University of Texas at Austin

James R. Denbowjdenbow@mail.utexas.eduDepartment of Anthropology Office:(512) 471-8512University of Texas at AustinFAX:(512) 471-6535Austin, Texas 78712-1086____________________________________________________________________________________________Degrees, fields of study, and dates awarded1983Ph.D., Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana1976M.A., Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana1968B.A., Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IllinoisCurrent Professional AppointmentsThe university of texas at austin2019-Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology2011-2019Professor, Department of Anthropology.1986- 2010Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology.1987-1989Chair, Archaeological Studies.University of the witwatersrand, johannesburg, south africa2010-presentResearch Associate, School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies.Previous Professional Appointments1990Visiting Professor, Institute of African Studies, Universit?t Bayreuth, Germany.1986Visiting Professor, Institute of African Studies, Universit?t Bayreuth, Germany.1981-1986Senior Curator, National Museum of Botswana. Head of Archaeology Division and Director of the Archaeology Research Centre.1979-1981Curator, National Museum of Botswana.Honors1993Awarded lifetime membership in the Botswana Society2013Liberal Arts nominee for Best Research Paper, University of Texas at Austin2022Supervisor of Dr Kofi Nutor, winner of the Granoff Award for the top PhD dissertation at the University of Texas at AustinOther Teaching Experience1970-1973Lay Missionary, World Council of Churches, New York. Deputy Headmaster and Teacher, Maun Secondary School, Maun, Botswana.1968-1970Peace Corps Volunteer, Environmental Health, Malawi, Africa. Publications: Books2018The Archaeology and Ethnography of Central Africa. Cambridge University Press. Paperback edition.2014The Archaeology and Ethnography of Central Africa. Cambridge University Press. 2007V. Sharrow and J. Denbow (consultant). Ancient Africa: Archaeology Unlocks the Secrets of Africa’s Past. National Geographic Investigates, 64 pages. 2006J. Denbow and P. Thebe. Culture and Customs of Botswana. Greenwood Press (244 pages.).1990J. Denbow and J. Denbow. Uncovering Botswana's Past. National Museum and Art Gallery of Botswana, Government Press, Botswana (64 pp.). Journal ArticlesSubmittedClist, B., Denbow, J., Lanfranchi, R., Mindzie, C., Piedad de Jesus, M. Potential and pitfalls in the radiocarbon dates of Central Africa for studying the long-term demographic trends of the last 50,000 years. Azania.In pressDenbow, J. and Wilmsen, E. Analysis of Early Iron Age Sites from the Okavango Delta of Northern Botswana: Mat82, Matlapaneng, and Qogana. Azania.In PressWilmsen, E. and Denbow, J. Okavango Iron Age Sites 2: The Xaro Sites. Azania2020Stephens, J., Killick, D., Wilmsen, E., Denbow, J. and Miller, D. “Lead isotopes link copper artefacts from northwestern Botswana to the Copperbelt of Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo.” Journal of Archaeological Science 117: article 105124. 2019Wilmsen, E., Killick, D., Denbow, J., Daggett, A., and Thebe, P. “Keeping up alliances: multifaceted values of pottery in 8th-17th century eastern Botswana, as reconstructed by optical petrography.” South African Archaeological Bulletin.2018Wilmsen, E., Denbow, J. and Ina Plug. “The fauna at Tora Nju, Botswana.” South African Archaeological Bulletin 73 (207): 41-50.2017Wilmsen, E. and Denbow, J. “The Middens at Tora Nju and their Adjacent Stone Enclosure.” Journal of African Archaeology 15: 104-128.2017Denbow, J. Comment on “Local Dynamics and the Emergence of Social Inequality in Iron Age Botswana.” Current Anthropology 58 (5):623-24.2016Denbow, J. “Analogy and the Danger of Oversimplifying the Past.” Antiquity 90 (352): 1086.2015Denbow, J., Klehm, K., and Dussubieux, L. “The Glass Beads of Kaitshàa: New Insights on Early Indian Ocean Trade into the Far Interior of southern Africa.” Antiquity 89: 361-377.2013van Zyl, W, Badenhorst, S. Taljaard, E., Denbow, J. and Wilmsem, E. The Archaeofauna from Xaro on the Okavango Delta in northern Botswana. Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History [formerly Transvaal Museum] 3: 49-58.2012J. Denbow. Pride, Prejudice, Plunder and Preservation: Archaeology and the Re-envisioning of Ethnogenesis on the Loango coast of the Republic of Congo. Antiquity 86: 383-408.2011J. Denbow. Excavations at Divuyu, Tsodilo Hills, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 43: 76-94. 2009E. Wilmsen, D. Killick, D. Rosenstein, P. Thebe and J. Denbow. The Social Geography of Pottery in Botswana as Reconstructed by Optical Petrography. Journal of African Archaeology 7(1): 3-39.2008J. Denbow, M. Mosothwane, N. Ndobochani. Finding Bosutswe: Archaeological Encounters with the Past. History in Africa 35: 145-190.2008J. Denbow, J. Smith, N. Ndobochani, K. Atwood, D. Miller. Archaeological excavations at Bosutswe, Botswana: cultural chronology, paleo-ecology and economy. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(2): 459-480.2007J. Denbow and D. Miller. Metal Working at Bosutswe, Botswana. Journal of African Archaeology 5(2): 271-313.2001 J. Denbow. Comment on C. Ehret, “Bantu History: Re-Envisioning the Evidence of Language”. International Journal of African Historical Studies 34 (1): 43-81.1999 J. Denbow Heart and Soul: Glimpses of Ideology and Cosmology in the Iconography of Tombstones from the Loango Coast Of Central Africa. Journal of American Folklore 112 (445): 404-23.1998 J. Denbow. Comment on, "Cognitive Archaeology and Imaginative History at Great Zimbabwe," by David Beach, Current Anthropology 39 (1): pp. 61-2.1992J. Denbow. University of Texas Archaeological Research Expeditions, 1990-1991, Botswana Notes and Records 23: 293-295.1990J. Denbow. Comment on J. Solway and R. Lee, "Foragers, Genuine or Spurious??: Situating the Kalahari San in History. Current Anthropology 31 (2): 109-146.1990 J. Denbow. Congo to Kalahari: data and hypotheses about the political economy of the western stream of the Early Iron Age. African Archaeological Review 8: 139-175.1990 E. Wilmsen and J. Denbow. Paradigmatic History of San-speaking Peoples and Current Attempts at Revision. Current Anthropology 31 (1): 489-524. 1990 J. Denbow. Rapport Préliminaire sur l'Archéologie du Littoral Congolais: Prospections et Fouilles de la Région du Bas-Kouilou Effectuées en 1988. NSI: Bulletin de Laison des CICIBA 7: 4-9.1988 J. Denbow, A. Manima-Mobouha, N. Sanviti. Archaeological Excavations Along the Loango Coast, Congo. NSI: Bulletin de Laison des CICIBA 3: 37-42.1986 J. Denbow and E. Wilmsen. The Advent and Course of Pastoralism in the Kalahari. Science 234: 1509-15.1986 J. Denbow. A New Look at the Later Prehistory of the Kalahari. Journal of African History 27: 3-29.1986 J. Denbow and A. Campbell. The Early Stages of Food Production in Southern Africa and Some Potential Linguistic Correlations. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika, 7.1, edited by F. Rottland and R. Vossen, 83-103. 1986 J. Denbow. Interfaces: The Study of the Historical Context of Hunter-Gatherers in Africa. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika, 7.2, edited by F. Rottland and R. Vossen. Hamburg: Helmut Buske, 455-58.1986J. Denbow. Comment on a Review of Clark and Brandt, Eds. "From Hunters to Farmers” by J. Deacon." South African Archaeological Bulletin 41 (143): 35.1984J. Denbow. Archaeology Uncovers a "Treasure" at Kgaswe, The Zebra's Voice 1: 15-20.1983J. Denbow. From the window. Marung 1 (2): 11-13.1983J. Denbow and E. Wilmsen. Iron Age pastoralist settlements in Botswana. South African Journal of Science 79: 405-408.1983J. Denbow. Past climates and present groundwater supplies in the Bechuanaland Protectorate, Botswana Notes and Records 13: 13-18.1981 J. Denbow. Broadhurst: a 14th century A.D. expression of the Early Iron Age in southeastern Botswana. South African Archaeological Bulletin 36: 66-74.1980 J. Denbow. Early Iron Age remains from the Tsodilo Hills, northwestern Botswana. South African Journal of Science 76: 474-4.1980 J. Denbow. National Museum of Botswana: archaeological research programme. Nyame Akuma 17: 3-9.1979 J. Denbow. Iron Age research in eastern Botswana. Nyame Akuma 14: 7-91979 J. Denbow. Cenchrus ciliaris: an ecological indicator of Iron Age middens using aerial photography in eastern Botswana. South African Journal of Science 75: 405-408.1973 J. Denbow. Malowa Rockshelter: an archaeological report. Malawi Department of Antiquities, Occasional Papers. 