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Vigyan Ashram Status Report

Volume 22 Issue 9 Sept 2004

In this issue.

- ASHA project sanctioned

- Seminar on “Home science based Vocational Courses”

- Visit to Gomukh Cold storage

- Dome testing at DRDO

ASHA Project Sanctioned

ASHA Seattle agreed to provide support for our DBRT course. Grant is mainly asked for salary of the instructors. Total amount requested is Rs.2.7lacs for year. ASHA, Pune chapter followed up our case with various chapters. We are thankful to ASHA for their timely help. We expect more interactions with various other projects of ASHA.

CIVE Seminar

Yogesh attended a seminar on “Advocacy of Home Science related Vocational Course" organised by Central Institute OF Vocational Education, Bhopal from 1st – 3rd Sept. He also presented a paper on “Establishing micro Enterprises”. Govt agencies , NGOs from all over the country participated in the seminar.

Cultural program competition

Our Balclub participated in cultural program competition organised by Jnana Prabodhini. We got consolation price in rural category.

DBRT students and bal club students performed their program in Pabal village Ganesh Utsav.

Gomukh Project Visit

Kiosk operators from 7 villages, Yogesh and Shantanu visited Cold storage and milk processing plant established by Gomukh in Kolavan (near Paud). Purpose of visit is to explore possibility of all kiosk operator coming together to process and market the agricultural product.

To begin with its decided to tie up with few big companies in Pune to sell cleaned and packed vegetable to their employees. We expect companies to allow us to park our vehicle for sale after office hour. Kiosk operators will manage all delivery system and Vigyan Ashram will try to get permission from few companies.

From this direct linkage of farmers and consumer, we hope both will get benefit. The idea was communicated to director of Persistence system, and we will be going to meet him soon.

Geodesic Dome testing at DRDO

Ms Arti Kulkarni (ME student) of College of Engineering is working on a project of stress analysis of geodesic dome. Our BRT student along with Kasim Inamdar and Laxman Jadhav constructed a dome structure for her, they took the dome to DRDO, Dighi for stress/strain analysis. Different weights were loaded on the top of the dome and stress was measured at different points. We are awaiting final report from Ms Arti Kulkarni.

Safety Day observed :

25th Sept we observed as a safety day in the memory of Navnath Jadhav. Five years back, he was accidentally died due to electric shock.

We review safety arrangement in each dept. Possible accident causes like electric shock, injury due to rotating parts, safety in kitchen, Snake bite etc were discussed. All earthing, wiring, fuse were checked. Place around each dept was cleaned and grass removed.

Health training program :

Training on health related and adolescent issues were organised on 16th Sept (For boys) and on 20th Sept (for girls) in association with KEM hospital. 27 boys and 16 girls from DBRT as well as short term course attended the program.

Visitors to Ashram :

Following people visited ashram this month.

1) Mr.Dai Meghaji visited on 5th Sept along with Mr.Dongare and Ms. Jankee Desai. We discussed possible projects of developing few agricultural demonstration plots.

2) Mr.Ranganayakulu Bodavala of Thrive, Chintapalli, Nalgonda district

Andhra Pradesh Visited ashram for 2 days on 11th and 12 Sept. His organisation wants to start training program for rural youth. We had a good interaction. He used LED DC light in his village, according to his experience, it last long and consume less power. We will explore the possibility of using it on solar panel at ashram and if we can assemble it locally to reduce the cost.

3) Prof.Dr.Krithi Ramamritham of Krisit, IIT visited ashram on 14th Sept to see the progress of wi-fi link and also to discuss progress of AQUA.

4) Mr.Borawake, Director of Maharashtra Chemeber of Commerce visited ashram on 7th Sept. He is interested in knowing more about our kiosk project. Journalist from IT magazine Data Quest also visited along with him.

5) Our Indore multimedia distributor Mr.Sachin Desai visited Pune office for 7 days. We discussed plans to increase sale of the CDs and to increase number of schools in our network in Madhya Pradesh.

Staff changes

Mr.Datta Pawar resigned as Manager –LSP. He was with us for 2 ½ year. He is honest and sincere in his work. We wish him good luck for his future.

Mr.Prasad Wadekar (IIT, WLL technician) joined Rajgurunagar Access centre.

Mr.Santosh Darekar (Diploma in I.T) from Govt.Polytechnic,Pune joined VA. He will look after computer centre as well as help in access centre management.

