Win202 Installation Instructions - Maine

Summary of Changes

1. DOLWIN-520: Mass Create/Change screen will allow a RUN higher than 99999 to be created but it should not

If a multi has a RUN of 99999 and the user opens the Mass Create/Change screen, the program will create a run of ‘100000’ but it cannot be displayed anywhere in WIN because the display limit is 5 digits. The user is presented with a cryptic warning but is allowed to continue. This is the problem. With this fix, the user will no longer be allowed to create a RUN higher than 99999. Instead, they will be presented with a message that the RUN cannot be higher than 99999:


The user will then need to change the runs on the screen to be a different range or a different run to continue:

[pic] [pic]

2. DOLWIN-540: Update to Daily Transaction Reports to allow user to choose date

When users choose either the “Daily Administrative Transactions” or “Daily Quarterly Transactions report as shown below they can now choose the date for the transactions they wish to see:

[pic] [pic]

If users have Auto Reports for these two outputs, they will still run as they do today, for the date they are run.

The outputs created will now have a date on the output file. That date will be the date chosen for the transactions. In the example output below, the Admin Transaction Report was run for 03/01/2018 and the Quarterly Transaction Report was run for 03/21/2018:


3. DOLWIN-561: County/town codes are not consistent in all states

The WIN-202 county/town table contains information for all WIN-202 states. While the information was correct for a specific state’s processing, some information for the other states (not affect processing) was out of date. When the special procedure in the Installation instructions is run, the set of codes will be updated to be the same across all states.

4. DOLWIN-580: Update output files to have a date and time stamp to make the filenames unique

Several of the WIN202 loads create output reports to be reviewed when the load completes. These files do not have a unique name so if a second load of the same kind is run, the resulting output file will overwrite the one already in the reports folder. The change with this update is to add a date and time stamp to the file name so that all filenames are unique. The load output files updated are as follows:

• On the Quarterly Processing -> MWR-Web tab:

o Load BLS MWR-Collected Data File

▪ ‘MWRweb-load-cd-changes-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘MWRweb-load-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’


o Load BLS Solicitation Request File to Create Solicitation Data File

▪ ‘solicit-load-rpt-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

• On the Quarterly Processing -> Load tab:

o EDI Data

▪ ‘EDI_Summary_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘EDI_qtr_lock_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’


▪ ‘EDI_no_ps_record_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘EDI_no_new_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘EDI_lock_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘EDI_field_change_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’


o NAICS Data

▪ ‘arcs-noadmin-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘arcs-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

o CES Data

▪ ‘ceslderr-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

o GEO Coded Data

▪ ‘geo-err-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

o Contr Collected MWR

▪ ‘ccmwr-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘ccmwr-lock-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’


▪ ‘ccmwr-new-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

▪ ‘analyst-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.txt’

5. DOLWIN-592: Make the Sequence field on the ARS screen bigger so that a 5-digit Sequence Number can be displayed

It is possible, through the “NAICS Revision Data” load on the “Refiling” tab to load a sequence that is 5 digits (from position 28-32 in the load file). If a 5-digit sequence was loaded, the field on the ARS screen was displaying a pop up error and question marks on the screen because it was only allowing 4-digits to be displayed. This fix gives more space to the “Seq #” column to allow for those 5 digits:


6. DOLWIN-593: Add output files to the QUEST Quarterly file load as the WIN loads currently provide the user

Several new output files have been added to report on invalid/bad data:

• Any errors reading in a line of data will be output to an exceptions report in the reports folder (quest-qtrMMDD-HHMM.txt) with details of the errors.

• If a record is on the load file but the yr/qtr is locked, the record will be put into a locked report in the reports folder (quest-reloadMMDD-HHMM.txt).

• If a record on the load file has an invalid year or quarter, the record will be put into a bad data report in the reports folder (bad-dataMMDD-HHMM.txt).

• If there are invalid codes (county, ownership, NAICS, type coverage, town, MEEI) found during a QUEST Quarterly load, details of those invalid codes will be put in an Invalid Code output file in the reports folder (quest-qtrload-invalid-codesMMDD-HHMM.txt).

• If there are code changes on a load line, details of those changes will be put in a Code Change output file in the reports folder (code-change-quest-ldMMDD-HHMM.txt).

7. DOLWIN-601: Provide a location for users to extract data from WIN in the QUEST format

There is a need to extract data out of WIN in the QUEST load format so that the data can be loaded into the QUEST test database for testing. On the Administrative -> Maintenance tab, there is a new tab called “QUEST Export”:


There are 4 options for export on this screen that match up with the QUEST load options already in WIN. These load options allow the user to choose a range of UI numbers to export. For the Quarterly and Predecessor/Successor exports, the user will also choose a range of quarters to export:


There is also an “All” Export so the user can extract all 4 extracts at once with the same Export options:


This wrapper will submit jobs for all 4 exports with the options chosen on the right:


The output files will be created in the reports folder with the options chosen for the export:


8. DOLWIN-609: Do not allow a RUN of 99999 to be created

Do not allow a RUN of 99999 to be created anywhere that an admin record can be created. Reporting Unit Number 99999 should not be assigned since it is reserved at BLS for use in the Predecessor RUN and Successor RUN fields to indicate that the predecessor or successor is not unique.

9. DOLWIN-621: A new ZIP Code for Arizona needs to be in the WIN list of valid ZIP Codes

After following Step 5 in the Installation notes, a new zip code recently added in Arizona (85295) will now be available for Tax and Mail addresses in WIN

10. DOLWIN-635: On the Unlocked quarters tab, display a list of ALL unlocked quarters

Since the user can only see 7 quarters on the “locked quarters” screen, a new display has been added at the bottom of this screen that will show the users ALL the unlocked quarters – even the ones that are not visible on the page. In the example on the left below, even though the quarters visible only go back to 2016/1, the display at the bottom shows that there are two older quarters unlocked (2015/2 and 2014/3). In the example on the right below, you can now see these quarters when you change your list of quarters to be visible on the screen. Users should make sure only the quarters they want unlocked are unlocked before running a load or an edit to avoid unnecessary delays when the application searches through the unwanted unlocked quarters.

[pic] [pic]

11. DOLWIN-652: The QUEST Admin load was not reporting the totals correctly in the summary output

The QUEST Admin load was only reporting the total number of records in the load file. It was not reporting the number of records NOT loaded and the number of records successfully loaded. The load has been changed to report these details in the output summary report.

12. DOLWIN-680: MWRWeb Print Indicator & Source Code Update

Reading the Collection Status ID from the MWRWeb Data File has been altered so that system errors no longer result in a certain situation where subunits are present on an account with Collection Status ID = 2. As a result of this alteration, it will no longer be necessary to run the “Load BLS Confirmed Register file” from the MWR screen so that option has been removed:


When running the “Load BLS MWR-Collected Data File”, the print indicators for the master and it’s active sub-units will be changed according to the “Collection Status ID” value of the master account:

a. If the Collection Status ID of the master account = 1:

• All print indicators will be set to ‘N’

• The Source Code will be set to “W” for the quarterly record corresponding to the year/quarter of the load file.

b. If the Collection Status ID of the master account = 2:

• All print indicators will be set to ‘Y’

• The Source Code will be set to “W” for the quarterly record corresponding to the year/quarter of the load file only if the unit’s Source Code in the load file is ‘W’

For any record on the incoming account that is NOT active, the print indicator and the source code will not be updated. Instead the record line will go to an output file for review.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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