14: 4-49.1973 J. Denbow. Archaeological excavations at the Old Livingstonia Mission site. Malawi Department of Antiquities, Occasional Papers. 14: 92- 100. 1969 J. Denbow and R. Ainsworth. Malowa Rockshelter: a preliminary report. Malawi Department of Antiquities. 7: 2-13.Book Chapters and Reports (* Peer Reviewed)In PressDenbow, J and Denbow, J. S. “Tsodilo Reflections: of guinea fowls, hares and hairdos.” In, P. Segadika and W. Ndoro, eds. Tsodilo Reflections: 21 Years as a World Heritage Site. 2018J. Denbow. Expert testimony on the case of Florence Kgari (Botswana). Home Office Case: 023867371 for Duncan Lewis and Co Solicitors, Harrow, UK. 5 pages.2017*Denbow, J. “Interactions between Precolonial Foragers, Herders, and Farmers in Southern Africa.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, pp. 1-30. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.71.2017*J. Denbow. “Reconnaissance and Excavation on the Loango Coast of the Congo: A Case Study.” In Field Manual for African Archaeology. Cornelissen, E., Gosselain, O., Livingtone Smith, A. and MacEachern, S., eds.. Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale/Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Brussels, pp. 86-90.2017*J. Denbow. “Stratégie de Reconnaissance et de Fouille à Grande Echelle sur la C?te de Loango au Congo: ?tude de Cas.” Sur Manuel de Terrain Archéologie Africaine. Cornelissen, E., Gosselain, O., Livingtone Smith, A. and MacEachern, S., eds.. Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale/Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Bruxelles, pp. 86-90.2015*J. Denbow. “Botswana.” In Africa: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society. ABC-CLIO: Goleta, California, pp. 77-100. 2010Evaluation report on the cases of FK and OK (Botswana); Appeal reference: AA/14021/2010 and AA14023/2010. Expert testimony on intimate partner violence/ “passion killings” in Botswana. Report submitted to Wilson Solicitors, LLP, London. 8 pages.2010*E. Wilmsen and J. Denbow. Early Villages at Tsodilo: The Introduction Of Livestock, Crops And Metalworking. In Robbins, L., Campbell, A. and Taylor, M., Eds. Tsodilo Hills: Copper Bracelet of the Kalahari. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, pp. 85-93.2009 *J. Denbow, M. Mosothwane, N.Ndobochani. "Everybody Here Is All Mixed Up"; Postcolonial Encounters with the Past at Bosutswe, Botswana. In Postcolonial Archaeology in Africa, P. Schmidt, ed. SAR Press, pp. 211-230.2008 *J. Denbow. The Kalahari Margins. In Deborah Pearsall, ed. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. Vol. 1. Elsevier/Academic Press, pp. 74-83.2003 *J. Denbow. Archaeology and History. In Falola, T. and Jennings, C., eds. Sources and Methods in African History: Spoken, Written, Unearthed. Rochester Series on African History and the Diaspora. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, pp. 3-6.2003 J. Denbow and N. Mathibidi. Preliminary Field Report Bosutswe, 2001 to 2002. Gaborone, National Museum of Botswana. 28 pages. 2002 *J. Denbow. Stolen Places: Archaeology and the Politics of Identity in the Later Prehistory of the Kalahari. In Falola, T. and Jennings, C., eds. Africanizing Knowledge: African Studies Across the Disciplines. Summerset: Transaction Publishers Rutgers, pp. 345-374.2000 J. Denbow and Brenda Robinson. Academic Consortium Board Evaluation of the Tunisia Summer Program in Art and Archaeology at Monastir. 15 pages.1999*J. Denbow. Material culture and the dialectics of identity in the Kalahari: AD 700 – 1700. In S. McIntosh, ed. Beyond Chiefdoms: Pathways to Complexity in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 110-123.1995 J. Denbow. Traditional Cultures of Southern Africa. Encyclopedia Britannica (web and CD editions).1994 *Campbell, A., Denbow, J. and Wilmsen, E. Paintings like Engravings: Rock Art at Tsodilo. In Contested Images: diversity in Southern African rock art research, T. Dowson and D. Lewis-Williams, eds. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, pp. 131-158. 1993 J. Denbow. Rapport des Progrès Obtenus au Cours du Project Archéologique au Congo de 1993. Report prepared for Congolaise de Développement Forestier (CDF). 