VCAL Quality Assurance 2020 - Pages - 2020 VCAL ...

VCAL Quality Assurance 202002857500Authorised and published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment AuthorityLevel 7, 2 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne VIC 3000ISBN: 978-1-74010-101-1? Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2020No part of this publication may be reproduced except as specified under the Copyright Act 1968 or by permission from the VCAA. Excepting third-party elements, schools may use this resource in accordance with the VCAA educational allowance. For more information go to . The VCAA provides the only official, up-to-date versions of VCAA publications. Details of updates can be found on the VCAA website at publication may contain copyright material belonging to a third party. Every effort has been made to contact all copyright owners. If you believe that material in this publication is an infringement of your copyright, please email the Copyright Officer vcaa.copyright@edumail..auCopyright in materials appearing at any sites linked to this document rests with the copyright owner/s of those materials, subject to the Copyright Act. The VCAA recommends you refer to copyright statements at linked sites before using such materials.The VCAA logo is a registered trademark of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.Contact us if you need this information in an accessible format - for example, large print or audio.Telephone (03) 9032 1635 or email TOC \h \z \t "VCAA Heading 1,1,VCAA Heading 2,2,VCAA Heading 3,3" VCAL Quality Assurance PAGEREF _Toc29888065 \h 1Purpose of the VCAL QA process PAGEREF _Toc29888066 \h 1VCAL Quality Assurance Process – 2020 PAGEREF _Toc29888067 \h 22020 Quality Assurance Panels: Strand Allocations PAGEREF _Toc29888068 \h 3Strands allocation for VCAL Quality Assurance in 2020 PAGEREF _Toc29888069 \h 3Quality Assurance templates PAGEREF _Toc29888070 \h 4Work Related Skills and Structured Workplace Learning / part time work PAGEREF _Toc29888071 \h 5Notes for completing QA templates for all providers PAGEREF _Toc29888072 \h 5Portfolios of evidence for all providers PAGEREF _Toc29888073 \h 6Privacy and permissions requirements PAGEREF _Toc29888074 \h 6VCAL QA arrangements for existing providers PAGEREF _Toc29888075 \h 7Category 1 providers PAGEREF _Toc29888076 \h 7Category 2 and 3 providers PAGEREF _Toc29888077 \h 7Stage 1 meeting details for Categories 2 and 3 providers PAGEREF _Toc29888078 \h 7Stage 2 meeting details for Categories 2 and 3 providers PAGEREF _Toc29888079 \h 8VCAL QA arrangements for new providers PAGEREF _Toc29888080 \h 8Stage 1 and 2 meeting details PAGEREF _Toc29888081 \h 9Appendix: VCAL Quality Assurance roles and responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc29888082 \h 10Quality Assurance Panel Leader PAGEREF _Toc29888083 \h 10Quality Assurance Panel Member PAGEREF _Toc29888084 \h 10Quality Assurance Panel Observer PAGEREF _Toc29888085 \h 10Quality Assurance – VCAL Provider (School / Principal / Director / CEO) PAGEREF _Toc29888086 \h 10Quality Assurance Panel participant (Teachers / providers) PAGEREF _Toc29888087 \h 11VCAA VCAL Unit PAGEREF _Toc29888088 \h 11VCAL Quality AssuranceQuality Assurance (QA) is an integral part of the implementation of the VCAL certificate. The VCAL QA process ensures a common and consistent understanding of the assessment tasks and teacher judgments at each of the three VCAL levels. Participation in the annual VCAL QA process is a requirement for authorisation to deliver VCAL. All Principals/Directors must therefore allow appropriate staff to participate in the VCAL QA process and attend VCAL QA meetings if required. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) strongly recommends that the teacher who completes the QA template also attend the QA meeting/s.Failure to participate in the VCAL QA process may trigger a VCAA audit of the VCAL learning program and / or reassessment of authorisation to deliver VCAL. Purpose of the VCAL QA processThe VCAL QA process ensures that there is a common understanding and consistency among teachers regarding assessment judgements and the design of assessment tasks for the three VCAL certificate levels.The VCAL QA process enables teachers to clarify their ideas about the appropriate VCAL certificate level and tasks for their students. A VCAL QA Panel, led by a QA Panel Leader, has been established in each VCAL QA region to:establish benchmarks for consistency in the assessment of VCAL levels and VCAL learning outcomesprovide support and advice to VCAL teachers that will enable them to design VCAL unit assessment tasks and activities, and to make assessment judgements about successful achievement of VCAL learning outcomesallocate providers to one of three Quality Assurance categorieshighlight outstanding practice in VCAL learning program design.The roles and responsibilities of all participants in VCAL Quality Assurance are defined in the Appendix. This includes the role of the Panel Leader, Panel Member, Panel Observer, VCAL provider and VCAL teacher as well as the VCAA VCAL unit. For VCAA clarification of VCAL QA expectations or regional allocation, please contact the VCAL unit at or phone 9032 1725. VCAL Quality Assurance Process – 2020Quality