M E M O R A N D U M - Jacksonville



Annette R. Hastings 117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425



FAX (904) 630-2906


May 25, 2010

1:00 p.m.

Duval County Tourist Development Council

TDC Minutes

May 20, 2010

Conference Room A, Fourth Floor, Suite 425

City Hall @ St. James

Meeting Convened: 10:05 a.m. Meeting Adjourned: 11:08 a.m.

Council President Richard Clark

Council Member Michael Corrigan

Council Member Daniel Davis

Sonny Bhikha

Henry Fonde

M G Orender

David Potts

Fred Pozin

Annette R. Hastings, Executive Director

Janice Billy, Assistant Council Auditor

Jim McCain, Asst. General Counsel

Mya Carter, Interim President, Visit Jacksonville

Others Present:

Phillip Peterson, Council Auditor’s Office; Mya Carter, Visit Jacksonville; Kim Ritten, Visit Jacksonville; Mike Sharkey, Daily Record; Lyndsay Rossman, Visit Jacksonville; David Reese, FFCG; Jacqueline Simard, Visit Jacksonville; Katie Kurycki, Visit Jacksonville; Robert Leverock, GBA; Dan King, Hyatt Hotel; Claude Collins, NFHLA, Donald Harrison, MMI Hotels Corporation; Julie Watson, Visit Jacksonville; Jennifer Peterson, Florida State College at Jacksonville; Lara Diettich, Florida Brownfields Association; Ken Pinnex, City of Jacksonville Brownfields Administrator.

Call to Order:

Chair, Richard Clark, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chair Clark recognized and welcomed newly appointed TDC Member, Mr. MG Orender.

Review of Minutes;

The minutes from the TDC Meeting of February 18, 2010 were distributed for review. As no changes were suggested, it was moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as submitted. Approved 8 -0.


➢ Mr. Dan King, Visit Jacksonville Board Chair, made a presentation to Council President Richard Clark for his leadership as Chair of the TDC for 2009-2010. Mr. King expressed his appreciation on behalf of NFHLA, North Florida Hotel and Lodging Association, for Council President’s Clark support for the $875,000.00 grant funding for the NFHLA Marketing Advertising Assistance Program.

➢ Chair Clark introduced Mr. Larry Wilson, new General Manager of SMG Jacksonville. The Chair noted that since Mr. Wilson’s arrival, SMG and Visit Jacksonville signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on May 19, 2010, to increase group bookings at the Prime Osborn Convention Center on May 19, 2010.

Application Presentations:

1. Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative

Presenter: David Reese, FFCG President

Date: FY October 1, 2010-September 30, 2011

Location: First Coast Region

Grant Amount: $122,588.00

Room Night Rebate: None

Room Nights: Project: 26,975 @ $4.88 per room night

Funds Use: Year Round Leisure Golf Marketing


Mr. David Reese made the presentation on behalf of Florida’s First Coast of Golf (FFCG). Mr. Reese gave an overview return on investment (ROI) from FFCG Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative for FY 2009-2010.

➢ 25,127 room nights and a 1.2 % increase in volume in this current economy.

➢ Based on the grant amount of $122,588.00 the TDC would get a return of $15.63 for every $1 invested because of regional cooperation and dollar leveraging.

➢ FFCG partnered with 4 other counties and has proposed to the St. Johns TDC to increase level to $181,000.00 for FY 2010-2011.

➢ Duval County outreach program has been presented to 229 Visit Jacksonville partners.

➢ Visit Jacksonville Visitor Profile study showed 81,500 visitors played golf and stayed in Duval County hotels.

➢ Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative FY 2010-2011 will advertise in major golf medias.

▪ Markets that will be targeted in the Southeast will be Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina.

▪ Targeted cities marketed will be Chicago, DC, Philadelphia, Dallas, New York, and international market of Toronto, Canada.

➢ Mr. Bhikha supported the grant amount. He asked that Visit Jacksonville track the room nights of golf travelers as it does with medical tourism and submit a monthly report of verification of the room nights.

➢ Mr. Pozin stated that he had chaired a subcommittee for Council President Fussell on FFCG and noted Mr. Reese had accountability. He supported restoring the grant funding back to the level of FY 2008-2009.