Mr.Anil Khaire, (Diploma in Agriculture) and studying Bsc(Horticulture) joined VA as Instructor in Agri-AI Dept.

DBRT Students result : First Section exam

| |Name |Theory |Practical |Term |Total |Community |

| | | | |work | |Service |

|1 |Mohhamad Shekhaji |15 |20 |10 |45 |20 |

|2 |Uttam Undale |14 |28 |16 |58 |425 |

|3 |Swagat swayen |18 |30 |12 |60 |237 |

|4 |Kamarul Karamat Ali |17 |30 |12 |59 |60 |

|5 |Dinesh Shid |Ab |Ab |12 |12 |376 |

|6 |Sunderlal Selurkar |27 |22 |15 |64 |20 |

|7 |Hemant Zharekar |18 |38 |17 |73 |425 |

|8 |Manish Sheleke |18 |33 |14 |65 |425 |

|9 |Suraj Khole |20 |40 |15 |75 |352 |

|10 |Nitin Bhoye |18 |40 |16 |74 |186 |

|11 |Ravindra Vazare |23 |40 |16 |79 |258 |

|12 |Santosh Bhoye |20 |35 |18 |73 |304 |

|13 |Rushikesh Satpute |15 |32 |12 |59 |67 |

|14 |Ganesh Satpute |16 |30 |11 |57 |0 |

|15 |Mansingh Jagtap |15 |20 |10 |45 |0 |

|16 |Khemchand Arolkar |21 |20 |10 |51 |15 |

|17 |Ganesh Sawant |25 |21 |15 |61 |226 |

|18 |Bhima Kadam |7 |30 |13 |50 |22 |

|19 |Gangaram Rajguru |7 |25 |12 |44 |21 |

|20 |Jitendra Swami |16 |32 |13 |61 |25 |

|21 |Kisan Pande |21 |41 |17 |79 |281 |

|22 |Prafulla Pande |18 |38 |15 |69 |25 |

| |Girl Students | | | | | |

|23 |Sarika Lashkare |26 |25 |10 |61 |0 |

|24 |Alaka Gaikawad |Ab |Ab |Ab |Ab |Ab |

|25 |Savita Tribhuvan |11 |25 |10 |46 |0 |

|26 |Soni More |10 |20 |9 |39 |0 |

| | | | | | | |

Media Lab Asia :

• One day aAqua campaign was carried out in 8 villages where our kiosks are

giving e-agriculture service. A Jeep with load speaker and computer toured all the villages. Farmers meeting was organised in each village by the kiosk operator. Villages covered are Pabal, Kadus, Rajgurunagar,Retawadi, Kendur, Pimple-jagtap, Shikrapur and Uruli kanchan.

• Local news paper Lokmat, Loksatta and Sakal gave publicity to AQUA.

• Wifi Link : Wi-fi link is not yet started. We established a link between Khed and Dhamntek. But still didn't got success to establish the pabal - dhamntek link.

• Kiosk Operators meeting at vigyan ashram on 24th Sept.

• aAqua Status :

Questions posted in Sept-04 :

Crop diseases : 29 Questions.

Animal diseases : 03 Questions.

Others : 03 Questions.

KVK Recommendations : 02 Posts

Market Information : 01 Post

Farmer Schemes : 00 Posts

Local Information : 02 Posts.

LSP Status :

Pabal Access Centre :

Lease down Time: 31hrs & 35 min ( 23hrs & 30 min on 4 to 6th Sep.04, 1 Hrs & 5 min on11th Sep.04 ,40 min on 11th Sep.04, 6hrs & 20 min )


1) RBS– Dongargaon rbs up & down problem , 7/9/2004 and

Dongargaon RBS down on 11.35 am& up on 12.oo pm

2)MIS-- HCL Enginer check MIS PC, printer

3) Router &Modem—Resetting problem

4)Ris—Ris ip was gone so add it in Ris (10/9/04)

Ris is hang at10.17 am & start at 10.30 am (date 26/9/04)

Ris is hang at12.30 am & start at 1.15 am (date 29/9/04)

Total internet usage: Total Internet Usage Hours: 1009:06:17

Total Charge: (Rs) 9751.34

Total connections: Kiosks - 14 , Pvt. connection- 18

Total subs: 32

Total Collection : Rs 20,202 New Installations : No New Installations

Generator use : 15hours Diesel - 15 liters

MSEB Meter Reading: Total:566 units (14468 -15036 )

Rajgurunagar Access Centre :

Lease down Time:Leased line down (21/09/04)at 4.30pm to 5.00pm and

(24/09/04 )at 12.25pm to 12.30pm,

STD Tax line down Time: (21/09/04)at 4.30 pm to 5.00 pm.

