Quality Questioning is the primary catalyst for student ...

The Shift in Questioning in the Common Core

Highlighted Items used in the Ink Think Rotation Activity

Quality Questioning is the primary catalyst for student thinking and learning.

|Traditional Questioning |THE SHIFT! |Questioning demands of the |

| |Determine what shift(s) are required.|Common Core |

|Students try to guess the teacher’s answers to the | |Students use the teacher’s questions to prompt their thinking; not to|

|classroom questions (students learn the “game of school”).| |guess the teacher’s answer. |

| | | |

|Teachers ask 50 questions an hour in elementary and | | |

|secondary classrooms. | |Teachers prepare 2-5 questions for their daily lesson (and think |

| | |through common student misconceptions) |

|Teachers ask questions primarily to find out what students| | |

|know and evaluate whether students had committed to memory| |Teachers form questions that trigger student thinking and focus and |

|what was expected. | |engage students in both cognitive and metacognitive operations. |

| | | |

|The correct answers are valued. | | |

| | | |

|Teachers create all questions “on the fly” (during the | |Thinking is valued. |

|lesson). Primary work is done during the lesson. | | |

| | | |

|During the lesson, the teacher provides hints/clues about | |Teachers work within their PLC to plan and formulate questions prior |

|the answer. | |to the lesson. Primary work is done during the planning. |

| | | |

| | |During the lesson, the teacher asks probing questions to get students|

|Questions focus only on current content. | |to think and to get them on the correct pathway. |

| | | |

| | |Questions connect content to other facets of students’ lives and |

|Majority of students in the classroom assume the role of | |prior learning |

|passive observers of classroom activity. | | |

| | |Teachers infuse lessons with strategies designed to ensure all |

|Traditional wait time- after 1st response and when teacher| |students are thinking about and formulating answers to all questions.|

|is ready to move on. | | |

| | |Multiple wait times- after the teacher asks question and after each |

| | |students’ response. (allows processing time) |


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