© 2013 by Henri Junttila - http://www.wakeupcloud.com/

? 2013 by Henri Junttila -

Welcome to the Find Your Passion Workbook, where youll find all the questions neatly laid

out. Feel free to print this workbook so you can work on the questions one at a time.

I suggest you work on one question every day until you run out of questions. Go deep and

explore each question for at least 10-15 minutes via freewriting. If you do this, you will

experience insights.

Just remember to keep writing through discomfort, because there will come a point where

youll run into thoughts, beliefs and ideas that tell you that youre no good, or that

something is wrong. Explore them, and keep moving forward.

Ive structured this workbook to have one question on each page, with the prompts below

them. Ive also left a blank space for you to freewrite, or draw, whichever way you want to

go is fine.

With that out of the way, lets begin.

? 2013 by Henri Junttila -

1. How do you define passion?





Passion for me means ...

Passion for my friends and family means ...

When Im living a passionate life, it looks ...

When Im following my passion, I feel ...

? 2013 by Henri Junttila -

2. How will you know when youre living a passionate


? When I find my passion, my life will be

? When I find my passion, I will feel

? I will know Ive found my passion when

? 2013 by Henri Junttila -

3. What will you do when you've found your passion?





When I find my passion, I will finally

When Im living the life of my dreams, I will

I havent found my passion yet, so its okay for me to

For me its important to find my passion, because

? 2013 by Henri Junttila -


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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