Assurance Template preparationVCAA host a webinar in February to support teachers in completing the QA template Some VCAL QA region panels may also host localised professional learning sessions to support teachers in completing the QA templateQuality Assurance Template submissionAll templates are due to the Quality Assurance Panel Leaders by Friday 20 March 2020.Quality Assurance Template validationQuality Assurance panels assess and allocate categories to all providers.Category 1Category 2Category 3A Category 1 provider has their QA template validated by the QA panel. A validated template meets the following criteria:The task/s is at the appropriate VCAL certificate level.The task/s meets the purpose statement of the strand/unit.The task/s enables the students to meet the learning outcomes/elements specified.The template demonstrates a clear distinction between activities and evidence.Providers have listed a variety of activities and evidence to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes and elements.The template has enough detail for the panel to determine that the teacher is able to deliver the proposed program with no further assistance.A provider is classified as a Category 2 if:The QA template is not validated by the QA panel. A template is not validated if it has not met the criteria for Category 1.The QA panel believes the provider would benefit from additional support in the preparation of the QA template/s or in the delivery of their VCAL program. A provider is classified as a Category 3 if:The provider is delivering VCAL for the first time.The teacher, in an existing VCAL provider, is teaching the VCAL unit required for QA for the first time, for example, an experienced literacy teacher is now teaching PDS and PDS is the strand required for QA.The provider is returning to deliver the VCAL after a break.The provider did not submit template/s for QA.QA Stage 1 and Stage 2 MeetingsCategory 1 providers are not required to attend Stage 1 or 2 QA meetings.Providers may choose to attend QA Stage 1 and/or 2 QA meetings for professional development and networking purposes. They may also be invited to attend to share their expertise and knowledgeA Category 2 provider is required to resubmit the template/s and attend the Stage 1 VCAL QA meeting, as indicated by the QA panel. The QA panel may also ask some Category 2 providers to attend the Stage 2 QA meetingA Category 3 provider is required to resubmit the template/s (if directed by the QA panel) and attend both Stage 1 and Stage 2 VCAL QA meetings.2020 Quality Assurance Panels: Strand Allocations The VCAA has established nine VCAL QA regions. These nine regions are similar to the previous nine Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (now DET) regions. Some of these nine regions have been further divided into sub regions, each with their own QA Panel and Panel Leader. Please note: VCAL providers with more than one campus are reminded that, for the purposes of QA, each campus is regarded as a standalone provider. Therefore, each campus needs to provide the VCAL QA templates that meet their local delivery context by the due date and participate in the QA process as required in their region. Strands allocation for VCAL Quality Assurance in 2020RegionsQA Panel LeaderStrand at the highest levelBarwon South WestGeelong: Cherie OstaLiteracy SkillsWarrnambool: Narelle HolidayGrampiansBallarat: Karen FarquharWork Related Skills and Skills for Further Study – SeniorHorsham: Andy ReynoldsGippslandInner: Robert JukesNumeracy SkillsEast: Terrie CroweHumeDeb HubbardLiteracy SkillsLoddon MalleeBendigo: Penelope JennerNumeracy SkillsMildura: Hayley WilsonEastern MetropolitanLoretta GoldsmithPersonal Development SkillsWestern MetropolitanGail AndersonWork Related Skills and Skills for Further Study – SeniorNorthern MetropolitanFran DaveyPersonal Development SkillsSouthern MetropolitanTracey SeachWork Related Skills and Skills for Further Study – SeniorPlease note: If you are a new VCAL provider please see VCAL QA arrangements for new providers (Page 8) for details of your Quality Assurance requirements. In 2020, a new VCAL unit Portfolio Enhancement and Presentation – Senior will be available for all providers. All QA of this unit in 2020 will be completed by the VCAA. The QA process for this unit will be determined in consultation with providers and the VCAA VCAL unit. It is recommended that providers make contact with their QA Panel Leader early in the year to ensure communication is established and that they are included in all correspondence related to the QA dates and requirements specific to their region or sub region.Following the submission and validation of QA templates, the QA Panel Leader in each VCAL QA region/sub region will notify providers of their VCAL QA category for 2020, as well as the date, times and venue details for the Stage 1 and 2 VCAL QA meetings.Contact details for all QA Panel Leaders are on the VCAA website.Quality Assurance templatesPlease note: in 2020 the VCAA will provide VCAL Quality Assurance templates. These replace the Sample Assessment Task Templates (SATTS). The revised templates require the same level of detail from providers and function in the same way.VCAA VCAL QA templates must be completed