Orders & Observations Conference Call


Orders & Observations Conference Call

14 March 2013

+1 770 657 9270, Passcode: 653212#


|Name |Organization |

|Lorraine Constable |Constable Consulting |

|Riki Merrick |iConnect Consulting / APHL |

|Ron van Duyne |CDC |

|Margaret Marshburn |CDC |

|Patrick Loyd |iCode Consulting |

|Rob Savage |NGC / CDC |

|Rita Altamore |Washington State Department of Health |

|Margaret Dittloff |The CBORD Group |

|Freida Hall |Quest Diagnostics |

|Jim Case |NLM |

|Elaine Ayers |NIH |

|Rob Hausam |Hausam Consulting |

|Hans Buitendijk |Siemens Healthcare |

|Eric Haas |APHL |

|Jim Harrison |University of Virginia, American College of American |

| |Pathologists |

|Austin Kreisler |SAIC / CDC |

|Crystal Wolfe | |

Co-Chair: Hans Buitendijk

Scribe: Riki Merrick, Hans Buitendijk


Agenda Review


• March 7

o Motion to accept as distributed. Patrick Loyd, Riki Merrick

▪ Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 15


• DAM Release 2 - [pic]

o Meeting tomorrow to tidy up. Have some additional time to apply the storyboards. Don provided some leeway.

o Expanded scope to address food preferences – so far had just worked with allergy.

▪ Negative preferences, e.g., dislike broccoli

▪ Positive preferences, e.g., prefer ibuprofen over acetaminophen

o Vetted with pharmacy on Monday

o Ballot opening March 25.

• DAM Release 1 Errata

o Margaret will distribute and will review next week.

o Missed the normative editions, but still should go out.

o Jean provide a presentation on nutrition orders

▪ [pic]

o Need to fix typos and errata in the storyboard, adjusted harmonization vocab and changes to model due to that, applied model changes from previous ballot for attribute descriptions

o Supply event was changed from act to procedure

o Preview site:

o Motion to move the materials into ballot. Lorraine Constable, Margaret Dittloff

▪ Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 15

Implantable Devices

• Still planning to get medical devices done in time for May ballot

Lab Order Ballot Reconciliation

• [pic]

• The proposed process was to perform a block vote on all that have draft disposition, except the ones that have input from submitters.

o In this block do we need to pull out special discussion

o Row 60 and 61 were split out to the bottom of spreadsheet – all these need to be persuasive with mod, because all children were persuasive with mod

• Motion to accept all dispositions that are marked in bright yellow in column 15. Patrick Loyd, Lorraine Constable

o Against: 0; Abstain: 1; In Favor: 15

• We will continue with updates on follow up with submitters items

• We will have some dispositions discussed from last week – need to look at.

• As we are wrapping up the dispositions will identify the actionable items for the time to resolve all these in time for Sept ballot

• Motion to withdraw Lab Order from May ballot. Patrick Loyd, Lorraine Constable

o Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 16

LOI IG Ballot

• LOI IG still doing reconciliation (150-175 to go) – will be out of cycle

• Motion to withdraw LOI IG from May ballot. Riki Merrick, Patrick Loyd

o Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 16

eDOS Ballot

• eDOS still thinks we are going to make the cut-off – Don gave us till 3/28 – have till next week to remove - deadline for reconciliation was last Sunday…

• No need to decide this week.

Normative Edition Update

• Patrick will work with Lorraine to get publishing submitted.

Project Updates


o LRI working on errata

o Errata that need to be moved into other documents- ELR R2, LOI and eDOS can still be identified.

o We will not move to normative until everything is properly synced

• V2.8

o Tony reports INM still has work – no one has made updates or edits – will get target dates soon

• Table 0078

o In two weeks back on main agenda (28 March)

• Statuses

o Check with Jay Lyle


o First week of April review


o Management group put out milestones and deadlines heading for September ballot.

o Slightly behind, but providing updates as we go.

• Specimen

o Meetings continuing. Working on review of attributes against V3/V2 to make sure they are complete.

o Hope in Atlanta we can finalize to get ready for September ballot.

* Mission and Charter Review

* [pic]

* TSC just released a new template to indicate where to place the SAIF language

* Hans will fix the formatting

* Specimen management – includes specimen, processing, shipping and lab automation

* Add FHIR as deliverables for the same domains as above as defined by the FHIR management group

* If WG is not delivering, then FHIR management takes over – Lorraine checks the list

* Need to add nutrition under v3

* Implantable devices implied as part of common product model

* For outside organizations, do we need to add S&I ONC work? – this is for formal responsibility – like imaging is managing formal relationships with DICOM – we don’t have this.

* Motion to accept as modified with formatting left to editor. Lorraine Constable, Riki Merrick

* Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 11

Future/Overflow agenda items:

* V2.9 Proposals


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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