Social 7 – History of Canada – Part #1

Your mission is to plot on a timeline the major historical developments which occurred in Canada from 1100 to after confederation.

You are free to portray any significant historical events that may have had an effect on developing Canada during these specific time periods.


A. The time line will be proportional, that is the units of time will be spaced evenly even if the historical events are not. Please use pencil so you can make changes if needed. After everything is arranged the way you want it, then use ink and color.

B. Each event is to be titled with the appropriate historical event, the date or dates of the event, and illustrated by a coloured drawing representing the event. You may use pictures from the computer.

C. The location of your events on the timeline will be alternated above and below the timeline, with the first event above, the next below, and so on. If your illustration is not directly above its date, draw an arrow to the date.

D. This is a group project, but you will also have an individual mark.

E. The criteria for a quality project will be identified on the rubric provided.

|Criteria |Proficient |Very Good |Limited |Emerging |

| |10 - 8 |7 - 5 |4 - 3 |2 - 0 |

|Presentation |Provides a clear and powerful message|Provides a clear sketch for the |Information is presented. |Information is not related to the |

| |for the audience. |audience. | |topic. No logical order. |

|Organization |Great work. Smooth transitions from |Good work. Not all ideas |Not enough detail. Not all |Information is presented but in no |

| |one event to the next. Logical |transition properly. Logical |ideas are present and no |logical order. |

| |progression of ideas. |progression of ideas. |progression form one to | |

| | | |another. | |

|Content |Demonstrates a comprehensive and |Demonstrates an accurate |Demonstrates a partial |Demonstrates a superficial |

| |detailed analysis of the history of |explanation of the history of |explanation of the history of |explanation of the history of Canada.|

| |Canada. |Canada. |Canada. | |

|Class Work |Great work. Class time was used very |Good work. Class time was used |Class time was used sometimes. |Class time was not used effectively. |

| |effectively. |effectively |Difficult time staying on task |Poor use of allotted work time. |


Prior to 1100, First Nations and Inuit occupy the land of Canada. Around 1100, Vikings arrive by sea and settle in Newfoudland. Eventually they leave and Canada remains a mystery.

|1451 |The Iroquois Confederacy is formed |

|1497 |John Cabot reaches Newfoundland (or perhaps Cape Breton) |

|1534 |Jacques Cartier first explores the St. Lawrence region |

|1541 |Jacques Cartier found first French settlement |

|1605 |Samuel de Champlain founds Port Royal in Acadia |

|1608 |Samuel de Champlain establishes a French colony at Québec City |

|1634-1640 |Wendat Nation devastated by disease |

|1670 |Hudson’s Bay Company is formed |

|1690 |Henry Kelsey begins his explorations |

|1701 |The Great Peace of 1701 |

|1739 |Pierre La Verendrye reaches Lake Winnipeg |

|1745 |Anthony Henday begins his explorations |

|1755 |Expulsion of the Acadians |

|1756 |Seven Year War Begins |

|1759 |Battle of the Plains of Abraham: Québec City is captured |

|1763 |New France is formally ceded to Britain; Pontiac Rebellion erupts |

|1774 |The Quebec Act |

|1775 |Americans attack Canada during the American Revolution |

|1778 |James Cook explores the West Coast |

|1779 |Formation of the North West Company |

|1783 |Loyalist refugees begin arriving after the American Revolution |

|1789 |Alexander Mackenzie travels down the Mackenzie River to the Beaufort Sea |

|1791 |Constitutional Act; George Vancouver begins to explore the West Coast |

|1808 |Simon Fraser travels down the Fraser River to the Pacific |

|1812–1814 |War of 1812: U.S. invades Canada |

|1815-1850 |The Great Migration |

|1837–38 |Rebellions against British rule in Upper and Lower Canada |

|1840 |Act of Union |

|1848 |Responsible government is won, first in Nova Scotia, then in Canada |

|1851 |Underground Railroad gets started |

|1857 |Bytown (later Ottawa) becomes capitol city |

|1861-1865 |American Civil War |

|1864 |Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences |

|1866 |London conference creates British North America Act |

|1867 |Confederation (first four provinces: Québec, Ontario, N.S., and N.B.) |

|1870 |Red River Resistance; province of Manitoba is created |

|1871, 1873 |B.C. and P.E.I. join Canada |

|1885 |North-West Rebellion; the Canadian Pacific Railway is completed |

|1905 |The provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are created |

|1914–18 |World War I |

|1916 |Women win the vote in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta |

|1919 |The Winnipeg General Strike |

|1929–39 |The Great Depression |

|1939–45 |World War II |

|1949 |Newfoundland joins Canada |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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