➢ Mr. Potts noted for the record that he is in the support of increasing the grant funding over FY 2009-2010.

➢ Being no further discussion a motion was made and seconded to approve the grant amount of $122,588.00. Conditions of the grant are:

➢ Payments disbursed in four quarterly payments with submission of invoices in October, January, April and July for FY 2010-2011.

➢ Grant funds are be used for Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative FY 2010-2011.

➢ The Duval County Tourist Development Council (TDC) is to be presented with quarterly reports that include a reporting for rooms and rounds of golf booked, international visitors, and listing of participating Duval County hotels and golf courses.

➢ Yearly independent audit report submitted to Council Auditor.

➢ Visit Jacksonville Monthly Tracking Golf Travelers Room Night Report

➢ Funds are to be encumbered out of the TDC Budget for FY 2010-2011.

Recommendation of TDC:

A motion was made and seconded to approve a maximum award grant of $122,588.00. Payments are to be disbursed in four quarterly payments with submission of invoices in October, January, April and July for FY 2010 -2011. The funds are be used for Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative FY 2010-2011. Conditions of the grant are that the Duval County Tourist Development Council (TDC) is to be presented with quarterly reports that include a report with room nights and rounds of golf booked including international visitors, listing of Duval County hotels and golf courses, and a yearly independent audit report submitted to Council Auditors. Visit Jacksonville is required to track and report monthly golf travelers room nights. The funds are to be encumbered out of the TDC Budget for FY 2010-2011. Approved 8-0.

2. Florida Brownfields Conference 2010

Presenter: Ms. Lara Diettrich, Conference Committee Grant Chair

Date: November 14-17, 2010

Location: Hyatt Regency,

Grant Amount: $1,550.00

Room Nights: Guarantee 310 @ $5.00 per room night

Project 310 @$5.00 per room night

Funds Use: Regional Marketing /Promotion


Ms. Lara Diettrich, Conference Grant Committee Chair, made the presentation on behalf of the Florida Brownfields Association. Ms. Diettrich stated that Jacksonville had hosted the conference in 2005 and now it had rotated back.

➢ Mr. Potts asked for additional information on brownfields. Mr. Ken Pinnix, City of Jacksonville Brownfields Program Administrator explained the environmental impact and the funding that Duval County got from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

➢ Being no further discussion, a motion was made to approve the grant application as presented.

Recommendation of TDC:

A motion was made and seconded to approve a maximum award grant of $1,550.00, at $5.00 per documented room night, with the condition that the funds be used for marketing and advertising. Approved 8-0.

3. “Back to the Basics” Fall Conference 2010

(Florida Council for Resource Development)

Presenter: Ms. Jennifer Peterson, Resource Development Officer

Florida State College at Jacksonville

Date: September 23-24, 2010

Location: Sheraton Jacksonville Hotel

Grant Amount: $360.00

Room Nights: Guarantee 45 @ $8.00 per room night

Project 45 @ $8.00 per room night

Room Night Rebate: None

Funds Use: Brochure Direct Mailing Piece


➢ Ms. Jennifer Peterson made the presentation on behalf of the Florida State College at Jacksonville Foundation. Ms. Peterson stated that this is the first time Jacksonville had been selected to host this conference. The conference will bring planners, grant writers and fundraisers from within the twenty eight public colleges which make up the State of Florida College System.

➢ Councilman Corrigan declared for the record he was a trustee for Florida State College at Jacksonville but not for the Florida State College at Jacksonville Foundation and therefore there was not a conflict.

➢ Mr. Bhikha noted that the room nights were below 100. Ms. Hastings explained that this was due to the fact that in going through the history of past held conferences the room night guarantee had to be readjusted. This type of event did not meet the criteria for TDC Festival Funding. This would be “seed” money for a first time event to be held in Jacksonville with the potential of hosting it on a regular basis.

➢ Councilman Corrigan asked why this funding was not taken out of the CVB Grant Funding. Ms. Hastings stated that the foundation went through the Florida State College at Jacksonville offices and not Visit Jacksonville to book a hotel for the conference.