and submitted to the QA Panel leader by Friday 20 March 2020.The VCAA VCAL QA process is based on providers submitting a sample of tasks / activities and evidence of student learning used within a VCAL curriculum unit to their regional QA panel. It does not need to include all tasks / activities and evidence of learning from the course.It is a snapshot of the learning program.The tasks / activities and evidence of student learning that is submitted for VCAL QA should, however, stand alone and not require further explanation to the QA panel. Sufficient detail must therefore be included to give a clear idea of how the tasks/activities meet the learning outcomes and elements and to allow the QA panel to validate the evidence as being at the appropriate VCAL certificate level and having sufficient rigor. The regional VCAL QA panels will meet to review the QA templates according to the following criteria:Does the task meet the purpose statement of the strand/unit?Is the task at the appropriate VCAL certificate level?Does the task enable the student to achieve the specified learning outcomes/elements?Is the evidence likely to be submitted to support this template sufficient to demonstrate learning?The VCAL QA panels will determine the category of the provider and provide feedback on the task/s submitted. The VCAL QA panels determine the best method to provide feedback to providers.Providers are asked to use the following QA templates for the 2020 VCAL QA process:Personal Development SkillsWork Related Skills Literacy and Numeracy SkillsSkills for Further Study – SeniorPortfolio Enhancement and Presentation – SeniorWork Related Skills and Structured Workplace Learning / part time work Providers who are required to submit WRS units for QA and are using Structured Workplace Learning or a student’s part-time job to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes from a WRS unit, are requested to include these activities in the documents submitted for QA. This could include, but is not limited to, the provider’s documentation on how they map achievement of the learning outcomes to the tasks and activities that the students complete as part of either SWL or part time work. Notes for completing QA templates for all providersIn 2020 Quality Assurance for Literacy Skills and Numeracy Skills Strand has been split.Literacy skills: The QA template submitted for the Literacy Skills: Reading and Writing unit, within the Literacy and Numeracy Skills strand, must address four learning outcomes – two for reading and two for writing.Providers are highly encouraged to also submit a QA template for Oral Communication units, to allow the QA panel to understand the complete Literacy program. Numeracy skills: The QA template submitted for the selected Numeracy Skills unit, within the Literacy and Numeracy Skills strand, must address all learning outcomes from that unit. Numeracy Skills units submitted need to come from Foundation, Intermediate Unit 1, Senior unit 1 or Senior Advanced Numeracy. All learning outcomes must be addressed in the QA templates submitted for:Personal Development Skills (PDS)Skills for Further Study – Senior (SFS)Portfolio Enhancement and Presentation - Senior (PEP) and Work Related Skills (WRS) Each provider must submit a QA template for a unit at the highest level at which it is delivered. For example, a provider that delivers both Intermediate and Senior WRS would be required to submit a template for the Senior WRS unit. In the case of PDS and WRS units, providers can determine which unit is submitted. For example, for WRS, providers may choose to submit either Units 1 or 2.Providers must include sufficient detail in the QA template/s for their VCAL QA panel to determine if the learning outcomes and all appropriate elements have been met and that the tasks are at the appropriate certificate level. Please note: from 2020 the revised VCAL curriculum for PDS, WRS, Skills and Portfolio states that: Wherever possible, all elements in a learning outcome should be achieved in one assessment task. This provides teachers with a greater scope for implementation and assessment. As a result, the same approach will apply to QA templates for the above curriculum. Portfolios of evidence for all providersIf you are required to attend a Stage 2 QA meeting you need to prepare a portfolio of evidence. A student portfolio contains evidence of the student’s own work that demonstrates successful completion of the VCAL unit learning outcomes. It can include:teacher observation checklistsstudent self-assessment (verified by teacher/supervisor)reflective work journalslogbooksa record of oral presentations or discussions written texts, e.g. reflective diariesinformation and communications technology e.g. blogs, social media, websites, wikis, podcasts, e-portfolios, multimedia presentations newspaper articles verifying student participation in a community projectaction plans and timelinesphotographic records of project workPowerPoint presentationsa record of a radio broadcaststudent worksheets.Privacy and permissions requirementsThe following advice has been prepared for providers regarding the use of photographic and video images and student and school names being included on samples of student work for VCAL QA.Personal