IEP Evaluation Rubric -

|Prior Written Notice |Quality Indicators |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|1. |The |Yes | | |No | |

| |notice | | | | | |

| |include| | | | | |

| |s a | | | | | |

| |descrip| | | | | |

| |tion of| | | | | |

| |the | | | | | |

| |action | | | | | |

| |propose| | | | | |

| |d or | | | | | |

| |refused| | | | | |

| |by the | | | | | |

| |agency.| | | | | |

| |2. |The PLAAFP is specific, observable, and measurable. |The PLAAFP is specific, observable, and|The PLAAFP is specific, |The PLAAFP is based on |The PLAAFP is not specific or |

| | | |measurable. Current objective data are |observable, and measurable. No |non-specific, qualitative |observable. The PLAAFP is |

| | | |provided. |objective data are provided. |information and is not |incomplete. |

| | | | | |quantified. | |

| |3. |The PLAAFP includes a needs statement. |The PLAAFP includes a needs statement |The PLAAFP includes a needs |A needs statement is present, but|There is not a needs statement |

| | | |that is related to the goal and is |statement that is related to goal|it is not related to the goal. |included in the PLAAFP. |

| | | |student-centered. |but it is not student-centered. | | |

| |4. |The IEP (in PLAAFP or LRE section) describes how the |The IEP states: |The PLAAFP includes four out of |The PLAAFP includes three of five|PLAFFP includes two or fewer |

| | |student’s needs affect participation in the general |the expectations of peers in the |five elements. |elements. |elements. |

| | |curriculum and/or supports needed for success. |general curriculum (quantitatively), | | | |

| | | |where the instruction will take place, | | | |

| | | |what the student will be missing, | | | |

| | | |why this is the student’s least | | | |

| | | |restrictive environment (needs to be | | | |

| | | |more specific than, “Because student’s | | | |

| | | |skills are discrepant from peers, | | | |

| | | |Johnny will receive…”), | | | |

| | | |a description of how the disability | | | |

| | | |affects the child’s participation in | | | |

| | | |general education environment. | | | |

*PLAAFP: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

| |Goals/O|4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| |bjectiv| | | | | |

| |es | | | | | |

| |2. |Goals are meaningful, measurable, and able to be |Goals are meaningful, measurable, and |Goals are meaningful and |Goals are measurable but not |Goals are not meaningful, |

| | |monitored – whenever possible measures are fluency |able to be monitored. Fluency measures |measurable but units of |meaningful for the stated PLAAFP.|related to PLAAFP, measurable, |

| | |based (avoid percentages when possible). |are used when appropriate. |measurement should be changed. | |or able to be monitored. |

| |3. |Goals reflect high expectations but are realistic. |Goals are ambitious enough to drive |Goals are somewhat ambitious to |Goals are written such that the |Goals are not ambitious enough |

| | | |interventions to allow the child to |allow the child to make progress |student would make progress |for the child to make |

| | | |make meaningful progress. |or goals are too |regardless of the intervention. |meaningful progress or repeat |

| | | | |ambitious/unrealistic. | |previous year’s IEP. |

| |4. |The goal includes the time frame, the conditions, the|The goal includes the time frame, the |A goal contains 3/4 elements. |A goal contains 2/4 elements. |Goals contain less than 2 |

| | |behavior, and the criterion for acceptable |conditions, the behavior, and the | | |elements. |

| | |performance. |criterion for acceptable performance. | | | |

| |5 |The goal includes evaluation procedures, frequency of|The goal includes 1) evaluation |The goal includes 2/3 elements. |Goal includes 1/3 elements. |The goal does not include |

| | |evaluation and identifies the person responsible for |procedures, 2) frequency of evaluation,| | |evaluation procedures and |

| | |monitoring. |and 3) identifies the person | | |frequency of evaluation. |

| | | |responsible for monitoring progress. | | | |

| |1. |Objectives or benchmarks are related to the goal and |Objectives or benchmarks are clearly |Objectives or benchmarks are |Objectives or benchmarks are |There is no relationship |

| | |are measurable. (Must have at least 2.) |related to the goal and are measurable.|clearly related to the goal but |somewhat related to the goal but |between objectives or |

