MEMORANDUM - McGill University



McGill University

Student Affairs Office

Faculty of Law

3644 Peel Street

NCDH 4th Floor, Rm 433

Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W9

Tel: 398-2226, Fax: 398-3235

|Student Name | |McGill Email | |

|McGill ID # | |Program Year | |

|Exam# | |Expected Graduation | |

|Term | | | |

Course information, in conflict with:

| | | | |Date of Exam |Time of Exam |

|Course Title |Course No. |Section |Instructor | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|COMMENTS: Please give detailed explanation of the reason for | |

|your examination conflict. | |

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Exam date conflicts

Students may not make a Law course selection that produces an exam schedule conflict.

A conflict is defined as two overlapping examinations, or three consecutive examinations in two days.

Students are advised not to make travel plans prior to the release of the Final Exam Schedule, as vacation plans do not constitute grounds for the deferral or re-scheduling of final exams.

Schedule conflicts with religious or holy days

Students may apply for special examination arrangements for an examination that falls during religious or holy days. Students must contact the SAO via to make alternate arrangements.

Students with an exam conflict will be required to write the examination in advance of the regular examination, normally on the first available work day preceding the regular examination. Students will be asked to sign a confidentiality form confirming that they will not discuss the examination with anyone until after the regular examination has been written.

For more information, please refer to McGill's Policy on Holy Days:

Signature: Date:


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