information should only be used for the purpose for which it was collected or for a directly related purpose that would reasonably be expected by the individual. Using information for a different or unrelated purpose usually requires the consent of the person unless an exception applies. The VCAA and all those participating in the VCAL QA process will not use or disclose the samples of student work for any other purpose.Samples of work that are submitted for VCAL QA must not include the student’s name (only their VCAA student number) and if the work is being viewed by teachers from other schools the school code must be used and not the school name.Student work, e.g. samples of best practice, must not be photocopied without first checking for copyright permission from the student. This permission should be contained in the student’s VCE/VCAL enrolment form.Students’ assessment tasks cannot be photocopied and used without the express permission of the student whose work it is, unless the photocopying is for the intended purpose of collection, i.e. if copies are needed to be distributed for VCAL QA. In this instance, the copies should be identified e.g. Copy 1, 2 etc. and then collected after the intended function has been completed. Subject to students’ prior approval (see Section D on the VCE and VCAL Student Personal Details form) examples of work that are considered best practice may be kept and circulated to other providers.Multimedia or photographic images may be submitted as part of the QA process, but permission must first be obtained from the person/s being photographed or digitally recorded. In collecting evidence for the purposes of VCAL QA, providers should comply with their school/organisation or sectoral policies concerning the publishing of students’ images and related personal information.VCAL QA arrangements for existing providersProviders who have delivered the VCAL prior to 2020 are referred to as existing providers. This includes non-school senior secondary providers who have been reregistered and providers who are expanding their VCAL provision. VCAL providers in each VCAL QA region will be required to submit up to two VCAL units for VCAL QA. After the QA templates have been submitted to the QA Panel Leader, the regional VCAL QA panels will determine the category status for each provider. The regional VCAL QA panels will determine the best method for providing feedback to participating providers.Category 1 providersProviders that are allocated Category 1 status are not required to attend the VCAL QA Stage 1 and 2 meetings; however, attendance at QA is encouraged and highly recommended. Providers may choose to attend QA stage 1 and/ or 2 meetings for professional development and networking purposes. Category 2 and 3 providersDetails on the date and venue for the Stage 1 meetings will be provided by the QA Panel Leaders. VCAL providers required to attend the Stage 1 meeting may be required to submit copies of their QA template to facilitate discussion at the meeting. The number of copies required for submission may vary between VCAL QA regions. Providers should contact their QA Panel Leader to confirm the number of copies they must submit.The following are the VCAL QA arrangements for existing VCAL providers, allocated to Categories 2 and 3 in 2020:?Category 2 providers are required to attend the Stage 1 meeting and may also be required to attend the Stage 2 meeting.?Category 3 providers are required to attend both Stage 1 and 2 meetings.Stage 1 meeting details for Categories 2 and 3 providersThe VCAL QA panel may also request additional VCAL units/strands and/or a different VCAL level to be submitted for VCAL QA. The relevant QA Panel Leader will contact individual providers where this is the case.Providers with questions regarding the 2020 VCAL QA process for their region should contact their QA Panel Leader. For QA panel Leader contact details please see the VCAA website.Stage 2 meeting details for Categories 2 and 3 providersDetails on the date and venue for your Stage 2 meeting will be provided by the QA Panel Leader for your VCAL QA region.VCAL providers required to attend the Stage 2 meeting may be required to submit copies of their VCAL QA template to facilitate discussion at the meeting and a student’s portfolio of evidence for each template submitted. The number of copies required for submission may vary between VCAL QA regions. Providers should contact their QA Panel Leader to confirm the number of copies they must submit.It is recommended that the teacher/s who attended the Stage 1 VCAL QA meeting also attend the Stage 2 VCAL QA meeting. At the Stage 2 meeting, teacher/s will work in small groups with a VCAL QA panel member to compare and discuss assessment judgements. VCAL QA arrangements for new providersA new VCAL provider is a provider who is delivering the VCAL for the first time in 2020. All providers delivering VCAL for the first time are classified as Category 3 for VCAL QA purposes and must attend Stage 1 and Stage 2 meetings.All new 2020 VCAL providers will be required to submit Quality Assurance templates for the following VCAL units:one VCAL Personal Development Skills (PDS) unitone VCAL Work Related Skills (WRS) unitone VCAL Literacy Skills unit (Reading