➢ Being no future discussion a motion was made and seconded to approval the grant application as presented.

Recommendation of TDC:

A motion was made and seconded to approve a maximum award grant of $360.00 at $8.00 per documented room night, with the condition that the funds be used for a conference brochure direct mail piece. Approved 8-0.

4. Encumbrances CVB Grant Fund 2009-2010

Total Encumbrance Grant Amount: CVB Grant Fund FY 2009-2010 $73.100.00

Presenter: Ms. Mya Carter, Interim President, Visit Jacksonville

Event: Coast Guard Aviation Association

Amount: $2,000.00

Room nights: 400/Hyatt

Date: November 2010

Event: Progressive Missionary & Education Baptist Convention .

Amount: $2,500.00

Room Nights: 1,372/Hyatt

Date: March 2010

Event: American Academy of Professional Coders 2010

Amount: $5,000.00

Room Nights: 5,000/Hyatt, Omni, Crowne, Wyndham, Hampton Inn South

Date: June 2010

Event: (AECT) Association for Educational Communications &Technology 2011

Amount: $5,000.00

Room Nights: 1547 Hyatt

Date: November 2011

Event: (AECT) Association for Educational Communications

& Technology 2014

Amount: $5,000.00

Room Nights: 1547/Hyatt

Date: November 2014

Event: Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction

Amount: $600.00

Room Nights: 120/Omni

Date: February 2011

Event: World Baton Twirling

Amount: $20,000.00

Room Nights: 2600/Hyatt

Date: July 2011

Event: Gospel Heritage Foundation

Amount: $5,000.00

Room Nights: 600/Jax Marriott, Radisson

Date: February 2011

Event: Pioneer Network

Amount: $8,000.00

Room Nights: 1875 Hyatt

Date: August 2012

Event: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement

(CALEA) 2012

Amount: $20,000.00

Room Nights: 2410/Hyatt

Date: November 2012


➢ Ms. Carter requested that the events submitted be encumbered for a total encumbrance out of the CVB Grant Fund FY 2009-2010 in the amount of $73,100.00.

TDC Recommendations:

It was noted for the record that the events were approved and would be encumbered out of the CVB Grant Fund 2009-2010, in the amount of $73,100.00. Approve 8-0

TDC Financial Report: Janice Billy, Assistant Council Auditor

➢ Ms. Billy distributed and reviewed the TDC Financial Report for April 2010. The amount of bed tax collected in April was $455,967.19. Comparison of collections for last twelve months to prior twelve months was 9.99%.

➢ Mr. MG Orender asked for clarification regarding deficit amount. Ms. Billy stated it was an ending uncommitted funds deficit of $649,270.97.

➢ At the request of the TDC Members, Ms. Billy went over the projected encumbrances which would be included in the TDC Budget FY 2010/2011.

➢ Ms. Billy stated that based on the 2009/2010 projected revenue and expenditures the Performa budget for 2010/2011 revenue in the contingency account would have a projected balance of $270,000.00-$280,000.00.

➢ Councilman Corrigan, Mr. Potts, Mr. Bhikha, and Mr. Pozin were in agreement the contingency account balance needed to be built up but not to the previous $3 million level.

➢ Ms. Billy distributed for the information of the TDC members a Duval County Tourist Development Council FY 2010/2011 Calculation of Contractor’s Base amount of $3,073,364.00. This was the contract base percentage of 70% and is a decrease of 24.28% over the base CVB contract that included year three of the Marketing Initiative.

➢ Ms. Mya Carter asked if this would include the additional 10 percent for the marketing initiative. Ms. Billy stated that it that it did not include the 10 percent for marketing initiative and would be based on 70% not 80%.

Visit Jacksonville Contract:

➢ Council President Clark asked for the TDC to move forward and approve a 24 month extension on the current Visit Jacksonville/Jacksonville and the Beaches Visitors and Convention Bureau (CVB) contract which will expire on September 30, 2010. This would require legislation to go before the Jacksonville City Council. The ordinance would waive the provision to go out for a Professional Services Contract. Mr. Clark stated the following reasons for an extension of the existing contract:

➢ The TDC approved an allocation to Visit Jacksonville in the amount of $875,000.00 from the TDC Contingency Fund 2008-2009 for marketing initiatives extending into 2013.