14 pages.1991J. Denbow. Preliminary report on 1991 Archaeological Reconnaissances on the Congolese coast. Report prepared for Congolaise de Développement Forestier (CDF), Unité d'Afforestation Industrielle du Congo (UAIC), and Shell Oil, London. 11 pages.1990J. Denbow. Le Congo Projet Archéologique Rapport Sommaire/ The Congo Archaeology Project Summary Report. Conoco Oil Company, Houston. 19 pages.1989 J. Denbow. The Archaeology of the Congo Coast. Report on Reconnaissances and Excavations in the Bas Kouilou Region of the Congo and Recommendations for Further Work. Conoco Oil Company, Houston and the National Geographic Society. 67 pages.1987 J. Denbow, D. Kiyaga-Mulindwa, N. Parsons. Historical and Archaeological Research in Botswana. In Q. N. Parsons, ed. In Research for Development in Botswana. Gaborone: Botswana Society, pp. 244-252.1986 J. Denbow. After the Flood: A Preliminary Account of Recent Geological, Archaeological and Linguistic Investigations in the Okavango region of Northern Botswana. In Vossen, R. & K. Keuthmann (Eds), Contemporary studies on Khoisan 1 (Festschrift Oswin R. A. K?hler), Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag, pp. 181-214.1985 J. Denbow. Report on archaeological investigations at Sowa Pan. Report prepared for British Petroleum and the Botswana Government. 20 pages.1984 J. Denbow. Report on the preliminary archaeological reconnaissance of the BP Soda Ash project, Sowa Pan, Botswana. Report prepared for British Petroleum, London. 15 pages.1984J. Denbow. Report on the National Monuments Programme, Botswana. Report prepared for review by the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), Stockholm. 33 pages.1984J. Denbow. Progress Report on Archaeological Excavations at Kgaswe B-55. Report prepared for Shell Coal Company and the Botswana Government. 10 pages.1984*J. Denbow. Prehistoric herders and foragers of the Kalahari: the evidence for 1500 years of interaction. In Past and Present in Hunter Gatherer Studies, C. Schrire, ed. Orlando: Academic Press, pp. 175-93.1984 *J. Denbow. Cows and Kings: a spatial and economic analysis of a hierarchical Early Iron Age settlement system in eastern Botswana. In M. Hall, et al., Eds. Frontiers: Southern African Archaeology Today. Cambridge: British Archaeological Research Monographs, pp. 24-39.1983 J. Denbow. The Monuments Programme of the National Museum of Botswana. Report prepared for review by the Swedish International Development Authority, Stockholm. 25 pages.1983 J. Denbow. An archaeological reconnaissance of the Kgaswe Coal Mine lease. In Environmental Assessment for Shell Coal Botswana. Johannesburg: Dames and Moore. 25 pages.1982 *J. Denbow. The Toutswe Tradition: a study in socio-economic change. In R. Hitchcock and M. Smith, eds. Settlement in Botswana. Johannesburg: Heinemann, pp. 73-87.1982 J. Denbow. Archaeology and Education: a brief report on the activities of the National Museum of Botswana. Organization of Museums, Monuments and Sites of Africa. Blantyre, Malawi. 15 pages.1976 J. Denbow. Archaeological Excavations in the Patoka Reservoir, Dubois County, Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Report No. 1. Bloomington: Indiana University. 40 pages.2017Klehm, C., Denbow, J., Mosothwane, M. and P. Thebe. Archaeological research in the Central District of Botswana. Poster display for the Serowe Museum, Botswana.Museum Exhibits and blogs2015J. Denbow. The Loango Archaeological Project (1987-93). Blog to accompany the exhibition Kongo: Power and Majesty at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. . Denbow. Artifacts included in the exhibition Kongo: Power and Majesty and in the exhibit publication Kongo: Power and Majesty, 2015, edited by Alisa LaGamma, Yale University Press, New Haven.1989 J. Denbow. Permanent exhibit on Congolese prehistory. Presented to President Denis Sassou-Nguesso. On display in the Presidential Palace, Brazzaville, Congo.1984 J. Denbow. Temporary exhibit on Botswana prehistory for the Prince of Wales, National Museum of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.1980-1984 A. Campbell and J. Denbow. Seven permanent museum exhibits on archaeology and ethnography, National Museum of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.Book Reviews2019J. Denbow. Review of Bernard Clist, et al. “Une archeologie de provinces septentrionales du royaume Kongo.” African Archaeological Review.” . Denbow. Review of G. Wait, et al. “Archaeology and ethnography along the Loango coast in the south west of the Republic of Congo”,?Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa,?DOI:?10.1080/0067270X.2019.15785702002 J. Denbow. Review of Innocent Pikirayi, “The Zimbabwe Culture: Origins and Decline of the Southern Zambezian States.” American Antiquity 67(4), pp. 785-87.1998J. Denbow. Review of Thomas Huffman, "Snakes and Crocodiles: Power and Symbolism in Ancient Zimbabwe." American Antiquity 63 (3), pp. 516-17.1998J. Denbow. Review of J.D.G. Sutton, ed. "The Growth of Farming Communities in Africa from the Equator Southwards." Journal of African History 39, pp. 147-48.1997J. Denbow. Review of Carmel Schrire, "Digging Through Darkness: Chronicles of an Archaeologist." Journal of African History 38(1), pp. 127-29.1997J. Denbow. Review of Thomas Huffman, Snakes and Crocodiles: Power and Symbolism in Ancient Zimbabwe." South African Archaeological Bulletin 52 (166) pp. 125-143.1996 J. Denbow. Review of Thurstan Shaw, et. al, "The Archaeology of Africa: food, metals and towns." Journal of Field Archaeology 23, pp. 256-59.1991 J. Denbow. Review of Thomas Huffman, "Iron Age migrations: the ceramic sequence in southern Zambia." South African Archaeological Bulletin 46, pp. 151-52.Course web site2000 J. Denbow Labs for ANT 304. , Grants and Research support 2017-2018RINC research funding. University of the Witwatersrand. $2,400.2016-2017Rapport-King BA honors thesis award (for Devonshire Lokke). $1,000. 2009-2014National Science Foundation (Grant #: 0922868). Excavations at Bosutswe, Kaitshe and Lose: transformations in political economy along an important early trade corridor from the East Coast into the far interior. Sole PI. $279,873. 2014RINC research funding. University of the Witwatersrand. $1,200.2011-2012Grant from the National Museum of Botswana to conduct preliminary excavations at Nyungwe, Botswana. $4,000.2009-2013National Science Foundation (Grant #: 0922868). Excavations at Bosutswe, Kaitshe and Lose: transformations in political economy along an important early trade corridor from the East Coast into the far interior. Sole PI. $279,873. 2011-2012Grant from the National Museum of Botswana to conduct preliminary excavations at Nyungwe, Botswana. $4,000.2002UT ITAC Grant. Development of Multi-media Classroom Materials for ANT 304, an introductory class in archaeology. With Maria Franklin and Mariah Wade. $11,000.2001Faculty Research Assignment. Archaeological excavations at Bosutswe, an Iron Age site in the Eastern Kalahari. $33,000.2001-2004National Science Foundation (Grant #: 0106500). Archaeological Excavations at Bosutswe: Trade, Cattle and Transformations in the Political Economy of the Eastern Kalahari between 700 and 1700 CE. Sole PI. $136,365.1999UT Special Research Grant for optical petrography of Iron Age pottery in Botswana. $500.1999UT ITAC Grant. Development of Archaeological teaching materials for Introduction to Archaeology. With Sam Wilson and Sylvia Tomaskova. $16,000.1992UT Faculty Research Assignment. $28,000.1992-1994National Endowment for the Humanities (Grant #: RO-22549-92). Transformation of Southern African Communities of the Past 2000 years. Sole PI. $133,413.1992-1995Conoco Oil Company (under Camp, Dresser & Mckee). Matching Funds for NEH Grant RO-22549-92. Sole PI. $9,200.1993Congolaise de Développement Forestier (CDF), Congo. Archaeological excavations at Lac Ndembo and BP 113. $35,000.1992Raymond Dickson, Alton C. Allen and Dillion Anderson Professorship (1 year appointment). University of Texas at Austin.1992Congolaise de Développement Forestier (CDF), Congo. Archaeological Reconnaissance of Eucalyptus Plantations north of the Kouilou River, Congo. $36,000.1991Shell Oil, London (non-traditional business sector). Archaeological Reconnaissance of Eucalyptus Plantations between Pointe Noire and Madingo-Kayes, Congo. $50,000.1990-1992National Science Foundation (Grant #: 8915590). Copper for Cattle: The Political Structure of Iron Age Economics in Southern Africa. Sole PI. $85.034.1990Conoco Oil Company, Houston. Archaeological Investigations on the Loango Coast. Sole PI. $42,000.1989Conoco Oil Company, Houston. Archaeological Reconnaissance and Excavations on the Loango Coast, Congo. Sole PI. $40,000.1988Finalist. President's Environmental Award. Conoco Oil Company, Houston.1988National Geographic Society. Excavations at Tchissanga and Madingo-Kayes, Peoples Republic of Congo. Sole PI. $8,500. 