Ed Sroczynski, John Walsh , Ed Kawalec, Michael Kosec, Rob Paige,

Member of the Public: Carol Castellano

Kathy Wood joined the meeting by phone. Kathy called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. and asked that approval of the minutes be tabled since a quorum of SRC members was not present. Kathy excused herself from fully participating in the meeting due to reporting deadlines in the office. Kathy agreed to rejoin the group later in the meeting.

Federal and State update:

Vito DeSantis reported that on the State side there continues to be an emphasis on “zero point budgeting.” This necessitates CBVI to substantiate it’s budgetary expenditures moving forward. Currently, there is no budgetary impact on the Commission regarding payrole systems with no further cuts in staff. CBVI should be able to meet the State match of 20% to the Federal match of 80%. Titus Massey asked if there are contracts that need to be considered in view of zero point budgeting and limited funding. Vito clarified that contracts are being reviewed. This includes assistive technology contracts which were recently renegotiated to a “fee for service” arrangement. This was a direct recommendation from the RSA Monitoring Team. The contract was last negotiated in the early 1990’s under very different economic circumstances. All contracts are being reviewed regarding shifting to fee for service. This is partially measured by the outcomes reached.

On the Federal side, there is uncertainty concerning funding cuts as VR is considered a discretionary program. Since the “Super Committee” was not able to decide on how to cut funds from the Federal budget, budget cuts will automatically occur beginning in 2013. It is unclear about how discretionary cuts will be affected.

Program Evaluation and Accountability:

Vito reported that in view of zeropoint budgeting, quality assurance reviews and program evaluations are underway to evaluate the level of outcomes achieved. CBVI has met its outcomes under Section 107 of the Rehab Act, however there is the need to take a more critical review of outcomes beyond the requirements of the standards and indicators. The quality and quantity of outcomes are being evaluated. Vito suggested that the SRC Policy Committee is to be a partner in the review. Vito noted that competency models for the positions of VR counselors and VR supervisors are being developed. The aim is to raise the standards of competencies and improve the quantity and quality of outcomes. This was recommended by RSA and can serve as a model nationwide: improving the quantity and quality of outcomes is the main initiative moving forward in 2012.

Vito reported that The Joseph Kohn Training Center, (JKTC) is incorporating four initiatives that were introduced in January of 2011. The initiatives raise the expectation level for the participants of the program as well as the staff at the Center. The one-day orientation to the Center is in place to enable VR consumers to become aware of the program. A new curriculum was developed that includes assessment of the consumers needs, vocational goals and all the basic blindness skills training individualized to meet the specific needs of each consumer. An individualized program for each consumer will include a high level of expectation for a successful outcome. A staff member was hired to assist with a new evening learning program through which participants can engage in learning experiences including basic assistive technology, ESL and a variety of online courses through the Hadley School. Throughout the program, there is emphasis placed on preparation for employment. This is facilitated through vocational testing, counseling and a four week job shadowing experience in the community at the end of the program.

Libra/FACTS system update:

John Walsh reported that the new Fully Accessible Case Tracking System, (FACTS) is web based and will allow for more efficiency for managing the agency’s data. MIS has been working with department teams and the designer of the FACTS system, (Libra) to integrate the existing case management system into the FACTS system. Staff in the regional offices are scanning case documents. The vendor payment system, Universe and Client Status systems will all be integrated into the FACTS system by March of 2012. Vito reported that the Libra staff is well oriented to the inner workings of VR. He added that VR, Education and Independent Living procedures and operations are all being configured with the FACTS system. John indicated that program evaluations and quality assurance assessments will be more accessible since FACTS is a more robust data base. Administrators will be able to conduct program evaluations from their desks or remotely. Case workers have laptops and will have air cards that will connect them to cellular service to directly connect into the case management system. This arrangement will enable case workers to spend more time in the field and increase direct service to consumers. John noted that consumer information is stored on the web based server and not on the case workers laptops, insuring confidentiality.

John mentioned that agreements are in place with SSA and DHS to access the wage data system through the FACTS system. CBVI will more easily negotiate cost reimbursement through SSA to receive funds that were spent to prepare a consumer for employment. The funds can be accessed after the individual becomes employed. With plans to roll out FACTS by March, CBVI staff are currently testing the system and providing MIS and Libra with feedback.

VR Team Update:

John Walsh reported that the VR Administrative staff has arranged to meet with VR counselors annually for an all day meeting to provide updates and discuss VR initiatives. Additionally, John and Ed are scheduled to meet with the counselors for 1 hour at their quarterly meetings. More of an attempt is made to open communication and forge a collaborative relationship with the VR counselors. The counselors were asked to provide ideas for projects for the next year that would help to make their job more effective. Thus far, counselors would like to better access Mental Health Services throughout the State and facilitate the referral process for accessing mental health service providers. The Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services was contacted to arrange a training session with VR Counselors regarding the referral process and available resources. Additionally, counselors would like Supported Employment Agency staff to become more knowledgeable about blindness, deaf-blind and visual impairment to better serve CBVI consumers. The VR Administrative Team is looking into providing outreach and training to Supported Employment agencies. At the last VR Counselors quarterly meeting, John suggested that VR Counselors can formulate work groups to address additional ideas for projects. Vito suggested that a member of the SRC meet with VR counselors to provide education about the role of the SRC. John clarified that it is important that counselors learn how VR initiatives are vetted through the SRC and become aware of the function of the public forums.