| | | | |are not measurable (e.g., do not |there is room for improvement. |benchmarks to the goal, or |

| | | | |specify a date, no criterion for | |there are less than two |

| | | | |acceptable performance). | |objectives. |

|Progress Monitoring |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |The IEP includes a statement of: |There is a statement that addresses |There is a statement that |The statement addresses either |The statement does not exist or|

| |When periodic reports on the progress the child is making |the frequency and method of periodic |addresses the frequency and |the frequency or method of |does not clearly address any |

| |toward meeting the annual goals (such as through the use of |progress reporting to parents, and the|method of periodic progress |periodic progress reporting to |required element. |

| |quarterly or other periodic reports, concurrent with the |frequency is at least as often as |reporting to parents, but the |parents, but not both elements. | |

| |issuance of report cards) will be provided. |parents are informed of their |frequency is less than parents | | |

| |How the pupil’s parents will be regularly informed of their |nondisabled student’s progress. |are informed of their nondisabled| | |

| |child’s progress | |student’s progress. | | |

|1. |A graph is attached to the IEP or included in the student’s |Each goal has a graph or checklist and|Each goal has a graph or |Each goal does not have a graph |There are not any graphs or |

| |file for each goal. Graph must reflect what is written in the |data are collected per the IEP. |checklist and data are collected |or checklist, but there is |checklists and little or no |

| |goal (i.e., a WPM graph for a WPM goal), including frequency | |but less frequently than the IEP |evidence of regular data |data is collected, or the graph|

| |of data collection. | |states. |collection, or each goal has a |does not accurately reflect the|

| | | | |graph or checklist but there is |goal. |

| | | | |no evidence of regular data | |

| | | | |collection. | |

|2. |The graph has acceptable quality in the following elements: |Graph has acceptable quality in all |Graph reflects acceptable quality|Graph reflects acceptable quality|Graph reflects acceptable |

| |descriptive title |applicable elements. |in 1 item less than all |in 2 items less than all |quality in 3 items or less than|

| |labeled axes | |applicable elements. |applicable elements. |all applicable elements. |

| |consistent intervals on axes |* AIMSweb academic and behavior graphs| | | |

| |trendline |will receive a rating of 4. | | | |

| |aimline |*SpEd Forms graphs do NOT currently | | | |

| |parent friendly |fulfill CIMP criteria. | | | |

|3. |There is evidence of an instructional change when progress |• A decision making rule is used to |Instructional change is |No decision-making rules are |There is insufficient evidence |

| |toward the goal is insufficient. |make decisions about instructional |documented.  Decision making rule|used. Interventions are |to determine whether any |

| | |changes. |was used, but not in a timely |implemented with students on an |instructional change occurred |

| | |• A line is drawn on the to indicate |manner (e.g., instructional |inconsistent basis. |when student progress is |

| | |when a change occurs when progress is |change should have been | |insufficient. There is evidence|

| | |insufficient. |implemented earlier). | |of insufficient student |

| | |• Or, there is good evidence that |. | |progress but no instructional |

| | |interventions were documented and | | |change was documented. |

| | |implemented when progress was | | | |

| | |insufficient. | | | |

| | |• Or, progress was sufficient. No | | | |

| | |instructional change was warranted. | | | |

|4. |If short-term objectives are not benchmarks, data for each |Data is collected on each objective |Data is collected on each |Each objective does not have a |There are not any graphs and |

| |objective must be provided in a graph or checklist. (If goal |and graphed per the IEP. |objective but less frequently |graph, but there is evidence of |little or no data are collected|

| |includes benchmarks, not objectives, do not provide a rating | |than stated in the IEP. |regular data collection. |on objectives. |

| |for this item.) | | | | |

|Transition |Quality Indicators |

|For students whose IEPs whose transition needs have been | |

|evaluated: | |

|1. |All areas of Transition are addressed in the PLAAFP. |The PLAFFP includes current |The PLAAFP includes recent |One or more of the Transition |Two or more of the Transition areas are not |

| |Post-Secondary Education & Training |information in all areas of |information in all areas of |areas is not addressed. |addressed. |