Local E1 Line down time: (24/09/04) at 2.45 pm to 2.50 pm, (25/09/04) 12.25 to 12.30 pm

Total internet usage: 587:33:36hrs ; Amount :Rs. 7121.74

Total Telephone bill : Total Units : 36799 ;Total Charge :Rs. 43873.20

Total Collection: Rs. 64,026.

Total connections: Kiosks - 17 , Pvt. connection- 5 , VPT - 68

New Installations : 1

New registrations : 27

Generator use : 10.30 Hrs

MSEB Meter Reading : total 506 units(5656-6162)

Whole system is down due to power failure at 7:30 am to 9:30 am.

Shingeshwar RBS (102) showing problem .

Customers who connected to RBS (101,102,103,105) facing disconnection problem.

Many STD meters are faulty.( setting is changed automatically)

Dhamantek RBS is down yet.

Other Tidbits :

1) Kitchen purchased LPG gas connection. There is a shortage of kerosene, therefore we need to use combination of chulha, stove biogas and LPG gas.

2) Ganesh was installed in Balwadi. Balclub student went for picnic to Thitewadi dam.

3) Min Temp. 36oC Max. Temp 18oC , Rainfall : 27.26mm(this month)


4) Diesel consumption :Total 32.50lit { VACC =14 lit, MB2= 1 lit, LSP : 10 lit, WRD =5 lit }

5) Food lab : Sale = Rs.1200/- Expenses = Rs.615/-

CD Sale : Rs.9650/-

DBRT Batch forms were submitted to NIOS.

One of our well wisher donated us Rs.10,000/-. We purchased EPSON LX-300 printer from it.

9) Poultry batch of 100 birds started on 16/9/04. FCR 1st week : 0.94, 2nd week : 1.36, 3rd Week : 1.34 , Mortality : 6 no.


Data Pages:

|Animal | | | | | |

|Husbandry | | | | | |

|Milk | | | | | |

|Production | | | | | |

|(Lit) | | | | | |

|Name |Milk (lit) |Distribution |Lit |Rate |Total |

|Durga |244.8 |Kitchen |192 |8.25 |1584 |

|Lali |258.9 |Dairy |216 |8.5 |1836 |

| | | |93 |10 |930 |

| | |kids |2.7 | | |

|Total |503.7 | |503.7 | |4350 |

Engineering :

|W.O |Details |client |Material |Labour |Electricity |Total |

|No. | | | | | | |

|101 |Making wooden cot |Pvt | |95 | |95 |

|102 |Hand pump foundation |VA |67 |10 |6.7 |83 |

|103 |Cage order |Sanjay |575 |86 |58 |719 |

|104 |Metal box for Wi-fi |IIT |872 |430 |87 |1389 |

|105 |Candle stand |Pvt |300 |44 |30 |394 |

|106 |compound |VA |335 |83 | |418 |

|Practical |Chair cover |Pvt | | | | |

|Practical |Dome assembly |VA | | | | |

|Practical |Class room bench repair |VA | | | | |

|Practical |Gotha repair |VA | | | | |

|Practical |Ventilator repair |VA | | | | |

|107 |Making staircase |Sanjay |1030 |154.5 |102.9 |1287.4 |

|108 |Kitchen table for gas |VA |110 |27.5 | |137 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |4522.4 |

|Electrical | | | | | |

|Section : | | | | | |

|W.O No |Details |client |Material |Labour |Total |

|1 |Emergency battery order - 3 nos |Pvt |1050 |262.5 | |

|2 |Hand pump repair |Pvt | |100 | |

|3 |Tube repair |Pvt |110 |27.5 | |

|4 |Generator servicing |VA |105 |26 | |

|Practical |Electric motor (Flour mill) |VA | | | |

|Practical |Safety day, checking all connections |VA | | | |

|Practical |and wiring of ashram | | | | |

|Practical |Making smokeless chulha |VA |45 | | |

| |Total | |1310 |416 |1726 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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