VR Competency Models Update:

Ed Sroczynski reported that the CBVI VR staff are working with the Technical Assistance and Continuing Education, (TACE) to develop competency models for VRC1, VRC2 and VR supervisor positions. The models are designed to raise the standards of how VR staff approach their job duties by incorporating specific competencies to improve their work performance. Through TACE, CBVI contracted an Independent Consultant (Liz Scott) to collaborate with the development of the competency models. Initially, Liz forwarded surveys to VR staff to pinpoint their competency preferences. Liz met with a VR working team consisting of three VR counselors, members of the VR Administrative staff and Training staff. Competency models for each position were developed utilizing the survey results and feedback from the Team. The competency models were vetted by focus groups consisting of supervisors of each position. The VR Working Team reviewed the focus group findings and the competency models were finalized. The competency models apply to work performance, recruitment and professional development. The major competencies include: organizing and planning, goal setting decision making, technical knowledge and skills, communication, adaptability and conflict management. Discussion followed and Rob Paige asked if a competency was identified that focuses on VR counselors approach toward helping consumers to access employment. John Walsh clarified that through professional development and improved work performance counselors will employ strategies that will more effectively address achieving vocational outcomes. Ed Sroczynski clarified that the quantity of vocational outcomes and quality of service delivery will more likely increase as competency standards are raised. Vito requested that a member of the SRC be present at the next meeting regarding the competency models.

Discussion followed regarding more effective ways for promoting employment opportunities. Perky Cannon suggested that employers be notified about incentives for hiring disable individuals. Ed Sroczynski reported that information about employer incentives can be found on the EARN web site. He added that the SRC will receive a notice regarding this resource.

Quality Assurance Case Reviews:

John Walsh reported that reviews of all VR counselors case loads will be conducted 5 times during the next year. The reviews will focus on accuracy and quality of data, length in VR status and substantiality of the provision of services. The findings will be reported back to the VR supervisors and counselors. Timeliness of eligibility determination, vocational assessment, moving a consumer into plan status, timeliness of service provision, assisting a consumer to access employment and addressing post employment services will be monitored. John clarified that case notes are being reviewed to determine the flow of a case in addition to substantiation of the provision of service. John and Ed are working with Mike Kosec to research existing best practices for conducting quality assurance case reviews to create a comprehensive, fully accessible review procedure. VR counselors were notified about the reviews and the expectations for improvement. Perky Cannon asked if a VR counselor can be signaled by the system when the timeline is close for moving the case. John explained that the new FACTS system will provide VR Counselors with e-mail alerts when the allotted time for remaining in a particular status in drawing near.

Annual Report/State Plan:

John reported that the first draft of the SRC Annual Report is ready and will be forwarded to the SRC members for their review and feedback. Afterwards, the report will be sent to RSA, which is due by December 31. In January, the CBVI public relations unit will prepare the report for publication and distribution.

Kathy Wood rejoined the group by phone. A quorum of members was present and Kathy called for approval of the minutes of the October 14th SRC meeting. Lauren Casey motioned and Jim Fox seconded and the minutes were approved. Kathy also called for the minutes of the June 10th meeting to be approved. Lauren Casey motioned and Jim Fox seconded and the minutes were approved.

SRC Sub Committees:

Ed Sroczynski noted that sub committees were established during the meeting of October 14th. E-mail notifications were forwarded to each committee listing the members of each committee and current assignments. John Walsh suggested that another representative from Disability Rights of New Jersey, (DRNJ) be asked to sit on the Policy committee, since Heather Klouser is out on leave until February. Kathy Wood suggested that DRNJ representative Susan Head be consulted. Kathy asked if an additional member could serve on the Evaluation and Assessment Committee. Dorothy Doran volunteered and was accepted. Chrysoula was appointed as the Chair of the committee. John Walsh indicated that the Evaluation and Assessment Committee will focus on setting up public forums in 2012. The committee could also help to develop a procedure for conducting a satisfaction survey for the participants of the LEAD program. Kathy Wood recused herself from involvement with SRC initiatives regarding the LEAD program since she works for HIP which sponsors the program. Perky Cannon requested that the Evaluation and Assessment Committee be sent the posting regarding the public forums within the next few weeks. Information regarding the LEAD program will also need to be forwarded. John indicated that the results of the satisfaction survey will be incorporated in the CBVI Comprehensive Needs Assessment. Titus Massey also recused himself as he is a volunteer mentor with the LEAD Program.

Jinger Kutsch asked for timelines to be set regarding the sub committees review of programs and policies. Vito asked that each sub committee provide a report and update at the next SRC meeting. Kathy Wood agreed. Kathy suggested that the chairs of the committees contact Ed Sroczynski to make conference call arrangements through Lorri Ghio.

The Annual Report/State Plan Committee will review the current draft of the Annual Report and consult via conference call and provide the CBVI VR Administrative staff with feedback. This will be followed by review by the full SRC prior to submitting the report to RSA.

New Business

Perky Cannon requested that SRC dates for 2012 be forwarded to the Counsel members. John Walsh provided the dates and an e-mail copy will also be forwarded to the members.


Jim Fox made the motion to adjourn seconded by Perky Cannon at 11:30

Next meeting:

The next SRC meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 27, 2012 at the Joseph Kohn Training Center.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ed Sroczynski


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