1988UT Summer Research Award. Excavations at Tchissanga and Madingo-Kayes, Congo. $9,000. 1988Conoco Oil Company, Houston. Excavations at Tchissanga and Madingo-Kayes and construction of a display for the Presidential Palace, Brazzaville. Sole PI. $37,000.1987 Conoco Oil Company, Houston. Exploratory Archaeological Excavations at Tchissanga, Congo. Sole PI. $15,000.1986UT Special Research Grant. Radiocarbon dating for Mosinyi, Botswana. $500.1985British Petroleum grant for archaeological reconnaissance in Sowa Pan, Botswana. Sole PI. $4,000.1983-1984Shell Coal Company grant for archaeological excavations at Kgaswe, eastern Botswana. Sole PI. $7,000.1982-1983Shell Coal Company grant for archaeological survey of the Kgaswe coal field, eastern Botswana. Sole PI. $6,000.1981-1982National Science Foundation. Construction of Archaeological Research Center, Gaborone Botswana. James Denbow and Edwin Wilmsen, Co-PIs. $25,000.1979Botswana Society Grant for archaeological research in Central District, Botswana. $500.1979Debswana (DeBeers) Grant for archaeological research at Toutswemogala. $200.1978-1979National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grant. $5,000.1977-1978Fulbright-Hays Fellowship to conduct archaeological research in Botswana. $13,000.1975-1977National Defense Foreign Language Fellowship. SeTswana.1975National Park Service grant for archaeological excavations in Dubois, Co., Indiana. Indiana University, Bloomington. $5,000.1974Glenn A. Black Fellowship in Archaeology. Indiana University.Scholarly Presentations2018Sourcing red gold in Africa: Assessing the potential for lead isotope studies of copper. (With Jay Stephens, David Killick, and Ed Wilmsen). Papar presented at the Society for Africanist Archaeology meetings, Toronto, Canada, June 2018.2016Indigenous Production, heterarchical market networks. Paper to be presented at the Society for Africanist Archaeology meeting, l’Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France, June 2016.2016A Return to Stolen Places. Paper presented at the Archaeological Studies Seminar, University of Texas, January 2016.2014The Glass Beads of Kaitshàa. Paper presented at the Joint meetings of the Pan African Congress and the Society for Africanist Archaeology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2014.2012Some New Hypotheses and Methods in West-Central and Southern African Archaeology. Invited presentation to the Archaeology Department, University of Accra, Ghana. June.2012Ongoing excavations at Lose, Botswana. National Museum of Botswana. Gaborone, Botswana. July.2011Invited presentation. Archaeological excavations at Lose, Botswana. Preliminary findings and significance. Conference on Botswana Prehistory. National Museum of Botswana. July.2011Invited discussant for papers by K. Bastoen and K. de Luna. Thinking across the African Past: Archaeological, Linguistics, and Genetic Research on the Precolonial African Past. Conference held at Rice University, Houston. March.2011Invited discussant for session on Social Identities, Boundaries, and Crossroads in Multiethnic Communities. Society for Historical Archaeology, Austin. January.2010Archaeological reconnaissance and excavation in the Republic of Congo. Joint meetings of the Pan African Congress and the Society for Africanist Archaeology. Dakar, Senegal. November.2010Recent Excavations at Bosutswe and Kaitshaa, Invited public lecture, University of Botswana, Gaborone. August.2010Interpreting Crisis in Anthropology: Congo Archaeology and "People Without History". Anthropology Graduate Students Association Conference. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, April. 2009African Migrations: Congo and Botswana. African Studies Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November.2009Research Results at Bosutswe. National Museum of Botswana, Botswana, August.2008Finding Bosutswe. Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, British Columbia, March.2007Invited lecture. Postcolonial Archaeology and Botswana Prehistory. African Studies and Department of Anthropology. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, March.2006The Lose Phenomenon. Society for African Archaeology in America, Calgary, Alberta, June.2004Invited lecture. Archaeology, Ancestors and AIDS. Project Quest, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, April.2003Excavations at Bosutswe. University of Botswana, Botswana, June.2002Keynote speaker. Archaeology and AIDS. Distinguished Africa lecture. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, September.2002Bronze working at Bosutswe. Society for African Archaeology in America, Tucson, Arizona, June.2000Invited Discussant. Southern African Association of Archaeologists, Johannesburg, South Africa, June.1997Archaeology in Botswana. University of Botswana, Botswana, June.1997New Findings in Botswana Archaeology. Botswana Society, July.1996Tombstones of Loango. UNESCO conference, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, February.1996Heart and Soul. Theorizing the Hybrid Conference. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, March.1995Invited lecture. Archaeology and Slavery. American Institute of Archaeology (AIA). The University of Texas at Austin, December.1995Invited lecture. Archaeological Research in the People's Republic of Congo. African Studies Department, University of Florida, Gainesville. April.1994Invited lecture. Archaeology and Contemporary Views of the Khoisan. University of Cologne, Germany, April.1994Archaeology and History. Heaman Sweatt Symposium. The University of Texas at Austin, April.1993Invited lecture. Symbols of Change in Africa. Free University of Berlin, Germany, June.1991Excavations at Bosutswe and Xaro. Botswana Society, Botswana, July.1990The Congo Archaeology Project. Presentation to the Board of Directors, Conoco Oil Company, Houston, May.1990Keynote speaker. Formation of State-level Societies in Southern Africa. Department of African Studies and the Anthropology Department, Indiana University, May.1989Invited lecture. Archaeology and History in Southern Africa. Anthropology Department. Rutgers University, April.1987Guest lecture. Archaeology in the Congo. United States Information Service, Brazzaville, People's Republic of Congo, November.1987Invited lecture. Iron Age/Stone Age interactions. African Studies Symposium. University of Wisconsin, July.1987Invited lecture. Khoi and Bantu in southern African prehistory. Anthropology Department, Rice University, Houston, Texas, February.1986New developments in Botswana archaeology. Area Studies Program. Bayreuth University, Bayreuth, Germany, July.1986Origins of Political Centralization in Southern Africa, a case from Botswana. Symposium in honor of J. Desmond Clark. University of California, Berkeley, California. May.Student-related servicePhD students (chair). AwardedCarla Klehm2013Kirsten Atwood2014William Gblerkpor2017Benjamin Kofi Nutor2021MA (chair):AwardedBeau Dubroc2010Carla Klehm2009Tenina Stallings2007Kirsten Atwood2005Phenyo Thebe2004Rachel Feit1998Ruth Hargus1997Katherine Weedman1993Eric Brunnemann1989UT, PhD Committee (member)NameDepartment AwardedAdam PaddockHistory(ABD)Nan AmponsahHistory(ABD)Sylvester Gundona History(ABD)Jennifer BabiarzAnthropology(ABD)Clay SchultzAnthropology2010Kwame EssienHistory2010Ann BuckunAnthropology2009Lisa KrausAnthropology2009Dennis RathnawMusic2009James DavidsonAnthropology2005Keri BarileAnthropology2005Whitney BattleAnthropology2005Paula SaundersAnthropology2005Sherri CanonMusic2004Nesta AndersonAnthropology2005Lenore SantoneAnthropology1996Robert AdamsAnthropology'1995Other (Outside UT) PhD Committee (External Examiner)Morongwa Mosothwane2010U. of the WitwatersrandMcEdward Murimbika2006U. of the WitwatersrandMaria Schoeman2006U. of the WitwatersrandJeannette Smith2005U. of the WitwatersrandBronwen Doornum2005U. of the WitwatersrandJohn Calabrese2005U. of the WitwatersrandJohannes Loubser1990U. of the WitwatersrandUT BA Honors thesesDilpret Basanti (chair)2010AnthropologyMeredith Fraser (co-chair)2006AnthropologyJessica Wilson (co-chair)2004HumanitiesLaurid Broughton (chair)1999AnthropologyBrian Lam (chair)1998AnthropologyService to the University (Administrative, Committee, Advising/Counseling)2011 -Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2009-2010Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of History, The University of Texas at Austin.2009Post-tenure review for John Kappelman, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2009Tenure and Promotion Committee for Enrique Rodriguez-Alegria, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2008-2009Fulbright host for Dr. Zacharys Gundu, Amadou Bello University, Nigeria.2008-2009Member, Archaeology Hiring Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2008-2009Member, GSC Steering Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2009 -2009Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of History, The University of Texas at Austin.2006-2008Graduate Advisor, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2006-2008Departmental Representative, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) Departmental Assessment for UT Accreditation. Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2008Member, Tenure Review Committee for Chris Kirk, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2008Mentor, Faculty workshop for NSF proposal writing, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2006Member, External Review Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2005Member, Internal Review Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2003Member, Archaeology Search Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2001Chair, Archaeological Search Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2001Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.2000Member. Search Committee, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.1998-2000Department Liaison, University Y2K committee, The University of Texas at Austin.1997Member, Search Committee, Center for African and African American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.1995-1997Chair, Computer Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.1996Member. Graduate Admissions Committee. Department of Anthropology. The University of Texas at Austin.1995-1996Member and Chair. Archaeology Search Committee. Department of Anthropology. The University of Texas at Austin.1996Member. Executive Committee (stand-in for Fred Valdez). Department of Anthropology. The University of Texas at Austin.1991-1992Chair, Archaeological Studies Program, The University of Texas at Austin1987-1993Graduate Advisor, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.1987-1993Member, Executive Committee, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin.Other Service2007-2020University Research Evaluator, Office of Evaluation and Rating, the National Research Foundation (NRF), Republic of South Africa. 2007 Scientific Editor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, secondary school text: Modern Biology 2008.2005 Scientific Editor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, secondary school text: Modern Biology. Final editing.2004 Scientific Editor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, secondary school text: Modern Biology 2006.2003 Scientific Advisor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, secondary school text: History of Life on Earth.2001 Scientific Advisor and Editor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 9th grade biology.2000 Program reviewer for International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Program, Monastir,Tunisia.1995-1999 Member of Editorial Board, Journal of African History. Cambridge University Press.1999 Scientific Advisor and Editor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston secondary school text, Modern Biology.1998 Scientific Advisor and Editor, Holt, Rinehart and Winston middle school text, Elements of Earth Science.Other merit or recognition2010Appointed as Research Associate, School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.2003-2008Fulbright Senior Fellow. Not activated.1992Honorary Life Membership, Botswana Society. ................

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