and Writing)one VCAL Numeracy Skills unit (selected from Foundation, Intermediate Unit 1, Senior Unit 1 or Advanced Numeracy Skills Senior) Skills for Further Study – Senior (if delivered)Portfolio Enhancement and Presentation – Senior (if delivered). Submitted to the VCAA. The number of copies required for submission may vary between VCAL QA regions. Providers should contact their QA Panel Leader to confirm the number of copies to be submitted.New providers must ensure that their selection of QA templates covers all VCAL levels being delivered. Where a new provider is delivering all VCAL levels – including all possible VCAL units, they must submit a QA template for:one PDS unit (Foundation)one WRS unit (Intermediate)one Literacy Skills unit (Reading and Writing) (Senior)one Numeracy Skills unit (any level and selected from Foundation, Intermediate Unit 1, Senior Unit 1 or Advanced Numeracy Skills Senior)Skills for Further Study – Senior Portfolio Enhancement and Presentation – Senior (if delivered).This means that the maximum number of templates that any new provider needs to submit is six.If only one VCAL level is being delivered, which includes only PDS units, a QA template for two different PDS units is required (a total of two templates).The above arrangements therefore require a provider to bring:a minimum of two QA templates (all VCAL programs must have at least two VCAL units)a maximum of six QA templates.Stage 1 and 2 meeting detailsDetails on the dates and venues for the Stage 1 and 2 meetings will be provided by the QA Panel Leader for your VCAL QA region.VCAL providers may be required to submit copies of their VCAL unit QA Templates and a student’s portfolio of evidence. The number of copies required for submission may vary between VCAL QA regions. Providers should contact their QA Panel Leader to confirm the number of copies they must submit.For Stage 2 of the VCAL QA process, all new providers for 2020 are required to bring to the Stage 2 meeting completed QA documents and student’s portfolio of evidence for each template submitted consistent with the templates submitted at their Stage 1 meetings. Appendix: VCAL Quality Assurance roles and responsibilitiesQuality Assurance Panel Leader chairs the regional VCAL QA panel, including ongoing liaison with the QA panel, providers and the VCAAcollects QA templates from providers and distributes them to QA panel membersconvenes a meeting/s of the QA panel after sample tasks have been submitted by providersfollows up any provider who has not submitted QA templates by the due dateorganises the venue/s for both Stage 1 and 2 meetingssupervises and participates in the quality assurance process of VCAL unitsensures that feedback and advice is given to providers during the QA processprepares a report for the VCAA at the end of each stage of QAparticipates in VCAA VCAL provider auditsforwards examples of best practice to the VCAA for publication.provides advice and support to VCAL coordinators and teachers in their region during the yearliaises with the VCAA central office VCAL team as required.Quality Assurance Panel Member liaises with QA Panel Leader and other panel members throughout the QA processreceives QA templates and assesses each one and records on the feedback sheetassists the QA Panel Leader as requested, including facilitating aspects of QA meetings, following up with providers, and giving feedback to both the Panel Leader and providersestablishes, with the QA Panel Leader, regional benchmarks for consistency in the design and assessment of VCAL units and VCAL unit learning outcomesprovides advice to VCAL providers that will enable them to design VCAL unit assessment tasks and to make assessment decisions about successful achievement of the learning outcomes for a VCAL unitselects examples of best practice VCAL tasks / activities for circulation / publication (with permission).Quality Assurance Panel Observer shadows QA panel members in reviewing and assessing QA templates in order to understand the QA processattends Stage 1 and 2 QA meetings and supports the panel.Quality Assurance – VCAL Provider (School / Principal / Director / CEO) Is the conduit of information from the VCAA / QA Panel and the VCAL teachers Supports and enables teachers to fully participate in the QA process Supports and enables teachers to attend the Stage 1 and 2 meetings as required.Quality Assurance Panel participant (Teachers / providers) completes the QA template and submits to QA Panel leader by the required dateattends the Stage 1 and 2 meetings as requiredparticipates in the QA process and follows up on feedback provided to them by the QA panel.VCAA VCAL Unit manages the appointment and induction of QA panels annually updates all required material and communicates QA expectations with providersinforms new providers of their QA responsibilities as part of the VCAA authorisation processprovides professional learning that supports the QA process, including the completion of the QA templatesupports QA Panel Leaders in their work, following up with providers as required leads VCAA VCAL provider auditsconsolidates the QA Panel Leaders reports to prepare a state-wide report for the VCAA. ................

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