Orders & Observations Conference Call

Orders & Observations Conference Call

12 January 2011

+1 770 657 9270, Passcode: 653212#


|Name |Organization |

|Rob Savage |NGC / CDC |

|Austin Kreisler |SAIC / CDC |

|Lorraine Constable |Constable Consulting |

|Debbie Bogert |Canada Health Infoway |

|Riki Merrick |IConnect Consulting / APHL |

|Hans Buitendijk |Siemens Healthcare |

|Rita Altamore |Washington State Department of Health |

|Margaret Dittloff |The CBORD Group |

|Ken McCaslin |Quest Diagnostics |

|Rob Hausam |Hausam Consulting |

|Freida Hall |Quest Diagnostics |

|Jim Harrison |University of Virginia, American College of American |

| |Pathologists |

|Mead Walker |Health Data and Interoperability Inc. |

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Co-Chair: Hans Buitendijk

Scribe: Riki Merrick, Hans Buitendijk


Agenda review

• Proposed Agenda:

▪ Meeting Minutes

• January 5

▪ Project Statement

▪ LRI Update

• LRI Vocab – Absence Findings Proposal

▪ V2.8 Ballot Reconciliation

▪ January WGM Agenda

▪ Meeting Minutes Approval

o 5 Jan 2011 Conference Call

▪ Motion to Accept. Austin Kreisler, Rob Savage

• Against: 0; Abstain: 1; In Favor: 8

▪ Project Statement

o Request to co-sponsor and review updates

▪ [pic], [pic]

▪ Minor correction: Horizontal Message Descriptions to Hierarchical Message Descriptions.

▪ Slides described the scope section better (less boiling of the ocean).

▪ Relationship between the SAIF IG, ARB, MnM is not clear enough.

▪ Participation looks mostly US, but realm indicated is universal, so should find other participants.

▪ Should move forward and endorse and harmonize with behavioral model work here

▪ Move to accept in principle with the feedback above. Lorraine Constable, Ken McCaslin

• Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 10

▪ LRI Update

o We passed the 60% reconciliation mark.

o Negation Indicator in OBX – Riki Merrick

▪ [pic]

▪ We reviewed the proposal and made various suggestions that are reflected in the attached document.

▪ This will be a 2.9 proposal.

▪ Riki will send out to the list with the suggestions included and solicit further feedback.

▪ We will revisit in two weeks.

▪ V2.8 Ballot Reconciliation

o See spreadsheet for reconciliation notes and votes

▪ [pic]

▪ We will review a number of follow-up items with Harry Solomon in San Antonio

▪ January 2012 WGM Agenda

o See wiki pages for updated agenda.

▪ Fix Q2 (Jean can make it)

▪ Add CIMI to DCM

▪ Thursday Q1 V2.8 + Composite Order Model

▪ Move V2.9 Vocab to Thursday Q1.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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