Orders & Observations Conference Call

Orders & Observations Conference Call

28 February 2013

+1 770 657 9270, Passcode: 653212#


|Name |Organization |

|Elaine Ayers |NIH |

|Freida Hall |Quest Diagnostics |

|Austin Kreisler |SAIC / CDC |

|Crystal Wolfe |Abbott Nutrition |

|Debbie Bogert |Canada Health Infoway |

|Jim Harrison |University of Virginia, American College of American |

| |Pathologists |

|Ken McCaslin |Quest Diagnostics |

|Riki Merrick |iConnect Consulting |

|Jim Case |NLM |

|Rita Altamore |Washington State Department of Health |

|Jamie Cash |Abbott Nutrition |

|Eric Haas |APHL |

|Margaret Dittloff |The CBORD Group |

|Rob Hausam |Hausam Consulting |

|Hans Buitendijk |Siemens Healthcare |

|Margaret Marshburn |CDC |

|Ron Van Duyne |CDC |

| | |

Co-Chair: Hans Buitendijk

Scribe: Riki Merrick, Hans Buitendijk


Agenda Review


• February 21

o Motion to approve as distributed. Riki Merrick, Ken McCAslin

▪ Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 14


• Next week is HIMSS

• Ken and Hans are out. Will work with Rob and Lorraine to set up WebEx, etc.

• Do we need to consider the LOI NIB today or can we wait for 2 weeks – will be discussed under LOI project update

Project Updates – 15 minutes

* Normative Edition V3

* There was a request from Don Loyd on the v3 normative edition – deadline for publishing is 3/3 – which includes 4 possible topics for OO:


* Nutrition to go in. Clarified that we have some errata in flight that will be included in next version that has also larger scope. Still need to have the current version published.

* CPM not to go in. Data type updates need to be applied before it is finished.

* Implantable Devices not to go in.

* Bloodbank to go in.

* Motion to accept inclusion per above. Margaret Dittloff, Rob Hausam

* Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 15

* V2.8

* Errata request for V2.4 – V2.7.1:


* Motion to accept the proposal as proposed, but pursue an alternate approach if the TSC deems this too substantive for an errata using this method. Ken McCaslin, Riki Merrick

* Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 15

* Replace TSC with CTO as he is the one approving/declining this.

* Hans will send email to John Quinn and cc Austin

* Substance Model - Hans Buitendijk

* Based on discussions with Hugh Glover, Julie James, and Gunther Schadow, the Substance CMET Project 626 and associated ballot should be withdrawn as the materials are effectively part of CPM.

* We will review the specific proposal in 1-2 weeks.

* Implantable Devices

* It turns out that we have a duplicate Implantable Devices project to address Release 2: Project 594. The suggestion is to withdraw this and keep the most recent project.

* Motion to withdraw project 594 and associated ballot. Ken McCaslin, Riki Merrick

* Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 15

* Table 0078

* Ken provided feedback and has the answers the team was looking for.

* Riki checking with Europeans.

* As soon as this is pulled together then can bring this topic back up.

* Target March 21 to review in OO.

* Nutrition

* Working on DAM errata and new case for May cycle.



* Motion to take the necessary steps to line up an Out of Cycle Ballot for LOI as we likely cannot make the May cycle. Ken McCaslin, Eric Haas

* Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 15

* eDOS

* Still on track to make May, but opening a couple of days late.


* Working on Errata 2.


* Considering two places to loosen up LRI to make ELR fit. That would be an LRI normative change, not an errata.

* Figuring out how to best layer it on top of LRI.

* Specimen

* Not discussed

* Composite/Lab Order

* Ready for ballot reconciliation


* All components have been specified that look like they can work.


* Suggestion to review the specific V2.9 proposals to make it work in April.


* Not discussed

* Blood Bank

* Need to check with Patrick on the publishing issue.

* Lab Status Analysis

* Not discussed

Ask at Order Entry as OBX – 5 minutes

• eDOS request

o [pic]

o Working on AOE examples to be included in the eDOS guide (appendix)

o If you have any, please forward to Freida by March 8.

▪ Code, LOINC long name

o ID data type not supported in V2.5.1 for OBX-02. It is supported in V2.7.

▪ Could pre-adopt or use CWE.

▪ Suggest to check with InM whether using CWE with the same table is o.k.

o Objective is to avoid overlapping questions. If there is overlap, that will be addressed along the way and left out for now.

o Once collected will do a peer review using the LOI vocab group

o Is the plan to collect and consolidate the AOE variation? Yes as far as we can get in time - will add clear AOE codes in the guide and may create a separate group – ultimately we will need to have an AOE list that needs to be maintained.

o Had discussion on listserve:

▪ Most feedback for Orders send as OBX questions under the OBR/ORC

▪ Echo back – send back as OBX with specific AOE flag in OBX-11 – Hans will write this proposal up to OO list – Eric has already written something like this up for ELR, will forward to Hans

• E-mail summary

o Not discussed

Paired Titers – Eric Haas – 5 minutes

• No response on the e-mail yet. It may be limited to the PH space.

• Please take a moment to review and will bring back up next week.

Segment Header and Trailer – Riki Merrick, Hans Buitendijk

• Introduced, but not concluded.

Lab Order Ballot Reconciliation – not discussed

• [pic]

Future/Overflow agenda items:

* Mission and Charter Review

* V2.9 Proposals


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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