➢ Visit Jacksonville is currently conducting a search for a new president and CEO due to the resignation of John Reyes on March 19, 2010.


➢ The TDC expressed unanimous support for extending the current contract based on the existing circumstances.

➢ Mr. Potts recommended that it be a two year extension.

➢ Mr. Pozin supported the extension and made the recommendation the TDC form a committee to craft a request for proposal (RFP) based on a best value contract.

➢ Ms. Billy stated that in 2002 the CVB contract had been extended.

➢ Being no future discussion, a motion was made and seconded that legislation be introduced at the request of the Tourist Development Council by Council President Clark for a 24 month extension on the current Visit Jacksonville/Jacksonville and the Beaches Visitors and Convention Bureau (CVB), waiving the provision to go out for a Professional Service Contract.

➢ Mr. Cain, Office of General Counsel, was asked to draw up the legislation to be introduced by the Council President at the request of the Tourist Development Council. It is to be introduced at the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2010.

Recommendation of TDC:

A motion was made and seconded that legislation to be introduced by the Council President Clark at the request of the Tourist Development Council for a 24 month extension on the current Visit Jacksonville/Jacksonville and the Beaches Visitors and Convention Bureau (CVB) contract, waiving the provisions of the Professional Services Contract Procurement Code.

Approved 8-0.

President’s Report: Mya Carter, Interim Visit Jacksonville President

➢ Ms. Carter distributed the Visit Jacksonville Quarterly Report and which included the “Executive Dashboard” covering:

o Sales

o Performance Indicators

o Industry Trends

o Visitor Profile

o Occupancy by Segment

NFHLA Marketing & Advertising Update:

➢ Mya Carter, Interim President, distributed a May 2010 Duval County Tourist Development Council Grant Update PowerPoint handout which covered:

o Current trends are oil spill, European market unrest, approaching hurricane season

o Occupancy raise in February at 61 percent and March at 63 percent

o “Cash for Contracts” booked 58,790 room nights/economic impact $29 million

o Spring & Sumer Leisure Campaign “Immerse Yourself Here”

o Booking first city-wide group of 5,200 for June 2010

Other Business

➢ Mr. Pozin stated that Mr. Bhikha term will expire in June 2010 and made the recommendation that the TDC ask Council President Clark to reappoint Mr. Bhikha to a third term.

➢ It was noted that Mr. Bhikha represented the Jacksonville Beaches and was an asset to the TDC with his business experience.

➢ Being no further discussion, a motion was made seconded for legislation to be introduced at the request of the Tourist Development Council by Council President Clark to reappoint Mr. Sonny Bhikha to a third consecutive four year term, waiving the Ordinance Code limitation.

Recommendation of TDC:

A motion was made and seconded for legislation to be introduced by the Council President Clark at the request of the Tourist Development Council reappointing Mr. Sonny Bhikha to a 3rd consecutive 4-year term, waiving the Ordinance Code limitation. Approved 8-0.

Closing Comments:

➢ Chair Clark said this would be his last meeting as Chair of the TDC and expressed his thanks to the TDC members.

➢ Next Quarterly TDC Meeting-Thursday, August 19, 2010


➢ There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:08 a.m.

Minutes: Annette R. Hastings-TDC 05/25/10 “Draft” Copy of Minutes/CityC

Tapes: CD 1-LSD

Materials: Submitted to LSD 05/25/10

Approved TDC Minutes February 18, 2010

Meeting TDC Notice May 20, 2010



April TDC Financial Report 2010

TDC Auditors Contract Projections 2010/2011

Visit Jacksonville Quarterly TDC Summary Report Packet/2010

FFCG Quarterly Electronic Report

Visit Jacksonville TDC Grant Update May PowerPoint Handout


➢ Application: Florida’s First Coast of Golf FY 2010-2011

➢ Application: Florida Brownfields Conference 2010

➢ Application: “Back to the Basic” Fall Conference 2010

NOTE: “DRAFT” of Minutes from TDC meeting of May 20, 2010, to be approved at TDC Quarterly Meeting of August 19, 2010.


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