| |Employment |Transition.   |Transition. |OR |OR |

| |Independent Living (includes:  Recreation & Leisure, |AND | |Needs are not described. |The PLAAFP does not include current |

| |Community Participation, and Home & Daily Living) |Needs are described in each area and |Needs are described, but there is|OR |information. |

| | |linked to the student’s disability. |not a clear link to the student’s|Needs are not linked to the | |

| | | |disability. |student’s disability. | |

| | |*If student does not demonstrate need | | | |

| | |in an area, an explanation is | | | |

| | |provided. | | | |

|2. |There are measureable post-secondary goals in the |Measurable post-secondary goals in |Measurable post-secondary goals |Measurable post-secondary goals |There are no measureable post-secondary goals |

| |areas of Post-Secondary Education & Training and |Post-Secondary Education & Training, |in Post-Secondary Education & |in Post-Secondary Education & |listed. |

| |Employment.  The goal is based on age appropriate |Employment, and Independent Living |Training, Employment, and |Training, Employment, and | |

| |transition assessments updated annually and indicates |(where appropriate) are present. |Independent Living (where |Independent Living (where | |

| |what the student “will” do after high school. | |appropriate) are present. |appropriate) are present. | |

| | |Goals are based on current | | | |

| |Other areas of Independent Living (Recreation & |information. |Goals are not based on current |Goals are not based on current | |

| |Leisure, Community Participation, and Home Living) are|AND |information. |information. | |

| |included if needed. |Goals indicate what the student “will”|OR |AND | |

| | |do after high school. |Goals do not indicate what the |Goals do not indicate what the | |

| |Post-secondary goals are based off current information| |student “will” do after high |student “will” do after high | |

| |and indicate what the student “will” do after high | |school. |school. | |

| |school. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |(Located on Transition Page 1) | | | | |

|3. |Transition services include a list of the courses of |The courses of study include |The courses of study are missing |The courses of study are missing |There are no courses of study listed. |

| |study for all previous years (i.e., nothing has been |information on the following: |one of the required components.  |two or more of the required |OR |

| |removed), the current school year, and the following |Previous school years |OR |components. |There is no relationship between the courses |

| |school year. |Current school year |The relationship between courses |OR |listed and the student’s post-secondary goals.|

| | |Following school year |listed and the student’s |The relationship between courses | |

| |There is a clear relationship between courses of study| |post-secondary goals is unclear. |listed and the student’s | |

| |and the student’s post-secondary goals. |There is a clear relationship between | |post-secondary goals is unclear. | |

| | |courses and the student’s | | | |

| |(Located on Transition Page 1) |post-secondary goals. | | | |

|4. |Interagency Services |IEP addresses all applicable elements.|IEP addresses 1 item less than |IEP addresses 2 items less than |IEP addresses less than 2 applicable elements |

| | | |all applicable elements. |all applicable elements. |or the transition services section of the IEP |

| |Needed transition services are stated | | |. |is not complete. |

| |Needed services are linked to the student’s annual IEP| | | | |

| |goal(s) and/or to the needs in the PLAAFP | | | | |

| |Services include the agency responsible for the | | | | |

| |service | | | | |

| |If interagency representatives are included as service| | | | |

| |providers, they are also listed as IEP team members. | | | | |

| |(Refer back to IEP Team Membership documentation.) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |(Located on Transition Page 2) | | | | |

| |Overall Quality | | | | |

|2. |All Needs identified in Educational Needs section |All identified needs reflected in one |1 need identified in ESR not |2 needs identified in ESR not |3 or more needs identified in ESR not |

| |within the most recent ESR are reflected through |or more areas of IEP |reflected in IEP |reflected in IEP |reflected in IEP |

| |services, goals, and/or accommodations, modifications | | | | |

| |and supports in the IEP. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Not Applicable if ESR reviewed is for a different | | | | |

| |student. | | | | |

|3. |There is a clear link between all goals and all |Clear links between all goals and |1 service or goal not linked |2 services or goals not linked |3 or more services or goals not linked |

| |services listed (monitor all goal areas, even those |services | | | |

| |not reviewed in goal section). | | | | |


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